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作者 吴凤锷 《色谱》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第5期334-336,共3页
薄层制备色谱广泛用于纯化合物的制备。为提高其制备量,已做了许多改进,发展了不少新方法。 薄层的制备量除了厚度外,主要决定其面积的大小及所使用的吸附剂。通常用的20cm×20cm的硅胶薄层可以制备5—25mg样品。
关键词 薄层制备色谱 制备量
作者 王振明 陈常洲 《冶金动力》 2002年第1期26-29,共4页
关键词 软水制备量 开路净循环系统 软水 制备 钢铁厂 水质标准 补充水
不同制备量的去白混合浓缩血小板质量指标分析 被引量:1
作者 赵薇 何红 +4 位作者 代静 唐作红 蔡兰 冯霞 赵贻花 《临床血液学杂志》 CAS 2022年第2期134-137,共4页
目的:分析不同制备量的去白混合浓缩血小板的质量指标,探讨不同制备量的去白混合浓缩血小板临床使用的可行性,并为血站成分制备环节的改进提供依据。方法:将采集后1~2 d内的300 mL、400 mL全血制备成的单袋浓缩血小板按同血型随机汇集... 目的:分析不同制备量的去白混合浓缩血小板的质量指标,探讨不同制备量的去白混合浓缩血小板临床使用的可行性,并为血站成分制备环节的改进提供依据。方法:将采集后1~2 d内的300 mL、400 mL全血制备成的单袋浓缩血小板按同血型随机汇集后制备成不同制备量的去白混合浓缩血小板共计60袋,分为A组(6.5~9.5 U)和B组(10.0~14.0 U),每组各30袋。检测2组滤白前、后及储存期末的质量指标,计算并比较血小板(PLT)回收率、白细胞(WBC)清除率、红细胞(RBC)残留率。结果:2组间PLT回收率、RBC残留率及WBC清除率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);2组滤白前、后PLT、RBC计数比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),WBC计数差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);2组滤白前、后PLT、RBC、WBC计数比较均差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);存储期第1天和储存期末血细胞含量比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);2组储存期内平均pH值连续监测结果比较,第1天差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),第2~4天均差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:2组的容量、PLT、RBC及pH值均符合混合浓缩血小板质量标准,可根据浓缩血小板袋数灵活制备成不同制备量的去白混合浓缩血小板,小制备量(6.5~9.5 U)的去白混合浓缩血小板应在储存期1~2 d内发往临床并尽快使用,大制备量(10.0~14.0 U)的去白混合浓缩血小板在存储期内均可用于临床。本研究PLT回收率较高,但WBC滤除率较低,提示制备环节应对离心力、过滤时间、分离手法等做进一步调整。 展开更多
关键词 不同制备量 去白混合浓缩血小板 指标 分析
作者 张小伟 王岩 王淑香 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2016年第22期3317-3319,3340,共4页
目的研究灰色动态模型GM(1,1)在河北省承德市中心血站血液制备数量变化趋势中的应用,探讨最佳无偿血液制备管理策略。方法将承德市中心血站2004年-2013年制备的RH阴性解冻红细胞(单位)、去白悬浮红细胞(单位)、冷沉淀凝血因子(单位)、... 目的研究灰色动态模型GM(1,1)在河北省承德市中心血站血液制备数量变化趋势中的应用,探讨最佳无偿血液制备管理策略。方法将承德市中心血站2004年-2013年制备的RH阴性解冻红细胞(单位)、去白悬浮红细胞(单位)、冷沉淀凝血因子(单位)、普通冰冻血浆(单位)等4类血液品种数据资料,建立灰色系统GM(1,1)一阶微分方程预测模型。分析并预测2014年-2016年上述4类血液品种制备数量。结果 Y(t)一阶线性微分方程经拟合优度检验,精度均为优。可以很好地应用于血液制备量预测。从而得出2014年-2016年上述4类血液制备数量。结论承德市中心血站以上4类血液制备品种数量有持续上升的趋势。新型灰色系统一阶GM(1,1)常态下可以应用于维持血液最佳库存量,保证峰值与谷值之间的动态平衡,从而保证临床输血的供应。 展开更多
关键词 灰色GM(1 1)模型 预测 血液 制备量
作者 宋海东 包晔峰 李小亚 《凝聚态物理学进展》 2015年第1期10-17,共8页
热电性能研究通常只需要制备2~3克材料,而热电器件的研制和应用需要大量的材料。为了获得放量制备的高性能热电材料,本文采用熔融、淬火、退火结合放电等离子烧结技术放量制备了Ba、Yb填充方钴矿(Ba,Yb)yCo4Sb12,研究了Ba、Yb填充原子... 热电性能研究通常只需要制备2~3克材料,而热电器件的研制和应用需要大量的材料。为了获得放量制备的高性能热电材料,本文采用熔融、淬火、退火结合放电等离子烧结技术放量制备了Ba、Yb填充方钴矿(Ba,Yb)yCo4Sb12,研究了Ba、Yb填充原子加入量对材料相组成、填充量及其热电性能的影响。结果表明,放量制备的(Ba,Yb)yCo4Sb12填充方钴矿材料主要由方钴矿相和微量的YbSb组成;随着填充原子加入量增加,材料的实际填充量增大,电阻率、赛贝克系数绝对值减小,晶格热导率大幅度降低;放量制备的(Ba,Yb)yCo4Sb12材料的最大ZT值达到1.31 (850 K时),接近报道的最高值。 展开更多
关键词 (Ba Yb)填充方钴矿 制备 热电性能
以业务量提升为导向的绩效考核体系的建立与应用 被引量:1
作者 于来水 顾晓东 +1 位作者 范亚欣 梁晓华 《中国输血杂志》 CAS 2023年第6期549-552,共4页
目的建立以工作量考核为基础的综合绩效薪酬考核体系以促进血液采集量、制备量和供应量的提升。方法成立由中心领导挂帅的绩效改革领导小组负责统筹管理绩效改革总体工作,其下专设绩效改革办公室,负责制定以优化绩效薪酬分配体系为目标... 目的建立以工作量考核为基础的综合绩效薪酬考核体系以促进血液采集量、制备量和供应量的提升。方法成立由中心领导挂帅的绩效改革领导小组负责统筹管理绩效改革总体工作,其下专设绩效改革办公室,负责制定以优化绩效薪酬分配体系为目标的中心级绩效改革方案以及与其挂钩的新的采供血目标考核方案,通过比较方案实施前后血液采集、制备和供应环节各类指标的变化评估其运行有效性。结果采供血目标考核方案和中心级绩效改革方案分别实施6~20个月和8个月,与实施前(2018—2019年,共24个月)比较,血液采集环节中除街头全血月采集总量外,街头全血人均月采集量、机采血小板月采集总量和人均月采集量均明显提高(P<0.05),血液制备环节中冷沉淀月制备总量和人均月制备量、病毒灭活血浆月制备总量和人均月制备量均明显提高(P<0.05),血液供应环节中机采血小板月供应总量和人均月供应量、冷沉淀月供应总量和人均月供应量、病毒灭活血浆月供应总量和人均月供应量均明显提高(P<0.05)。结论通过实施调整与改革后绩效薪酬分配体系(方案),新制定的采供血目标考核方案的贯彻与实施明显提升了采供血业务量,反之也证明了新的绩效薪酬分配体系得到优化。 展开更多
关键词 绩效考核体系 采血 血液成分制备量 血液成分供应 业务考核
作者 张名飞 赵保旭 +2 位作者 罗邓雨 彭韬 常振旗 《化学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期11-15,共5页
微流体精确地、连续地输运,以及并行多通道中每个微通道的微流体流量均一性,是实现微流控技术量产制备功能微球必须解决的问题。文中通过改变齿轮泵入口管内径、并行微通道出口管内径以及流体黏度,进行齿轮泵输出流量和多通道中微流体... 微流体精确地、连续地输运,以及并行多通道中每个微通道的微流体流量均一性,是实现微流控技术量产制备功能微球必须解决的问题。文中通过改变齿轮泵入口管内径、并行微通道出口管内径以及流体黏度,进行齿轮泵输出流量和多通道中微流体流量均分的控制。研究结果表明:通过减小齿轮泵入口管内径和微通道内径以及增大流体的黏度,使得商业化齿轮泵的高泵输流量减小至微流控技术中需求的流体泵输量,解决了微流体的精确连续输运问题。此外,流体流量变异系数CV随着齿轮泵入口管内径的增大、微通道内径的减小以及流体黏度的增大而减小,通过这些参数的合理选择可以实现微通道中流体流量的均一性控制。研究获得CV值与其影响因素之间的经验公式。 展开更多
关键词 微流控 并行微通道 连续输运 控制 制备
作者 温宇旸 《中国食品工业》 2021年第21期104-107,共4页
关键词 果粒酸奶 发酵时间 接种 制备工艺
Extraction of Polysaccharides from Spirulina with Boiling Water
作者 唐玉邦 虞利俊 +2 位作者 裴勤 徐磊 王恒义 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第6期1043-1045,共3页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to develop a simple and effective method for the polysaccharide extraction from Spirulina. [Method] The polysaccha- rides were directly extracted from the fresh algae mat or dry p... [Objective] The aim of this study was to develop a simple and effective method for the polysaccharide extraction from Spirulina. [Method] The polysaccha- rides were directly extracted from the fresh algae mat or dry powder of Spirulina in boiling water. The contents and quality of the extracted polysaccharides were measured. [Result] On average, 236.06 g of polysaccharide was extracted from 25 kg of fresh Spirulina mat, with a yield rate of 0.94%, while 191.95 g of polysac- charide was extracted from 2.5 kg of dry powder of Spirulina with a yield rate of 0.77%. The polysaccharide content in the extract of fresh Spirulina mat was 12.56% (according to glucose content), while that of the dry powder was 12.38% (according to glucose content); the glucose was produced during the hydrolysis of Spirulina polysaccharide. [Conclusion] Extraction polysaccharide from Spirulina with boiling wa- ter greatly reduces the use of ethanol, and the possibility of pollution from the ex- ogenous non-food chemical reagents, so that the extracted polysaccharides can be used as food materials. This method makes it possible to establish the production line for Spirulina polysaccharide. 展开更多
关键词 Spirulina polysaccharide Large scale production Extraction by boilingwater IDENTIFICATION
Controlled Remote Preparation of a Two-Qubit State via an Asymmetric Quantum Channel 被引量:2
作者 王章银 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期244-250,共7页
I present a new scheme for probabilistic remote preparation of a general two-qubit state from a sender to either of two receivers.The quantum channel is composed of a partial entangled tripartite Greenberger-Horne-Zei... I present a new scheme for probabilistic remote preparation of a general two-qubit state from a sender to either of two receivers.The quantum channel is composed of a partial entangled tripartite Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state and a W-type state.I try to realize the remote two-qubit preparation by using the usual projective measurement and the method of positive operator-valued measure,respectively.The corresponding success probabilities of the scheme with different methods as well as the total classical communication cost required in this scheme are also calculated. 展开更多
关键词 remote state preparation partial entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state W-type state projective measurement positive operator-valued measure unitary operation
Preparation of boric acid from low-grade ascharite and recovery of magnesium sulfate 被引量:5
作者 李杰 樊占国 +3 位作者 刘艳丽 刘素兰 姜涛 奚正平 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1161-1165,共5页
Boric acid and kieserite were prepared from low-grade ascharite by sulfuric acid method.This method results in the recovery of 71.06%and 45.03%for boric acid and kieserite,respectively.Meanwhile,the boric acid was pre... Boric acid and kieserite were prepared from low-grade ascharite by sulfuric acid method.This method results in the recovery of 71.06%and 45.03%for boric acid and kieserite,respectively.Meanwhile,the boric acid was precipitated from the filtrate at low temperature and the solution was recycled without discharging waste liquid in the whole process.The influence of amount of sulfuric acid,mass fraction of sulfuric acid,reaction temperature and reaction time on the leaching rate of boric acid were studied. The results show that the leaching rate of boric acid reaches 93.80%under the following conditions:the amount of sulfuric acid is 85%of theoretical dosage;the mass fraction of sulfuric acid is 25%;reaction temperature is 95℃;and the reaction time is 100 min. Meanwhile,the effects of mass fraction of magnesium sulfate,crystallization temperature and crystallization time on the crystallization of kieserite were investigated and the optimal crystallization conditions are obtained:the mass fraction of magnesium sulfate is 28%;the crystallization temperature is 180℃and the crystallization time is 4h. 展开更多
关键词 low-grade ascharite sulfuric acid method high temperature crystallization boric acid kieserite
Controlled Remote State Preparation 被引量:2
作者 WANG Zhang-Yin LIU Yi-Min +1 位作者 ZUO Xue-Qin ZHANG Zhan-Jun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第8期235-240,共6页
We present a scheme for remotely preparing a state via the controls of many agents in a network.In thescheme,the agents' controls are achieved by utilizing quantum key distribution.Generally,the original state can... We present a scheme for remotely preparing a state via the controls of many agents in a network.In thescheme,the agents' controls are achieved by utilizing quantum key distribution.Generally,the original state can berestored by the receiver with probability 1/2 if all the agents collaborate.However,for certain type of original states therestoration probability is unit. 展开更多
关键词 controlled remote state preparation quantum key distribution single-qubit von Neumann orthogonal measurement controlled-NOT gate
Multiparty-Controlled Remote Preparation of Two-Particle State 被引量:2
作者 HOU Kui WANG Jing +1 位作者 YUAN Hao SHI Shou-Hua 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期848-852,共5页
We propose a scheme for multiparty-controlled remote preparation of the two-particle state by using two non-maximally Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states as quantum channel. Our scheme consists of one sender and n remo... We propose a scheme for multiparty-controlled remote preparation of the two-particle state by using two non-maximally Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states as quantum channel. Our scheme consists of one sender and n remote receivers. It will be shown that the sender can help either one of the n receivers to remotely preparation the original state with the appropriate probability, and the sender Alice's two-particle projective measurement and the controllers' single-particle product meazurements are needed. We also obtained the probability of the successful remote state preparation. 展开更多
关键词 remote state preparation two-particle state MULTIPARTY
Probabilistic Remote Preparation of a Tripartite High-Dimensional Equatorial Entangled State 被引量:1
作者 SHI Jin ZHAN You-Bang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期239-243,共5页
We present a scheme for probabilistic remote preparation of a tripartite qutrit entangled state with a partial tripartite qutrit entangled state and a partial bipartite qutrit entangled state as the quantum channel. I... We present a scheme for probabilistic remote preparation of a tripartite qutrit entangled state with a partial tripartite qutrit entangled state and a partial bipartite qutrit entangled state as the quantum channel. It is found that a bipartite qutrit orthogonal projective measurement, an auxiliary qutrit particle, and the corresponding unitary transformation are required. A scheme for probabilistic remote preparation of a tripartite qudit equatorial entangled state by using a partial tripartite qudit entangled state and a partial bipartite qudit entangled state as the quantum channel is also proposed. We calculate the successful total probability and the total classical communication cost required in the RSP process, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 remote state preparation equatorial entangled state classical communication cost projective measurement unitary transformation
Preparation and characteristics of biosilica derived from marine diatom biomass of Nitzschia closterium and Thalassiosira 被引量:1
作者 漆亚 王欣 成家杨 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期668-680,共13页
In this study, biosilica of high purity was successfully prepared from marine diatom (Nitzschia closterium and Thalassiosira) biomass using an optimized novel method with acid washing treatment followed by thermal t... In this study, biosilica of high purity was successfully prepared from marine diatom (Nitzschia closterium and Thalassiosira) biomass using an optimized novel method with acid washing treatment followed by thermal treatment of the biomass. The optimal condition of the method was 2% diluted HCl washing and baking at 600℃. The SiO2 contents of N. closterium biosilica and Thalassiosira biosilica were 92.23% and 91.52%, respectively, which were both higher than that of diatomite biosilica. The SiO2 morphologies of both biosilica are typical amorphous silica. Besides, IV. closterium biosilica possessed micropores and fibers with a surface area of 59.81 m^2/g. And Thalassiosira biosilica possessed a mesoporous hierarchical skeleton with a surface area of 9.91 m^2/g. The results suggest that the biosilica samples obtained in this study present highly porous structures. The prepared porous biosilica material possesses great potential to be used as drug delivery carrier, biosensor, biocatalyst as well as adsorbent in the future. 展开更多
Microstructure and performance of Al-Si alloy with high Si content by high temperature diffusion treatment 被引量:13
作者 修子扬 陈国钦 +3 位作者 王晓峰 武高辉 刘艳梅 杨文澍 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第11期2134-2138,共5页
The Al-Si alloy with high Si content was prepared by pressure infiltration. Microstructure observation shows that three-dimensional structure (3D-structure) is obtained from irregular sharp Si particles via high tem... The Al-Si alloy with high Si content was prepared by pressure infiltration. Microstructure observation shows that three-dimensional structure (3D-structure) is obtained from irregular sharp Si particles via high temperature diffusion treatment (HTDT). Flat Si-Al interfaces transform to smooth curves, and Si phases precipitate in Al and Si-Al interface. The bonding of Si-Al interface is improved by HTDT, which improves the mechanical performance of Al-Si alloy. The bending strength of 3D-Al-Si alloy increases by 6% compared with that of Al-Si alloy, but the elastic modulus changes a little. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the 3D-Al-Si alloy is 7.7×10^-6/℃ from 20℃ to 100 ℃, which decreases by 7% compared with that of Al-Si alloy. However, HTDT has little effect on the thermal conductivity of Al-Si alloy. 展开更多
关键词 Al-Si alloy 3D-structure INTERFACE DIFFUSION
Remote Preparation of a Two-Particle Entangled State by a Bipartite Entangled State and a Tripartite Entangled W State 被引量:4
作者 XIAO Xiao-Qi LIU Jin-Ming 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期247-252,共6页
We propose a scheme to remotely prepare a general two-particle entangled state by using a bipartite entangled state and a tripartite entangled W state as the quantum channel. Our scheme consists of one sender and two ... We propose a scheme to remotely prepare a general two-particle entangled state by using a bipartite entangled state and a tripartite entangled W state as the quantum channel. Our scheme consists of one sender and two remote receivers. The sender can help either one of the receivers to remotely reconstruct the original state with the assistance of the other receiver's single-partlcle orthogona/measurement. We obtain the total success probability and discuss the classical communication cost in our remote state preparation scheme. 展开更多
关键词 remote state preparation W state projective measurement unitary transformation
Combinative Approaches of Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology for the Optimal Pharmaceutical Preparation of an Anti-arthritic Chinese Medicine Formulation QFJBT 被引量:4
作者 Ting ZHANG Huang-He YU +8 位作者 Ye LIN Xin LI Ling TAN Hou-Pan SONG Qing-Hua PENG Wei WANG Liang LIU Cong CHEN Xiong CAI 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2018年第4期289-301,共13页
Objective Qing Fu Juan Bi Tang(QFJBT)is an anti-arthritic Chinese medicine formula consisting of five herbs:Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata(Fu Zi,附子),Sinomenii Caulis(Qing Feng Teng,青风藤),Astragali Radix(Huang ... Objective Qing Fu Juan Bi Tang(QFJBT)is an anti-arthritic Chinese medicine formula consisting of five herbs:Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata(Fu Zi,附子),Sinomenii Caulis(Qing Feng Teng,青风藤),Astragali Radix(Huang Qi,黄芪),Paeoniae Radix Alba(Bai Shao,白芍)and Moutan Cortex(Mu Dan Pi,牡丹皮),which have well-established histories of use for treatment of rheumatic and arthritic diseases.We intended to establish the optimized and standardized pharmaceutical procedures and manufacturing processes for the pilot production of QFJBT to develop it as a novel botanical drug product for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis(RA).Methods The combinative approaches of chemical assessment,toxicological and pharmacological evaluation were explored to define the pharmaceutical preparation of QFJBT.Results The optimized and standardized pharmaceutical procedures and manufacturing processes for the pilot production of QFJBT were established in terms of greatest chemical contents of bioactive constituents,potent anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities,and favorable safety profile.Quality analysis of the pilot product of QFJBT by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)demonstrated that the chromatographic fingerprint profiles of three batches of QFJBT were basically identical and the contents of four characteristic and bioactive markers were relatively consistent.General toxicological studies showed a favorable safety profile of QFJBT.The maximum tolerated single dose of QFJBT was determined in both sexes of rats to be 33.63 g/kg body weight which is equivalent to 346 times of clinical dose.In the chronic oral toxicity study,the results of laboratory investigation showed that QFJBT at doses of 3.89,6.80 and 9.72 g/kg body weight(equivalent to 40,70 and 100-fold clinical doses,respectively)caused no changes in all hematological parameters and blood biochemical parameters of rats.No mortality or specific toxic responses were observed in animals after three months of repeated dosing with QFJBT.Conclusion The optimized and standardized pharmaceutical and manufacturing processes for the production of QFJBT have been successfully screened and identified through established rigorous in-process controls. 展开更多
关键词 QFJBT Rheumatoid arthritis Pharmaceutical preparation Quality control Safety profile Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects
High-Throughput Multi-Plume Pulsed-Laser Deposition for Materials Exploration and Optimization 被引量:2
作者 Samuel S.Mao Xiaojun Zhang 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2015年第3期367-371,共5页
A high-throughput multi-plume pulsed-laser deposition (MPPLD) system has been demonstrated and compared to previous techniques. Whereas most combinatorial pulsedlaser deposition (PLD) systems have focused on achie... A high-throughput multi-plume pulsed-laser deposition (MPPLD) system has been demonstrated and compared to previous techniques. Whereas most combinatorial pulsedlaser deposition (PLD) systems have focused on achieving thickness uniformity using sequential multilayer deposition and masking followed by post-deposition annealing, MPPLD directly deposits a compositionally varied library of compounds using the directionality of PLD plumes and the resulting spatial variations of deposition rate. This system is more suitable for high-throughput compound thin-film fabrication. 展开更多
关键词 pulsed-laser deposition HIGH-THROUGHPUT
Preparation and coking properties of coal maceral concentrates 被引量:13
作者 Zhang Lei Liu Wenli Men Dongpo 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第1期93-98,共6页
The concentrates with different maceral contents were obtained from Kailuan coking coals with different coal ranks(Ro;ranvarying from 0.88%to 1.73%)by float–sink separation in lab.Then these concentrates were charact... The concentrates with different maceral contents were obtained from Kailuan coking coals with different coal ranks(Ro;ranvarying from 0.88%to 1.73%)by float–sink separation in lab.Then these concentrates were characterized by proximate analysis,ultimate analysis,petrography analysis and coking index determination.The results show that the vitrinite is characterized as nature of lower carbon content,higher hydrogen content,higher volatile matter and stronger caking property compared to inertinite.The relationships between variation rate of volatile matter and maximum volatile matter and coal ranks are identified,and a linear model is developed for fast determination of the maceral contents.Compared to inertinite-rich concentrate,the blending ratio of vitrinite-rich concentrate is increased by 13%,which is considered to be a potential technique based on maceral separation for expanding the coking coal resources. 展开更多
关键词 Vitrinite Inertinite Properties Coking coal Maceral separation
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