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从高等教育利益相关体看高校考试制度改革 被引量:8
作者 李翊 《湖南第一师范学报》 2009年第3期29-31,共3页
高等教育利益相关体包括教师、学生、家长、高等学校、教务管理部门、教育主管部门和用人单位等八种主体。这些主体因其各自利益不同而在高校考试制度改革过程中存在着不同心态,研究表明:要真正落实高校考试制度改革措施,使改革收到实效... 高等教育利益相关体包括教师、学生、家长、高等学校、教务管理部门、教育主管部门和用人单位等八种主体。这些主体因其各自利益不同而在高校考试制度改革过程中存在着不同心态,研究表明:要真正落实高校考试制度改革措施,使改革收到实效,必须建立健全各利益相关体多方制衡的约束和激励机制。 展开更多
关键词 高校 考试制度改革 利益相关体
作者 赵昌平 刘梦茹 范厚明 《东北亚经济研究》 2020年第1期85-100,共16页
"南海问题"是关系到我国国家安全的重要课题,也是影响中美关系走向、进而影响全球政治、经济格局演变的重要课题。在"南海问题"上,已形成一个域内国家与域外国家利益交叉、相互影响的复杂网络,由利益相关国构成的... "南海问题"是关系到我国国家安全的重要课题,也是影响中美关系走向、进而影响全球政治、经济格局演变的重要课题。在"南海问题"上,已形成一个域内国家与域外国家利益交叉、相互影响的复杂网络,由利益相关国构成的复杂网络的演变趋势将直接影响到南海问题的演变趋势及我国的战略安全。用科学的方法研究南海问题利益相关体服务贸易网络结构变化的影响因素,有利于促进南海区域的经济发展,维持南海区域的和平与稳定。 展开更多
关键词 南海问题 利益相关体服务贸易网络 影响因素 随机指数模型
利益相关体视角下港澳台海岛旅游资源安全问题探析 被引量:1
作者 何巧华 苏欣慰 陈金华 《湖北文理学院学报》 2015年第5期68-72,共5页
港澳台海岛旅游资源存在着生产、分配、交换与消费等安全问题,旅游承载力问题日趋严重.从利益关联程度的角度看,其旅游资源安全问题主要出自直接相关体、间接相关体与外部影响体.因此,针对港澳台地区旅游资源安全问题,提出了完善岛上旅... 港澳台海岛旅游资源存在着生产、分配、交换与消费等安全问题,旅游承载力问题日趋严重.从利益关联程度的角度看,其旅游资源安全问题主要出自直接相关体、间接相关体与外部影响体.因此,针对港澳台地区旅游资源安全问题,提出了完善岛上旅游资源安全防控体系,规范岛上旅游企业经营,加强游客岛游安全意识,强化岛上居民安全教育,提升海岛旅游资源规划部门和旅游管理部门安全监控水平,加强社会团体与舆论媒体监督作用,建立完备预警机制、危机处理机制等措施建议. 展开更多
关键词 旅游资源安全 利益相关体 海岛旅游 港澳台地区
南海利益相关体贸易合作复杂网络博弈仿真 被引量:1
作者 赵昌平 曹向辉 +1 位作者 齐建华 范厚明 《大连海事大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期87-94,共8页
在构建南海利益相关体经贸合作复杂网络的基础上,利用网络博弈模型深入分析邻居的奖励、区域合作的溢出效益、合作成本、背叛时的收益对节点国家合作策略选择的影响,并利用MATLAB软件对模型进行仿真.结果表明,奖励、溢出效益对节点国家... 在构建南海利益相关体经贸合作复杂网络的基础上,利用网络博弈模型深入分析邻居的奖励、区域合作的溢出效益、合作成本、背叛时的收益对节点国家合作策略选择的影响,并利用MATLAB软件对模型进行仿真.结果表明,奖励、溢出效益对节点国家选择合作行为有正向影响,牧鹿博弈比囚徒困境博弈、雪崩博弈更容易在合作策略上稳定下来. 展开更多
关键词 南海利益相关体 贸易合作 复杂网络 网络博弈 模型仿真
航空服务学学科体系建设刍议 被引量:3
作者 刘向英 路紫 张秋娈 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2016年第3期117-120,共4页
当前航空运输业发展迅速,面对航空服务中暴露出的各种问题,构建一个有益于航空服务规范化发展的航空服务学学科体系便成为一项重要而紧迫的研究工作。航空服务主要有提供方、管理方、接收方三个利益相关体,应在此基础上构建航空服务学... 当前航空运输业发展迅速,面对航空服务中暴露出的各种问题,构建一个有益于航空服务规范化发展的航空服务学学科体系便成为一项重要而紧迫的研究工作。航空服务主要有提供方、管理方、接收方三个利益相关体,应在此基础上构建航空服务学学科体系。目前我国航空服务理论研究与实践渐趋成熟,能满足学科体系构建的基本条件,但其学科内涵仍需不断丰富与完善。 展开更多
关键词 航空服务学 利益相关体 学科 交叉学科
企业社会责任:中国企业跨国经营文化的核心 被引量:4
作者 陈伟宏 《国际商务研究》 北大核心 2006年第5期51-53,共3页
基于利益相关体的社会责任实践已经成为世界上许多大型跨国公司的重要战略行动和企业文化的核心理念。但是从企业作为经济人的角度来说,企业承担社会责任势必加大企业负担,并进而影响企业效益。为什么企业社会责任实践会受到跨国公司如... 基于利益相关体的社会责任实践已经成为世界上许多大型跨国公司的重要战略行动和企业文化的核心理念。但是从企业作为经济人的角度来说,企业承担社会责任势必加大企业负担,并进而影响企业效益。为什么企业社会责任实践会受到跨国公司如此的追捧?跨国企业社会责任实践的核心是什么?随着中国经济的发展和全球经济区域的一体化,越来越多的中国企业将走出国门进行跨国经营。时下这种重视跨国企业社会责任实践的潮流对这些已经走出或即将走出国门但又缺乏社会责任意识和实践经验的中国企业来说又意味着什么?本文拟通过对企业社会责任的概念的发展和跨国企业社会责任实践的演进入手,试图对这些问题做出回答。 展开更多
关键词 企业社会责任 利益相关体 跨国经营 长期竞争优势
对影响工程项目进度的原因分析及对策 被引量:2
作者 胡川 《科技广场》 2011年第10期170-173,共4页
工程项目进度管理是工程管理中最重要的内容之一,直接决定了一个项目能否如期完成。实际工程中进度经常延期,对此,本文从项目利益相关体各方出发对导致项目进度延拖延的因素进行分析与评价,并对此提出相应对策以期改善项目进度管理,提... 工程项目进度管理是工程管理中最重要的内容之一,直接决定了一个项目能否如期完成。实际工程中进度经常延期,对此,本文从项目利益相关体各方出发对导致项目进度延拖延的因素进行分析与评价,并对此提出相应对策以期改善项目进度管理,提高项目整体效益。 展开更多
关键词 项目进度 利益相关体 对策
公共空间复兴背后的故事——记纽约高线公园转型始末 被引量:24
作者 甘欣悦 《上海城市规划》 2015年第1期43-48,共6页
以纽约高线公园为例,通过文献资料查阅,以及对纽约相关区划法的解读,梳理出其从废弃的铁路食品运输线成功转型为纽约标志性公共空间的背后动力,以及转型过程中各方利益的权衡与协调,旨在将对高线公园的关注视角从大众熟知的景观空间设... 以纽约高线公园为例,通过文献资料查阅,以及对纽约相关区划法的解读,梳理出其从废弃的铁路食品运输线成功转型为纽约标志性公共空间的背后动力,以及转型过程中各方利益的权衡与协调,旨在将对高线公园的关注视角从大众熟知的景观空间设计转向对从设计理念提出到最终实施的全过程的解析,从公共空间管制的角度聚焦高线公园转型始末,探讨良好的城市公共空间的形成机制。 展开更多
关键词 高线公园 公共空间 区划法 利益相关体 自下而上
Media Stakeholders' Perspectives and Policy Integrity
作者 Oladokun Omojola 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第1期304-316,共13页
Objectivity in media practice is the journalist's ability to give every segment of the audience an equal right to be heard and seen, to read or to react. Disappointingly, that objectivity does not extend to the polic... Objectivity in media practice is the journalist's ability to give every segment of the audience an equal right to be heard and seen, to read or to react. Disappointingly, that objectivity does not extend to the policies that regulate that practice. This concern is demonstrated in the incoherence and lack of judgment that exist in media policy domains where journalism is confined to a deal between only the journalist and his or her audience. This linear process conspicuously excludes those crucial stakeholders whose interests tremendously affect the destiny of journalists and their audience. The development has adversely affected policy rationality in some developing countries as media policies lack interactive planning, robust policy discourses and stakeholder dialogue, thereby undermining policy integrity. This paper attempts to argue that for a media policy to be truly in public interest, formulators have to expand their horizon beyond government, journalists and their audience to other stakeholders. Newsmakers, who fall into a category of such stakeholders, can make the journalist's pen run dry if they go on strike! Others include media users, media owners and media scholars. The paper recommends the process of harnessing the perspectives of these stakeholders in a manner that can make analysts consider drafting a fresh all-encompassing media policy for developing countries, especially those of Africa. 展开更多
关键词 AUDIENCE media policy media stakeholders policy integrity
Reduction of Tobacco Smoking Health Risk Through an Appropriate Media Based Communication Strategy in Uganda
作者 Henry Musoke Semakula 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2010年第3期59-66,共8页
The health impacts of tobacco consumption are well documented and have gained acceptance worldwide. Today, a substantial, preventable burden of tobacco attributable diseases exists in most countries, though in most of... The health impacts of tobacco consumption are well documented and have gained acceptance worldwide. Today, a substantial, preventable burden of tobacco attributable diseases exists in most countries, though in most of the cases, unknown. Smoking accounts for almost half of the deaths in middle age in some regions. In Uganda, translating findings into policy action is slow and involves several stakeholders. It will continue to require support from tobacco control campaign groups. This paper analyses secondary literature on tobacco smoking and later provides an appropriate medium based communication strategy that can be adopted to counteract the persuasive smoking evil adverts of tobacco companies as well as creating awareness among the population of the health impacts caused by smoking. 展开更多
关键词 communication strategy tobacco smoking risks public health
The Exhibition Performance Appraisal Index System Based on Stakeholder Theory
作者 闫淑敏 郝启辉 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期89-95,共7页
Exhibition performance should be evaluated from different perspectives of stakeholders.The benefits of each stakeholder can not be satisfied when evaluating the exhibition performance from a single perspective or only... Exhibition performance should be evaluated from different perspectives of stakeholders.The benefits of each stakeholder can not be satisfied when evaluating the exhibition performance from a single perspective or only evaluating the economic performance of the exhibition.In this paper,the stakeholders are defined on the basis of questionnaire investigation and classified by mathematical statistical method.According to the requirements of the stakeholders,the exhibition performance appraisal indicators are extracted and simplified by factor analysis,which leads to the formation of a set of performance appraisal index system.It is an instructive attempt to work out the exhibition performance appraisal model from the perspective of stakeholders,which may provide theoretical foundation and practice instruction for exhibition performance appraisal in our country. 展开更多
关键词 EXHIBITION stakeholder theory performanceappraisal factor analysis
契约视角下的大学管理制度创新 被引量:11
作者 胡叔宝 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期66-69,共4页
现代大学健康持续发展的关键在于管理制度创新,管理制度创新的关键则在于充分发挥大学的自主性,使其根据契约精神建立以激励专用性人力资源的可交流知识与不可交流知识为基础的运行体制。在管理制度创新的过程中,大学应根据自身需求进... 现代大学健康持续发展的关键在于管理制度创新,管理制度创新的关键则在于充分发挥大学的自主性,使其根据契约精神建立以激励专用性人力资源的可交流知识与不可交流知识为基础的运行体制。在管理制度创新的过程中,大学应根据自身需求进行诱致性管理制度创新,而政府应该依据法律规定提供必要的强制性管理制度创新支持。 展开更多
关键词 大学管理制度 公共物品 利益相关体
简论跨国公司经营中的企业社会责任 被引量:4
作者 陈伟宏 《道德与文明》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期132-135,共4页
基于利益相关者理论的企业社会责任实践能够有效地建立与维持企业的长期竞争优势。将企业社会责任理念融入企业的经营战略和经营方式、作为企业文化的核心内容,是跨国公司经营获得成功的重要因素。随着我国越来越多的企业走出国门开展... 基于利益相关者理论的企业社会责任实践能够有效地建立与维持企业的长期竞争优势。将企业社会责任理念融入企业的经营战略和经营方式、作为企业文化的核心内容,是跨国公司经营获得成功的重要因素。随着我国越来越多的企业走出国门开展跨国经营,我国跨国经营企业应努力协调中国传统文化价值观与西方文化价值观之间的矛盾和冲突,以尊重之心处理好企业与利益相关者的关系,逐步提升企业社会责任意识,为所在国的经济社会发展做出贡献。 展开更多
关键词 跨国经营 利益相关体 企业社会责任 长期竞争优势
Relationship of Stakeholders in Protected Areas and Tourism Ecological Compensation: A Case Study of Sanya Coral Reef National Nature Reserve in China 被引量:5
作者 CHEN Haiying HE Linsi +2 位作者 LI Peng ZENG Xiaohong YOU Changjiang 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2018年第2期164-173,共10页
The first step to defining the rights,responsibilities and interests of stakeholders and constructing a compensation mechanism is to identify the stakeholders and clarify their mutual relationships.Nature reserves are... The first step to defining the rights,responsibilities and interests of stakeholders and constructing a compensation mechanism is to identify the stakeholders and clarify their mutual relationships.Nature reserves are complex ecosystems involving nature,the economy and society.There exists a conflict between the public welfare benefits of ecological conservation and the private gains to be realized from social and economic development.There also exist in a nature reserve complex relationships among stakeholders,involving the utilization of ecological resources,ecological conservation and ecological-economic interests.The introduction of tourism brings substantial changes to the existing stakeholder benefit structure in a nature reserve.The implementation of tourism ecological compensation(tourism payment for ecological service)is a process for redefining the distribution of rights,responsibilities and profits among stakeholders and it is also an essential way to balance the interests of the stakeholders.This paper uses a case study of Sanya Coral Reef National Nature Reserve in China to examine the characteristics of stakeholders and analyze their interests.According to the method for defining basic attributes proposed by Mitchel and other scholars,in cases of tourism ecological compensation,stakeholders can be classified as definitive stakeholders,expectant stakeholders and latent stakeholders.This paper applies these classifications and then analyzes the relationships between the rights and responsibilities of these stakeholders and how these change after the implementation of compensation.Additionally,based on the impact compensation has on different stakeholders,changes in the relationships can be analyzed and the structure of the stakeholders can be modelled.This case study of the Sanya Coral Reef National Nature Reserve illustrates the operationalization of a new mechanism for tourism ecological compensation.The paper illustrates a method for coordinating the relationships among the stakeholders involved with this national-level nature reserve. 展开更多
关键词 tourism ecological compensation (TEC) STAKEHOLDER benefit structure of stakeholders Nature Reserve Sanya Coral Reef National Nature Reserve (SCRNNR)
A Responsible Tourism System at Glacier Tourism Sites:Reducing the Impacts of Tourism Activities on Glaciers 被引量:1
作者 WANG Shuxin TAN Chunping +3 位作者 DU Jiankuo TANG Zi LIU Chenyan WANG Yarong 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第4期697-707,共11页
The anthropogenic heat release from tourism activities has a cumulative effect on glacial retreat when coupled with climate change.Mitigating the impacts of glacial tourism activities on glaciers and promoting the sus... The anthropogenic heat release from tourism activities has a cumulative effect on glacial retreat when coupled with climate change.Mitigating the impacts of glacial tourism activities on glaciers and promoting the sustainable development of glacial tourism have become urgent issues.Taking Yulong and Hailuogou glacier tourism destinations as examples,we collected survey questionnaires related to glacial tourists(n=1113)and tourism companies(n=329)by systematic field surveys during 2016–2017,and we obtained data on energy consumption from catering,accommodation,transportation,sightseeing,shopping,entertainment,and waste disposal.This study builds a responsible tourism system and discusses the strategies and measures used to engage stakeholders(mainly tourism companies,tourists,local governments,tourism associations,and the central government)in responsible tourism in order to reduce the impacts of tourism activities on glaciers.These strategies mainly include:improving the energy efficiency of the supply of tourism products and services,promoting the consumption of low-energy tourism products and services,strengthening the supervision and management of low-energy consumption tourism development,creating an environment for energy savings and consumption reduction,and establishing a long-term operational mechanism for responsible tourism management.A rewsponsible tourism system allows stakeholders to properly address this dilemma,internalize sustainable development goals to find their intrinsic self-discipline,and work together to fulfill the public responsibility of realizing the sustainable development of glacial tourism. 展开更多
关键词 glacier tourism STAKEHOLDERS responsible tourism system sustainable development
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Will It Sustain Itself? 被引量:5
作者 Ejaz Hussain 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2017年第2期145-159,共15页
This paper attempts to measure and explain the sustainability of China- Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) by employing rational choice theory. Methodologically, the qualitative study relies on primary data in terms ... This paper attempts to measure and explain the sustainability of China- Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) by employing rational choice theory. Methodologically, the qualitative study relies on primary data in terms of elite interviews and secondary sources such as journals articles. This theory-guided empirical research has identified two sets of challenges, internal and external, that the economic corridor faces. Broadly, the challenges range from economic slow- down, political instability, religious extremism and terrorism that have taken toll of Pakistani economy, society and the state. The paper has provided policy input in terms of urging Pakistani government to reform its educational system and correct political instability along with targeting all types of militant organizations. More- over, the study urges China to engage regional stakeholders in CPEC to realize regional and trans-regional connectivity to achieve economic integration of the market. 展开更多
关键词 CPEC Trade Balochistan Xinjiang - Belt and Road Initiative -China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
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