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关于对思想政治教育环境创设过程中基本因素的思考 被引量:1
作者 齐千漪 《教育教学论坛》 2012年第26B期36-38,共3页
要想创设一个好的思想政治教育的环境,最关键的就是要创造一个良好的思想政治教育环境的创设过程。创造者、作用对象和环境是构成思想政治教育环境创设过程的基本因素。只有真正地认清各要素其自身的特点和作用,并将其科学地联系在一起... 要想创设一个好的思想政治教育的环境,最关键的就是要创造一个良好的思想政治教育环境的创设过程。创造者、作用对象和环境是构成思想政治教育环境创设过程的基本因素。只有真正地认清各要素其自身的特点和作用,并将其科学地联系在一起,才能够从根本上优化思想政治教育环境系统。 展开更多
关键词 思想政治 教育环境 创设过程 基本要素
作者 何秀凤 《幼儿教育研究》 2023年第4期53-55,共3页
晋江市第二实验幼儿园(以下简称“我园”)开办之后,笔者、教师和幼儿一起创设了700多平方米的生态小农场。在创设生态小农场的过程中,笔者一边参与实践,一边对生态小农场的创设原则及创设过程中幼儿的自主性等做了一些探索。笔者希望生... 晋江市第二实验幼儿园(以下简称“我园”)开办之后,笔者、教师和幼儿一起创设了700多平方米的生态小农场。在创设生态小农场的过程中,笔者一边参与实践,一边对生态小农场的创设原则及创设过程中幼儿的自主性等做了一些探索。笔者希望生态小农场能成为幼儿回归自然、自主探究的“天然学习场”。 展开更多
关键词 实验幼儿园 创设原则 小农场 参与实践 自主探究 回归自然 幼儿的自主性 创设过程
浅谈散文意境的创设 被引量:1
作者 张可佳 《绥化学院学报》 2008年第2期110-111,共2页
关键词 散文意境 创设过程 创设方法 鉴赏意境
作者 吴柳菁 《幼儿教育研究》 2020年第4期51-52,55,共3页
戏剧作为一种综合性和集体性的艺术,已经逐渐得到学前教育界的关注。张金梅提出:"戏剧作为促进幼儿发展的手段,在幼儿的认知、社会性和情感等各个心理发展维度都能发挥其特有的价值,具有全方位的、多层次的、立体的教育价值。"... 戏剧作为一种综合性和集体性的艺术,已经逐渐得到学前教育界的关注。张金梅提出:"戏剧作为促进幼儿发展的手段,在幼儿的认知、社会性和情感等各个心理发展维度都能发挥其特有的价值,具有全方位的、多层次的、立体的教育价值。"目前,很多幼儿园开展了戏剧主题活动,一些教师将目光聚焦在戏剧主题活动的本身,却较少关注戏剧主题环境的创设以及创设过程中的幼儿参与情况。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿发展 学前教育 幼儿参与 戏剧主题 幼儿园 发展维度 主题环境创设 创设过程
作者 钮钱歆 《小学科学》 2020年第9期127-127,共1页
近几年,我国教育领域频繁使用情境教学法,通过不懈的努力和实践获得了不小的成效,情境教学已经逐渐融入了数学课堂。合理的数学情境的创设,可以激活学生的思维能力,推动学生产生探索数学知识的动机。然而,在创设过程中还是存在了一些问... 近几年,我国教育领域频繁使用情境教学法,通过不懈的努力和实践获得了不小的成效,情境教学已经逐渐融入了数学课堂。合理的数学情境的创设,可以激活学生的思维能力,推动学生产生探索数学知识的动机。然而,在创设过程中还是存在了一些问题,一些老师只追求情境的“花哨”,没有从学生角度出发,虽然投入了大量的时间、精力,企图创设出一种“引人注目”的情境,但往往事与愿违。 展开更多
关键词 情境教学法 情境创设 情境的创设 存在的问题及对策 数学课堂 学生的思维 创设过程 数学知识
浅谈高中语文课堂阅读情境教学的设计 被引量:1
作者 周巧燕 《作文成功之路》 2018年第11期65-65,共1页
情境教学是新课改提出的一种新型的教学方式,这对于解决高中语文教学中存在的问题有着不可替代的作用.本文以高中语文阅读课堂情境教学的必要性为突破口,并且简单地阐述了情境导入如何全面地激发学生的阅读兴趣,以及创设情境和转移情境... 情境教学是新课改提出的一种新型的教学方式,这对于解决高中语文教学中存在的问题有着不可替代的作用.本文以高中语文阅读课堂情境教学的必要性为突破口,并且简单地阐述了情境导入如何全面地激发学生的阅读兴趣,以及创设情境和转移情境对课堂教学的重要作用,希望各位教师以此为鉴,加强对阅读课堂教学的方法改革. 展开更多
关键词 高中语文 阅读课堂教学 情境教学 创设过程 必要性方法
作者 叶淑娟 《幼儿教育研究》 2020年第2期45-47,共3页
《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》中提出:"环境是重要的教育资源,应通过环境的创设和利用,有效地促进幼儿的发展。"笔者所任职的厦门市第四幼儿园,一直重视主题墙环境的创设,利用它潜移默化的教育特点,让幼儿在与之互动的过程中... 《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》中提出:"环境是重要的教育资源,应通过环境的创设和利用,有效地促进幼儿的发展。"笔者所任职的厦门市第四幼儿园,一直重视主题墙环境的创设,利用它潜移默化的教育特点,让幼儿在与之互动的过程中获得发展。利用主题墙及其创设过程对幼儿进行教育,已经是各幼儿园非常重视的工作。在主题墙创设的过程中,一些幼儿园不仅仅只是教师想、教师做,而是让幼儿参与进来,促进了幼儿各方面的发展。 展开更多
关键词 《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》 幼儿参与 主题墙 教育资源 深度互动 幼儿的发展 创设和利用 创设过程
作者 代晓芳 《湖北教育》 2022年第6期62-62,共1页
信息技术在幼儿园活动中的运用,适应幼儿的认知特点,它直观、生动、形象,为幼儿创设悦目、悦耳、悦心的情景,还能充分调动幼儿学习的积极性、主动性和创造性。我班在自然角的创设过程中,巧妙运用信息技术,帮助幼儿科学探索自然角的植物... 信息技术在幼儿园活动中的运用,适应幼儿的认知特点,它直观、生动、形象,为幼儿创设悦目、悦耳、悦心的情景,还能充分调动幼儿学习的积极性、主动性和创造性。我班在自然角的创设过程中,巧妙运用信息技术,帮助幼儿科学探索自然角的植物和动物,引导幼儿科学种植与养护,提升幼儿的动手能力及探究能力,培养幼儿爱护动植物。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿园活动 信息技术 培养幼儿 探究能力 认知特点 创设过程 引导幼儿 动手能力
作者 宋俊 《最漫画·学校体音美》 2018年第15期00019-00019,共1页
如何在新课程理念指导下去提高美术课堂教学质量,打造高效的美术课堂?这就需要我们美术老师在基础美术教育的领域里,了解、认识并改进美术教学,从学生的发展角度出发,运用新的教学理念创设有效的学习过程,通过和谐的方式和行为,促进学... 如何在新课程理念指导下去提高美术课堂教学质量,打造高效的美术课堂?这就需要我们美术老师在基础美术教育的领域里,了解、认识并改进美术教学,从学生的发展角度出发,运用新的教学理念创设有效的学习过程,通过和谐的方式和行为,促进学生的情感、智慧及创造力的发展。 展开更多
关键词 改进教学 创设过程 促进发展
作者 冯红梅 《中学语文》 2020年第20期39-41,共3页
一场精彩的报告,人们并不都是因演讲者的演讲魅力而折服,但一定会为内容的精彩、见解的独到而喝彩;一位优秀的小品演员,有的演出让观众拍案叫绝,有的演出却让人淡然一笑,究其原因,不是演技发生了变化,而是脚本品质差异!在磁性课堂创设... 一场精彩的报告,人们并不都是因演讲者的演讲魅力而折服,但一定会为内容的精彩、见解的独到而喝彩;一位优秀的小品演员,有的演出让观众拍案叫绝,有的演出却让人淡然一笑,究其原因,不是演技发生了变化,而是脚本品质差异!在磁性课堂创设过程中,课堂组织方式、教师教学艺术. 展开更多
关键词 磁性课堂 品质差异 演讲者 教学内容 创设过程 教师教学 课堂组织方式 喝彩
作者 黄霞飞 《成长》 2021年第2期167-167,共1页
幼儿园是充满生机、充满趣味的童心天地,而自然角作为幼儿园环境创设过程中必不可少的一环,对于幼儿的成长具有重要的作用。其中的植物资源不仅仅可以用来欣赏,更可以成为幼儿的“活教材”。1打造开放式的自然角基于大班幼儿的年段特点... 幼儿园是充满生机、充满趣味的童心天地,而自然角作为幼儿园环境创设过程中必不可少的一环,对于幼儿的成长具有重要的作用。其中的植物资源不仅仅可以用来欣赏,更可以成为幼儿的“活教材”。1打造开放式的自然角基于大班幼儿的年段特点,自然角的创设过程中要以开放式为主,便于幼儿随时随地的与植物互动。因此,班级自然角利用竹篱笆围栏围起,留出出入口供幼儿随意进出。 展开更多
关键词 多元教育 幼儿园环境创设 大班幼儿 竹篱笆 班级自然角 年段特点 创设过程 开放式
Process engineering in electrochemical energy devices innovation 被引量:5
作者 Yingying Xie Weimin Zhang +2 位作者 Shuang Gu Yushan Yan Zi-Feng Ma 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期39-47,共9页
This review focuses on the application of process engineering in electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices innovation. For polymer electrolyte based devices, it highlights that a strategic simple switch fr... This review focuses on the application of process engineering in electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices innovation. For polymer electrolyte based devices, it highlights that a strategic simple switch from proton exchange membranes(PEMs) to hydroxide exchange membranes(HEMs) may lead to a new-generation of affordable electrochemical energy devices including fuel cells, electrolyzers, and solar hydrogen generators. For lithium-ion batteries, a series of advancements in design and chemistry are required for electric vehicle and energy storage applications. Manufacturing process development and optimization of the LiF eP O_4/C cathode materials and several emerging novel anode materials are also discussed using the authors' work as examples.Design and manufacturing process of lithium-ion battery electrodes are introduced in detail, and modeling and optimization of large-scale lithium-ion batteries are also presented. Electrochemical energy materials and device innovations can be further prompted by better understanding of the fundamental transport phenomena involved in unit operations. 展开更多
关键词 Electrochemical energy engineering Fuel cells Lithium-ion batteries Process innovation
Limitations of Cost Estimation Using Building Information Modeling in Poland
作者 Krzysztof Zima Agnieszka Legniak 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第5期545-554,共10页
BIM (building information modeling) is a technological innovation, not only during the design process, but also during the planning and preparation stages of a construction project, as it also supports making invest... BIM (building information modeling) is a technological innovation, not only during the design process, but also during the planning and preparation stages of a construction project, as it also supports making investment decisions. An innovation which is comparable, if only slightly less significant, was the transition from using 2D systems to the 3D structural model design. The article outlines the advantages of using BIM in the preparatory stages of a construction project. It also presents benefits which relate to the employment of the BIM system in cost estimation process. The article describes the Zuzia BIM system which uses the BIM model, as this system has just been created in Poland for the purpose of construction cost estimation. The preparation of the bill of quantities is automated in this system and this has been achieved on the basis of data directly obtained from virtual models of buildings, which were carried out thanks to the collaboration of various design sectors. The article authors, using their own experience, present difficulties which can be encountered by cost estimators in Poland when calculating the value of a building with the help of the BIM concept. The article shows the design errors that prevent or hinder takeoff automatic calculation based on BIM model. Design errors shown in the article are for example reinforcement bars have been defined by a designer as elements hollow in the middle or as one element for the whole building, one type of elements assigned as few different or incorrect defining of elements in relation to the type of works. 展开更多
关键词 BIM cost estimation 3D virtual model.
作者 曾昭银 《中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育》 2019年第1期26-26,共1页
二十一世纪,为顺应国际教育改革趋势,增强国家核心竞争力,提升我国人才培养的质量,我国教育部于2014年3月印发了关于“全面深化课程改革,落实立德树人根本任务”的意见,明确提出将“发展学生核心素养体系”的研制与构建作为推进课程改... 二十一世纪,为顺应国际教育改革趋势,增强国家核心竞争力,提升我国人才培养的质量,我国教育部于2014年3月印发了关于“全面深化课程改革,落实立德树人根本任务”的意见,明确提出将“发展学生核心素养体系”的研制与构建作为推进课程改革深化发展的关键环节,以此来推动教育发展。而初中《道德与法治》课与学生的生活、学习有着极其紧密的联系,通过学习这门课程,学生的道德素质得以提高,学生的法律意识得以强化,学生能够更好地规范自身的行为,继而做遵纪守法的良好公民。所以,初中道德与法治课是培养学生的核心素养的重要阵地,那么,作为一线教师,如何在这个阵地中培养学生的核心素养?本人就近几年的教学实践谈谈个人的看法。 展开更多
关键词 巧设 明确教学目标 创设情境过程 教学形式 教学体验
作者 左小宽 《作文成功之路(中考冲刺)》 2015年第2期25-25,共1页
关键词 情境教学 过程创设 研究
The Six Sigma Approach to Solid Waste Management and Minimization: Moving towards Zero Landfill Facilities
作者 Matthew Franchetti 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第3期299-311,共13页
This article provides an overview of an eleven step solid waste analysis and minimization process that is based on the six sigma approach to problem solving that may be applied at a wide variety of organizations. The ... This article provides an overview of an eleven step solid waste analysis and minimization process that is based on the six sigma approach to problem solving that may be applied at a wide variety of organizations. The six sigma approach provides a holistic process that focuses on minimizing defects, in this case, eliminating waste disposed at landfills. As many organizations are moving towards "zero landfill" facilities, such a process is needed to aid in achieving these goals. The eleven step processes provides details on establishing goals, creating process flowcharts, conducting waste sorts, data collection, establishing baseline data, identifying improvement opportunities, cost justification, executing improvement plans and validating results. The article also includes a case study that applies that eleven step process. The goal of the article is to provide the audience with a structured process to evaluate and minimize solid waste generation based on cost justified improvement opportunities. 展开更多
关键词 Six sigma solid waste auditing zero landfill solid waste minimization.
Metaphor: A Creative Thinking Model for Web Designers
作者 Kay Youn 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第9期776-788,共13页
Metaphors have been used in web user interface designs from the earliest stages of the web. As technology has evolved into various web fields, metaphors have become even more useful and at the same time more sophistic... Metaphors have been used in web user interface designs from the earliest stages of the web. As technology has evolved into various web fields, metaphors have become even more useful and at the same time more sophisticated. A current-generation site not only has an overall theme for the site, but the organization of the information and the navigational scheme is based on a metaphor of the theme, called a Web Metaphor. A web metaphor is a design element that helps the user to leverage their existing experience in the abstract environment of the web. In this study, an approach to a thinking process model for web design is proposed through the concept of metaphors, and a theoretical analysis based on creative thinking for solving design problems is studied. This study aims to provide a glimpse into the world of metaphors and how they can be used in user interface design, to analyze selected examples, and to introduce a model web design process. As the study of the essence of creative thinking in web design is ongoing, diverse possibilities for solving problems in web design can be found through the theoretical modeling of thinking in web design. This study will also explore strategic and effective web design by establishing a mental model for web designers based on the study of metaphors that will inspire the thinking of designers. 展开更多
关键词 METAPHOR web design creative thinking
Some Innovations for Offshore and Harbor Berths Construction
作者 Doubrovsky Michael Kaluzhnaya Valentina +1 位作者 Kaluzhniy Alexey Oganesyan Virginia 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2015年第3期115-122,共8页
Some new innovative constructions and piling technologies for improvement of offshore and port berthing structures are worked out and discussed. The aims of innovations are to decrease required power of construction ... Some new innovative constructions and piling technologies for improvement of offshore and port berthing structures are worked out and discussed. The aims of innovations are to decrease required power of construction (in particular, piling) equipment and, correspondingly, to improve environmental situation at the construction site. Another achieved goal is providing long tubular piles installation in hard soils conditions without application of very heavy and powerful driving machines. Worked out solutions are based on two approaches. One of them provides separate loading of driving force on pile's shaft and pile's tip concentrating the whole driving force on one of the mentioned parts of the pile. Another approach is focused on prevention of soil plug formation inside of the tubular pile tip facilitating the pile installation process. Also improved anchorage system for sheet piling seafront walls is presented and discussed. All considered innovations are patented and can be used in wide range of marine, offshore, coastal and harbor structures. 展开更多
关键词 Offshore structures port structures tubular piles piles installation sheet-piling walls anchor system.
Innovative Thinking on the Renovation Design of Old Industrial Building Space
作者 Shang Xianfu Xu Jie 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第7期770-776,共7页
The current study investigated the value and significance of the existence of the old industrial buildings, as well as the necessity and difficulty to renovate the design. Combined with successful cases, this study an... The current study investigated the value and significance of the existence of the old industrial buildings, as well as the necessity and difficulty to renovate the design. Combined with successful cases, this study analyzed and showed that one should not only deal with the relationship between the original architectural style and construction of modem cities in the process of renovation design of the old industrial building space. More attention should also be paid to create new space to meet the functional requirements of the modem features, and then complete substantial renovation of old industrial building space through the innovative design. In the use of aesthetic innovative design for the renovation of the old industrial building space, people must respect the space of old industrial buildings as the prerequisite of the renovation design. It is needed to expound the local space reconstruction methods and design principles respectively on the basis of respect. And then one should grasp the whole space and make the structured design and reasonable use according to the new space functional requirements of different functional areas. This paper attempted to learn from environmental art study on the renovation of old industrial buildings space and in terms of innovative design. The authors explored the innovative thinking on the renovation design of old industrial building space through the analysis of the reality. 展开更多
关键词 Old industrial building space renovation design innovative thinking reality.
作者 杨启云 《明日风尚》 2016年第16期241-241,共1页
关键词 创设情境与演示实验 创设矛盾 创设过程
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