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试解列山古墓葬群历史之谜 被引量:13
作者 巴桑旺堆 《西藏研究》 CSSCI 2006年第3期67-74,共8页
列山墓葬群是20世纪80年代西藏考古工作的一大发现,是西藏规模宏大的墓葬群之一。由于文献失载,又无口碑历史,关于列山墓葬及其所在地的相关历史背景、墓地性质、墓主身份,等等,学术界一直未有研究文字涉及。文章从研究墓葬所在地区的... 列山墓葬群是20世纪80年代西藏考古工作的一大发现,是西藏规模宏大的墓葬群之一。由于文献失载,又无口碑历史,关于列山墓葬及其所在地的相关历史背景、墓地性质、墓主身份,等等,学术界一直未有研究文字涉及。文章从研究墓葬所在地区的古历史地名、历史事件着手,从多方位进行相互参照研究,提出了列山墓葬是钦(■)氏的氏族或家族墓葬地的观点,揭示了列山墓葬背后所隐藏的千年历史谜团。 展开更多
关键词 列山墓葬 钦( )氏 钦域( )邦国
列山墓地性质刍议——兼论吐蕃族葬制 被引量:2
作者 夏吾卡先 徐承炎 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第1期30-37,共8页
文章以列山墓地历次考古发掘资料及其研究成果为基础,结合新近发现有关藏文史料,对学界以往以"吐蕃流行族葬制"为前提而提出的"列山墓地为某一显赫家族墓地"的学术观点之相关证据进行了重新梳理、解析,初步认为列... 文章以列山墓地历次考古发掘资料及其研究成果为基础,结合新近发现有关藏文史料,对学界以往以"吐蕃流行族葬制"为前提而提出的"列山墓地为某一显赫家族墓地"的学术观点之相关证据进行了重新梳理、解析,初步认为列山墓地系传统"下塔布、上工布"地域范围内有功于吐蕃王室的将相贵人之专属墓地,并且其墓主身份多元而非单一家族成员,它的形成也经历了一个漫长的历史过程。 展开更多
关键词 列山 吐蕃墓地 钦氏 朗县
列山墓地之谜 被引量:4
作者 赵慧民 《中国西藏》 2001年第5期52-54,共3页
主持人话语:作者是中国社会科学院考古研究所副研究员,该所西藏队队长。1990年至今一直从事西藏考古研究和发掘工作。曾参加或主持过西藏境内拉萨曲贡、山南邦嘎等多处重要遗址的发掘工作。1993年列山吐蕃墓地发掘也是他亲自... 主持人话语:作者是中国社会科学院考古研究所副研究员,该所西藏队队长。1990年至今一直从事西藏考古研究和发掘工作。曾参加或主持过西藏境内拉萨曲贡、山南邦嘎等多处重要遗址的发掘工作。1993年列山吐蕃墓地发掘也是他亲自主持的。此次发掘的重要成果之一是:在155号墓填土中出土了有藏文字母的木构件。作者认为列山墓地规模之大、墓葬数量之多在西藏境内是罕见的,极有可能是一处藏王级别的陵墓区。 展开更多
关键词 西藏 列山墓地 郎县 考古工作 古墓葬 墓葬形制 藏王陵墓区 木制品
作者 吉米平阶 《中国西藏》 2008年第4期54-57,共4页
人人都知道西藏流行天葬,对这种丧葬方式,不解者有之,好奇者有之,殊不知在佛教传人吐蕃乃至更早以前的古象雄,西藏实行的多是土葬,苯教史籍《札巴岭札》记载:"……当时(第二代藏王牟赤赞普在位时,约公元前1世纪),在西藏腹地修建了3... 人人都知道西藏流行天葬,对这种丧葬方式,不解者有之,好奇者有之,殊不知在佛教传人吐蕃乃至更早以前的古象雄,西藏实行的多是土葬,苯教史籍《札巴岭札》记载:"……当时(第二代藏王牟赤赞普在位时,约公元前1世纪),在西藏腹地修建了37个苯教师集聚地、37座塔。 展开更多
关键词 当拉 列山古墓群 西藏文明 墓葬群 巴桑旺堆 年楚河 藏南谷地 吐蕃时期 佛教传入
西藏朗县列山墓地的调查与发掘 被引量:10
作者 赵慧民 陈超 +16 位作者 刘建国 黄大路 丹扎 刘世忠 洛桑扎西 哈比布 格桑拥珠 茨珍 张培军 旺堆茨仁 洛桑珠扎 尼玛丹增 马慧军 达珍 夏格旺堆 夏吾卡先 王树芝 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期58-66,共9页
列山墓地位于西藏林芝地区朗县金东乡列村东北约1.5公里的列山南坡,海拔3200米,地理坐标为东经93°6′,北纬29°4′。金东曲自东向西流经墓地南缘,在6公里外注入雅鲁藏布江。墓地面积约80万平方米,已发现不同规模和形制... 列山墓地位于西藏林芝地区朗县金东乡列村东北约1.5公里的列山南坡,海拔3200米,地理坐标为东经93°6′,北纬29°4′。金东曲自东向西流经墓地南缘,在6公里外注入雅鲁藏布江。墓地面积约80万平方米,已发现不同规模和形制的墓葬213座以上,分为东、西两区,东区墓葬191座、 展开更多
关键词 西藏 朗县 列山墓地 吐蕃时期
西藏列山墓地相关问题的再探讨 被引量:2
作者 霍巍 《藏学学刊》 2009年第1期46-60,292,共16页
关键词 吐蕃考古 列山墓地 钦氏家族
试解列山古墓葬群历史之谜 被引量:1
作者 巴桑旺堆 《藏学学刊》 2007年第1期81-92,231-232,共14页
列山墓葬群是20世纪80年代我区考古工作者所发现,是西藏规模宏大的墓葬群之一。由于文献失载,又无口碑历史存活,关于列山墓葬和其所在地的相关历史背景、墓地性质、墓主的身份等等,学界一直未有研究文字涉及。本文从研究墓葬所在地区的... 列山墓葬群是20世纪80年代我区考古工作者所发现,是西藏规模宏大的墓葬群之一。由于文献失载,又无口碑历史存活,关于列山墓葬和其所在地的相关历史背景、墓地性质、墓主的身份等等,学界一直未有研究文字涉及。本文从研究墓葬所在地区的古历史地名、历史事件着手,以多方位进行相互参照研究,提出了列山墓葬是钦(mChims)氏的氏族或家族墓葬地的观点,揭示了列山墓葬背后所隐藏的千年历史谜团。 展开更多
关键词 列山墓葬 钦(mChims)氏 钦域(mChims yul)邦国
作者 徐向洋 季长儒 《淮阴师专学报》 1992年第3期48-49,共2页
凡著书者,必重於立名义,立名以示其意而明其旨,名正方可顺言其意,读书亦然,知名义而后可知其文所言为何。如何理解《周易》命名之义,对於读《易》解《易》及知《易》为何书,实有重要意义,此仁见智见判然始分之初。汉以降,对《周易》命... 凡著书者,必重於立名义,立名以示其意而明其旨,名正方可顺言其意,读书亦然,知名义而后可知其文所言为何。如何理解《周易》命名之义,对於读《易》解《易》及知《易》为何书,实有重要意义,此仁见智见判然始分之初。汉以降,对《周易》命名义说有多种,其对“周”字的解释和理解基本有二种,而对“易”字的解释则较多,本文分而论之。先叙“周”字:一曰“周”指周代。《周易正义·序》云:“案《世谱》等群书,神农一曰边山氏、亦曰列山氏;黄帝一曰归藏氏。既《连山》、《归藏》并是代号,则《周易》称“周”取岐阳地名。故名之《周易》。……”又文王作《易》时。 展开更多
关键词 归藏 列山 一曰 阴阳学说 岐阳 日月为易 世谱 乾凿度 文王 意而
作者 赵娅 《城建档案》 2014年第12期18-21,共4页
炎帝陵位于湖南省株洲市炎陵县鹿原陂,洣水环流,山峦迭翠,古树参天,景色秀丽,是中华民族的始祖炎帝神农氏的陵寝所在地。因此,自古以来,这里的老百姓称鹿原陂为"炎陵山",又叫"天子坟"、"皇山"。据史籍记... 炎帝陵位于湖南省株洲市炎陵县鹿原陂,洣水环流,山峦迭翠,古树参天,景色秀丽,是中华民族的始祖炎帝神农氏的陵寝所在地。因此,自古以来,这里的老百姓称鹿原陂为"炎陵山",又叫"天子坟"、"皇山"。据史籍记载,炎帝神农氏"生于历山,所谓列山氏也","长于姜水,因以为姓,火德王,故曰炎帝"。他是我国上古时代杰出的部落首领,农耕文化的创始人。概括起来,炎帝神农氏的伟大功绩共有八大功绩:始作耒耜,教民耕种;遍尝百草,发明医药; 展开更多
关键词 炎陵县 鹿原 湖南省株洲市 德王 古树参天 列山 上古时代 部落首领 尝百草 龙珠
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of 5′ Flanking Region and Exon of Inhibin α Precursor Gene in Goats
作者 何远清 马晓珂 张春霞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期83-86,90,共5页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to reveal the relationship between inihibin (INH) α precursor gene and seasonal reproduction of goats, and investigate the evolutionary conservation of INHα precursor gene. [ ... [Objective] The aim of this study was to reveal the relationship between inihibin (INH) α precursor gene and seasonal reproduction of goats, and investigate the evolutionary conservation of INHα precursor gene. [ Method] Cloning and sequence analysis of 5' flanking region and exon of inihibinα (INHE) precursor gene in twenty ewes between non-seasonal estrous breed (Haimen goats) and seasonal estrous breed (Anhui white goats) was analyzed in this study. [ Result] Compared with Anhui white goats, INHα precursor gene in Haimen goats had three SNP but no amino acid change, while its nucleotide homology was 99.7% and amino acid homology was 100%. The nucleotide homology of INHα precursor gene in goat, cattle, pig, person, chicken, horse, rat and dog ranged from 12.7% to 96.5%. [ Conclusion] INHα precursor gene tends to be highly conserved in species, and any change of nucleotide and amino acid maybe directly influence the function of the whole gene coding and regulation. 展开更多
关键词 GOAT Reproductively Inhibin α precursor gene CLONING Sequence analysis
Cloning,Sequence Analysis and Amino Acid Structure Prediction of TLR9 Gene from Wild Ovis ammon in Xinjiang
作者 马长宾 孙延鸣 +1 位作者 张银国 张辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第10期1531-1534,1546,共5页
[Objective] The study aimed at cloning and identifying the toll receptor gene 9(TLR9) of wild Ovis ammon in Xinjiang,and predicting its structure and function.[Method] The TLR9 complete sequence of wild Ovis ammon w... [Objective] The study aimed at cloning and identifying the toll receptor gene 9(TLR9) of wild Ovis ammon in Xinjiang,and predicting its structure and function.[Method] The TLR9 complete sequence of wild Ovis ammon was cloned from its peripheral blood by PCR technology.Then the PCR products were purified by agarose gel electrophoresis and then sequenced.Finally,the structure and function of TLR9 sequence were predicted by molecular biological software.[Result] The complete sequence of TLR9 gene was 3 192 bp in length,encoding 1 064 amino acids with a signal peptide composed of 30 amino acids;the leucine percentage reached as high as 18.5%.The TLR9 amino acid possibly contained three hydrophobic regions,at amino acids 455-475,740-760 and 780-800.The 3-D structure of TLR9 was constructed by the extracellular LRR domain and intracellular TIL domain(Toll/IL IR).[Conclusion] The characteristics of TLR9 provided theoretical basis for further study on the TLR9 gene of wild Ovis ammon in Xinjiang. 展开更多
关键词 Wild Ovis ammon TLR9 Gene cloning Sequence analysis
Cloning and Sequence Analysis on cDNA of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Receptor Gene from Wuzhishan Miniature Pig 被引量:2
作者 张艳 郑心力 +2 位作者 王峰 孙瑞萍 谭树义 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期87-90,共4页
[Objective] cDNA of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor gene from Wuzhishan miniature pig was cloned and its sequence was also analyzed. [Method] Using genomic DNA extracted from porcine ear tissues of ... [Objective] cDNA of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor gene from Wuzhishan miniature pig was cloned and its sequence was also analyzed. [Method] Using genomic DNA extracted from porcine ear tissues of Wuzhishan miniature pig as the template, three pairs of primers were designed by the reported cDNA sequence of porcine GHRH, and cDNA was also amplified by RT-PCR. After being recovered and purified, PCR products were ligated to pMD18-T and then transformed into Escherichia coli DH5a. The transformation products were analyzed by PCR and double enzyme digestion to screen positive clones, and the positive clones were sequenced after identification in LB liquid medium. [ Result] cDNA of Wuzhishan miniature pig GHRH receptor gene was obtained successfully, and its length was 1 577 bp coding 423 amino acids. BLAST analysis showed that there were only 23 nuoleotides in difference between this fragment and pomine GHRH receptor gene, and its homology was 98%. However, both GHRH receptor genes were constituted by 423 amino acids with the sequence homology of 96%. [ Conclusion] This study provides theoretical basis for further studies on the dwarf mechanism of Wuzhishan miniature pig. 展开更多
关键词 Wuzhishan miniature pig Growth hormone releasing hormone receptor cDNA clone ANALYSIS
Microsatellites underestimate genetic divergence in the Green-backed Tit (Parus monticolus) 被引量:2
作者 王文娟 戴传银 +3 位作者 Bailey D.MCKAY 赵娜 李寿先 雷富民 《Chinese Birds》 CSCD 2013年第2期144-154,共11页
Although a growing number of both sequence-based and microsatellite nuclear loci have been used to infer genetic structures, their relative efficiencies remain poorly understood. In our study, we used the Green-backed... Although a growing number of both sequence-based and microsatellite nuclear loci have been used to infer genetic structures, their relative efficiencies remain poorly understood. In our study, we used the Green-backed Tit (Parus monticolus) to explore the resolving ability of these two types of markers. The south-western and central mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogroups were divergent to some extent in sequence-based nuclear data, while mixed together in microsatellites data. The F ST values among clades were about four times lower in microsatellite loci than those in sequence-based nuclear loci. We are of the opinion that size homoplasy may have contributed to the inability of microsatellites to uncover differentiation. Our results suggest that sequence-based nuclear loci outperformed microsatellite loci in detecting population structures, especially those focused on populations with large effective population sizes. There was no significant correlation between F ST values and allelic size variability, which suggested that the efficiency of microsatellite loci in detecting genetic structure may be independent of their polymorphism. F ST is better than R ST in detecting intraspecific divergence due to the high variance of R ST . In agreement with sequence-based nuclear loci, microsatellite loci did resolve the genetic distinctness of the Taiwan Residents phylogroup. The genetic differentiation between the Taiwan Residents and continental clades may involve allopatric divergence without gene flow. 展开更多
关键词 genetic structure MICROSATELLITE Parus monticolus sequence-based nuclear data size homoplasy
Synthesis of Dibenzylidene Sorbitol Series Compound 被引量:2
作者 冯荣秀 陈立功 +1 位作者 侯仲轲 宋健 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2007年第1期35-41,共7页
A series of alditol derivatives were designed and synthesized with relatively high yield. On the basis of reaction between sorbitol and a series of substituted benzaldehyde in the presence of an acid catalyst, a serie... A series of alditol derivatives were designed and synthesized with relatively high yield. On the basis of reaction between sorbitol and a series of substituted benzaldehyde in the presence of an acid catalyst, a series of acetal derivatives were synthesized through free hydroxyl esterification. D-sorbitol acetal amido derivatives were prepared by reduction of nitryl and acylation of amino. D-sorbitol acetal carboxyl esterification derivatives were prepared through esterification and hydrolysis. By high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectra (HPLC-MS) and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra (1H-NMR), 36 compounds prepared were identified. Among these derivatives prepared, 26 compounds have not been reported in the previous literatures. 展开更多
关键词 SORBITOL acetal derivatives alditol substituted benzaldehyde
《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第18期2301-2301,共1页
Events Calendar 2009 January 12-15, 2009 Hyatt Regency San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Mouse Models of Cancer January 21-24, 2009 Westin San Diego Hotel, San Diego, CA Advances in Prostate Cancer Research
《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第19期2429-2429,共1页
Events Calendar 2009January 12-15, 2009 Hyatt Regency San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Mouse Models of Cancer January 21-24, 2009 Westin San Diego Hotel San Diego, CA Advances in Prostate Cancer Research
作者 吴时国 黄孝健 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期270-276,共7页
Seismic stratigraphic analysis of 150 km of high resolution seismic profiles (GEOPULSE and 3.5 kHz) obtained along the muddy coast off Taishan, Guangdong provided valuable information on the offshore Quaternary strati... Seismic stratigraphic analysis of 150 km of high resolution seismic profiles (GEOPULSE and 3.5 kHz) obtained along the muddy coast off Taishan, Guangdong provided valuable information on the offshore Quaternary stratigraphy, tectonics, sedimentary evolution, and environmental and engineering geology of this area.The following late Quaternary stratigraphic sequences were mapped. (1) Pleistocene alluvial silty sand and shallow marine clay; (2) coarse fluvial channel sand; (3) nearshore and bay clayey sediments. The incision of fluvial channels occurred in two stages: during the Late Pleistocene and at the beginning of the Holocene. The Pleistocene fluvial channels have been filled by coarse sand overlain by more than 10 m of late Pleistocene clay and 20-30 m of Holocene clay.The coastal area is dissected by two major fault systems: the first group strikes ENE-WSW and controls the evolution of the adjacent Quaternary basin, while the second one trends NNE-SSW. These fault systems must be taken into account in any coastal engineering considerations. In addition, both granitic and metamorphic basements were recognized. 展开更多
关键词 seismic data stratigraphic analysis Late Quaternary
Episodic Orogeny Deduced from Coeval Sedimentary Sequences in the Foreland Basin and Its Implication for Uplift Process of Longmen Mountain,China 被引量:3
作者 LI Yong SU De-chen +4 位作者 ZHOU Rong-jun LI Hai-bing Alexander L.DENSMORE YAN Liang YAN Zhao-kun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期29-42,共14页
Longmen Mountain located at the boundary between the Sichuan Basin and Tibetan Plateau,representing the steepest gradient of any edges of the plateau.Three endmember models of uplift process and mechanism have been pr... Longmen Mountain located at the boundary between the Sichuan Basin and Tibetan Plateau,representing the steepest gradient of any edges of the plateau.Three endmember models of uplift process and mechanism have been proposed,including crustal thickening,crustal flow,and crustal isostatic rebound.Here we use coeval sedimentary sequences in the foreland basin to restraint uplift process and mechanism in the Longmen Mountain.The more than 10,000 m thick Late TriassicQuaternary strata filled in this foreland basin and can be divided into six megasequences that are distinguished as two distinct types.The first type is the wedge-shaped megasequences which are sedimentary response of strong active thrust loading events,characterized by a high rate of subsidence and sediment accumulation,coarsening-upward succession and a dual-sourced sediment supply.This type includes Late Triassic,Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous to Paleogene megasequences.The second type is the tabular megasequences,characterized by the low rate of subsidence and sediment accumulation,finingupward succession,and a single-sourced sediment supply,which is sedimentary response of isostatic rebound and erosion unloading.This type includes the Early to Middle Jurassic,Middle Cretaceous and Neogene to Quaternary megasequences.Basing on sedimentary,active tectonic,geomorphic evidence,we infer that the direction has been reversed from SSWdirected sinistral strike-slip to NNE-directed dextral strike-slip during 40-3.6 Ma,and since 3.6 Ma,the Longmen Mountain thrust belt belong to times of isostatic rebound and erosional unloading with NNEdirected dextral strike-slip.This suggests that crustal isostatic rebound is a primary driver for uplift and topography of the present Longmen Mountain.The Wenchuan(Ms8.0) earthquake,which ruptured a large thrust fault with NNE-directed dextral strikeslip along the range front,is an active manifestation of this crustal isostatic rebound process with dextral strike-slipping and shortening.This process may be the cause for the Wenchuan Earthquake and the apparent paradox of high relief,little shortening,the relative dearth of historical seismicity in the region. 展开更多
关键词 Wedge-shaped megasequence Tabular megasequence Orogenic loading Erosional unloading Uplift process Longmen Mountain Foreland basin
Isolation and characterization of acidophilic bacterium from Dongxiangshan Mine in Xinjiang Province, China
作者 夏金兰 张倩 +5 位作者 张瑞永 彭娟花 彭安安 赵小娟 聂珍媛 邱冠周 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第1期50-55,共6页
One bioleaching bacterium, named as strain DXS, was isolated from acid mine drainages (AMDs) of Dongxiangshan Mine of Hami, Xinjiang Province, China. The strain DXS is gram-negative and rod-shaped with a size of (0... One bioleaching bacterium, named as strain DXS, was isolated from acid mine drainages (AMDs) of Dongxiangshan Mine of Hami, Xinjiang Province, China. The strain DXS is gram-negative and rod-shaped with a size of (0.40±0.05) μm x (1.3±0.5) μm. The optimal temperature and pH for growth are 30 ℃ and pH 2.0, respectively. It can grow autotrophically by using ferrous iron, elemental sulfur and NaS203 as sole energy sources. In the phylogenetic tree, strain DXS has similarity with Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans type strain ATCC 23270 with 99.57% sequence similarity. The cloning and sequencing of Iro protein gene (iro) and tetrathionate hydrolase gene (tth) reveal that strain DXS is completely identical in iro gene sequence to A. ferrooxidans LY (DQ166841), and almost identical in tth gene sequene to .4. ferrooxidans (AB259312) (only two nucleotides change). The bioleaching experiments of marmatite and pyrite reveal that the leached zinc and iron concentrations reach 3.01 g/L and 2.75 g/L, respectively. The strain has a well potential application in industry bioleaching. 展开更多
关键词 .4cidithiobacillusferrooxidans BIOLEACHING iro and tth gene 16S rRNA
Architecture of volcanic sequence and its structural control of Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin 被引量:5
作者 程日辉 王腾飞 +1 位作者 沈艳杰 任延广 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期2026-2040,共15页
Yingcheng Formation is a set of volcanic strata composed of lava rocks,volcanic clastic rocks and sedimentary rocks,filled in some fault depressions in Songliao Basin,early Cretaceous.The study about litho-facies succ... Yingcheng Formation is a set of volcanic strata composed of lava rocks,volcanic clastic rocks and sedimentary rocks,filled in some fault depressions in Songliao Basin,early Cretaceous.The study about litho-facies succession of Yingcheng Formation in the outcropped area of the southeast margin and in Xujiaweizi fault depression and its distribution based on analysis of seismic data,shows that the sequence of volcanic strata is quite different from the clastic sedimentary sequence.To study the architecture of volcanic sequence and its structural control of Yingcheng Formation in Songliao Basin,in this work,dividing of the volcanic sequence and dating of the sequence boundaries were finished firstly,then displacement and displacement rate of faults were calculated.The results show that,sample ages of top of the first member,the seconde member,and the third member are 127 Ma,115 Ma,110.7 Ma,respectively and sample age of the bottom of the third member is 114.7 Ma.The maximum displacement and displacement rate of the fault 1 are 3 km and 300 m/Ma,respectively,and those of the fault 2 are 3 km and 1000 m/Ma.Studies suggest that,the cooling unit of lava rock or pyroclastic rock is a basic genetic stratigraphic unit in volcanic sequence stratigraphy.Cooling units can construct a parasequence reflecting a volcanic eruption stage.A sequence was superimposed by some parasequences,responding to a volcanic active cycle.There are three types of volcanic sequences in Yingcheng Formation: type of explosion,type of effusion and type of mixed explosion-effusion.The surface of the volcanic sequence,an unconformity surface widely spread and traced in seismic profiles,is a base for analysis of volcanic sequence.The development of volcanic sequence was controlled by faulting,and the curves of fault displacement(rate)can reflect this control.The preservation of volcanic sequence was controlled by the type of volcanic structure and the regional subsidence,also different from that of the sedimentary.The type of volcanic structure of Xujiaweizi was a volcanic depression during the forming of Yingcheng Formation,and the breakdowns of volcanoes and structural subsidence were key factors in the volcanic sequences preservation. 展开更多
关键词 volcanic sequence stratigraphy Yingcheng Formation cooling unit structural subsidence
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