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作者 张玉 胡庆林 《沧州师范学院学报》 2007年第3期75-77,共3页
黄骅市官庄的创置先斯院赡田碑,系明朝崇祯九年(1636)时任长芦盐运使的韩应龙所立,距今已371年了。"创置先斯院赡田碑记"记载了韩应龙捐出俸禄救助残疾人的全过程,不仅纠正了乾隆八年《沧州志》、民国22年《沧县志》中所载碑... 黄骅市官庄的创置先斯院赡田碑,系明朝崇祯九年(1636)时任长芦盐运使的韩应龙所立,距今已371年了。"创置先斯院赡田碑记"记载了韩应龙捐出俸禄救助残疾人的全过程,不仅纠正了乾隆八年《沧州志》、民国22年《沧县志》中所载碑文的一些谬误,而且为我们了解明末沧州地方史提供了珍贵的史料。 展开更多
关键词 黄骅官庄 置先院赡田啤 韩应龙
课堂教学中实施创新教育 被引量:4
作者 于海霞 《科技创新导报》 2009年第32期115-115,共1页
关键词 课堂教学 创斯教育
陕西省发展循环经济的若干思考 被引量:2
作者 刘轶 《陕西省行政学院陕西省经济管理干部学院学报》 2006年第1期51-54,共4页
循环经济是以最大限度地利用进入生产和消费系统的物质和能量、提高经济运行的质量和效益、实现经济发展与节约资源、保护环境相协调的一种新型经济发展模式。从资源、环境现状以及经济社会发展的长远目标来看,陕西应注重循环经济的发展... 循环经济是以最大限度地利用进入生产和消费系统的物质和能量、提高经济运行的质量和效益、实现经济发展与节约资源、保护环境相协调的一种新型经济发展模式。从资源、环境现状以及经济社会发展的长远目标来看,陕西应注重循环经济的发展,努力实现陕西经济增长方式的根本性转变:必须摒弃传统观念;努力走新型工业化道路;实行经济结构的战略性调整;积极培植绿色环保产业;注重制度创新。 展开更多
关键词 循环经济 新型工业化 制度创斯
作者 李锦宏 《商业时代》 北大核心 2008年第19期96-97,共2页
与其他产业相比,教育在产业属性、效率与公平、资源配置等方面都具有独特的内在属性。从我国的国情出发,探讨如何利用市场机制提高教育资源的配置效率,如何澄清传统意义上政府包揽教育的思维,对我国教育制度的改革与创新具有重要的现实... 与其他产业相比,教育在产业属性、效率与公平、资源配置等方面都具有独特的内在属性。从我国的国情出发,探讨如何利用市场机制提高教育资源的配置效率,如何澄清传统意义上政府包揽教育的思维,对我国教育制度的改革与创新具有重要的现实意义。本文立足于此,运用经济学的理论方法对其进行一系列的探索性分析和研究,以期对教育民营化的探讨提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 教育民营化 教育市场化 制度创斯
作者 易惠莉 《近代中国》 2011年第1期82-151,共70页
1914年袁世凯北洋政府设立以赵尔巽为总裁的清史馆,清史编纂工作就此启动。就于1927年大致完稿的《清史稿》而言,列传计316卷,其中盛宣怀、瑞潋两人独立一卷,卷末附史论如下:论日:辛亥革命,乱机久伏,特以铁路国有为发端耳。宣怀实创斯议... 1914年袁世凯北洋政府设立以赵尔巽为总裁的清史馆,清史编纂工作就此启动。就于1927年大致完稿的《清史稿》而言,列传计316卷,其中盛宣怀、瑞潋两人独立一卷,卷末附史论如下:论日:辛亥革命,乱机久伏,特以铁路国有为发端耳。宣怀实创斯议,遂为首恶。鄂变猝起,瑞潋遽弃城走,当国优柔,不能明正以法。各省督抚遂先后皆不顾,走者走,变者变,大势乃不可问矣。呜呼.如瑞潋者,谥以罪首,尚何辞哉~①? 展开更多
关键词 清史 发端 罪首 史论 创斯 走者 变者
作者 朱志清 黄其松 《四川师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2003年第4期1-5,共5页
中国二十多年的经济体制改革,在理论和实践上都积淀了丰硕的成果。这场改革具有两个鲜明特点:(1)从改革方式看,是“渐进式改革”;(2)从改革内容看,是“创新式改革”。两个特点交相辉映,共同演绎出了一曲举世瞩目的华彩乐章,构造了中华... 中国二十多年的经济体制改革,在理论和实践上都积淀了丰硕的成果。这场改革具有两个鲜明特点:(1)从改革方式看,是“渐进式改革”;(2)从改革内容看,是“创新式改革”。两个特点交相辉映,共同演绎出了一曲举世瞩目的华彩乐章,构造了中华民族走向伟大复兴的重要前奏。充分认识和理解两个特点及其相互关系,是总结这场改革运动丰富经验的重要方面,并对于进一步深化经济体制改革和推进整个改革开放大业具有重要借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 经济体制改革 特点 渐进式改革 创斯式改革
作者 权美香 李洪旭 《中国外资》 2009年第6期81-81,共1页
随着市场经济特别是资本市场的不断发展,现代企业财务管理在企业管理中扮演着越来越重要的角色。企业管理的实践证明,财务管理是企业管理的核心。资本是财务活动的基本要素。财务管理是以资本收益最大为目标。对企业资本进行优化配置... 随着市场经济特别是资本市场的不断发展,现代企业财务管理在企业管理中扮演着越来越重要的角色。企业管理的实践证明,财务管理是企业管理的核心。资本是财务活动的基本要素。财务管理是以资本收益最大为目标。对企业资本进行优化配置和有效利用,要从管理目标、融资内容、资本结构、风险管理方法、财务分析以及分配方式等方面进行创新的必要性和具体创新内容。 展开更多
关键词 市场经济 财务管理 创斯
Anatomy of the 3D Innovation Production With the Cobb-Douglas Specification
作者 Quan Hoang Vuong Nancy K. Napier 《Sociology Study》 2013年第1期69-78,共10页
This paper focuses on verifying the relevance of two theoretical propositions and related empirical investigation about the relationship between creativity and entrepreneurship. It draws upon a creativity process that... This paper focuses on verifying the relevance of two theoretical propositions and related empirical investigation about the relationship between creativity and entrepreneurship. It draws upon a creativity process that considers three "dimensions" or "disciplines" (3D) critical for creative organizations--within discipline expertise, out of discipline knowledge, and a disciplined creative process. The paper first explores the Cobb-Douglas production function as a relevant tool for modeling the 3D creative process. The next part discusses the 3D process as a production function, which is modeled following the well-known Cobb-Douglas specification. Last, the paper offers implications for future research on disciplined creativity/innovation as a method of improving organizations' creative performance. The modeling shows that labor and investment can readily enter into the 3D creativity process as inputs. These two inputs are meaningful in explaining where innovation outputs come from and how they can be measured, with a reasonable theoretical decomposition. It is not true that the more capital investments in the creativity process, the better the level of innovation production, but firm's human resource management and expenditures should pay attention to optimal levels of capital and labor stocks, in a combination that helps reach highest possible innovation output. 展开更多
关键词 Organization of production firm behavior business economics creativity/innovation processes Cobb-Douglas productionfunction
Innovation in Choreography of Leonid Yakobson
作者 Rita Spalva 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第10期657-662,共6页
To this day, the name of choreographer Leonid Yakobson is known only among the dance professionals. However his ballets and dance miniatures, along with the surprising choice of imagery and ballet language, testify th... To this day, the name of choreographer Leonid Yakobson is known only among the dance professionals. However his ballets and dance miniatures, along with the surprising choice of imagery and ballet language, testify that Yakobson has been one of the most outstanding choreographers of the 20th century. The aim of the article is to analyse Leonid Yakobson's most distinguished choreographic works. The chosen theme emphasises inovation in the choreographer's creative work. The chosen research method is analysis of the choreographed works of Leonid Yakobson.The article results show that his art, based on the experience of the Russian classical school of ballet, combines the early 20th century avant-garde principles with influences from the greatest choreographers of the Russian ballet. 展开更多
关键词 CHOREOGRAPHER Leonid Yakobson Russian ballet INNOVATION
Emmanuel Levinas: Hermeneutics, Ethics, and Art 被引量:1
作者 Hanoch Ben-Pazi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期588-600,共13页
This article draws attention to the subject of art in Levinas's thinking through consideration of his philosophical language, which is aided by images, metaphors, and idioms of art. The primary image that will accomp... This article draws attention to the subject of art in Levinas's thinking through consideration of his philosophical language, which is aided by images, metaphors, and idioms of art. The primary image that will accompany our discussion throughout this article is the image of art as shadow, which Levinas incorporates into the title of the essay which he devotes to the subject of art: "Reality and Its Shadow". Thinking about art from the perspective of Levinas means thinking about image and essence, about which is visible before us and which we cannot see, and about the different ways in which art can express itself. Levinas's theory of interpretation is grounded in and guided by the field of ethics and addresses the ethical aspects of interpretation. Levinas approaches the discourse of interpretation not out of na'ivet6 but rather based on a deep understanding of the field of hermeneutics, with all its shortcomings and challenges. Thinking of hermeneutics from an ethical perspective is no mere addition to the discussion but the very crux of the matter. An attempt to understand interpretation as an act of exposing the truth encounters serious philosophical and logical difficulties, whether we are seeking to discover the intention of the artist, the intent of a specific work of art, or a hidden form within the work itself. The engagement with Levinas's theory of hermeneutics, however, raises a different question which is the focus of this article: Can Levinas's theory of interpretation be applied to the realm of artistic creation, and if so, how? This question is sharpened by the difficulties that Levinas himself poses to his readers by designating art as the "shadow" of reality and drawing attention to the egoistic dimension of the artistic act. 展开更多
关键词 Emmanuel Levinas HERMENEUTICS ETHICS ART Jewish philosophy PHENOMENOLOGY
Strategies to Promote Regional Innovation
作者 Andriele De Pra Carvalho Paula Regina Zarelli Marco Antonio Harms Dias 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第10期466-478,共13页
A favorable environment for the exchange of information and innovation is able to provide the economic and social progress. Thus, this article aims to propose a study methodology to develop strategies for promoting te... A favorable environment for the exchange of information and innovation is able to provide the economic and social progress. Thus, this article aims to propose a study methodology to develop strategies for promoting technological innovation, to answer the research question: What actions to leverage the innovative potential of a region? Data were collected through qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study was characterized as exploratory, descriptive, and inventory. The study sample was composed of the industrial spectrum of Francisco Beltrao region. Innovation indexes were identified companies operating in areas of greatest economic importance. Representatives of the companies were interviewed for the researcher could analyze their knowledge of the laws that encourage innovation and actions imposed by the interested parties and the municipal government. Interested parties were also interviewed to verify the effectiveness of actions. The main results indicated a low overall rate of innovation of companies in the Francisco Beltrao region. Another point was the very low number of companies they knew about laws and incentives. The higher content of knowledge of these laws and actions of stakeholders were among the companies participating in the single business hub of the city looking for technological innovation. The main conclusions brought proposed strategies to promote technological innovation. 展开更多
关键词 regional development innovation management sustainable development INNOVATION SUSTAINABLE management
Writing as Painting: Creative Scholarly Writing From H616ne Cixous' Post-structuralism and Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Body Phenomenology
作者 Virpi Yliraudanjoki 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第8期525-531,共7页
This paper deals with scholarly writing and a testing and experimental review of its related conventions. The author applies to her review of the subject a theoretical stimulus that returns to the starting point of H6... This paper deals with scholarly writing and a testing and experimental review of its related conventions. The author applies to her review of the subject a theoretical stimulus that returns to the starting point of H616ne Cixous' (2008) post-structuralism and Maurice Merleau-Ponty's (2012) phenomenology of the body. The author becomes open to meditation on the topic as a bodily soothsayer redeeming permission for creative scholarly writing using the intuitively associative method and style of writing which she has developed. The author suggests that a theoretical starting point located in post-structuralism and the phenomenology of the body offers the possibility to equate creative scholarly writing with painting. The aim of this paper is to start from post-structuralism and the phenomenology of the body and to conceive a new method of understanding and adapting creative scholarly writing, while the author allows herself to perceive and write in her intuitively associative style. 展开更多
关键词 creative scholarly writing intuitive associative PAINTING H616ne Cixous Maurice Merleau-Ponty
"My Hideous Progeny": Creative Monstrosity in the Works of Kiki Smith, Abigail Lane, and Cindy Sherman
作者 Maria Antonia Sousa Monteiro da Cunha Lima 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第4期277-285,共9页
The expression "My Hideous Progeny" is widely known to be taken from Mary Shelley's preface to the revised edition of Frankenstein (1831), in which she wrote, of the novel itself and of its creature, Frankenstein... The expression "My Hideous Progeny" is widely known to be taken from Mary Shelley's preface to the revised edition of Frankenstein (1831), in which she wrote, of the novel itself and of its creature, Frankenstein's monster. This paper argues that, if the monster is seen not only as the product of Frankenstein's workshop of filthy creation, but also as the child from whom Frankenstein as parent recoils in horror; the works of Kiki Smith, Abigail Lane, and Cindy Sherman, created out of body parts, may also be considered hideous progenies of female creativity. Like Mary Shelley's gothic novel, the body, in the work of these three women artists, is not only the raw material of their art, but also the screen on which we project our bad dreams. Through the art of Smith, Lane, and Sherman, we can certainly feel the shudder of body horror that ripples through the Gothic canon from Frankenstein, whose manmade monster's yellow skin barely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath. Departing from their artistic examples, we will be able to perceive how the monstrous feminine in contemporary art can be grounded in a very famous hallmark work of Gothic literature. 展开更多
关键词 creative monstrosity FRANKENSTEIN Mary Shelley Kiki Smith Abigail Lane Cindy Sherman
Russian Culture in Kazakh Prose
作者 Yermekova Zhannat Mayra Kadeyeva 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第1期60-64,共5页
The article draws attention to the linguistic consciousness of a bilingual Kazakh writer D. Nakipov formed under the influence of Russian culture. The peculiar way of thinking about reality is fixed in a work of ficti... The article draws attention to the linguistic consciousness of a bilingual Kazakh writer D. Nakipov formed under the influence of Russian culture. The peculiar way of thinking about reality is fixed in a work of fiction by means of special speech techniques, verbal images of not only his native language culture, but the culture he grew up in. 展开更多
International School of Egyptology of Adolf Erman
作者 Kateryna Gamaliia 《Sociology Study》 2014年第1期52-60,共9页
The world admired Ancient Egypt since its conquest by the Roman Empire, For Europe, it was a dreamlike country full of wonders and magic, only in the beginning of the nineteenth century, the romantic interest gave way... The world admired Ancient Egypt since its conquest by the Roman Empire, For Europe, it was a dreamlike country full of wonders and magic, only in the beginning of the nineteenth century, the romantic interest gave way to serious scientific research. The founders of Egyptology widely known, hut the name of one of them, the German Egyptologist Adolf Erman, is rarely found in modern monographs of Western researches, dedicated to the history of Egypt. At the same time in Russia, where researches in the field of Egyptology have been started only in the late nineteenth century, a special attention was paid to Erman's works. The objective of this work was to evaluate the significant contribution of A. Erman to the development of the world and in particular Russian Egyptology. Analysis of Erman's, his disciples' and followers' works showed that he was the founder of the Berlin school of Egyptology which has brought up such famous Egyptologists as L. Borchardt, K. Zeta, H. Muller, G. Roeder, H. Schaefer, G. Shteindorf, and others. His influence went far beyond Germany: Among his students, there were researchers from England, the United States of America, and italy. Erman left a remarkable imprint on Russian Egyptology. B. Turayev and V. Struve were taught by Erman, then they became followers of this science at home; some of their students undertook an internship at Erman's school as well. After returning home the Russian researchers created works on the history and culture of ancient Egypt, lecturedon Egyptology in universities. As a result, Russian schools of Egyptology were founded by B. Turayev and V. Struve, the members of which proceeded to work on the history of Egypt and Ancient Orient, transferring their knowledge to the next generation. 展开更多
关键词 Ancient Egypt transferring of knowledge scientific school Russian Egyptology
Collegian Cultural Form of the American Entrepreneurial Universities and Its Enlightenment
作者 Fan Yulian Lu Liping Hu Weixia Zhang Suying 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期79-81,共3页
The cultural form of entrepreneurial university has the academic entrepreneurial characteristics, which agrees with the background of economic era. MIT and Stanford University are the models of American entrepreneuria... The cultural form of entrepreneurial university has the academic entrepreneurial characteristics, which agrees with the background of economic era. MIT and Stanford University are the models of American entrepreneurial universities, and the spiritual culture, system culture, material culture and behavior culture elements of academic entrepreneurial characteristics depend on each other, influence each other and have a good cycle of cultural form, which is the internal driving mechanism of MIT and Stanford University towards entrepreneurial university development. In this cultural structure, the contradictory unity of academic and entrepreneurship, tile interaction between science and hummaity, the mutual promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship have the enlightenment significance for the construction of entrepreneurial university. 展开更多
关键词 AMERICA entrepreneurial maiversity university cultural form ENLIGHTENMENT
Impact of the Technological and Organizational Change on the Productivity and the Structure of Skill in the Tunisians Firms
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第4期254-267,共14页
The introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the operation of businesses seems to contribute to the occurrence of important changes in the organizational practices, which, in turn, have an... The introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the operation of businesses seems to contribute to the occurrence of important changes in the organizational practices, which, in turn, have an undeniable effect on the productivity and the request for qualification. Accordingly, this paper suggests an evaluation of the impact of technological and organizational innovations on the economic performances of the Tunisian firms (productivity and employment) in the period between 1997 and 2000. The technological innovations are approximated by the investments in software and hardware, and those are related to the organization of the costs of subcontracting. 展开更多
关键词 information and communication technologies (ICT) organizational change PRODUCTIVITY SKILL Tunisianfirms
Analysis of incidence of traumatic brain injury in blunt trauma patients with Glasgow Coma Scale of 12 or less 被引量:7
作者 Alexander Becket Kobi Peleg +3 位作者 Oded Olsha Adi Givon Boris Kessel Israeli Trauma Group 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2018年第3期152-155,共4页
Purpose: Early diagnosis of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is important for improving survival and neurologic outcome in trauma victims. The purpose of this study was to assess whether Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 1... Purpose: Early diagnosis of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is important for improving survival and neurologic outcome in trauma victims. The purpose of this study was to assess whether Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 12 or less can predict the presence of TBl and the severity of associated injuries in blunt trauma patients. Methods: A retrospective cohort study including 303,435 blunt trauma patients who were transferred from the scene to hospital from 1998 to 2013. The data was obtained from the records of the National Trauma Registry maintained by Israel's National Center for Trauma and Emergency Medicine Research, in the Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy Research. All blunt trauma patients with GCS 12 or less were included in this study. Data collected in the registry include age, gender, mechanism of injury, GCS, initial blood pressure, presence of TBI and incidence of associated injuries. Patients younger than 14 years old and trauma victims with GCS 13-15 were excluded from the study. Statistical analysis was performed by using Statistical Analysis Software Version 9.2. Statistical tests performed included Chi-square tests. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: There were 303,435 blunt trauma patients, 8731 (2.9%) of them with GCS of 3-12 that including 6351 (72%) patients with GCS of 3-8 and 2380 (28%) patient with GCS of 9--12. In these 8731 patients with GCS of 3-12, 5372 (61.5%) patients had TBI. There were total 1404 unstable patients in all the blunt trauma patients with GCS of 3-12,1256 (89%) patients with GCS 3-8, 148 (11%) patients with GCS 9-12. In the 5095 stable blunt trauma patients with GCS 3-8, 32.4% of them had no TB1. The rate in the 2232 stable blunt trauma patients with GCS 9-12 was 50.1%. In the unstable patients with GCS 3-8, 60.5% of them had TBI, and in subgroup of patients with GCS 9-12, only 37.2% suffered from TBI. Conclusion: The utility of a GCS 12 and less is limited in prediction of brain injury in multiple trauma patients. Significant proportion of trauma victims with low GCS had no TBI and their impaired neurological status is related to severe extra-cranial injuries. The findings of this study showed that using of GCS in initial triage and decision making processes in blunt trauma patients needs to be re-evaluated. 展开更多
关键词 Multiple trauma TRANSFER Glasgow Coma Scale
Joining Hands for New Splendor In the New Era
作者 Xi Jinping 《Beijing Review》 2018年第51期I0001-I0004,共4页
I am delighted to visit Spain,a beautiful and richly endowed kingdom,at the kind invitation of King Felipe VI.This will be the first stop of my trip that takes me to Europe and Latin America for state visits and for t... I am delighted to visit Spain,a beautiful and richly endowed kingdom,at the kind invitation of King Felipe VI.This will be the first stop of my trip that takes me to Europe and Latin America for state visits and for the G20Buenos Aires Summit. 展开更多
关键词 visit Spain richly endowed kingdom King Felipe VI
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