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内生型制度因子的财政风险分析框架——模型及实证分析 被引量:10
作者 祝志勇 吴垠 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期5-13,共9页
认同中国财政风险的积聚是由制度缺失、不完善和不均衡造成的同时,还应将制度因子即"内生变量"纳入到财政风险分析框架作量化考察。文章构建了一个包括国有化率(GYHL)、市场化指数(SCH)、财政分权指数(CZFQ)和交易费用率(JYFY... 认同中国财政风险的积聚是由制度缺失、不完善和不均衡造成的同时,还应将制度因子即"内生变量"纳入到财政风险分析框架作量化考察。文章构建了一个包括国有化率(GYHL)、市场化指数(SCH)、财政分权指数(CZFQ)和交易费用率(JYFY)这4个制度因子在内的财政风险影响模型。逐步回归后发现国有化率和财政分权指数对财政风险的影响最大,并解释了国有化率和财政风险指数(CZFX)呈反向变动的原因。实证分析提醒我们,必须做好微观制度层面处于核心地位的国企改革的文章,同时要把握好宏观"政制"改革层面中财政分权改革的范围和限度,最终从制度上防范和化解财政风险。 展开更多
关键词 制度因子 财政风险 国企改革 财政分权改革
农民专业合作经济组织发展绩效的制度性影响因子及其改进 被引量:24
作者 赵佳荣 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期206-209,共4页
农业生产具有自然和市场风险,农户因从外部获得的交易成本有过高而难以承担某些环节而需依赖合作。但目前我国农民专业合作经济组织发展绩效并不理想:规模不大,覆盖面较低;资金不足,竞争力不强;服务领域狭窄,跨区域合作较少。影响绩效... 农业生产具有自然和市场风险,农户因从外部获得的交易成本有过高而难以承担某些环节而需依赖合作。但目前我国农民专业合作经济组织发展绩效并不理想:规模不大,覆盖面较低;资金不足,竞争力不强;服务领域狭窄,跨区域合作较少。影响绩效的制度性因子可分为宏观制度和微观组织层面,如法规没有配套;政府扶持力度小,政策制度亟待完善;对农民合作知识的培训教育制度不健全;产权结构和分配制度存在缺陷,与合作制的本质规定不符。因此,必须加快立法步伐,优化法制体系;改善宏观政策环境,加大政府扶持力度;优化产权结构和分配机制;推进理论创新,改进和强化合作教育。 展开更多
关键词 农民专业合作经济组织 发展绩效 制度因子
外商直接投资分布中制度因子的影响研究——论引力模型在FDI分布中的应用 被引量:2
作者 杨用斌 《山西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第S3期9-11,共3页
引入国际贸易中的引力模型来解释外商直接投资与贸易的相互关系,首次从理论模型上证明了在其他条件不变的情况下,制度变化会导致外商直接投资与贸易量的相对替代这一结论,即当两国之间制度差异较大(也就是文中所说的制度因子较大)时,一... 引入国际贸易中的引力模型来解释外商直接投资与贸易的相互关系,首次从理论模型上证明了在其他条件不变的情况下,制度变化会导致外商直接投资与贸易量的相对替代这一结论,即当两国之间制度差异较大(也就是文中所说的制度因子较大)时,一个国家的进口量将减少,而进口国的外商直接投资数量将增加。 展开更多
关键词 FDI 引力模型 制度因子 Dixit-Stiglitz效用函数
我国1995-2008年利用FDI质量的评估——基于因子分析法的研究 被引量:11
作者 汪春 杨晓优 《江西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期13-18,共6页
通过因子分析法对我国1995-2008年利用FDI质量进行分析表明,我国利用FDI质量呈先升后降的态势。一般因子(FDI对经济发展的数量贡献)始终是利用FDI质量的主要决定因素,但作用不断下降;制度因子(FDI在制度演进方面的贡献)对利用FDI质量的... 通过因子分析法对我国1995-2008年利用FDI质量进行分析表明,我国利用FDI质量呈先升后降的态势。一般因子(FDI对经济发展的数量贡献)始终是利用FDI质量的主要决定因素,但作用不断下降;制度因子(FDI在制度演进方面的贡献)对利用FDI质量的作用较大,但是随时间推移作用不断缩小;科技管理因子(FDI在科技管理水平提升方面的贡献)对利用FDI质量的作用不断增大,2006年超过制度因子而仅次于一般因子的作用;经济质量因子(FDI在经济质量方面的影响)对利用FDI质量的作用最小,但是随时间变化,作用不断增大。因此,我国利用FDI质量主要由数量贡献决定,利用FDI质量整体水平不高;随着科技管理和经济质量贡献的作用增大,我国利用FDI模式不断由数量型向质量型转变。 展开更多
关键词 利用FDI质量 一般因子 科技管理因子 经济质量因子 制度因子
新制度经济学下城市群形成与演进机理分析框架研究 被引量:4
作者 王伟 孙平军 杨青山 《地理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期539-547,共9页
基于传统各学科分析的城市群形成与演进的影响因子,依据因子作用的方式和属性分成3类、阐释三者之间相互联系和作用的机理,在此基础上构建纳入制度因子的城市群形成与演进的影响因子综合分析模型;基于新制度经济学视角阐释制度视角的城... 基于传统各学科分析的城市群形成与演进的影响因子,依据因子作用的方式和属性分成3类、阐释三者之间相互联系和作用的机理,在此基础上构建纳入制度因子的城市群形成与演进的影响因子综合分析模型;基于新制度经济学视角阐释制度视角的城市群形成与演进的作用机理,提出其实质就是现有制度及其变迁过程中是如何影响人的行为选择,人的行为又如何影响城市群形成与演进过程中的各项经济活动(实体因子),进而明晰制度及其演变对城市群形成与演进中的作用机理,并据此从宏观制度变迁视角、中观机制设计视角、微观交易成本视角构建了城市群形成与演进机理的新制度经济学解释框架和具体主要研究内容的设计。 展开更多
关键词 制度经济学 制度因子 城市群
基于制度内生的三部门经济增长模型 被引量:1
作者 肖海东 刘先忠 《统计与决策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第23期23-25,共3页
文章针对物质资料生产部门、技术生产部门和制度创新部门三部门构成的经济体系,引入制度因子作为内生变量,建立了一个三部门消费优化的经济增长模型;从动态优化的一阶条件中导出了经济系统在非均衡状态下经济要素对制度因子的影响规律,... 文章针对物质资料生产部门、技术生产部门和制度创新部门三部门构成的经济体系,引入制度因子作为内生变量,建立了一个三部门消费优化的经济增长模型;从动态优化的一阶条件中导出了经济系统在非均衡状态下经济要素对制度因子的影响规律,得出了在均衡状态下的均衡解和相关的经济规律。 展开更多
关键词 经济增长 制度内生 制度因子 三部门模型
农村信贷配给实证分析 被引量:8
作者 龙海明 邓可欣 张倚胜 《财经理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期13-17,共5页
信贷配给是制约我国农村信贷市场建设的重要因素,也阻碍了农村金融环境优化、影响了农村经济的良性发展。通过引入制度因子,量化信贷配给,构建了信贷配给宏观计量模型,对我国农村信贷配给状况进行实证检验,结果证明,利率和制度因子是造... 信贷配给是制约我国农村信贷市场建设的重要因素,也阻碍了农村金融环境优化、影响了农村经济的良性发展。通过引入制度因子,量化信贷配给,构建了信贷配给宏观计量模型,对我国农村信贷配给状况进行实证检验,结果证明,利率和制度因子是造成我国农村信贷配给的两大因子。应合理调控利率、推进深化改革、加大三农扶持力度,实现农村经济社会的和谐发展。 展开更多
关键词 农村信贷配给 制度因子 时间序列模型 ADF检验
单相Z源逆变器的输出电压控制策略的研究 被引量:1
作者 程如岐 赵庚申 +5 位作者 王庆章 赵二刚 郭天勇 赵耀 马定宇 张红宾 《南开大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期51-55,共5页
关键词 Z源 制度因子 闭环控制 比例积分
我国电视生态环境浅析——基于媒介生态学的视角 被引量:1
作者 陶新艳 肖凭 《湖南大众传媒职业技术学院学报》 2009年第6期28-33,共6页
从媒介生态学的视角看,在制度生态因子、经济生态因子、文化生态因子、技术生态因子这四个方面,当下我国的电视生态环境需要通过制度改革使生态结构的组成部分各归其位,打破行政区划以恢复电视生态系统的互动性;减轻"食物链"... 从媒介生态学的视角看,在制度生态因子、经济生态因子、文化生态因子、技术生态因子这四个方面,当下我国的电视生态环境需要通过制度改革使生态结构的组成部分各归其位,打破行政区划以恢复电视生态系统的互动性;减轻"食物链"中对广告的依赖,在与资本市场的互动中丰富融资途径;找准生态位,避免同质化竞争;顺应媒介融合,实现协同进化。 展开更多
关键词 电视生态环境 制度生态因子 经济生态因子 文化生态因子 技术生态因子
Growth inhibition of high-intensity focused ultrasound on hepatic cancer in vivo 被引量:16
作者 Xiu-Jie Wang Shu-Lan Yuan +5 位作者 Yan-Rong Lu Jie Zhang Bo-Tao Liu Wen-Fu Zeng Yue-Ming He Yu-Rui FU 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第28期4317-4320,共4页
AIM: To investigate the damaging effect of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) on cancer cells and the inhibitory effect on tumor growth. METHODS: Hurine H22 hepatic cancer cells were treated with HIFU at the... AIM: To investigate the damaging effect of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) on cancer cells and the inhibitory effect on tumor growth. METHODS: Hurine H22 hepatic cancer cells were treated with HIFU at the same intensity for different lengths of time and at different intensities for the same length oftime in vitro, the dead cancer cells were determined by trypan blue staining. Two groups of cancer cells treated with HIFU at the lowest and highest intensity were inoculated into mice. Tumor masses were removed and weighed after 2 wk, tumor growth in each group was confirmed pathologically.RESULTS: The death rate of cancer cells treated with HIFU at 1 000 W/cm^2 for 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 s was 3.11±1.21%, 13.37±2.56%, 38.84±3.68%, 47.22±5.76%,87.55±7.32%, and 94.33±8.11%, respectively. A positive relationship between the death rates of cancer cells and the length of HIFU treatment time was found (r = 0.96,P〈0.01). The death rate of cancer cells treated with HIFU at the intensity of 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1 000 W/cm^2 for 8 s was 26.31±3.26%, 31.00±3.87%, 41.97±5.86%,72.23±8.12%, 94.90±8.67%, and 99.30±9.18%, respectively. A positive relationship between the death rates of cancer cells and the intensities of HIFU treatment was confirmed (r= 0.98, P〈0.01). The cancer cells treated with HIFU at 1 000 W/cm^2 for 8 s were inoculated intomice ed into. The tumor inhibitory rate was 90.35% compared to the control (P〈0.01). In the experimental group inoculated with the cancer cells treated with HIFU at 1 000 W/cm^2 for 0.5 s, the tumor inhibitory rate was 22.9% (P〈0.01). By pathological examination, tumor growth was confirmed in 8 out of 14 mice (57.14%, 8/14) inoculated with the cancer cells treated with HIFU at 1 000 W/cm^2 for 8 s, which was significantly lower than that in the control (100%, 15/15, P〈O.05).CONCLUSION: HIFU is effective on killing or damage of H22 hepatic cancer cells in vitro and on inhibiting tumor growth in mice ex vivo. 展开更多
关键词 HIFU Uver cancer Growth inhibition
Numerical simulation and model of control-efficiency of thermal crown of work rolls in cold rolling 被引量:1
作者 李学通 王敏婷 +1 位作者 杜凤山 张国良 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期2160-2167,共8页
Aiming at accuracy control of the thermal crown of work rolls in cold rolling,new parameters such as regulation domain and control-efficiency factors were proposed and a numerical analysis model of the thermal crown o... Aiming at accuracy control of the thermal crown of work rolls in cold rolling,new parameters such as regulation domain and control-efficiency factors were proposed and a numerical analysis model of the thermal crown of work rolls was established using finite difference method to study roll's thermal deformation.Based on simulation results,the influences of control-efficiency factors on thermal crown are presented and the thermal crown of work rolls is analyzed after taking sub-cooling of sprinkling beam into consideration.It has been found that the control-efficiency factor of any position on the roll's surface is linear function of the temperature and the control ability of water temperature is stronger than other control parameters.In addition,the verification of the model has been carried out based on the producing technology data in some factories and the numerical simulation results coincide well with the experimental data.Therefore,this work has important value for on-line control of roll's crown in cold rolling. 展开更多
关键词 cold rolling finite difference method thermal crown control-efficiency factor
Crack propagation mechanism of compression-shear rock under static-dynamic loading and seepage water pressure 被引量:9
作者 周志华 曹平 叶洲元 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期1565-1570,共6页
To reveal the water inrush mechanics of underground deep rock mass subjected to dynamic disturbance such as blasting, compression-shear rock crack initiation rule and the evolution of crack tip stress intensity factor... To reveal the water inrush mechanics of underground deep rock mass subjected to dynamic disturbance such as blasting, compression-shear rock crack initiation rule and the evolution of crack tip stress intensity factor are analyzed under static-dynamic loading and seepage water pressure on the basis of theoretical deduction and experimental research. It is shown that the major influence factors of the crack tip stress intensity factor are seepage pressure, dynamic load, static stress and crack angle. The existence of seepage water pressure aggravates propagation of branch cracks. With the seepage pressure increasing, the branch crack experiences unstable extension from stable propagation. The dynamic load in the direction of maximum main stress increases type I crack tip stress intensity factor and its influence on type II crack intensity factor is related with crack angle and material property. Crack initiation angle changes with the dynamic load. The initial crack initiation angle of type I dynamic crack fracture is 70.5°. The compression-shear crack initial strength is related to seepage pressure, confining pressure, and dynamic load. Experimental results verify that the initial crack strength increases with the confining pressure increasing, and decreases with the seepage pressure increasing. 展开更多
关键词 static-dynamic loading seepage pressure stress intensity factor initiation of crack
Mining cost analysis and cost control based on the sensitivity factor analysis
作者 ZHAO Shun-di KONG Yu-sheng LU Min 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2007年第11期44-49,共6页
This paper systematically generalizes relevant theories and methods regarding mining cost control and constitutes the model for the mining cost analysis. It also comes up with the sensitivity factor analysis to conduc... This paper systematically generalizes relevant theories and methods regarding mining cost control and constitutes the model for the mining cost analysis. It also comes up with the sensitivity factor analysis to conduct mining cost control. The theories and methods have been experimented with Jiangsu Chuanshan Mining Joint-Stock Company Ltd. Case studies have been undertaken on mining cost of the company and the most sensitive factor which affects mining cost has been found accordingly. Finally the paper concludes that the focus concerning the cost control of the company should be directed at output and material costs. 展开更多
关键词 mining cost cost analysis cost control
Effect of inclusion on high cycle fatigue response of a powder metallurgy tool steel 被引量:1
作者 姚君 曲选辉 +2 位作者 Rafi-ud-din 何新波 章林 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1773-1779,共7页
The high cycle fatigue response of a high V-alloyed powder metallurgy tool steel (AISI 11) with different inclusion sizes was studied. Two materials of this grade at a similar hardness of about HRC 60 were subjected... The high cycle fatigue response of a high V-alloyed powder metallurgy tool steel (AISI 11) with different inclusion sizes was studied. Two materials of this grade at a similar hardness of about HRC 60 were subjected to axial loading fatigue tests, tensile tests and fracture toughness measurements to investigate their mechanical properties. Large inclusion above 70 ~rn is indicated to be responsible for the tensile fracture which happens before yielding. The fatigue strength obtained up to 107 cycles is found to decrease from approximately 1 538 MPa to 1000 MPa with the inclusion size increasing above 30 Izm. The internally induced crack initiation is mainly attributed to the surface compressive residual stress of 300-450 MPa. Fractographic evaluation demonstrates that the crack initiation and propagation controlling factors of the two materials are almost the same, indicating that the two factors would be insignificantly affected by the inclusion size level. Paris sizes of the two materials both show a tendency to decrease as the ratio of stress intensity factor of crack origin to factor of fish-eye increases. The investigation into the relationship between stress intensity factors and fatigue life of the two materials further indicates that the high cycle fatigue behavior of AISI 11 is controlled by crack propagation. 展开更多
关键词 powder metallurgy tool steel high cycle fatigue FRACTOGRAPHY FISH-EYE INCLUSION
The effect of rh-endostatin on micrangium and angiogenic factors in tumor and myocardium tissue
作者 Cuicui Zhang Kai Li Jing Wang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2012年第1期43-48,共6页
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare effect of rh-endostatin on microvasculature in tumor and myocardium tissue. Methods: Nude mice were randomized into 4 groups, blank control group [did not burden tumor... Objective: The aim of this study was to compare effect of rh-endostatin on microvasculature in tumor and myocardium tissue. Methods: Nude mice were randomized into 4 groups, blank control group [did not burden tumor, normalsaline (NS) 100 μL/d], drug control group (did not burden tumor, rh-endostatin 400 μg/d), model group (mice burdened tumor, NS 100 μL/d) and treatment group (mice burdened tumor, rh-endostatin 400 μg/d), administration was given during d1-d28. The volume of tumor and the weight of mouse were measured before and after administration. The expression of CD34, MMP-2, MMP-9, HIF-la and VEGF in myocardium and tumor were detected by immunohistochemistry. The structure of vasculature was observed by immunoenzymatic double staining with CD34 and Masson. Results: The tumor volume increase of treatment group (48.18 mm3) was less than the model group (113.80 mm3), the change of weight was not significant among the four groups. After treated with endotar, the expression of MMP-9 and VEGF in tumor were obviously down-regulated, but the same results was not found in MMP-2, HIF-la of tumor. MVD in tumor of treatment group decreased significantly compared with model group. Proportion of tumor vessels covered by collagen in treatment group increased compared with model group. However, MVD and microvasculature in myocardium did not change significantly. Conclusion: Rh-endostatin can decrease the expression of MMP-9, VEGF and MVD to inhibit growth of tumor and normalize micrangium in tumor but cannot weaken MMPs and MVD of mature micrangium in myocardium. 展开更多
关键词 rh-endostatin xenografted tumor myocardium tissue micrangium
Roles and regulations of the ETS transcription factor ELF4/MEF 被引量:8
作者 Mary Ann Suico Tsuyoshi Shuto Hirofumi Kai 《Journal of Molecular Cell Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期168-177,共10页
Most E26 transformation-specific (ETS) transcription factors are involved in the pathogenesis and progression of cancer. This is in part due to the roles of ETS transcription factors in basic biological processes su... Most E26 transformation-specific (ETS) transcription factors are involved in the pathogenesis and progression of cancer. This is in part due to the roles of ETS transcription factors in basic biological processes such as growth, proliferation, and differentiation, and also because of their regulatory functions that have physiological relevance in tumorigenesis, immunity, and basal cellular homoeostasis. A member of the E74-1ike factor (ELF) subfamily of the ETS transcription factor family--myeloid elf-l-Uke factor (MEF), designated as ELF4~has been shown to be critically involved in immune response and signalling, osteogenesis, adipo- genesis, cancer, and stem cell quiescence. ELF4 carries out these functions as a transcriptional activator or through interactions with its partner proteins. Mutations in ELF4 cause aberrant interactions and induce downstream processes that may lead to dis- eased cells. Knowing how ELF4 impinges on certain cellular processes and how it is regulated in the cells can lead to a better understanding of the physiological and pathological consequences of modulated ELF4 activity. 展开更多
关键词 myeloid elf-1-like factor (MEF) ELF4 ETS transcription factors immune regulation cancer transcriptional regulation
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