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力之教授的《楚辞》文献学研究 被引量:1
作者 孙振田 《钦州学院学报》 2007年第1期44-47,共4页
力之教授以其对《楚辞》研究实实在在的贡献,鲜明的研究个性,科学的研究方法为学界称誉。成书体例研究是力之教授对《楚辞》研究的最大贡献。《招魂》研究是其另一重要贡献。在方法上,力之教授强调以古还古,注意深入解读文本,对文献材... 力之教授以其对《楚辞》研究实实在在的贡献,鲜明的研究个性,科学的研究方法为学界称誉。成书体例研究是力之教授对《楚辞》研究的最大贡献。《招魂》研究是其另一重要贡献。在方法上,力之教授强调以古还古,注意深入解读文本,对文献材料进行横向的对比与纵向的考察,归纳古代文献的通例,探寻其普遍规律。回顾与总结力之教授的《楚辞》研究是很有启示意义的。 展开更多
关键词 力之 《楚辞》 文献学研究
作者 汪超 《贵州文史丛刊》 CSSCI 2010年第3期12-14,共3页
力之教授《〈楚辞〉与中古文献考说》是一部逻辑严密、材料翔实的论文集,三十二篇论文分别在《楚辞》和中古文献领域构建起完整的研究体系。全书始终站在"以古还古"的立场上,在历史语境中考察问题。该书特点大要有三,曰:探共... 力之教授《〈楚辞〉与中古文献考说》是一部逻辑严密、材料翔实的论文集,三十二篇论文分别在《楚辞》和中古文献领域构建起完整的研究体系。全书始终站在"以古还古"的立场上,在历史语境中考察问题。该书特点大要有三,曰:探共性,辨众说,溯源头。 展开更多
关键词 《楚辞》 引文 文献学 力之
作者 魏珏 《实用影音技术》 2001年第6期17-17,共1页
2001年4月27日至28日,豪程时代.力之霸高科在四川省成都市明珠国际酒店举办了首站2001年力之霸全国展示会,来自音响媒体、音响厂家、经销商的代表参加了会议。 展会上力之霸高科的负责人不仅向来宾介绍了力之霸高科今年的计划、目标。
关键词 力之 音响展示会 音响产业
作者 許士宦 《臺大法學論叢》
民诉法於二○○○年修正时,虽未就重复起诉禁止原则及既判力客观范围之规定爲修正,但因其放宽诉变更、追加及提起反诉之限制,已扩充於同一诉讼程序解决关连纷争之可能,而赋予当事人於已系属诉讼程序合并解决该项纷争之机会,故应扩... 民诉法於二○○○年修正时,虽未就重复起诉禁止原则及既判力客观范围之规定爲修正,但因其放宽诉变更、追加及提起反诉之限制,已扩充於同一诉讼程序解决关连纷争之可能,而赋予当事人於已系属诉讼程序合并解决该项纷争之机会,故应扩大重复起诉禁止原则之适用范围,以限制当事人就关连纷争之别诉提起;且因其增设争点整理、协议及晓谕之程序,使当事人及法院对於主要争点形成共识,凸显争点并加以具体化,明确两造当事人之攻防目标及法院之审判对象,故应扩张终局判决之遮断效所及范围,以限制当事人就诉讼标的外已判争点事项之再诉提起。之所以如此运用该二制度,系爲发挥前者避免他造复次应诉、排除法院重复审理程序及预防裁判发生互相抵触之机能;及发挥後者维持法安定性、防止裁判互相矛盾及减免法院及当事人爲同一纷争再费劳神之机能,藉以扩大诉讼制度解决纷争之功能,达成审理集中化之目标,维护诉讼经济及程序利益,节省及合理分配司法资源。此等原则扩大及效力扩张,可从法官有关诉变更或追加、提起反诉及法律观点、争点晓谕等阐明义务之履践予以正当化。盖以,法院善尽上述阐明义务时,当事人已实际受有合并审判之机会,及就争点慎爲攻防之具体的程序保障。当事人倘未善加利用该机会而另提起别诉,即未公正遂行诉讼,不当增加法院及他造之负担:当事人如就特定争点已公平与他造进行攻防,即应就其遂行诉讼结果负自己责任。如此,始足以维持两造武器平等原则,符合诉讼上诚信原则。 展开更多
关键词 訴訟經濟原則 擴大訴訟制度解決紛爭之功能 闡明義務 合理分配司法資源 程序保障 自己責任原則 爭點效 既判力之正當化根據 禁反言原則 遮斷效 集中審理
作者 操良应 罗艳妹 《新教育(海南)》 2016年第9期77-78,共2页
关键词 中学班主任工作 力之 用心原则 公平原则
作者 邹小站 《晋阳学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第4期50-57,共8页
对抗论与调和立国论是民初温和派人士提出的两个重要主张,意在寻求养成对抗力之途径,灌输为政之本在有容的观念,引导政治上轨道。这两种主张颇能代表温和派人士面对袁世凯为首的官僚势力与孙中山为首的革命派彼此猜忌,彼此不容的局面,... 对抗论与调和立国论是民初温和派人士提出的两个重要主张,意在寻求养成对抗力之途径,灌输为政之本在有容的观念,引导政治上轨道。这两种主张颇能代表温和派人士面对袁世凯为首的官僚势力与孙中山为首的革命派彼此猜忌,彼此不容的局面,欲寻求化解政走极端之道,引导各走极端的政治势力走入常轨。但是,温和派自身力量不够,无力承担起这种责任。 展开更多
关键词 对抗论 调和立国论 对抗力之养成 调和政争
从语际转换的社会功能机制分析热词“洪荒之力”的翻译 被引量:1
作者 何蔡 汤红娟 《乐山师范学院学报》 2017年第1期54-60,共7页
热词"洪荒之力"的翻译正受到业内人士的广泛关注,各大媒体针对该词的英译引发了热议。文章从语际转换的社会功能机制入手,对"洪荒之力"的词源和含义进行探讨,并从语际转换的社会功能机制的接受者因素、文化因素、... 热词"洪荒之力"的翻译正受到业内人士的广泛关注,各大媒体针对该词的英译引发了热议。文章从语际转换的社会功能机制入手,对"洪荒之力"的词源和含义进行探讨,并从语际转换的社会功能机制的接受者因素、文化因素、时代因素及语境因素四个维度对比分析"洪荒之力"的不同译法,旨在探讨最佳译法,顺利实现语言符号内容信息及文化信息转码,促进跨文化交流。 展开更多
关键词 语际转换 社会功能 “洪荒之力” 热词翻译
Effects of Shape of Crowders on Dynamics of a Polymer Chain Closure
作者 夏佰成 张冬华 +1 位作者 王佳军 昱万程 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期343-347,I0002,共6页
Using 3D Langevin dynamics simulations, we investigate the effects of the shape of crowders on the dynamics of a polymer chain closure. The chain closure in spherical crowders is dominated by the increased medium visc... Using 3D Langevin dynamics simulations, we investigate the effects of the shape of crowders on the dynamics of a polymer chain closure. The chain closure in spherical crowders is dominated by the increased medium viscosity so that it gets slower with the increasing volume fraction of crowders. By contrast, the dynamics of chain closure becomes very complicated with increasing volume fraction of crowders in spherocylindrical crowders. Notably, the mean closure time is found to have a dramatic decrease at a range of volume fraction of crowders 0.36-0.44. We then elucidate that an isotropic to nematic transition of spherocylindrical crowders at this range of volume fraction of crowders is responsible for the unexpected dramatic decrease in the mean closure time. 展开更多
关键词 Loop formation Crowding effects Shape polydispersity
Superselective Adsorption of Multivalent Polymer Chains to a Surface with Receptors
作者 黄浩智 陈宇浩 +1 位作者 昱万程 罗开富 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第5期564-570,I0001,共8页
Multivalent polymer chains exhibit excellent prospect in biomedical applications by serving as therapeutic agents. Using three-dimensional (3D) Langevin dynamics simulations, we investigate adsorption behaviors of m... Multivalent polymer chains exhibit excellent prospect in biomedical applications by serving as therapeutic agents. Using three-dimensional (3D) Langevin dynamics simulations, we investigate adsorption behaviors of multivalent polymer chains to a surface with receptors. Multivalent polymer chains display superselective adsorption. Furthermore, the range of density of surface receptors at which a multivalent polymer chain displays a superselective behavior, narrows down for chains with higher density of ligands. Meanwhile, the optimal density of surface receptors where the highest superselectivity is achieved, decreases with increasing the density of ligands. Then, the conformational properties of bound multivalent chains are studied systematically. Interestingly, we find that the equilibrium radius of gyration Rg and its horizontal component have a maximum as a function of the density of surface receptors. The scaling exponents of Rg with the length of chain suggest that with increasing the density of surface receptors., the conformations of a bound multivalent polymer chain first fall in between those of a two-dimensional (2D) and a 3D chain, while it is slightly collapsed subsequently. 展开更多
关键词 Multivalent polymers Langevin dynamics simulations Superselective adsorption
Anomalous and Normal Diffusion of Tracers in Crowded Environments: Effect of Size Disparity between Tracer and Crowders
作者 马义丁 罗开富 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期147-152,I0001,共7页
The dynamics of tracers in crowded matrix is of interest in various areas of physics, such as the diffusion of proteins in living cells. By using two-dimensional (2D) Langevin dynamics simulations, we investigate th... The dynamics of tracers in crowded matrix is of interest in various areas of physics, such as the diffusion of proteins in living cells. By using two-dimensional (2D) Langevin dynamics simulations, we investigate the diffusive properties of a tracer of a diameter in crowded environments caused by randomly distributed crowders of a diameter. Results show that the emergence of subdiffusion of a tracer at intermediate time scales depends on the size ratio of the tracer to crowders a. If a falls between a lower critical size ratio and a upper one, the anomalous diffusion occurs purely due to the molecular crowding, tqlrther analysis indicates that the physical origin of subdiffusion is the "cage effect". Moreover, the subdiffusion exponent α decreases with the increasing medium viscosity and the degree of crowding, and gets a minimum αmin=0.75 at δ=1. At long time scales, normal diffusion of a tracer is recovered. For δ≤1, the relative mobility of tracers is independent of the degree of crowding. Meanwhile, it is sensitive to the degree of crowding for δ〉l. Our results are helpful in deepening the understanding of the diffusive properties of biomacromolecules that lie within crowded intracellular environments, such as proteins, DNA and ribosomes. 展开更多
关键词 SUBDIFFUSION Langevin dynamics simulations Size disparity
Understanding Molecular Dynamics with Stochastic Processes via Real or Virtual Dynamics
作者 李德彰 陈子飞 +1 位作者 张志军 刘剑 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期735-760,I0003,共27页
Molecular dynamics with the stochastic process provides a convenient way to compute structural and thermodynamic properties of chemical, biological, and materials systems. It is demonstrated that the virtual dynamics ... Molecular dynamics with the stochastic process provides a convenient way to compute structural and thermodynamic properties of chemical, biological, and materials systems. It is demonstrated that the virtual dynamics case that we proposed for the Langevin equation [J. Chem. Phys. 147, 184104 (2017)] in principle exists in other types of stochastic thermostats as well. The recommended "middle" scheme [J. Chem. Phys. 147, 034109 (2017)] of the Andersen thermostat is investigated as an example. As shown by both analytic and numerical results, while the real and virtual dynamics cases approach the same plateau of the characteristic correlation time in the high collision frequency limit, the accuracy and efficiency of sampling are relatively insensitive to the value of the collision frequency in a broad range. After we compare the behaviors of the Andersen thermostat to those of Langevin dynamics, a heuristic schematic representation thermostatting processes with molecular is proposed for understanding efficient stochastic dynamics. 展开更多
关键词 Stochastic process THERMOSTAT Molecular dynamics Virtual dynamics Andersen thermostat Canonical ensemble
Dynamic of the Dielectric Nano-Particle in Optical Tweezer Using Counter-Propagating Pulsed Laser Beams 被引量:1
作者 Quang Quy Ho Dinh Hal Hoang 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2012年第9期345-351,共7页
In this article, the dynamical process of the dielectric particle in the optical tweezer using the counter-propagating Gaussian pulses is investigated by the Langevin equation concerning the Brownian motion. The tempo... In this article, the dynamical process of the dielectric particle in the optical tweezer using the counter-propagating Gaussian pulses is investigated by the Langevin equation concerning the Brownian motion. The temporal stabilities of particle is simulated. The influence of the duration, repetition period and delay time between pulses on stability is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Optical trap optical tweezer Gaussian pulsed beam optical force Brownian motion Langevin equation.
《楚辭》“五階段成書”“劉向編纂十六卷”說考辨 被引量:2
作者 謝天鵬 《新国学》 2021年第2期43-60,共18页
《楚辭》的形成,以湯炳正"五階段成書"説和傳統的"劉向編纂十六卷"説爲代表。湯先生從王逸《九章》注有"皆解於《九辯》中",推出王注有"凡見於前者即略於後"的"慣例",不合此類注的... 《楚辭》的形成,以湯炳正"五階段成書"説和傳統的"劉向編纂十六卷"説爲代表。湯先生從王逸《九章》注有"皆解於《九辯》中",推出王注有"凡見於前者即略於後"的"慣例",不合此類注的實際。而其所謂先秦諸學派弟子常將自己的作品附於前哲著述之末的"通例",則混淆了漢代逐漸産生的"後序"。故依《釋文》篇次分五組以論《楚辭》成書階段,前提未堅。當然,"劉向編纂十六卷"説亦尚有未盡之處。 展开更多
关键词 《楚辭》 《釋文》 湯炳正 力之 “已解於”
作者 李素娟 《小学生必读(低年级版)》 2016年第6期24-25,共2页
《你们都是我的最爱》是《猜猜我有多爱你》的作者山姆与安妮塔再度携手的倾力之作!相较于《猜猜我有多爱你》,除了一样的淡雅、温馨之外,这本书的文图更以朴拙的主角造型、亲子之间的对话、互动,乃至场景的安排,传递了家人相处不... 《你们都是我的最爱》是《猜猜我有多爱你》的作者山姆与安妮塔再度携手的倾力之作!相较于《猜猜我有多爱你》,除了一样的淡雅、温馨之外,这本书的文图更以朴拙的主角造型、亲子之间的对话、互动,乃至场景的安排,传递了家人相处不需装饰的单纯和自在。整本书流荡着令人怦然心动的亲密,一家人的爱自然地表现在彼此的眼神和互动中。 展开更多
关键词 《猜猜我有多爱你》 作者 力之 主角造型
通信枢纽楼能耗运行分析研究 被引量:1
作者 樊春锋 伍建萍 《电信工程技术与标准化》 2016年第5期89-92,共4页
关键词 枢纽楼 变压器 能耗 红色预警 搬迁
基于智力城镇化的特色小镇产业培育探索——以辽宁通远堡镇为例 被引量:3
作者 杨宁宁 高钰轩 +2 位作者 黄菖彬 邓兴浩 高雁鹏 《智能建筑与智慧城市》 2018年第9期88-91,94,共5页
我国城镇化正处于劣势的体力城镇化阶段,特色小镇作为新型城镇化的主力军,体力化威胁仍不可避免。为缓解特色小镇体力化困境,文章基于智力城镇化的相关理论,以辽宁通远堡镇为例,围绕特色产业展开智力化培育的探索。结合链式产业思维,以... 我国城镇化正处于劣势的体力城镇化阶段,特色小镇作为新型城镇化的主力军,体力化威胁仍不可避免。为缓解特色小镇体力化困境,文章基于智力城镇化的相关理论,以辽宁通远堡镇为例,围绕特色产业展开智力化培育的探索。结合链式产业思维,以智力投入、智力主体、智力产出三大环节为基础,以智力要素创新性地打造智力链条,构建可持续的特色产业,带动城镇化转型升级,以期为辽宁省乃至全国特色小镇培育提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 智力城镇化 智力投入 智力主体 智力产出 智力链
Measuring the Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on CO2 Emissions in Laos 被引量:4
作者 XIONG Chenran WANG Limao +2 位作者 YANG Chengjia QU Qiushi XIANG Ning 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2019年第6期685-691,共7页
This paper aims to explore the determinants of C〇2 emissions in Laos by accounting for the significant role played by foreign direct investment(FDI)in influencing C 02 emissions during the period 1990-2017.We apply a... This paper aims to explore the determinants of C〇2 emissions in Laos by accounting for the significant role played by foreign direct investment(FDI)in influencing C 02 emissions during the period 1990-2017.We apply a Johansen co-integration testing approach to investigate the presence of co-integration,and the empirical findings underscore the presence of a long-run co-integration relationship between CO2 emissions,FDI,per capita GDP,and industrial structure.We also employ an error-correcting model to examine the short-term dynamic effect of FDI on CO2 emissions.The empirical results show that FDI has a significant short-term dynamic effect on changes in CO2 emissions,indicating that the relationship between FDI and CO2 emissions is an inverted U-shaped curve.This is a validation of the EKC.Changes of FDI,per capita GDP,and industrial structure increase CO2 emissions.Based on the analysis results,this paper puts forward policy suggestions emphasizing the need for both Laotian policymakers and Chinese investors to improve eco-environmental quality. 展开更多
关键词 FDI CO2 emissions economic growth ecological environmental protection the Green Silk Roads resources and environmental carrying capacity
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