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城市居民低碳利益关注和低碳责任意识对低碳消费的影响——基于多群组结构方程模型的东、中、西部差异分析 被引量:70
作者 贺爱忠 李韬武 盖延涛 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期185-192,共8页
在问卷调研的基础上,运用结构方程模型等方法,就城市居民低碳利益关注和低碳责任意识对低碳消费的影响进行了实证研究。结果显示:城市居民低碳利益关注和低碳责任意识显著正向影响低碳态度和低碳消费;低碳态度显著正向影响低碳消费;影... 在问卷调研的基础上,运用结构方程模型等方法,就城市居民低碳利益关注和低碳责任意识对低碳消费的影响进行了实证研究。结果显示:城市居民低碳利益关注和低碳责任意识显著正向影响低碳态度和低碳消费;低碳态度显著正向影响低碳消费;影响低碳态度最大的变量是低碳利益关注,影响低碳消费最大的变量是低碳责任意识;人口统计特征和区域变量在不同假设路径中的影响均存在显著差异,中部地区更为显著。 展开更多
关键词 低碳利益关注 低碳责任意识 低碳态度 低碳消费 多群组分析
作者 冯海利 《河北企业》 2017年第6期35-36,共2页
在"两学一做"学习教育工作进入召开专题组织生活会和开展民主评议党员的重要时刻,要求党员干部从关注职工利益入手,按照"四讲四有"合格党员标准,严肃认真地开展批评和自我批评,进一步转化党员干部作风,提高党性修养... 在"两学一做"学习教育工作进入召开专题组织生活会和开展民主评议党员的重要时刻,要求党员干部从关注职工利益入手,按照"四讲四有"合格党员标准,严肃认真地开展批评和自我批评,进一步转化党员干部作风,提高党性修养,为职工解决实际问题,是体现落实"两学一做"工作的重要举措和适时之举。 展开更多
关键词 重在实做 关注职工利益 转变干部作风
低碳消费行为研究述评 被引量:6
作者 黄苏萍 潘阳 陈立平 《学海》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期174-182,共9页
居民低碳消费行为现已受到学者们的普遍关注,他们对这一现象进行了卓有成效的研究,并取得了一些值得关注的成果。本文在回顾国内外有关居民低碳消费行为研究的基础上,首先将低碳消费与绿色消费、可持续消费等概念进行比较,对其进行定义... 居民低碳消费行为现已受到学者们的普遍关注,他们对这一现象进行了卓有成效的研究,并取得了一些值得关注的成果。本文在回顾国内外有关居民低碳消费行为研究的基础上,首先将低碳消费与绿色消费、可持续消费等概念进行比较,对其进行定义并给出低碳消费的三大特征,然后从利益关注、道德规范、非理性因素、情境因素四个角度对有关低碳消费行为影响因素的已有研究进行介绍,最后剖析现有研究仍存在的不足并提出对未来研究的展望。 展开更多
关键词 低碳消费行为 利益关注 主观规范 亲环境行为
作者 吴琳萍 《商业经济》 2008年第6S期109-111,共3页
旅游规划是旅游地旅游业发展的总体战略部署,它对旅游地旅游业的可持续发展起着重要作用。旅游规划中的营销观念决定了旅游规划的价值取向,也是决定旅游规划地旅游业发展的重要指导性因素。旅游地的旅游规划,应以社会营销观念为导向,才... 旅游规划是旅游地旅游业发展的总体战略部署,它对旅游地旅游业的可持续发展起着重要作用。旅游规划中的营销观念决定了旅游规划的价值取向,也是决定旅游规划地旅游业发展的重要指导性因素。旅游地的旅游规划,应以社会营销观念为导向,才能实现旅游业的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 社会营销观念 旅游规划 利益关注 规划程序 参与模式
作者 刘顺义 《陕西社会主义学院学报》 2009年第3期38-41,共4页
关注利益的冲突化解作为构建海峡两岸和平统一框架的理论范式和实践路径。对冲突自然属性的否定提供了海峡两岸和平统一的理论特征和理解关键。在和平价值的框架内以一种可接受和可持续的方法处理冲突为海峡两岸和平统一确定了一个非常... 关注利益的冲突化解作为构建海峡两岸和平统一框架的理论范式和实践路径。对冲突自然属性的否定提供了海峡两岸和平统一的理论特征和理解关键。在和平价值的框架内以一种可接受和可持续的方法处理冲突为海峡两岸和平统一确定了一个非常重要的目标。海峡两岸和平要把同一性利益的寻求作为基础,互补性利益的寻求作为核心,冲突利益认识角度的转换作为关键。 展开更多
关键词 关注利益 冲突化解 统一框架 政治对立
The Influence of Government Regulation on Audit Quality
作者 QIN Yuan WANG Min 《International English Education Research》 2015年第12期29-30,共2页
"Independent Audit basic norms" pointed out independent audit is the CPA entrusted by law, to be conduct an independent review of the accounting statements and related information and issue the audit opinion." In t... "Independent Audit basic norms" pointed out independent audit is the CPA entrusted by law, to be conduct an independent review of the accounting statements and related information and issue the audit opinion." In the stock market, an independent audit is an important means to achieve fair presentation of financial statements by SFC-authorized accounting firm to conduct an independent audit of listed companies. In the open accounting services market, the independent audit is the most occupied audit resources, the most important business, and therefore the business is also subject to severe supervision of the SFC. Its value lies in perform forensic of the financial statements information of listed companies, and the higher the quality, the more it can reduce the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements, which is the need to strengthen and improve audit quality. Our independent audit market originated in the 1980s, along with the reform and opening up, China's economy is experiencing rapid growth, the demand for high quality audit increasingly enhanced. Audit activities have the nature of external and information asymmetry. External audit refers to it have an impact to investors, government departments and the other public stakeholders. Information asymmetry refers to the information asymmetry between the auditor and the audited entity, but due to the presence of asymmetric information and other reasons, the interests of stakeholders will be hurt by false information Government regulation as a model audit industry control, either in foreign or domestic, have played an irreplaceable role, especially in the socialism of China, plays a leading role. For example, when Enron bankruptcy United States speedly issue SOX in 2002 to strengthen the role of government regulation, effectively preventing the conspiracy of the CPA and the audited entity and improve audit quality. Visiblely, the role of government regulation in the audit market is very important. 展开更多
关键词 government regulation audit quality regulatory authorities
作者 小唐 《大家》 北大核心 2000年第3期208-208,共1页
作为一个女作家,一生致力于探讨妇女问题至今没有谁可以跟温塞特比肩。从长篇小说《珍妮》开始,温塞特便在自己的一些中、长篇小说中描写了克丽斯汀尼亚(挪威首都奥斯陆旧名)年轻妇女的现实生活。在作品所涉及的那个动荡的年代里,她们... 作为一个女作家,一生致力于探讨妇女问题至今没有谁可以跟温塞特比肩。从长篇小说《珍妮》开始,温塞特便在自己的一些中、长篇小说中描写了克丽斯汀尼亚(挪威首都奥斯陆旧名)年轻妇女的现实生活。在作品所涉及的那个动荡的年代里,她们或为追求幸福铤而走险,不惜牺自己的前途;或在犹豫彷徨中禁锢终生;或一时失足而堕入风尘——为了幸福,她们付出了太高的代价。 展开更多
关键词 文学评论 女性作家 温塞特 小说 女性利益关注
作者 樊智勇 《思想政治工作研究》 北大核心 1996年第4期47-47,共1页
既然市场经济给人们提供了多种选择的可能,多种发展空间,也强调了人的自主平等意识和关注自身利益的意识,那么,个人追求好一些的物质生活条件便无可厚非。从道德的角度说,判断一个人道德水平的高低主要看他如何处理个人与他人(集体、国... 既然市场经济给人们提供了多种选择的可能,多种发展空间,也强调了人的自主平等意识和关注自身利益的意识,那么,个人追求好一些的物质生活条件便无可厚非。从道德的角度说,判断一个人道德水平的高低主要看他如何处理个人与他人(集体、国家)利益的关系,那么,确定个人正当利益范围理应成为判断道德善恶的基础。只有当一个人能够得到他所应得的利益,并能自主而非被迫地维护这些利益,这才开拓了完整的实践高尚道德原则的前景。反之,如果我们不明确个人利益,就是“苛求君子,放纵小人”,也就看不出谁在损人利己,谁在损已利人。如果说一个人道德高尚就意味着他得到的微薄。 展开更多
关键词 个人正当利益 个人利益 关注自身利益 道德与利益 物质生活条件 平等意识 人与他人 发展空间 道德水平 个人道德
Strengthening Injury Surveillance System in Iran 被引量:1
作者 Seyed Abbas Motevalian Mashyaneh Haddadi +4 位作者 Hesam Akbari Reza Khorramirouz Soheil Saadat Arash Tehrani Vafa Rahimi-Movaghar 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2011年第6期348-353,共6页
Objective: To strengthen the current Injury Surveillance System (IS System) in order to better monitor injury conditions, improve protection ways and promote safety. Methods: At first we carried out a study to eva... Objective: To strengthen the current Injury Surveillance System (IS System) in order to better monitor injury conditions, improve protection ways and promote safety. Methods: At first we carried out a study to evaluate the frameworks of IS System in the developed countries. Then all the available documents from World Health Organization, Eastern Mediterranean Regional Organization, as well as Minister of Health and Medical Education concerning Iran were reviewed. Later a national stakeholder's consultation was held to collect opinions and views. A national workshop was also intended for provincial representatives from 41 universities to identify the barriers and limitations of the existing program and further to strengthen injury surveillance. Results: The evaluation of the current IS System revealed many problems, mainly presented as lack of accurate pre- and post-hospital death registry, need of precise injury data registry in outpatient medical centers, incomplete injury data registry in hospitals and lack of accuracy in definition of variables in injury registry. The five main characteristics of current IS System including flexibility, acceptability, simplicity, usefulness and timeliness were evaluated as moderate by experts.Conclusions: Major revisions must be considered in the current IS System in Iran. The following elements should be added to the questionnaire: identifier, manner of arrival to the hospital, situation of the injured patient, consumption of alcohol and opioids, other involved participants in the accident, intention, severity and site of injury, side effects of surgery and medication, as well as one month follow-up results. Data should be collected from 10% of all hospitals in Iran and analyzed every 3 months. Simultaneously data should be online to be retrieved by researches. 展开更多
关键词 Wounds and injuries Population surveillance REGISTRIES Iran
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