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作者 余斌 《设备管理与维修》 2017年第8期19-20,共2页
关键词 制水厂 设备卡片 维保记录 EAM 数据统计
制水厂重点节能潜力的探讨和实践分析 被引量:2
作者 王哲明 《上海节能》 2019年第6期523-526,共4页
自来水企业是关系到民生的基础保障行业,制水厂是自来水企业供水源头和生产的最前沿。近年来,企业响应国家安全、高效、低碳发展主题,积极采取措施节能降耗。通过分析生产数据,对比不同规模、工艺制水厂的能源消耗和分布特点,结合理论,... 自来水企业是关系到民生的基础保障行业,制水厂是自来水企业供水源头和生产的最前沿。近年来,企业响应国家安全、高效、低碳发展主题,积极采取措施节能降耗。通过分析生产数据,对比不同规模、工艺制水厂的能源消耗和分布特点,结合理论,探讨分析制水厂主要节能潜力,并通过分析节能措施实际效果予以验证。 展开更多
关键词 制水厂 节能 数据分析
作者 吴琳 《冶金动力》 2008年第5期87-88,96,共3页
关键词 制水厂 自动化系统 防雷
作者 赵俊福 《冶金动力》 2012年第2期61-63,共3页
关键词 制水厂 工艺流程 构筑物
作者 王哲明 沈杰 徐霄辰 《净水技术》 CAS 2019年第A01期321-323,共3页
从制水厂工业控制信息安全现状入手,研究汇总制水企业工控系统(ICS)信息安全的特点和受到的主要威胁,提出了ICS信息安全防护的重点措施,主要包括采用白名单主动防御软件、ICS网络边界升级为专业工业防火墙、工控网络中部署安全审计设备... 从制水厂工业控制信息安全现状入手,研究汇总制水企业工控系统(ICS)信息安全的特点和受到的主要威胁,提出了ICS信息安全防护的重点措施,主要包括采用白名单主动防御软件、ICS网络边界升级为专业工业防火墙、工控网络中部署安全审计设备。再通过完善相应管理制度,有效提升制水厂ICS信息安全等级,化解“两化融合”给制水厂ICS带来的最紧急的高危风险。 展开更多
关键词 工业控系统(ICS) 信息安全防护 制水厂
作者 焦兴君 王立勤 《电站设备自动化》 1998年第4期53-55,共3页
计算机的监控技术在电力系统已经得到广泛的应用,并取得丰富经验。本文作者将眼光投向工业控制领域,把计算机监控技术推向制水厂的生产工艺控制,以提高制水的工艺水平,提高效率和水的净化指标,这是非常有意义的事。尤其是把PLC... 计算机的监控技术在电力系统已经得到广泛的应用,并取得丰富经验。本文作者将眼光投向工业控制领域,把计算机监控技术推向制水厂的生产工艺控制,以提高制水的工艺水平,提高效率和水的净化指标,这是非常有意义的事。尤其是把PLC用到制水工艺的控制。为人们提出一个新的控制领域。 展开更多
关键词 水工艺 PLC 制水厂 水处理
作者 潘卫文 史靓 《上海水务》 2006年第3期28-29,27,共3页
闸北水厂是一个日出水量28万m^3的水厂,以前一直以黄浦江水为源水,1996年起改用长江源水。长江源水的水质相当于Ⅱ级地面水水质标准,比以前Ⅳ~Ⅴ级的黄浦江源水有很大的改善。因此.长江源水的引进对闸北水厂水源水质条件的改善、... 闸北水厂是一个日出水量28万m^3的水厂,以前一直以黄浦江水为源水,1996年起改用长江源水。长江源水的水质相当于Ⅱ级地面水水质标准,比以前Ⅳ~Ⅴ级的黄浦江源水有很大的改善。因此.长江源水的引进对闸北水厂水源水质条件的改善、净水工艺的改进、出厂水水质的优化都起了很有利的作用。通过近10年来长江源水的使用及对长江源水数据的不断分析发现,长江源水水质每年的变化有其一定的规律性。掌握和正确运用这一规律有助于优化出厂水水质和供水工作。 展开更多
关键词 水质变化规律 长江源 制水厂 源水 净化工艺 净水工艺 水质标准 水质条件
作者 林蔚斓 《能源与环境》 2023年第1期93-95,共3页
从南方某水厂水源水质及污泥干化场处理工艺出发,对污泥干化场臭味问题产生原因进行调查分析,通过实验模拟和实际投加研究次氯酸钠、生物酶、硫酸铜等药剂的除臭效果,结果表明硫酸铜高温期生产实际投率在2 g/t左右除臭效果明显,且排放... 从南方某水厂水源水质及污泥干化场处理工艺出发,对污泥干化场臭味问题产生原因进行调查分析,通过实验模拟和实际投加研究次氯酸钠、生物酶、硫酸铜等药剂的除臭效果,结果表明硫酸铜高温期生产实际投率在2 g/t左右除臭效果明显,且排放出水及泥饼中的铜含量均符合排放标准。 展开更多
关键词 臭味 污泥干化场 制水厂
作者 陈凯 石昉 《城镇供水》 2012年第4期119-120,96,共3页
关键词 自来水厂 宿松县 跨越发展 安徽省 生产规模 制水厂 一期工程 加压站
新形势下供水企业“复合型”员工培养的探索与实践 被引量:1
作者 巴小龙 张昊 《城镇供水》 2012年第1期77-77,89,共2页
郑州自来水投资控股有限公司石佛水厂(又名郑州"九五"滩地下供水工程)是一座利用黄河侧渗水为水源的水厂,占地60余亩,于1995年建成投产,现有员工108人。经过15年的发展,2010年初全厂实现了无人值守。正式标志着石佛水厂供水生产管... 郑州自来水投资控股有限公司石佛水厂(又名郑州"九五"滩地下供水工程)是一座利用黄河侧渗水为水源的水厂,占地60余亩,于1995年建成投产,现有员工108人。经过15年的发展,2010年初全厂实现了无人值守。正式标志着石佛水厂供水生产管理步入了全国制水厂先进行列。 展开更多
关键词 供水企业 员工 复合型 培养 制水厂 供水工程 无人值守 生产管理
作者 王建浦 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期75-75,共1页
关键词 加压泵站 管线 制水厂 玻璃钢管 水泵扬程 高差 长距离 引水 管桥 干渠
作者 孙寿芝 《科技创新与应用》 2012年第15期113-113,共1页
关键词 制水厂工艺改造 水成本 单耗 投药泵 计量 滤池
作者 刘国宏 《自动化博览》 2004年第2期90-91,96,共3页
介绍了广东省恩平市水处理厂使用的SCADA系统。系统以A-B公司的SLC 500及MicroLogix 1000为可编程控制器,以ControlNet网、DFl无线电通讯方式和以太网为通讯网络,以RSView32及RSView32 ADS为监控组态软件,实现水处理厂的自动监控和供水... 介绍了广东省恩平市水处理厂使用的SCADA系统。系统以A-B公司的SLC 500及MicroLogix 1000为可编程控制器,以ControlNet网、DFl无线电通讯方式和以太网为通讯网络,以RSView32及RSView32 ADS为监控组态软件,实现水处理厂的自动监控和供水管网压力的检测以及整个水厂的管理调度。 展开更多
关键词 水处理 SCADA 数据采集 监控系统 无线电通讯 通讯协议 制水厂
织密安全“六张网” 守护百姓平安梦 武汉市城投集团三年行动攻坚战取得阶段性成效
作者 邓莉 李泽安 《湖北应急管理》 2022年第2期30-31,共2页
"截至目前,武汉城投所属水务集团所辖制水厂基本完成了消毒工艺改造,全市中心城区自来水消毒彻底告别‘液氯时代’!"2022年1月15日,《湖北应急管理》记者在位于青山区的港东水厂看到,次氯酸钠投加系统正在紧张运行中,这标志... "截至目前,武汉城投所属水务集团所辖制水厂基本完成了消毒工艺改造,全市中心城区自来水消毒彻底告别‘液氯时代’!"2022年1月15日,《湖北应急管理》记者在位于青山区的港东水厂看到,次氯酸钠投加系统正在紧张运行中,这标志着武汉市城投集团重大危险源消除工作向前迈进了一大步! 展开更多
关键词 消毒工艺 投加系统 重大危险源 水务集团 次氯酸钠 中心城区 青山区 制水厂
Preparation of N, O-carboxymethyl Chitosan Composite Nanofiltration Membrane and Its Rejection Performance for the Fermentation Effluent from a Wine Factory 被引量:3
作者 苗晶 李玲玲 +2 位作者 陈国华 高从堦 董声雄 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第2期209-213,共5页
N, O-carboxymethyl chitosan (NOCC) composite nanofiltration (NF) membranes were prepared by coating and cross-linking. The fermentation effluent from a wine factory was treated with the resulting NOCC/polysulfone ... N, O-carboxymethyl chitosan (NOCC) composite nanofiltration (NF) membranes were prepared by coating and cross-linking. The fermentation effluent from a wine factory was treated with the resulting NOCC/polysulfone (PSF) composite NF membranes. The permeate flux and the removal efficiencies of the resulting NF membranes for the color, chemical oxygen demand (CODcr), total organic carbon (TOC), and conductivity of the fermentation effluent were investigated in relation to the driving pressure, the feed flow, and the operation time. The permeate flux and the removal efficiencies were found to increase with the increase of the driving pressure or the feed flow. At 0.40 MPa and ambient temperature the removal efficiencies were 95.5%, 70.7%, 72.6%, and 31.6% for color, CODcr, TOC, and conductivity, respectively. The membrane was found to be stable over a 10-h ooeration for the fermentation effluent treatment. 展开更多
关键词 N O-carboxymethyl chitosan composite nanofiltration membranes fermentation effluent removal efficiencies
Herbal medicines for the management of irritable bowelsyndrome:A comprehensive review 被引量:12
作者 Roja Rahimi Mohammad Abdollahi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第7期589-600,共12页
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gut disorder with high prevalence.Because of various factors involved in its pathophysiology and disappointing results from conventional IBS medications,the treatment of ... Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gut disorder with high prevalence.Because of various factors involved in its pathophysiology and disappointing results from conventional IBS medications,the treatment of IBS is challenging and use of complementary and alternative medicines especially herbal therapies is increasing.In this paper,electronic databases including PubMed,Scopus,and Cochrane library were searched to obtain any in vitro,in vivo or human studies evaluating single or compound herbal preparations in the management of IBS.One in vitro,3 in vivo and 23 human studies were included and systematically reviewed.The majority of studies are about essential oil of Menta piperita as a single preparation and STW 5 as a compound preparation.Some evaluated herbs such as Curcuma xanthorriza and Fumaria officinalis did not demonstrate any benefits in IBS.However,it seems there are many other herbal preparations such as those proposed in traditional medicine of different countries that could be studied and investigated for their efficacy in management of IBS. 展开更多
关键词 Herbal medicines Irritable bowel syndrome Systematic review
Mechanism Design and Simulation Study of Environmental Pollution Improvement
作者 Liu Hongchen Cheng Ruoxin Yan Han 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第2期60-64,共5页
In recent years, the researches on the theory and application of public articles and mechanism design at home and abroad has attracted more and more attentions. The paper uses the idea of mechanism design and simulati... In recent years, the researches on the theory and application of public articles and mechanism design at home and abroad has attracted more and more attentions. The paper uses the idea of mechanism design and simulation to analyze and solve environmental pollution improvement. By establishing a simple environmental pollution improvement model, the paper transforms pollution control into binary decision established by a sewage treatment plant and different decisions by the fisherman on the establishment of sewage treatment plants. The paper observes the results of applying different mechanisms and proposes the suggestions of implementin~ various pollution control methods. 展开更多
关键词 mechanism design public articles bounded rationality Clarke mechanism
Innovative Control Strategy for Islanded Small Hydro Power Plant
作者 Roberto Caldon Fabio Pasut 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第1期112-120,共9页
In many developing countries, there are regions where the electrical grid is weak or nonexistent. However, in these areas, large amounts of distributed energy sources, such as hydro, are often available and could be s... In many developing countries, there are regions where the electrical grid is weak or nonexistent. However, in these areas, large amounts of distributed energy sources, such as hydro, are often available and could be suitably exploited. To this aim, the low head hydro power plants can play a significant role. In fact, recent technological advances in mini-hydro turbines and decreasing costs of static electricity conversion devices enable to realize suitable power plants for an efficient and profitable exploitation of these sites. One of the major challenges is the integration of the above-mentioned power plants into autonomous electrical systems, islanded and/or disconnectable from the main distribution network. In this paper, an innovative control strategy for a low head hydro power plant supplying users in small clusters of villages is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Islanded systems micro-grids permanent magnet synchronous generators direct torque control.
Advance Electronic Load Controller for Micro Hydro Power Plant
作者 Dipesh Shrestha Ankit Babu Rajbanshi Kushal Shrestha Indraman Tamrakar 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第10期1802-1810,共9页
Most of the MHP (micro hydro power) plants use ELC (electronic load controller) for speed control. Various types of ELC have been developed so far. A dummy ballast load is connected across each phase of generator ... Most of the MHP (micro hydro power) plants use ELC (electronic load controller) for speed control. Various types of ELC have been developed so far. A dummy ballast load is connected across each phase of generator terminals and ELC controls the power consumed by the ballast load to result in constant speed operation. The ELC developed so far uses thyristor switches in each phase to control ballast load power. The ELC senses the system frequency and comparing it with reference frequency, it generates a common value of firing angle for all three thyristor pairs of each phase. The performance of such ELC is not perfect for unbalanced consumers load connected in each phase, which overloads the generator. This paper presents an advanced type of ELC which senses frequency as well as consumer's load current of each phase and fires the thyristor pairs with different value of firing angles for different phases. This solves the problem of overloading of the generator with unbalanced consumer's load. Simutink model is developed to perform transient analysis of the proposed scheme and the prototype of hardware is also fabricated. The simulation results and experimental results are presented. 展开更多
关键词 MHP ELC current balancing thyristor.
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