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作者 刘红娣 《探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第1期27-29,共3页
关键词 市场经济 利衡机制 体制改革 社会主义
作者 程永顺 《中国专利与商标》 2003年第4期28-36,共9页
为了防止申请外观设计专利或者获得专利权的外观设计与他人在先权利相冲突,《专利法》第23条规定了禁止权利冲突的内容。这一规定是2000年修改《专利法》时新增加的内容。然而,随后国务院颁布的《专利法实施细则》及国家知识产权局发布... 为了防止申请外观设计专利或者获得专利权的外观设计与他人在先权利相冲突,《专利法》第23条规定了禁止权利冲突的内容。这一规定是2000年修改《专利法》时新增加的内容。然而,随后国务院颁布的《专利法实施细则》及国家知识产权局发布的专利《审查指南》,对如何具体运用这一条款作出了限定性规定,使得《专利法》的上述规定几乎被架空,致使业内人士对《专利法》这一修改的积极意义产生了怀疑。实践中,应当怎样理解和执行" 展开更多
关键词 利衡 人民法院 惠利
作者 程永顺 《中国专利与商标》 2001年第3期14-24,共11页
一、知识产权案件的新类型人民法院开展知识产权审判工作已有十几年时间。近年来,人民法院受理和审结的知识产权案件不断增加。自1996年至2000年的五年间,全国法院共受理一审知识产权纠纷案件20,697件,审结20,182件。在这些知识产权案件... 一、知识产权案件的新类型人民法院开展知识产权审判工作已有十几年时间。近年来,人民法院受理和审结的知识产权案件不断增加。自1996年至2000年的五年间,全国法院共受理一审知识产权纠纷案件20,697件,审结20,182件。在这些知识产权案件中,除包括传统的五大类知识产权案件即着作权纠纷、商标权纠纷、专利权纠纷、技术合同纠纷和不正当竞争纠纷之外。 展开更多
关键词 纠纷案件 司法解释 法律解释 人民法院 有期徒刑 捐失 利衡 民事纠纷 在先使用
作者 周详 《中国专利与商标》 2004年第2期82-86,共5页
案情简介1997年7月,深圳市嘉英电子有限公司向国家商标局申请注册"读书郎"商标,国家商标局依法核准了该注册商标,注册号为1261391号,核定使用的商品为《类似商品和服务区分表》中0901类似群中的电子字典、计算机程序(可下载软... 案情简介1997年7月,深圳市嘉英电子有限公司向国家商标局申请注册"读书郎"商标,国家商标局依法核准了该注册商标,注册号为1261391号,核定使用的商品为《类似商品和服务区分表》中0901类似群中的电子字典、计算机程序(可下载软件)、计算机游戏软件等。1997年7月至2000年2月。 展开更多
关键词 中山市 有限公司 雷子 中级人民法院 中级法院 读书郎 利衡 商品 深圳市 市覆
知识产权权利冲突解决途径探析 被引量:1
作者 李永红 《中国专利与商标》 2004年第4期11-19,共9页
知识产权领域中的权利冲突,已经成为不容回避的矛盾。合理地解决各类矛盾,不仅需要考虑各方权利人之间以及权利人与公众之间的利益平衡,还需要考虑法律上的可操作性等实务层面的因素。笔者认为,对于现行法律确定的某些解决模式,应当从... 知识产权领域中的权利冲突,已经成为不容回避的矛盾。合理地解决各类矛盾,不仅需要考虑各方权利人之间以及权利人与公众之间的利益平衡,还需要考虑法律上的可操作性等实务层面的因素。笔者认为,对于现行法律确定的某些解决模式,应当从权利的属性、公共政策的合理性以及法律上的可操作性的角度重新进行审视,以期探求更为合理的解决途径。 展开更多
关键词 利衡 法育 精求 惠利 客艘 排他效力
作者 薛吉林 《中国专利与商标》 2004年第1期40-44,共5页
问题的提出专利复审委员会曾审理过两个特殊的宣告外观设计无效案。说它们特殊,是因为两案请求宣告外观设计无效的理由中均包括外观设计专利图与在先申请、尚未公开的实用新型专利申请的附图相同。案例一涉及的是中国专利局于1988年11... 问题的提出专利复审委员会曾审理过两个特殊的宣告外观设计无效案。说它们特殊,是因为两案请求宣告外观设计无效的理由中均包括外观设计专利图与在先申请、尚未公开的实用新型专利申请的附图相同。案例一涉及的是中国专利局于1988年11月30日授予的87300466号外观设计专利权,请求人于1991年了月10日就此项专利向专利复审委员会提出了无效宣告请求。请求人提出的理由之一是:产品名称为" 展开更多
关键词 惠利 利衡 民法 文件 附图
作者 李洪云 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 1994年第5期44-44,共1页
古希腊神话中说,古代塞浦路斯国王皮格马利翁酷爱并擅长雕塑,因其将全部热诚和期望倾注于所雕刻的少女像上,居然使"少女"活了起来。美国心理学家罗来塔尔借用这个典故解释教师对学生殷切而适度的期望,会激发学生积极的心理反... 古希腊神话中说,古代塞浦路斯国王皮格马利翁酷爱并擅长雕塑,因其将全部热诚和期望倾注于所雕刻的少女像上,居然使"少女"活了起来。美国心理学家罗来塔尔借用这个典故解释教师对学生殷切而适度的期望,会激发学生积极的心理反应,甚至会取得超出教师原先预想的结果。这就是皮格马利翁效应。作为班主任我对此有较深的体会。班主任对班上全体成员普遍抱有较高的期望,平等热诚地对待他们,将有益于共同目标的形成。有益于增强班集体的凝聚力,形成良好的班风。 展开更多
关键词 皮格马利翁效应 周班 班集体 古希腊神话 班风 班级工作 塔尔 心理反应 量化考评 利衡
作者 张晓都 《中国专利与商标》 2004年第1期80-87,共8页
基本案情HOYA 株式会社(Hoya Co.,Ltd.)系一家日本公司,注册资本金为62亿6千余万日元。该公司于1997年6月7日经中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局商标局核准注册了"豪雅"中文文字商标,使用于第9类眼镜、镜片、眼镜盒等商品。... 基本案情HOYA 株式会社(Hoya Co.,Ltd.)系一家日本公司,注册资本金为62亿6千余万日元。该公司于1997年6月7日经中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局商标局核准注册了"豪雅"中文文字商标,使用于第9类眼镜、镜片、眼镜盒等商品。豪雅(广州)光学有限公司[以下简称豪雅(广州)公司]于1995年11月23日经广州市工商行政管理局核准注册成立,是 HOYA 株式会社在中国投资的企业,注册资本为1,000万美元,其经营范围为:设计、 展开更多
关键词 阴像 上海 雅光 商品 文字 相阴 成封 纠纷 人民法院 利衡 行政程序
作者 董巍 何菁 《中国专利与商标》 2003年第4期37-41,共5页
自2001年7月1日现行《专利法》和《事利法实施细则》施行以来,对于《专利法》第二十三条后半段(授予专利权的外观设计)"不得与他人在先取得的合法权利相冲突"的理解与适用,《专利法实施细则》第六十五条第三款是否构成对《专... 自2001年7月1日现行《专利法》和《事利法实施细则》施行以来,对于《专利法》第二十三条后半段(授予专利权的外观设计)"不得与他人在先取得的合法权利相冲突"的理解与适用,《专利法实施细则》第六十五条第三款是否构成对《专利法》第二十三条的抵触,在先权利人如何正当行使专利法赋予的请求外观设计专利权无效宣告的权利等等一些问题,业内一直存在着不同的意见。导致外观设计专利与在先权利冲突较多见的一种情形是:事利申请人将他人在先取得的。 展开更多
关键词 利衡 精求 惠利 香格里拉酒店 程序 有限公司
作者 郝玉强 《中国专利与商标》 2001年第4期57-63,共7页
商标权与商号权的冲突是知识产权保证中的难点,很多商标注册人和企业都曾遇到此类问题。本文就该问题的解決作一简要分析。商标权与商号权的冲突商标是由文字、图形或其组合构成的具有较强显著性的标志,使用在商品或服务上,用以区别商... 商标权与商号权的冲突是知识产权保证中的难点,很多商标注册人和企业都曾遇到此类问题。本文就该问题的解決作一简要分析。商标权与商号权的冲突商标是由文字、图形或其组合构成的具有较强显著性的标志,使用在商品或服务上,用以区别商品或服务的来源。商标不注册也可以使用,但受法律的保护较弱。 展开更多
关键词 典商 省级行政 工商行政管理 镖局 标行 行政部 利衡
作者 高达 《中国专利与商标》 2004年第4期46-54,共9页
一、商标与使用企业名称(字号)权利冲突的特点商标与企业名称之间的权利冲突纠纷早已存在,但过去并不突出,也没有引起人们的广泛关注。近年来,随着市场经济的发展和市场竞争的加剧,企业为了争夺市场、获取更好的经济效益,对商标的作用... 一、商标与使用企业名称(字号)权利冲突的特点商标与企业名称之间的权利冲突纠纷早已存在,但过去并不突出,也没有引起人们的广泛关注。近年来,随着市场经济的发展和市场竞争的加剧,企业为了争夺市场、获取更好的经济效益,对商标的作用日益引起重视。而某些企业受利益驱动,故意造成商标与企业名称的混淆,实施不正当竞争,导致市场混淆。 展开更多
关键词 纠纷 被告人 利衡 法院判决 中级人民法院 中级法院 阴像 纠纷案件 捐失 司法解释 法律解释 中信 工商行政管理
作者 岑荣萍 《黑龙江对外经贸》 2000年第1期34-36,共3页
关键词 外贸企业 法人治理机构 领导利衡体制 企业家
作者 杨丹 《中国食品》 2015年第6期26-26,共1页
关键词 下午茶 魔鬼身材 生理需求 有机食品 利衡 低血脂 烤面包 贝德 国家一级标准 生存空间
Principle of Line Configuration and Monte-Carlo Simulation for Shared Multi-Channel System 被引量:1
作者 苗长云 戴居丰 白志惠 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2005年第3期162-166,共5页
Based on the steady-state solution of finite-state birth and death process, the principle of line configuration for shared multi-channel system is analyzed. Call congestion ratio equation and channel utilization ratio... Based on the steady-state solution of finite-state birth and death process, the principle of line configuration for shared multi-channel system is analyzed. Call congestion ratio equation and channel utilization ratio equation are deduced, and visualized data analysis is presented. The analy-sis indicates that, calculated with the proposed equations, the overestimate for call congestion ratio and channel utilization ratio can be rectified, and thereby the cost of channels can be saved by 2000 in a small system.With MATLAB programming, line configuration methods are provided. In order to generally and intuitively show the dynamic running of the system, and to analyze,promote and improve it, the system is simulated using M/M/n/n/m queuing model and Monte-Carlo method. In addition, the simulation validates the correctness of the theoretical analysis and optimizing configuration method. 展开更多
关键词 shared multi-channel call congestion ratio channel utilization ratio M/M/n/n/m queu- ing model Monte-Carlo simulation
A Distributed Monthly Water Balance Model for Analyzing Impacts of Land Cover Change on Flow Regimes 被引量:10
作者 XIA Jun WANG Gang-Sheng +1 位作者 YE Ai-Zhong NIU Cun-Wen 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第6期761-767,共7页
The Miyun Reservoir is the most important water source for Beijing Municipality, the capital of China with a population of more than 12 million. In recent decades, the inflow to the reservoir has shown a decreasing tr... The Miyun Reservoir is the most important water source for Beijing Municipality, the capital of China with a population of more than 12 million. In recent decades, the inflow to the reservoir has shown a decreasing trend, which has seriously threatened water use in Beijing. In order to analyze the influents of land use and cover change (LUCC) upon inflow to Miyun Reservoir, terrain and land use information from remote sensing were utilized with a revised evapotranspiration estimation formula; a water loss model under conditions of human impacts was introduced; and a distributed monthly water balance model was established and applied to the Chaobai River Basin controlled by the Miyun Reservoir. The model simulation suggested that not only the impact of land cover change on evapotranspiration, but also the extra water loss caused by human activities, such as the water and soil conservation development projects should be considered. Although these development projects were of great benefit to human and ecological protection, they could reallocate water resources in time and space, and in a sense thereby influence the stream flow. 展开更多
关键词 distributed monthly water balance model land use and cover change (LUCC) remote sensing scenario analysis
Balanced propofol sedation administered by nonanesthesiologists:The first Italian experience 被引量:2
作者 Alessandro Repici Nico Pagano +11 位作者 Cesare Hassan Alessandra Carlino Giacomo Rando Giuseppe Strangio Fabio Romeo Angelo Zullo Elisa Ferrara Eva Vitetta Daniel de Paula Pessoa Ferreira Silvio Danese Massimo Arosio Alberto Malesci 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第33期3818-3823,共6页
AIM:To assess the efficacy and safety of a balanced approach using midazolam in combination with propofol,administered by nonanesthesiologists,in a large series of diagnostic colonoscopies.METHODS:Consecutive patients... AIM:To assess the efficacy and safety of a balanced approach using midazolam in combination with propofol,administered by nonanesthesiologists,in a large series of diagnostic colonoscopies.METHODS:Consecutive patients undergoing diagnostic colonoscopy were sedated with a single dose of midazolam(0.05 mg/kg)and lowdose propofol(starter bolus of 0.5 mg/kg and repeated boluses of 10 to 20 mg).Induction time and deepest level of sedation,adverse and serious adverse events,as well as recovery times,were prospectively assessed.Cecal intubation and adenoma detection rates were also collected.RESULTS:Overall,1593 eligible patients were included.The median dose of propofol administered was 70 mg(range:40120 mg),and the median dose of midazolam was 2.3 mg(range:24 mg).Median induction time of sedation was 3 min(range:14 min),and median recovery time was 23 min(range:1040 min).A moderate level of sedation was achieved in 1561(98%) patients,whilst a deep sedation occurred in 32(2%) cases.Transient oxygen desaturation requiring further oxygen supplementation occurred in 8(0.46%;95% CI:0.2%0.8%)patients.No serious adverse event was observed.Cecal intubation and adenoma detection rates were 93.5%and 23.4%(27.8%for male and 18.5%for female,subjects),respectively.CONCLUSION:A balanced sedation protocol provided a minimalization of the dose of propofol needed to target a moderate sedation for colonoscopy,resulting in a high safety profile for nonanesthesiologist propofol sedation. 展开更多
Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Prediction of Ammonia-Ionic Liquid Working Pairs of Absorption Cycle Using UNIFAC Model 被引量:4
作者 孙光明 黄维佳 +2 位作者 郑丹星 董丽 武向红 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第1期72-78,共7页
On the basis of reported experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data of NH3-1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate (NH3-[Emim]Ac), NH3-1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (NH3-[Bmim][BF4]), NH3-1,3-d... On the basis of reported experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data of NH3-1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate (NH3-[Emim]Ac), NH3-1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (NH3-[Bmim][BF4]), NH3-1,3-dimethylimidazolium dimethyl phosphate (NH3-[Mmim]DMP) and NH3-1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate (NH3-[Emim]EtOSO3) binary systems, the interaction parameters of 14 new groups have been regressed by means of the UNIFAC model. To validate the reliability of the method, these parameters have been used to calculate the VLE data with the average relative deviation of pressures of less than 9.35%. The infinite dilution activity coefficient ( γ1∞ ) and the absorption potential ( φ1 ) are important evaluation criterions of the affinity between working pair species of the absorption cycle. The UNIFAC model is implemented to predict the values of and φ1 of t6 sets of NH3-ionic liquid (1L) systems. The work found that the φ1 gradually increases following the impact order: φ1([Cnmim][BF4])〈φ1([Cnmim]EtOSO3)〈φ1([Cnmim]DMP)〈φ1([Cnmim]Ac) (n= 1, 2, 3, … ) at a given cation of IL species and constant temperature, and φ1([Mmim]X)〈φ1([Emim]X)〈φ1([Pmim]X)〈 φ1([Bmim]X)(X= Ac, [BF4], DMP or EtOSO3) at a given anion of IL species and constant temperature. Furthermore, the φ1 gradually increases with increasing temperature. Then, it could be concluded that the working pair NH3-[BmimlAc has the best potential research value relatively. 展开更多
关键词 absorption cycle working pairs vapor-liquid equilibrium UNIFAC model AMMONIA ionic liquid
Social Networks Design of Hospital Facilitators (HFs)" An Empirical Study of the Case of Italy
作者 Marina Resta 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第1期37-56,共20页
In this paper, the author provides a representation of Italian public hospital facilitators (HFs) (clinics, regional or local community hospitals, and medical centers) by means of different types of networks. Movi... In this paper, the author provides a representation of Italian public hospital facilitators (HFs) (clinics, regional or local community hospitals, and medical centers) by means of different types of networks. Moving from the balance scorecards of HFs, the author has analyzed the representation of those data through the use of the minimum spanning tree (MST) and the planar maximally-filtered graph (PMFG). This paper firstly examined the amount of information provided by the two networks and then run a sensitivity analysis of the networks by varying the elements of the balance scorecards to be considered. In this way, the author obtained a quite unusual representation of the overall economic situation of Italian HFs. Moreover, the author observed the emergence of patterns which in the author's opinion might help policy makers to realize a more efficient allocation of financial resources among the existing HFs. 展开更多
关键词 social networks healthcare services efficiency balance scorecards hospital facilitators (HFs)
Evapotranspiration Estimation Based on MODIS Products and Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land(SEBAL) Model in Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China 被引量:4
作者 DU Jia SONG Kaishan +2 位作者 WANG Zongming ZHANG Bai LIU Dianwei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期73-91,共19页
In this study,the Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land(SEBAL) model and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) products from Terra satellite were combined with meteorological data to estimate evapo... In this study,the Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land(SEBAL) model and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) products from Terra satellite were combined with meteorological data to estimate evapotranspiration(ET) over the Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China.Land cover/land use was classified by using a recursive partitioning and regression tree with MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) time series data,which were reconstructed based on the Savitzky-Golay filtering approach.The MODIS product Quality Assessment Science Data Sets(QA-SDS) was analyzed and all scenes with valid data covering more than 75% of the Sanjiang Plain were selected for the SEBAL modeling.This provided 12 overpasses during 184-day growing season from May 1st to October 31st,2006.Daily ET estimated by the SEBAL model was misestimaed at the range of-11.29% to 27.57% compared with that measured by Eddy Covariance system(10.52% on average).The validation results show that seasonal ET from the SEBAL model is comparable to that from ground observation within 8.86% of deviation.Our results reveal that the time series daily ET of different land cover/use increases from vegetation on-going until June or July and then decreases as vegetation senesced.Seasonal ET is lower in dry farmland(average(Ave):491 mm) and paddy field(Ave:522 mm) and increases in wetlands to more than 586 mm.As expected,higher seasonal ET values are observed for the Xingkai Lake in the southeastern part of the Sanjiang Plain(Ave:823 mm),broadleaf forest(Ave:666 mm) and mixed wood(Ave:622 mm) in the southern/western Sanjiang Plain.The ET estimation with SEBAL using MODIS products can provide decision support for operational water management issues. 展开更多
关键词 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land (SEBAL) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiome-ter (MODIS) products Sanjiang Plain China
A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Benefits Distribution in China-U.S. Trade during 1978-2007
作者 郭其友 王春雷 《China Economist》 2012年第3期39-47,共9页
The Sino-U.S. trade imbalance and the related debate on RMB appreciation have attracted much attention in recent years. Judging objectively, however, the trade imbalance does not necessarily result in an imbalance in ... The Sino-U.S. trade imbalance and the related debate on RMB appreciation have attracted much attention in recent years. Judging objectively, however, the trade imbalance does not necessarily result in an imbalance in the distribution of trade benefits. By analyzing the distribution of benefits in Sino-U.S. trade from 1978 to 2007, this paper finds that bilateral trade has brought positive benefits to both sides, differentially in terms of production and consumption. Simply put, China has gained benefits for production yet suffered in terms of consumption, whereas the opposite is true for the U.S.. Moreover, even during periods in which the U.S. experienced a trade deficit, its citizens gained larger total individual benefits than those in a period of trade surplus. We argue, therefore, that appreciation of the RMB would reduce the trade benefits for both sides by almost the same margin, bringing little benefit to the United States. 展开更多
关键词 Sino- U.S. trade benefit distribution RMB appreciation
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