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社区治理解析框架及其规划路径——基于“制度-生活”分析范式 被引量:13
作者 郭紫薇 《城市规划》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期54-61,共8页
后疫情时代,常态化与创新工作的叠加、"秩序与活力"的平衡对基层治理与社区规划提出了巨大考验。面对当前我国城市社区理论与规划路径相互背离的困境,本文立足于中微观层面,运用"制度-生活"分析范式,梳理了我国城... 后疫情时代,常态化与创新工作的叠加、"秩序与活力"的平衡对基层治理与社区规划提出了巨大考验。面对当前我国城市社区理论与规划路径相互背离的困境,本文立足于中微观层面,运用"制度-生活"分析范式,梳理了我国城市社区经历的"管制-管理-治理"三个发展阶段,并建立起"制度-生活"视野下社区治理的解析框架,指出在基层社区中,制度与生活的互动推动了社区中权力的再生产。只有建立起两者间的良性互动关系,才能实现多元参与、找到通向"社会治理共同体"的路径和方法。具体而言,制度应该顺应日常生活的行动逻辑,主动寻求合作;生活主体应通过合理扩大张力空间,推动制度的变迁。基于此,认为社区规划作为导向品质空间的社区治理工具,应当与社区治理的微观机制相结合:首先,在不同介入模式及工作阶段中,社区规划师的角色应当在制度主体、生活主体和第三方之间灵活转换;其次,社区规划路径应当围绕重构社区公共领域展开,通过搭建不同主体间对话协商的平台,促进异质群体的共识形成;最后,社区规划应当依靠"社会逻辑+商业逻辑"建立起社区活力的良性机制,使生活主体从旁观、享受到参与、行动。 展开更多
关键词 制度-生活 社区治理 社区规划 社区公共领域 后疫情时代
“制度-生活”视角下的农村基层党建:挑战与对策 被引量:11
作者 李沛丽 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期132-138,共7页
党的基层组织是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础,推进基层党建不仅是引导群众自觉听党话、跟党走的关键,也是筑牢党组织战斗堡垒作用以落实国家政策的必要选择。党组织的制度化建设与社会化发展是两种可行的路径,但两者之间蕴含着内在的张... 党的基层组织是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础,推进基层党建不仅是引导群众自觉听党话、跟党走的关键,也是筑牢党组织战斗堡垒作用以落实国家政策的必要选择。党组织的制度化建设与社会化发展是两种可行的路径,但两者之间蕴含着内在的张力。本文将"制度—生活"视角引入农村党建发展中,分析了具有流动性、脱嵌性和需求性特点的复杂乡村生活实践对基层党建提出的挑战,并提出要在党组织的制度化建设中强化与民情的适应性变动。研究认为,通过在社会化生活中锻造先锋性、在组织开放性中强化整合性、在推进服务性中实现自我发展等方式有助于实现制度化与社会化的融通,不断壮大党的执政根基和社会基础。 展开更多
关键词 农村党建 制度-生活 政治功能 组织力
政府嵌入、社区整合与西藏牧民的集体化发展:基于“制度-生活”分析 被引量:4
作者 杨永伟 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期120-127,197,共9页
西藏牧民的集体化发展成效取决于相互联系的两个阶段:公共资源如何传递到牧区村庄,又如何转化成牧民的内生发展能力。基于“制度-生活”分析框架,从“制度”与“生活”关系互动的视角出发,对西藏阿里G县牧民的集体化发展现象进行考察。... 西藏牧民的集体化发展成效取决于相互联系的两个阶段:公共资源如何传递到牧区村庄,又如何转化成牧民的内生发展能力。基于“制度-生活”分析框架,从“制度”与“生活”关系互动的视角出发,对西藏阿里G县牧民的集体化发展现象进行考察。研究发现:牧民的集体化发展,本质上是地方政府和牧民社会“互动共治”的结果。地方政府强力嵌入牧民社会,通过选派驻村干部、提供政策项目等方式,在尊重牧区生计模式的基础上,推动牧民社会在集体制度框架内发生有序变迁。村集体承接政府公共资源,主要采取情感联结、利益联结等柔性整合手段,将牧民集体化发展从“制度”形态引导到规范的“实体”形态,有效实现了村庄公共性的再生产。在上述集体化发展过程中,制度与生活的持续互动,使牧民的内生发展能力不断增强。牧民看到解决自身生存危机的可能,利益一致性唤起了对于集体的信任感和归属感,由此促成牧民集体化发展的良性循环。 展开更多
关键词 政府嵌入 社区整合 西藏牧民 集体化 制度-生活
“制度-生活”视角下农村人居环境治理实践与路径优化研究——基于湖南省S镇的实地调查 被引量:2
作者 黄思源 石蕊 原梓涵 《农村农业农民》 2022年第12期32-34,共3页
农村人居环境改善是建设美丽乡村、宜居乡村的关键环节,是实现乡村振兴战略的重要任务,事关广大农民的根本福祉和农村社会文明和谐。本文以“制度-生活”作为新的分析视角,基于对湖南省S镇的实证研究,分析农民生存理性与制度塑造的博弈... 农村人居环境改善是建设美丽乡村、宜居乡村的关键环节,是实现乡村振兴战略的重要任务,事关广大农民的根本福祉和农村社会文明和谐。本文以“制度-生活”作为新的分析视角,基于对湖南省S镇的实证研究,分析农民生存理性与制度塑造的博弈,强调制度主体和生活主体间的良性互动的必要性,构建以村“两委”为桥梁的有效衔接机制,通过民主协商、能人引领、长效治理等方式推动农村社区人居环境建设主体自我完善与发展。 展开更多
关键词 农村人居环境治理 制度-生活 治理逻辑
作者 赖莉 贺芒 《创新》 2023年第1期55-65,共11页
乡村公共性再造是重塑乡村共同体的关键。文章以X村为研究案例,构建“制度-接点-生活”的分析框架,探讨其公共性再造的实践方式、过程和逻辑。研究发现,乡村公共性再造在制度、生活和接点的共同作用下,通过公共资源、公共规则、公共精... 乡村公共性再造是重塑乡村共同体的关键。文章以X村为研究案例,构建“制度-接点-生活”的分析框架,探讨其公共性再造的实践方式、过程和逻辑。研究发现,乡村公共性再造在制度、生活和接点的共同作用下,通过公共资源、公共规则、公共精神再造的方式,经历植入阶段、自主阶段、整合阶段,实现公共性可持续生产。在乡村公共性再造过程中,通过供需匹配机制、规则互补机制、价值统合机制,实现制度逻辑、生活逻辑、接点逻辑的耦合。 展开更多
关键词 乡村治理 公共性再造 公共性 制度-接点-生活 接点治理
作者 金瑶 徐珣 《岳麓公共治理》 2023年第2期19-37,共19页
传统的行政吸纳社会与行政吸纳服务存在诸多困境,包含控制与监管、政治动员与包装表演逻辑盛行,对授权对象的偏好性选择所带来的服务流于形式、供需错位、供给能力跟不上治理目标。本文以价值共创为视角,整合了宏观层面的“制度”、中... 传统的行政吸纳社会与行政吸纳服务存在诸多困境,包含控制与监管、政治动员与包装表演逻辑盛行,对授权对象的偏好性选择所带来的服务流于形式、供需错位、供给能力跟不上治理目标。本文以价值共创为视角,整合了宏观层面的“制度”、中观层面的“空间”以及微观层面的“生活”分析框架,以杭州市萧山区“文化管家”为案例进行考察,试图阐释公共文化服务项目的共治创新机制。研究发现制度创新以价值生产的同向叠加生成多层次共同体,通过授权与赋能推动多元主体进行嵌入式共治创新。公共生活通过一系列基于情境化的共同学习、共同感受、共同怀念,对生活主体进行内生激励,进而实现生活场景价值再造。公共空间通过柔化力量融入到政府、市场、社会等场域,实现了对“政-社-民”关系的调整与重塑;以公共性精神与专业性力量促进公共空间共治共建共享的理性价值再生产。 展开更多
关键词 价值共创 项目制 制度-生活-空间” 文化管家 共治创 新机制
Scheduling of Household Power Consumption for Step and Time-of-Use Tariff System
作者 郭景涛 金志刚 刘怀东 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2011年第5期369-375,共7页
This paper proposes a hybrid optimization to solve the scheduling of household power consumption for Step and Time-of-Use (TOU) tariff system. The target function is the cost of electricity, and the optimization objec... This paper proposes a hybrid optimization to solve the scheduling of household power consumption for Step and Time-of-Use (TOU) tariff system. The target function is the cost of electricity, and the optimization object is total instantaneous power within a billing period. The control variables are starting moments of each household appliance. The optimization procedure is divided into two stages. Firstly, the prerequisite for minimal cost is calculated through mathematical analysis and generalized function theory. Secondly, the solution is obtained by using a heuristic algorithm in which the result of the first stage is considered to reduce the searching space. And an evaluation methodology is deduced to evaluate the optimization. The computer simulation demonstrates that the proposed approach can reduce the cost of electricity evidently in the sense of probability. The approach shows great value for embedded applications. 展开更多
关键词 smart grid SCHEDULING OPTIMIZATION TOU tariff step tariff heuristic algorithm genetic algorithm
民间环保组织的合法性建构何以可能——基于两个案例的比较 被引量:4
作者 张虎彪 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2014年第7期117-123,共7页
近年来,一些民间环保组织不断通过赢得合法性以寻求自己的发展空间。本文运用"制度–生活"分析框架,以两个个案为分析对象,从议题、社会动员的范围和渠道、媒体的作用等角度对民间环保组织如何建构合法性进行考察。研究发现:... 近年来,一些民间环保组织不断通过赢得合法性以寻求自己的发展空间。本文运用"制度–生活"分析框架,以两个个案为分析对象,从议题、社会动员的范围和渠道、媒体的作用等角度对民间环保组织如何建构合法性进行考察。研究发现:环境话语的建构可以弥补社会合法性和政府合法性之间的断裂;环境行动需要坚守政府合法性的底线。随着法律和相关制度的完善,民间环保组织将会更一步推动中国的环境治理模式变革。 展开更多
关键词 制度-生活框架 合法性 民间环保组织 政府 媒体
民国时期“训育”的本土化实践 被引量:5
作者 毛君 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期116-128,共13页
自清末废科举、兴新学以来,公立学校肩负起塑造国民的责任,培养目标也用倡导西学理性与人权平等的国民替代了遵从长幼尊卑伦理的子民。教育手段上,学校用分科教学与训育替代了传统融德行修身与知识习得于一体的私塾教化。以不断演变的... 自清末废科举、兴新学以来,公立学校肩负起塑造国民的责任,培养目标也用倡导西学理性与人权平等的国民替代了遵从长幼尊卑伦理的子民。教育手段上,学校用分科教学与训育替代了传统融德行修身与知识习得于一体的私塾教化。以不断演变的中学训育实践为切口,通过"制度—生活"的视角,剖析训育塑造国民德行的具体机制,以及训育在国家化进程中与政治制度、社会礼俗风尚和内部学校日常管理、教师教学和知识之间的相互影响,进而反思20世纪上半叶的公立学校如何在国际局势与传统的双重影响下步入现代化的社会浪潮中,将学生塑造为一名国民,以及国民外显的道德行为和内在的人性秩序。 展开更多
关键词 训育 国民 德行塑造 制度-生活
Effects of Salinity Fluctuation and Dietary Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines on Survival,Growth and Immunity of Exopalaemon carinicauda 被引量:1
作者 曹梅 王兴强 +2 位作者 阎斌伦 张庆起 高景锋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第1期77-81,102,共6页
[Objective]The aim of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for the large-scale breeding of Exopalaemon carinicauda. [Method]Effects of salinity fluctuation (S0,S3,S6 and S9 represented salinity fluctuations ... [Objective]The aim of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for the large-scale breeding of Exopalaemon carinicauda. [Method]Effects of salinity fluctuation (S0,S3,S6 and S9 represented salinity fluctuations of 0,3,6 and 9 respectivley) and dietary traditional Chinese herbal medicines (0,1%,2% and 4% respectively) on survival,growth and immunity of E.carinicauda were studied,and its experiment lasted for 60 d. [Result]The results showed that specific growth rate,feed conversion efficiency and superoxide dismutase activity of E.carinicauda in the treatment group with 1% dietary traditional Chinese herbal medicine and S6 salinity fluctuation were higher than those in other treatments,which was significantly higher than the treatment groups with S0,S3 and S9 salinity fluctuation at the same adding level of 1% dietary traditional Chinese herbal medicine. The regression analysis indicated that at S0,S3 and S6 salinity fluctuation,the optimal adding level of dietary traditional Chinese herbal medicines in feeds decreased with the increase of salinity fluctuation,accounting for 2.74%,1.77% and 0.51% respectively. At four adding levels of dietary traditional Chinese herbal medicines,the optimal salinity fluctuation of E.carinicauda also decreased with the increase of dietary traditional Chinese herbal medicines in feeds,accounting for 5.26,4.95,3.54 and 1.97 respectively. [Conclusion]Salinity,dietary traditional Chinese herbal medicines and their interactions have a significant effect on survival,growth and immunity of E.carinicauda,which calls for attentions in the breeding. 展开更多
关键词 Exopalaemon carinicauda Salinity fluctuation Dietary traditional Chinese herbal medicines SURVIVAL GROWTH IMMUNITY
Effect of Neoadjuvant CAF Regimen on the Expression of BCSG1 in Breast Cancer 被引量:3
作者 LIU Wei ZHANG Xianghong +3 位作者 ZHANG Zhigang WANG Xiaoling WANG Junling YAN Xia 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2006年第4期272-274,共3页
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and explore a sensitive and objective way in the evaluation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the pathological changes and BCSG1 expression were studied by p... Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and explore a sensitive and objective way in the evaluation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the pathological changes and BCSG1 expression were studied by pathological and immunohistochemical method in breast cancer patients with CAF neoadjuvant chemotherapy (Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin and Fluorouracil, CAF) and those without at the same period. Methods: Specimens were obtained from 34 breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant CAF regimen chemotherapy (CAF group) and 110 breast cancer patients not receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy (control group). The BCSG1 expression was detected by SP immunohistochemistry. Correlation between BCSG1 expression and pathological response to CAF neoadjuvant chemotherapy was analyzed. Results: Overall response rate to neoadjuvant chemotherapy was 79.4%. The strong cytoplasm expression of BCSG1 was significantly lower in CAF group than in control group (29.4% vs. 64.5%, P〈0.01). In CAF group, the positive cytoplasm expression in partial response (PR) (grade Ⅱ) cases was significantly lower than that in no response (NR) (grade Ⅲ) cases (P=0.002). Conclusion: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy of CAF regimen could decrease the nuclear expression of BSCG1 in breast cancer. 展开更多
关键词 breast cancer neoadjuvant chemotherapy IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY BSCG1
Feasibility study on the integration of urban and rural minimum living security system based on SWOT model 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Likaag 《International English Education Research》 2017年第2期14-16,共3页
This paper uses SWOT analysis, feasibility analysis of integration of urban and rural residents in China, including the overall analysis of the urban and rural integration China internal conditions, mainly for its ove... This paper uses SWOT analysis, feasibility analysis of integration of urban and rural residents in China, including the overall analysis of the urban and rural integration China internal conditions, mainly for its overall advantages and disadvantages are analyzed; and the external environment, the system is mainly to raise the opportunities and threats were analyzed; in these. The external conditions are analyzed based on the construction of SWOT strategic matrix, found the advantages and disadvantages of the reform process of the integration of urban and rural subsistence allowances system in coexist, opportunities outweigh the challenges, so China's overall urban and rural integration construction is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 Minimum living security: SWOT analysis FEASIBILITY
A Review of the Study on the Rural Minimum Living Security System
作者 LIU Yanjun 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期85-88,共4页
The rural minimum living security system has the function ofguaranteeing the basic right of life, maintaining social stability and promoting social fairness. In the course of practice, the minimum living guarantee sys... The rural minimum living security system has the function ofguaranteeing the basic right of life, maintaining social stability and promoting social fairness. In the course of practice, the minimum living guarantee system has also created the problem that hinders its normal function, This paper, based on the rural subsistence allowances policy itself, the implementation of the main body, the object, the system of social environment and other aspects of the operation of rural subsistence allowances in recent years, the problems and causes of the study carried out, and on this basis, Rural low subsistence allowances research and development direction of the future, with a view to the rural minimum living system of further theoretical research, the specific practice to provide reference. 展开更多
关键词 Rural minimum living security system Aiming for errors Rural minimum living standard
Research on Pension Insurance System under the Background of Aging
作者 WANG Chunqing 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期40-42,共3页
With the rapid development of economy in our country, the level of science and technology innovation, all of these prolong the life span of our life. Thus an aging population are increasingly highlight, which are deep... With the rapid development of economy in our country, the level of science and technology innovation, all of these prolong the life span of our life. Thus an aging population are increasingly highlight, which are deeply and widely influenced our society, economy, life and other aspects. As the basic insurance which maintain the elderly's life quality after they retired, Pension insurance will promove social stability and development. How to reform Pension insurance under the background of the aging of the population will get more and more attention from people. This article starts with the concept of the aging of the population and its development trend. Next, the article analyses the problems of Pension Insurance under the background of the aging of the population. Last, the article summarizes countermeasures according to solve these matters. 展开更多
关键词 the aging of population pension insurance
Psychological and Philosophical Readings of the Spectatorship of Bollywood and Indian Tamil Film in Sri Lanka
作者 Manoj Jinadasa 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第4期201-212,共12页
The objective of this study is to explore the psychic, moral, ethical and logical significances in the spectatorship of Bollywood and Tamil film in the Sri Lanka. Bollywood and Tamil film has been taking a very popula... The objective of this study is to explore the psychic, moral, ethical and logical significances in the spectatorship of Bollywood and Tamil film in the Sri Lanka. Bollywood and Tamil film has been taking a very popular cultural performance in Sri Lanka. The original Indian spectatorship of these film traditions has been diverted by the cultural and political psychology of Sri Lanka. Hence, this local orientation of the Indian cinema remains a quite metamorphosis and deconstruction in its appreciation and screening in terms of the social, cultural and political features that deeply-rooted in Sri Lankan history, culture and geographical limitations. For this study, several film texts, which include typical Bollywood and Tamil film characteristic features were used and observed on how they have been absorbed in the Sri Lankan cultural society. And on the other hand, some audience surveys specific to different film appreciation contexts were conducted. They included urban slums, semi-rural Muslim societies, north and east areas of Tamil villages, Colombo urban society, Tamil state areas and Kandyan Sinhala rural villages. In the textual analysis of the film content, implicit psychological narrations and their social and aesthetic interpretations were revealed in the analytical explanations. Using the audience surveys, many different opinions that can be traditionally filtered in the screening and appreciation of these film traditions specific to their living cultural settings were also identified. In conclusion, perception in Sinhala film has been considerably designed by the experience of Bollywood and Tamil film spectatorship is deducted by this study. Hence, not only this social trend affected to the appreciation of film in local general audience but also in all the facets of film production (script writing, shooting, acting, dialoguing, music and choreography and screening) has also significantly being influenced by the Bollywood and Tamil film. As a result of this evolution of local film culture, most recent trend in Sinhala film noir is also being followed by the early subjective consequences of Bollywood and Tamil film culture in Sri Lanka. 展开更多
关键词 technical terms psychological and philosophical reading Bollywood and Tamil Film film culture SPECTATORSHIP
作者 赵嘉 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期117-118,共2页
O. Henry is a realist and humanitarian writer. In his life, he wrote more than 300 short stories and a full-length novel. Sacrifice of Love is a typical O Henry's novel, which was formed in American society that chan... O. Henry is a realist and humanitarian writer. In his life, he wrote more than 300 short stories and a full-length novel. Sacrifice of Love is a typical O Henry's novel, which was formed in American society that changed from the rapid development ofcapitalism to the era of imperialism. During this period, the rotten social system, ruthless competition and insatiable exploitation jugulatcd and contorted human's emotions. In such a society, O. Henry, on the one hand, advocated and paid a tribute to beautiful love. on the other hand, he felt helpless and hateful to the cruel social and hard living conditions. Love itself is holy and sweet, but due to the decay of the social system, love was full of bitterness. This paper focuses on analyzing O. Henry's views of love, the reasons of formation and the expression skills. The subject of the Sacrifice of Love is: love itselfis sweet and holy, but in the capitalist society, it is destined to be a tragedy. 展开更多
关键词 sacrifice of love SWEET bitter love corrupt social system
The Study of Legal Property of Household Registration System in Our Country
作者 Linfeng Zheng Shiyou Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第7期103-105,共3页
From "the case that three girls have some fate but have different value" to "the case that Hai Cheng took a police substation to court with three times", currently the household registration system of our country ... From "the case that three girls have some fate but have different value" to "the case that Hai Cheng took a police substation to court with three times", currently the household registration system of our country not only plays the role of account registration and account management, but also undertakes the limitation of migration movement, and for the additional functions of the lowest life guarantee, social insurance, compulsory education, employment and other social security benefits, it also makes a difference between local registered permanent residence habitant and nonlocal registered permanent residence habitant. Just because of these additional functions, the household registration system has become complicated, which originally has clear nature. Therefore, only it is necessary to define the legal nature of our country's current household registration system, can executive power be supervised and the rights of citizens get relief. 展开更多
关键词 Household registration Examination and approval of registered permanent residence migration Legal nature Reform of household registration system.
Study on the policy reform of rural subsistence allowances
作者 LIU Yuya 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期51-53,共3页
In the rapid development of China's urbanization under the background of the implementation of the rural minimum living security system faces the problem of guaranteeing fund raising low object finds difficulties, la... In the rapid development of China's urbanization under the background of the implementation of the rural minimum living security system faces the problem of guaranteeing fund raising low object finds difficulties, lack of subsistence fund management and operation supervision, guaranteeing that the system failed to effectively implement the" Should ensure as far as possible to protect" problem. Increase the central budget for rural residents to fund investment, improve the rural minimum living security object discrimination and exit system, strengthen the system of subsistence allowances operation supervision, accelerate the pace of the construction of legal system of subsistence, countermeasures of rural reform policy. 展开更多
关键词 rural minimum living security system policy reform IMPROVEMENT
Discussion on the Enhanced Accounting Supervision System of Financial Management
作者 Yan FENG 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期148-150,共3页
Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important rol... Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important role in the social and economic development. In China, there are many accounting supervision problems in accounting practice at present, and a lot of the problems have exerted a negative impact on the social and economic life. Therefore, the causes for these problems are discussed and analyzed, so that the corresponding methods and measures are proposed for solving the existing problems and promoting the accounting supervision to play a better and greater role in the financial management of enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 Financial Management Accounting Supervision PROBLEMS Measures
Discussion on the Enhanced Accounting Supervision System of Financial Management
作者 Yan FENG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期40-42,共3页
Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important rol... Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important role in the social and economic development. In China, there are many accounting supervision problems in accounting practice at present, and a lot of the problems have exerted a negative impact on the social and economic life. Therefore, the causes for these problems are discussed and analyzed, so that the corresponding methods and measures are proposed for solving the existing problems and promoting the accounting supervision to play a better and greater role in the financial management of enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 Financial Management Accounting Supervision PROBLEMS Measures
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