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作者 曾国贵 《陕西教育(教学)》 2003年第10期38-38,共1页
学习了新的课程理念,我一直在习作教学方面努力探索,在教学实践中有以下体会:走进学生的心灵世界;激发强烈的写作欲望;拓展广泛的习作空间。习作课应该是开放而富有创新活力的,学生创造性习作的前提是创造性的习作指导,下面我以一次习... 学习了新的课程理念,我一直在习作教学方面努力探索,在教学实践中有以下体会:走进学生的心灵世界;激发强烈的写作欲望;拓展广泛的习作空间。习作课应该是开放而富有创新活力的,学生创造性习作的前提是创造性的习作指导,下面我以一次习作课为例谈谈我的做法: 展开更多
关键词 创新习作 课程理念 习作教学 习作指导 语文 课程标准 审美情感 小学
作者 孙凌云 《文理导航》 2014年第36期42-42,共1页
关键词 抓住细节 习作创新 策略思考
作者 李春玲 《天津教育》 北大核心 2002年第4期36-36,共1页
关键词 学生 习作创新素质 语文 教学法 小学语文
作者 刘春芝 王晶 《延边教育学院学报》 2011年第2期42-44,共3页
关键词 作文教学 习作创新 指导 方法 途径
作者 蓝雅 《读与写(上旬)》 2021年第1期159-159,共1页
关键词 习作创新 契机 逆转 求异 巧合
作者 彭乃明 《赤峰学院学报(作文教学研究)》 2004年第11期33-34,共2页
叶圣陶说:“学习作文,必须根据经验,从实际生活流注出来,那才合乎所以要写作文的本意。”这是学生“有米可炊”和写好作文的关键,更是克服学生害怕作文和培养兴趣的关键,所以我们必须改变过去“一刀切”的做法,少些命题作文,多... 叶圣陶说:“学习作文,必须根据经验,从实际生活流注出来,那才合乎所以要写作文的本意。”这是学生“有米可炊”和写好作文的关键,更是克服学生害怕作文和培养兴趣的关键,所以我们必须改变过去“一刀切”的做法,少些命题作文,多些自由作文(这也是新课标改“作文”称“习作”的原因之一)。如“记一次野炊活动”大多数学生都写得雷同像流水账。这次笔者把它换为“野炊中的小故事”。 展开更多
关键词 小学 习作创新 语文 作文命题 课程标准
作者 刘璐 《小学生作文辅导(语文园地)》 2021年第3期85-85,共1页
在农村小学语文教学中存在最多的问题就是习作教学。据调查,小学生最不愿意完成的作业是写作文,即便完成也是那种流水账式的文章,因此,从当前农村校本课程的开发与研究的情况来看,习作教学仍然需要各位语文教师足够重视,毕竟习作的练习... 在农村小学语文教学中存在最多的问题就是习作教学。据调查,小学生最不愿意完成的作业是写作文,即便完成也是那种流水账式的文章,因此,从当前农村校本课程的开发与研究的情况来看,习作教学仍然需要各位语文教师足够重视,毕竟习作的练习能帮助学生提升语言表达能力。 展开更多
关键词 小学语文 农村教育 习作创新 校本课程开发 途径
作者 王梦凡 陈善为 《文教资料》 2024年第8期121-123,142,共4页
项目式学习是一种围绕特定主题展开、学生以任务驱动进行合作探究的动态学习方法。针对目前小学语文习作教学中存在的教学目标模糊、内容抽象等问题,文章通过分析项目式学习与小学习作教学的关联性,提出用项目式学习的方式重构习作教学... 项目式学习是一种围绕特定主题展开、学生以任务驱动进行合作探究的动态学习方法。针对目前小学语文习作教学中存在的教学目标模糊、内容抽象等问题,文章通过分析项目式学习与小学习作教学的关联性,提出用项目式学习的方式重构习作教学的实施路径。项目式学习能够改变传统习作教学模式并优化习作过程中的评价方式,让学生通过自主实践和合作探究,在真实情境中进行写作,从而提高学生的综合能力,使其将学到的知识真正内化为自身的能力。 展开更多
关键词 项目式学习 习作教学 习作创新 实施路径
作者 赵瑞杰 《中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育》 2024年第3期0043-0046,共4页
习作教学一直以来就是语文教学中的难点,存在的现象是语文教师怕上作文课,小学生怕老师让写作文。大部分孩子的习作存在抄袭、说假话、内容不符合实际等现象。很多的老师面对一篇篇,索然无味、内容空洞的文章叹息不止。语文老师有可能... 习作教学一直以来就是语文教学中的难点,存在的现象是语文教师怕上作文课,小学生怕老师让写作文。大部分孩子的习作存在抄袭、说假话、内容不符合实际等现象。很多的老师面对一篇篇,索然无味、内容空洞的文章叹息不止。语文老师有可能不曾想到,学生们的习作缺乏独立性、缺乏真情、缺乏创新等问题,其主要的原因是老师们的作文教学方法存在着一定的问题。对作文教学方法及创新进行探讨对小学语文老师来说是非常必要的,因为消极习作心理除了会影响孩子们写作能力的提高之外,还会阻碍学生们整体素质的提高和个性的发展。时代在进步,社会在发展,作文教学方法也要做到与时俱进,改变学生们对写作的认知,让学生们对写作产生兴趣,更好的继承和发展祖国五千年的文明和文化,是语文老师的责任和使命。 展开更多
关键词 习作创新 重要性 教学方法
作者 肖尧书 《中学生作文指导》 2021年第34期0010-0010,共1页
随着素质化教学理念在小学中的普遍推行,小学语文中的习作教学也迎来了多元化的教学策略。但是小学作文的写作指导方式方法纵然有千变万化,但“万变不离其宗”--“习作提纲”始终处于十分重要的地位。因此教师如何解决当前小学生不会列... 随着素质化教学理念在小学中的普遍推行,小学语文中的习作教学也迎来了多元化的教学策略。但是小学作文的写作指导方式方法纵然有千变万化,但“万变不离其宗”--“习作提纲”始终处于十分重要的地位。因此教师如何解决当前小学生不会列提纲、不懂列提纲以及提纲构思缺乏内在联系等一系列问题,帮助小学生学会以问题为导向,查找出自身在习作练习过程中存在的问题,并通过科学学习方法来及时纠正错误十分关键。 展开更多
关键词 作文提纲 小学习作 创新习作教学
作者 邵建苹 《学苑教育》 2012年第11期28-28,共1页
“小学语文课程标准”提出了第二学段的习作教学要求,要达到这个目标,除了让学生产生习作兴趣,掌握正确习作方法外,必须要使学生有话可写,即采用以生活为素材习作、发挥想象习作、创设情景习作等习作方法,把“封闭式习作”转化为... “小学语文课程标准”提出了第二学段的习作教学要求,要达到这个目标,除了让学生产生习作兴趣,掌握正确习作方法外,必须要使学生有话可写,即采用以生活为素材习作、发挥想象习作、创设情景习作等习作方法,把“封闭式习作”转化为“开放式习作”。 展开更多
关键词 新课改 习作创新 小学作文
作者 蒋夕洲 《教师》 2018年第28期50-51,共2页
微信是一个较好的学生自我表达的平台,学生特别愿意在微信上用朴实而真挚的语言记录生活点滴.这正好贴切地体现《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》明确指出的“积极合理利用信息技术和网络的优势,丰富写作形式,激发写作兴趣,增加学... 微信是一个较好的学生自我表达的平台,学生特别愿意在微信上用朴实而真挚的语言记录生活点滴.这正好贴切地体现《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》明确指出的“积极合理利用信息技术和网络的优势,丰富写作形式,激发写作兴趣,增加学生创造性表达、展示互助与交流的机会”的理念.作者积极探索和实践“微信时代”下的作文指导,将微信与小学生作文教学巧妙结合,将“生活激趣促表达——微信记录生活,激发表达欲望”“积累素材促创作一微信积累素材,激发创作灵感”“互评互议促升华——微信评议作文,激发情感升华”三个环节形成一体,让微信平台成为学生写作的训练场,学生自主写出富有个性、具有真情实感、热爱生活、积极向上、充满童真童趣、富有想象和创造性的文章. 展开更多
关键词 微信 热爱生活 激发兴趣 习作创新 真情实感
作者 徐文玉 《科教导刊(电子版)》 2016年第4期53-53,共1页
听是获得信息、摄取知识和发展智力的重要途径。重视听说教学,加强学生口头表达能力的培养是语文教学中不可忽视的环节。跨越式网站中的识字通为积累词汇提供了便捷有利的条件,在生字教学中要有意识地引导孩子们积累词汇。网站资料城... 听是获得信息、摄取知识和发展智力的重要途径。重视听说教学,加强学生口头表达能力的培养是语文教学中不可忽视的环节。跨越式网站中的识字通为积累词汇提供了便捷有利的条件,在生字教学中要有意识地引导孩子们积累词汇。网站资料城中的阅读材料为学生的创新写作提供了很好的范例,使学生的习作仿中有创、创中有仿。阅读水平和写作能力得到同步提高。 展开更多
关键词 听说教学 网络资源 阅读能力 学习迁移 创新习作
作者 林晓敏 《教学月刊(小学版)(语文)》 2021年第1期87-89,共3页
关键词 高段习作 创新习作
Writing Haiku in a Second Language: Perceptions, Attitudes, and Emotions of Second Language Learners 被引量:1
作者 Atsushi lida 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第9期1472-1485,共14页
The aim of the current study is to discuss the value of poetry writing in an L2 (second language) by investigating perceptions, attitudes, and emotions of 20 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) college freshmen re... The aim of the current study is to discuss the value of poetry writing in an L2 (second language) by investigating perceptions, attitudes, and emotions of 20 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) college freshmen regarding writing Japanese poetry, haiku in English. This paper first discussed issues and uses of literature in L2 contexts and addressed the current empirical inquiry into L2 haiku writing as a method for L2 learning. The study was designed as a qualitative research which investigated the participants' reflection on writing L2 haikus for six weeks in an EFL college writing course. The data obtained was analyzed by using the coding system and showed that writing haiku in the target language was a challenging but valuable task for L2 learning among the EFL students. Especially haiku composition allowed them to develop their L2 linguistic awareness 展开更多
关键词 poetry writing HAIKU perceptions and attitudes EFL (English as a Foreign Language) contexts
The Effective of Short Movie Innovation on Pharmacology Knowledge
作者 Singkun Awirut 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第9期911-916,共6页
The integration of compute.r technology in education allows students to have better comprehension of the subject content, and suitable learning material can make learning activity more attractive. The objectives of th... The integration of compute.r technology in education allows students to have better comprehension of the subject content, and suitable learning material can make learning activity more attractive. The objectives of this development research were the evaluation of short movie production as innovative learning material and the knowledge comparison between traditional learning and learning through short movie. Three licensed pharmacists, i.e., the experts, proofread the screenplay of the movie. The study subjects consisted of 68 public health students--A control group and 31 of whom saw the movie--An experiment group. The results showed that the highest mean score was o^L understanding about the "group of anti-bacterial agents", while the lowest mean score was on "recommendation of time used". Evaluation of the short movie innovation showed the highest mean score in the item "the film can be used as the objective's direction" and the lowest mean score in the item "the film is usefully material". The students who watched the short movie had significantly higher level of knowledge at the end than those who underwent conventional learning (p 〈 0.001). For future studies, films that are useful for other subject areas should be produced. 展开更多
作者 史小燕 《小学教学参考(综合版)》 2018年第8期51-53,共3页
基础教育阶段的美术课程目标是通过美术教学发展学生的审美素养,提高他们对美的理解、鉴赏与创造的能力。课堂教学质量的高低,在一定程度上影响着美术课程教育理念的实施,以及学生审美艺术等综合素养的提升。教师可以通过激发审美兴... 基础教育阶段的美术课程目标是通过美术教学发展学生的审美素养,提高他们对美的理解、鉴赏与创造的能力。课堂教学质量的高低,在一定程度上影响着美术课程教育理念的实施,以及学生审美艺术等综合素养的提升。教师可以通过激发审美兴趣、陶冶情操、动手实践、习作创新等教学策略,促进学生的学习创作,实现构建美术高效课堂的目的。 展开更多
关键词 小学美术 高效课堂 参与率 互动率 动手实践 习作创新
Experimental Vehicles Program Aides in Innovative Hands-on Learning Experiences
作者 Saeed Foroudastan Brigette Prater Thompson 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第4期253-260,共8页
The EVP (experimental vehicles program) was created in 2004 as an umbrella program for five different undergraduate experimental vehicle design teams. These projects consist of the Solar Vehicle, Moonbuggy, Baja SAE... The EVP (experimental vehicles program) was created in 2004 as an umbrella program for five different undergraduate experimental vehicle design teams. These projects consist of the Solar Vehicle, Moonbuggy, Baja SAE (sina app engine), Formula SAE and Solar Boat. The goal of the EVP is to foster undergraduate student development through hands-on construction of experimental vehicles with the guidance of faculty mentors and partnerships with both national and international industry leaders. Each EVP project performs a vital function in the professional development of students. The projects provide a forgiving environment in which students can test their classroom knowledge in a real-world setting and learn important skills such as leadership, effective communication and working as a team member. Furthermore, the students in the EVP develop highly versatile and qualified skill sets that will allow them to fill various positions within the workplace. In the past, 90% of EVP graduates have been able to obtain highly regarded national and international positions upon graduation due to their real-world experience gained throughout their involvement in the EVP. Each year the EVP sponsors up to 60 interdisciplinary students that come together in peer-led teams to combine and expand upon their classroom knowledge in building innovative vehicles. The successes of the MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University) EVP have been recognized by becoming the national model for hands-on engineering education; helping engineering students take classroom knowledge and apply it to real-world situations. Students work to design, construct, and test novel vehicle designs for participation in national and international competitions. Due to the competitive nature of each of the events, students must use cutting edge technology and design methods in order to create the best entries possible. Often times, this means creating partnerships with industry leaders who help mentor the students from the design conception, the fabrication through the manufacturing of each vehicle. 展开更多
关键词 Innovative vehicles professional development industry partnerships.
Innovation and Education: Construction of Interactivity Indicators to Collaborative and Immersive Learning
作者 Estefano Vizconde Veraszto Gilmar Barreto +1 位作者 Sergio Ferreira do Amaral Jose Tarcisio Franco de Camargo 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第12期1001-1007,共7页
Technological innovation, driven towards the educational context, has favored the concept of interactive technological environments that may significantly contribute towards the teaching-learning processes. In that se... Technological innovation, driven towards the educational context, has favored the concept of interactive technological environments that may significantly contribute towards the teaching-learning processes. In that sense, mapping interactivity indicators that consider technical and operational aspects, supported by the available technical literature and based on the perspective of undergraduate engineers and teachers, becomes a fundamental activity in order to build interactive environments that may in fact adequately contribute for the professional education of our students, mainly the ones in engineering courses. Specifically, this paper shows preliminary studies within this perspective, showing how technological innovation may be understood and applied in the educational context. The study also shows the first interactivity indicator for a collaborative learning perspective, obtained from data collected through a qualitative content analysis methodology. 展开更多
关键词 ENGINEERING statistical indicators INNOVATION immersive environments.
Research on Talent Cultivation Model and Application Based on Mobile Cloud Learning Technology-Taking Innovative Talent Cultivation as an Example
作者 DAI Lilan DU Qian YU Zefeng 《International English Education Research》 2018年第2期17-19,共3页
Mobile cloud learning and innovation and entrepreneurship education are undoubtedly one of the hot issues in the current development of human resources and education. At present, domestic colleges and universities sti... Mobile cloud learning and innovation and entrepreneurship education are undoubtedly one of the hot issues in the current development of human resources and education. At present, domestic colleges and universities still lack the industrialization model and platform that apply theory to practice areas, and apply the new mobile cloud learning technology to the research and practice of innovation and entrepreneurship training. 展开更多
关键词 Mobile cloud learning Innovation and entrepreneurship education Blended learning Talents training mode
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