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大型预焙阳极工厂制糊工艺及设备的选择 被引量:3
作者 吴家凤 《轻金属》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期51-54,共4页
根据预焙阳极生产中所使用的粘结剂煤沥青的特性和糊料混捏工艺过程中煤沥青与焦炭相互作用的机理 ,阐述了大型预焙阳极工厂在焦炭预热。
关键词 制糊工艺 预焙阳极 振动成型 焦炭 煤沥青 制糊设备
作者 吴家凤 《炭素技术》 CAS CSCD 2001年第6期44-45,共2页
关键词 预焙阳极厂 制糊工艺 设备 焦炭预热 混捏温度 电极
作者 刘新力 陈刚 《黑龙江科学》 2021年第10期28-31,共4页
针对甜菜制糊机的机架结构和动力源布置等进行优化,并进行链条托板和压板设计及机架、防护板和罩板防腐处理与减振设计,采用双工位操作控制,大幅度降低了设备振动和噪音,提高了设备使用寿命和可靠性,降低了制造成本,提高了操作方便性、... 针对甜菜制糊机的机架结构和动力源布置等进行优化,并进行链条托板和压板设计及机架、防护板和罩板防腐处理与减振设计,采用双工位操作控制,大幅度降低了设备振动和噪音,提高了设备使用寿命和可靠性,降低了制造成本,提高了操作方便性、安全性和工作效率,对提高甜菜品质检测前期处理设备技术水平具有积极的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 甜菜制糊 机架结构 防腐处理 减振 使用寿命
作者 王荫曾 李苏豫(图) 《餐饮世界》 2010年第4期62-65,共4页
许多菜肴的原料在烹调以前,往往需要进行挂糊和上浆,糊、浆调制的质量优劣,对菜肴质量影响颇大。经过刀工处理的原料表面,粘上一层黏性的粉糊或粉浆再经过加热,既能固定其形态,美化造型,使菜肴蓬松饱满,同时又能改变菜肴的质地... 许多菜肴的原料在烹调以前,往往需要进行挂糊和上浆,糊、浆调制的质量优劣,对菜肴质量影响颇大。经过刀工处理的原料表面,粘上一层黏性的粉糊或粉浆再经过加热,既能固定其形态,美化造型,使菜肴蓬松饱满,同时又能改变菜肴的质地,使一些韧性较强的原料质地变得外酥脆、内鲜嫩或松软。 展开更多
关键词 中西合璧 菜肴质量 制糊 刀工处理 原料 质地 烹调 上浆
作者 龚盛鹏 冯麒运 《家电科技》 2011年第10期84-85,共2页
1前言 现今,豆浆机行业发展迅猛,现今已经为广大消费者所接受,进入了千家万户。据统计,豆浆机“家庭拥有率”在众多厨房小家电中后来居上,攀升至第四位,仅次于电饭煲、电磁炉和开水煲,市场空间巨大。
关键词 豆浆机 研磨 智能 设计 制糊 厨房小家电 市场空间 消费者
作者 陆丽园 《煤矿爆破》 2003年第2期38-40,共3页
关键词 防腐 煤矿 玻璃钢 手工工艺 质量控 井筒梯子间 耐蚀材料
糊化制样X射线荧光光谱法快速检测鲜香菇中的铅、砷、镉 被引量:1
作者 何世慧 王雨萱 +3 位作者 王宗义 刘明博 严国富 廖学亮 《食品安全质量检测学报》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第11期249-254,共6页
目的建立糊化制样能量色散X射线荧光(energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence,EDXRF)光谱法快速检测鲜香菇中铅(Pb)、砷(As)和镉(Cd)的新方法。方法鲜香菇样品与稀硝酸水溶液均质糊化后,直接进行EDXRF光扫描,通过谱峰识别进行定性,以加... 目的建立糊化制样能量色散X射线荧光(energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence,EDXRF)光谱法快速检测鲜香菇中铅(Pb)、砷(As)和镉(Cd)的新方法。方法鲜香菇样品与稀硝酸水溶液均质糊化后,直接进行EDXRF光扫描,通过谱峰识别进行定性,以加标校正曲线进行定量。结果样品基质中待测元素谱峰无干扰,方法线性良好(r 2≥0.995);Pb、As和Cd的检出限分别为0.34、0.14和0.19 mg/kg,定量限分别为1.15、0.47和0.63 mg/kg;总体加标回收率为93.7%~105.8%,相对标准偏差为0.92%~20.60%;以食品安全限量为关注浓度,应用本方法进行合格性快速筛选,Pb、As和Cd含量在关注浓度及以上时阳性检出率为100%,在0.2 mg/kg以下时,假阳性检出率小于等于10%,符合快速检测方法的要求。结论该方法操作简单、快速和绿色无污染,可为食用菌产品的质量控制和检测提供有效的方法借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 能量色散X射线荧光 鲜香菇 快速检测
透明玻璃钢板(瓦)糊制工艺探讨 被引量:1
作者 江剑林 《工程塑料应用》 CAS CSCD 1998年第4期9-10,共2页
关键词 透明玻璃钢板 玻璃纤维 工艺 玻璃钢
作者 京红 《西藏科技》 2005年第11期16-16,20,共2页
关键词 西藏 装裱 制糊
作者 李金玉 刘胜军 《黑龙江科技信息》 2003年第6期71-71,共1页
1、前言:随着人们生活水平不断提高,人们现代意识的目益增强,克力洁具(浴房、浴缸、面盆等),逐步以强大的优势取代了原有的塘瓷、玛瑙洁具,它具有保温、表面光洁度好、强度高、耐腐蚀等特点。但克力洁具的质量控制尤为重要,否则会给人... 1、前言:随着人们生活水平不断提高,人们现代意识的目益增强,克力洁具(浴房、浴缸、面盆等),逐步以强大的优势取代了原有的塘瓷、玛瑙洁具,它具有保温、表面光洁度好、强度高、耐腐蚀等特点。但克力洁具的质量控制尤为重要,否则会给人民生活、身体带来更大危害。目前国内90%以上厂家都采用手糊玻璃钢工艺生产。 2、质量控制要点:(1)板材选择:亚克力制品的首选材质即为亚克力板材。目前,国内生产厂家按主要化学组成可分为三层复合板和单层亚克力板。三层复合板为中间ABS两面有机下班甲基丙烯酸甲酯)三层复合结构,具有表面透明光亮的特点,但其有机玻璃层板薄容易在造型吸附过程中溶化,而 ABS又容易被腐蚀,而它的加工成型性较好,所以选取板材要求较厚,一般大于3.5mm,否则破损率会加大; 展开更多
关键词 亚克力洁具 质量控 生产工艺 材料选择
作者 任松 《桂林医学杂志》 1997年第4期323-324,共2页
关键词 根尖周围炎 根管充填术 甲硝唑 碘仿
Adaptive Super‑Twisting Sliding Mode Fault‑Tolerant Control of Launch Vehicles with Actuator Faults
作者 WANG Kejun ZHOU Zhijie +3 位作者 FENG Zhichao YANG Ruohan HU Changhua XU Hui 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 CSCD 2024年第6期689-699,共11页
A fault-tolerant control law based on adaptive super-twisting sliding mode control(SMC)is designed for the attitude command tracking problem of a launch vehicle with actuator faults,considering the uncertainties arisi... A fault-tolerant control law based on adaptive super-twisting sliding mode control(SMC)is designed for the attitude command tracking problem of a launch vehicle with actuator faults,considering the uncertainties arising from unknown external disturbances,fuel consumption of the launch vehicle,and the perturbation due to the change in rotational inertia caused by tank sloshing,as well as the potential system model changes due to actuator fault and unmodeled dynamics.This control algorithm integrates the super-twisting SMC,the fuzzy logic control,and the adaptive control.First,a super-twisting sliding surface is selected to mitigate the“chattering”phenomenon inherent in SMC,ensuring that the system tracking error converges to zero within a finite time.Second,building upon this sliding surface,the fuzzy logic control is used to approximate the unknown system function,which includes fault information.Adaptive parameters are used to approach the system parameters and enhance disturbance rejection.The stability and finite-time convergence of the launch vehicle attitude tracking control system are verified by the Lyapunov method.Numerical simulations demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed adaptive super-twisting SMC algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 launch vehicle actuator fault super-twisting sliding mode control(SMC) fault-tolerant control fuzzy logic control
滴塑工艺技术的应用 被引量:1
作者 叶福根 《聚氯乙烯》 CAS 1994年第1期34-38,共5页
滴塑工艺路线是以辊模为滴塑模的连续化生产,原材料除了基布外,主要采用较高糊粘度的EPVC和辅以主增塑剂为主,适量添加部份辅助增塑剂及其它。通过制出技术和连续辊滴塑技术经加热处理后风冷却即形成滴塑产品,它的用这很广,尤... 滴塑工艺路线是以辊模为滴塑模的连续化生产,原材料除了基布外,主要采用较高糊粘度的EPVC和辅以主增塑剂为主,适量添加部份辅助增塑剂及其它。通过制出技术和连续辊滴塑技术经加热处理后风冷却即形成滴塑产品,它的用这很广,尤其是滴塑手套、工艺鞋和拖鞋的鞋底用料,其次是用于各种服装、室内装饰等多功能制品,故而国内外前景十分广阔。 展开更多
关键词 聚氯乙烯 增塑剂 制糊 滴塑 成型
Frequency Regulation of Alternating Current Microgrid Based on Hierarchical Control Using Fuzzy Logic
作者 WU Xueyang SHAN Yinghao SHEN Bo 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 CAS 2024年第5期536-544,共9页
An alternating current(AC)microgrid is a system that integrates renewable power,power converters,controllers and loads.Hierarchical control can manage the frequency of the microgrid to prevent imbalance and collapse o... An alternating current(AC)microgrid is a system that integrates renewable power,power converters,controllers and loads.Hierarchical control can manage the frequency of the microgrid to prevent imbalance and collapse of the system.The existing frequency control methods use traditional proportion integration(PI)controllers,which cannot adjust PI parameters in real-time to respond to the status changes of the system.Hierarchical control driven by fuzzy logic allows real-time adjustment of the PI parameters and the method used a two-layer control structure.The primary control used droop control to adjust power distribution,and fuzzy logic was used in the voltage loop of the primary control.The secondary control was added to make up for frequency deviation caused by droop control,and fuzzy logic was used in the secondary frequency control to deal with the dynamic change of frequency caused by the disturbances of loads.The proposed method was simulated in Matlab/Simulink.In the primary control,the proposed method reduced the total harmonic distortion(THD)of two cycles of the output voltage from 4.19%to 3.89%;in the secondary control,the proposed method reduced the frequency fluctuation of the system by about 0.03 Hz and 0.04 Hz when the load was increased and decreased,respectively.The results show that the proposed methods have a better effect on frequency maintenance and voltage control of the AC microgrid. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy logic hierarchical control frequency regulation droop control alternating current(AC)microgrid
Study of Controlling Clutch Engagement for AMT Based on Fuzzy Logic 被引量:16
作者 汤霞清 侯朝桢 陈云窗 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第1期45-49,共5页
The control of the clutch engagement for an automatic mechanical transmission in the process of a tracklayer getting to start is studied. The dynamic model of power transmission and automatic clutch system is develope... The control of the clutch engagement for an automatic mechanical transmission in the process of a tracklayer getting to start is studied. The dynamic model of power transmission and automatic clutch system is developed. Using tools of Simulink, the transient characteristics during the vehicle starting, including the jerk and the clutch slip time, are provided here. Based on the analyses of the simulation results and driver’s experiences, a fuzzy controller is designed to control the clutch engagement. Simulation results verify its value. 展开更多
关键词 CLUTCH automatic transmission fuzzy control
Fuzzy Control Method for Gasoline Engine Idle Speed Control 被引量:6
作者 张付军 黄英 +2 位作者 甘海云 葛蕴珊 孙业保 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2000年第4期408-414,共7页
In order to improve the steady and dynamic characteristic of the idle speed control and study the performance of the fuzzy control method for the idle speed control, a fuzzy control system is developed to control the ... In order to improve the steady and dynamic characteristic of the idle speed control and study the performance of the fuzzy control method for the idle speed control, a fuzzy control system is developed to control the idle speed of gasoline engine. The construction and working principle of the fuzzy controller are described, and the design procedure of the fuzzy controller is given in detail. The control parameters are determined by computer simulation. The simulation and experiments on the engine test bench show that the idle speed is controlled accurately both in stationary and in dynamic states, and the fuzzy control method is robust to the changes of engine parameters. 展开更多
关键词 gasoline engine idle speed fuzzy contro
Fuzzy disturbance rejection predictive control of ultra-supercritical once-through boiler-turbine unit 被引量:2
作者 张帆 吴啸 沈炯 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2017年第1期53-58,共6页
In order to overcome the wide-range load tracking and unknown disturbance issues of an ultra-supercritical boiler- turbine unit, a fuzzy disturbance rejection predictive control approach is proposed using the techniq... In order to overcome the wide-range load tracking and unknown disturbance issues of an ultra-supercritical boiler- turbine unit, a fuzzy disturbance rejection predictive control approach is proposed using the techniques of fuzzy scheduling, model predictive control and extended state observer. Local state-space models are established on the basis of nonlinearity analysis and subspace identification. To eiJiance thedisturbance rejection capability of the controller, a extended state observer is employed to estimate unnown disturbances and model mismatches. The disturbance estimation ennaced local predictive controllers ae subsequently devised based on the local models, the performance of which is further strengthened by incorporating the fuzzy scheduling technique. The simulation results verify the merits of the proposed strategy in achieving satisfactory wide-range load tracking ad disturbance rejection performance. 展开更多
关键词 ultra-supercritical power plant model predictive control fuzzy control extended state observer
作者 刘亚 胡寿松 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2002年第2期123-126,共4页
This paper addresses the problem of the fuzzy H ∞state feedback control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with time delay. The Takagi Sugeno (T S) mo del with time delay and parameter uncertainties is ... This paper addresses the problem of the fuzzy H ∞state feedback control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with time delay. The Takagi Sugeno (T S) mo del with time delay and parameter uncertainties is adopted for modeling of nonlinear system. The systematic design procedure for the fuzzy robust controller based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) is given. Some sufficient conditions are derived for the existence of fuzzy H ∞ state feedback controllers such that the closed loop system is asymptotically stable and the effect of the disturbance input on controlled output is reduced to a prescribed level. An example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 UNCERTAINTY time delay T S fuzzy model linear matrix inequality (LMI)
Direct adaptive fuzzy control based on integral-type Lyapunov function 被引量:4
作者 张天平 朱清 +1 位作者 张惠艳 顾海军 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期92-97,共6页
A new scheme of direct adaptive fuzzy controller for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown triangular control gain structure is proposed. The design is based on the principle of sliding mode control and the approx... A new scheme of direct adaptive fuzzy controller for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown triangular control gain structure is proposed. The design is based on the principle of sliding mode control and the approximation capability of the first type fuzzy systems. By introducing integral-type Lyapunov function and adopting the adaptive compensation term of optimal approximation error, the closed-loop control system is proved to be globally stable, with tracking error converging to zero. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy systems fuzzy control adaptive control global stability
作者 朱力立 张焕春 经亚枝 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2003年第2期230-235,共6页
The performance of genetic algorithm(GA) is determined by the capability of search and optimization for satisfactory solutions. The new adaptive genetic algorithm(AGA) is built for inducing suitable search and optimiz... The performance of genetic algorithm(GA) is determined by the capability of search and optimization for satisfactory solutions. The new adaptive genetic algorithm(AGA) is built for inducing suitable search and optimization relationship. The use of six fuzzy logic controllers(6FLCs) is proposed for dynamic control genetic operating parameters of a symbolic-coded GA. This paper uses AGA based on 6FLCs to deal with the travelling salesman problem (TSP). Experimental results show that AGA based on 6FLCs is more efficient than a standard GA in solving combinatorial optimization problems similar to TSP. 展开更多
关键词 adaptive genetic algorithm fuzzy controller dynamic parameters control TSP
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