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广西右江盆地利周-河口剖面极低级变质带的伊利石结晶度与粘土矿物光谱标志对比研究 被引量:5
作者 燕守勋 《中国科学(D辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期459-469,共11页
为了检验高光谱遥感技术划分极低级变质带的应用潜力,进行了广西田林利周-河口剖面粘土矿物成分和伊利石结晶度Kubler指数XRD测量以及泥岩可见光-短波红外反射光谱测量.运用伊利石结晶度Kubler指数将下三叠统罗楼群和中三叠统百逢组下... 为了检验高光谱遥感技术划分极低级变质带的应用潜力,进行了广西田林利周-河口剖面粘土矿物成分和伊利石结晶度Kubler指数XRD测量以及泥岩可见光-短波红外反射光谱测量.运用伊利石结晶度Kubler指数将下三叠统罗楼群和中三叠统百逢组下段划归浅变质带;将中三叠统百逢组上段和河口组划归近变质带,中三叠统百逢组上段为高级近变质带;将中三叠统上部河口组划归低级近变质带.基于1个K.I△2θ°0.43的测量值,不排除局部为成岩带的可能.在地层柱上自下向上,伊利石结晶度Kubler指数由小变大,变质程度由高变低,而且变质作用级别与岩层在地层柱中位置协调以及变质带边界与地层线趋于一致,证明为区域埋藏极低级变质作用.从地层柱下部到上部,新鲜岩石粘土矿物2200 nm附近吸收峰向短波方向移动.伊利石也有同样的吸收光谱迁移规律.这表明,随变质温度的升高,矿物光谱吸收峰向长波方向迁移.风化岩石和黑色岩石不适于极低级变质带的航天、航空遥感技术划分.但是,根据新鲜岩石吸收光谱迁移规律,可以用便携式野外光谱仪沿地质剖面,由新鲜岩石光谱划分地层单元和极低级变质带. 展开更多
关键词 广西 右江盆地 利周-河口剖面 极低级变质带 伊利石结晶度 粘土矿物 吸收光谱 变质地质学
作者 杨丽霞 《基层农技推广》 2022年第6期65-69,共5页
随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对饮食要求也发生着从量的需求到质的需求的变化。广西壮族自治区田林县利周清水鸭因其特有的生长环境及饲养管理方式,具有皮下脂肪少、肉味鲜美、瘦肉率高、脂肪酸含量低、胆固醇低等特点,成了远近闻... 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对饮食要求也发生着从量的需求到质的需求的变化。广西壮族自治区田林县利周清水鸭因其特有的生长环境及饲养管理方式,具有皮下脂肪少、肉味鲜美、瘦肉率高、脂肪酸含量低、胆固醇低等特点,成了远近闻名的产品,2011年7月获得国家注册商标,2012年2月田林县利周瑶族乡被百色市人民政府授于“百色清水麻鸭之乡”。但由于饲养管理、疫病防控等技术不统一,使用饲料、饲料添加剂、兽药等不当,利周清水鸭品质不一,产品市场受限,从而影响了鸭产业的发展。对田林县利周清水鸭生态养殖技术进行集成,推广应用“微生物+”生态养殖技术,通过科学制定免疫程序,合理配制饲料,应用微生物制剂、中草药等非化学药品,不用或少用兽药,开展示范推广及指导利周清水鸭养殖,打造利周清水鸭地方特色产业资源优势。文章从鸭场建设、品种选择入手,分析如何对饲养管理、疫病防控进行集成,最后提出技术集成生态养殖效果,希望对田林县利周清水鸭养殖产业提供指导性帮助。 展开更多
关键词 利周清水鸭 生态养殖 技术集成 选种 饲料 预防疫病
中国湿地研究利用概述 被引量:2
作者 邹益雄 《现代农业》 2007年第4期82-83,共2页
湿地是全球生态系统的重要组成部分,在调节气候、调蓄水量、净化水体、保持水土、生物多样性保护及文化休闲等方面具有重要作用。本文根据大量的文献资料提出了湿地的科学定义,分析了当前湿地利用状况和所面临的问题,并提出了建议,旨在... 湿地是全球生态系统的重要组成部分,在调节气候、调蓄水量、净化水体、保持水土、生物多样性保护及文化休闲等方面具有重要作用。本文根据大量的文献资料提出了湿地的科学定义,分析了当前湿地利用状况和所面临的问题,并提出了建议,旨在为中国湿地科学的研究发展提供信息。 展开更多
关键词 中国 湿地资源 湿地利周
Effects of "Political Cycle" on Land Use Planning in China 被引量:1
作者 杨丹凤 夏方舟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第11期2045-2048,2052,共5页
As an explanation to economic cycle, political cycle theory has been widely used, and political factor has been gradual y recognized as an important fac-tor in influencing economy but not simply exteranl factors. Howe... As an explanation to economic cycle, political cycle theory has been widely used, and political factor has been gradual y recognized as an important fac-tor in influencing economy but not simply exteranl factors. However, there is stil a lack of enough research combining political factor and land use. Based on the exist-ing literature, we analyzed the mechnism and performance of howe political cycle with Chinese characteristics influence land use plannning in China, and specific so-lutions were put forward by combining the influences with the airm to promote bet-ter implementation of the planning goals. 展开更多
关键词 Land use planning Political cycle
作者 孙晓华 《特殊钢》 北大核心 1989年第6期61-61,共1页
近几年来,特钢企业面临着资金短缺,能源紧张、原材料价格上涨的严竣局面,企业为了求得生存和发展,必须优化产品结构,在生产中尽量采用新工艺、新技术,可有效缓解不利局面。抚顺钢厂1988年全年钢产量比上年只增长0.5%,但高技术、高利润... 近几年来,特钢企业面临着资金短缺,能源紧张、原材料价格上涨的严竣局面,企业为了求得生存和发展,必须优化产品结构,在生产中尽量采用新工艺、新技术,可有效缓解不利局面。抚顺钢厂1988年全年钢产量比上年只增长0.5%,但高技术、高利润产品不锈钢板、管、高速钢和冷拔材产量,分别比去年增长了57.8%、41.9%、80%和77.6%,这四项产品所创利润。 展开更多
关键词 资金短缺 产品结构 冷拔 不锈钢板 涂层电极 孙晓华 降低成本 涨价因素 实现利润 利周
作者 杨秀提 《桂海论丛》 1992年第4期59-62,共4页
一、土地、山界纠纷的现状及特点近年来,广西的土地、山界纠纷、械斗等现象时有发生,尤其有的边远农村相当严重。凡参与械斗的,少则几十人,多则数百人,甚至千余人。械斗动用的器械,由棍棒发展到土枪土炮,甚至动用民兵武器。以田林县为例... 一、土地、山界纠纷的现状及特点近年来,广西的土地、山界纠纷、械斗等现象时有发生,尤其有的边远农村相当严重。凡参与械斗的,少则几十人,多则数百人,甚至千余人。械斗动用的器械,由棍棒发展到土枪土炮,甚至动用民兵武器。以田林县为例,全县二十个乡镇,156个村公所,人口仅20多万。然而,从1985—1991年底止,就发生土地、山界纠纷5624起。其中土地纠纷3118起,山界纠纷2146起,因之而导致械斗的有831起,死亡4人,重伤82人,轻伤216人。其中,1989年该县利周乡的一起纠纷引起的械斗,牵动了三个村屯的数百人参与,动用土枪数十支,重伤4人,轻伤数十人,致使这一带村屯的群众、干部长期不团结。 展开更多
关键词 农村土地 土地承包期 土地纠纷 土地管理 利周 家庭承包责任制 田林县 边远农村 民兵武器 土地使用证
作者 宋丽 黄宏奎 《能源与环境》 2008年第3期141-142,共2页
关键词 烟道脱硫 废氨 综合利周
《湖南政报》 2004年第9期37-37,共1页
关键词 利用外资 湖南省人民政府 领导小组 人员名单 幼军 经贸厅 直属机构 副主任 利周 省财政厅厅长
Effect of Land Use Conversion from Rice Paddies to Vegetable Fields on Soil Phosphorus Fractions 被引量:11
作者 J. L. DARILEK HUANG Biao +4 位作者 LI De-Cheng WANG Zhi-Gang ZHAO Yong-Cun SUN Wei-Xia SHI Xue-Zheng 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期137-145,共9页
Excess phosphorus (P) from agricultural soils contributes to eutrophication in water bodies. Samples (n = 60) were taken from sites where rice paddies have been converted to vegetable fields for 0, 〈 10, 10-20, a... Excess phosphorus (P) from agricultural soils contributes to eutrophication in water bodies. Samples (n = 60) were taken from sites where rice paddies have been converted to vegetable fields for 0, 〈 10, 10-20, and 〉 20 years and analyzed for five inorganic P (Pi) fractions, three organic P (Po) fractions, and several soil parameters to investigate how land use conversion affects Pi and Po fractions in a peri-urban area of China with soils characteristic of many agricultural areas of Asia. Significant increases of 33, 281, 293, and 438 mg kg-i were found for soluble and loosely bound Pi (SL-Pi), aluminum-bound Pi (Al-Pi), calcium-bound Pi (Ca-Pi), and iron-bound Pi (Fe-Pi), respectively, after conversion from rice paddies to vegetable fields. Most of the increase in Pi was in the form of Fe-Pi, which increased from 8% of total P (TP) on paddy soil to 31% on the soil with 〉 20-year vegetable cultivation, followed by Al-Pi, which increased from 2% to 19% of TP. For Po fractions, there was no significant change in P concentrations. The conversion of land use from paddy fields to high intensity vegetable fields was causing significant changes in soil P fractious. Management practices were causing a buildup of soil P, primarily in the Fe-Pi fraction, followed by Ca-Pi and Al-Pi fractions. If current trends continue, a 30%-70% increase in TP could be expected in the next 20 years. Farmers in the area should reduce P application and use to maximize P uptake. 展开更多
关键词 inorganic phosphorus organic phosphorus peri-urban agriculture phosphorus accumulation soil fertility
Does Working Capital Cause Profitability? --The Nigerian Experience
作者 Olayinka Olufisayo Akinlo 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第5期457-462,共6页
The paper investigates the long run relationship and causality issues between working capital and profitability in 66 firms in Nigeria by using the panel cointegration method for the period 1999-2007. The empirical re... The paper investigates the long run relationship and causality issues between working capital and profitability in 66 firms in Nigeria by using the panel cointegration method for the period 1999-2007. The empirical results show that there is long run steady-state relationship between working capital and profitability. However, the short run causal relationship runs from working capital to profitability suggesting that inefficient working capital management may harm profitability. 展开更多
关键词 working capital PROFITABILITY panel cointegration CAUSALITY
An Overview of the Feasibility of Achieving Level 2 Building Information Modeling by 2016 in the UK
作者 Abdulkadir Ganah Godfaurd A. John 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第8期885-894,共10页
The aim of this study is to investigate the current status and feasibility of achieving Level 2 BIM (building information modeling) usage that is to be made mandatory by the UK govermnent on its projects by the year... The aim of this study is to investigate the current status and feasibility of achieving Level 2 BIM (building information modeling) usage that is to be made mandatory by the UK govermnent on its projects by the year 2016. This study assesses the level at which organizational and practitioner knowledge of BIM is currently positioned. The UK government, being the largest public stakeholder client, has realized the benefits and advantages of BIM when used in procuring projects across their lifecycle in the built environment. A critical review of the BIM literature was carried out and the evidence base was created in relation to government targets for 2016. At the current stage, Level 2 BIM adoption is achievable by 2016 for large construction firms but not for SMEs (small medium enterprise). Also, from evidence in this study, the technology needs to be properly tailored to meet SME variables if Level 2 status is to be achieved for the entire industry. 展开更多
Discussion on the problems and countermeasures in the financial management of the small and micro-sized enterprises
作者 Chen Pei 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期13-18,共6页
The survival problems are always the core problems of the small and micro-sized enterprises in our country, and the financial management, as the important key factor influencing the small and micro-sized enterprises, ... The survival problems are always the core problems of the small and micro-sized enterprises in our country, and the financial management, as the important key factor influencing the small and micro-sized enterprises, has more and more impact on its survival and development. However, the important problem existing presently is that the significance of the financial management is mostly ignored in the small and micro-sized enterprises, pursuing the short-term economic benefit blindly, which decreases the risk resistance of the small and micro-sized enterprises severely, so that a mass of the small and micro-sized enterprises with poor survivability and extremely short life cycle are occurred. This text analyzes the problems existing in the financial management of the small and micro-sized enterprises around the above several prominent problems, and discusses the corresponding suggestions to promote the sound development of the small and micro-sized enterprises in our country. 展开更多
关键词 small and micro-sized enterprises financial management problems and countermeasures
The Impact of Turnover Ratios on Jordanian Services Sectors' Performance
作者 Lina Warrad Rania AlOmari 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第2期77-85,共9页
Profitability ratios are a group of financial ratios that indicate how much profit a business is earning within a certain context, while asset utilization ratios indicate how efficient a business is in operating its a... Profitability ratios are a group of financial ratios that indicate how much profit a business is earning within a certain context, while asset utilization ratios indicate how efficient a business is in operating its assets to generate cash. The difference between profitability ratios and turnover ratios is the fact that turnovers are more specific. While profitability ratios measure overall performance in terms of profits, asset utilization ratios focus on specific measurements within the business) We conduct this study to verify the impact of turnover ratios on Jordanian services sectors' performance during the period from 2009 to 2012. The study showed that there is no significant impact of turnover ratios on Jordanian services sectors' profitability, and by testing the main and sub hypotheses, the study revealed that there is no significant impact of turnover ratios on Jordanian services sectors' return on assets (ROA), there is no significant impact of working capital turnover on Jordanian services sectors' ROA, there is no significant impact of total asset turnover on Jordanian services sectors' ROA, and there is no significant impact of fixed asset turnover on Jordanian services sectors' ROA. Also, the study showed that there is no significant impact of turnover ratios on Jordanian services sectors' return on equity (ROE), there is no significant impact of working capital turnover on Jordanian services sectors' ROE, there is no significant impact of total asset turnover on Jordanian services sectors' ROE, and there is no significant impact of fixed asset turnover on Jordanian services sectors' ROE. Moreover, the study concluded that the educational services sector has the lowest working capital turnover and healthcare services sector has the highest. In addition, we find that the hotels and tourism sector has the lowest total asset turnover ratio, while the utilities and energy sector has the highest and that the hotels and tourism sector has the lowest fixed asset turnover, while the utilities and energy sector has the highest. The transportation sector has the lowest ROA and technology and communication sector has the highest. Finally, we find that transportation sector has the lowest ROE and the technology and communication sector has the highest. 展开更多
关键词 working capital turnover total asset tumover fixed asset turnover return on assets (ROA) retum on equity (ROE) Amman Stock Exchange (ASE)
Thales of Miletus, Archimedes and the Solar Eclipses on the Antikythera Mechanism
作者 G6ran Henriksson 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第12期757-769,共13页
Thales of Miletus (640?-546 BC) is famous for his prediction of the total solar eclipse in 585 BC. In this paper, the author demonstrate how Thales may have used the same principle for prediction of solar eclipses ... Thales of Miletus (640?-546 BC) is famous for his prediction of the total solar eclipse in 585 BC. In this paper, the author demonstrate how Thales may have used the same principle for prediction of solar eclipses as that used on the Antikythera Mechanism. At the SEAC conference in Alexandria in 2009, the author presented the paper "Ten solar eclipses show that the Antikythera Mechanism was constructed for use on Sicily." The best defined series of exeligmos cycles started in 243 BC during the lifetime of Archimedes (287-212 BC) from Syracuse. The inscriptions on the Antikythera Mechanism were made in 100-150 BC and the last useful exeligmos started in 134 BC. The theory for the motion of the moon was from Hipparchus (ca 190-125 BC). A more complete investigation of the solar eclipses on the Antikythera Mechanism reveals that the first month in the first saros cycle started with the first new moon after the winter solstice in 542 BC. Four solar eclipses 537-528 BC, from the first saros cycle, and three one exeligmos cycle later, 487-478 BC, are preserved and may have been recorded in Croton by Pythagoras (ca 575-495 BC) and his school. 展开更多
关键词 Solar eclipse exeligmos cycle saros cycle seasonal hour equinoctial hour.
Lake-margin ecosystems of saline lakes of the Borzya group(Zabaikalsky Krai, Russia) during the initial filling phase
作者 Evgenia P.GORLACHEVA Gazhit Ts.TSYBEKMITOVA +4 位作者 Alexey V.AFONIN Natalya A.TASHLIKOVA Ekaterina Yu.AFONINA Alexey P.KUKLIN Natalia V.SALTANOVA 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期871-878,共8页
This article presents the results of hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies of shallow saline lakes of the Borzya group(Zabaikalsky Krai, Russia) at the initial filling phase. The lake-margin ecosystems of the stud... This article presents the results of hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies of shallow saline lakes of the Borzya group(Zabaikalsky Krai, Russia) at the initial filling phase. The lake-margin ecosystems of the studied lakes are characterized by varying degrees of salinity from polyhaline to brine water. Cyclical variations of meteorological conditions and high salinity determined that the compositions of the aquatic organisms are specific, mostly between stenohaline and euryhaline species, the quantities are low, and the community structures are simple. 展开更多
Shakespeare' s Sonnets Dated
作者 W. Ron Hess 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第11期1003-1019,共17页
By using echoes in some sonnets to lines in certain plays, emphasizing those echoes which were not later repeated, and by applying dates to those plays, in 1926 Elizabeth Beckwith tentatively dated a third of the 154 ... By using echoes in some sonnets to lines in certain plays, emphasizing those echoes which were not later repeated, and by applying dates to those plays, in 1926 Elizabeth Beckwith tentatively dated a third of the 154 in the entire sonnets cycle. Her belief was that an unintentional authorial pattern of usage would be less subjective than other approaches to dating the sonnets. Yet, by use of dates from external allusions later applied by Prof. Leslie Hotson and other scholars, this author suggests that it may be possible to extend the total number of datable sonnets to over half of the cycle. However, Beckwith did not use dates for the plays which were later to become a standard dating scheme accepted by most scholars today, and so adjustments of her dates would change the dates she awarded to many of her selected sonnets. This author suggests that even the standard dating scheme is flawed, particularly if Shakespeare was dead when the Sonnets were published in 1609. He suggests another dating regime that meshes quite well with both Beckwith's 52 and an additional 27. Thus, the result for the 79 sonnets is to avoid certain problems in the distribution that Beckwith's method generated. The net result is what Beckwith termed "a skeleton around which the remaining sonnets can be safely built", but for over half rather than only a third of the cycle. This author suggests a half"skeleton" is more indicative of the chronology for the whole sonnets cycle than only a third. 展开更多
关键词 Shakespeare's Sonnets dating Shakespeare's works Shakespeare's1640 poems Elizabeth Beckwith
Recovery Capacity of the Finance System of Italian Municipalities After the Currency Crisis of 1992
作者 Salvatore Villani 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2018年第3期121-135,共15页
This paper is a first pioneering attempt to apply the concept of resilience to the analysis of the public finance systems of local governments, a concept already used and "abused" in various disciplines and fields o... This paper is a first pioneering attempt to apply the concept of resilience to the analysis of the public finance systems of local governments, a concept already used and "abused" in various disciplines and fields of science. In particular, it proposes an attempt to estimate the recovery capacity of Italian Municipalities in a crucial period of our country's financial history, between 1992 and 2000, or between the currency crisis and the introduction of the Euro. However, the analysis also involved the subsequent trends, in order to demonstrate that the current vulnerability of the municipal public finance system, in particular of the Municipalities of Southern Italy, depends not only on the economic cycle but also on the continuous and incessant changes in the financing mechanisms of local governments established by the central government. The analysis showed a lower financial resilience of the Municipalities of the Mezzogiorno (island and continental) compared to those of the Center-North. The determinants of this phenomenon were found, for one part, through the analysis of the financial data of the Italian Municipalities - as presented by the SVIMEZ in its annual reports on the economy of the Mezzogiomo - and, for another part, through the critical synthesis of significant economic events which occurred during the period examined. 展开更多
关键词 governmental financial resilience financial management vulnerability and recovery capacity of local governments financial shocks currency crisis
Recovery Planning and Management Control System in Company Crisis
作者 Elisa Giacosa Alberto Mazzoleni 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第9期1326-1337,共12页
The main goal of this paper is to analyze situations of financial crisis in Italian companies. The analysis has also been focused on the company's attitude to overcome the financial crisis. Secondly, the authors have... The main goal of this paper is to analyze situations of financial crisis in Italian companies. The analysis has also been focused on the company's attitude to overcome the financial crisis. Secondly, the authors have analyzed if the recovery project has required the introduction of a new management control system or changes to the existing management control system. The methodology is composed of several steps. First of all, the authors have analyzed the existing literature. Secondly, the authors have referred to a sample of 98 Italian recovery projects formalized by Italian private companies. The analysis of the literature and the recovery projects permits to achieve some provisional results, which have been tested through surveys. The methodology approach is inspired by the grounded theory. The findings have been several: (1) The crisis is a usual event in the lifecycle of a firm, due to a deterioration of its strength and a change of the context; (2) The timing factor has played a fundamental role in managing the crisis situation, because a late identification of the symptoms or a minimization of them can generate an irreversible situation; and (3) In addition, a recovery project includes the introduction of a new management control system or changes to the existing management control system. These new or modified management control systems use "feed-forward" mechanisms, which make early predictions about the changes in the characteristics of the competitive framework. 展开更多
关键词 company crisis recovery process recovery planning management control system Italian context
Central and Peripheral Cultures and the Problem of Social Conflict in Vietnam
作者 Nguyen Van Dan 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第2期148-153,共6页
This article deals with relationship between cultural globalization and local cultures, seen mostly as conflict between centre and peripheries on the world scale and also as conflict among ethnicities in the societies... This article deals with relationship between cultural globalization and local cultures, seen mostly as conflict between centre and peripheries on the world scale and also as conflict among ethnicities in the societies. It also suggests some solutions to the problem of conflict on the global scale in general and in Vietnam in particular. In the era of globalization, there exists a risk of cultural imperialism rising as a cultural centre. Nevertheless, the cultural imperialism always bears the economic and political motives. This is the very cause which leads to politico-cultural conflict. Therefore, in essence, cultural hegemony is also the very economic hegemony and it serves the economy. Thus, in fact, social conflicts are often the contradictions, but these contradictions could lead to conflict only when they are pushed to political and economic interests level, and then they are the truly economic and political conflicts and not cultural ones. Therefore, in essence, there are not purely cultural conflicts, but culture is only the medium for politico-economic conflict. There may be various kinds of solutions for the problem of conflict: the economic solutions, the social solutions, the political solutions, and the cultural ones. Vietnarrv--as a multi-ethnic natiorv--is not a country without social conflict. To solve the problem of conflict is to solve the contradictions in economic interests and to overcome the lack of democracy. Therefore, the most important solutions for the problem of conflict are the cultural and political solutions. Especially, the article emphasizes the democracy and the rule of law as the critical points in solving the problem of social conflict. 展开更多
关键词 culture centre and periphery social conflict cultural globalization MULTICULTURALISM policies on religionplural language policies DEMOCRACY
United States and France: Imprisonment and Torture From the End of WWII to the Algerian War
作者 Francesca Somenzari 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第10期585-590,共6页
Mistreatment and violation of international laws are recurrent events during Second World War (WWII) and torture is a frequent method used in the Algerian War. This paper investigates the escalation of violence whi... Mistreatment and violation of international laws are recurrent events during Second World War (WWII) and torture is a frequent method used in the Algerian War. This paper investigates the escalation of violence which, in some cases, degenerates into torture and offers a comparison between the situation of Axis Prisoners of War (1943-1946) and the imprisonment’s conditions in Algeria (1954-1962). In spite of the temporal interval and different political contexts, in some cases there’s a strange “continuity”. 展开更多
关键词 prisoners of war WWII TORTURE MISTREATMENT Geneva Convention
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