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新媒体时代下记者采访编辑形式的创新策略探索 被引量:2
作者 杨幼媛 《记者观察(中)》 2019年第10期105-105,共1页
随着时代的发展,对于广播新闻记者来讲,新媒体时代所带来的不仅仅是挑战,更有大量机遇,在这种时代背景之下,记者有必要优化革新采访编辑形式,用以为公众呈现出更具时代特色的新闻报道。本文就新媒体时代下记者采访编辑形式的创新策略做... 随着时代的发展,对于广播新闻记者来讲,新媒体时代所带来的不仅仅是挑战,更有大量机遇,在这种时代背景之下,记者有必要优化革新采访编辑形式,用以为公众呈现出更具时代特色的新闻报道。本文就新媒体时代下记者采访编辑形式的创新策略做出了简单探析,以求能够为相关单位提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 新媒体时代 采访编辑形式 创新策
作者 张炜 胡筱荻 余勇孝 《中国品牌与防伪》 2024年第11期159-160,共2页
在信息化快速发展的今天,大数据已经成为企业提高运营管理水平的重要手段。大数据不仅可以帮助企业进行海量数据的采集与集成,而且可以利用先进的分析技术为企业提供深入分析与决策支持。在当今竞争激烈的市场环境下,企业必须不断地进... 在信息化快速发展的今天,大数据已经成为企业提高运营管理水平的重要手段。大数据不仅可以帮助企业进行海量数据的采集与集成,而且可以利用先进的分析技术为企业提供深入分析与决策支持。在当今竞争激烈的市场环境下,企业必须不断地进行经营战略的创新,才能适应市场变化与客户需求的转变。本文旨在探讨基于大数据技术的企业经营管理创新策略,分析其在决策制定、客户行为分析、运营效率优化和风险管理等方面的应用,为企业提供切实可行的指导和建议。 展开更多
关键词 大数据技术 企业经营管理 管理创新策
我国新型重化工业化与产业政策创新 被引量:1
作者 周力 周革非 《经济经纬》 北大核心 2005年第4期33-36,共4页
随着我国工业化的快速发展,工业重型化已成为我国经济发展的一个不可逾越的必经阶段。着力避免和克服工业化进程中传统重化工业发展所带来的生产方式粗放、高投入、高消耗、高污染等突出问题和弊端,必须要在不断加强和改善宏观调控、充... 随着我国工业化的快速发展,工业重型化已成为我国经济发展的一个不可逾越的必经阶段。着力避免和克服工业化进程中传统重化工业发展所带来的生产方式粗放、高投入、高消耗、高污染等突出问题和弊端,必须要在不断加强和改善宏观调控、充分发挥市场对资源配置的基础性作用的同时,充分发挥产业政策的引导作用,加快从产业结构政策、产业组织政策、产业布局政策、产业技术政策等方面实施创新,促进新型重化工业的健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 重工业化 产业政 创新策
作者 朱逸霏 《美术馆》 2024年第1期13-15,共3页
陈列展览是博物馆最核心的文化产品,是博物馆发挥公共文化服务功能的重要途径。观众喜闻乐见的精品展览,不仅可以满足人们精神文化需求,还能在促进社会文明进步和人的全面发展方面发挥积极作用。基于此,以南京市博物馆为例,分析了博物... 陈列展览是博物馆最核心的文化产品,是博物馆发挥公共文化服务功能的重要途径。观众喜闻乐见的精品展览,不仅可以满足人们精神文化需求,还能在促进社会文明进步和人的全面发展方面发挥积极作用。基于此,以南京市博物馆为例,分析了博物馆策展工作面临的挑战,总结了新态势下南京市博物馆的策展实践,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 博物馆展工作创新 南京市博物馆 展览模式
作者 谭秋勤 《当代经济》 2007年第4期78-79,共2页
关键词 运作思路 创新 住房抵押贷款证券化
作者 赵明霞 《东南传播》 2010年第11期28-31,共4页
关键词 典型报道 困境与原因 现实意义 创新
共谋高水平创新之策 共商产学研合作之举
作者 吴晓青 《中国科技产业》 2021年第8期1-2,共2页
今天我们在中国科学院学术会堂召开企业家科学家座谈会,科技界企业界的代表以及来自产学研一线的各界同仁齐聚一堂,可谓高朋满座。首先请允许我代表中国产学研合作促进会路甬祥会长向大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎!向入选《中国产学研合作... 今天我们在中国科学院学术会堂召开企业家科学家座谈会,科技界企业界的代表以及来自产学研一线的各界同仁齐聚一堂,可谓高朋满座。首先请允许我代表中国产学研合作促进会路甬祥会长向大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎!向入选《中国产学研合作百佳示范企业》一书的企业表示诚挚的祝贺!向大家长期以来对中国产学研合作促进会的支持与指导表示衷心的感谢! 展开更多
关键词 产学研合作 中国科学院 示范企业 企业家 学术会堂 创新 促进会 企业界
作者 赵春蓉 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)社会科学》 2021年第12期39-40,共2页
随着我国新时代现代化程度日益成熟,传统的企业党建政工工作已经无法满足我国企业经济建设的需求。为了保证人们在多样化社会的冲击下以就能够保持积极向上的思想观念,各个企业必须紧跟当今时代潮流,不断改革创新企业内部的党建政工工... 随着我国新时代现代化程度日益成熟,传统的企业党建政工工作已经无法满足我国企业经济建设的需求。为了保证人们在多样化社会的冲击下以就能够保持积极向上的思想观念,各个企业必须紧跟当今时代潮流,不断改革创新企业内部的党建政工工作。本文主要研究现阶段我国各类企业内部党建政工工作出现的问题,积极面对企业内党政工作建设发展过程中的挑战,有针对性的提出建设性的创新发展策略,为我国企业党建政工工作提供一定的参考意见。 展开更多
关键词 企业党建政工工作 创新发展 探讨
作者 刘秀梅 《兰台内外》 2024年第15期46-47,50,共3页
信息化背景下,医保档案管理进入新的发展时期,为提升工作效率、实现资源共享等提供了崭新空间。同时,也面临着激活信息资源原动力、厚植信息资源新优势、提升信息资源知名度、挖掘信息资源潜能量等方面的不足。在新技术革命加速演进的... 信息化背景下,医保档案管理进入新的发展时期,为提升工作效率、实现资源共享等提供了崭新空间。同时,也面临着激活信息资源原动力、厚植信息资源新优势、提升信息资源知名度、挖掘信息资源潜能量等方面的不足。在新技术革命加速演进的大潮中,医保档案管理要从扎紧体制建设“一张网”、绘制互联互通“一朵云”、下好开发利用“一盘棋”、筑牢安全防护“一道墙”等方面持续发力,提升档案管理的现代化水平。 展开更多
关键词 信息化 医保档案 创新
广东产业集群技术创新能力提升的路径思考 被引量:2
作者 马建会 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期10-12,共3页
集群技术创新能力是产业集群活力的根本之源,是集群保持竞争优势的主要动力来源。而当前,广东大多数产业集群的技术创新动能普遍不足。面对日益紧张的资源、环境压力,广东产业集群提升集群创新能力迫在眉睫。本文经过对广东产业集群创... 集群技术创新能力是产业集群活力的根本之源,是集群保持竞争优势的主要动力来源。而当前,广东大多数产业集群的技术创新动能普遍不足。面对日益紧张的资源、环境压力,广东产业集群提升集群创新能力迫在眉睫。本文经过对广东产业集群创新能力的分析,提出了应通过推进集群创新合作机制、完善集群创新支持服务体系等方法提升广东产业集群技术创新能力的对策及建议。 展开更多
关键词 产业集群 技术创新能力
媒介融合背景下电视新闻传播的特征及创新探讨 被引量:11
作者 王强 赵江 《中国传媒科技》 2013年第12X期27-27,共1页
网络传播在现阶段取得了非常快速的发展,同时数字技术也得到了非常广泛的应用。为了适应新形式发展的现实需求,需要在原有的新闻传播模式的基础是进行改变,探索新的传播模式。本文基于这样的背景对媒介融合背景下新闻传播的特征进行了... 网络传播在现阶段取得了非常快速的发展,同时数字技术也得到了非常广泛的应用。为了适应新形式发展的现实需求,需要在原有的新闻传播模式的基础是进行改变,探索新的传播模式。本文基于这样的背景对媒介融合背景下新闻传播的特征进行了介绍与分析,并探讨了新闻传播的创新路径。 展开更多
关键词 电视新闻传播 媒介融合 创新探讨 传播模式 创新路径 数字技术 传播渠道 制作人员 信息来源 创新策
基于大数据技术的医院统计工作创新路径研究 被引量:2
作者 黎霞 《科技创新导报》 2019年第20期179-180,共2页
本文在概述大数据技术特征的基础上,进一步分析大数据技术对医院统计工作的四方面影响,最后结合当前我国医院统计工作实际,提出了大数据技术支持下医院开展统计工作创新的基本路径,即完善医院统计指标体系,有效构建统计数据集市,健全医... 本文在概述大数据技术特征的基础上,进一步分析大数据技术对医院统计工作的四方面影响,最后结合当前我国医院统计工作实际,提出了大数据技术支持下医院开展统计工作创新的基本路径,即完善医院统计指标体系,有效构建统计数据集市,健全医疗质量管理数据库,培育培养医院统计人员大数据思维,以期能够为广大医院统计工作部门所参考。 展开更多
关键词 大数据技术 医院统计工作 创新路径
Status quo, Problems and Development Strategies of Crop Scientific and Technical Innovation in Hunan Province
作者 邓文 杨玉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1428-1432,共5页
Based on status quo and existing problems of Hunan crop science and technology innovation, the research proposed "three orientations", including seeking, grasping and highlighting orientations, and "six projects" ... Based on status quo and existing problems of Hunan crop science and technology innovation, the research proposed "three orientations", including seeking, grasping and highlighting orientations, and "six projects" for solving the issues. It is recommended to improve multiple cropping index. 展开更多
关键词 Status quo Probiems Development strategies Hunan Crop Scientificand technical innovation
Fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making model for synergic knowledge innovation in supply chain
作者 吴冰 赵林度 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第S1期46-50,共5页
The procedure of supply chain development is the process of continuously congregating knowledge and transforming knowledge.First,the precondition of synergic knowledge innovation in the supply chain is narrated.Then t... The procedure of supply chain development is the process of continuously congregating knowledge and transforming knowledge.First,the precondition of synergic knowledge innovation in the supply chain is narrated.Then the characteristics of synergic knowledge innovation in the supply chain are analyzed,including complexity,accumulating and evolving process,and the cooperation of members and network integration.Due to the characteristics of multi-factors and uncertainties of the supply chain system,the fuzzy multi-attribution group decision-making model is introduced to solve the involved problem of synergic knowledge innovation in the supply chain.After elaborating on steps of using the fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making(MADM)model,the procedure of decision making for synergic knowledge innovation in the supply chain is explained from an example in the application of a fuzzy MADM model.The fuzzy MADM model,which amalgamates intuition and resolution decision-making can effectively improve the rationality of decision-making for synergic knowledge innovation in the supply chain. 展开更多
关键词 synergic knowledge innovation supply chain fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making
A brief review of innovative strategies towards structure design of practical electronic display device 被引量:2
作者 MA Li SHAO Yun-fei 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第6期1624-1644,共21页
Display devices have significantly changed our daily life for decades,from the watches,television,to the laptop and smartphone.As the desire of advanced display device with high-resolution,long operation life and ligh... Display devices have significantly changed our daily life for decades,from the watches,television,to the laptop and smartphone.As the desire of advanced display device with high-resolution,long operation life and lightweight properties,several display techniques have been demonstrated.There are mainly four types of electronic display device:cathode ray tube(CRT),liquid-crystal display(LCD),organic light-emitting diode(OLED),and micro-LED.Due to the different working principles and device structures,each type of display device has its special characteristic properties.The performance of devices could be adjusted through the material selection or device design.With careful device structure regulation,not only the efficiency but also the stability would be improved.Herein,a brief review of innovative strategies towards the structure design is presented. 展开更多
关键词 innovative strategies OLED QLED micro-LED display techniques
Marketing as Innovation Strategy in Non Profit Sector in China: The Network of Influence "Guanxi"
作者 Antonia Sajardo Moreno Marta Gil Ibafiez Rafael Curras Perez 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第5期224-238,共15页
In a globalized world, not only the business market is overlapped but also marketing models take shape within economic systems. While there has been a proliferation in the implementation of marketing in the private se... In a globalized world, not only the business market is overlapped but also marketing models take shape within economic systems. While there has been a proliferation in the implementation of marketing in the private sector, this paper provides a useful entry point for the understanding role of marketing within the nonprofit sector focused on China, the second worldwide economic power. A number of senior managers and directors from different Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) were interviewed of what they understood marketing to be and how they considered and implemented marketing within organizational strategy. The findings showed that while marketing was identified as an interesting and influential concept, Chinese nonprofit managers generally had a limited understanding of a marketing theory. The article further discusses reasons behind the dynamic based on personalized networks of influence used and the potential implications for nonprofit entities in China, a sector that plays a very noteworthy role in transformative economies. 展开更多
关键词 nonprofit organizations SUSTAINABILITY marketing mix China competitive environment networks ofinfluence GUANXI
China top brand strategy and innovation
作者 ZHAO Jian-hua LI Yan YE Jian LIU Yi 《Chinese Business Review》 2007年第5期37-41,65,共6页
The Chinese economy appears the double-restraint characteristic at present stage including mainly resources restraint and market restraint. With the policy of reform and opening up, and especially after accelerating t... The Chinese economy appears the double-restraint characteristic at present stage including mainly resources restraint and market restraint. With the policy of reform and opening up, and especially after accelerating the two fundamental changes put forward by central government, the transformation of the economic growth mode achieved positive progress in China. There was still no brand from China mainland belonging to the 100 top world valuable brands according to Business Weekly of America in 2006. By 2007, a total of 1957 China top brand, 10 world famous China top brand are awarded in china to form a powerful enterprise group. But how to assess a brand is still troublesome. This paper shows the evolution of the policy and discusses the dilemma expecting the advice from the domestic and abroad. 展开更多
关键词 China top brand STRATEGY INNOVATION
The Entrepreneurial Marketing Concept and Its Application by the International New Ventures
作者 Izabela Kowalik Elzbieta Duliniec 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第5期253-264,共12页
For the last two decades, there has been an ongoing research concerning the international new ventures (INV) or born global (BG) companies which are rapidly entering foreign markets. They face challenges connected... For the last two decades, there has been an ongoing research concerning the international new ventures (INV) or born global (BG) companies which are rapidly entering foreign markets. They face challenges connected with their marketing activity, because they launch relatively more product innovations in a shorter time than the gradually internationalized companies (GRAD). The entrepreneurial marketing (EM) concept could become a solution to some of these challenges, because of a greater entrepreneurial intensity (EI) and different decision-making approach than "classical" marketing concept. This study's aim is to analyze the EM concept and application of its elements by the INVs originating from Poland. Based on two computer-aided telephone interview (CATI) studies of INVs from the Polish industrial processing sector, the central elements of EM, applied by them, are explored, together with their relationship to INV performance. As it is shown, the INVs introduce significantly more product innovations than the gradually internationalized small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). They often exceed competitors in the speed of launching innovations and are flexible in entering new markets. The entrepreneurial orientation (EO) indicators are at low to medium levels in all studied SMEs. However, the propensity to risk is slightly stronger in the INVs and correlated moderately with the financial performance. As the study shows, lack of emphasis on marketing planning and information gathering is the characteristic of the Polish INVs, which may testify to their effectual approach to decision making. Furthermore, similar as in the foreign-based INVs, there may exist a relationship between the application of the EM concept and performance of the Polish INNs, which, however, requires further study with respect to some mediating factors. It has been concluded that innovativeness of the product offering and propensity to risk seems to be the characteristic EM concept elements accompanying the rapid internationalization of INVs. The future research should focus on other elements of the EM-mix applied by INVs originating from emerging economies. 展开更多
关键词 entrepreneurial marketing (EM) international new ventures (INV) INNOVATIVENESS
Analysis of Art Education Innovation Strategy in Colleges and Universities in We Media Era
作者 Limeiyue 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第9期70-71,共2页
the education in colleges and universities is influenced with the coming of we media era and the art education in colleges and universities is presenting diversifled development trend. Therefore, under the background ... the education in colleges and universities is influenced with the coming of we media era and the art education in colleges and universities is presenting diversifled development trend. Therefore, under the background of we media, it is of great significance to strengthen the innovation strength of art education in colleges and universities and create a group of innovative art talents. Problems existed in art education in colleges and universities have been analyzed briefly and solutions for the problems have been proposed, in this way, the innovation level of art education in colleges and universities can be improved and the innovation ability of students can be cultivated. 展开更多
关键词 We Media Era Art Education in Colleges and Universities INNOVATION
Analysis of optimal referral reward programs for innovative offerings
作者 Jiang Fenfen Mei Shu'e Zhong Weijun 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2020年第3期357-363,共7页
A nested Stackelberg game among a provider of a product,a sender(existing customer),and a receiver(new customer)is developed to explore the optimal referral reward programs(RRPs)for innovative offerings.The results in... A nested Stackelberg game among a provider of a product,a sender(existing customer),and a receiver(new customer)is developed to explore the optimal referral reward programs(RRPs)for innovative offerings.The results indicate that the provider should forsake RRPs and purely rely on customers'organic word-of-mouth communication under certain conditions.In particular,when the innovativeness of the referred product is extremely high,the provider should forsake RRPs completely,even though few customers will make organic referrals for the product.When the innovativeness is on other levels,the provider should make optimal RRPs decision depending on both the sender's persuasion effectiveness and the tie-strength between the two customers.Moreover,the optimal rewards increase with the innovativeness of the referred product when the provider opts to use RRPs.These results seem contrary to the existing empirical finding to some extent,and it is due to the high referral cost for making a successful referral for the high innovative offerings. 展开更多
关键词 referral reward programs INNOVATIVENESS social value social media marketing Stackelberg game
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