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分镇与徙治——兼论中晚唐藩镇与州的博弈进退 被引量:4
作者 张达志 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期13-20,共8页
中晚唐藩镇建置方面最显著的特点是裂地分镇,藩镇碎化造成数量日增而辖境大减。分镇使一批属州变成治州,地位大为提升,新藩镇所领属州数目骤减,相对分镇以前其比重与实力均有增强。同时,徙治使治州与属州角色转换,原本实力平平的属州,... 中晚唐藩镇建置方面最显著的特点是裂地分镇,藩镇碎化造成数量日增而辖境大减。分镇使一批属州变成治州,地位大为提升,新藩镇所领属州数目骤减,相对分镇以前其比重与实力均有增强。同时,徙治使治州与属州角色转换,原本实力平平的属州,会在短时间内实现实力飞跃,甚至超过原来的治州。分镇与徙治逐渐发展,客观上促使藩镇渐弱而属州渐强。北宋太宗时,能够彻底废除藩镇,实现全国诸州直属朝廷,可从中晚唐分镇与徙治中一窥因由。 展开更多
关键词 中晚唐 分镇 徙治
东莞分镇暴雨预警信号的发布特征与质量评估 被引量:1
作者 陈楚梦 赵杨洁 +1 位作者 冼星河 尹淑娴 《广东气象》 2023年第1期44-46,共3页
对2016—2020年东莞分镇暴雨预警信号进行统计分析及质量评估,结果表明:2016—2020年东莞分镇暴雨预警信号次数总体呈现逐年上升趋势,分镇暴雨预警信号占所有预警信号的比例稳定在50%以上;总降雨量偏多和暴雨日数较多的区域,分镇暴雨预... 对2016—2020年东莞分镇暴雨预警信号进行统计分析及质量评估,结果表明:2016—2020年东莞分镇暴雨预警信号次数总体呈现逐年上升趋势,分镇暴雨预警信号占所有预警信号的比例稳定在50%以上;总降雨量偏多和暴雨日数较多的区域,分镇暴雨预警信号发布次数相应较多;分镇暴雨预警信号的发布集中在汛期,后汛期比前汛期的频次多;前汛期分镇暴雨预警的高频区是水乡片,后汛期分镇暴雨预警的高频区是丘陵片。分镇暴雨预警TS评分率较高,为89.5%,后汛期比前汛期的准确率高,前汛期提前量比后汛期提前量早。 展开更多
关键词 预报检验 分镇预警 暴雨 预警信号质量评估 东莞
清宗室爵号考 被引量:3
作者 郭成康 《满语研究》 1985年第1期63-65,共3页
清代皇族有宗窒、觉罗之别,凡显祖(努尔哈赤之父塔克世)本支称为宗室。清王朝建立伊始,即把宗室封爵定为和硕亲王、多罗郡王、多罗贝勒、固山贝子、镇国公、辅国公、镇国将军、辅国将军、奉国将军九等,入关以后,又增加了不入八分镇国公... 清代皇族有宗窒、觉罗之别,凡显祖(努尔哈赤之父塔克世)本支称为宗室。清王朝建立伊始,即把宗室封爵定为和硕亲王、多罗郡王、多罗贝勒、固山贝子、镇国公、辅国公、镇国将军、辅国将军、奉国将军九等,入关以后,又增加了不入八分镇国公、不入八分辅国公、奉恩将军三等,合为十二等。此外,亲王嫡子封世子。 展开更多
关键词 宗室爵 多罗贝勒 奉恩将军 不入八分镇国公 宗室封爵 入八 奉国将军 辅国将军 国将军 辅国公
作者 刘砚月 《元史及民族与边疆研究集刊》 CSSCI 2017年第2期331-333,共3页
赛典赤赡思丁是元代前期著名的回回大臣,于《元史》卷一二五有传.由于《元史·赛典赤赡思丁传》的史源尚未探明,①其中难免有记载失实之处.关于赛典赤在蒙宋战争期间分镇四川之事,《传》所记如下:七年,分镇四川,宋将昝万寿拥强兵守... 赛典赤赡思丁是元代前期著名的回回大臣,于《元史》卷一二五有传.由于《元史·赛典赤赡思丁传》的史源尚未探明,①其中难免有记载失实之处.关于赛典赤在蒙宋战争期间分镇四川之事,《传》所记如下:七年,分镇四川,宋将昝万寿拥强兵守嘉定,与赛典赤军对垒,一以诚意待之,不为侵掠,万寿心服.未几,赛典赤召还,万寿请置酒为好,左右皆难之,赛典赤竟往不疑.酒至,左右复言未可饮,赛典赤笑曰:“若等何见之小耶.昝将军能毒我,其能尽毒我朝之人乎.”万寿叹服.②八年,有旨:大军见围襄阳,各道宜进兵以牵制之.于是赛典赤偕郑鼎率兵水陆并进,至嘉定,获宋将二人,顺流纵筏,断其浮桥,获战舰二十八艘. 展开更多
关键词 四川 能毒 分镇 思丁 纵筏 史源 浮桥 嘉定
作者 孙培岗 《新丝路》 2020年第5期191-191,共1页
唐懿宗咸通二年,归义军收复凉州。咸通四年,唐朝在凉州设立凉州节度使。对于此事,前贤多认为是唐朝为了遏制归义军势力的发展。但最晚在唐宪宗时期,唐朝就形成了对藩镇的分镇政策,凉州节度使的设立就是这一政策的体现,不应过于夸大针对... 唐懿宗咸通二年,归义军收复凉州。咸通四年,唐朝在凉州设立凉州节度使。对于此事,前贤多认为是唐朝为了遏制归义军势力的发展。但最晚在唐宪宗时期,唐朝就形成了对藩镇的分镇政策,凉州节度使的设立就是这一政策的体现,不应过于夸大针对归义军的一面。 展开更多
关键词 归义军 凉州 分镇
作者 溥任 《紫禁城》 1991年第5期17-17,44,共2页
奕谟字心泉,为清仁宗(嘉庆)位下第五子绵愉(惠端亲王)之第六子。初封不入八分镇国公,後进封贝子,加贝勒衔,曾任清西陵守护大臣等职。他能诗善书,同光年间与我祖父醇贤亲王奕譞时有诗酒往来。今存奕谟与我祖父信函二封,钞录如下: (一) ... 奕谟字心泉,为清仁宗(嘉庆)位下第五子绵愉(惠端亲王)之第六子。初封不入八分镇国公,後进封贝子,加贝勒衔,曾任清西陵守护大臣等职。他能诗善书,同光年间与我祖父醇贤亲王奕譞时有诗酒往来。今存奕谟与我祖父信函二封,钞录如下: (一) 七兄座前:恭维起居安吉,眠食佳胜,是颂是祷。弟归自先茔,诸护□安。蒙赐食品鲥鱼等件,谢谢。乐初(乐初系长善之字,作者注)丈於初二日寄到□函一件、纪恩诗二首,弟初三日归来,匆匆未及拣查,於昨晚始行捡出,悮事不小,今特遣价呈阅。九兄(即孚敬郡王奕譓)葬事内外一切事宜,经弟一人料理。 展开更多
关键词 奕谟 不入八分镇国公 清仁宗 先茔 孚敬 奕譞 贤亲 佳胜 惠端 座前
作者 阎京生 《国家人文历史》 2015年第7期30-33,共4页
清代宗室爵位制度虽然仿照明朝,但也有自身的特点。首先,皇帝之子并不像明朝那样必然封为亲王,而是可能封为郡王、贝勒、镇辅国公。其次,即使封为亲王,王位也往往并不世袭,后代继承爵位时要递降(这一点更像宋朝的制度)。比如说始封爵... 清代宗室爵位制度虽然仿照明朝,但也有自身的特点。首先,皇帝之子并不像明朝那样必然封为亲王,而是可能封为郡王、贝勒、镇辅国公。其次,即使封为亲王,王位也往往并不世袭,后代继承爵位时要递降(这一点更像宋朝的制度)。比如说始封爵位为亲王,则其第二代继承人只封为郡王,第三代封为贝勒,第四代后(亲王降至镇国公,郡王降至辅国公,贝勒降至不入八分镇国公……)便不再递降, 展开更多
关键词 铁帽子王 辅国公 不入八分镇国公 宗室爵 两宫太后 奉恩将军 郡王 祺祥政变 奕 雍正朝
Tidal analysis in the venturi-shaped area between Zhenhai and Shenjiamen in the East China Sea 被引量:2
作者 吕华庆 胡建炯 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期103-111,共9页
In order to better understand the general tidal features in the venturi-shaped area between Zhenhai and Shenjiamen in the northern coastal region of Zhejiang Province in the East China Sea, the tidal data were obtaine... In order to better understand the general tidal features in the venturi-shaped area between Zhenhai and Shenjiamen in the northern coastal region of Zhejiang Province in the East China Sea, the tidal data were obtained from both the three permanent tide stations of Zhenhai, Dinghai and Shenjiamen, and four temporary tide stations of Mamu, Chuanshan, Guoju and Liuheng, along with the current speed being observed at Luotou Waterway. Results from harmonic analysis show that: (1) The area was dominated by shallow water tides with irregular semi-diurnal features, and the smallest tidal range occurred in the area near a crossing line between Zhenhai and Dinghai stations, indicating that a tidal node existed in the southern Hangzhou Bay; (2) Formulae, HS2/HM2 >0.4 and gM2-(gK1+gO1)=270° (where H and g are harmonic constants), could be used as judging criteria for high and low tidal level diurnal inequalities; (3) The duration difference between ebb and flood tides could be roughly assessed by the ratio of HM4 vs. HM2; and the larger the ratio is, the bigger the duration difference is. At the same time, the duration period could be assessed by 2gM2-gM4, the epoch difference between M2 and M4 tidal constituents. If 2gM2-gM4 <180°, then the ebb duration is longer than the flood duration; if 180°< 2gM2-gM4 <360°, the result is reversed; (4) Taking Dinghai station as a center point, the highest tidal levels and the average high tidal levels, as well as the average tidal ranges at all stations became higher and larger both southeastwards and northwestwards, while the lowest tidal levels and the average low tidal levels appeared to be lower both southeastwards and northwestwards; and (5) The tidal patterns were not all in line with the tidal current patterns. As a conclusion, the smallest tidal range occurred in the narrow part of the venturi-shaped area. Along the both sides of the area, the highest tidal level and tidal range became higher and larger, while the lowest tidal level became lower with the increase of the distance from the narrow throat area. This is somehow different from the theory that the tidal level increases gradually when it moves towards the top narrow area of a V-shaped bay or estuary. 展开更多
关键词 East China Sea harmonic analysis Luotou Waterway tidal features venturi-shaped area Zhejiang coastal water
Effect of music on procedure time and sedation during colonoscopy:A meta-analysis 被引量:13
作者 Wilson WS Tam Eliza LY Wong Sheila F Twinn 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第34期5336-5343,共8页
AIM:To integrate results from different studies in examining the effectiveness of music in reducing the procedure time and the amount of sedation used during colonoscopic procedure. METHODS: An electronic search in va... AIM:To integrate results from different studies in examining the effectiveness of music in reducing the procedure time and the amount of sedation used during colonoscopic procedure. METHODS: An electronic search in various databases was performed to identify related articles. Study quality was evaluated by the Jadad’s scale. The random effect model was used to pool the effect from individual trials and the Cohen Q-statistic was used to determine heterogeneity. Egger’s regression was used to detect publication bias. RESULTS: Eight studies with 722 subjects were included in this meta-analysis. The combined mean difference for the time taken for the colonoscopy procedure between the music and control groups was -2.84 with 95% CI (-5.61 to -0.08), implying a short time for the music group. The combined mean difference for the use of sedation was -0.46 with 95%CI (-0.91 to -0.01), showing a significant reduction in the use of sedation in the music group. Heterogeneity was observed in both analyses but no publication bias was detected. CONCLUSION: Listening to music is effective in reducing procedure time and amount of sedation during colonoscopy and should be promoted. 展开更多
A comparison of maternal fear of childbirth,labor pain intensity and intrapartum analgesic consumption between primiparas and multiparas:A cross-sectional study 被引量:11
作者 Yongfang Deng Yan Lin +5 位作者 Liyuan Yang Qiuxia Liang Bailing Fu Huixian Li Huizhu Zhang Yan Liu 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第4期380-387,I0002,共9页
Objectives:To describe and compare fear of childbirth and in-labor pain intensity between primiparas and multiparas and explore the association between the amount of actual pain relief and fear of childbirth.Methods:A... Objectives:To describe and compare fear of childbirth and in-labor pain intensity between primiparas and multiparas and explore the association between the amount of actual pain relief and fear of childbirth.Methods:A convenience sampling method was used.A total of 260 women undergoing spontaneous or induced labor,including 97 primiparas and 163 multiparas,were recruited in a large academic specialized hospital in Guangzhou,China,from February 2018 to August 2019.The clinical data of maternal and neonatal were extracted from a structured electronic medical record system.Other demographic information,such as employment and family monthly income,was collected by a questionnaire.The Numeric Rating Scale(NRS)and the Chinese version of the Childbirth Attitude Questionnaire(C-CAQ)were applied to assess maternal in-labor pain intensity and fear of childbirth.The analgesic consumption and the frequency of manual boluses as rescue analgesia were stored and collected from the analgesia pump.Results:Eighty-two(84.5%)primiparas and ninety-nine(60.7%)multiparas received epidural analgesia(P<0.001).In the epidural subgroup,the primiparous average fear of childbirth(36.46±10.93)was higher than that of the multiparas(32.06±10.23)(P¼0.007).However,multiparas reported more intense in-labor pain[8.0(8.0,9.0)vs.8.0(7.0,8.0)],had more successful manual boluses per hour[2.68(1.65,3.85)vs.1.77(0.90,2.47)],more hourly analgesic consumption[23.00(16.00,28.25)vs.17.24(11.52,21.36)mL]and more average analgesic consumption[0.35(0.24,0.45)vs.0.26(0.19,0.35)mL/(h$kg)]than the primiparas(P<0.05).Spearman’s correlation analysis showed that the maximum in-labor pain was weakly positively correlated with fear of childbirth(r¼0.09)(P<0.05),hourly analgesic consumption(r¼0.16)(P<0.01)and average analgesic consumption(r¼0.17)(P<0.05).No statistically significant association was uncovered between analgesic consumption and maternal fear of childbirth.Conclusions:Fear of childbirth is a potential predictor of labor pain intensity.Further study is needed to explore its role and value in pain management during delivery.Parity is not a determinant of pain relief use and should not be a preconceived preference of obstetric care team members to determine the distribution of epidural analgesia,especially when analgesia resources are insufficient. 展开更多
关键词 Epidural analgesia FEAR Labor pain Obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital Parity PARTURITION
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy:Are preparatory interventions or conscious sedation effective? A randomized trial 被引量:4
作者 LucioTrevisani SergioSartori +4 位作者 PiergiorgioGaudenzi GiuseppeGilli GiancarloMatarese SergioGullini VincenzoAbbasciano 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第22期3313-3317,共5页
AIM: The fears and concerns are associated with gastroscopy (EGD) decrease patient compliance. Conscious sedation (CS) and non-pharmacological interventions have been proposed to reduce anxiety and allow better execut... AIM: The fears and concerns are associated with gastroscopy (EGD) decrease patient compliance. Conscious sedation (CS) and non-pharmacological interventions have been proposed to reduce anxiety and allow better execution of EGD. The aim of this study was to assess whether CS, supplementary information with a videotape, or presence of a relative during the examination could improve the tolerance to EGD. METHODS: Two hundred and twenty-six outpatients (pts), scheduled for a first-time non-emergency EGD were randomly assigned to 4 groups: Co-group (62 pts): throat anaesthesia only; Mi-group (52 pts): CS with i.v. midazolam; Re-group (58 pts): presence of a relative throughout the procedure; Vi-group (54 pts): additional information with a videotape. Anxiety was measured using the “Spielberger State and Trait Anxiety Scales” The patients assessed the overall discomfort during the procedure on an 100-mm visual analogue scale, and their tolerance to EGD answering a questionnaire. The endoscopist evaluated the technical difficulty of the examination and the tolerance of the patients on an 100-mm visual analogue scale and answering a questionnaire. RESULTS: Pre-endoscopy anxiety levels were higher in the Mi-group than in the other groups (P<0.001). On the basis of the patients' evaluation, EGD was well tolerated by 80.7% of patients in Mi-group, 43.5% in Co-group, 58.6% in Regroup, and 50% in Vi-group (P<0.01). The discomfort caused by EGD, evaluated by either the endoscopist or the patients, was lower in Mi-group than in the other groups. The discomfort was correlated with “age” (P<0.001) and “groups of patients” (P<0.05) in the patients' evaluation, and with “gender” (females tolerated better than males, P<0.001) and “groups of patients” (P<0.05) in the endoscopist's evaluation. CONCLUSION: Conscious sedation can improve the tolerance to EGD. Male gender and young age are predictive factors of bad tolerance to the procedure. 展开更多
关键词 Conscious Sedation ADULT ANXIETY control Endoscopy Digestive System FEAR Female Gastrointestinal Diseases Humans Male Middle Aged Patient Compliance Patient Education Prospective Studies Videotape Recording
作者 QI Jin-li (School of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, P. R. China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第3期224-227,共4页
In order to explore the train of thought for China’s urbanizing development and coordinated rural economic development, and to find good ways of solving rural problems through urbanization, this paper absorbs the pus... In order to explore the train of thought for China’s urbanizing development and coordinated rural economic development, and to find good ways of solving rural problems through urbanization, this paper absorbs the push-and-pull forces theory and the systematic dynamic theory in the traditional population migration theories, views urbanization as a dynamic system, makes research on the push-and-pull mechanism of urbanization. The pulling power of urbanization is analyzed according to two aspects, the agglomeration effect and the radiation effect of cities. The agglomeration effect provides continuous propelling force for urbanization, and the radiation effect further accelerates the urbanization process by pushing forward the development of rural economy. Of course, the slow development of urbanization can result in the hindrance to rural economic development. 展开更多
关键词 agglomeration effect radiation effect pull of urbanization
Use of Intensity Analysis to Measure Land Use Changes from 1932 to 2005 in Zhenlai County, Northeast China 被引量:9
作者 YANG Yuanyuan LIU Yansui +1 位作者 XU Di ZHANG Shuwen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期441-455,共15页
Analyzing spatiotemporal dynamics of land use and land cover over time is widely recognized as important to better understand and provide solutions for social, economic, and environmental problems, especially in ecolo... Analyzing spatiotemporal dynamics of land use and land cover over time is widely recognized as important to better understand and provide solutions for social, economic, and environmental problems, especially in ecologically fragile region. In this paper, a case study was taken in Zhenlai County, which is a part of farming-pastoral ecotone of Northeast China. This study seeks to use multi-temporal satellite images and other data from various sources to analyze spatiotemporal changes from 1932 to 2005, and applied a quantitative methodology named intensity analysis in the time scale of decades at three levels: time interval, category, and transition. The findings of the case study are as follows: 1) the interval level of intensity analysis revealed that the annual rate of overall change was relatively fast in 1932–1954 and 1954–1976 time intervals. 2) The category level showed that arable land experienced less intensively gains and losses if the overall change was to have been distributed uniformly across the landscape while the gains and losses of forest land, grassland, water, settlement, wetland and other unused land were not consistent and stationary across the four time intervals. 3) The transition level illustrated that arable land expanded at the expense of grassland before 2000 while it gained intensively from wetland from 2000 to 2005. Settlement targets arable land and avoids grassland, water, wetland and other unused land. Besides, the loss of grassland was intensively targeted by arable land, forest land and wetland in the study period while the loss of wetland was targeted by water except for the time interval of 1976–2000. 4) During the early reclamation period, land use change of the study area was mainly affected by the policy, institutional and political factors, followed by the natural disasters. 展开更多
关键词 intensity analysis land use and land cover change pattern driving forces Northeast China
AtFKBP53 is a histone chaperone required for repression of ribosomal RNA gene expression in Arabidopsis 被引量:7
作者 Hong Li Sheng Luan 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期357-366,共10页
Chromatin structure is important for controlling gene expression, but mechanisms underlying chromatin remodel- ing are not fully understood. Here we report that an FKBP (FK506 binding protein) type immunophilin, AtF... Chromatin structure is important for controlling gene expression, but mechanisms underlying chromatin remodel- ing are not fully understood. Here we report that an FKBP (FK506 binding protein) type immunophilin, AtFKBP53, possesses histone chaperone activity and is required for repressing ribosomal gene expression in Arabidopsis. The At- FKBP53 protein is a multidomain FKBP with a typical peptidylprolyl isomerase (PPIase) domain and several highly charged domains. Using nucleosome assembly assays, we showed that AtFKBP53 has histone chaperone activity and the charged acidic domains are sufficient for the activity. We show that AtFKBP53 interacts with histone H3 through the acidic domains, whereas the PPIase domain is dispensable for histone chaperone activity or histone binding. Ri- bosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA) is overexpressed when AtFKBP53 activity is reduced or eliminated in Arabidopsis plants. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay showed that AtFKBP53 is associated with the 18S rDNA gene chro- matin, implicating that AtFKBP53 represses rRNA genes at the chromatin level. This study identifies a new histone chaperone in plants that functions in chromatin remodeling and regulation of transcription. 展开更多
关键词 ARABIDOPSIS IMMUNOPHILIN CHROMATIN histone chaperone ribosomal RNA nucleosome assembly
The Empirical Analysis of the Impacts of Income Distribution Gap on Consumption Demand:Based on the Statistic Data of Chinese Urban Residents in 2000-2010
作者 Qian Long Zhao Yong Zhong Sheng 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第4期116-120,共5页
This paper analyzes the impact of income distribution gap on consumption demand from a theoretical view,and draws the conclusion that there is an inverse relationship between income distribution gap and consumption de... This paper analyzes the impact of income distribution gap on consumption demand from a theoretical view,and draws the conclusion that there is an inverse relationship between income distribution gap and consumption demand.Then,the paper finds that the existing widening income distribution gap in China has a negative impact on consumption demand,but this is not the key factor for the insufficient consumption demand because of the low level of per capital income.At last,it suggests that governments should improve the income level of entire residents and adjust income distribution structure simultaneously. 展开更多
关键词 income distribution gap consumption demand elas- ticity coefficient substitution effects
Chiral Separation of Ibuprofen by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography 被引量:2
作者 HAN Soonkoo ROW Kyungho 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期741-746,共6页
The separation method using chiral stationary phase (CSP) for the preparation of enantioselective compound was widely used. In this work, supercritical fluid chromatography(SFC) was proposed to resolve the chiral ... The separation method using chiral stationary phase (CSP) for the preparation of enantioselective compound was widely used. In this work, supercritical fluid chromatography(SFC) was proposed to resolve the chiral mixtures. To determine the optimum operating conditions for the chiral separation of the racemic ibuprofen, the retention factors and resolutions with the change in pressure, temperature and the content of IPA (%, by volume) in supercritical CO2 were investigated. Experiments showed that the retention factor decreased with the increase of pressure and decrease in temperature. The retention factor was also influenced by the content of IPA in mobile phase, as the content of IPA in the supercritical fluid increased, the retention factor decreased. The resolution of the enantiomers became worse with the increase of IPA in the supercritical fluid. Through optimizing the experimental conditions, a SFC procedure with 13MPa, 311.15K and 4% IPA in CO2 was obtained. The peak shape of the enantiomers was symmetric with supercritical fluid chromatography when compared to the asymmetric peak shape obtained by the conventional liquid chromatography. This work demonstrated that the developed supercritical fluid chromatography procedure was suitable for the chiral separation of ibuprofen enantiomers. 展开更多
关键词 chiral separation IBUPROFEN retention factor RESOLUTION supercritical fluid chromatography
Clinical analysis of propofol deep sedation for 1,104 patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures:A three year prospective study 被引量:42
作者 Stojanka Gaparovi Nadan Rustemovi +4 位作者 Milorad Opai Marina Premuzi Andelko Korui Jadranka Bozikov Tamara Bates 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期327-330,共4页
AIM: To analyze the hemodynamic and respiratory effects of propofol on patients undergoing gastroscopy and colonoscopy. METHODS: In this prospective study, conducted over a period of three years, 1,104 patients refe... AIM: To analyze the hemodynamic and respiratory effects of propofol on patients undergoing gastroscopy and colonoscopy. METHODS: In this prospective study, conducted over a period of three years, 1,104 patients referred for a same day GI endoscopy procedure were analyzed. All patients were given a propofol bolus (0.5-1.5 mg/kg). Arterial blood pressure (BP) was monitored at 3 rain intervals and heart rate and oxygen saturation (SpO2) were recorded continuously by pulse oximetry. Analyzed data acquisition was carried out before, during, and after the procedure. RESULTS: A statistically significant reduction in mean arterial pressure was demonstrated (P〈0.001) when compared to pre-intervention values, but severe hypotension, defined as a systolic blood pressure below 60mmHg, was noted in only 5 patients (0.5%). Oxygen saturation decreased from 96.5% to 94.4 % (P〈0.001). A critical decrease in oxygen saturation (〈90%) was documented in 27 patients (2.4%). CONCLUSION: Our results showed that propofol provided good sedation with excellent pain control, a short recovery time and no significant hemodynamic side effelts if carefully titrated. All the patients (and especially ASA Ⅲ group) require monitoring and care of an anesthesiologist. 展开更多
关键词 ENDOSCOPY Conscious sedation PROPOFOL Hemodynamic adverse effects
Exponential stabilization of distributed parameter switched systems under dwell time constraints
作者 鲍乐平 费树岷 翟军勇 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第4期389-394,共6页
The exponential stabilization problem for finite dimensional switched systems is extended to the infinite dimensional distributed parameter systems in the Hilbert space. Based on the semigroup theory, by applying the ... The exponential stabilization problem for finite dimensional switched systems is extended to the infinite dimensional distributed parameter systems in the Hilbert space. Based on the semigroup theory, by applying the multiple Lyapunov function method, the exponential stabilization conditions are derived. These conditions are given in the form of linear operator inequalities where the decision variables are operators in the Hilbert space; while the stabilization properties depend on the switching rule. Being applied to the two-dimensional heat switched propagation equations with the Dirichlet boundary conditions, these linear operator inequalities are transformed into standard linear matrix inequalities. Finally, two examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed results. 展开更多
关键词 distributed parameter switched systems exponential stabilization multiple Lyapunov function linear operator inequalities dwell time
Carbon dioxide insufflation during colonoscopy in deeply sedated patients 被引量:4
作者 Rajvinder Singh Eu Nice Neo +8 位作者 Nazree Nordeen Ganesananthan Shanmuganathan Angelie Ashby Sharon Drummond Garry Nind Elizabeth Murphy Andrew Luck Graeme Tucker William Tam 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第25期3250-3253,共4页
AIM:To compare the impact of carbon dioxide(CO2) and air insufflation on patient tolerance/safety in deeply sedated patients undergoing colonoscopy.METHODS:Patients referred for colonoscopy were randomized to receive ... AIM:To compare the impact of carbon dioxide(CO2) and air insufflation on patient tolerance/safety in deeply sedated patients undergoing colonoscopy.METHODS:Patients referred for colonoscopy were randomized to receive either CO2 or air insufflation during the procedure.Both the colonoscopist and patient were blinded to the type of gas used.During the procedure,insertion and withdrawal times,caecal intubationrates,total sedation given and capnography readings were recorded.The level of sedation and magnitude of patient discomfort during the procedure was assessed by a nurse using a visual analogue scale(VAS)(0-3).Patients then graded their level of discomfort and abdominal bloating using a similar VAS.Complications during and after the procedure were recorded.RESULTS:A total of 142 patients were randomized with 72 in the air arm and 70 in the CO2 arm.Mean age between the two study groups were similar.Insertion time to the caecum was quicker in the CO2 group at 7.3 min vs 9.9 min with air(P = 0.0083).The average withdrawal times were not significantly different between the two groups.Caecal intubation rates were 94.4% and 100% in the air and CO2 groups respectively(P = 0.012).The level of discomfort assessed by the nurse was 0.69(air) and 0.39(CO2)(P = 0.0155) and by the patient 0.82(air) and 0.46(CO2)(P = 0.0228).The level of abdominal bloating was 0.97(air) and 0.36(CO2)(P = 0.001).Capnography readings trended to be higher in the CO2 group at the commencement,caecal intubation,and conclusion of the procedure,even though this was not significantly different when compared to readings obtained during air insufflation.There were no complications in both arms.CONCLUSION:CO2 insufflation during colonoscopy is more efficacious than air,allowing quicker and better cecal intubation rates.Abdominal discomfort and bloating were significantly less with CO2 insufflation. 展开更多
关键词 COLONOSCOPY Carbon dioxide Air Insuffla-tions Patient tolerance Safety Efficacy
Agriculture and Water Sources Protection Zones in the Czech Republic
作者 Petra Oppeltova 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第10期1155-1161,共7页
The area of interest is located in the South Moravia Region at the confluence of the Jihlava, Oslava and Rokytn^i rivers. Ivan^ice spring area comprises a series of hydrologic boreholes, it is the main water source fo... The area of interest is located in the South Moravia Region at the confluence of the Jihlava, Oslava and Rokytn^i rivers. Ivan^ice spring area comprises a series of hydrologic boreholes, it is the main water source for water supply of Ivan^ice and Rosice towns and provides water for 30,000 inhabitants. The risk analysis was created on the basis of water quality monitoring, hydrogeological assessment and terrain exploration and a revision of protection zones was proposed. The spring area is situated in nitrate vulnerable zones and recently nitrate concentrations have been decreasing. Water quality evaluation results: high concentration of manganese and iron, sometimes higher concentration of ammonium and COD. This area is intensively used for agriculture and it is necessary to make a compromise solution during protection zones proposal, The regime in protection zones can not affect manganese and iron concentration (their origin is in the natural geological environment). Therefore, water treatment plant is in operation and its modernization is proposed. Furthermore, the paper deals with spring area intensification construction of a new hydrologic borehole, and managed and unmanaged infiltration of surface water. The proposal of protection zones revision consists of reduction to a 2nd level protection zone. 展开更多
关键词 Water quality ground water source of drinking water good agricultural practice nitrate vulnerable zones CzechRepublic.
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