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作者 高翔 《搏击》 2004年第1期12-13,共2页
一、洞宾别枝(一)左手托抓敌右踝节(一般擒拿脚腿属反击型招法,擒拿制腿多为制动中之腿或攻击之腿,绝少俯身下势直拿径取。俯身弓腰,劲节束缚,全身皆在敌攻击范围内,尤其头部易被敌击。腿节坚固有力,非巧妙快击难以奏效,有谚"胳膊... 一、洞宾别枝(一)左手托抓敌右踝节(一般擒拿脚腿属反击型招法,擒拿制腿多为制动中之腿或攻击之腿,绝少俯身下势直拿径取。俯身弓腰,劲节束缚,全身皆在敌攻击范围内,尤其头部易被敌击。腿节坚固有力,非巧妙快击难以奏效,有谚"胳膊拧不过大腿"即此意),右手蓄势提起,托抓最易捕捉之敌攻击脚,抓住后应速向后拉带。 展开更多
关键词 擒拿 连动 分错 左手 攻击 膝节 拉带 弯曲 骨折 用力
作者 高翔 《搏击》 2004年第4期11-13,共3页
一、采和扒枝(一)速出右爪,从敌右臂外侧擒抓其腕部;左手提起,置于胸前,蓄势待发:右腿在前,左腿在后,身向右侧,屈膝欲进(图1)。(2)连动不停。速潜身进步,左手向前上方出击,以臂肘内侧压低敌肩节,向下、向内猛力拉勾沉扭;腰髋顺向拧动,... 一、采和扒枝(一)速出右爪,从敌右臂外侧擒抓其腕部;左手提起,置于胸前,蓄势待发:右腿在前,左腿在后,身向右侧,屈膝欲进(图1)。(2)连动不停。速潜身进步,左手向前上方出击,以臂肘内侧压低敌肩节,向下、向内猛力拉勾沉扭;腰髋顺向拧动,背肩前探倾降,调动整体劲力。 展开更多
关键词 连动 擒拿 左手 分错 肩关节 左腿 腕部 腕节 身形 肘节
作者 杨立新 《宿州师专学报》 2000年第1期75-77,共3页
引 就我国目前的教育理论和实践过程来看,从幼儿园阶段到高等研究阶段的整个教育过程,正在展开一场向传统教育观念的挑战。有的批评传统的授课方式,其主张宁可少用一些死板的课堂讲课形式,而让学生更为主动地参与教育,还有人批评传统教... 引 就我国目前的教育理论和实践过程来看,从幼儿园阶段到高等研究阶段的整个教育过程,正在展开一场向传统教育观念的挑战。有的批评传统的授课方式,其主张宁可少用一些死板的课堂讲课形式,而让学生更为主动地参与教育,还有人批评传统教育的目的,说它不适当地抬高学究式的人而牺牲了讲实际的人;再有,传统的教学内容,教学目的似乎与当前社会需要偏差较大,从应试教育到素质教育的转变在升学率压力下十分艰难,等等。显然,随着社会的发展,方方面面的进步,教育的观念和手段也应为适应这种发展而改善。另外。 展开更多
关键词 新数学 数学教育 数学学科 受教育 批评传统 计算技巧 应用数学 理论数学 分错
作者 七仙门 《少林与太极》 2011年第1期53-54,共2页
一、抓锁为本。顺势分错起手抓握锁扣敌方的筋韧骨节,是分筋错骨术的基本特征,是实施分筋错骨术的根本。一为逮住敌方,不使其逃脱,敌跑了何谈用招;二为制造战势,人背我灵,方利于擒拿;三为抓住关节,拿准目标,有的放矢;四为以... 一、抓锁为本。顺势分错起手抓握锁扣敌方的筋韧骨节,是分筋错骨术的基本特征,是实施分筋错骨术的根本。一为逮住敌方,不使其逃脱,敌跑了何谈用招;二为制造战势,人背我灵,方利于擒拿;三为抓住关节,拿准目标,有的放矢;四为以抓点为用劲支点,施加各种分错劲力。抓锁不成,空谈分筋错骨。抓锁一定要准,即要善于运用所有爪手技法, 展开更多
关键词 骨术 抓锁 技击 中国武术
作者 张启东 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1998年第4期20-21,共2页
李老师的自然课堂教学一直是活泼的,她鼓励孩子自己发现问题,提出问题,独立思考,自我获得结论,因而也常出现一些异乎寻常的“问题”。这是课堂教学中十分可喜的现象,是我们所企求的。出现这些情况,如果老师不予理睬,或加以申斥,那是十... 李老师的自然课堂教学一直是活泼的,她鼓励孩子自己发现问题,提出问题,独立思考,自我获得结论,因而也常出现一些异乎寻常的“问题”。这是课堂教学中十分可喜的现象,是我们所企求的。出现这些情况,如果老师不予理睬,或加以申斥,那是十分错误的。 展开更多
关键词 有气味 课堂讨论 分错 自然课 提出问题 水蒸气 胡椒瓶 “问题” 辣椒 课堂教学
地理国情普查数据成果质量评价标准的探讨 被引量:11
作者 陈海鹏 程鹏飞 +2 位作者 张莉 赵有松 郭婧 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2017年第1期43-45,49,共4页
分析了地理国情普查数据成果的特点及普查数据成果质量评价的要求,从现行测绘成果质量检验标准的特点出发探讨了普查数据成果质量评价标准的设计思路,在此基础之上,结合对普查数据成果质量检查验收工作的实践总结,从抽样检查流程、质量... 分析了地理国情普查数据成果的特点及普查数据成果质量评价的要求,从现行测绘成果质量检验标准的特点出发探讨了普查数据成果质量评价标准的设计思路,在此基础之上,结合对普查数据成果质量检查验收工作的实践总结,从抽样检查流程、质量评分方法及重点成果关键评定指标的针对性设计等方面,进一步分析了普查数据成果质量评价标准的实际应用效果,为开展常态化地理国情监测成果质量检验提供技术参考。 展开更多
关键词 地理国情普查 质量检查 质量评价 指标评定 漏扣 地表覆盖
Multicomponent seismic forward modeling of gas hydrates beneath the seafloor 被引量:3
作者 杨佳佳 何兵寿 张建中 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期418-428,509,共12页
We investigated the effect of microscopic distribution modes of hydrates in porous sediments, and the saturation of hydrates and free gas on the elastic properties of saturated sediments. We simulated the propagation ... We investigated the effect of microscopic distribution modes of hydrates in porous sediments, and the saturation of hydrates and free gas on the elastic properties of saturated sediments. We simulated the propagation of seismic waves in gas hydrate-bearing sediments beneath the seafloor, and obtained the common receiver gathers of compressional waves(P-waves) and shear waves(S-waves). The numerical results suggest that the interface between sediments containing gas hydrates and free gas produces a large-amplitude bottomsimulating reflector. The analysis of multicomponent common receiver data suggests that ocean-bottom seismometers receive the converted waves of upgoing P- and S-waves, which increases the complexity of the wavefield record. 展开更多
关键词 gas hydrates BSR finite difference forward modeling staggered grid
作者 林镇毅 《办公室业务》 1994年第2期5-5,共1页
有的人说办公室是“打杂的”,办公室工作人员是“勤杂工”,这是十分错误的。办公室是党委有别于其他职能部门的特殊核心要害部门,是党委首长的左右手,是承上启下、联系左右、协调内外、保证机关和部队整个工作正常有序运转的枢纽。因此... 有的人说办公室是“打杂的”,办公室工作人员是“勤杂工”,这是十分错误的。办公室是党委有别于其他职能部门的特殊核心要害部门,是党委首长的左右手,是承上启下、联系左右、协调内外、保证机关和部队整个工作正常有序运转的枢纽。因此,要搞好办公室工作,我们认为: 展开更多
关键词 办公室工作人员 五种意识 部队 办公室人员 分错 工作合力 勤杂工 有序运转 要害部门 主动服务
True-amplitude wavefield separation using staggered-grid interpolation in the wavenumber domain
作者 杜启振 张明强 +2 位作者 陈晓冉 公绪飞 郭成锋 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期437-446,510,共11页
Wavefield separation of multicomponent seismic data to image subsurface structures can be realized in either the space domain or the wavenumber domain. However, as the particle velocity components used in the wavenumb... Wavefield separation of multicomponent seismic data to image subsurface structures can be realized in either the space domain or the wavenumber domain. However, as the particle velocity components used in the wavenumber-domain wavefield separation are not defined at the same grid point with the staggered-grid finite-difference method for elastic wavefield simulation, we propose the wavenumber-domain interpolation method to estimate the required values at the common grid points prior to the wavenumber-domain true-amplitude wavefield separation. Moreover, numerical experiments show that the wavenumber-domain interpolation method has high interpolation accuracy and the trueamplitude wavefield separation method shows good amplitude preservation. The application of the proposed methodology to elastic reverse-time migration can obtain good amplitudepreserved images even in the case of some velocity error. 展开更多
关键词 wavefield separation amplitude preservation staggered-grid finite difference wavenumber domain interpolation reverse-time migration
《山东农机化》 1997年第6期3-3,共1页
4月29日至30日,省农机局召开了局属企业工作会议,专门研究了加快企业改革、提高经济效益问题。会上,马金忠局长、韩山盛副局长分别作了重要讲话,李仑绩副局长主持了会议,并就会议精神的贯彻落实讲了意见。 马金忠局长指出,多年来局属企... 4月29日至30日,省农机局召开了局属企业工作会议,专门研究了加快企业改革、提高经济效益问题。会上,马金忠局长、韩山盛副局长分别作了重要讲话,李仑绩副局长主持了会议,并就会议精神的贯彻落实讲了意见。 马金忠局长指出,多年来局属企业对发展我省的农机化事业做出了很大贡献,对于促进我省农村经济的发展也起到了很大作用。但自去年以来,局属企业经济效益不好,多数企业出现亏损。部分企业领导还没有认识到这个问题的严重性,没有引起足够的重视;也有的同志在困难面前畏难发愁,失去信心,都是十分错误的。我们要实事求是、客观公正地分析企业工作中存在的问题,找出原因。 展开更多
关键词 企业工作 重要讲话 农机局 更新观念 分错 观念更新 副局长 实事求 企业改革 找出原因
Research Progress on Ecological Safety Assessment of the Farming-pastoral Ecotone in China
作者 李晗 郝建锋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期920-925,共6页
[Objective] The study was conducted to overview the farming-pastoral ecotone research progress in China.[Methods] Started from the influences on soil,precipitation and water conservation,climate and mulching of differ... [Objective] The study was conducted to overview the farming-pastoral ecotone research progress in China.[Methods] Started from the influences on soil,precipitation and water conservation,climate and mulching of different land use types,the paper summarized the current research situation on several hot issues and proposed suggestions for future study.[Results] Researches on farming-pastoral ectone in China have achieved great progress,but still require more deep and comprehensive studies.Suggestions:Current studies should focus on solutions for degradation of farmland and grassland;Conduct deeper analysis on the relatively weaker aspects in a multi-domain fusion type;Implement the study results on eco-environmental recovery,production improvement and other practical activities;Lift the research of ecotone to a national or even global level,and make them far more comprehensive.[Conclusion] Provide theoretical basis for ecological protection of farming-pastoral ecotone in our country. 展开更多
关键词 Farming-pastoral ecotone SOIL Moisture movement Plant cover Climatic change
Atomistic simulation of thermal effects and defect structures during nanomachining of copper 被引量:5
作者 郭永博 梁迎春 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2762-2770,共9页
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of monocrystalline copper (100) surface during nanomachining process were performed based on a new 3D simulation model. The material removal mechanism and system temperature dis... Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of monocrystalline copper (100) surface during nanomachining process were performed based on a new 3D simulation model. The material removal mechanism and system temperature distribution were discussed. The simulation results indicate that the system temperature distribution presents a roughly concentric shape, a steep temperature gradient is observed in diamond cutting tool, and the highest temperature is located in chip. Centrosymmetry parameter method was used to monitor defect structures. Dislocations and vacancies are the two principal types of defect structures. Residual defect structures impose a major change on the workpiece physical properties and machined surface quality. The defect structures in workpiece are temperature dependent. As the temperature increases, the dislocations are mainly mediated from the workpiece surface, while the others are dissociated into point defects. The relatively high cutting speed used in nanomachining results in less defect structures, beneficial to obtain highly machined surface quality. 展开更多
关键词 monocrystalline copper atomistic simulation thermal effects molecular dynamics simulation nanomachining temperature distribution defect structures dislocations VACANCIES
A Decentralized Autonomous Control on Highly Redundant Robot Manipulators
作者 李春梅 杜正春 +1 位作者 颜景平 颜玉玲 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2000年第1期41-45,共5页
The control method of highly redundant robot manipulators is introduced. A decentralized autonomous control scheme is used to guide the movement of robot manipulators so that the work done by manipulators is minimized... The control method of highly redundant robot manipulators is introduced. A decentralized autonomous control scheme is used to guide the movement of robot manipulators so that the work done by manipulators is minimized. The method of computing pseudoinverse which needs too many complicated calculation can be avoided. Then the calculation and control of robots are simplified. At the same time system robustness/fault tolerance is achieved. 展开更多
关键词 highly redundant robot manipulators decentralized autonomous control ROBUSTNESS fault tolerance
作者 武小悦 沙基昌 何小怀 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第1期65-68,共4页
Fault tolerant ability is an important aspect for overall evaluation of distributed system(DS). This paper discusses three measures for the evaluation: node/edge connectivity, number of spanning trees and synthetic co... Fault tolerant ability is an important aspect for overall evaluation of distributed system(DS). This paper discusses three measures for the evaluation: node/edge connectivity, number of spanning trees and synthetic connectivity. A numerical example for illustration and analysis is given, and the synthetic connectivity measure presented by this paper is proved to be rational and satisfactory. 展开更多
关键词 distributed network EVALUATIONS fault tole rant technique RELIABILITY network topology distributed system
Discriminative tone model training and optimal integration for Mandarin speech recognition
作者 黄浩 朱杰 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期174-178,共5页
Two discriminative methods for solving tone problems in Mandarin speech recognition are presented. First, discriminative training on the HMM (hidden Markov model) based tone models is proposed. Then an integration t... Two discriminative methods for solving tone problems in Mandarin speech recognition are presented. First, discriminative training on the HMM (hidden Markov model) based tone models is proposed. Then an integration technique of tone models into a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system is presented. Discriminative model weight training based on minimum phone error criteria is adopted aiming at optimal integration of the tone models. The extended Baum Welch algorithm is applied to find the model-dependent weights to scale the acoustic scores and tone scores. Experimental results show that tone recognition rates and continuous speech recognition accuracy can be improved by the discriminatively trained tone model. Performance of a large vocabulary continuous Mandarin speech recognition system can be further enhanced by the discriminatively trained weight combinations due to a better interpolation of the given models. 展开更多
关键词 discriminative training minimum phone error tone modeling Mandarin speech recognition
Stability of finite difference numerical simulations of acoustic logging-while-drilling with different perfectly matched layer schemes 被引量:2
作者 王华 陶果 +2 位作者 尚学峰 方鑫定 Daniel R Burns 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期384-396,510,511,共15页
In acoustic logging-while-drilling (ALWD) finite difference in time domain (FDTD) simulations, large drill collar occupies, most of the fluid-filled borehole and divides the borehole fluid into two thin fluid colu... In acoustic logging-while-drilling (ALWD) finite difference in time domain (FDTD) simulations, large drill collar occupies, most of the fluid-filled borehole and divides the borehole fluid into two thin fluid columns (radius -27 mm). Fine grids and large computational models are required to model the thin fluid region between the tool and the formation. As a result, small time step and more iterations are needed, which increases the cumulative numerical error. Furthermore, due to high impedance contrast between the drill collar and fluid in the borehole (the difference is 〉30 times), the stability and efficiency of the perfectly matched layer (PML) scheme is critical to simulate complicated wave modes accurately. In this paper, we compared four different PML implementations in a staggered grid finite difference in time domain (FDTD) in the ALWD simulation, including field-splitting PML (SPML), multiaxial PML(M- PML), non-splitting PML (NPML), and complex frequency-shifted PML (CFS-PML). The comparison indicated that NPML and CFS-PML can absorb the guided wave reflection from the computational boundaries more efficiently than SPML and M-PML. For large simulation time, SPML, M-PML, and NPML are numerically unstable. However, the stability of M-PML can be improved further to some extent. Based on the analysis, we proposed that the CFS-PML method is used in FDTD to eliminate the numerical instability and to improve the efficiency of absorption in the PML layers for LWD modeling. The optimal values of CFS-PML parameters in the LWD simulation were investigated based on thousands of 3D simulations. For typical LWD cases, the best maximum value of the quadratic damping profile was obtained using one do. The optimal parameter space for the maximum value of the linear frequency-shifted factor (a0) and the scaling factor (β0) depended on the thickness of the PML layer. For typical formations, if the PML thickness is 10 grid points, the global error can be reduced to 〈1% using the optimal PML parameters, and the error will decrease as the PML thickness increases. 展开更多
关键词 PML schemes FD simulation LWD acoustic
Molecular dynamics simulation on mechanisms of plastic anisotropy in nanotwinned polycrystalline copper with{111}texture during tensile deformation 被引量:5
作者 Yan-qiu ZHANG Shu-yong JIANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1381-1396,共16页
Based on molecular dynamics(MD)simulation,the mechanisms of plastic anisotropy in nanotwinned polycrystalline copper with{111}texture during tensile deformation were systematically studied from the aspects of Schmid f... Based on molecular dynamics(MD)simulation,the mechanisms of plastic anisotropy in nanotwinned polycrystalline copper with{111}texture during tensile deformation were systematically studied from the aspects of Schmid factor of the dominant slip system and the dislocation mechanism.The results show that the Schmid factor of dominated slip system is altered by changing the inclining angle of the twin boundaries(TBs),while the yield stress or flow stress does not strictly follow the Schmid law.There exist hard and soft orientations involving different dislocation mechanisms during the tensile deformation.The strengthening mechanism of hard orientation lies in the fact that there exist interactions between the dislocations and the TBs during plastic deformation,which leads to the dislocation blocking and reactions.The softening mechanism of soft orientation lies in the fact that there is no interaction between the dislocations and the TBs because only the slip systems parallel to the TBs are activated and the dislocations slip on the planes parallel to the TBs.It is concluded that the plastic anisotropy in the nanotwinned polycrystalline copper with{111}texture is aroused by the combination effect of the Schmid factor of dominated slip system and the dislocation mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 mechanical property dislocations molecular dynamics plastic anisotropy NANOTWINS
A New Multi-Resource Allocation Mechanism: A Tradeoff between Fairness and Efficiency in Cloud Computing 被引量:2
作者 Lihua Zhao Minghui Du Lin Chen 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期57-77,共21页
This paper addresses multi-resource fair allocation: a fundamental research topic in cloud computing. To improve resource utilization under well-studied fairness constraints, we propose a new allocation mechanism call... This paper addresses multi-resource fair allocation: a fundamental research topic in cloud computing. To improve resource utilization under well-studied fairness constraints, we propose a new allocation mechanism called Dominant Resource with Bottlenecked Fairness(DRBF), which generalizes Bottleneck-aware Allocation(BAA) to the settings of Dominant Resource Fairness(DRF). We classify users into different queues by their dominant resources. The goals are to ensure that users in the same queue receive allocations in proportion to their fair shares while users in different queues receive allocations that maximize resource utilization subject to well-studied fairness properties such as those in DRF. Under DRBF, no user 1) is worse off sharing resources than dividing resources equally among all users; 2) prefers the allocation of another user; 3) can improve their own allocation without reducing other users' allocations; and(4) can benefit by misreporting their resource demands. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed allocation policy performs better in terms of high resource utilization than does DRF. 展开更多
关键词 multi-resource fairness allocation cloud computing resource utilization
Performance of an Improved One-Way Error Reconciliation Protocol Based on Key Redistribution 被引量:2
作者 ZHAO Feng LI Jingling 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期63-70,共8页
In data post-processing for quantum key distribution, it is essential to have a highly efficient error reconciliation protocol. Based on the key redistribution scheme, we analyze a one-way error reconciliation protoco... In data post-processing for quantum key distribution, it is essential to have a highly efficient error reconciliation protocol. Based on the key redistribution scheme, we analyze a one-way error reconciliation protocol by data simulation. The relationship between the error correction capability and the key generation efficiency of three kinds of Hamming code are demonstrated. The simulation results indicate that when the initial error rates are (0,1.5%], (1.5,4%], and (4,11%], using the Hamming (31,26), (15,11), and (7,4) codes to correct the error, respectively, the key generation rate will be maximized. Based on this, we propose a modified one-way error reconciliation protocol which employs a mixed Hamming code concatenation scheme. The error correction capability and key generation rate are verified through data simulation. Using the parameters of the posterior distribution based on the tested data, a simple method for estimating the bit error rate (BER) with a given confidence interval is estimated. The simulation results show that when the initial bit error rate is 10.00%, after 7 rounds of error correction, the error bits are eliminated completely, and the key generation rate is 10.36%; the BER expectation is 2.96×10^-10, and when the confidence is 95% the corresponding BER upper limit is 2.17×10^-9. By comparison, for the single (7,4) Hamming code error reconciliation scheme at a confidence of 95%,the key generation rate is only 6.09%, while the BER expectation is 5.92x 10"9, with a BER upper limit of 4.34×10^-8. Hence, our improved protocol is much better than the original one. 展开更多
关键词 quantum key distribution error reconciliation data post-processing
Failure analysis of air fan blades 被引量:1
作者 WANG Yan-qing JI Zhe +2 位作者 CUI Yong-li CUI Chun-zhi SUN Zhi 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第3期466-469,共4页
The failure of all 12 blades of an air fan was investigated by metallurgical and mechanical experiments and an examina-tion of the fracture surface. The experimental results show that the cast aluminium-silicon alloy ... The failure of all 12 blades of an air fan was investigated by metallurgical and mechanical experiments and an examina-tion of the fracture surface. The experimental results show that the cast aluminium-silicon alloy without any modification had a number of material defects, such as coarse grains, a loose structure, a large number of shrinkage holes, a long and thin bold-pin shaped silicon-phase, poor material strength and serious brittleness. In addition, installed on the spindle without elastic conjunction, blade No.10 vibrated and inevitably.spun off due to the large centrifugal force. Therefore, blade No.10 first cracked at the locking handle, then broke at the root, which caused all the other 11 blades to be broken by the crack of blade No.10. 展开更多
关键词 failure analysis BLADE cast aluminium-silicon alloy MODIFICATION
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