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潮汕侨乡村落建筑色彩特征研究——以汕头市前美村为例 被引量:1
作者 边文娟 马晓雨 +1 位作者 张沁泽 黄东 《住区》 2023年第1期33-40,共8页
建筑色彩由于其视觉面积大、色彩相对稳定等特性,是展现村落地域特色风貌的重要介质。在近代侨乡文化推动下,潮汕地区形成了独具特色的建筑色彩风貌。因此,以汕头市前美村为例,采用定性定量结合、提取色彩构成、分析色彩网络方法,对不... 建筑色彩由于其视觉面积大、色彩相对稳定等特性,是展现村落地域特色风貌的重要介质。在近代侨乡文化推动下,潮汕地区形成了独具特色的建筑色彩风貌。因此,以汕头市前美村为例,采用定性定量结合、提取色彩构成、分析色彩网络方法,对不同时期潮汕侨乡建筑色彩进行全面、深入分析,梳理色彩演变过程,挖掘建筑色彩特征,剖析文化变迁对建筑色彩的影响,以期为传统侨乡村落建筑色彩保护更新提供科学依据与参考。 展开更多
关键词 潮汕侨乡 建筑色彩 特征分析 前美
跨国宗族网络与侨乡地方意义的建构研究--以前美村为例 被引量:11
作者 王敏 江荣灏 朱竑 《世界地理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期112-123,共12页
基于跨国宗族网络与地方意义营造的视角,以汕头市澄海区前美村为案例,试图挖掘充满地方意义的侨乡在外部政治经济体制和地方社会文化相互作用下的地方社会建构和营造过程。研究使用文本分析、深度访谈和实地观察等质性研究方法,揭示了作... 基于跨国宗族网络与地方意义营造的视角,以汕头市澄海区前美村为案例,试图挖掘充满地方意义的侨乡在外部政治经济体制和地方社会文化相互作用下的地方社会建构和营造过程。研究使用文本分析、深度访谈和实地观察等质性研究方法,揭示了作为"地方"的侨乡所具有的丰富的地方意义,以及地方意义建构过程中以跨国宗族网络为主社会关系之不断演替的机制所在。研究发现,前美村的空间和地方意义被不断地重构,而作为空间表征的"侨乡"也在不同时期的不同社会关系的空间实践下表达出不同的文化意义和地方意象。相较于以往各学科的侨乡研究,本文重视以往长期为学界所忽视的侨乡的空间和地方意义,从空间、地方和人的动态关系这一重要的地理纬度对侨乡内在的深刻社会文化进程进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 侨乡 地方意义 跨国宗族网络 汕头前美 社会建构
前美村聚落空间的形成与演化 被引量:1
作者 郭焕宇 江帆 《美与时代(创意)(上)》 2014年第8期70-73,共4页
广东省汕头市前美村历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚,是岭南地区潮汕民系聚落的典型代表。其聚落的建设由聚族而居到析居而聚,呈现阶段性特征,形成了"建筑单元-建筑组群-聚落"的聚落空间层次。在近代侨乡社会形成后,聚落空间结构由单... 广东省汕头市前美村历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚,是岭南地区潮汕民系聚落的典型代表。其聚落的建设由聚族而居到析居而聚,呈现阶段性特征,形成了"建筑单元-建筑组群-聚落"的聚落空间层次。在近代侨乡社会形成后,聚落空间结构由单一而多元,聚落空间形态由自由式向规整式演化。前美村聚落空间形成与演化的历史,见证了潮汕传统聚落在近代社会巨变之际,侨乡居民生活形态的演化趋势及特征。 展开更多
关键词 前美 聚落 空间 侨乡
前美村聚落空间的形成与演化 被引量:1
作者 何娟 《美与时代(创意)(上)》 2014年第10期70-71,共2页
广东省汕头市前美村历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚,是岭南地区潮汕民系聚落的典型代表。其聚落的建设由聚族而居到析居而聚,呈现阶段性特征,形成了"建筑单元-建筑组群-聚落"的聚落空间层次。在近代侨乡社会形成后,聚落空间结构由单一而多元... 广东省汕头市前美村历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚,是岭南地区潮汕民系聚落的典型代表。其聚落的建设由聚族而居到析居而聚,呈现阶段性特征,形成了"建筑单元-建筑组群-聚落"的聚落空间层次。在近代侨乡社会形成后,聚落空间结构由单一而多元,聚落空间形态由自由式向规整式演化。前美村聚落空间形成与演化的历史,见证了潮汕传统聚落在近代社会巨变之际,侨乡居民生活形态的演化趋势及特征。 展开更多
关键词 前美 聚落 空间 侨乡
中美建交前美国汉语教育史述略 被引量:4
作者 吴原元 《华文教学与研究》 CSSCI 2010年第4期11-18,共8页
发韧于19世纪中后期的美国汉语教育,至中美建交时已有百年历史。在这百年间,美国的汉语教育受国内社会政治文化环境、中美关系、国际政治形势等外部因素以及汉语教学方法、语言教育思潮等因素的牵制,经历了初创、转折、跃进到停滞等一... 发韧于19世纪中后期的美国汉语教育,至中美建交时已有百年历史。在这百年间,美国的汉语教育受国内社会政治文化环境、中美关系、国际政治形势等外部因素以及汉语教学方法、语言教育思潮等因素的牵制,经历了初创、转折、跃进到停滞等一系列波折变化。美国汉语教育在这百年间所历经的波折变化具有深刻的文化内涵和政治内涵,折射出百年间中美关系的变迁和学习汉语动机的更移;同时,它亦启示我们,当下海外"汉语热"能否具有稳定性和可持久性,更为关键之处在于增强中华文化对海外人士的内在吸引力。 展开更多
关键词 建交 汉语教育 发展史
文化美、前文化美与复合美 被引量:2
作者 杨曾宪 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 1999年第1期116-122,共7页
与美学中的其他重大问题一样,美的分类,也是美学史上一直没有规范解决的问题。传统美学中常见的分类是根据审美对象自身性质作出的,如自然美、社会美、艺术美、形式美等等,这种分类最大的缺陷是把“美”的分类变成对“美的事物”的... 与美学中的其他重大问题一样,美的分类,也是美学史上一直没有规范解决的问题。传统美学中常见的分类是根据审美对象自身性质作出的,如自然美、社会美、艺术美、形式美等等,这种分类最大的缺陷是把“美”的分类变成对“美的事物”的机械归类,没有也无法揭示美自身的不同生成特征和规律。从系统美学角度讲,美是不能脱离审美关系系统而独立存在的,美只是审美关系中客体的系统质,因此,美的分类是不能脱离开审美系统的。依据审美关系生成性质,应将美划分为前文化美、文化美与复合美三大类,这一新的分类方式既有助于美学学科的规范。 展开更多
关键词 的分类 文化 文化 复合 自然 形式
右美托咪定麻醉前滴鼻在小儿临床麻醉中的效果分析 被引量:2
作者 同鑫 《现代诊断与治疗》 CAS 2018年第17期2689-2691,共3页
目的探讨右美托咪定麻醉前滴鼻在小儿临床麻醉中的应用效果。方法选取2017年3月~2018年2月本院收治86例手术患儿,根据入院时间分为对照组和观察组各43例。对照组采用咪达唑仑麻醉前滴鼻,观察组采用右美托咪定麻醉前滴鼻,对比两组不同时... 目的探讨右美托咪定麻醉前滴鼻在小儿临床麻醉中的应用效果。方法选取2017年3月~2018年2月本院收治86例手术患儿,根据入院时间分为对照组和观察组各43例。对照组采用咪达唑仑麻醉前滴鼻,观察组采用右美托咪定麻醉前滴鼻,对比两组不同时间点生命体征、镇静效果、疼痛程度、术后躁动发生率及术后呼吸道不良事件发生率。结果两组RR、HR、SpO_2水平在不同时间点对比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);观察组Ramsay评分较对照组高,CHEOPS评分较对照组低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组术后躁动发生率及术后呼吸道不良事件总发生率均较对照组低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论小儿临床麻醉中采用右美托咪定麻醉前滴鼻可有效维持患儿生命体征稳定,提升镇静及镇痛效果,降低术后躁动及呼吸道不良事件发生率。 展开更多
关键词 麻醉 托咪定麻醉滴鼻 小儿
右美托咪定术前滴鼻在老年肠造瘘还纳术中的应用效果 被引量:1
作者 张芫祥 杨晓峰 王文军 《北方药学》 2017年第9期79-80,共2页
目的:观察右美托咪定术前滴鼻在老年肠造瘘还纳术患者中的应用效果,分析临床应用价值。方法:选取2014年6月~2016年6月在我院诊断治疗的老年肠造瘘还纳术患者60例作为研究对象,随机分为实验组和对照组,对照组给予咪达唑仑术前滴鼻,实验... 目的:观察右美托咪定术前滴鼻在老年肠造瘘还纳术患者中的应用效果,分析临床应用价值。方法:选取2014年6月~2016年6月在我院诊断治疗的老年肠造瘘还纳术患者60例作为研究对象,随机分为实验组和对照组,对照组给予咪达唑仑术前滴鼻,实验组给予右美托咪定术前滴鼻,观察两组治疗前后的血清白蛋白、转铁蛋白、前白蛋白以及术后不良反应,分析右美托咪定术前滴鼻在老年肠造瘘还纳术中的应用。结果:两组治疗前的血清白蛋白、转铁蛋白以及前白蛋白等相比,无明显差异,具有可比性(P>0.05),治疗后血清白蛋白、转铁蛋白以及前白蛋白等相比,有明显差异(P<0.05)。实验组术后不良反应发生率(16.7%)明显低于对照组术后不良反应发生率(40.0%),有明显差异,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:右美托咪定术前滴鼻在老年肠造瘘还纳术中应用效果显著,具有临床应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 托咪定术滴鼻 老年肠造瘘还纳术 不良反应 临床疗效
作者 许慧 许芳 《中国科技期刊数据库 医药》 2022年第11期19-22,共4页
小儿麻醉中主要可以采用右美托咪定麻醉前滴鼻的方式,本文主要对这种方式的实际作用和效果展开相应的分析和探讨,研究应用价值。方法 选取我院收治的患者共86例,随机分为人数均等的两组,其中对照组患儿采用咪达唑仑麻醉前滴鼻,观察组患... 小儿麻醉中主要可以采用右美托咪定麻醉前滴鼻的方式,本文主要对这种方式的实际作用和效果展开相应的分析和探讨,研究应用价值。方法 选取我院收治的患者共86例,随机分为人数均等的两组,其中对照组患儿采用咪达唑仑麻醉前滴鼻,观察组患儿采用右美托咪定麻醉前滴鼻,每组患儿43例。对两组患儿实际手术过程中的麻醉效果进行观察,对比镇静组作用,疼痛感受情况,是否存在不良事件等,分析不同麻醉方式对患儿产生的影响以及在应用效果上所存在的差异。结果 两种麻醉方式均能够起到一定的作用,而观察组患儿的麻醉作用更加良好,患儿的接受和耐受情况均具有更高优势,同时没有对患儿的健康情况产生太大的影响,可以稳定患儿的各项指标与特征,稳定作用明显,此外观察组患儿术后不良反应情况也更少。结论 右美托咪定麻醉前滴鼻具有较高的应用价值,可以起到良好的作用效果,在小儿临床麻醉中的应用发挥着重要的作用,并且优势明显,能够很大程度上提高对小儿的镇静作用,并对小儿呼吸道进行保护,减少躁动等不良情况,促进手术的顺利进行,提高成功率。 展开更多
关键词 麻醉 托咪定麻醉滴鼻 小儿
《丹东师专学报》 1999年第02X期8-10,共3页
反映论美学走向终结。实践论美学与后实践论美学的出路在于类哲学的引导。“美是什么”难以索解,并非因为提问方式有什么问题。“美”这个词可以多义使用。美属于人类精神活动范畴,“美是愉悦”是对美的恰当定位,这一观点曾经长期被... 反映论美学走向终结。实践论美学与后实践论美学的出路在于类哲学的引导。“美是什么”难以索解,并非因为提问方式有什么问题。“美”这个词可以多义使用。美属于人类精神活动范畴,“美是愉悦”是对美的恰当定位,这一观点曾经长期被指责为唯心主义主观论,是不公正的批评。动物有前美。 展开更多
关键词 前美 类哲学 愉悦
作者 陈燕 《福建教育学院学报》 2017年第9期11-13,共3页
现今对于美育与语文关系的研究多围绕语言的赏析展开,忽略了语文课堂教学中的审美评价的教学体悟,以至于美育仅停留在字里行间,走不进学生的内心深处。笔者尝试从课前备美,酝酿美的资源;课中读美,创设美的情境;课下誉美,延展美的生命,... 现今对于美育与语文关系的研究多围绕语言的赏析展开,忽略了语文课堂教学中的审美评价的教学体悟,以至于美育仅停留在字里行间,走不进学生的内心深处。笔者尝试从课前备美,酝酿美的资源;课中读美,创设美的情境;课下誉美,延展美的生命,三个层次探寻美育在语文常态课堂教学评价中的运用策略,力求让美育绽放在语文课堂教学评价的每一个角落。 展开更多
关键词 语文课堂评价 课中读 课后誉
Determination of Sulphonylurea Glimepiride in Dog Serum by RP-HPLC with Pre-column Derivatization 被引量:1
作者 卢来春 蒋学华 +1 位作者 周静 杨俊毅 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2003年第2期101-105,共5页
Aim A simple, sensitive and rapid RP HPLC method with pre column derivatization has been developed for the determination of sulphonylurea glimepiride in dog serum. Methods The sulphonylurea glimepiride was extract... Aim A simple, sensitive and rapid RP HPLC method with pre column derivatization has been developed for the determination of sulphonylurea glimepiride in dog serum. Methods The sulphonylurea glimepiride was extracted from the dog serum using dichlromethane followed by derivatization with DNBF for 20 min at 100℃. The solvent was then evaporated at 60℃ under nitrogen, and the residue was taken up in 100 μL of mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile water (75∶30, v/v). The separation was performed on a Hypersil BDS C18 column with a flow rate of 0 8 mL·min -1 , and the ultraviolet detector wavelength was set at 350 nm. Results Extraction recovery ranged from 75.9% to 83.2%, and methodological recovery was between 96.5% and 109.3%. Within day RSD ranged from 1.5% to 6.3%, and inter day RSD was between 2 9% and 14.8%. The method showed good linearity (R=0.9998). Conclusion The method was simple, convenient and sensitive. The reaction of derivatization was reproducible. 展开更多
关键词 GLIMEPIRIDE pre column derivatization DNBF serum concentration
Formal analysis of robust email protocol based on authentication tests 被引量:1
作者 蒋睿 胡爱群 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第2期147-151,共5页
Based on the authentication tests and the strand space model, the robust email protocol with perfect forward secrecy is formally analyzed, and the security shortcomings of the protocol is pointed out. Meanwhile, the m... Based on the authentication tests and the strand space model, the robust email protocol with perfect forward secrecy is formally analyzed, and the security shortcomings of the protocol is pointed out. Meanwhile, the man-in-the-middle attack to the protocol is given, where the attacker forges the messages in the receiving phase to cheat the two communication parties and makes them share the wrong session keys with him. Therefore, the protocol is not ensured to provide perfect forward secrecy. In order to overcome the above security shortcomings, an advanced email protocol is proposed, where the corresponding signatures in the receiving phase of the protocol are added to overcome the man-in-the-middle attack and ensure to provide perfect forward secrecy. Finally, the proposed advanced email protocol is formally analyzed with the authentication tests and the strand space model, and it is proved to be secure in authentication of the email sender, the recipient and the server. Therefore, the proposed advanced email protocol can really provide perfect forward secrecy. 展开更多
关键词 email protocol authentication tests formal method perfect forward secrecy strand space model
Improvements on robust email protocols with perfect forward secrecy
作者 蒋睿 胡爱群 杨晓辉 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第2期139-142,共4页
According to the security shortages of two robust practical email protocols with perfect forward secrecy, attacks on the two protocols are analyzed and corresponding improvements on the two protocols are proposed. Fir... According to the security shortages of two robust practical email protocols with perfect forward secrecy, attacks on the two protocols are analyzed and corresponding improvements on the two protocols are proposed. First, by analyzing the two email protocols, the corresponding man-in-the-middle attacks are proposed, where the adversary forges the messages in the receiving phase to cheat the two communication participants and makes them share the wrong session keys with him. Consequently, the man-in-the-middle attacks can make the two protocols fail to provide perfect forward secrecy. Secondly, by adding corresponding signatures in the receiving phases of the two protocols, two corresponding improvements on the protocols are proposed to overcome the man-in-the-middle attacks on the two protocols and make them provide perfect forward secrecy. Moreover, the two improved protocols can retain all the merits of the former protocols. 展开更多
关键词 man-in-the-middle attack EMAIL network security perfect forward secrecy
作者 柳磊 《中国医疗器械信息》 2015年第03Z期365-365,共1页
目的探究滴鼻与口服右旋美托咪啶对婴幼儿术前镇静效果的差异.方法:在征得家长同意的情况下,本文选取到我院进行定期腹股沟疝气手术的90名婴幼儿患者作为实验对象,将他们随机分为两组,一组和二组,每组45名患儿,这些婴幼儿患者在一般资... 目的探究滴鼻与口服右旋美托咪啶对婴幼儿术前镇静效果的差异.方法:在征得家长同意的情况下,本文选取到我院进行定期腹股沟疝气手术的90名婴幼儿患者作为实验对象,将他们随机分为两组,一组和二组,每组45名患儿,这些婴幼儿患者在一般资料方面没有显著性差异(P〈0.05),可以进行比较.在手术治疗前,一组患儿采取从鼻腔滴入右旋美托咪啶的方法对患儿进行镇静处理,二组患儿采取口服与糖浆混匀的右旋美托咪啶进行镇静处理,对这90患儿在服药后至手术前的精神状态和反应进行详细的记录,之后的手术治疗均采取同样的措施.结果:对记录的患儿数据进行统计和分析发现,两组患儿在服药后的镇静效果和表现没有显著性差异(P〉0.05),但是二组患儿的进药效果更好,患儿愿意接受.结论:滴鼻和口服右旋美托咪啶对婴幼儿的术前镇静效果没有显著性差异,两种服药方式都可以使患儿达到同样的镇静效果,但是口服的方法更容易让患儿接受而主动服药,滴鼻则不然,患儿反抗比较强烈.希望本文的研究对今后的婴幼儿术前镇静处理的研究有一定的帮助. 展开更多
关键词 滴鼻 口服 右旋托咪啶 镇静
Indomethacin but not a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor inhibits esophageal adenocarcinogenesis in rats
作者 Paula Esquivias Antonio Morandeira +7 位作者 Alfredo Escartín Carmelo Cebrián Sonia Santander Francisco Esteva María Asunción García-González Javier Ortego Angel Lanas Elena Piazuelo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第35期4866-4874,共9页
AIM: To evaluate the effects of indomethacin [dual cyclooxygenase (COX)-I/COX-2 inhibitor] and 3-(3,4-difluorophenyl)-4-(4-(methylsulfonyl) phenyl)- 2-(5H)-furanone (MF-tricyclic) (COX-2 selective inhibi... AIM: To evaluate the effects of indomethacin [dual cyclooxygenase (COX)-I/COX-2 inhibitor] and 3-(3,4-difluorophenyl)-4-(4-(methylsulfonyl) phenyl)- 2-(5H)-furanone (MF-tricyclic) (COX-2 selective inhibi- tor) in a rat experimental model of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma.METHODS: A total of 112 surviving post-surgery rats were randomly divided into three groups: the control group (n = 48), which did not receive any treatment; the indomethacin group (n = 32), which were given 2 mg/kg per day of the COX-I/COX-2 inhibitor; and the MF-tricyclic group (n = 32), which received 10 mg/kg per day of the selective COX-2 inhibitor. Randomly se- lected rats were killed either 8 wk or 16 wk after sur- gery. The timing of the deaths was in accordance with a previous study performed in our group. Only rats that were killed at the times designated by the protocol were included in the study. We then assessed the histology and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) expression levels in the rat esophagi. An additional group of eight animals that did not undergo esophagojejunostomy were included in order to obtain normal esophageal tissue as a control. RESULTS: Compared to a control group with no treat- ment (vehicle-treated rats), indomethacin treatment was associated with decreases in ulcerated esophageal mucosa (16% vs 35% and 14% vs 17%, 2 mo and 4 mo after surgery, respectively; P = 0.021), length of intestinal metaplasia in continuity with anastomosis (2 4- 1.17 mm vs 2.29 + 0.75 mm and 1.25 4- 0.42 mm vs 3.5 4- 1.54 mm, 2 mo and 4 mo after surgery, respec- tively; P = 0.007), presence of intestinal metaplasia beyond anastomosis (20% vs 71.4% and 0% vs 60%, 2 mo and 4 mo after surgery, respectively; P = 0.009), severity of dysplasia (0% vs 71.4% and 20% vs 85.7% high-grade dysplasia, 2 mo and 4 mo after surgery, re- spectively; P = 0.002), and adenocarcinoma incidence (0% vs 57.1% and 0% vs 60%, 2 mo and 4 mo after surgery, respectively; P 〈 0.0001). Treatment with the selective COX-2 inhibitor, MF-tricyclic, did not prevent development of intestinal metaplasia or adenocarci- noma. In parallel, we observed a significant decrease in PGE2 levels in indomethacin-treated rats, but not in those treated with MF-tricyclic, at both 2 mo and 4 mo. Compared to control rats that did not undergo surgery (68 + 8 ng/g, P = 0.0022 Kruskal-Wallis test) there was a significant increase in PGE2 levels in the esophageal tissue of the rats that underwent surgery either 2 mo (1332 + 656 ng/g) or 4 mo (1121 + 1015 ng/g) after esophagojejunostomy. However, no differences were found when esophageal PGE2 levels were compared 2 mo vs 4 mo post-esophagojejunostomy. At both the 2- and 4-mo timepoints, we observed a significant decrease in PGE2 levels in indomethacin-treated rat esophagi compared to those in either the control or MF-tricyclic groups (P = 0.049 and P = 0.017, respec- tively). No differences in PGE2 levels were found when we compared levels in rats treated with MF-tricyclic to not-treated rats. CONCLUSION: In this rat model of gastrointestinal reflux, indomethacin was associated with a decrease in the severity of esophagitis and reduced development of esophageal intestinal metaplasia and adenocarcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Intestinal metaplasia Esophageal adeno-carcinoma INDOMETHACIN MF-tricyclic
The impacts of warming and nitrogen addition on competitive ability of native and invasive populations of Plantago virginica 被引量:3
作者 Xi Luo Yi Zheng +2 位作者 Xiaohong Xu Rui Xiao Hui Guo 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第6期676-682,共7页
Aims Global change factors(e.g.warming and nitrogen deposition)may influence biological invasions,but how these factors may influence the performance of invasive species and further mediate the interactions with nativ... Aims Global change factors(e.g.warming and nitrogen deposition)may influence biological invasions,but how these factors may influence the performance of invasive species and further mediate the interactions with native competitors remain still unknown.Methods Here,we conducted a 5-month greenhouse experiment to examine the effects of warming(using open-top chambers,+0.62°C)and N addition(adding NH4NO3 at a rate of 4.2 g m−2)on the performance of the native and invasive populations of an invasive species Plantago virginica in competition with a native Plantago asiatica.Important Findings Under warming treatment and its interaction with nitrogen addition treatment(W×N),invasive and native populations of P.virginica had different biomass allocation strategies to compete with native competitor P.asiatica.Native population of P.virginica(PV-Na)increased more below-ground biomass,whereas those from the invasive population(PV-In)increased more above-ground biomass.We also found that invasive species P.virginica had stronger responses to warming and N addition than the native species P.asiatica.The competitive ability of the invasive plants was significantly reduced by warming which indicated that the invasive plant were much stronger sensitivity to elevated temperature than native plant.Similarly,N addition and W×N reduced the competitive response of PV-In in below-ground biomass,but increased the competitive response of PV-Na in above-ground and total biomass when they grew with the P.asiatica.The results show that P.virginica have occurred differential biomass allocation strategies during its invasions and invasive population exhibit flexible competition ability to adapt to environmental changes(especially warming).These findings may potentially help to predict plant invasions and make management strategies in a world with changing climate. 展开更多
关键词 invasive species WARMING nitrogen addition COMPETITION Plantago virginica
An invading annual plant benefits less from soil biota and has reduced competitive power with a resident grass
作者 Xi Luo Loralee Larios +2 位作者 Carla D’Antonio Xiaohong Xu Hui Guo 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第5期945-958,共14页
Aims Interactions between plants and their soil biota,arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)in particular,may play a vital role in the establishment and the range expansion of exotic plants in new environments.However,whet... Aims Interactions between plants and their soil biota,arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)in particular,may play a vital role in the establishment and the range expansion of exotic plants in new environments.However,whether there are post-introduction shifts in dependence on AMF and how dependency interacts with competition remains poorly understood.Methods We conducted a common garden greenhouse experiment to examine how native(USA)and invasive(China)populations of the plant species Plantago virginica,respond to soil biota,and whether these responses change in the presence of a competitor.Important Findings We found that while native populations consistently had a higher AMF colonization rate and benefited from AMF in both biomass and seed production,invasive populations received less benefit from AMF,and even showed reduced biomass with AMF in the presence of a competitor.This low mycorrhizal dependency in invasive populations correlated with greater suppression by an indigenous competitor for the invader.The different responses of the invasive and native populations to AMF suggest that alteration of mycorrhizal dependency has occurred during the invasion of P.virginica into China.Our findings suggest that this reduced dependency incurs a cost during interspecific competition. 展开更多
关键词 invasion ecology invasive plant plant-soil feedback arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi COMPETITION Plantago virginica
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