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作者 江文豪 李江山 冯晨 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期2289-2298,共10页
针对力学-化学荷载下压实黏土垫层中一维固结与污染物运移耦合过程,考虑了土体压缩性和渗透性的非线性变化,建立了相应的耦合模型,并利用有限差分法对该模型进行了求解。通过与有限元软件COMSOL Multiphysics计算结果和已有解析解计算... 针对力学-化学荷载下压实黏土垫层中一维固结与污染物运移耦合过程,考虑了土体压缩性和渗透性的非线性变化,建立了相应的耦合模型,并利用有限差分法对该模型进行了求解。通过与有限元软件COMSOL Multiphysics计算结果和已有解析解计算结果展开对比分析,对所建耦合模型正确性进行了验证。基于所建模型,比较研究了两种假定情况下力学荷载pu和渗滤液中污染物浓度Cb对耦合过程的影响。结果表明:当忽略非线性压缩和渗透特性时,力学荷载pu的增大会使污染物运移速率降低;但当考虑非线性压缩和渗透特性时,pu的增大会使污染物运移速率增大,这主要是由于污染物运移过程会受对流和扩散作用的综合影响。污染物浓度Cb的增大会使沉降量增大,超孔隙水压力值减小,也会使得污染物运移速率降低;相比于忽略非线性的情况,考虑非线性情况下Cb对沉降量、超孔隙水压力和污染物运移速率的影响会减弱。 展开更多
关键词 非线性固结 污染物运移 力学-化学荷载 压实黏土垫层 耦合模型
基于动态模量力学响应理论水泥混凝土桥面结构荷载特性分析 被引量:1
作者 龚啸 赵昌清 胡冰 《湖南交通科技》 2012年第4期91-98,共8页
以娄新高速公路水泥混凝土桥桥面铺装层间处置为实际研究背景,根据工程不同桥型,应用有限元方法空间进行实体建模,运用动态模量力学响应理论深入分析汽车在不同行驶状态下铺装层层间结构荷载力学响应特征,初步提出层间剪切强度、粘结强... 以娄新高速公路水泥混凝土桥桥面铺装层间处置为实际研究背景,根据工程不同桥型,应用有限元方法空间进行实体建模,运用动态模量力学响应理论深入分析汽车在不同行驶状态下铺装层层间结构荷载力学响应特征,初步提出层间剪切强度、粘结强度控制指标,为深入进行湖南省娄新高速公路水泥混凝土桥桥面层间处治研究,提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 水泥混凝土桥 铺装结构 有限元建模 动态模量 荷载力学响应 计算分析
力学损伤混凝土热传导行为细观研究 被引量:6
作者 金浏 张仁波 杜修力 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期84-91,159,共9页
为研究力学损伤对温度传导行为的影响,考虑混凝土细观结构的非均质性,将其视为由骨料、砂浆和界面过渡区组成的三相复合材料,提出并建立了力学-热学单向耦合作用研究的细观数值方法与模型。方法的思想是:首先对非均质混凝土在荷载作用... 为研究力学损伤对温度传导行为的影响,考虑混凝土细观结构的非均质性,将其视为由骨料、砂浆和界面过渡区组成的三相复合材料,提出并建立了力学-热学单向耦合作用研究的细观数值方法与模型。方法的思想是:首先对非均质混凝土在荷载作用下开裂损伤力学行为模拟分析,获得其内部的损伤分布情况;然后,将力学分析结果作为初始输入条件,结合复合材料均匀化理论,获得损伤混凝土各细观单元的导热性能,从而实现了力学-热学单向耦合作用的数值模拟。以单轴压缩加载为例,通过与试验结果的对比,验证细观方法的合理性与有效性。基于该套细观数值模拟方法,对荷载作用后混凝土试件的宏观有效导热系数与温度场分布进行了细观计算分析,对比了不同复合材料力学模型的影响,探讨分析了压缩荷载水平的影响规律。 展开更多
关键词 混凝土 非均质 力学荷载 温度传导 细观数值模拟
悬浮能量桩热-力学基本特性的数值模拟 被引量:6
作者 杨涛 花永盛 刘律智 《防灾减灾工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期518-524,597,共8页
采用多场耦合有限元数值分析方法,研究砂土地基中悬浮能量桩的热-力学特性。结果表明,桩的升温引起附加轴向压应力、上部桩身负摩阻力和桩头隆起。桩的降温引起附加轴向拉应力、上部桩身正摩阻力和桩头沉降。对于给定的温度荷载,能量桩... 采用多场耦合有限元数值分析方法,研究砂土地基中悬浮能量桩的热-力学特性。结果表明,桩的升温引起附加轴向压应力、上部桩身负摩阻力和桩头隆起。桩的降温引起附加轴向拉应力、上部桩身正摩阻力和桩头沉降。对于给定的温度荷载,能量桩的热-力学响应主要取决于桩头力学荷载的数值,温度荷载引起的桩身附加轴向应力随力学荷载数值的增加而增大,力学荷载超过某一临界值之后保持不变。地基土的温度变化在径向很快衰减,影响范围约为20倍的桩径。能量桩的热-力学特性受桩头约束条件的影响很大。桩头约束越强,温度荷载引起桩身轴向应力数值越大。 展开更多
关键词 能量桩 热-力学特性 数值模拟 温度荷载 力学荷载
挤扩支盘桩的荷载传递规律及研究现状 被引量:28
作者 王东坡 钱德玲 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第z1期4645-4648,共4页
关键词 力学 挤扩支盘桩 DX桩 荷载传递规律
基于特征锚杆工作荷载无损检测的巷道围岩稳定性评估初步研究 被引量:15
作者 李义 高国付 赵阳升 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第z2期4893-4897,共5页
围岩位移是反映地下结构稳定性的重要参数。而锚杆工作荷载是围岩与锚杆相互作用的集中体现,并且它能够利用动态无损检测方法确定。简要论述了锚杆支护作用原理和锚杆工作荷载的动态测定技术,通过相似模拟试验数据分析,初步探讨了围岩... 围岩位移是反映地下结构稳定性的重要参数。而锚杆工作荷载是围岩与锚杆相互作用的集中体现,并且它能够利用动态无损检测方法确定。简要论述了锚杆支护作用原理和锚杆工作荷载的动态测定技术,通过相似模拟试验数据分析,初步探讨了围岩变形和锚杆工作荷载二者的对应关系,由此对巷道围岩稳定性进行了评价。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 围岩稳定性 锚杆 工作荷载 无损检测
Constitutive model for concrete subjected to impact loading 被引量:6
作者 刘海峰 宁建国 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第1期79-84,共6页
To better design and analyze concrete structures, the mechanical properties of concrete subjected to impact loadings are investigated. Concrete is considered to be a two-phase composite made up of micro-cracks and sol... To better design and analyze concrete structures, the mechanical properties of concrete subjected to impact loadings are investigated. Concrete is considered to be a two-phase composite made up of micro-cracks and solid parts which consist of coarse aggregate particles and a cement mortar matrix. The cement mortar matrix is assumed to be elastic, homogeneous and isotropic. Based on the Moil-Tanaka concept of average stress and the Eshelby equivalent inclusion theory, a dynamic constitutive model is developed to simulate the impact responses of concrete. The impact compression experiments of concrete and cement mortar are also carried out. Experimental results show that concrete and cement mortar are rate-dependent. Under the same impact velocity, the load-carrying capacity of concrete is higher than that of cement mortar. Whereas, the maximum strain of concrete is lower than that of cement mortar. Regardless of whether it is concrete or cement mortar, with the increase in the impact velocity, the fragment size of specimens after experiment decreases. 展开更多
关键词 CONCRETE MICROMECHANICS dynamic constitutivemodel impact loading
作者 王贵成 吴卫国 +2 位作者 沈春根 王树林 左健民 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2007年第2期145-149,共5页
According to the structure of the hohl schaft kegel(HSK) tooling system and its working principle, a mechanical model of the HSK tooling system is established. Major factors influencing the stiffness of the system a... According to the structure of the hohl schaft kegel(HSK) tooling system and its working principle, a mechanical model of the HSK tooling system is established. Major factors influencing the stiffness of the system are analyzed and the relationship between the load and the manufacturing quality is obtained. The basic rule of the stiffness variation is presented and the theoretical analysis is in a good agreement with experimental results. The dynamic stiffness must also be considered to evaluate the performance of the tooling system besides the staticstiffness. Finally, the selecting principles of the HSK types are proposed and their optimum operating conditions are established. 展开更多
关键词 mechanical model STIFFNESS LOAD HSK tooling system
土钉瞬态应力的试验研究 被引量:7
作者 喻晓今 曾宪明 陈梦成 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第z1期4438-4441,共4页
为了描述土钉支护抗动载机理,进行了洞室土钉支护抗动载性能试验。概述了试验的基本情况与要素,并给出了洞室拱顶土钉的测试数据。依照一维粘弹性理论对拱顶土钉进行了Maxwell模型的移植拟合。考察对比了毛洞段与土钉支护加构造措施段... 为了描述土钉支护抗动载机理,进行了洞室土钉支护抗动载性能试验。概述了试验的基本情况与要素,并给出了洞室拱顶土钉的测试数据。依照一维粘弹性理论对拱顶土钉进行了Maxwell模型的移植拟合。考察对比了毛洞段与土钉支护加构造措施段在爆炸应力波作用下的瞬态应力与埋深位置的关系及其相对应力与相对点距离的关系。试验表明,土钉支护加构造措施段具有良好的粘弹性动力性能。 展开更多
关键词 力学 土钉支护 爆炸荷载 洞室 粘弹性模型
Investigation on nonlinear rolling dynamics of amphibious vehicle under wind and wave load
作者 马新谋 常列珍 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2015年第3期275-281,共7页
Nonlinear amphibious vehicle rolling under regular waves and wind load is analyzed by a single degree of freedom system.Considering nonlinear damping and restoring moments,a nonlinear rolling dynamical equation of amp... Nonlinear amphibious vehicle rolling under regular waves and wind load is analyzed by a single degree of freedom system.Considering nonlinear damping and restoring moments,a nonlinear rolling dynamical equation of amphibious vehicle is established.The Hamiltonian function of the nonlinear rolling dynamical equation of amphibious vehicle indicate when subjected to joint action of periodic wave excitation and crosswind,the nonlinear rolling system degenerates into being asymmetric.The threshold value of excited moment of wave and wind is analyzed by the Melnikov method.Finally,the nonlinear rolling motion response and phase portrait were simulated by four order Runge-Kutta method at different excited moment parameters. 展开更多
关键词 amphibious vehicle nonlinear rolling motion Melnikov method nonlinear dynamics crosswind load
作者 杨永丽 《甘肃科技纵横》 2010年第3期139-140,共2页
本论述阐述了建筑设计中结构构思的重要性,并提出了结构构思的一些基本力学意识和进行结构构思的基重点说明荷载路径、荷载路径形状和结构形体对结构的影响。建筑师在掌握这些基本概念的同时,应与结构工程力,尽可能地达到建筑与结构、... 本论述阐述了建筑设计中结构构思的重要性,并提出了结构构思的一些基本力学意识和进行结构构思的基重点说明荷载路径、荷载路径形状和结构形体对结构的影响。建筑师在掌握这些基本概念的同时,应与结构工程力,尽可能地达到建筑与结构、力与美的完美结合。 展开更多
关键词 建筑设计 结构构思 力学荷载
Damage and failure rule of rock undergoing uniaxial compressive load and dynamic load 被引量:21
作者 左宇军 李夕兵 +3 位作者 周子龙 马春德 张义平 王卫华 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2005年第6期742-748,共7页
For understanding the damage and failure rule of rock under different uniaxial compressive loads and dynamic loads, tests on red sandstone were carried out on Instron 1342 electro-servo controlled testing system with ... For understanding the damage and failure rule of rock under different uniaxial compressive loads and dynamic loads, tests on red sandstone were carried out on Instron 1342 electro-servo controlled testing system with different uniaxial compressive loads of 0, 2, 4 and 6 MPa. It is found that peak stress, peak strain, elastic modulus and total strain energy decrease with the increase of static compressive stress. Based on the test results, the mechanism on damage and failure of rock was analyzed, and according to the equivalent strain hypothesis, a new constitutive model of elastic-plastic damage was established, and then the calculated results with the established model were compared with test results to show a good agreement. Furthermore the rule of releasing ratio of damage strain energy was discussed. 展开更多
关键词 uniaxial static compressive load dynamic load DAMAGE constitutive model ENERGY
Vertical bearing capacity of pile based on load transfer model 被引量:7
作者 赵明华 杨明辉 邹新军 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2005年第4期488-493,共6页
The load transfer analytical method is applied to study the bearing mechanism of piles with vertical load in this paper. According to the different hardening rules of soil or rock around the pile shaft, such as work-s... The load transfer analytical method is applied to study the bearing mechanism of piles with vertical load in this paper. According to the different hardening rules of soil or rock around the pile shaft, such as work-softening, ideal elasto-plastic and work-hardening, a universal tri-linear load transfer model is suggested for the development of side and tip resistance by various types of soil (rock) with the consideration of sediment at the bottom of the pile. Based on the model, a formula is derived for the relationship between the settlement and load on the pile top to determine the vertical bearing capacity, taking into account such factors as the characteristics of the stratum, the side resistance along the shaft, and tip resistance under the pile tip. A close agreement of the calculated results with the measured data from a field test pile lends confidence to the future application of the present approach in engineering practice. 展开更多
关键词 pile foundation load transfer model top settlement vertical bearing capacity
Numerical simulation of dynamic fracture properties of rocks under different static stress conditions 被引量:6
作者 LIANG Zheng-zhao QIAN Xi-kun +1 位作者 ZHANG Ya-fang LIAO Zhi-yi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期624-644,共21页
When underground cavities are subjected to explosive stress waves,a uniquely damaged zone may appear due to the combined effect of dynamic loading and static pre-load stress.In this study,a rate-dependent two-dimensio... When underground cavities are subjected to explosive stress waves,a uniquely damaged zone may appear due to the combined effect of dynamic loading and static pre-load stress.In this study,a rate-dependent two-dimensional rock dynamic constitutive model was established to investigate the dynamic fractures of rocks under different static stress conditions.The effects of the loading rate and peak amplitude of the blasting wave under different confining pressures and the vertical compressive coefficient(K_(0))were considered.The numerical simulated results reproduced the initiation and further propagation of primary radial crack fractures,which were in agreement with the experimental results.The dynamic loading rate,peak amplitude,static vertical compressive coefficient(K_(0))and confining pressure affected the evolution of fractures around the borehole.The heterogeneity parameter(m)plays an important role in the evolution of fractures around the borehole.The crack propagation path became more discontinuous and rougher in a smallerheterogeneity parameter case. 展开更多
关键词 rock mechanics coupled static and dynamic loading numerical simulation rate-dependent damage constitutive model
Analytical solutions of simply supported magnetoelectroelastic circular plate under uniform loads 被引量:5
作者 陈江英 丁皓江 侯鹏飞 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第5期560-564,共5页
In this paper, the axisymmetric general solutions of transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelastic media are expressed with four harmonic displacement functions at first. Then, based on the solutions, the analytical th... In this paper, the axisymmetric general solutions of transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelastic media are expressed with four harmonic displacement functions at first. Then, based on the solutions, the analytical three-dimensional solutions are provided for a simply supported magnetoelectroelastic circular plate subjected to uniform loads. Finally, the example of circular plate is presented. 展开更多
关键词 Simply supported Magnetoelectroelastic circular pla te General solution Analytical solution
A stability study of goaf based on mechanical properties degradation of rock caused by rheological and disturbing loads 被引量:11
作者 Xiao Chao Zheng Huaichang +1 位作者 Hou Xiaolin Zhang Xiaojun 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第5期741-747,共7页
Based on the classical static theory and static numerical simulation,the static method could not accurately reflect the stability of goaf where the rocks on the pillar and roof are influenced by Theological and blasti... Based on the classical static theory and static numerical simulation,the static method could not accurately reflect the stability of goaf where the rocks on the pillar and roof are influenced by Theological and blasting disturbance for a long time.According to the test from the site,an experimental study was made in Theological and dynamic disturbance.After that,on the basis of variable rock mechanics parameters from the experimental data,numerical simulation was used to analyze the vertical stress distribution of goaf,vertical displacement and plastic area of roof in the "deterioration" caused by Theological and blasting,which shows that the mechanics properties of the rock were greatly influenced by Theological,and dynamic disturbance.The results of the experimental study and numerical simulation show that the mechanics properties of rock are greatly influenced by Theological and dynamic disturbance.As a result,the stability of goaf is greatly reduced.Finally,by comparing golf monitoring results with the analysis of theoretical calculation,it was found that the results were approximately the same,which testifies the reliability of the method.This method provides a new way of studying the stability of goaf as well as laying a basic foundation for future safety management. 展开更多
关键词 Stability of goaf Rheological disturbance experiment Rock mechanics parameters Numerical simulation
Fatigue properties analysis of cracked rock based on fracture evolution process 被引量:7
作者 张平 徐建光 李宁 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第1期95-99,共5页
Fracture evolution process (initiation, propagation and coalescence) of cracked rock was observed and the force- displacement curves of cracked rock were measured under uniaxial cyclic loading. The tested specimens ma... Fracture evolution process (initiation, propagation and coalescence) of cracked rock was observed and the force- displacement curves of cracked rock were measured under uniaxial cyclic loading. The tested specimens made of sandstone-like modeling material contained three pre-existing intermittent cracks with different geometrical distributions. The experimental results indicate that the fatigue deformation limit corresponding to the maximal cyclic load is equal to that of post-peak locus of static complete force?displacement curve; the fatigue deformation process can be divided into three stages: initial deformation, constant deformation rate and accelerative deformation; the time of fracture initiation, propagation and coalescence corresponds to the change of irreversible deformation. 展开更多
关键词 rock mechanics fatigue properties cyclic loading fracture evolution fatigue damage
Improved methods for decreasing stresses of concrete slab of large-span through tied-arch composite bridge 被引量:2
作者 周德 叶梅新 罗如登 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第3期648-652,共5页
Mechanical behavior of concrete slab of large-span through tied-arch composite bridge was investigated by finite element analysis (FEA). Improved methods to decrease concrete stresses were discussed based on compariso... Mechanical behavior of concrete slab of large-span through tied-arch composite bridge was investigated by finite element analysis (FEA). Improved methods to decrease concrete stresses were discussed based on comparisons of different deck schemes, construction sequences and measures, and ratios of reinforcement. The results show that the mechanical behavior of concrete slab gets worse with the increase of composite regions between steel beams and concrete slab. The deck scheme with the minimum composite region is recommended on condition that both strength and stiffness of the bridge meet design demands under service loads. Adopting in-situ-place construction method, concrete is suggested to be cast after removing the full-supported frameworks under the bridge. Thus, the axial tensile force of concrete slab caused by the first stage dead load is eliminated. Preloading the bridge before concrete casting and removing the load after the concrete reaching its design strength, the stresses of concrete slab caused by the second stage dead load and live load are further reduced or even eliminated. At last, with a high ratio of reinforcement more than 3%, the concrete stresses decrease obviously. 展开更多
关键词 composite bridge concrete slab tension through tied-arch large span finite element method
Aerodynamic problems of cable-stayed bridges spanning over one thousand meters 被引量:1
作者 Chen Airong Ma Rujin Wang Dalei 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2009年第3期16-22,共7页
The elongating of cable-stayed bridge brings a series of aerodynamic problems. First of all,geometric nonlinear effect of extreme long cable is much more significant for cable-stayed bridge spanning over one thousand ... The elongating of cable-stayed bridge brings a series of aerodynamic problems. First of all,geometric nonlinear effect of extreme long cable is much more significant for cable-stayed bridge spanning over one thousand meters. Lateral static wind load will generate additional displacement of long cables,which causes the decrease of supporting rigidity of the whole bridge and the change of dynamic properties. Wind load,being the controlling load in the design of cable-stayed bridge,is a critical problem and needs to be solved. Meanwhile,research on suitable system between pylon and deck indicates fixed-fixed connection system is an effective way for improvement performance of cable-stayed bridges under longitudinal wind load. In order to obtain aerodynamic parameters of cable-stayed bridge spanning over one thousand meters,identification method for flutter derivatives of full bridge aero-elastic model is developed in this paper. Furthermore,vortex induced vibration and Reynolds number effect are detailed discussed. 展开更多
关键词 cable-stayed bridge dynamic properties suitable system between pylon and deck Reynolds number effect flutter derivatives
Influences on Generation of White Etching Crack Networks in Rolling Bearings 被引量:3
作者 Joerg Loos Toni Blass +2 位作者 Joerg Franke Wolfram Kruhoeffer Iris Bergmann 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2016年第2期85-94,共10页
In rare cases rolling bearings fail by WEC (white etching crack) damage before reaching their calculated rating life, if so called additional loads are applied on the bearing in addition to the normal Hertzian stre... In rare cases rolling bearings fail by WEC (white etching crack) damage before reaching their calculated rating life, if so called additional loads are applied on the bearing in addition to the normal Hertzian stress (PHz). A number of additional loads have been identified by means of tests with rolling bearings. These can be small direct currents as a result of electrostatic charge or large alternating currents from inverter-fed drives that unintentionally flow through the bearing. WEC damages can also be initiated by a pure mechanical additional load which is dependent on factors including the bearing kinematics but also on the dynamics of the drive train. The current state of knowledge on this subject is presented and taken as the basis for developing a hypothesis on the WEC damage mechanism. If load situations critical for WEC cannot be avoided, the risk of WEC can be considerably reduced by the selection of suitable materials and coatings as well as, in some cases, of suitable lubricants. 展开更多
关键词 Rolling bearing WEC (white etching crack) WSF (white structure flaking) hydrogen fatigue.
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