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民歌认知续论——对花儿等歌种创承机制的相关思考 被引量:11
作者 项阳 《南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版)》 北大核心 2015年第3期67-74,共8页
花儿是流传在西北多民族、多省市自治区的一种传统音声技艺形式,由于区域人群民族、方言、习俗等多方面差异,同为花儿却形成了不同风格特色的区域音调,这些音调都归于花儿种属。学界认定花儿是为民歌类下山歌的一种,但深入辨析之时我们... 花儿是流传在西北多民族、多省市自治区的一种传统音声技艺形式,由于区域人群民族、方言、习俗等多方面差异,同为花儿却形成了不同风格特色的区域音调,这些音调都归于花儿种属。学界认定花儿是为民歌类下山歌的一种,但深入辨析之时我们发现,既有民歌分类难以相对准确把握这其中的内涵,花儿兼具小调的某些特征,即区域性音调在各自区域由职业和半职业艺人主导性创承,由此引发对民歌类分的再思考。从非物质文化遗产保护的视角,应重花儿在民间创承机制的把握,努力改变创作与演唱分离的状况,意在培养歌手把握经典性作品与区域音调之时的再创造能力。还应加强花儿与民间礼俗关系的研究,让真正意义的民歌手回归或称适应这种文化土壤。当下民歌手从生成机制上与花儿民间创承机制的传统渐行渐远,这显然不利于作为非物质文化遗产的花儿持续性健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 花儿 区域民间音调 创承机制 职业和半职业主导 民歌类分 思考
河曲民歌在现代语境下的“创承” 被引量:2
作者 李毅梅 《音乐创作》 北大核心 2018年第8期128-130,共3页
河曲因其独特的地理位置塑造了一个极具文化交融性的文化区域。富有特色的方言、多变的地理环境以及独特的历史文化为当地的河曲民歌提供了宝贵的生存发展空间。河曲民歌是河曲文化重要的载体,她的发展经历了不同的变化阶段,时至今日,... 河曲因其独特的地理位置塑造了一个极具文化交融性的文化区域。富有特色的方言、多变的地理环境以及独特的历史文化为当地的河曲民歌提供了宝贵的生存发展空间。河曲民歌是河曲文化重要的载体,她的发展经历了不同的变化阶段,时至今日,在社会经济迅猛发展、现代化进程不断提高的背景下,河曲民歌也呈现出多元化的发展趋势。本文以文化变迁理论为立足点,试图通过对河曲民歌在现代语境下的各方面进行分析,进一步阐述河曲民歌的变化特征。 展开更多
关键词 河曲民歌 音乐 创承 现代化
作者 杨和平 《音乐文化研究》 2022年第2期28-40,3,4,共15页
关键词 湘昆 创承 口述 思考
江西红色音乐在新时期的创承与发展 被引量:12
作者 熊小玉 喻小霞 《中国音乐学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期121-127,共7页
江西红色音乐是老一辈无产阶级革命家、先进分子和人民群众在革命战争年代共同缔造的先进文化,寄托着中华儿女不畏强暴、百折不挠实现国家复兴、民族富强的伟大理想和坚强决心,其独有的文化内涵和艺术特征使其在全国各族人民中拥有强大... 江西红色音乐是老一辈无产阶级革命家、先进分子和人民群众在革命战争年代共同缔造的先进文化,寄托着中华儿女不畏强暴、百折不挠实现国家复兴、民族富强的伟大理想和坚强决心,其独有的文化内涵和艺术特征使其在全国各族人民中拥有强大的文化认同感。在百年历史变迁中,江西红色音乐得以创新性发展,通过音调借入、旋律衍化和"泥化"塑形等方式获得广阔的创承空间,并呈现出强烈的符号隐喻功能、文化创承功能和社会功能。 展开更多
关键词 江西红色音乐 创承与发展 民族认同 社会功能
论文人在乐籍体系创承中的作用 被引量:1
作者 郭威 《中国音乐学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期80-86,共7页
自隋唐渐趋成熟的乐籍体系使音声技艺形成一种制度化、体系化的创承与传播状态。除了官属乐人发挥核心主体作用之外,社会各阶层的互动与促进作用亦不容忽视。文人因其特殊社会身份和主动创作需求而广泛地接触专业乐人,成为乐籍体系创承... 自隋唐渐趋成熟的乐籍体系使音声技艺形成一种制度化、体系化的创承与传播状态。除了官属乐人发挥核心主体作用之外,社会各阶层的互动与促进作用亦不容忽视。文人因其特殊社会身份和主动创作需求而广泛地接触专业乐人,成为乐籍体系创承音声技艺中的重要参与者。因出身、仕途等原因,文人接触乐人及音声技艺的途径与场合不尽相同,这直接影响其参与创承的类别、方式、态度,由此也呈现出史籍所载之丰富样态。 展开更多
关键词 乐籍体系 文人 创承 音声技艺
作者 齐柏平 《艺术评论》 2024年第9期141-148,共8页
《从明清小曲探究曲子创承机制》是近年来关于明清小曲研究的重要成果,具有多重创新意义。该书强调历史人类学研究理念的运用,综合运用多学科理论与研究方法,从创承机制、音乐形态、仪式为用三个方面对“曲子”这一音乐事象的核心元素... 《从明清小曲探究曲子创承机制》是近年来关于明清小曲研究的重要成果,具有多重创新意义。该书强调历史人类学研究理念的运用,综合运用多学科理论与研究方法,从创承机制、音乐形态、仪式为用三个方面对“曲子”这一音乐事象的核心元素进行剖析。该书考察了曲子在历史上整体发展的演化脉络,特别是在明清时期及至民国时期的创承与发展,在整体把握下,宏观研究与微观研究相结合,对明清小曲的形态衍化与传播过程、乐人群体与曲子创承的关系进行了充分而详细的解读。 展开更多
关键词 明清小曲 创承机制 整体视野 多重视角 传播
乐籍体系视域下的曲子研究 被引量:1
作者 郭威 《南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版)》 2014年第1期100-105,共6页
曲子,因其综合了音乐与文学因素而倍受学界关注。从学界既有成果看,其"词"之意义似更为突出。笔者认为:作为音声技艺形式,曲子对后世之影响绝非仅是文学意义。曲子,从音乐文本、文学文本到付诸表演,其作为完整的艺术形式才真... 曲子,因其综合了音乐与文学因素而倍受学界关注。从学界既有成果看,其"词"之意义似更为突出。笔者认为:作为音声技艺形式,曲子对后世之影响绝非仅是文学意义。曲子,从音乐文本、文学文本到付诸表演,其作为完整的艺术形式才真正得以呈现。由此,从职业化与乐籍制度的视角看,乐人乃曲子之创作主体。自隋唐构建的乐籍体系,作为管理与教习专业乐人群体的官方系统,无疑成为曲子及其后众多音声技艺传承、传播的重要载体。与之相辅,区域中心与文人对曲子的发生、发展也起到了推动作用。在乐籍体系制度化承载及其与社会各阶层互动之中,曲子作为其后众多音声技艺发生、发展之"母体"的重要意义,得以彰显。 展开更多
关键词 曲子 乐籍体系 创承 传播 母体
赵玉清怀梆唱腔特色形成初探 被引量:2
作者 李海安 《焦作大学学报》 2010年第1期31-33,共3页
关键词 怀梆 传承人 唱腔创承 非物质文化遗产 传承保护
作者 欧阳英姿 《黄河之声》 2018年第24期124-125,共2页
关键词 民歌类分 民歌的功能性意义 创承机制 认知与辨析
It Takes Two to Tango: Entrepreneurship and Creativity in Troubled Times--Vietnam 2012 被引量:2
作者 Nancy K. Napier Dang Le Nguyen Vu Quan Hoang Vuong 《Sociology Study》 2012年第9期662-674,共13页
This study focuses on perceived values of entrepreneurship and creativity within a turbulent environment. The initial hypothesis is that a typical entrepreneurial process carries with its "creativity-enabling element... This study focuses on perceived values of entrepreneurship and creativity within a turbulent environment. The initial hypothesis is that a typical entrepreneurial process carries with its "creativity-enabling elements". In a normal situation, businesses focus on optimizing their resources for commercial gains, thus perceptions about values of entrepreneurial creativity are usually vague. However, in difficult times, the difference between survival and failure may be creativity. This paper examines many previous findings on entrepreneurship and creativity, and suggests a highly possible "organic growth" of creativity in an entrepreneurial environment and reinforcing value of entrepreneurship when creativity power is present. In other words, the authors see each idea reinforcing the other. The authors survey Vietnamese firms during the chaotic year of 2012 to learn about the "entrepreneurship-creativity nexus", looking at influential cultural values, namely risk tolerance, relationship, and dependence on resources--to assess how they influence entrepreneurial decisions. A set of 137 qualified responses was obtained for this statistical examination. A categorical data analysis is performed to confirm that creativity and entrepreneurial spirit could hardly be separate, for both entrepreneurial and accomplished companies. Although the most important factor during implementation is still "relationship", business people are increasingly aware of the need of creativity/innovation in troubled times. 展开更多
Singapore Pie in Global Chinese Education: Inheritance and Innovation in Chinese Literature Education in Singapore
作者 LI Jia QU Jing-yi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第9期744-753,共10页
Singapore's Chinese literature education has continuously evolved and advanced over the years, forming a unique style in global Chinese education, which can be described as: "Singapore pie". Through its bilingual ... Singapore's Chinese literature education has continuously evolved and advanced over the years, forming a unique style in global Chinese education, which can be described as: "Singapore pie". Through its bilingual policy, the Singapore government has been committed to creating a pool of bicultural talents, by supplementing the teaching of Chinese language with classes on Chinese literature and culture. This thesis seeks to understand the pros and cons of Chinese literature education in Singapore by analysing its development over the years. The teaching of Chinese literature began with the first wave of Chinese migration to Nanyang in the 19th century, and from there, it went through three phases of development: relocation, adjustment, and burgeoning. 展开更多
关键词 teaching Chinese literature in Singapore Chinese literature Nanyang characteristics teaching Chinese as secondary language
The Research on Historical Evolution and Inheritance Development of Ansai waist drum in China
作者 Feng YANG 《International English Education Research》 2015年第1期1-3,共3页
This article from the perspective of sports science and sociology to explain the origin and development ofansai waist drum, analyzes the historical evolution of ansai waist drum, analysis of ansai waist drum in proble... This article from the perspective of sports science and sociology to explain the origin and development ofansai waist drum, analyzes the historical evolution of ansai waist drum, analysis of ansai waist drum in problems existing in the process of development, and according to the analysis and the reality put forward the countermeasures of development of ansai waist drum inheritance: transmission of ansai waist drum based on school, and innovation of art form, "waist drum troupe" building, the establishment of various rules and regulations and the drummer cultivation mechanism and strengthening network, books, magazines and other publicity and performances. 展开更多
关键词 Ansai waist drum Historical Evolution Inheritance Development
Use of Innovative Contracting Methods by Dots - Project Managers Speak
作者 Edward Minchin Ralph D. Ellis +1 位作者 Jae-Ho Pyeon Jichao Zhan 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第8期14-26,共13页
Alternative contracting techniques have been frequently used in highway construction in the United State and have played an important role in the effort to improve construction project performance. However, it is stil... Alternative contracting techniques have been frequently used in highway construction in the United State and have played an important role in the effort to improve construction project performance. However, it is still unknown whether which project factors have significant influence on project performance. It is essential to learn from the experiences and opinions of construction project managers who had executed innovative or alternative contracts in order to improve and refine the usage of alternative contracting methods. Innovative contracting methods have been used by state Departments of Transportation for many years, so there is now sufficient data to measure the effectiveness of these innovations. Working under a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the research team used the experiences and opinions of construction field engineers who had executed innovative contracts on FDOT projects to measure the effectiveness of these systems. To that end, interviews were conducted with FDOT and consultant personnel from across Florida. All interviewed were project managers who had overseen at least one project using an innovative contracting method. Discussions brought enthusiastic responses from those interviewed, both for and against certain innovations. This paper will focus on the experiences and opinions of those experienced construction field engineers dealing with well-known innovations, as well as newer innovations such as "Detour Rental" and "Damage Recovery". 展开更多
关键词 Alternative contracting highway construction A+B incentive/disincentive DESIGN-BUILD CM-at-Risk.
Integrating Climate Change Factors into Environmental Planning Innovation of the National 12^(th) Five Year Development Plan towards Climate Change in China
作者 Yang Xiao Li Yangfan Yin Rongyao Sun Xiang Zhu Xiaodong 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第4期42-48,共7页
Effects on sustainable development of climate change have been going further nowadays.National Five Year Development Plan in China should have specific policies on how to take climate change impacts into account throu... Effects on sustainable development of climate change have been going further nowadays.National Five Year Development Plan in China should have specific policies on how to take climate change impacts into account through the environmental planning.Key fields distribute in three levels of natural bearing capacity,production system and human settlements,and include seven aspects:ecosystems,water resources,disasters and risks,low-carbon economy,vulnerable departments,urbanization,and coastland. 展开更多
关键词 climate change environmental planning innovation the 12th Five Year Development Plan
曲家魏良辅是乐籍中人说——兼谈乐籍群体、教坊体制对昆曲和传统曲牌的意义 被引量:3
作者 程晖晖 《中国音乐学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期29-35,共7页
魏良辅是戏曲史和音乐史上著名人物,其身份、生平和对昆曲的贡献一直是学界研究热点。笔者在此综合多种学说和材料,进一步提出他是乐籍中人,从乐籍文化视角对其身份、隶属机构、生卒年代和籍贯作多层次研讨,并提出对昆曲和传统曲牌创承... 魏良辅是戏曲史和音乐史上著名人物,其身份、生平和对昆曲的贡献一直是学界研究热点。笔者在此综合多种学说和材料,进一步提出他是乐籍中人,从乐籍文化视角对其身份、隶属机构、生卒年代和籍贯作多层次研讨,并提出对昆曲和传统曲牌创承的一点看法,指出曲家魏良辅精神的可贵之处。 展开更多
关键词 魏良辅 乐籍 教坊 昆曲 曲牌 创承
“锔”与“缮”的传统手工艺设计实践 被引量:2
作者 罗显怡 陈涛 《装饰》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期128-129,共2页
锔瓷与金缮均为以瓷器修复为目的的传统手工艺。本文以"锔瓷造器"设计制作实践为例,将本无使用价值的破损瓷片,按一定的设计构想,融合锔瓷与金缮两种工艺,再造兼具艺术性、情感性和实用性的现代生活器物,以时尚化设计方式和... 锔瓷与金缮均为以瓷器修复为目的的传统手工艺。本文以"锔瓷造器"设计制作实践为例,将本无使用价值的破损瓷片,按一定的设计构想,融合锔瓷与金缮两种工艺,再造兼具艺术性、情感性和实用性的现代生活器物,以时尚化设计方式和可持续设计观念对两种传统手工艺进行创新发展探索。 展开更多
关键词 锔瓷 金缮 创承 再造 设计实践
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