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作者 张少昀 秦颍 +1 位作者 李涛 罗武干 《铸造》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期818-822,共5页
利用实验室考古学方法,通过模拟焙烧实验,从宏观及金相特征方面分析了不同组成的青铜合金,在不同的焙烧温度和时间条件下的变化情况。结果表明:在夯制泥范时就将铸好的青铜附件嵌入进去,经700~800℃烘范,最后浇注成器这一工艺可行性不... 利用实验室考古学方法,通过模拟焙烧实验,从宏观及金相特征方面分析了不同组成的青铜合金,在不同的焙烧温度和时间条件下的变化情况。结果表明:在夯制泥范时就将铸好的青铜附件嵌入进去,经700~800℃烘范,最后浇注成器这一工艺可行性不高,红铜附件也同样。这种在较高温度进行烘范的分铸铸接操作工艺在中国青铜时代可以说不是主流,甚至可能是不存在的。 展开更多
关键词 分铸 青铜合金 金相特征
作者 刘彦琪 关晓武 +1 位作者 黄献源 黄槐武 《江汉考古》 北大核心 2024年第2期141-147,共7页
关于商周青铜器的分铸法,已经有较多研究,而汉代青铜器制作技术的研究则并不充分。广西合浦汉墓群出土青铜器众多,鼎为其中较常见的器物类型。我们通过观察其中两件西汉早期鼎的工艺现象,并辅以X光成像、DR成像和CT断层扫描等检测方法,... 关于商周青铜器的分铸法,已经有较多研究,而汉代青铜器制作技术的研究则并不充分。广西合浦汉墓群出土青铜器众多,鼎为其中较常见的器物类型。我们通过观察其中两件西汉早期鼎的工艺现象,并辅以X光成像、DR成像和CT断层扫描等检测方法,确定两件器物使用了分铸技术,进而对铸工的技术选择与造型设计之间的关系进行讨论。 展开更多
关键词 合浦汉墓 青铜器 造技术 分铸
作者 何志国(译) 张静文(译) 《湖南省博物馆馆刊》 2024年第1期537-548,共12页
当前学术界对中国早期青铜佛像的研究证实其制作工艺采用分铸法,而非失蜡法,这与以往的研究结论相反。本研究从初次检测的60多件作品中,选取纽约大都会博物馆中的两件和旧金山亚洲博物馆中的一件进行重点分析研究。这三件作品的体量有差... 当前学术界对中国早期青铜佛像的研究证实其制作工艺采用分铸法,而非失蜡法,这与以往的研究结论相反。本研究从初次检测的60多件作品中,选取纽约大都会博物馆中的两件和旧金山亚洲博物馆中的一件进行重点分析研究。这三件作品的体量有差,其年代在公元338至486年之间。研究发现了分铸法的两种不同的方式:两件小型铜佛在铸造过程中采用了金属垫片支撑外范内的泥芯,而大型铜佛的铸造则采用了泥芯的延伸部分来支撑其在外范内的位置。除铸造工艺以外,本文还探讨青铜佛像的艺术风格与铸造技术之间的相互关系。 展开更多
关键词 4至5世纪 中国金铜佛像 分铸 金属垫片 泥芯延伸
作者 马斌 郭小强 +2 位作者 李永新 李文定 李彩虹 《中国铸造装备与技术》 CAS 2023年第5期82-85,共4页
随着国内水电行业市场的发展,整铸转轮、半整铸转轮等的铸造水平也相应提高。传统混流式水轮机转轮通常分为上冠、下环、叶片三部分组成,三部分分开铸造,最终加工后焊接在一起。随着铸造水平的发展,混流式转轮实现三者一体铸造,成功解... 随着国内水电行业市场的发展,整铸转轮、半整铸转轮等的铸造水平也相应提高。传统混流式水轮机转轮通常分为上冠、下环、叶片三部分组成,三部分分开铸造,最终加工后焊接在一起。随着铸造水平的发展,混流式转轮实现三者一体铸造,成功解决其制造成本高、铸件质量低等难题。 展开更多
关键词 瓣整转轮 造工艺 3D打印成型
试论殷墟青铜器的分铸技术 被引量:8
作者 刘煜 《中原文物》 北大核心 2018年第5期82-89,共8页
殷墟青铜器以造型复杂、纹饰繁丽而名世,形成这种现象的原因除了复杂化的分范技术而外,另一点就是多样的装饰技术,除了繁复的三层花纹,浮雕和立雕的兽头状附件也是其重要组成部分。而这些附件与器物主体的连接方式,主要是分铸法(铸接)... 殷墟青铜器以造型复杂、纹饰繁丽而名世,形成这种现象的原因除了复杂化的分范技术而外,另一点就是多样的装饰技术,除了繁复的三层花纹,浮雕和立雕的兽头状附件也是其重要组成部分。而这些附件与器物主体的连接方式,主要是分铸法(铸接)和焊接技术,而其中分铸技术应用更为普遍和常见。本文描述了分铸法的几种方式,并探讨了分铸法在商代的发展历程。指出分铸法具体可分为榫卯式后铸法、铆接式后铸法、榫卯式先铸法、包裹式先铸法四种方式,有的青铜器会综合利用上述方法,采用多次铸接的分铸工艺。推测该种方法出现在早商向中商过渡的时期,在殷墟二期得到了非常普遍的应用,但到殷墟四期,浑铸的倾向有所加强。 展开更多
关键词 殷墟 青铜器 分铸 块范法
盖钮铸铆式分铸的商代青铜器研究 被引量:8
作者 苏荣誉 董韦 《中原文物》 北大核心 2018年第1期80-94,共15页
自二里岗上层时期出现带盖青铜器,盖钮即其一个组成部分,且其制作有浑铸与分铸之别。本文搜集和研究钮分铸青铜器,先讨论两件钮先铸器,再讨论铸铆式后铸钮诸器,并与浑铸钮和榫接式分铸钮的器物相对照。铸铆式后铸工艺可上溯至二里岗晚期... 自二里岗上层时期出现带盖青铜器,盖钮即其一个组成部分,且其制作有浑铸与分铸之别。本文搜集和研究钮分铸青铜器,先讨论两件钮先铸器,再讨论铸铆式后铸钮诸器,并与浑铸钮和榫接式分铸钮的器物相对照。铸铆式后铸工艺可上溯至二里岗晚期,可能与南方青铜器的风格形成有关,可视为南方铸铜作坊个别铸工的秘技。先施于器鋬和器耳的后铸,中商晚期用于铸造器钮,但初期铸接的铆头粗糙,至殷墟早期设计为蝉形或圆饼形,并有装饰。对这一工艺历程的梳理,可以揭示出铸铆式后铸传入安阳的过程:铸工被迁到安阳铸器,器物具有南方工艺特色;但他们受到排挤,铸器有限,且传人很少,以至此技在殷墟晚期消失。而殷墟多数钮的浑铸或者榫接式后铸,均是技术选择的结果。 展开更多
关键词 商代青铜器 青铜工艺 分铸 铆式后 工艺选择 炫技
作者 吕良波 《铸造》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第8期991-997,共7页
通过对广州市校场北路省物资局西汉墓出土鼎、壶、温酒樽、盒、釜、杵臼、盆、灯等典型器类青铜器铸造痕迹进行观察,对其制作工艺进行分析。结果表明,该批青铜器广泛采用二分范和分铸的方法进行铸造,二分范铸造的方法在汉代各地是比较... 通过对广州市校场北路省物资局西汉墓出土鼎、壶、温酒樽、盒、釜、杵臼、盆、灯等典型器类青铜器铸造痕迹进行观察,对其制作工艺进行分析。结果表明,该批青铜器广泛采用二分范和分铸的方法进行铸造,二分范铸造的方法在汉代各地是比较普遍的。而附件的分铸既可以保证二分范脱模的成功率,同时也让青铜铸造过程分工更加精细,极大提高青铜器铸造的生产效率。 展开更多
关键词 西汉墓 青铜器 分铸
巧选铸焊组合工艺制造叶轮 被引量:4
作者 凌勇坚 《浙江水利科技》 2003年第1期84-84,共1页
关键词 叶轮 分铸组焊 式叶轮 造价经济 水利工程 疏浚
中国青铜冶铸技术的发展对其装饰艺术的影响 被引量:1
作者 施茜 李庆 《苏州市职业大学学报》 2004年第1期76-78,共3页
本文通过梳理青铜冶炼技术及铸造技术的发展演变,阐述了技术的发展对设计艺术的影响,从而论证了艺 术设计是以技术为依托、为载体。
关键词 中国 装饰艺术 青铜器 冶炼工艺 分铸 印模法
高36.88m观音铜像的铸造 被引量:1
作者 魏丹华 《特种铸造及有色合金》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第6期44-46,共3页
关键词 熔模石膏型 蜡模湿砂型 分铸 铜像
淳化黑豆嘴出土的青铜壶研究 被引量:8
作者 苏荣誉 孙岩 梁彦民 《文博》 北大核心 2019年第1期27-42,共16页
本文是陕西淳化黑豆嘴墓所出土的一件青铜壶的技术和风格研究。这件壶的风格和铸造工艺,与传出湖南石门的一件青铜卣极其相似。石门卣腹部高浮雕纹饰,铸造时泥芯和泥范的制作是采用同一母模同步翻制的;首端为鸟形的透空勾牙形的扉棱,以... 本文是陕西淳化黑豆嘴墓所出土的一件青铜壶的技术和风格研究。这件壶的风格和铸造工艺,与传出湖南石门的一件青铜卣极其相似。石门卣腹部高浮雕纹饰,铸造时泥芯和泥范的制作是采用同一母模同步翻制的;首端为鸟形的透空勾牙形的扉棱,以及这种扉棱要在铸器前先行铸成。这些都是典型的商代南方铸铜作坊的风格和工艺特点。二者的对比分析,表明黑豆嘴壶是晚于石门卣的另一件南方铸铜作坊产品,且二者的铸工应为一系。黑豆嘴壶和岐山贺家村凤柱斝一样,是南方输入关中的产品,其铸造年代当在中商与殷墟过渡时期或殷墟早期。梳理相类的另六件青铜壶,并爬梳扉棱分铸诸器的源流,指出武丁时期将南方铸工迁至殷墟铸器,六件壶是南方工匠及其徒子在安阳所铸。南方工匠的风格和工艺未能在殷墟得到发展,南方风格在殷墟不断被"安阳化",扉棱分铸工艺亦渐归失传。通过这样的梳理,也揭示了商代青铜器和铸工的流动。 展开更多
关键词 淳化黑豆嘴 青铜壶 石门卣 扉棱分铸 商代南方风格 工流动
咸阳龚西战国秦墓出土铜壶制作工艺研究 被引量:2
作者 郭苗苗 李建西 +5 位作者 邵安定 宋俊荣 耿庆刚 赵汗青 相建凯 凌雪 《文博》 北大核心 2021年第1期104-112,共9页
咸阳龚西战国秦墓出土的青铜器为研究战国时期秦青铜容器的铸造技术提供了重要实物资料。本文对龚西战国晚期秦墓M8出土的两件铜壶,通过表面观察结合X光摄像考察其制作工艺痕迹,利用金相显微镜、扫描电镜能谱分析等手段开展成分及显微... 咸阳龚西战国秦墓出土的青铜器为研究战国时期秦青铜容器的铸造技术提供了重要实物资料。本文对龚西战国晚期秦墓M8出土的两件铜壶,通过表面观察结合X光摄像考察其制作工艺痕迹,利用金相显微镜、扫描电镜能谱分析等手段开展成分及显微结构分析,揭示两件铜壶壶身及表面装饰的制作工艺、材质特征。结果显示,两件铜壶均为铸造,器底和铜环预先铸好后置于范中,与器身铸为一体。器身和器底均为铅锡青铜(铜锡铅三元合金),但成分有一定差异,镶嵌的装饰金属片为高铅青铜。铜壶的器底分铸工艺和高铅青铜镶嵌工艺为古代青铜器制作工艺研究提供了重要的新材料。 展开更多
关键词 龚西战国秦墓 青铜壶 造工艺 分铸 镶嵌
Study on the new materials for fiberboard refiner plate of defibrator 被引量:2
作者 向红亮 罗吉荣 肖泽辉 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期89-92,共4页
Defibrator is a very important machine in the wood industry for producing fiberboard. The refiner plates are the key parts of defibrator that directly act with the wood, and broken easily. The working life of the refi... Defibrator is a very important machine in the wood industry for producing fiberboard. The refiner plates are the key parts of defibrator that directly act with the wood, and broken easily. The working life of the refiner plates is of significance to the wood industry. It may affect refining quality, production efficiency, and power consumption. In this paper, the abrasion resistance of the refiner plate made of different materials, the stainless steels and high chromium cast irons, were tested and compared. The results showed that abrasion resistance of refiner plate made of high chromium cast irons was better than that of the stainless steel materials. Although the two kinds of materials have the same compositions, their abrasion resistances have ap-parent difference. The main reason is that the material microstructures have very important effects on their performance. The refiner plates made of developed high chromium cast irons don抰 demand the complex heat treatment. This can simplify the producing process, save the cost of production, decrease labor strength, and increase the production efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Refiner plate High chromium cast iron Abrasion resistance Stainless steel
Influence of cooling rate on solidification behavior of sand-cast Mg-10Gd-3Y-0.4Zr alloy 被引量:3
作者 庞松 吴国华 +4 位作者 刘文才 张亮 张扬 Hans CONRAD 丁文江 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第11期3413-3420,共8页
The effect of the cooling rate ranging from 1.4 °C/s to 3.5 °C/s on the solidification behavior of the sand-cast Mg?10Gd?3Y?0.4Zr alloy was studied by computer aided cooling curve analysis (CA-CCA). With the... The effect of the cooling rate ranging from 1.4 °C/s to 3.5 °C/s on the solidification behavior of the sand-cast Mg?10Gd?3Y?0.4Zr alloy was studied by computer aided cooling curve analysis (CA-CCA). With the increase in cooling rate, the nucleation temperature (Tα,N) increases from 634.8 °C to 636.3 °C, the minimum temperature (Tα,Min) decreases from 631.9 °C to 630.7 °C, the nucleation undercooling (ΔTN) increases from 2.9 °C to 5.6 °C, the beginning temperature of the eutectic reaction (Teut,N) increases, the time of the eutectic reaction shortens, solidus temperature decreases from 546.0 °C to 541.4 °C, and solidification temperature range (ΔTS) increases by 6.1 °C. The increased nucleation rate (N&) is supposed to be the main reason for the increased?TN. Increased value (Teut,N?Teut,G) and shortened time of the eutectic reaction cause the change in the volume fraction and morphology of the second phase. 展开更多
关键词 Mg-10Gd-3Y-0.4Zr sand-cast cooling rate thermal analysis solidification behavior
《紫禁城》 2014年第1期12-13,共2页
故宫博物院藏‘莲鹤方壶'形体巨大,纹饰新颖,设计复杂,铸造工艺精湛,是故宫一级甲等文物。饰双层镂雕莲瓣的铜壶上铸有一只展翅欲飞的立鹤。镂空双龙耳巨大,壶体四面以蟠龙纹为主体纹饰,并在腹部四角各铸一飞龙,圈足下以两只伏虎形... 故宫博物院藏‘莲鹤方壶'形体巨大,纹饰新颖,设计复杂,铸造工艺精湛,是故宫一级甲等文物。饰双层镂雕莲瓣的铜壶上铸有一只展翅欲飞的立鹤。镂空双龙耳巨大,壶体四面以蟠龙纹为主体纹饰,并在腹部四角各铸一飞龙,圈足下以两只伏虎形兽承器。龙耳、虎足及盖上立鹤,均采用了春秋时期先进的分铸法制成,全器则采用圆雕、浅浮雕、细刻、焊接等多种技艺细腻铸造,既显示出春秋时代卓绝的青铜铸造水平,又反映了当时青铜器动物造型肖像化的潮流,堪称春秋时期青铜艺术的典范之作。‘莲鹤方壶'出土于一九二三年发掘的河南省新郑市李家楼村春秋时期郑国国君墓。 展开更多
关键词 莲鹤方壶 春秋时期 分铸 青铜艺术 蟠龙纹 纹饰 故宫博物院 博物馆 镂雕 雕塑 莲瓣 铜壶 青铜器 历史文物
作者 苏荣誉 《南方文物》 北大核心 2024年第3期24-35,共12页
新干大洋洲出土的双耳簋属孤品,本文从风格和技术两个维度分析该器,通过上溯二里头文化和早商陶双耳簋,对比出土的三件早商青铜双耳簋,指出大洋洲双耳簋是中商阶段南方铸工的作品,扉棱分铸和专门铸造的垫片是其重要的特殊工艺,体现了铸... 新干大洋洲出土的双耳簋属孤品,本文从风格和技术两个维度分析该器,通过上溯二里头文化和早商陶双耳簋,对比出土的三件早商青铜双耳簋,指出大洋洲双耳簋是中商阶段南方铸工的作品,扉棱分铸和专门铸造的垫片是其重要的特殊工艺,体现了铸工的个性。 展开更多
关键词 新干大洋洲 双耳青铜簋 扉棱分铸 造垫片 年代与产地
Distribution and engulfment behavior of TiB_2 particles or clusters in wedge-shaped copper casting ingot 被引量:1
作者 孙靖 张晓波 +3 位作者 蔡庆 张亦杰 马乃恒 王浩伟 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期54-60,共7页
Wedge-shaped copper casting experiment was conducted to study the engulfment behavior of TiB2 particle and the interaction between particle or cluster and the solid/liquid front in commercial pure aluminum matrix. The... Wedge-shaped copper casting experiment was conducted to study the engulfment behavior of TiB2 particle and the interaction between particle or cluster and the solid/liquid front in commercial pure aluminum matrix. The experimental results show that the particle size distribution obeys two separate systems in the whole wedge-cast sample. Furthermore, it is found that the big clusters are pushed to the center of the wedge shaped sample and the single particle or small clusters consisting of few particles are engulfed into the α-Al in the area of the sample edge. The cluster degree of particles varies in different areas, and its value is 0.2 and 0.6 for the cluster fraction in the edge and in the center of the wedge sample, respectively. The cluster diameter does not obey the normal distribution but approximately obeys lognormal distribution in the present work. More importantly, in the whole sample, the particle size obeys two separate log-normal distributions. 展开更多
关键词 discontinuously reinforced aluminum matrix composites Ti B2 wedge-shaped copper mold casting particle distribution particle engulfment
Heat transfer analysis and experimental verification of cast heat exchanger 被引量:1
作者 俞洁 董蕾 +1 位作者 张欢 由世俊 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1610-1614,共5页
From the viewpoints of environmental conservation and energy efficiency,seawater-source heat pump system(SWHP) to provide district cooling and heating is applied in coastal areas.Based on the system,a heat transfer mo... From the viewpoints of environmental conservation and energy efficiency,seawater-source heat pump system(SWHP) to provide district cooling and heating is applied in coastal areas.Based on the system,a heat transfer model was established for cast heat exchanger(CHE) adopted by SWHP systems.The CHE consists of pipes immersed in the seawater and used for transferring heat between the seawater and the heat exchanger pipes of SWHP system.An experimental study was carried out to test the validity of the model.A program was developed in VB language and the effects of inlet temperature,flow rate of the secondary refrigerant and length of CHE on the results were investigated.The results of the numerical simulation are in consistence with the experiments in both winter and summer conditions.As a result,application of SWHP systems with CHE in coastal areas in China is feasible due to the favorable geographical conditions and environment. 展开更多
关键词 seawater-source heat pump cast heat exchanger mathematical model experimental verification numerical simulation
Weibull analysis of effect of T6 heat treatment on fracture strength of AM60B magnesium alloy 被引量:2
作者 A.H.SHEVIDI R.TAGHIABADI A.RAZAGHIAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期20-29,共10页
The effect of T6heat treatment on the fracture strength and reliability of AM60B alloy was studied.The tensile specimens were poured at three different temperatures of670,685and700?C for different holding times of5,10... The effect of T6heat treatment on the fracture strength and reliability of AM60B alloy was studied.The tensile specimens were poured at three different temperatures of670,685and700?C for different holding times of5,10and15min.The fluidity test was also conducted to determine the fluidity length under different pouring temperatures and holding times.According to the results,the optimum pouring temperature and holding time were determined as685?C and10min,respectively.SEM fractography of the tensile specimens reveals that the entrained oxides and oxide-related porosities are the main factors responsible for the reduction of fracture strength under the non-optimal casting conditions.The Weibull statistical approach was used to quantify the scatter of fracture strength in as-cast and heat-treated conditions.For this purpose,T6schedule was applied to the specimens prepared under the optimal casting condition.It is found that,despite minor effect on the average fracture strength,T6heat treatment improves the reliability of castings,where the Weibull modulus is increased by75%.According to the microstructural and fractography observations,this improvement is related to the evolution of more uniform microstructure and the elimination of coarse brittleβ-particles in heat-treated samples. 展开更多
关键词 Mg.Al alloy AM60B alloy DIE-CAST Weibull analysis fracture strength FLUIDITY
Numerical model and experimental observation for distribution of SiC_p in electromagnetic-centrifugally cast composites 被引量:1
作者 张伟强 娄长胜 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期870-876,共7页
A two-phase numerical model coupled with heat transfer was presented to describe the radial distribution of SiC particles on centrifugally-cast metal matrix composite,and a transverse static magnetic field was concurr... A two-phase numerical model coupled with heat transfer was presented to describe the radial distribution of SiC particles on centrifugally-cast metal matrix composite,and a transverse static magnetic field was concurrently imposed to induce electromagnetic stirring of the melt as it revolved with the mold.Meanwhile,experimental observations were also carried out to examine the radial distribution of SiC particles in pure aluminum.The effects of the imposed magnetic field,particle size and the matrix metals were discussed.The computational results show that the particles tend to be congregated by the centrifugal force,and both increasing the imposed magnetic field and decreasing the particle size tend to result in even distribution of the particles.With the magnetic field varying from 0 to 1 T and the particle size from 550 to 180 μm,a uniform distribution of the particles in the aluminum matrix can be obtained among the computational results.The matrix metal can also influence the particle distributions due to the difference in physical properties of metals.Experimental observation shows similar tendency of particle distributions in aluminum matrix influenced by magnetic field and particle size.However,the chilling effect from the mold wall results in an outer particle-free zone,which is not involved in the numerical model. 展开更多
关键词 electromagnetic centrifugal casting numerical model particle distribution composite
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