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非那雄胺治疗经尿道前列腺切除术中出血的Meta分析 被引量:7
作者 朱育春 钟玲 魏强 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 2008年第6期456-460,共5页
目的评价非那雄胺治疗经尿道前列腺切除术中出血的效果。方法按Cochrane协作网工作手册的要求,制定相应的纳入/排除标准及检索策略。检索MEDLINE(1966~2005)、EMbase(1984~2004)、CBM(1980~2005)、Cochrane图书馆(2005年第4期)以及... 目的评价非那雄胺治疗经尿道前列腺切除术中出血的效果。方法按Cochrane协作网工作手册的要求,制定相应的纳入/排除标准及检索策略。检索MEDLINE(1966~2005)、EMbase(1984~2004)、CBM(1980~2005)、Cochrane图书馆(2005年第4期)以及相关杂志和学位论文,收集非那雄胺治疗经尿道前列腺切除术中出血的随机和非随机对照试验。对纳入的试验进行方法学质量评价。采用统一的表格由两名评价员独立进行资料提取,用RevMan4.2软件进行数据处理和分析。结果最终纳入5篇文献:4个为随机对照试验,1个为非随机对照试验。3个随机对照试验的质量等级均为C级。Meta分析结果显示,两组年龄、下尿路症状评分、前列腺特异抗体水平及术前前列腺体积、术中切除组织量均可比(P>0.05)的情况下,非那雄胺组术中出血量[WMD–85.44,95%CI(–117.31,–53.58)]、每克切除前列腺组织出血量[WMD–3.5,95%CI(–6.34,–0.58)],术前术后血色素降低量[WMD–1.61,95%CI(–1.96,–1.26)]均少于对照组。结论现有证据表明,行经尿道前列腺切术前服用非那雄胺能有效减少术中出血。 展开更多
关键词 非那雄胺 经尿道前列腺切除术 出血 良性前列腺增生() META分析
基于"异病同治"理论的宁泌泰胶囊治疗慢性前列腺炎和良性前列腺增生症的网络药理学研究 被引量:5
作者 赵丰 邓楹君 +5 位作者 陈亚洲 高庆和 郭俊 王浩 任凯 郭军 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第2期39-47,共9页
目的运用网络药理学方法探讨宁泌泰胶囊治疗慢性前列腺炎(CP)和良性前列腺增生症(BPH)的作用机制.方法通过TCMSP和BATMAN-TCM数据库获取宁泌泰胶囊的成分及作用靶点,通过Gene cards、OMIM、Dis-genet数据库获取CP和BPH的作用靶点,通过... 目的运用网络药理学方法探讨宁泌泰胶囊治疗慢性前列腺炎(CP)和良性前列腺增生症(BPH)的作用机制.方法通过TCMSP和BATMAN-TCM数据库获取宁泌泰胶囊的成分及作用靶点,通过Gene cards、OMIM、Dis-genet数据库获取CP和BPH的作用靶点,通过韦恩图工具获取CP和BPH的共同靶点以及宁泌泰治疗CP和BPH的有效靶点,通过STRING数据库对共有基因构建蛋白相互作用(PPI)网络,利用Cytoscape软件筛选核心靶点,构建"药物-成分-靶点"网络.利用Metascape数据库进行GO和KEGG富集分析.利用Autodock4.2.6软件对核心靶点和成分进行分子对接验证.结果筛选后得到宁泌泰胶囊有效成分47个,靶点280个,疾病靶点1445个,取交集后得到潜在治疗靶点168个,核心成分包括槲皮素、山奈酚、β-谷甾醇等,核心靶点包括AR、ESR1、TNF、IL-1B等.GO分析显示治疗靶点与对无机物质的反应、凋亡信号通路、对脂多糖的反应等过程相关,主要涉及PI3K/AKT、MAPK等信号通路.结论宁泌泰胶囊可能通过抑制促炎细胞因子的合成、抑制信号转导、调节前列腺组织细胞生长、调节雄激素水平等机制来实现"异病同治"治疗CP和BPH的作用. 展开更多
关键词 宁泌泰胶囊 异病同治 慢性前列腺 良性前列腺增生()
基于数据挖掘探讨中医药治疗良性前列腺增生症的临床运用现况及规律 被引量:12
作者 王耀武 郭付祥 +6 位作者 杨荣超 温瞿华 李焱风 张富刚 黄文杰 赵凡 张春和 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第2期28-38,共11页
目的通过数据挖掘及分析探讨中医药治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)的临床运用现况及规律.方法系统搜集万方数据和中国知网20余年(2001年~2021年)间中医药治疗BPH的临床研究文献,运用Excel、SPSS 22.0、We-ka3.8、Cytoscape3.6.1对文献中所... 目的通过数据挖掘及分析探讨中医药治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)的临床运用现况及规律.方法系统搜集万方数据和中国知网20余年(2001年~2021年)间中医药治疗BPH的临床研究文献,运用Excel、SPSS 22.0、We-ka3.8、Cytoscape3.6.1对文献中所涉及中药的类别、功效、性味及归经进行规范化数据库管理并通过不同统计学手段予以数据挖掘分析.结果共筛选纳入相关方剂176首,涉及不同中药204味,其中频次≥19的有35味,黄芪、牛膝、穿山甲、茯苓、肉桂频次位列前五;用药以活血化瘀、补虚、利水渗湿类为主,性味多以平温、甘苦辛为主,且归经多为肝、肾、脾;常见药对包括桂枝-茯苓、党参-黄芪、红花-桃仁等;置信度最高的角药为:山茱萸-牡丹皮-茯苓、熟地黄-牡丹皮-茯苓、泽泻-牡丹皮-茯苓等;通过聚类分析和因子分析,共得出8组聚类结果和13对公因子,其中公因子1贡献率为10.648%.结论中医药治疗BPH主要通过益气健脾、温阳补肾、活血利湿祛痰等,侧面反映BPH的发生以脾肾气(阳)虚为本,血瘀、湿阻、痰凝为标,本虚标实为该病的病机特点. 展开更多
关键词 中医药 良性前列腺增生() 数据挖掘
前列腺增生症患者中前列腺炎症严重程度的预测模型构建 被引量:7
作者 万顺 王华彬 杨立 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2023年第2期56-61,共6页
目的从临床及实验室指标中筛选前列腺增生症(benign prostatic hyperplasia,BPH)患者中患有前列腺炎症的预测因子并构建预测模型。方法选择我院2019年5月至2021年3月收治的择期行经尿道前列腺电切术(transurethral resection of prostat... 目的从临床及实验室指标中筛选前列腺增生症(benign prostatic hyperplasia,BPH)患者中患有前列腺炎症的预测因子并构建预测模型。方法选择我院2019年5月至2021年3月收治的择期行经尿道前列腺电切术(transurethral resection of prostate,TURP)的BPH患者200例,年龄56~85岁。术前检测外周血淋巴细胞计数及游离/总前列腺特异性抗原(Free/Total prostate specific antigen,f/t PSA)数值,并评估国际前列腺症状评分(international prostate symptom score,IPSS)。术后前列腺组织送病检,分析外周血淋巴细胞计数、TPSA、f/t PSA数值、相关临床化验指标及相关下尿路道症状(lower urinary tract symptoms,LUTS)与前列腺组织炎症分布的关系。结果随着前列腺组织炎症的加重,IPSS评分及tPSA数值越大,而f/t PSA数值和淋巴细胞计数越低;对200例BPH患者进行单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析表明,年龄(≥60岁)[odds ratio(OR)=0.29,95%CI=0.31-2.10;P=0.02]、IPSS评分[OR=1.24,95%CI=1.13-1.37;P<0.01]、tPSA[OR=1.10,95%CI=1.02-1.19;P=0.02]、f/t PSA[OR=0.83,95%CI=0.34-1.23;P=0.02]、淋巴细胞[OR=0.70,95%CI=0.78-3.77;P=0.04]与BPH患者前列腺组织炎症形成有关。使用受试者工作特征曲线(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)评估这些指标在诊断前列腺炎症的特异性和敏感性,结果表明tPSA、f/t PSA、IPSS评分和淋巴细胞计数在诊断前列腺炎症方面具有较好的特异性和敏感性。结论外周血淋巴细胞计数、tPSA、LUTS严重程度及f/t PSA比率能够预测前列腺炎症严重程度,可能作为患有LUTS症状的BPH患者的前列腺炎诊断预测标志物,优化针对患有前列腺炎的BPH患者的LUTS症状的药物治疗。 展开更多
关键词 前列腺增生() 游离/总前列腺特异性抗原(f/t PSA) 淋巴细胞 前列腺组织炎 下尿路状(LUTS)
前列腺增生症患者主观幸福感现状及影响因素分析 被引量:8
作者 罗玉红 黄蓉蓉 +2 位作者 龙颖 王乾沙 张宏晨 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第3期38-43,49,共7页
目的 了解前列腺增生症患者的主观幸福感水平及影响因素,为提高患者的主观幸福感水平提供对策依据。方法 采用一般人口学资料调查表、纽芬兰大学幸福度量表、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表、焦虑自评量表及自我管理能力量表调查412例前列腺增... 目的 了解前列腺增生症患者的主观幸福感水平及影响因素,为提高患者的主观幸福感水平提供对策依据。方法 采用一般人口学资料调查表、纽芬兰大学幸福度量表、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表、焦虑自评量表及自我管理能力量表调查412例前列腺增生症患者。结果 前列腺增生症患者主观幸福感得分为(21.17±8.36)分;前列腺增生症患者主观幸福感得分与自我管理能力总分呈正相关(P<0.01,r=0.380),与焦虑总分、匹兹堡睡眠质量总分呈负相关(P<0.01,r=-0.536;P<0.01,r=-0.553);多元线性回归分析显示,家庭人均月收入、自我管理能力、焦虑、睡眠障碍是主观幸福感的主要影响因素(P<0.01),可解释总变异的38.9%。结论 前列腺增生症患者主观幸福感处于中等水平,建议医护人员应注重患者自我管理能力提升,睡眠质量改善及加强心理健康教育,从而提高患者的主观幸福感水平。 展开更多
关键词 前列腺增生() 主观幸福感 影响因素分析 纽芬兰大学幸福度量表 匹兹堡睡眠指数量表
经尿道1470nm半导体激光前列腺剜除术与经尿道等离子前列腺剜除术的临床应用比较研究 被引量:2
作者 张春鹏 何杨 +2 位作者 张耘新 禄梦豪 米军 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2023年第2期82-86,共5页
目的 比较经尿道1470nm半导体激光前列腺剜除术(DiLEP)与经尿道等离子前列腺剜除术(PKEP)治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)的安全性和短期预后。方法 回顾性分析比较2020年6月至2021年12月在兰州大学第二医院因良性前列腺增生症导致下尿路症... 目的 比较经尿道1470nm半导体激光前列腺剜除术(DiLEP)与经尿道等离子前列腺剜除术(PKEP)治疗良性前列腺增生症(BPH)的安全性和短期预后。方法 回顾性分析比较2020年6月至2021年12月在兰州大学第二医院因良性前列腺增生症导致下尿路症状而行前列腺剜除术的94例患者。其中1470nm半导体激光组44例,等离子组50例。比较患者的基线特征、围手术期数据、术后结果及并发症。结果 DiLEP组膀胱冲洗时间、导尿管留置时间、组织粉碎时间短于PKEP组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);PKEP组组织重量重于DiLEP组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);剜除时间、术后血红蛋白值、术后住院时间、住院费用、术中及术后并发症发生无统计学差异。两组患者术后IPSS、QoL较术前改善,但术后1、3、6月两组之间无统计学差异,IIEF-5术后较术前下降,但术后3、6月两组之间无统计学差异。结论 DiLEP和PKEP治疗由良性前列腺增生引起下尿路症状的患者安全有效,疗效相似。与PKEP相比,DiLEP缩短了膀胱冲洗时间、留置尿管时间,使患者下床早,促进康复。 展开更多
关键词 前列腺增生() 半导体激光前列腺剜除术 等离子前列腺剜除术 预后
Network pharmacology research and experimental verification of Huangqi(Astragalus Radix)and Jinyingzi(Rosae Laevigatae Fructus)in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU Huan YANG Meng +3 位作者 YU Yipin LIU Hui QING Zhixing CHEN Qihua 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2021年第2期130-143,共14页
Objective This study aimed to analyze the mechanism of action of Huangqi(Astragalus Radix,HQ)-Jinyingzi(Rosae Laevigatae Fructus,JYZ)in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH)based on network pharmacology a... Objective This study aimed to analyze the mechanism of action of Huangqi(Astragalus Radix,HQ)-Jinyingzi(Rosae Laevigatae Fructus,JYZ)in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH)based on network pharmacology and to verify the prediction through animal experimentation.Methods Based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform(TCMSP),Bioinformatics Analysis Tool for Molecular mechANism of Traditional Chinese Medicine(BATMAN-TCM)databases,and literature,the active components and related target genes of HQ and JYZ were screened.The BPH target genes were screened based on the DisGeNET and GeneGards databases,and Excel was used to merge and remove duplicates.The Perl language was used to obtain drug-BPH target genes by intersecting shared target genes.A drug-component-target gene network diagram was constructed using Cytoscape software.The drug-BPH intersection target genes were inputted into the STRING database,and the key target genes were selected according to the degree algorithm.The output formed the basis for Gene Ontology(GO)and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG)pathway enrichment analyses to determine the potential mechanism of HQ and JYZ in BPH treatment.High,medium,and low doses of HQ and JYZ extract were used to intervene in BPH rats,and then the prostate volume,wet weight,and prostate index of the BPH rats were determined.Changes in prostate histopathology and microvessel density(MVD)were evaluated using immunohistochemistry,and the optimal HQ and JYZ extract dose was confirmed.Finally,the optimal dose was used to intervene in a BPH rat model,and AKT1 and VEGF expressions were examined by immunohistochemistry.Results Based on network pharmacology,33 active components and 772 target genes were identified from HQ and JYZ,along with 817 BPH target genes and 112 drug-BPH common target genes.Among them were 10 key target genes,including AKT1,JUN,MAPK1,IL-6,TNF,ESR1,and VEGFA.KEGG enrichment analysis revealed 135 signaling pathways,including PI3K/AKT,IL-17,TNF,p53,MAPK,VEGF,JAK-STAT,and NF-κB pathways.The animal experiment showed that HQ and JYZ significantly improved prostate volume,wet weight,prostate index,and prostate histopathology of BPH rats,reducing MVD.In addition,HQ and JYZ inhibited the expression of AKT1 and VEGF in the prostate tissue of rats,promoted epithelial cell apoptosis,and inhibited angiogenesis,consistent with the prediction.Conclusion The combination of HQ and JYZ is effective for BPH therapy through multi-compound and multi-target collaboration.Its possible mechanism in treating BPH includes regulation of AKT1,VEGF protein,PI3K/Akt,and VEGF signaling pathways related to apoptosis,angiogenesis,and inflammation,with potential for clinical use and research. 展开更多
关键词 Huangqi(Astragalus Radix HQ) Jinyingzi(Rosae Laevigatae Fructus JYZ) Benign prostatic hyperplasia Network pharmacology APOPTOSIS ANGIOGENESIS
Acupuncture and moxibustion treating lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia:a systematic review and network meta-analysis 被引量:3
作者 Zhe Chen Tao Jiang +5 位作者 Yingying Peng Xiaoyu Qiang Fengwen Yang Haiyin Hu Chunxiang Liu Myeong Soo Lee 《Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine》 2022年第2期84-90,共7页
Objective: Lower urinary tract symptoms(LUTS) caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) affect the quality of life of elderly individuals. Acupuncture and moxibustion are used in the clinic in China for improving LU... Objective: Lower urinary tract symptoms(LUTS) caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) affect the quality of life of elderly individuals. Acupuncture and moxibustion are used in the clinic in China for improving LUTS symptoms due to BPH. However,there is no evidence to suggest which is the best option. We compared the efficacy of acupuncture and moxibustion to provide evidence for clinical decision-making.Methods: PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wan Fang Data, and VIP databases were searched from inception to July 2020 to identify the randomized controlled trials(RCTs) of acupuncture and moxibustion for LUTS due to BPH. Two researchers filtered studies and extracted the information independently. This study conducted a network meta-analysis using the Bayesian random method. The interventions ranking was evaluated using the surface under the cumulative ranking curve(SUCRA).Results: We finally included 40 studies comprising 10 treating therapies and 3,655 patients with LUTS caused by BPH. In terms of the International Prostate Symptom Score, maximum urinary flow rate, and quality of life, electroacupuncture(EA) [MD =-3.6,95% credible interval(CrI)(-5.5,-1.8), very low certainty of evidence;MD = 2.2, 95% CrI(1.1, 3.3), low certainty of evidence;MD =-1.3, 95% CrI(-2.2,-0.43), very low certainty of the evidence] may be consistently the optimal treatment compared with other interventions, with SUCRA values of 84%, 81%, and 89%, respectively.Conclusions: Of all treatments, EA may have the best efficacy with fewer adverse events for LUTS due to BPH. The quality of evidence supporting this result is low to very low certainty of the evidence due to the limitations of primary studies;thus, more highquality RCTs are needed for further evidence. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture and moxibustion Benign prostatic hyperplasia Lower urinary tract symptoms Network meta-analysis Randomized controlled trial
Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Laser Radiation on Acupoints for Prostatic Hyperplasia
作者 洪文 张凌 +5 位作者 王丽娟 黄汉传 刘颂豪 曾睿 江丽莹 黄国琪 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2011年第4期237-240,共4页
Objective: To observe the clinical effects in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia by laser radiation on acupoints. Methods: Sixty cases were randomly divided into two groups, 30 cases in each group. 808 mm laser ... Objective: To observe the clinical effects in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia by laser radiation on acupoints. Methods: Sixty cases were randomly divided into two groups, 30 cases in each group. 808 mm laser radiation on acupoints was used in the treatment group, and oral administration of Western medication, finasteride tablets, was used in the control group. After 3-course treatments, the clinical effects, international prostate syndrome scores (I-PSS), quality of life index (QLI) and change of prostate volume were observed. Results:The total effective rate was 93.3% in the treatment group and 66.7% in the control group, with remarkable difference between the two groups (P0.05). I-PSS, QLI and prostate volume were all improved in the two groups after treatments. In comparison of I-PSS and QLI after the treatments between the two groups, there were significant differences (P0.05). Conclusion: The therapeutic effects of laser radiation on acupoints are precise in treating prostatic hyperplasia. 展开更多
关键词 Prostatic Hypertrophy Prostatic Hyperplasia Laser Acupuncture ACUPOINTS
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