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作者 王厚德 《农村金融研究》 1984年第11期36-40,共5页
专业户的劳动生产率比一般农户高几倍,商品率都在70~90%以上,它的产出高,投入也大。由于从事专业化的商品生产,其经营规模和营运资金比一般的农户大得多,有的超过了过去生产队甚至大队的资金营运数。共农业贷款数额一般都有上千元以至... 专业户的劳动生产率比一般农户高几倍,商品率都在70~90%以上,它的产出高,投入也大。由于从事专业化的商品生产,其经营规模和营运资金比一般的农户大得多,有的超过了过去生产队甚至大队的资金营运数。共农业贷款数额一般都有上千元以至上万元。 展开更多
关键词 资金管理 营运资金 贷款数额 经营规模 别户 货币资金 资金运动 贷款合同 加速资金周转 资金情况
作者 王全庆 李卯生 《中国公共卫生管理》 1991年第S1期101-102,共2页
一切事业的发展取决于社会生产力的发展,卫生防疫事业当然也不例外。在建设有中国特色的社会主义过程中,应当承认卫生防疫事业也是一种生产力,而且是社会生产力中的重要组成部分。生产力的发展趋势必然要促进生产关系的改变,也就是应该... 一切事业的发展取决于社会生产力的发展,卫生防疫事业当然也不例外。在建设有中国特色的社会主义过程中,应当承认卫生防疫事业也是一种生产力,而且是社会生产力中的重要组成部分。生产力的发展趋势必然要促进生产关系的改变,也就是应该相适应的调整生产关系。既然卫生防疫事业近年有了较大的发展,也就应该相适应地调整卫生防疫机构,事实上这种调整是在不断进行中。目前全国多数省级卫生防疫站沿用了历史的两级管理模式,即站和科两级。但在省级防疫站内部也不可避免地分解出了若干所。 展开更多
关键词 卫生防疫站 体制改革 科室设置 卫生防病 管理模式 总体功能 远期规划 别户 发展趋势 领导模式
《成人教育》 北大核心 1992年第Z2期27-28,共2页
我县第一届“燎原之冬”活动,从业农民受训面达90%,粮食总产在部分地方遭受特大水灾的情况下,仍超过1990年,农民人均收入突破了650元。但新技术发挥的作用,却不足30%,个别户造成减产。究其原因:一是培训与生产脱节;二是培训与服务分离... 我县第一届“燎原之冬”活动,从业农民受训面达90%,粮食总产在部分地方遭受特大水灾的情况下,仍超过1990年,农民人均收入突破了650元。但新技术发挥的作用,却不足30%,个别户造成减产。究其原因:一是培训与生产脱节;二是培训与服务分离;三是技术培训只注重“高、新、尖”,忽视了一般。总结上年的经验教训,我们在开展第二届“燎原之冬”活动中,确立了开展全程培训的指导思想。 展开更多
关键词 全程培训 生产脱节 别户 培训质量 乡镇农技 指导思想 技术培训 农业技术推广 经验教训 生产过程
Online composite shape recognition based on relevance feedback
作者 王强 孙正兴 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第2期153-158,共6页
This paper describes a novel method of online composite shape recognition interms of the relevance feedback technology to capture a user's intentions incrementally, and adynamic user modeling method to adapt to va... This paper describes a novel method of online composite shape recognition interms of the relevance feedback technology to capture a user's intentions incrementally, and adynamic user modeling method to adapt to various users' styles. First, the relevance feedback isadapted to refine the recognition results and reduce the ambiguity incrementally based on theestablishment of a feature-based vector model of a user's sketches. Secondly, a dynamic usermodeling is introduced to model the user's sketching habits based on recording and analyzinghistorical information incrementally. A model-based matching strategy is also employed in the methodto recognize sketches dynamically. Experiments prove that the proposed method is both effective andefficient. 展开更多
关键词 sketchy-based user interface online composite shape recognition dynamicuser modeling relevance feedback
作者 桂振华 李艳 《中国绿色画报》 2012年第8期28-31,共4页
加强生态文明建设是党的十七大提出的战略决策,是实施"绿色北京"行动计划、建设和谐宜居之都的重要内容。"绿色北京"是基于"绿色"的涵义,将"绿色"的要求与国家首都、国际大都市、历史文化名城... 加强生态文明建设是党的十七大提出的战略决策,是实施"绿色北京"行动计划、建设和谐宜居之都的重要内容。"绿色北京"是基于"绿色"的涵义,将"绿色"的要求与国家首都、国际大都市、历史文化名城、宜居城市的建设相融合、提出的行动战略。建设"绿色北京",打造和谐宜居之都需要统筹考虑绿色发展的三大系统,即自然系统、经济系统和社会系统,三大系统描绘着"绿色北京"蓝图。近年来北京市围绕加快建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会,《中共北京市委关于制定北京市国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》提出北京要大力发展绿色经济,走内涵式发展道路。绿色生态环境建设已初显成效,主要污染物排放量持续下降,城区绿色生态空间明显扩大。 展开更多
关键词 环境质量 卜士 日乙 绿色环境 环境问题 司川 类水 石飞 别户 坦洲
作者 宋礼高 李兴普 +1 位作者 陈学光 李长征 《山东蚕业》 2004年第3期27-28,共2页
2003年中秋,受僵病流行危害,我县蚕茧生产大幅度减产,全县共投放蚕种30027张,产茧627354.7公斤,平均张产只有20.9公斤,有很多农户几乎粒茧无收。但据笔者调查,去年中秋同样的气候环境、同样的蚕种蚕药,因管理、饲育得法,有10%左右的蚕... 2003年中秋,受僵病流行危害,我县蚕茧生产大幅度减产,全县共投放蚕种30027张,产茧627354.7公斤,平均张产只有20.9公斤,有很多农户几乎粒茧无收。但据笔者调查,去年中秋同样的气候环境、同样的蚕种蚕药,因管理、饲育得法,有10%左右的蚕农张产却达到40公斤以上,有个别户全龄期竟未发现或仅有极个别僵蚕发生。经多方面调查、研究和统计,他们主要抓好了以下几个方面的工作。 展开更多
关键词 僵病 中秋蚕 蚕药 别户 上簇 蚕期 新鲜石灰粉 蚕茧生产 蚕病 收蚁
《今日中国》 1991年第8期12-2,1-4,共6页
四川位於中國第一大河長江的上游,簡稱川或蜀。面積五十七萬平方公里,人口一億零八百萬,主要民族有漢、藏、彝、羌、回、傈僳、蒙古、滿等,是中國人口最多的省份。四川地處亞熱带,分東西兩大部分。東部為四川盆地,海拔在二百至七百米之... 四川位於中國第一大河長江的上游,簡稱川或蜀。面積五十七萬平方公里,人口一億零八百萬,主要民族有漢、藏、彝、羌、回、傈僳、蒙古、滿等,是中國人口最多的省份。四川地處亞熱带,分東西兩大部分。東部為四川盆地,海拔在二百至七百米之間。盆地西高東低,滔滔長江横穿南部,是中國著名的外流盆地鞑繛楦咴?海拔三千至四千米以上,沼澤、草場密布,是中國著名的高原牧區。省會成都位於盆地西部,是個歷史文化名城,又是一個擁有多種工業的綜合性生產基地。 展开更多
关键词 文化名城 牛羚 夏石 圃人 茶集 别户 内河通航里程 资源位 水利资源 分束
作者 成舸 李建泉 《新知客》 2007年第12期117-121,116,共6页
那天傍晚,当一缕晚霞洒向对面山脚下的雅鲁藏布江时,青朴山半腰一个简陋的小土屋里,修行的中年僧人一边转着经筒,一边平静地对我说,神圣的拉姆拉措给了他启示,让他看到了来世。所以他选择了背井离乡,从甘孜来到西藏,要在青朴,用一辈子... 那天傍晚,当一缕晚霞洒向对面山脚下的雅鲁藏布江时,青朴山半腰一个简陋的小土屋里,修行的中年僧人一边转着经筒,一边平静地对我说,神圣的拉姆拉措给了他启示,让他看到了来世。所以他选择了背井离乡,从甘孜来到西藏,要在青朴,用一辈子的时间来修行。 展开更多
关键词 拉姆拉 对我说 经筒 仓央嘉措 二世达赖 一只手 根敦 想情人 别户 藏人
荣主益人 身体力行——记教友捐献小麦抢救灾民
作者 卢廷璧 《中国天主教》 1991年第2期25-26,共2页
关键词 三王 朝节 察右中旗 增产丰收 别户 玫瑰营 救灾活动 圣诞节期间 精神文明建设 圣婴
作者 柳记 《兰台世界(上旬)》 1993年第4期47-47,共1页
在辽宁省阜新市东南22公里处,有一座医巫闾山的余脉——海棠山。“山不在高,有仙则名,水不在深,有龙则灵”。不算高大的海棠山,它的名、它的灵,就在于它留有辽代古建筑文化遗存,清代建有远近闻名的普安寺建筑群。更加引人注目的是,满山... 在辽宁省阜新市东南22公里处,有一座医巫闾山的余脉——海棠山。“山不在高,有仙则名,水不在深,有龙则灵”。不算高大的海棠山,它的名、它的灵,就在于它留有辽代古建筑文化遗存,清代建有远近闻名的普安寺建筑群。更加引人注目的是,满山奇峰峭壁,各自竞秀争妍,奇花异草遍地,苍松翠柏参天,各种怪石嶙峋,矗立姿态万千。悬崖石壁上,经诸工鬼斧神凿,精雕细刻,满布着形像逼真,造型奇特的艺术雕刻真品。 展开更多
关键词 有龙则灵 辽宁省阜新市 医巫闾山 山不在高 辽代 姿态万千 普安 别户 盛立 阁山
作者 王乐义 《农业知识》 1999年第7期47-48,共2页
我们三元朱村,有205户,800口人,耕地90公顷,蔬菜27公顷,冬暖式大棚23公顷,果园27公顷。改革开放20年来,我村经济、政治、人们生活质量发生了巨大变化。现在家家户户住的是130多平方米的砖瓦房,整洁一新的四合院。全村仅摩托车就有200多... 我们三元朱村,有205户,800口人,耕地90公顷,蔬菜27公顷,冬暖式大棚23公顷,果园27公顷。改革开放20年来,我村经济、政治、人们生活质量发生了巨大变化。现在家家户户住的是130多平方米的砖瓦房,整洁一新的四合院。全村仅摩托车就有200多辆,农用车160辆,个别户还购买了小汽车、大卡车。全村程控电话达120多部,是我市首批电话普及村。目前,全村家家户户都购置了大彩电、电冰箱。 展开更多
关键词 现代化新农村 朱村 冬暖式大棚 别户 蔬菜生产 小康村 人均纯收人 北京市农业 农业生产 农业产业化
作者 杜荣朴 《市场研究》 1994年第2期12-12,共1页
最近笔者看到一篇关于“小康村标准研究”的文章。文章指出,收入水平,我们选用“农民人均纯收入”表示,并通过调查和工作实践,一再显示“人均纯收入”在小康指标体系中占有重要位置,同时也提到了收入的差异性。 在小康标准的研究方面,... 最近笔者看到一篇关于“小康村标准研究”的文章。文章指出,收入水平,我们选用“农民人均纯收入”表示,并通过调查和工作实践,一再显示“人均纯收入”在小康指标体系中占有重要位置,同时也提到了收入的差异性。 在小康标准的研究方面,“收入水平”确实是个重要指标、核心指标,但如何运用“收入” 展开更多
关键词 农民人均纯收入 收入水平 小康标准 小康村 指标体系 标准研究 众数 小康水平 共同富裕 别户
作者 程小利 《河南畜牧兽医(综合版)》 1992年第2期50-51,共2页
关键词 糜烂病 肌胃 别户 闭眼缩颈 胃糜烂 植物性蛋白质 脾萎缩 艾维茵 渐进性消瘦 出血性肠炎
作者 陈博 《中小学作文教学》 2005年第3期34-34,共1页
关键词 李老师 别户 数字的
Abnormal user identification based on XGBoost algorithm 被引量:6
作者 SONG Xiao-yu SUN Xiang-yang ZHAO Yang 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2018年第4期339-346,共8页
The eXtreme gradient boosting(XGBoost)algorithm is used to identify abnormal users.Firstly,the raw data were cleaned.Then user power characteristics were extracted from different aspects.Finally,the XGBoost classifier... The eXtreme gradient boosting(XGBoost)algorithm is used to identify abnormal users.Firstly,the raw data were cleaned.Then user power characteristics were extracted from different aspects.Finally,the XGBoost classifier was used to identify the abnormal users respectively in the balanced sample set and the unbalanced sample set.In contrast,under the same characteristics,the k-nearest neighbor(KNN)classifier,back-propagation(BP)neural network classifier and random forest classifier were used to identify the abnormal users in the two samples.The experimental results show that the XGBoost classifier has higher recognition rate and faster running speed.Especially in the imbalanced data sets,the performance improvement is obvious. 展开更多
关键词 user identification electricity characteristics eXtreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) random forest
User Identification Based on Multiple Attribute Decision Making in Social Networks 被引量:4
作者 叶娜 张银亮 +3 位作者 董丽丽 边根庆 Enjie LIU Gordon J.Clapworthy 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第12期37-49,共13页
Social networks are becoming increasingly popular and influential,and users are frequently registered on multiple networks simultaneously,in many cases leaving large quantities of personal information on each network.... Social networks are becoming increasingly popular and influential,and users are frequently registered on multiple networks simultaneously,in many cases leaving large quantities of personal information on each network.There is also a trend towards the personalization of web applications;to do this,the applications need to acquire information about the particular user.To maximise the use of the various sets of user information distributed on the web,this paper proposes a method to support the reuse and sharing of user profiles by different applications,and is based on user profile integration.To realize this goal,the initial task is user identification,and this forms the focus of the current paper.A new user identification method based on Multiple Attribute Decision Making(MADM) is described in which a subjective weight-directed objective weighting,which is obtained from the Similarity Weight method,is proposed to determine the relative weights of the common properties.Attribute Synthetic Evaluation is used to determine the equivalence of users.Experimental results show that the method is both feasible and effective despite the incompleteness of the candidate user dataset. 展开更多
关键词 weighted algorithm fuzzy match-ing cooperative communication network con-vergence heterogeneous networks
Efficient Security Multimedia System on Embedded Platform 被引量:1
作者 WANG Lifeng MENG Qinglei +3 位作者 XIAO Chen MA Jian DU Yaogang WANG Wendong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期120-125,共6页
Security video communication is a challenging task,especially for wireless video applications.An efficient security multimedia system on embedded platform is designed.By analyzing the hardware architecture and resourc... Security video communication is a challenging task,especially for wireless video applications.An efficient security multimedia system on embedded platform is designed.By analyzing the hardware architecture and resource,the efficient DSP-based H.264/AVC coding is studied by efficient video coding techniques and system optimizing implementation.To protect the confidentiality and integrity of media information,a novel security mechanism is presented,which includes user identify authentication and a perceptual video encryption algorithm based on exploiting the special feature of entropy coding in H.264.Experimental results show that the proposed hardware framework has high performance and achieves a better balance between security and efficiency.The proposed security mechanism can achieve high security and low complexity cost,and has a little effect on the compression ratio and transmission bandwidth.What’s more,encoding and encryption at the same time,the performance of data process can meet real-time application. 展开更多
关键词 H.264/AVC Encode Optimizing ENCRYPTION Identify Authentication
Optimized staggered-grid finite-difference operators using window functions 被引量:7
作者 Ren Ying-Jun Huang Jian-Ping +3 位作者 Yong Peng Liu Meng-Li Cui Chao Yang Ming-Wei 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期253-260,363,共9页
The staggered-grid finite-difference (SGFD) method has been widely used in seismic forward modeling. The precision of the forward modeling results directly affects the results of the subsequent seismic inversion and... The staggered-grid finite-difference (SGFD) method has been widely used in seismic forward modeling. The precision of the forward modeling results directly affects the results of the subsequent seismic inversion and migration. Numerical dispersion is one of the problems in this method. The window function method can reduce dispersion by replacing the finite-difference operators with window operators, obtained by truncating the spatial convolution series of the pseudospectral method. Although the window operators have high precision in the low-wavenumber domain, their precision decreases rapidly in the high-wavenumber domain. We develop a least squares optimization method to enhance the precision of operators obtained by the window function method. We transform the SGFD problem into a least squares problem and find the best solution iteratively. The window operator is chosen as the initial value and the optimized domain is set by the error threshold. The conjugate gradient method is also adopted to increase the stability of the solution. Approximation error analysis and numerical simulation results suggest that the proposed method increases the precision of the window function operators and decreases the numerical dispersion. 展开更多
关键词 Staggered-grid finite-difference operator window function least squares numerical dispersion
User Behaviors Analysis in Website Identification Registration 被引量:1
作者 甘曈 林福宏 +2 位作者 陈常嘉 郭宇春 郑毅 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期76-81,共6页
Nowadays, an increasing number of web applications require identification registration. However, the behavior of website registration has not ever been thoroughly studied. We use the database provided by the Chinese S... Nowadays, an increasing number of web applications require identification registration. However, the behavior of website registration has not ever been thoroughly studied. We use the database provided by the Chinese Software Develop Net (CSDN) to provide a complete perspective on this research point. We concentrate on the following three aspects: complexity, correlation, and preference. From these analyses, we draw the following conclusions: firstly, a considerable number of users have not realized the importance of identification and are using very simple identifications that can be attacked very easily. Secondly, there is a strong complexity correlation among the three parts of identification. Thirdly, the top three passwords that users like are 123456789, 12345678 and 11111111, and the top three email providers that they prefer are NETEASE, qq and sina. Further, we provide some suggestions to improve the quality of user passwords. 展开更多
关键词 user behaviors website identifi- cation COMPLEXITY CORRELATION PREFERENCE
Identifying Fake and Potential Corporate Members in Telecommunications Operators
作者 石文华 张晓航 +1 位作者 龚雪 吕廷杰 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第8期150-157,共8页
Nowadays,mobile operators in China mainland are facing fierce competition from one to another,and their focus of customer competition has,in general,shifted from public to corporate customers.One big challenge in corp... Nowadays,mobile operators in China mainland are facing fierce competition from one to another,and their focus of customer competition has,in general,shifted from public to corporate customers.One big challenge in corporate customer management is how to identify fake corporate members and potential corporate members from corporate customers.In this study,we have proposed an identification method that combines the rule-based and probabilistic methods.Through this method,fake corporate members can be eliminated and external potential members can be mined.The experimental results based on the data obtained from a local mobile operator revealed that the proposed method can effectively and efficiently identify fake and potential corporate members.The proposed method can be used to improve the management of corporate customers. 展开更多
关键词 fake-member identification corporate customer rule-based method kernel density estimation
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