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作者 邬晓雨 李宗堂 《中国民族博览》 2023年第9期37-39,共3页
《分骨肉》该曲是由清代小说家曹雪芹所创作,是《红楼梦》第五回太虚幻境中歌唱探春的歌曲。这首曲子是探春即将远嫁他乡时骨肉分离的沉痛无奈诉说之词。这首曲子的曲调如泣如诉,顿感悲伤,叙述了骨肉分离的苦痛,充满了伤感之情。这首歌... 《分骨肉》该曲是由清代小说家曹雪芹所创作,是《红楼梦》第五回太虚幻境中歌唱探春的歌曲。这首曲子是探春即将远嫁他乡时骨肉分离的沉痛无奈诉说之词。这首曲子的曲调如泣如诉,顿感悲伤,叙述了骨肉分离的苦痛,充满了伤感之情。这首歌曲的音乐表现和音乐技巧有很多值得探究和学习的地方,也希望通过对这首歌曲的分析提高我们的理解力和音乐变现力。 展开更多
关键词 红楼梦 分骨肉 演唱
试析电视剧《红楼梦》插曲《分骨肉》对原著思想精髓的诠释 被引量:1
作者 张云峰 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2013年第2期137-140,共4页
1987年版的《红楼梦》在我国电视剧史上有着重要地位,其中作曲家王立平创作的音乐给观众留下了极深的印象。《分骨肉》作为这部电视剧的插曲,完美地诠释了原著判词中的人物形象和思想感情。曲作者运用适当的调式调性,别出心裁地将两阕... 1987年版的《红楼梦》在我国电视剧史上有着重要地位,其中作曲家王立平创作的音乐给观众留下了极深的印象。《分骨肉》作为这部电视剧的插曲,完美地诠释了原著判词中的人物形象和思想感情。曲作者运用适当的调式调性,别出心裁地将两阕词在音乐结构上重新划分乐段,再加上优美的旋律,充分展现了其深刻的内涵和无限的意蕴,成为20世纪华人音乐中的经典。 展开更多
关键词 音乐 分骨肉 红楼梦 王立平
对电视剧红楼梦插曲《分骨肉》的艺术特征与演唱分析 被引量:1
作者 卫晓琼 刘瑞芬 《传播力研究》 2019年第2期3-4,共2页
曹雪芹在原著中写道"满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪。都云作者痴,谁解其中味"这就是曹雪芹的自我评价,正如他所说"谁解其中味"这既隐喻着这部著作必然会变成经典中的经典。《分骨肉》讲述的是探春即将要远嫁离开故土,跪拜... 曹雪芹在原著中写道"满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪。都云作者痴,谁解其中味"这就是曹雪芹的自我评价,正如他所说"谁解其中味"这既隐喻着这部著作必然会变成经典中的经典。《分骨肉》讲述的是探春即将要远嫁离开故土,跪拜父母辞行时的场景,是电视剧《红楼梦》的一首插曲。这一作品短小精悍,以第一人称叙述,展现了探春对自己远嫁的无奈和对故土亲人的不舍。人物的刻画、庞杂的情感,该名著以电视剧的表达方法呈献给大家的难度是非常高的。作曲家为《红楼梦》中人物形象所创作的作品生动形象深深的烙印在观众心里,他所创作的作品堪称经典,众多电视音乐难以超越他,此曲生动的刻画了作者所描写的人物形象,令听众为之动容,虽为插曲,但令人动容的情感不亚于主题曲。故本人在此把文学研究与音乐学研究相结合的方法,从其艺术特征及演唱处理上来探析王立平笔下的《分骨肉》这首艺术歌曲。 展开更多
关键词 红楼梦 分骨肉 艺术特征 演唱
浅谈《分骨肉》的音乐表现 被引量:1
作者 王一颖 《黄河之声》 2015年第21期80-81,共2页
本文通过对剧中女主角—贾府三小姐—贾探春的歌剧形象分析,通过参考大量文献,挖掘贾探春这一形象的塑造过程,探索主题曲《分骨肉》音乐表现和音乐技巧,进而深层的认识《分骨肉》在中国电视歌曲史上的地位和作用,同时也能提高笔者在声... 本文通过对剧中女主角—贾府三小姐—贾探春的歌剧形象分析,通过参考大量文献,挖掘贾探春这一形象的塑造过程,探索主题曲《分骨肉》音乐表现和音乐技巧,进而深层的认识《分骨肉》在中国电视歌曲史上的地位和作用,同时也能提高笔者在声乐演唱上的理解力和音乐表现力。 展开更多
关键词 歌曲《分骨肉 贾探春 戏剧形象 音乐处理
歌曲《分骨肉》的音乐艺术探析及演唱处理 被引量:2
作者 张洋 《北方音乐》 2012年第4期74-74,共1页
听过《红楼梦》原声音乐的人都知道,在《红楼梦》的十三首主题歌中,《分骨肉》是用以刻画贾探春这一人物形象的,《分骨肉》在作曲家王立平的笔下把曹雪芹对探春的判词变成了感人动情的旋律。在初步分析探春人物形象基础上,对歌曲《分骨... 听过《红楼梦》原声音乐的人都知道,在《红楼梦》的十三首主题歌中,《分骨肉》是用以刻画贾探春这一人物形象的,《分骨肉》在作曲家王立平的笔下把曹雪芹对探春的判词变成了感人动情的旋律。在初步分析探春人物形象基础上,对歌曲《分骨肉》进行一定的艺术分析,试图揭示出该歌曲之所以把探春的命运通过动情的歌唱表达的如此真真切切,如此淋漓尽致的原因。 展开更多
关键词 红楼梦 分骨肉 音乐艺术
作者 杨眉千黛 《当代音乐》 2022年第11期143-145,共3页
伴随87版电视剧《红楼梦》而诞生的《红楼梦》组曲,凭借其创作结构的严谨、旋律的悠扬,成为音乐界最具学习价值和舞台实践的音乐教材。插曲《分骨肉》作为组曲中唯一一首以第一人称演唱的曲目,笔者从小说与电视剧的角度深入分析,归纳出... 伴随87版电视剧《红楼梦》而诞生的《红楼梦》组曲,凭借其创作结构的严谨、旋律的悠扬,成为音乐界最具学习价值和舞台实践的音乐教材。插曲《分骨肉》作为组曲中唯一一首以第一人称演唱的曲目,笔者从小说与电视剧的角度深入分析,归纳出这首歌的艺术特征,以及如何在旋律咬字中体现影视歌曲的情绪基调,希望能够为广大声乐学习者提供学习借鉴,以提升演唱水平。 展开更多
关键词 《红楼梦》 影视歌曲 分骨肉
作者 黄景豪 《音乐教育与创作》 2023年第2期42-45,共4页
王立平谱曲的歌曲《分骨肉》,是他为1987年版《红楼梦》电视剧所创作的插曲。歌词来源于曹雪芹的小说《红楼梦》。这首歌曲遵循了我国传统音乐按歌词声调规律处理人声旋律的规则,即“依字行腔”。同时,在局部的地方根据歌词的意思处理... 王立平谱曲的歌曲《分骨肉》,是他为1987年版《红楼梦》电视剧所创作的插曲。歌词来源于曹雪芹的小说《红楼梦》。这首歌曲遵循了我国传统音乐按歌词声调规律处理人声旋律的规则,即“依字行腔”。同时,在局部的地方根据歌词的意思处理人声旋律(依意行腔),以强大的表现力表达歌曲的情感。 展开更多
关键词 依字行腔 分骨肉 王立平 我国传统音乐 《红楼梦》电视剧 人声 歌曲
作者 赵晰 《大舞台》 北大核心 2014年第7期107-108,共2页
87版《红楼梦》在我国电视剧史上具有重要的地位,剧中由我国著名作曲家王立平先生所创的音乐也深受大家的喜爱,可谓是我国影视剧原创音乐的经典之作。《分骨肉》为剧中的一首插曲,该曲完美诠释了原著判词中的人物形象以及思想感情,令许... 87版《红楼梦》在我国电视剧史上具有重要的地位,剧中由我国著名作曲家王立平先生所创的音乐也深受大家的喜爱,可谓是我国影视剧原创音乐的经典之作。《分骨肉》为剧中的一首插曲,该曲完美诠释了原著判词中的人物形象以及思想感情,令许多听者为之动容。本文主要从整体意境、调式调性以及曲式结构三方面就该曲进行了深入探讨,以期引起读者的共鸣。 展开更多
关键词 《红楼梦》 分骨肉 王立平
艺术歌曲《分骨肉》的演唱技巧 被引量:2
作者 刘璐 《大舞台》 北大核心 2014年第10期177-178,共2页
《红楼梦》是中国经典的四大名著之一。结合曹雪芹先生在书中题写的诗词,王立平为《红楼梦》谱写了十三首独立乐曲,现已被列为"经典艺术歌曲"。其中,《分骨肉》讲述的是贾探春远嫁拜别父母、故乡时的情景。全曲精致短小,以第... 《红楼梦》是中国经典的四大名著之一。结合曹雪芹先生在书中题写的诗词,王立平为《红楼梦》谱写了十三首独立乐曲,现已被列为"经典艺术歌曲"。其中,《分骨肉》讲述的是贾探春远嫁拜别父母、故乡时的情景。全曲精致短小,以第一人称自述,表现了探春对自己远嫁的无奈和对故乡亲人的眷恋。本文从艺术特征和演唱技巧两个方面对这首歌曲进行分析,以展现这首歌曲独特的艺术魅力。 展开更多
关键词 《红楼梦》 分骨肉 艺术特征 演唱技巧
p21^(WAF1/CIP1) Gene DNA Sequence Change and Their Relationship with the Phenotype of Human Osteosarcoma
作者 张春林 廖威明 +2 位作者 李佛保 曾炳芳 曾益新 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2004年第1期37-41,66,共6页
Objective: To investigate the p21WAF1 /CIP1gene DNA sequence change and their relationship with the phenotype of human osteosarcoma. Methods: p21WAF1 /CIP1gene DNA of 36 osteosarcoma spec- ... Objective: To investigate the p21WAF1 /CIP1gene DNA sequence change and their relationship with the phenotype of human osteosarcoma. Methods: p21WAF1 /CIP1gene DNA of 36 osteosarcoma spec- imens was examined by using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR- SSCP) method. The PCR products were sequenced directly. Results: In p21WAF1 /CIP1 gene exon3 of 36 cases of human osteosarcoma, the change of C→T in the p21WAF1 /CIP1gene CDNA sequence of position 609th occurred in 17 cases with the incidence being 44.4%. In 10 normal blood samples, DNA sequence analysis showed the change of C→T in the p21WAF1 /CIP1gene CDNA sequence of position 609th occurred in 8 cases with the incidence being 80%. Conclusion: The novel location of p21WAF1 /CIP1gene polymorphism of osteosarcoma, but not mutation was de?ned, and this location might provide the meaningful reference for the further research of p21WAF1/CIP1 gene.p2lWAF1/CIP1基因DNA序列分析及其与骨肉瘤表型的关系 展开更多
关键词 p21WAF1 /CIP1 gene OSTEOSARCOMA PCR-SSCP DNA sequencing
作者 YongLiu Qi-xinZheng Jing-yuanDu Shu-huaYang Zeng-wuShao Bao-junXiao 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期155-156,共2页
Objective To evaluate the effects of transforming growth factor β1 (TGF β1) autocrine blockage on proliferation activity and drug sensitivity of osteosarcoma. Methods Northern blot, MTT determination, and 3H thymidi... Objective To evaluate the effects of transforming growth factor β1 (TGF β1) autocrine blockage on proliferation activity and drug sensitivity of osteosarcoma. Methods Northern blot, MTT determination, and 3H thymidine incorporation were used to investigate the effects of antisense TGF β1 gene on osteosarcoma. Results The proliferation of osteosarcoma cells transfected by antisense TGF β1 gene was suppressed markedly, and adriamycin sensitivity was significantly increased. Conclusion Blockage of osteosarcoma cells TGF β1 autocrine loop inhibits cell proliferation and enhances chemother-apy sensitivity. 展开更多
关键词 transfoming growth factor β1 autocrine loop OSTEOSARCOMA
Time-dependent gene expression analysis after mouse skeletal muscle contusion 被引量:11
作者 Weihua Xiao Yu Liu +4 位作者 Beibei Luo Linlin Zhao Xiaoguang Liu Zhigang Zeng Peijie Chen 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第1期101-108,共8页
Background:Though the mechanisms of skeletal muscle regeneration are deeply understood,those involved in muscle contusion,one of the most common muscle injuries in sports medicine clinics,are not.The objective of this... Background:Though the mechanisms of skeletal muscle regeneration are deeply understood,those involved in muscle contusion,one of the most common muscle injuries in sports medicine clinics,are not.The objective of this study is to explore the mechanisms involved in muscle regeneration after contusion injury.Methods:In this study,a total of 72 mice were used.Eight of them were randomly chosen for the control group,while the rest were subjected to muscle contusion.Subsequently,their gastrocnemius muscles were harvested at different time points.The changes in muscle morphology were assessed by hematoxylin and eosin(HE) stain.In addition,the gene expression was analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction.Results:The data showed that the expression of many genes,i.e.,specific markers of immune cells and satellite cells,regulatory factors for muscle regeneration,cytokines,and chemokines,increased in the early stages of recovery,especially in the first 3 days.Furthermore,there were strict rules in the expression of these genes.However,almost all the genes returned to normal at 14 days post-injury.Conclusion:The sequence of immune cells invaded after muscle contusion was neutrophils,M1 macrophages and M2 macrophages.Some CC(CCL2,CCL3,and CCL4) and CXC(CXCL10) chemokines may be involved in the chemotaxis of these immune cells.HGF may be the primary factor to activate the satellite cells after muscle contusion.Moreover,2 weeks are needed to recover when acute contusion happens as used in this study. 展开更多
关键词 Chemokines Contusion Cytokines Gene Macrophages Satellite cells Skeletal muscle
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for osteosarcoma of the extremity: Outcome of the Chinese 1st protocol in a single institute
作者 Sujia Wu Xin Shi Guangxin Zhou Meng Lu Chengjun Li Weiwen Wang Jianning Zhao 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第11期623-627,共5页
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine stand protocol for patients with extremity osteosarcoma by case following up after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and limb salvage operation. Methods: Between January 2000... Objective: The aim of this study was to determine stand protocol for patients with extremity osteosarcoma by case following up after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and limb salvage operation. Methods: Between January 2000 and January 2007, 121 patients with extremity osteosarcoma were eligible for this analysis. After being graded according to Enneking classification, all patients were preoperative chemotherapy (methotrexate, cisplatin, doxorubicin, and ifosfamide. Some patients with liB tumors received extra interventional embolism). And postoperatively, the same protocols were employed, but poor responders (tumor necrosis 〈 95%) received more treatment cycles than good responders and took some new medicine in place of the former one. Most of patients underwent limb salvage operation (99/121), and the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Score (MSTS) was used to evaluate the recovery of their limb functions. Results: The followed up last for average 37.3 months (range: 16-101 months). Most patients (76/121) survived, and the overall survival (OS) was 62.8%. Forty-seven of the 121 patients underwent osteoarticular allografts, among which 12 cases of disunion between the host bone and graft bone, 4 cases of allograft absorption and 3 local recurrences appeared. The mean MSTS score was 22.6 ± 4.13, with an excellent limb function in 17 patients, good in 19 patients, fair in 6 patients and poor in 7 patients. The overall excellent and good function outcome was obtained in 76.6% of the patients. Fifty-two of 121 patients underwent custom-made or modular tumor endoprosthesis replacememt, among which 1 case of aseptic loosening, 1 case of peri-prosthesis infection and 4 local recurrences appeared. The mean MSTS was 24.32 + 3.85, with an excellent limb function in 28 patients, good in 16 patients, fair in 5 patients and poor in 3 patients. The overall excellent and good function outcome was obtained in 84.6% of the patients. Conclusion: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and limb salvage surgery are effective methods to treat osteosarcoma at present, although some patients still dying from postoperative metastases. Therefore, early diagnosis individualized treatment and exploring for new and effective therapeutic strategy should be the key to an ideal treatment for osteosarcoma. 展开更多
关键词 neoadjuvant chemotherapy OSTEOSARCOMA limb salvage
Rapidly deforming gastric carcinosarcoma with osteoblastic component:An autopsy case report
作者 Hiroshi Yoshida Noriyuki Tanaka +1 位作者 Naobumi Tochigi Yoshio Suzuki 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第30期4064-4068,共5页
Carcinosarcomas are rare,malignant,biphasic tumors simultaneously comprising carcinoma and sarcoma in a single tumor.We present an extremely rare case of gastric carcinosarcoma with an osteoblastic component that dras... Carcinosarcomas are rare,malignant,biphasic tumors simultaneously comprising carcinoma and sarcoma in a single tumor.We present an extremely rare case of gastric carcinosarcoma with an osteoblastic component that drastically changed its shape within 2 mo.A 59-year-old male patient presented to the emergency outpatient unit with a complaint of black stool.Gastrointestinal endoscopy showed an ulcerated mass in the cardia of the lesser curvature of the stomach.Biopsy specimens revealed only adenocarcinoma.Two months later,the ulcerated lesion drastically changed its shape into an exophytic tumor.Total gastrectomy was performed.In the resected specimen,the gastric tumor contained both adenocarcinoma and sarcoma components with lace-like osteoid.The patient died 7 mo after the operation,and an autopsy was performed.In the autopsy,widespread metastases were present in the liver,lung,lymph nodes and peritoneum.In this report,we describe a case of gastric carcinosarcoma and presume its tumorigenesis based on the autopsy findings. 展开更多
关键词 Carcinosarcoma Stomach Osteoblastic differentiation Autopsy Tumorigenesis
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