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基于时间敏感网络的列车通信网络时间同步与流量整形技术研究 被引量:3
作者 王欣立 于泽人 +1 位作者 周钧 张立斌 《城市轨道交通研究》 北大核心 2023年第3期51-55,61,共6页
目前城市轨道交通列车多网融合通信系统无法保证关键性数据传输的确定性。分析了该系统对TSN(时间敏感网络)技术的需求,构建了流量整形网络试验平台,开展了基于TSN技术的时间同步与流量整形的相关测试。试验结果表明:在没有其他外界条... 目前城市轨道交通列车多网融合通信系统无法保证关键性数据传输的确定性。分析了该系统对TSN(时间敏感网络)技术的需求,构建了流量整形网络试验平台,开展了基于TSN技术的时间同步与流量整形的相关测试。试验结果表明:在没有其他外界条件干扰的情况下,可以实现预期的列车通信网络时间同步功能;流量整形技术在网络带宽达到上限的极端情况下,仍可以保证关键性数据传输的确定性。 展开更多
关键词 城市轨道交通 列车融合通信系统 时间敏感 时间同步 流量整形 传输确定性
作者 谭卓 《今日自动化》 2019年第7期35-36,共2页
上海地铁13号线为国内首个装载列车智能维护网并实现智能配置列车微机控制单元静态网络地址的地铁线路,并在后续的上海地铁17、上海地铁1号线加装了该项系统。该系统采用一种基于网络地址规约及二层网管交换机链路发现协议,针对MCU网络... 上海地铁13号线为国内首个装载列车智能维护网并实现智能配置列车微机控制单元静态网络地址的地铁线路,并在后续的上海地铁17、上海地铁1号线加装了该项系统。该系统采用一种基于网络地址规约及二层网管交换机链路发现协议,针对MCU网络地址进行自动配置的技术。能够有效提高维护人员调试检修的工作效率、降低出错率。并对后期因车辆维修、改造等过程中设备的维护更换提供了很大便利。文章对该系统做了简要介绍,并针对调试及试运行过程中出现的智能维护网失效机理及微机控制单元静态地址配置错误现象进行分析和解决。 展开更多
关键词 列车维护 地址配置 失效机理 主从竞争 牵引控制单元
作者 唐柳 《电子技术与软件工程》 2020年第4期22-24,共3页
本文针对列车重联控制系统,概述了列车通信网络的发展情况,介绍了IEC 61375国际标准的组成,分析了基于实时以太网的初运行技术规范,包括自动组网、列车拓扑、统一资源标识以及智能寻址等规范,为基于实时以太网的列车重联系统开发提供技... 本文针对列车重联控制系统,概述了列车通信网络的发展情况,介绍了IEC 61375国际标准的组成,分析了基于实时以太网的初运行技术规范,包括自动组网、列车拓扑、统一资源标识以及智能寻址等规范,为基于实时以太网的列车重联系统开发提供技术参考。 展开更多
关键词 列车通信 IEC 61375 以太列车骨干 以太列车编组
作者 蔡娇 《北京交通大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期159-168,共10页
非接触电能传输系统中的无网受流列车将受到耦合机构的电磁能量交换的影响,譬如车身、底盘、轨道等金属结构在高频电磁场中会感应出涡流产生热损耗并带来安全隐患.以设计有非接触式供电系统的100%低地板有轨电车为研究对象,先确定耦合... 非接触电能传输系统中的无网受流列车将受到耦合机构的电磁能量交换的影响,譬如车身、底盘、轨道等金属结构在高频电磁场中会感应出涡流产生热损耗并带来安全隐患.以设计有非接触式供电系统的100%低地板有轨电车为研究对象,先确定耦合结构使用的线圈形状,并基于该耦合结构搭建了简化的整车仿真模型.利用ANSYS软件对列车模型中的车厢、转向架、钢轨等主要部分进行涡流场、温度场仿真分析,得到了列车各部分的具体发热情况.研究结果表明:非接触电能传输系统所构建的高频电磁场将在车体中感应出涡流导致列车部件发热,但所造成的温升对列车的正常运行并无干扰. 展开更多
关键词 无线电能传输技术 受流列车 涡流发热 有限元仿真分析
客车行车安全监测诊断系统的网络系统设计 被引量:4
作者 赵红卫 王立文 +2 位作者 王欣 郑雪洋 黄志平 《中国铁道科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期138-144,共7页
根据客车编组、网络拓扑结构、系统实时性和工作环境的要求,基于LonWorks网络技术,设计客车行车安全监测诊断系统的网络系统。网络系统具有列车级网络终端自动投入、双网冗余和车厢级网络扩展方便等特点。网络系统的硬件设计采用车厢级... 根据客车编组、网络拓扑结构、系统实时性和工作环境的要求,基于LonWorks网络技术,设计客车行车安全监测诊断系统的网络系统。网络系统具有列车级网络终端自动投入、双网冗余和车厢级网络扩展方便等特点。网络系统的硬件设计采用车厢级和列车级2级总线式拓扑结构:车厢级硬件包括代理节点、制动节点、车辆节点Ⅰ、车辆节点Ⅱ、防滑器节点和显示节点网卡设计;列车级硬件是在车厢级硬件基础上增加地址和数据总线隔离,并实现双网卡冗余。车厢级软件采用双端口RAM与功能节点交换数据,并使用网络变量方式通信;列车级软件采用实时操作系统,具有动态配置网络管理器和网络管理功能,采用显示报文方式通信;人机交互界面包括主页面、车厢监测、系统监测、修改车号、查看记录、严重故障显示与报警界面。系统性能分析及使用效果表明:该网络系统使用方便,组网灵活、工作性能稳定、可靠性好。 展开更多
关键词 安全监测 列车网 车厢 LONWORKS
作者 谭康柏 《设备监理》 2023年第5期29-33,共5页
基于以太网的列车控制网络存在非法外联、网络攻击等信息安全隐患。本文结合轨道交通信息安全技术、相关技术标准的要求,总结了以太网列车控制网络的相关特点,阐述了信息安全相关防护技术及相关要求;针对以太网列车控制网络的主要信息... 基于以太网的列车控制网络存在非法外联、网络攻击等信息安全隐患。本文结合轨道交通信息安全技术、相关技术标准的要求,总结了以太网列车控制网络的相关特点,阐述了信息安全相关防护技术及相关要求;针对以太网列车控制网络的主要信息安全风险因素,提出了边界防护、访问控制、入侵及恶意代码防范、安全审计等信息安全防护措施,并提出一套车载信息安全防护系统技术方案,解决以太网列车控制网络的信息安全问题。 展开更多
关键词 以太列车控制 访问控制 入侵及恶意代码防范 安全审计
速度400 km/h高速动车组网络系统实时以太网技术应用研究 被引量:3
作者 李海龙 张尧 《铁道机车车辆》 北大核心 2023年第1期54-58,共5页
速度400 km/h高速动车组的研制始于2017年,其网络控制系统基于以太网技术搭建。文中阐述了400 km/h高速动车组网络系统的基本原理及实时以太网技术的应用研究,并对比以往动车组网络系统总线技术分析了实时以太网技术应用的优势所在。
关键词 400 km/h高速动车组 络系统 实时以太 列车骨干 列车编组
作者 范昊 刘汉 朱慧龙 《铁道机车车辆》 北大核心 2020年第2期51-56,共6页
结合国际电工委员会IEC 61375标准中构成周期扫描表的基本规则,在分析了周期数据通信方式和报文信息特点的基础上,将总线负载均匀度加入约束条件,提出了一种改进的多功能车辆总线(MVB)周期扫描表优化算法。利用该优化算法对具体的周期... 结合国际电工委员会IEC 61375标准中构成周期扫描表的基本规则,在分析了周期数据通信方式和报文信息特点的基础上,将总线负载均匀度加入约束条件,提出了一种改进的多功能车辆总线(MVB)周期扫描表优化算法。利用该优化算法对具体的周期扫描表用例进行配置,与传统的逐步填空法相比,可以有效提高整个周期扫描表的均匀度,以此达到提升列车网络控制系统的可靠性和实时性的目的。并且该算法能够设置优先发送的数据,人为决定特定数据在特定周期发送,有利于分析特定的数据。最后基于该优化算法,开发出一款专门的软件用于配置MVB周期扫描表。 展开更多
关键词 列车网 多功能车辆总线 周期扫描表 优化
Calculation grid and turbulence model for numerical simulating pressure fluctuations in high-speed train tunnel 被引量:4
作者 JI Peng WANG Tian-tian WU Fan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第10期2870-2877,共8页
Calculation grid and turbulence model for numerical simulating pressure fluctuations in a high-speed train tunnel are studied through the comparison analysis of numerical simulation and moving model test.Compared the ... Calculation grid and turbulence model for numerical simulating pressure fluctuations in a high-speed train tunnel are studied through the comparison analysis of numerical simulation and moving model test.Compared the waveforms and peak-peak values of pressure fluctuations between numerical simulation and moving model test,the structured grid and the SST k-ωturbulence model are selected for numerical simulating the process of high-speed train passing through the tunnel.The largest value of pressure wave amplitudes of numerical simulation and moving model test meet each other.And the locations of the largest value of the initial compression and expansion wave amplitude of numerical simulation are in agreement with that of moving model test.The calculated pressure at the measurement point fully conforms to the propagation law of compression and expansion waves in the tunnel. 展开更多
关键词 high-speed train calculation grid turbulence model TUNNEL pressure fluctuations
High-Speed Railway Train Timetable Conflict Prediction Based on Fuzzy Temporal Knowledge Reasoning 被引量:3
作者 He Zhuang Liping Feng +2 位作者 Chao Wen Qiyuan peng Qizhi Tang 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第3期366-373,共8页
Trains are prone to delays and deviations from train operation plans during their operation because of internal or external disturbances. Delays may develop into operational conflicts between adjacent trains as a resu... Trains are prone to delays and deviations from train operation plans during their operation because of internal or external disturbances. Delays may develop into operational conflicts between adjacent trains as a result of delay propagation, which may disturb the arrangement of the train operation plan and threaten the operational safety of trains. Therefore, reliable conflict prediction results can be valuable references for dispatchers in making more efficient train operation adjustments when conflicts occur. In contrast to the traditional approach to conflict prediction that involves introducing random disturbances, this study addresses the issue of the fuzzification of time intervals in a train timetable based on historical statistics and the modeling of a high-speed railway train timetable based on the concept of a timed Petri net. To measure conflict prediction results more comprehensively, we divided conflicts into potential conflicts and certain conflicts and defined the judgment conditions for both. Two evaluation indexes, one for the deviation of a single train and one for the possibility of conflicts between adjacent train operations, were developed using a formalized computation method. Based on the temporal fuzzy reasoning method, with some adjustment, a new conflict prediction method is proposed, and the results of a simulation example for two scenarios are presented. The results prove that conflict prediction after fuzzy processing of the time intervals of a train timetable is more reliable and practical and can provide helpful information for use in train operation adjustment, train timetable improvement, and other purposes. 展开更多
关键词 High-speed railway Train timetable Conflict prediction Fuzzy temporal knowledge reasoning
Research on train integrated positioning based on grey neural network 被引量:1
作者 YANG Yang CHEN Guang-wu +1 位作者 WANG Jing-wen LI Cheng-dong 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2019年第2期143-149,共7页
Train positioning is the key to ensure the transportation and efficient operation of the railway.Due to the low accuracy and the poor real-time of the train positioning,a train positioning system based on global navig... Train positioning is the key to ensure the transportation and efficient operation of the railway.Due to the low accuracy and the poor real-time of the train positioning,a train positioning system based on global navigation satellite system/inertial measurement unit/odometer(GNSS/IMU/ODO)combination framework and a train integrated positioning method based on grey neural network are put forward.A data updating method based on the established grey prediction model of train positioning is put forward,which uses the accumulation and summary of the grey theory for the rough prediction of the data.The purpose of the method is to reduce the noise of the original data.Moreover,the radial basis function(RBF)neural network is introduced to correct residual sequence of the grey prediction model.Compared with the single model calibration,this method can make full use of the advantages of each model,thus getting a high positioning accuracy in the case of small samples and poor information.Experiments show that the method has good real-time performance and high accuracy,and has certain application value. 展开更多
关键词 rail transport GNSS/IMU/ODO grey neural network train positioning
Noisy Chaotic Neural Network for Resource Allocation in High-Speed Train OFDMA System 被引量:1
作者 赵宜升 纪红 陈忠辉 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2014年第5期368-374,共7页
High-speed train communication system is a typical high-mobility wireless communication network. Resource allocation problem has a great impact on the system performance. However, conventional resource allocation appr... High-speed train communication system is a typical high-mobility wireless communication network. Resource allocation problem has a great impact on the system performance. However, conventional resource allocation approaches in cellular network cannot be directly applied to this kind of special communication environment. A multidomain resource allocation strategy was proposed in the orthogonal frequency-division multiple access(OFDMA) of high-speed. By analyzing the effect of Doppler shift, sub-channels, antennas, time slots and power were jointly considered to maximize the energy efficiency under the constraint of total transmission power. For the purpose of reducing the computational complexity, noisy chaotic neural network algorithm was used to solve the above optimization problem. Simulation results showed that the proposed resource allocation method had a better performance than the traditional strategy. 展开更多
关键词 resource allocation high-speed train orthogonal chaotic neural network frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) NOISY
High-Speed EMU TCMS Design and LCC Technology Research 被引量:2
作者 Hongwei Zhao Zhiping Huang Ying Mei 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2017年第1期122-129,共8页
This paper introduces the high-speed electrical multiple unit (EMO) life cycle, including the design, manufacturing, testing, and maintenance stages. It also presents the train control and monitoring system (TCMS)... This paper introduces the high-speed electrical multiple unit (EMO) life cycle, including the design, manufacturing, testing, and maintenance stages. It also presents the train control and monitoring system (TCMS) software development platform, the TCMS testing and verification bench, the EMU driving simulation platform, and the EMU remote data transmittal and maintenance platform. All these platforms and benches combined together make up the EMU life cycle cost (LCC) system. Each platform facilitates EMU LCC management and is an important part of the system. 展开更多
关键词 Electrical multiple unit Train control and monitoring system Train communication network Life cycle cost Development platform Testing bench Simulation Remote data transmittal
A Control Simulation Method of High-Speed Trains on Railway Network with Irregular Influence
作者 杨立兴 李想 李克平 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第9期411-418,共8页
Based on the discrete time method, an effective movement control model is designed for a group of high- speed trains on a rail network. The purpose of the model is to investigate the specific traffic characteristics o... Based on the discrete time method, an effective movement control model is designed for a group of high- speed trains on a rail network. The purpose of the model is to investigate the specific traffic characteristics of high-speed trains under the interruption of stochastic irregular events. In the model, the high-speed rail traffic system is supposed to be equipped with the moving-block signalling system to guarantee maximum traversing capacity of the railway. To keep the safety of trains' movements, some operational strategies are proposed to control the movements of trains in the model, including traction operation, braking operation, and entering-station operation. The numerical simulations show that the designed model can well describe the movements of high-speed trains on the rail network. The research results can provide the useful information not only for investigating the propagation features of relevant delays under the irregular disturbance but also for rerouting and reseheduling trains on the rail network. 展开更多
关键词 high-speed train rail network discrete-time simulation irregular event
An Improved Walk Model for Train Movement on Railway Network
作者 LI Ke-Ping MAO Bo-Hua GAO Zi-You 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期979-984,共6页
In this paper, we propose an improved walk model for simulating the train movement on railway network. In the proposed method, walkers represent trains. The improved walk model is a kind of the network-based simulatio... In this paper, we propose an improved walk model for simulating the train movement on railway network. In the proposed method, walkers represent trains. The improved walk model is a kind of the network-based simulation analysis model. Using some management rules for walker movement, walker can dynamically determine its departure and arrival times at stations. In order to test the proposed method, we simulate the train movement on a part of railway network. The numerical simulation and analytical results demonstrate that the improved model is an effective tool for simulating the train movement on railway network. Moreover, it can well capture the characteristic behaviors of train scheduling in railway traffic. 展开更多
关键词 train movement random-walk model train timetable
Theory Analysis of the Handover Challenge in Express Train Access Networks (ETAN) 被引量:1
作者 HU Guoqing HUANG Anpeng +2 位作者 HE Ruisi AI Bo CHEN Zhangyuan 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第7期92-98,共7页
To handle the handover challenge in Express Train Access Networks(ETAN).mobility fading effects in high speed railway environments should be addressed first.Based on the investigation of fading effects in this paper,w... To handle the handover challenge in Express Train Access Networks(ETAN).mobility fading effects in high speed railway environments should be addressed first.Based on the investigation of fading effects in this paper,we obtain two theoretical bounds:HOTiming upper bound and HO-Margin lower bound,which are helpful guidelines to study the handover challenge today and in the future.Then,we apply them to analyze performance of conventional handover technologies and our proposal in ETAN.This follow-up theory analyses and simulation experiment results demonstrate that the proposed handover solution can minimize handover time up to 4ms(which is the fastest one so far),and reduce HO-Margin to 0.16 dB at a train speed of 350km/h. 展开更多
关键词 express train access network handover (HO) high speed railways HO-timing upper bound HO-margin lower bound
Multi-parameter joint optimization for double-strip high-speed pantographs to improve pantograph-catenary interaction quality 被引量:1
作者 Mengzhen Wu Xianghong Xu +3 位作者 Yongzhao Yan Yi Luo Sijun Huang Jianshan Wang 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期137-147,共11页
The significant increase in speed of high-speed train will cause the dynamic contact force of the pantograph-catenary system to fluctuate more severely,which poses a challenge to the study of the pantograph-catenary r... The significant increase in speed of high-speed train will cause the dynamic contact force of the pantograph-catenary system to fluctuate more severely,which poses a challenge to the study of the pantograph-catenary relationship and the design of highspeed pantographs.Good pantograph-catenary coupling quality is the essential condition to ensure safe and efficient operation of high-speed train,stable and reliable current collection,and reduction in the wear of contact wires and pantograph contact strips.Among them,the dynamic parameters of high-speed pantographs are crucial to pantograph-catenary coupling quality.With the reduction of the standard deviation of the pantograph-catenary contact force as the optimization goal,multi-parameter joint optimization designs for the high-speed pantograph with two contact strips at multiple running speeds are proposed.Moreover,combining the sensitivity analysis at the optimal solutions,with the parameters and characteristics of in-service DSA380 highspeed pantograph,the optimization proposal of DSA380 was given. 展开更多
关键词 High-speed pantograph Pantograph-catenary interaction quality Multi-parameter joint optimization
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