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社区应急的制度-结构因素与韧性能力建设 被引量:10
作者 颜烨 《党政研究》 北大核心 2022年第2期108-117,共10页
突发公共事件以社区为本的应急方式日益成为社会共识,根本上是要建设具有强大应急能力的韧性社区,但是影响社区应急方式及其功能效应的因素有很多,归纳起来不外乎两类(制度—结构):社区外部的政体结构和制度文化因素;社区内部结构因素... 突发公共事件以社区为本的应急方式日益成为社会共识,根本上是要建设具有强大应急能力的韧性社区,但是影响社区应急方式及其功能效应的因素有很多,归纳起来不外乎两类(制度—结构):社区外部的政体结构和制度文化因素;社区内部结构因素及其应急功能的差异。有效应对突发灾难,关键在于通过积极有效的社区营造等方式,将客观因素转化为应急动力,从而基于社会系统(要素)、应急管理环节(过程)理论等,构建科学合理的韧性社区应急管理体系和应急能力体系,包括有效的应急运行机制建设。 展开更多
关键词 社区为本 韧性社区 应急能力 制度-结构 要素-过程 社会系统论
结构-制度分析,还是过程-事件分析?——从多元话语分析的视角看 被引量:97
作者 谢立中 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第4期12-31,共20页
"过程-事件分析"(或"实践社会学")的倡导者批评"结构-制度分析"把社会现实当作一种静态的结构来加以看待,因而不能揭示社会生活的真实奥秘。他们主张只有采用"过程-事件分析"的研究策略,把社... "过程-事件分析"(或"实践社会学")的倡导者批评"结构-制度分析"把社会现实当作一种静态的结构来加以看待,因而不能揭示社会生活的真实奥秘。他们主张只有采用"过程-事件分析"的研究策略,把社会现实当作一种动态的、流动的过程来加以看待,才能够对社会现实作出更为适当的描述和理解。"结构-制度分析"的倡导者则对此种看法进行了严正的反驳。其实,从多元话语分析学者的立场来看,这两种研究策略都只不过是我们可以用来建构社会现实的两种不同的话语系统而已。在它们的引导和约束之下,我们能够采用不同的话语策略来对社会现实做出不同的话语建构。但对于这两种话语系统及人们在它们各自的引导和约束之下所完成的那些话语建构之间到底孰优孰劣这样的问题,我们却难以做出绝对的判断和回答。 展开更多
关键词 过程-事件分析 实践社会学 结构-制度分析 多元话语分析
从制度—结构视角和行动者视角到社会因果机制分析——我国社会组织发展研究的视角转向 被引量:3
作者 刘江 《社会工作》 CSSCI 2019年第6期88-101,112,共15页
在"先赋型博弈"关系背景下,我国社会组织发展通常被置于国家与社会关系(或政社关系)背景下进行研究。制度-结构视角和行动者视角是国内外研究我国社会组织发展的主导视角。其中,制度-结构视角体现为一种规范性视角,难以解释... 在"先赋型博弈"关系背景下,我国社会组织发展通常被置于国家与社会关系(或政社关系)背景下进行研究。制度-结构视角和行动者视角是国内外研究我国社会组织发展的主导视角。其中,制度-结构视角体现为一种规范性视角,难以解释社会组织生存发展的复杂机制;行动者视角因过于关注社会组织的行为,而难以实现理论上的突破。本研究认为,社会因果机制分析可以作为替代性视角指导研究。在本研究中,社会因果机制分析(1)将政府(或其相关部门)和社会组织视为行动者;(2)将政社关系视为由作为行动者的政府(或其相关部门)和社会组织有意义的互动而建构的产物;(3)将分析的焦点聚焦于两类行动者行动的意义关联,进而形成因果机制以解释政社关系及其对社会组织生存发展产生的影响。在这一新的研究视角指导下,本研究对江苏省941份社会组织调查问卷进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 政社关系 制度-结构 社会因果机制 韦伯 资源依赖
中国民间组织的政治合法性问题——一个结构——制度分析 被引量:22
作者 梁昆 夏学銮 《湖北社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期44-47,共4页
民间组织具有政治合法性意指民间组织及其活动在"政治上正确",即在组织宗旨、活动意图及意义等方面,符合由国家的主导政治价值所确定的政治秩序和政治规范的要求。在"国家与社会关系"视角下,由于"大政府、小社... 民间组织具有政治合法性意指民间组织及其活动在"政治上正确",即在组织宗旨、活动意图及意义等方面,符合由国家的主导政治价值所确定的政治秩序和政治规范的要求。在"国家与社会关系"视角下,由于"大政府、小社会"格局尚存,具有"官民二重性"的中国民间组织处于依附性地位。国家基于社会控制的治理目标,在管理上采取了双重管理和分层登记管理的政策。不均衡的权力结构和现行的管理体制促使注册登记的民间组织普遍表现出强烈的政治合法性诉求。 展开更多
关键词 民间组织 政治合法性 社会控制 权力结构 管理体制 结构-制度分析
作者 谢选娥 董奥博 董伟 《活力》 2010年第20期179-182,共4页
按照恩格斯关于理论思维的观点,人类社会的发展不能没有理论,现今人类社会需要一种什么样的理论是一个十分重要的议题。马克思曾为人类的解放事业进行了长期不懈的理论探讨,其中制度一结构理论则是一大经典。这一理论包含在马克思的... 按照恩格斯关于理论思维的观点,人类社会的发展不能没有理论,现今人类社会需要一种什么样的理论是一个十分重要的议题。马克思曾为人类的解放事业进行了长期不懈的理论探讨,其中制度一结构理论则是一大经典。这一理论包含在马克思的社会形态的划分、“自然历史过程”、人本思想等理论中。这一理论的核心便是:社会形态的变迁是一历史过程,经济制度选择的差异以及社会结构历史渊源的不同,决定了一个民族、国家的盛衰。而这一历史过程的本质是人如何自由与全面发展。据此,在经历了国际金融危机以后,西方新自由主义作为一种经济制度形式,无疑受到人们的重新审视。超越“自然历史过程”,扬弃“物的依赖性”,提升人的价值与尊严,赋予马克思制度结构理论的当代性,则是当今人类社会发展面临的抉择。 展开更多
关键词 马克思 制度-结构 金融危机 扬弃“物的依赖性” 人的尊严
作者 吴建平 《工会理论研究》 2024年第6期20-30,共11页
中国工会具有自身的独特性,不能简单地套用西方工会理论模式对其进行评判,而必须回到中国工会经验本身进行理论分析或概括。考虑到中国工会体制的独特性,在对中国工会经验进行理论分析时,必须结合结构-制度分析与行动-机制分析。否则,... 中国工会具有自身的独特性,不能简单地套用西方工会理论模式对其进行评判,而必须回到中国工会经验本身进行理论分析或概括。考虑到中国工会体制的独特性,在对中国工会经验进行理论分析时,必须结合结构-制度分析与行动-机制分析。否则,要么只见树木不见森林,无法理解工会具体行动背后的深层原因;要么只见森林不见树木,无法理解工会是如何实现其行动目标的。 展开更多
关键词 中国工会研究 结构-制度分析 行动-机制分析
应急管理案例研究中的“过程—结构分析” 被引量:21
作者 童星 《学海》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期63-68,共6页
社会科学界一直存在着"过程-事件分析"与"结构-制度分析"之争,鉴于突发事件及其应对是一种非常态,"过程-事件分析"要优于"结构-制度分析",因而案例分析就成为应急管理研究中广泛采用的方法。... 社会科学界一直存在着"过程-事件分析"与"结构-制度分析"之争,鉴于突发事件及其应对是一种非常态,"过程-事件分析"要优于"结构-制度分析",因而案例分析就成为应急管理研究中广泛采用的方法。但突发事件的多样性、发生情境的复杂性、应对办法的针对性,都使得"过程-事件分析"式的案例研究作用有限。有必要超越上述两种分析方法的局限,探索"过程-结构分析",以适应发现应急管理规律性、实现应急预案电子化数字化、推动应急指挥系统统一化之需要。 展开更多
关键词 应急管理 案例研究 过程-事件分析 结构-制度分析 过程-结构分析
基层政权组织行为的制度逻辑——基于一项文献研究的考察与评析 被引量:1
作者 马良灿 王一帆 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期11-17,共7页
对基层政权组织行为的制度逻辑探究是社会学界关注的重要学术传统,已形成两种研究视角即结构—制度与制度变迁视角。结构——制度视角关注的是社会结构和制度对基层政权行为的限定,其特点是重视组织行为的社会规则,力图呈现基层政权行... 对基层政权组织行为的制度逻辑探究是社会学界关注的重要学术传统,已形成两种研究视角即结构—制度与制度变迁视角。结构——制度视角关注的是社会结构和制度对基层政权行为的限定,其特点是重视组织行为的社会规则,力图呈现基层政权行为所反映的社会结构关系。制度变迁视角力图从动态的时空背景中来呈现基层政权的组织行为与乡村经济制度变迁的逻辑关系,突出农村经济制度变迁对重塑基层政权组织行为的意义。制度逻辑一方面彰显了制度因素对基层政权行为的重要性,其不足之处是忽视了基层政权的主体性与政府间盘根错节的权力与利益关系对塑造该组织行为的影响。 展开更多
关键词 基层政权 组织行为 结构-制度分析 制度变迁视角
Microstructures and mechanical properties of cold rolled Mg-8Li and Mg-8Li-2Al-2RE alloys 被引量:8
作者 闫宏 陈荣石 韩恩厚 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第B07期550-554,共5页
The microstructures and mechanical properties of Mg-8Li and Mg-8Li-2Al-2RE alloy sheets were evaluated after cold rolling.Both alloys contain α-phase and β-phase which consists of a solid solution of Mg in BCC Li.Th... The microstructures and mechanical properties of Mg-8Li and Mg-8Li-2Al-2RE alloy sheets were evaluated after cold rolling.Both alloys contain α-phase and β-phase which consists of a solid solution of Mg in BCC Li.The proportion ofβ-phase in both alloys is approximately 60%.Theα-phase andβ-phase are elongated approximately parallel to the rolling direction and there is no sign of recrystallization even after being annealed at 200℃for 1 h.The yield strength of Mg-8Li-2Al-2RE sheets is about 165 MPa with elongation of 35%along rolling direction,while the yield strength is about 187 MPa with elongation of 21%along the direction titled 45ü to rolling direction.Theα-phase in both alloys exhibits basal texture,and the intensity of basal texture in Mg-8Li is larger than that in Mg-8Li-2Al-2RE.However,theβ-phase shows(100)texture,and the intensity of(100)texture in Mg-8Li is twice of that in Mg-8Li-2Al-2RE.It could be attributed to the existence of RE-containing particles in Mg-8Li-2Al-2RE. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloys LITHIUM MICROSTRUCTURE TEXTURE Mg-Li alloy
Control structure comparison for three-product Petlyuk column 被引量:1
作者 Shengkun Jia Xing Qian +1 位作者 Xigang Yuan Sigurd Skogestad 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1621-1630,共10页
The focus of this paper is to investigate different control structures(single-loop PI control) for a dividing wall(Petlyuk) column for separating ethanol, n-propanol and n-butanol. Four control structures are studied.... The focus of this paper is to investigate different control structures(single-loop PI control) for a dividing wall(Petlyuk) column for separating ethanol, n-propanol and n-butanol. Four control structures are studied. All the results are simulations based on Aspen Plus. Control structure 1(CS1) is stabilizing control structure with only temperature controllers. CS2, CS3 and CS4, containing also composition controllers, are introduced to reduce the steady state composition deviations. CS2 adds a distillate composition controller(CCDB) on top of CS1. CS3 is much more complicated with three temperature-composition cascade controllers and in addition a selector to the reboiler duty to control the maximum controller output of light impurity composition control in side stream and bottom impurity control in the prefractionator. CS4 adds another high selector to control the light impurity in the sidestream. Surprisingly, when considering the dynamic and even steady state performance of the proposed control structures, CS1 proves to be the best control structure to handle feed disturbances inserted into the three-product Petlyuk column. 展开更多
关键词 Distillation columns Automatic process control Computer-aided control system design Petlyuk columns
Design of Model Following Variable Structure Controller for Three-axle Vehicle 被引量:1
作者 管西强 张建武 屈求真 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期100-104,共5页
An optimal control procedure is developed for the front and rear wheels of a three-axle vehicle moving on a complex typical road based on model following variable structure control strategy. The actual vehicle may be ... An optimal control procedure is developed for the front and rear wheels of a three-axle vehicle moving on a complex typical road based on model following variable structure control strategy. The actual vehicle may be considered as an uncertain system. Cornering stiffness of front and rear wheels and external disturbances are varied in a limited range. The model-following variable structure control method is used to control both front and rear wheels steering operations of the vehicle, so that steering responses of the vehicle follow from those of the reference model. By numerical results obtained from computer simulation, it is demonstrated that the control system model can cope with the effects of parameter perturbations and outside disturbances. 展开更多
关键词 Three-axle vehicle Model following control Variable structure control. Uncertain model.
Diversification or splitting-an explanation based on Contract Theory
作者 罗良忠 史占中 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第4期329-333,共5页
By inserting the variable of the exactness of corporate valuation into the classic model of Contract Theory, this paper, on the bases of the interaction of the variables of the veraciousness of corporate valuation, ma... By inserting the variable of the exactness of corporate valuation into the classic model of Contract Theory, this paper, on the bases of the interaction of the variables of the veraciousness of corporate valuation, managerial incentives and operational risks, explores the deep-seated reasons for changes in corporate structures, and draws the conclusion that the divestment of the subsidiary is beneficial to shareholders when the parent corporate is undervalued and that the relation between the parent and the subsidiary is disordered, or vice versa. This conclusion is consistent with the motives of many divestiture cases in reality. 展开更多
Bonding mechanism of X10CrNi18-8 with Ni/Al_2O_3 composite ceramic by pressureless infiltration 被引量:7
作者 杨少锋 陈维平 +2 位作者 韩孟岩 杨超 朱德智 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期953-959,共7页
Abstract: An alloy steel/alumina composite was successfully fabricated by pressureless infiltration of X10CrNil8-8 steel melt on 30% (mass fraction) Ni-containing alumina based composite ceramic (Ni/Al2O3) at 1 6... Abstract: An alloy steel/alumina composite was successfully fabricated by pressureless infiltration of X10CrNil8-8 steel melt on 30% (mass fraction) Ni-containing alumina based composite ceramic (Ni/Al2O3) at 1 600 ℃. The infiltration quality and interfacial bonding behavior were investigated by SEM, EDS, XRD and tensile tests. The results show that there is an obvious interfacial reaction layer between the alloying steel and the Ni/Al2O3 composite ceramic. The interfacial reactive products are (FexAly)3O4 intermetallic phase and (AlxCry)2O3 solid solution. The interracial bonding strength is as high as about 67.5 MPa. The bonding mechanism of X10CrNi 18-8 steel with the composite ceramic is that Ni inside the ceramic bodies dissolves into the alloy melt and transforms into liquid channels, consequently inducing the steel melt infiltrating and filling in the pores and the liquid channels. Moreover, the metallurgical bonding and interfacial reactive bonding also play a key role on the stability of the bonding interface. 展开更多
关键词 pressureless infiltration steel/alumina composites interface bonding infiltration mechanism
Russia's Path Dependence on the Power-Property System in the "Long Putin Era": Its Origin and Rationale
作者 杨成 《China Economist》 2013年第2期92-109,共18页
As Russia's ongoing economic restructuring over the past twenty years has revealed, Russia's exchange mechanism departs from that of an ideally standard market economy. To a large extent, the problem can be traced b... As Russia's ongoing economic restructuring over the past twenty years has revealed, Russia's exchange mechanism departs from that of an ideally standard market economy. To a large extent, the problem can be traced back to the "power-property" system established by Ivan IIL That is to say, the possession of power is equivalent to the possession of property, and property becomes certain functions of power. For a long time, this system has been accepted as a natural state of society by the Russian people. Rapid economic growth under the Putin administration is characterized by the return to and strengthening of a "power- property "system dominated by the state and an abandonment of "institutional transplantation" from the Western liberal market economic model in the Yeltsin era under which power and property were separated Mr. Putin's reelection in 2012 means that the "long-Putin era" that started from 2000 will last at least until 2018. However, with the solidification of the "power- property" system, the Putin administration has been confronted with new challenges, and the prospects for Russia's economic modernization still face great uncertainties. 展开更多
关键词 Russia's "long Putin era '" Oriental influence power-property rights pathdependence
作者 HUANGWei-qing ZHANFeng-jiang ZHAOChun-sheng 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2004年第4期272-276,共5页
A three degree-of-freedom (DOF) ultrasonic motor (USM) with a cylinder-shaped stator and a spherical rotor is introduced, which uses one first order longitudinal and two second order bending nature vibration modes of ... A three degree-of-freedom (DOF) ultrasonic motor (USM) with a cylinder-shaped stator and a spherical rotor is introduced, which uses one first order longitudinal and two second order bending nature vibration modes of the cylinder. Control strategies for the two DOF trajectory following are studied and applied to the prototype USM. Vibration amplitude control is employed for speed regulation. The first trajectory following strategy is a step-by-step interpolation. The second strategy is vector decomposition control. Three pulse width modulation (PWM) methods for the exciting voltage regulation are investigated. These methods are compared and verified by several experiments. The key is to keep the phase differences of the three vibration constants and small exciting voltage distortion while the exciting voltages are changed for simplifing the control process and obtaining good control performance. The vector control method has advantages of small trajectory following error, smooth moving and low noise. 展开更多
Preparation of water-soluble magnetic nanoparticles with controllable silica coating
作者 Yaping Zhang Bin Zhen +1 位作者 Hansheng Li Yaqing Feng 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期213-217,共5页
This work provides a general method for preparing monodisperse, water-soluble and paramagnetic magnetic nanoparticles which are easy to be modified. Firstly, magnetic silica with core-shell structure was prepared acco... This work provides a general method for preparing monodisperse, water-soluble and paramagnetic magnetic nanoparticles which are easy to be modified. Firstly, magnetic silica with core-shell structure was prepared according to a previous work. Then, the magnetic silica was treated with alkali solution to afford magnetic nanoparticles. With the increase of calcination temperature for the preparation of magnetic silica, the crystallinity and the magnetic responsibility of magnetic silica strengthened, meanwhile, the corresponding magnetic nanoparticles kept monodisperse without any aggregation. The magnetic nanoparticles are comprised of cobalt ferrite and a silica coating. The silica coating on the cobalt ferrite facilitates the magnetic nanoparticles well-dissolved and monodisperse in water, and easilv modified. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic nanoparticles Monodispersity Water-solubility Surface structure
Build a people- oriented social security system--Based on the concept of real man
作者 Tan Jinwen 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期109-111,共3页
The concept of "real man" is the historical origin and the logical starting point in The Marx's Materialist Conception of History, and is also our basic starting point in the social science research. Although our c... The concept of "real man" is the historical origin and the logical starting point in The Marx's Materialist Conception of History, and is also our basic starting point in the social science research. Although our country's social security system has made great development and progress, but it still does not adapts the level of economy development, especially compared with the requirements of the people. Based on the principle of Marx's "real man" theory and combine the "real man" with the "people oriented", this article discussed the basic framework of the present social security system and its shortcomings in China. Then I try to put forward suggestions from breaking the urban-rural dual structure, gradually establishing urban and rural areas as a whole one of social security system, actively expanding the social security fund financing channels, establishing a nationwide unified social security of personal accounts, strive to establish a "people oriented" social security system. 展开更多
关键词 Real man People oriented Social security
Design and control of a p-xylene oxidation process
作者 陶莉莉 胡志华 钱锋 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第12期1935-1944,共10页
The p-xylene(PX) oxidation process is of great industrial importance because of the strong demand of the global polyester fiber.A steady-state model of the PX oxidation has been studied by many researchers.In our prev... The p-xylene(PX) oxidation process is of great industrial importance because of the strong demand of the global polyester fiber.A steady-state model of the PX oxidation has been studied by many researchers.In our previous work,a novel industrial p-xylene oxidation reactor model using the free radical mechanism based kinetics has been developed.However,the disturbances such as production rate change,feed composition variability and reactor temperature changes widely exist in the industry process.In this paper,dynamic simulation of the PX oxidation reactor was designed by Aspen Dynamics and used to develop an effective plantwide control structure,which was capable of effectively handling the disturbances in the load and the temperature of the reactor.Step responses of the control structure to the disturbances were shown and served as the foundation of the smooth operation and advanced control strategy of this process in our future work. 展开更多
关键词 p-Xylene oxidation Dynamic simulation Aspen Dynamics Process design and control
Research on the relationship between Pension Finance and the Supply-Side Structural Reform in China
作者 YANG Zhimin 《International English Education Research》 2017年第1期45-47,共3页
The development of pension finance is of great significance to China. first of all, the development of pension finance is conducive to improving China's multi-level and multi-pillar pension system, promote the sustai... The development of pension finance is of great significance to China. first of all, the development of pension finance is conducive to improving China's multi-level and multi-pillar pension system, promote the sustainable development of the social security system; secondly, the development of pension finance will create a new "blue ocean" in the financial markets, which is conducive to the improvement of China's financial system and capital market;finally, the development of pension finance will help supply-side reforms,which is conducive to the healthy development of the national economy of china. But now there are many difficulties: first, the top-design of China's social security system is not perfect; secondly, the current development model of pension finance in China is unclear, the return on investment mechanism is not perfect, the attractiveness of these projects needs to be improved; finally, under the background of Interact finance, mixed supervision is imminent. Therefore, under the new economic conditions must be structured from the supply side of the reform, the development of pension funds to seek the right ideas. 展开更多
关键词 pension finance return on investment mechanism mixed supervision supply-side structural reform
Effects of Low Concentration Methanol, PVP and PVCap on Structure-I Methane Hydrate Formation 被引量:2
作者 Wei Ke Thor M. Svartaas Hailu K. Abay 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第3期432-439,共8页
Kinetic mechanisms describing how THIs (thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors) and KHIs (kinetic hydrate inhibitors) work on gas hydrate formation have drawn interests for decades. These mechanisms could be better reve... Kinetic mechanisms describing how THIs (thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors) and KHIs (kinetic hydrate inhibitors) work on gas hydrate formation have drawn interests for decades. These mechanisms could be better revealed with more fundamental experimental studies. With experiments performed in an isochoric cell with continuous cooling and stirring, this paper presents observed effects of methanol, PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone, Mw= 15,000) and PVCap (polyvinylcaprolactam, Mw = 6,000) on both nucleation and growth of structure-I methane hydrate at concentrations 100 to 3,000 ppm (i.e., 0.01 to 0.3 wt%). The results suggest that methanol had no significant effect on nucleation, while it weakly promoted, spontaneous hydrate growth at an early stage. PVP and PVCap gave reduced average nucleation rate at and prior to hydrate onset, while increased the induction time and the degree of sub-cooling. PVP gave no observable effect on total gas intake and average hydrate growth rate. A decreased total gas intake was observed for all concentrations of PVCap. 展开更多
关键词 Methane hydrate hydrate inhibitors NUCLEATION growth.
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