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为中国“大会展生态”贡献价值——专访法国智奥会展集团主席奥利维尔·吉农 被引量:1
作者 裴超 Aura Fu 《中国会展》 2019年第21期90-92,共3页
关键词 会展 贡献价值 生态 利维尔 城市经济发展 法国 专访 中国
《中国市场》 2009年第3期48-48,共1页
国际货币基金组织首席经济学家奥利维尔·布兰查德日前在接受采访时认为,金融危机尚未触顶,并正在演变成为一场更广泛的经济危机,预计危机还将持续一年时间,恢复正常的经济增长要等到2011年。布兰查德表示,各国政府应加大财政... 国际货币基金组织首席经济学家奥利维尔·布兰查德日前在接受采访时认为,金融危机尚未触顶,并正在演变成为一场更广泛的经济危机,预计危机还将持续一年时间,恢复正常的经济增长要等到2011年。布兰查德表示,各国政府应加大财政刺激力度,各国央行应尽可能降息,甚至实施零利率政策。 展开更多
关键词 金融危机 利维尔 查德 国际货币基金组织 首席经济学家 零利率政策 经济危机 经济增长
作者 邹海仑 《外国文学动态》 CSSCI 2010年第2期46-46,共1页
据英国《泰晤士文学增刊》2010年1月2913一期报道,两次获得英国曼布克奖的澳大利亚作家彼得·凯里又出版了一部长篇小说《帕罗特和奥利维尔在美国》(Parrot and Olivier in America. 费伯出版公司,453页)。
关键词 利维尔 美国 罗特 彼得 出版公司 2010年 长篇小说 澳大利亚
作者 林男 《舞蹈》 北大核心 2015年第12期76-76,共1页
马修·伯恩与其新冒险舞团将于2016军1月18日在萨德勒斯威尔斯剧院推出《精彩先生——纪念乔纳森·奥利维尔的舞蹈人生》,以此追忆与思念于2015年8月因车祸逝世的优秀舞者乔纳森·奥利维尔。新冒险舞团的首席舞者们将在这... 马修·伯恩与其新冒险舞团将于2016军1月18日在萨德勒斯威尔斯剧院推出《精彩先生——纪念乔纳森·奥利维尔的舞蹈人生》,以此追忆与思念于2015年8月因车祸逝世的优秀舞者乔纳森·奥利维尔。新冒险舞团的首席舞者们将在这次项目中出演马修·们恩版《天鹅湖》《TheCarMan》和《睡美人》选段,乔纳森·樊利维尔也曾在其中担任过主要角色。 展开更多
关键词 纪念演出 利维尔 《睡美人》 《天鹅湖》 威尔斯 冒险 马修 舞者
作者 杨丽萍 《酒世界》 2012年第3期68-69,共2页
罗讷河谷是法国葡萄酒的发源地,它是排在波尔多之后的法国第二大葡萄酒产区。在这里诞生了法国第一片葡萄园,第一瓶葡萄酒;在这里诞生了法国的原产地名号监控制度,也就是大家熟知的AOC制度。罗讷河谷的人认为他们的葡萄酒天生丽质。的确... 罗讷河谷是法国葡萄酒的发源地,它是排在波尔多之后的法国第二大葡萄酒产区。在这里诞生了法国第一片葡萄园,第一瓶葡萄酒;在这里诞生了法国的原产地名号监控制度,也就是大家熟知的AOC制度。罗讷河谷的人认为他们的葡萄酒天生丽质。的确,和已然声名远播的波尔多、勃艮第等地葡萄酒相比,罗讷河谷的葡萄酒口感圆润,价格亲和,十分吸引人。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄酒产区 河谷 营销总监 行业协会 利维尔 消费者 专访 酿造
作者 Anonymous 王宗文 《英语知识》 2005年第7期9-11,共3页
关键词 费雯丽 1957年 利维尔 爱尔兰
作者 Anonymous 王宗文 王敏 《英语知识》 2005年第6期10-13,共4页
关键词 费雯丽 演技 成熟 1952年 神经衰弱 身体状况 精神状况 精神病 利维尔 时间 技巧
《共产党员(下半月)》 2009年第4期55-55,共1页
关键词 创始人 肯德基 利维尔 印第安 农庄 能手
《华人时刊》 2014年第8期76-76,共1页
关键词 金坛市 英才 新材料技术 人民币 利维尔 公司
作者 Charles Simic 黄生友 《大学英语》 2012年第5期36-38,共3页
关键词 电影作品 无声电影 利维尔 制片人 编剧
作者 梁平霞 《课堂内外(创新作文)(初中版)》 2017年第1期56-57,共2页
AlanBarillaro,皮克斯著名动画制作人。一次他在爱莫利维尔市的皮克斯片场附近海滩跑步时,发现许多鸟在海面捕食却不会碰到浪,于是有了创作灵感,制作出了一部耗时仅六分钟的动画片《鹬》。从前期的观察、筹备,到最后的制作,AlanBa... AlanBarillaro,皮克斯著名动画制作人。一次他在爱莫利维尔市的皮克斯片场附近海滩跑步时,发现许多鸟在海面捕食却不会碰到浪,于是有了创作灵感,制作出了一部耗时仅六分钟的动画片《鹬》。从前期的观察、筹备,到最后的制作,AlanBarillaro花了整整三年的时间。此片讲述了一只饥饿的小矶鹬,努力克服恐水症,到海浪肆虐的沙滩上觅食的故事。在你我看来是如此简单、平淡的故事,在短片里却呈现出如此精妙的画面、节奏。那些触动心弦的巧妙构思,是如此的真实而美好。 展开更多
关键词 制作人 创作灵感 皮克斯 动画片 利维尔 故事
《董事会》 2009年第3期35-35,共1页
蓝色风暴,傲视群雄,大众途锐车队在刚刚落下帷幕的2009年达喀尔拉力赛上出尽了风头——德-利维尔斯(Ginielde Villiers)以48小时10分57秒的优异成绩一举夺冠,另一选手米勒(Mark Miller)则紧跟其后,以48小时19分56秒的总成绩将亚军收入... 蓝色风暴,傲视群雄,大众途锐车队在刚刚落下帷幕的2009年达喀尔拉力赛上出尽了风头——德-利维尔斯(Ginielde Villiers)以48小时10分57秒的优异成绩一举夺冠,另一选手米勒(Mark Miller)则紧跟其后,以48小时19分56秒的总成绩将亚军收入囊中。这一成绩再次刷新了柴油发动机汽车在此项最具挑战性的世界赛事中的记录——大众途锐赛车2(Race Touareg2)成为第一辆在达喀尔拉力赛中夺冠的柴油赛车。而大众汽车作为首个在南美洲赢得达喀尔拉力赛的制造商,无疑是本次赛事最大的赢家。 展开更多
关键词 达喀尔拉力赛 大众汽车 风暴 蓝色 车队 柴油发动机 利维尔 总成绩
作者 戴莉娟 《现代广告》 2018年第22期48-48,共1页
有观点认为,初见的两个人,如果对视时间超过8.2秒,就是真正的一见钟情。米高梅集团旗下的拉斯维加斯度假酒店——Pa水MGM基于这个论点,邀请《Vice》杂志旗下的创意公司Virtue,法国著名导演米歇尔·冈瑞(Michel Gondry)和他的兄弟奥... 有观点认为,初见的两个人,如果对视时间超过8.2秒,就是真正的一见钟情。米高梅集团旗下的拉斯维加斯度假酒店——Pa水MGM基于这个论点,邀请《Vice》杂志旗下的创意公司Virtue,法国著名导演米歇尔·冈瑞(Michel Gondry)和他的兄弟奥利维尔·冈瑞(Olvier Gondry)共同操刀,在酒店内拍摄一系列时长仅为8.2秒的微电影,“讲述”古老而崭新的赌城拉斯维加斯酒店中的浪漫爱情故事。 展开更多
关键词 爱情故事 拉斯维加斯 度假酒店 一见钟情 利维尔 微电影 公司 赌城
作者 林裕森 《葡萄酒》 2012年第11期41-41,共1页
一些超过百年、在毫无酿酒科技的年代所酿成的布根地老酒得以维持美味至今,很有可能和高密度的种植法有关。 相隔12年,再见到奥利维尔·拉米(Olivier Lamy)时,这位已经年近中年的布根地酒庄主,却仍然带着当年如初生之犊般的... 一些超过百年、在毫无酿酒科技的年代所酿成的布根地老酒得以维持美味至今,很有可能和高密度的种植法有关。 相隔12年,再见到奥利维尔·拉米(Olivier Lamy)时,这位已经年近中年的布根地酒庄主,却仍然带着当年如初生之犊般的冲劲。 展开更多
关键词 高密度 利维尔 酿酒
Charles Dickens: Eye-Witness to Victorian Britain
作者 Peter Rhys Lewis 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2011年第1期9-18,共10页
Charles Dickens rose to fame as a novelist because he described society in early Victorian Britain both accurately and evocatively. That skill came about through his work as a journalist, and his many first-hand exper... Charles Dickens rose to fame as a novelist because he described society in early Victorian Britain both accurately and evocatively. That skill came about through his work as a journalist, and his many first-hand experiences of events. He continued throughout his life to report on major incidents and newsworthy items, and was able to use those reports as the factual basis of his novels. His experiences of the railways were especially important, and he made great use of them in his novels such as Dombey and Son. Later expereiences included his own involvement in a railway disaster, at Staplehurst in 1865, a major trauma which led him to include the accident at the end of Our Mutual Friend, and led him to write a timely ghost story, The Signalman. No doubt he would have used more such reports had he lived to fulfill his ambitions. 展开更多
关键词 Charles Dickens railways ACCIDENT DISASTER
Effect of Plant Fiber-Polyacrylamide Blend on Retention and Evaporation Water at Arid and Semi-Arid Soils of Algeria 被引量:2
作者 Maghchiche Abdelhak Haouam Abdelkarim Immirzi Barbara 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第1期7-17,共11页
Soil and water conservation is essential for sustaining food production and for preserving the environment in arid and semi arid lands (ASALs) where conditions for agriculture and other land use systems are often ha... Soil and water conservation is essential for sustaining food production and for preserving the environment in arid and semi arid lands (ASALs) where conditions for agriculture and other land use systems are often harsh and unpredictable. The ASALs of Algeria are an important source of a variety of non wood forest products like Stipa tenacissima L. plant (esparto grass). This research was conducted to determine the effects of different low concentration (〈 I%) polyacrylaJnide, Stipa tenacissima L. fiber (esparto grass fibers) and its mixtures with the polymer at water retention in arid and semi arid soil. All samples are characterized by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray Diffractometry, thermal analysis TG DSC and scanning electron micrographs (SEM). The results showed that polymer blend in soil could improve better soil physical proprieties decreased evaporation and increase water retention in arid soils compared with application of any other blend at the same concentration. The use of Polyacrylamide-Cellulose blend appears to promise for reducing the labor cost of irrigation at arid and semi-arid soils, and offers safe and environmentally friendly inexpensive materials. The importance of Polyacrylamide-Cellulose blends to alleviate poor physical properties and retain water in these arid regions to sustain plant growth. 展开更多
关键词 Natural fiber plant fiber arid and semi arid regions polymer Stipa tenacissima.
Growth Potential and Profitability Analysis of Insurance Companies in the Republic of Serbia
作者 Dragana Ikonic Nina Arsic 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第11期998-1008,共11页
Economically developed countries hold much of its total wealth as financial savings, and they should faster experience higher rates of overall economic growth in the long run. Given the level of income made by economi... Economically developed countries hold much of its total wealth as financial savings, and they should faster experience higher rates of overall economic growth in the long run. Given the level of income made by economic entities and according to such correlation, their propensity to save can be generated. As a clear reflection of the development of the financial sector, insurance companies as financial intermediaries, through the mobilization of savings, contribute to the development of the entire financial sector. Analyzing the performance of insurance companies in Serbia, CARMEL method will be applied, which includes indicators for the presentation of quantitative criteria for the purpose of monitoring and analyzing the profitability of insurance companies consisting of a model that is the current methodology of the MMF. In addition to traditional financial instruments, derivative securities are traded in financial markets, promoting the development of financial markets, such as options, which are generators of potential growth of profitability. The aim of this paper is to show the growth potential of profitability in insurance companies, as well as decreasing risks which are connected to the business activities by the use of options. 展开更多
关键词 GROWTH PROFITABILITY insurance companies OPTIONS
Agricultural Land Use Optimal Allocation System in Developing Area:Application to Yili Watershed, Xinjiang Region
作者 ZHANG Ying ZHANG Hongqi +1 位作者 NI Dongying SONG Wei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期232-244,共13页
In developing countries, land productivity involves little market, where the agricultural land use is mainly determined by the food demands as well as the land suitability. The land use pattern will not ensure everywh... In developing countries, land productivity involves little market, where the agricultural land use is mainly determined by the food demands as well as the land suitability. The land use pattern will not ensure everywhere enough land for certain cropping if spatial allocation just according to land use suitability. To solve this problem, a subzone and a pre-allocation for each land use are added in spatial allocation module, and land use suitability and area optimi- zation module are incorporated to constitute a whole agricultural land use optimal allocation (ALUOA) system. The system is developed on the platform .Net 2005 using ArcGIS Engine (version 9.2) and C# language, and is tested and validated in Yili watershed of Xinjiang Region on the newly reclaimed area. In the case study, with the help of soil data obtained from 69 points sampled in the fieldwork in 2008, main river data supplied by the Department of Water Resources of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China, and temperature data provided by Data Center for Resources and Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, land use suitability on eight common crops are evaluated one by one using linear weighted summation method in the land use suitability model. The linear pro- gramming (LP) model in area optimization model succeeds to give out land area target of each crop under three scenarios. At last, the land use targets are allotted in space both with a six subzone file and without a subzone file. The resuits show that the land use maps with a subzone not only ensure every part has enough land for every crop, but also gives a more fragmental land use pattern, with about 87.99% and 135.92% more patches than the one without, while at the expense of loss between 15.30% and 19.53% in the overall suitability at the same time. 展开更多
关键词 developing country agricultural land SUBZONE optimal allocation Yili watershed
Laszlo Marton's Three Short Novels as a Translational Challenge
作者 Marko Cudic 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第7期573-585,共13页
This paper deals with the problems encountered while translating the book of short novels M. L., a gyilkos (The Murderer L. M.), written by the contemporary Hungarian author Lazlo Marton (b. 1959). One of the most... This paper deals with the problems encountered while translating the book of short novels M. L., a gyilkos (The Murderer L. M.), written by the contemporary Hungarian author Lazlo Marton (b. 1959). One of the most important reasons why the translator of this book (who also happens to be the author of this paper) has chosen to translate into Serbian this particular book, and not some other, more famous work of Marton, lies in the thematic, geocultural, and historical parallels with the Serbian context, which form the main fabular line of these short stories. The other, from the perspective of this paper, even more relevant reason for this translational choice can be found in the non-everyday challenge that Marton's hardly translatable style and language pose to the translator. This kind of a situation almost requires that the translator sacrifices formal fidelity to the original text and tries to find more creative solutions; in other words, it suggests choosing the principle of the so-called dynamic equivalence over the formal equivalence principle. In this respect, a special problem is the need to translate the so-called "talking names", a narrative trick with a great tradition in Hungarian literature. The aim of this paper is to try to answer, with the use of a representative corpus of examples, the following question: Is it possible and where can we draw limits in this author-translation related field of play, and what should be the level of consistency allowed to the translator, i.e., to what extent can he/she become the "coauthor"of the translated work? 展开更多
关键词 translation challenge dynamic equivalence translating names
Railway, Mobility, and Horror: Conan Doyle's Mystery and Detective Stories
作者 Ming-fong Wang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期573-582,共10页
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote many mystery and detective stories from 1890s to 1910s, years saw the advancement of powerful modem science and technology, especially inventions of transportation means or machines that a... Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote many mystery and detective stories from 1890s to 1910s, years saw the advancement of powerful modem science and technology, especially inventions of transportation means or machines that accelerate mobility power in late-Victorian and Edwardian society. In some of these mystery or detective stories especially featuring the well-known sleuth Sherlock Holmes, Doyle tended to integrate an early subject's experience of shrunken space and reduced time into an unknown fear by delineating his characters who perceive horror and nervousness while facing or riding on a railway transportation, including mainly the steam railway in mysterious tales like "The Lost Special" and "The Man with the Watches" as well as in detective stories like "The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb", "The Adventure of Bruce-Partington Plan", "Valley of Fear" and several others. How can this spatiotemporal mobility be connected to mysterious affairs which lead Doyle's quasi-detective characters and police power to spring into investigative action? Railway, mobility, and horror are woven together into a driving force that facilitates our geographical and forensic exploration of Doyle's stories. 展开更多
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