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毛南族婚礼仪式歌探析 被引量:1
作者 谢姿媚 《民族音乐》 2014年第5期35-37,共3页
毛南族作为一个人数较少的民族,绝大多数生活在桂西北大石山区。毛南人自古至今就有与别族通婚的习惯。在男女婚姻的问题上,毛南族有自己独特的怪现象,即青年男女可以自由谈情说爱,但要结婚必须征得父母的同意,由他们请媒人谈判包办。这... 毛南族作为一个人数较少的民族,绝大多数生活在桂西北大石山区。毛南人自古至今就有与别族通婚的习惯。在男女婚姻的问题上,毛南族有自己独特的怪现象,即青年男女可以自由谈情说爱,但要结婚必须征得父母的同意,由他们请媒人谈判包办。这样,对少部分文明开放的父母亲来说,儿女的婚姻是喜剧,而绝大部分却是悲剧。由此,在毛南族青年男女中就产生了私奔或逃婚的现象,上演着许许多多可歌可泣的婚姻故事。作为毛南族青年男女结婚时唱的婚礼歌,从“折棉”到最后的“敬洒”,始终贯穿着喜气洋洋的色彩,歌师们奉命唱的郡是占利祝贺的赞歌。 展开更多
关键词 婚礼仪式 青年男女 桂西北 大石山区 别族 敬酒歌 下阶 盘歌 莫一大王 邓光华
作者 赵明 姜永兴 《广东技术师范学院学报》 1988年第2期117-124,99,共9页
生活方式是作为社会的群体,在一定生产力条件下,为维持自身生存和社会发展而形成的一系列生活活动的习惯形式。每一个民族之所以自成为民族,主要是有着不同于别族的生活活动的方式;在悠久的历史长河中,生产力的每一次较大进步,生产关系... 生活方式是作为社会的群体,在一定生产力条件下,为维持自身生存和社会发展而形成的一系列生活活动的习惯形式。每一个民族之所以自成为民族,主要是有着不同于别族的生活活动的方式;在悠久的历史长河中,生产力的每一次较大进步,生产关系的每一次较大调整,都会给整个社会生活带来全面的影响,以至使其生活方式也产生重大变革。 展开更多
关键词 生产力条件 过山 别族 婚姻家庭 游耕 人类自身的生产 连南 文化素质 钢筋水泥 收养关系
写作杂识二则 被引量:1
作者 黄东平 《华文文学》 1990年第2期57-59,61,共4页
题材的丰泉 在学习写作的切身感受、力行中,我深深地感到,我所能攀寻到的,那流源滚涌、清新沁冽的题材的丰泉,正发源于南洋华侨社会生活这高山峻岭。 想想看,有着这么千百万自己的同族,多少世代,离乡背井,远涉重洋,分布到那辽阔而又陌... 题材的丰泉 在学习写作的切身感受、力行中,我深深地感到,我所能攀寻到的,那流源滚涌、清新沁冽的题材的丰泉,正发源于南洋华侨社会生活这高山峻岭。 想想看,有着这么千百万自己的同族,多少世代,离乡背井,远涉重洋,分布到那辽阔而又陌生的异域去。在这别族的土地上,在那多少世代里,他们过着的是怎样的一种生活啊?这当中的事迹, 展开更多
关键词 高山峻岭 别族 行中 写作题材 我自己 弄笔墨 我就这样 文艺作品 英雄人物 次要人物
论彝族先民的“五色观” 被引量:1
作者 陈英 《贵州民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1990年第4期41-46,共6页
青、红、白、黑、黄五色,是彝族先民辩万物的颜色概念。由于这种概念的形成,在远古氏族,部族之间,人们对尚青、尚红、尚白、尚黑、尚黄各有侧重,就养成以五色辩别族群的习俗。五色概念折光地反映彝族先民的深文化,并作为贯串夷、夏文化... 青、红、白、黑、黄五色,是彝族先民辩万物的颜色概念。由于这种概念的形成,在远古氏族,部族之间,人们对尚青、尚红、尚白、尚黑、尚黄各有侧重,就养成以五色辩别族群的习俗。五色概念折光地反映彝族先民的深文化,并作为贯串夷、夏文化的纽带。 展开更多
关键词 彝族先民 夏文化 五生十成 宇宙人文论 别族 深层文化 青幽幽 举奢哲 西南彝志 祭师
作者 青房 《文史杂志》 2015年第6期100-101,共2页
唐初,吐蕃民族英雄松赞干布统一西藏各部族、各地区,迫切需要引进先进文化来提高人民素质,发展社会经济,巩固吐蕃政权。松赞干布派出贵族子弟到天竺留学。这些人回来以后,参考梵文制定了藏文字母,藏族从此有了文字。松赞干布还招募别族... 唐初,吐蕃民族英雄松赞干布统一西藏各部族、各地区,迫切需要引进先进文化来提高人民素质,发展社会经济,巩固吐蕃政权。松赞干布派出贵族子弟到天竺留学。这些人回来以后,参考梵文制定了藏文字母,藏族从此有了文字。松赞干布还招募别族的学者、技工和医生到吐蕃来,为他效力。不过,松赞干布最向往的,还是生产、文化都比较先进的唐朝。他自贞观八年(公元634年)起,就试图同唐朝建立最亲密的关系,多次派出使节, 展开更多
关键词 贵族子弟 人民素质 社会经济 阿史那社尔 八年 别族 大唐帝国 唐代妇女 左骁卫大将军 诺曷钵
作者 安清 《中国减灾》 2011年第5X期59-59,共1页
赵人患鼠,乞猫于中山,中山人予之,猫善扑鼠及鸡。月余,鼠尽而鸡亦尽。其子患之,告其父曰:"盍去诸?"其父曰:"是非若所知也。吾之患在鼠,不在乎无鸡。夫有鼠,则窃吾食,毁吾衣,穿吾垣墉,坏伤吾器用,吾将饥寒焉。不病于无鸡... 赵人患鼠,乞猫于中山,中山人予之,猫善扑鼠及鸡。月余,鼠尽而鸡亦尽。其子患之,告其父曰:"盍去诸?"其父曰:"是非若所知也。吾之患在鼠,不在乎无鸡。夫有鼠,则窃吾食,毁吾衣,穿吾垣墉,坏伤吾器用,吾将饥寒焉。不病于无鸡乎!无鸡者,弗食鸡则已耳,去饥寒犹远。若之何而去夫猫也!"——选自刘基《郁离子》 展开更多
关键词 善扑 郁离 别族 鲜虞 战国初期 地质灾害 白狄 经济发展 河北定州 河北正定
作者 刘立峰 《作文成功之路》 2016年第1期55-55,共1页
确立继承人,是每一个王朝的大事。继承人选得好,"大业得继",国泰民安;继承人选的不好,轻则鸡飞狗跳,皇室内乱,重则天下倾覆,百姓遭殃。所以历朝历代的统治者都把立储作为一件极其重要的事,采用各种办法考验、选择,以期能够选出合格的... 确立继承人,是每一个王朝的大事。继承人选得好,"大业得继",国泰民安;继承人选的不好,轻则鸡飞狗跳,皇室内乱,重则天下倾覆,百姓遭殃。所以历朝历代的统治者都把立储作为一件极其重要的事,采用各种办法考验、选择,以期能够选出合格的继承人。在诸多的选立储君的事件中,我觉得有这样几件有一定的代表性,拿出来说一说似乎能够窥豹一斑,说明中国人在选立继承人时所采用的原则。 展开更多
关键词 赵简子 春秋时期 智宣 公子章 唏嘘不已 公子成 强毅果敢 肥义 别族 智果
Small intestine bacterial overgrowth and irritable bowel syndrome-related symptoms:Experience with Rifaximin 被引量:19
作者 Sergio Peralta Claudia Cottone +2 位作者 Tiziana Doveri Piero Luigi Almasio Antonio Craxi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第21期2628-2631,共4页
AIM: TO estimate the prevalence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) in our geographical area (Western Sicily, Italy) by means of an observational study, and to gather information on the use of locally... AIM: TO estimate the prevalence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) in our geographical area (Western Sicily, Italy) by means of an observational study, and to gather information on the use of locally active, non-absorbable antibiotics for treatment of SIBO.METHODS: Our survey included 115 patients fulfilling the Rome II criteria for diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); a total of 97 patients accepted to perform a breath test with lactulose (BTLact), and those who had a positive test, received Rifaximin (Normix , Alfa Wassermann) 1200 mg/d for 7 d; 3 wk after the end of treatment, the BTLact was repeated.RESULTS: Based on the BTLact results, SIBO was present in about 56% of IBS patients, and it was responsible for some IBS-related symptoms, such as abdominal bloating and discomfort, and diarrhoea. 1-wk treatment with Rifaximin turned the BTLact to negative in about 50% of patients and significantly reduced the symptoms, especially in those patients with an alternated constipation/diarrhoea-variant IBS. CONCLUSION: SIBO should be always suspected in patients with IBS, and a differential diagnosis is done by means of a "breath test". Rifaximin may represent a valid approach to the treatment of SIBO. 展开更多
关键词 RIFAXIMIN Small intestinal bacterialovergrowth Irritable bowel syndrome Locally nonabsorbable antibiotics
The variation of skinfold thickness of Mulam adults in China 被引量:16
作者 DING Bo ZHENG Lian-bin +3 位作者 LU Shun-hua LIANG Ming-kang JIANG Kui SU Qu-yun 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2007年第1期55-59,共5页
The skinfold thickness of six items (facial skinfold, subscapular skinfold, suprailiac skinfold, biceps skinfold, triceps skinfold and calf skinfold) were measured in 465 Mulam adults (232 male and 233 female). Th... The skinfold thickness of six items (facial skinfold, subscapular skinfold, suprailiac skinfold, biceps skinfold, triceps skinfold and calf skinfold) were measured in 465 Mulam adults (232 male and 233 female). The results were as follows: (1) The average skinfold thickness are higher in female at every age group. (2) As a whole, the skinfold thickness in the body of trunk is bigger than that in the limbs in both male and female. The curves of biceps skinfold thickness and calf skinfold thickness of male doesn't fluctuate with age. Body fat percentage of male was the lowest in the 30s group. In female, the skinfold thickness of trunk and triceps increase with age while calf skinfold decreases. Body fat percentage of female increases with age but then decreases after 50 years old. (3) The mean vales of Mulam skinfold thickness are relatively low compared with Daur, Uzbek and Han nationality. 展开更多
关键词 skinfold thickness body fat percentage Mulam
Performativity of Muslimness: The Exilic Encounters of African Muslims in Europe and the Intersection of Gender Race and Religion 被引量:1
作者 Ameena Alrasheed Nayei 《Sociology Study》 2013年第1期40-59,共20页
As the construction of identities is said to be within and not outside discourse, identities are thus produced in specific historical and institutional sites and within specific discursive formations and practices. Th... As the construction of identities is said to be within and not outside discourse, identities are thus produced in specific historical and institutional sites and within specific discursive formations and practices. These formations and practices, under which identities are produced, are explored within the Diaspora space of West Yorkshire occupied by Sudanese Muslim women. The paper interrogates Sudanese women's identities and questions how the experiences of exile and Diaspora transform women's identities and influence the gender roles to which they relate. This study is an attempt to add to migration, refugee, exile and "race" studies and the studies of Black and religious identity in the Western Diaspora space. The paper maintains that if all identities are thought to operate through exclusion, then identities are constructed through difference. Therefore, the identities of African Muslim women are constructed through the relation to the Other. 展开更多
关键词 Other(ing) ISLAMISM identity RACE women
作者 止庵 韩新月 《大学生》 2015年第1期116-117,共2页
这本写母亲的书《惜别》,我宁愿自己永远不去写它。我觉得,每个人都是"别离族",但未必有动态的那个"心字旁"的"惜"的过程。如果真的有"惜别族",其实关系不限于父母和子女之间。人生间的所有牵扯都是,比如师生之间,又比如粉丝对... 这本写母亲的书《惜别》,我宁愿自己永远不去写它。我觉得,每个人都是"别离族",但未必有动态的那个"心字旁"的"惜"的过程。如果真的有"惜别族",其实关系不限于父母和子女之间。人生间的所有牵扯都是,比如师生之间,又比如粉丝对张国荣。或者不一定是单纯的追星。我不是罗宾·威廉姆斯的粉丝,但那一天我在报纸上看到他死了,怅然若失。悼亡是共通的体验。就像海明威说的,不要问丧钟为谁而鸣,它为你敲响。 展开更多
关键词 丧钟为谁而鸣 威廉姆斯 张国荣 别族 日本电影 问孔子 我自己 不好看 二郎 史铁生
Theorizing the Gendered Patriarchy of the Huaxia:Constancy(jing)/Expedience(quan)and Continuity(yin)/Change(bian)—From Male/Female Distinction to Inner/Outer Distinction in the Context of the Order of Family and State 被引量:1
作者 Du Fangqin Li Changjiang 《Social Sciences in China》 2020年第1期105-132,共28页
The gender-based patriarchy of the Huaxia people,consisting of family and state order,inner/outer distinction and gender-based hierarchy,took shape in the period of radical transformation when the Zhou dynasty replace... The gender-based patriarchy of the Huaxia people,consisting of family and state order,inner/outer distinction and gender-based hierarchy,took shape in the period of radical transformation when the Zhou dynasty replaced the Shang dynasty and reached maturity in the Han dynasty,which had been established in the wake of the radical transformation conducted by the Zhou and Qin dynasties.On the basis of the principles of male/female distinction and the integration of family and state,Western Zhou aristocrats abolished the state structure the inner and outer governance systems(nei/waifuzhi内外服制),carried on in part the main patrilineage and surname exogamy of the Shang dynasty,and established the Huaxia patriarchal system.During the Qin and Han dynasties,the patriarchal system evolved into family and state isomorphism characterized by power-sharing between the royal house and its officials and by a two-pronged kinship system in which the male line was inner and the female line was outer.The system thus evolved into the Huaxia gender-based patriarchy,which covered spatial spheres,division of responsibilities,the kinship system,values and ethics,and codes of daily interaction and conduct.The distinction between the inner and the outer was not only a core value of the gender-based patriarchy but also its operational strategy.It also engendered such inter-related sub-systems as human functions,ethics and gender and such philosophical systems as the unity of heaven and man and the cosmic binaries of yin-yang(阴阳)and qian-kun(乾坤).The constancy(经jing)/Expedience(权quan)and Continuity(因yin)/Change(变bian)of the gender-based patriarchy,the jing/quan at the heart of the basic system and governance strategy within its constraints jointly ensured the stability and dynamism of the gender-based patriarchy of the Huaxia people. 展开更多
关键词 HUAXIA gender-based patriarchy theorizing family and state structure inner/outer distinction Constancy(经jing)/Expedience(权quan)and Continuity(因yin)/Change(变bian)
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