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腹膜外剖宫产术腹部切口的选择对母乳喂养的影响 被引量:1
作者 宋爱国 赵艳兰 席先亮 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 1999年第4期241-241,共1页
为解决剖宫产术后产妇母乳喂养困难的问题,我们对腹膜外剖宫产术腹部切口的选择对母乳喂养的影响进行了探讨。1资料与方法我院1993年10月~1998年10月的住院分娩总数为1812例,其中剖宫产573例,剖宫产率为31.... 为解决剖宫产术后产妇母乳喂养困难的问题,我们对腹膜外剖宫产术腹部切口的选择对母乳喂养的影响进行了探讨。1资料与方法我院1993年10月~1998年10月的住院分娩总数为1812例,其中剖宫产573例,剖宫产率为31.6%。本文按研究设计条件随机选择2... 展开更多
关键词 母乳喂养 腹膜外剖腹部 术式 切口
作者 陈炳香 丁燕 +2 位作者 袁军 施丽娟 谢桂芳 《南通医学院学报》 1999年第3期275-276,共2页
报告改良下腹部横切口子宫下段剖宫产106例,于两髂前上棘连线下2~3cm处做横行直切口,撕拉式分离脂肪层及腹直肌,钝性撕开腹膜,连续锁边缝合子宫肌层,不缝合膀胱腹膜反折及腹膜,连续缝合筋膜,全层间断缝合皮肤、皮下脂肪... 报告改良下腹部横切口子宫下段剖宫产106例,于两髂前上棘连线下2~3cm处做横行直切口,撕拉式分离脂肪层及腹直肌,钝性撕开腹膜,连续锁边缝合子宫肌层,不缝合膀胱腹膜反折及腹膜,连续缝合筋膜,全层间断缝合皮肤、皮下脂肪3针。术后7天B超监测腹壁及子宫切口。并与腹部横弧形切口剖宫产术80例比较。结果,新式剖宫产手术时间短、切皮至胎儿娩出时间短,术中出血量少,术后开始排气时间缩短、疼痛轻、术后病率低、切口愈合好,住院时间短。与对照组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。因此新式剖宫产手术时间短,出血少,术后并发症少,值得临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 下腹横切口 B超检查 剖腹部 效果评价
作者 李淑芳 赵书婷 《现代中西医结合杂志》 CAS 1999年第10期1713-1714,共2页
关键词 剖腹部 手术后 护理
作者 卢希平 《上海医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第9期555-556,共2页
本文作者通过对我院1995年7月至1997年7月间剖宫产的386例产妇进行临床分析,对剖宫产手术指征与产后出血的关系,产后出血的原因及处理方法进行了讨论。资料与方法一、一般资料1995年7月至1997年7月住院剖宫产... 本文作者通过对我院1995年7月至1997年7月间剖宫产的386例产妇进行临床分析,对剖宫产手术指征与产后出血的关系,产后出血的原因及处理方法进行了讨论。资料与方法一、一般资料1995年7月至1997年7月住院剖宫产总数386例,产后出血总数70例。... 展开更多
关键词 剖腹部 产后出血 诊断 治疗
作者 杨平 《皖南医学院学报》 CAS 1998年第1期65-66,共2页
47例二次剖宫产临床分析杨平近年来由于手术、麻醉技术的改进和提高,抗生素的广泛应用,国内外剖宫产率逐年上升[1]。使得剖宫产后再次妊娠的分娩方式成为产科工作中的一个突出问题。本文对我院二次剖宫产47例的适应证、手术时... 47例二次剖宫产临床分析杨平近年来由于手术、麻醉技术的改进和提高,抗生素的广泛应用,国内外剖宫产率逐年上升[1]。使得剖宫产后再次妊娠的分娩方式成为产科工作中的一个突出问题。本文对我院二次剖宫产47例的适应证、手术时机选择等实际问题进行探讨。1临床资... 展开更多
关键词 剖腹部 再手术 临床分析
作者 寒冰 《家庭中医药》 1999年第8期56-56,共1页
我国动物资源丰富,许多动物又是配制中成药的重要成份,因此正确地采集药用动物和炮制药物十分重要。 牛黄 牛黄为黄牛或水牛胆囊或胆管肝管等处的结石。有牛黄的黄牛一般出现食欲逐减,日渐消瘦,时有咯咳吼唤,眼红充血。
关键词 药用动物 加工方法 牛黄 结石 鸡内金 中成药 剖腹部 黄牛 洗干净 动物资源
作者 赵鸿展 胡明亮 《山东畜牧兽医》 2002年第2期44-44,共1页
关键词 小型犬 难产 救助方法 产道内手术助产 剖腹部 药物催产
作者 王崇丹 《佳木斯医学院学报》 1997年第3期27-27,共1页
近年来由于子宫肌瘤发病率和剖宫产率的增高,妊娠合并子宫肌瘤的患者亦增多。对于妊娠合并子宫肌瘤患者以剖宫产结束分娩时是否一律行子宫肌瘤剔除术目前意见不一。本文对我院妊娠合并子宫肌瘤剖宫产30例进行回顾性分析,报道如下。1 临... 近年来由于子宫肌瘤发病率和剖宫产率的增高,妊娠合并子宫肌瘤的患者亦增多。对于妊娠合并子宫肌瘤患者以剖宫产结束分娩时是否一律行子宫肌瘤剔除术目前意见不一。本文对我院妊娠合并子宫肌瘤剖宫产30例进行回顾性分析,报道如下。1 临床资料发病年龄24~42岁。 展开更多
关键词 妊娠 子宫肌瘤 剖腹部
Continuous wound infusion of local anaesthetic agents following colorectal surgery:Systematic review and meta-analysis 被引量:4
作者 Alan Karthikesalingam Stewart R Walsh +3 位作者 Sheraz R Markar Umar Sadat Tjun Y Tang Charles M Malata 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第34期5301-5305,共5页
AIM:To provide a specifi c review and meta-analysis of the available evidence for continuous wound infusion of local anaesthetic agents following midline laparoto-my for major colorectal surgery. METHODS: Medline, Emb... AIM:To provide a specifi c review and meta-analysis of the available evidence for continuous wound infusion of local anaesthetic agents following midline laparoto-my for major colorectal surgery. METHODS: Medline, Embase, trial registries, conference proceedings and article reference lists were searched to identify randomised, controlled trials of continuous wound infusion of local anaesthetic agents following colorectal surgery. The primary outcomes were opioid consumption, pain visual analogue scores (VASs), return to bowel function and length of hospital stay. Weighted mean difference were calculated for continuous outcomes. RESULTS: Five trials containing 542 laparotomy wounds were eligible for inclusion. There was a sig- nificant decrease in post-operative pain VAS at rest on day 3 (weighted mean difference: -0.43; 95% CI: -0.81 to -0.04; P = 0.03) but not on post-operative day 1 and 2. Local anaesthetic infusion was associated with a signifi cant reduction in pain VAS on movement on all three post-operative days (day 1 weighted mean difference: -1.14; 95% CI: -2.24 to -0.041; P = 0.04, day 2 weighted mean difference: -0.97, 95% CI: -1.91to -0.029; P = 0.04, day 3 weighted mean difference: -0.61; 95% CI: 1.01 to -0.20; P = 0.0038). Local an- aesthetic wound infusion was associated with a signifi - cant decrease in total opioid consumption (weighted mean difference: -40.13; 95% CI: -76.74 to -3.53; P = 0.03). There was no signifi cant decrease in length of stay (weighted mean difference: -20.87; 95% CI: -46.96 to 5.21; P = 0.12) or return of bowel function (weighted mean difference: -9.40; 95% CI: -33.98 to 15.17; P = 0.45). CONCLUSION: The results of this systematic re- view and meta-analysis suggest that local anaesthetic wound infusion following laparotomy for major color- ectal surgery is a promising technique but do not pro- vide conclusive evidence of benefi t. Further research is required including cost-effectiveness analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal surgery LAPAROTOMY Local anaesthesia INFUSION Wound healing
Laparoscopic versus open right hemicolectomy with curative intent for colon carcinoma 被引量:35
作者 Min-HuaZheng BoFeng Ai-GuoLu Jian-WenLi Ming-LiangWang Zhi-HaiMao Yan-YanHu FengDong Wei-GuoHu Dong-HuaLi LuZang Yuan-FeiPeng Bao-MingYu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期323-326,共4页
AIM: Laparoscopic surgery, especially laparoscopic rectal surgery, for colorectal cancer has been developed considerably. However, due to relatively complicated anatomy and high requirements for surgery techniques, la... AIM: Laparoscopic surgery, especially laparoscopic rectal surgery, for colorectal cancer has been developed considerably. However, due to relatively complicated anatomy and high requirements for surgery techniques, laparoscopic right colectomy develops relatively slowly. This study was designed to compare the outcomes of laparoscopic right hemicolectomy (LRH) with open right hemicolectomy (ORH) in the treatment of colon carcinoma. METHODS: Between September 2000 and February 2003, 30 patients with colon cancer who underwent LRH were compared with 34 controls treated by ORH in the same period. All patients were evaluated with respect to surgery related complications, postoperative recovery, recurrence and metastasis rate, cost-effectiveness and survival. RESULTS: Among 30 LRH, 2 (6.7%) were converted to open procedure. No significant differences were observed in terms of mean operation time, blood loss, post-operative complications, and hospital cost between LRH and ORH groups. Mean time for bowel movement, hospital stay, and time to resum?early activity in the LRH group were significantly shorter than those in the ORH group (2.24±0.56 vs 3.25±1.29 d, 13.94?.5 vs 18.25±5.96 d, 3.94±1.64 vs 5.45±1.82 d respectively, P<0.05). As to the lymph node yield, the specimen length and total cost for operation and drugs, there was no significant difference between the two groups. Local recurrence rate and metachronous metastasis rate had no marked difference between the two groups. Cumulative survival probability at 40 mo in LRH group (76.50%) was not obviously different compared to the ORH group (74.04%). CONCLUSION: LRH in patients with colon cancer has statistically and clinically significant advantages over ORH. Thus, LRH can be regarded as a safe and effective procedure. 展开更多
关键词 Colon carcinoma Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy
Postpartum spontaneous colonic perforation due to antiphospholipid syndrome
作者 Kamran Ahmed Amir Darakhshan +2 位作者 Eleanor Au Munther A Khamashta Iraklis E Katsoulis 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期502-505,共4页
The antiphospholipid syndrome(APS)is a multi-systemic disease being characterized by the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies that involves both arterial and venous systems resulting in arterial or venous thrombosi... The antiphospholipid syndrome(APS)is a multi-systemic disease being characterized by the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies that involves both arterial and venous systems resulting in arterial or venous thrombosis,fetal loss,thrombocytopenia,leg ulcers,livedo reticularis,chorea,and migraine.We document a previously unreported case of a 37-year-old female in whom APS was first manifested by infarction and cecal perforation following cesarean section.At laparotomy the underlying cause of colonic perforation was not clear and after resection of the affected bowel an ileo-colostomy was performed.The diagnosis of APS was established during post-operative hospital stay and the patient was commenced on warfarin.Eventually,she made a full recovery and had her stoma reversed after 4 mo.Pregnancy poses an increased risk of complications in women with APS and requires a more aggressive approach to the obstetric care.This should include full anticoagulation in the puerperium and frequent doppler ultrasound monitoring of uterine and umbilical arteries to detect complications such as preeclampsia and placental insufficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Antiphospholipid syndrome Intestinalischemia Acute abdomen PREGNANCY
Case Report: Myxoid Liposarcoma in Retroperitoneum
作者 Janaina Gomes da Silva Cirqueira Jefferson Luiz Rodrigues Nascimento Paulo Henrique de Sousa Fernaxldes 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2018年第6期587-594,共8页
Liposarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of mesodermal origin, which among sarcomas, 10% to 20% are located in the retroperitoneum. The case presented shows a 50-year-old male patient who initially presented weight loss a... Liposarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of mesodermal origin, which among sarcomas, 10% to 20% are located in the retroperitoneum. The case presented shows a 50-year-old male patient who initially presented weight loss and abdominal pain in the left iliac fossa. A tumor mass of hardened consistency was palpated in virtually all the abdomen. An abdominal ultrasound and a computed tomography of the abdomen were performed and confirmed the tumor mass. An exploratory laparotomy was performed, with removal of bulky abdominal mass of greasy consistency. A histopathological study of the piece reported myxoid liposarcoma. Clinical and prognostic features, as well as oncologic outcomes, are well known in this group of patients. The patient has been in the outpatient clinic for 7 years without tumor recurrence. Computed tomography is the fundamental study for the diagnosis of imaging. The treatment of choice consists in an aggressive approach aiming the complete resection, which is a major predictor of local and distant recurrence and survival. 展开更多
关键词 Myxoid liposarcoma RETROPERITONEUM surgery.
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