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抗逆型高档优质籼稻新品种创香5号的选育及应用 被引量:3
作者 黎用朝 闵军 +3 位作者 刘三雄 李小湘 王建龙 黄海明 《中国稻米》 2012年第1期61-62,64,共3页
创香5号是从巴西IAPAR-9/(/明恢63/湘晚籼13号)后代中定向选育的一季晚籼优质香稻新品种,在湖南省第七次优质稻评选中被评为二等优质稻品种,具有米质优良,丰产稳产,中抗白叶枯病与稻曲病,耐高温、低温能力强等特点,2011年通过湖南省农... 创香5号是从巴西IAPAR-9/(/明恢63/湘晚籼13号)后代中定向选育的一季晚籼优质香稻新品种,在湖南省第七次优质稻评选中被评为二等优质稻品种,具有米质优良,丰产稳产,中抗白叶枯病与稻曲病,耐高温、低温能力强等特点,2011年通过湖南省农作物品种审定委员审定。 展开更多
关键词 创香5号 优质籼稻 香稻 选育
作者 闵军 黎用朝 +4 位作者 刘三雄 吴洋 廖建丰 王权 黄海明 《中国种业》 2012年第6期46-48,共3页
为了发挥创香5号的高产高效潜力与研究安全生产技术,采用多本插植与单本插植,分别设置秧龄30d、35d、40d、45d、50d共5种处理。结果表明:随秧龄的延长,创香5号试验产量降低,生育期略有延长,有效穗数增加,每穗实粒数减少,株高下降,千粒... 为了发挥创香5号的高产高效潜力与研究安全生产技术,采用多本插植与单本插植,分别设置秧龄30d、35d、40d、45d、50d共5种处理。结果表明:随秧龄的延长,创香5号试验产量降低,生育期略有延长,有效穗数增加,每穗实粒数减少,株高下降,千粒重与穗长影响不大。但秧龄在40d内的各处理间产量影响不大,结实率下降不显著。 展开更多
关键词 优质稻 创香5号 秧龄弹性
基于数字化调香技术的烟用表香香精开发与应用 被引量:2
作者 蔡佳校 卢红兵 +8 位作者 李燕春 钟科军 庹苏行 伍毅子 刘金云 杨华武 马畛 谢圣林 孔波 《烟草科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期61-69,共9页
为进一步提高烟草行业卷烟调香工作者在新品卷烟表香香精方面的开发效率和香精配方自主掌控水平,尝试采用数字化调香技术结合卷烟调香理论及实践经验,采用GC-MS分析技术与“数字化调香专家系统”相关功能相结合的方式,开展新品卷烟表香... 为进一步提高烟草行业卷烟调香工作者在新品卷烟表香香精方面的开发效率和香精配方自主掌控水平,尝试采用数字化调香技术结合卷烟调香理论及实践经验,采用GC-MS分析技术与“数字化调香专家系统”相关功能相结合的方式,开展新品卷烟表香香精开发研究。结果表明:①在GC-MS分析结果基础上,利用“辨香子系统”和“仿香子系统”,成功完成了通用功能性香基TYXJ-A、TYXJ-B和TYXJ-C的仿香研究,所仿配的香基嗅香、卷烟加香风格特征和品质特征与原香基无明显差异。②利用“创香子系统”辅助完成了功能性香基CXXJ-AA、CXXJ-BB和CXXJ-CC的自主创香研究,得到的创香香基能较好地满足新品卷烟香精的使用目标。③通过对仿香香基和创香香基开展用量优化和卷烟加香试验,成功开发了适用于目标新品卷烟的表香香精,实现了对新品卷烟表香香精配方的完全自主掌控。该方法可为卷烟调香工作者提供新颖、高效的烟用香精开发思路。 展开更多
关键词 卷烟 数字化调香 仿香 创香 烟用香精 香精开发
Diagnostic accuracy of Focused Abdominal Sonography for Trauma in blunt abdominal trauma patients in a trauma centre of Hong Kong 被引量:2
作者 Cheung Kent Shek Wong Hay Tai +2 位作者 Leung Ling Pong Tsang Tat Chi Leung Gilberto Ka Kit 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2012年第5期273-278,共6页
Objective: Focused Abdominal Sono graphy for Trauma (FAST) is widely used for the detection of intraperitoneal free fluids in patients suffering from blunt abdominal trauma (BAT). This study aimed at assessing th... Objective: Focused Abdominal Sono graphy for Trauma (FAST) is widely used for the detection of intraperitoneal free fluids in patients suffering from blunt abdominal trauma (BAT). This study aimed at assessing the diagnostic accuracy of this investigation in a designated trauma centre. Methods: This was a retrospective study of BAT pa tients over a 6 year period seen in a trauma centre in Hong Kong. FAST findings were compared with laparotomy, ab dominal computed tomography or autopsy findings, which served as the gold standard for presence of intraperi toneal free fluids. The patients who did not have FAST or gold standard confirmatory test performed, had preexisting peritoneal fluid, died at resuscitation or had imcomplete docu mentation of FAST findings were excluded. The performance of FAST was expressed as sensitivity, specificity, predictive values (PV), likelihood ratios (LR) and accuracy. Results: FAST was performed in 302 patients and 153 of them were included in this analysis. The sensitivity, specificity, positive PV, negative PV, positive LR, negative LR and accuracy for FAST were respectively 50.0%, 97.3%, 87.0%, 84.6%, 18.8, 0.5 and 85.0%. FAST was found to be more sensitive in less severely injured patients and more specific in more severely injured patients. Conclusion: FAST is a reliable investigation in the initial assessment of BAT patients. The diagnostic values of FAST could be affected by the severity of injury and staff training is needed to further enhance its effective use. 展开更多
关键词 LAPAROTOMY AUTOPSY Tomography X-ray computed Tomography spiral computed Ultra-sonography
Performance of a prehospital trauma diversion system in Hong Kong, China
作者 Tak-Wai Lui Kit-Ling Fan Ling-Pong Leung 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2015年第3期137-140,共4页
Purpose: To evaluate the performance of a prehospital trauma diversion system in Hong Kong, China. Methods: A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data in the trauma registry of Queen Mary Hospital, Hon... Purpose: To evaluate the performance of a prehospital trauma diversion system in Hong Kong, China. Methods: A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data in the trauma registry of Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong from I January 2009 to 31 December 2013 was done. All adult patients aged 18 years or above, either primarily or secondarily diverted to Queen Mary Hospital according to the trauma patient diversion protocol, were recruited. Need for trauma center level of care was based on a consensus-based criterion standard published in 2014. Performance of the protocol in terms of over-diversion and under-diversion was determined. Results: A total of 209 patients were included for analysis. About 30% of the patients required trauma center level of care. The most common reason was the need for vascular, neurologic, abdominal, thoracic, pelvic, spine or limb-conserving surgery within 24 h of presentation. The over-diversion rate and under-diversion rate were 69.6% and 19.7% respectively. Conclusion: The trauma patient diversion protocol currently in use in Hong Kong is not accurate enough. Further revision and refinement is needed. 展开更多
关键词 Trauma diversion Triage Prehospital care Hong Kong
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