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力本论底盘上的微观政治游戏——德勒兹政治哲学的后现代地平线 被引量:1
作者 程党根 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第3期37-40,共4页
德勒兹的微观政治哲学是后现代语境中政治思想的阐释 ,其中心是从尼采权力意志理论中提炼出来的力本论。德勒兹视差异、欲望、解码或解辖域化因素为主动和肯定的力量 ,在伦理和政治上倡导一种差异、欲望和解辖域化的政治试验 。
关键词 力本论 差异 欲望 辖域 解辖域 鸟托邦
作者 王奋飞 《社会科学战线》 北大核心 2023年第4期179-187,共9页
乡村主位视频以社区影像和短视频/移动直播为主,它对乡村生活世界的直观暴露将乡村带入全球化的交互之中,绘制了挣脱传统束缚的“逃逸”新路线,搭建了跨越地理边界的游牧性空间。在德勒兹的力本论的视野中,乡村主位视频是技术进步赋予... 乡村主位视频以社区影像和短视频/移动直播为主,它对乡村生活世界的直观暴露将乡村带入全球化的交互之中,绘制了挣脱传统束缚的“逃逸”新路线,搭建了跨越地理边界的游牧性空间。在德勒兹的力本论的视野中,乡村主位视频是技术进步赋予的“所能”与原始的“所愿”共构的新生之力。差异形象是这种力的“可见性”,通过充满相异因素的乡村质料被影像“看和说”。它也是这种力的“谋略思想”,促使人的力量与影像的力量相结合,推动乡村主位视频多元生发,创造了新的生命情境——影像游牧。乡村主位视频呈现了极富差异的渐变的情感表达和欲望生成,喻示某种存在方式的建构和乡村主体性的回归,进而构成微观的生命哲学和游牧政治。 展开更多
关键词 视觉之 差异形象 影像游牧 乡村主位视频 力本论
作者 张璐 谷晓芸 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期96-100,共5页
莱布尼茨力本论自然哲学与北宋张载气本论思想具有很强的理论亲和性,从二者作为世界本源的"气"与"力"的分析入手,解释二者以"努力"与"性"为实体核心以及建立的"努力/形体"与"性... 莱布尼茨力本论自然哲学与北宋张载气本论思想具有很强的理论亲和性,从二者作为世界本源的"气"与"力"的分析入手,解释二者以"努力"与"性"为实体核心以及建立的"努力/形体"与"性/形"为实体结构的理论通融性,在双向比较的基础上揭示其本体论的立论基础、结构层次、逻辑进路和理论面向,在批判的基础上分析二者殊途同归后为何又南辕北辙,为西方科学哲学以及中国儒家自然哲学应对当代现实问题提供某种建设性的观点。 展开更多
关键词 莱布尼茨 力本论 张载 本论 比较
梁启超的力性个人观 被引量:3
作者 顾红亮 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期103-108,共6页
梁启超的《新民说》阐发一种力本论,把力本论与个人观联系起来,可以看到梁启超持有一种崇尚力量的个人观,简称力性个人观。这种个人观认为,力性的个人将是一个体力强健、心力饱满和能力超拔的现代个人,是一个有"力"度的个人... 梁启超的《新民说》阐发一种力本论,把力本论与个人观联系起来,可以看到梁启超持有一种崇尚力量的个人观,简称力性个人观。这种个人观认为,力性的个人将是一个体力强健、心力饱满和能力超拔的现代个人,是一个有"力"度的个人。梁启超的力性个人观所讲的力本论有颠覆传统哲学的力命和王霸之辨的倾向,揭示出现代个人观由德性个人观向力性个人观的转型。 展开更多
关键词 梁启超 《新民说》 个人观 力本论 德性个人观
近代“文明论”的兴起与清末小说中关于“文明”的歧见——以《瓜分惨祸预言记》和《新石头记》为例 被引量:2
作者 耿传明 于冰轮 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期168-177,共10页
近代文学不同于传统文学的一大变化在于其内在文化价值观念的变化。近代价值观变化的第一次大潮表现为"以西洋文明为目标"的文明论的兴起,它颠覆了中国人既往对于"文明"和"野蛮"的理解和判断,改变了中国... 近代文学不同于传统文学的一大变化在于其内在文化价值观念的变化。近代价值观变化的第一次大潮表现为"以西洋文明为目标"的文明论的兴起,它颠覆了中国人既往对于"文明"和"野蛮"的理解和判断,改变了中国人的自我定位及看待世界的基本方式。《瓜分惨祸预言记》与《新石头记》都以其对"文明"的理解和想象来与时代对话,前者认同于西方现代性的文明观,为中国设计、想象了一条通过自身主动的"文明化"来免于灭亡的途径;后者则延续了传统德本论的文明观,向往一种德力兼胜、始终由道德来统摄一切的"真文明",并以此来超越现代西方文明中的力本论倾向。这两种对于文明的理解和想象都存在着各自的洞见和盲区,由此可以启发我们将文明作为一种未完成的目标而非已固化的现实来进行重新理解和思考。 展开更多
关键词 清末小说 文明论 《瓜分惨祸预言记》 《新石头记》 本论 力本论
作者 李锐 《甘肃理论学刊》 2016年第4期97-101,共5页
马克思的"科技手稿"是《1861-1863年经济学手稿》的重要组成部分,其写作缘起于对相对剩余价值生产的深入分析和探讨。马克思在"科技手稿"中全面探究了社会生产发展过程中的协作、分工、机器大生产和科学技术的应用... 马克思的"科技手稿"是《1861-1863年经济学手稿》的重要组成部分,其写作缘起于对相对剩余价值生产的深入分析和探讨。马克思在"科技手稿"中全面探究了社会生产发展过程中的协作、分工、机器大生产和科学技术的应用等阶段,高度评价了科学技术和机器大生产对发展生产力所做的巨大贡献,但这并不是无限抬高技术的社会作用,将其置于"本体"的高度,而是为了批判技术发展背后的资本主义生产关系和资本,揭露资本家对劳动者的残酷剥削和压榨。因此,马克思不是"技术力本论者",他的主要注意力始终在无产阶级解放和社会革命上。研究马克思的"技术手稿",不能将其与整部《资本论》割裂开来,更不能脱离马克思进行政治经济学批判的初衷。 展开更多
关键词 科学技术 技术力本论 机器大生产 资本本体论 劳动
作者 李锐 《中共合肥市委党校学报》 2016年第4期3-7,共5页
马克思的"科技手稿"是《1861-1863年经济学手稿》的重要组成部分,其写作缘起于对相对剩余价值生产的深入分析和探讨。马克思在"科技手稿"中全面探究了社会生产发展过程中的协作、分工、机器大生产和科学技术的应用... 马克思的"科技手稿"是《1861-1863年经济学手稿》的重要组成部分,其写作缘起于对相对剩余价值生产的深入分析和探讨。马克思在"科技手稿"中全面探究了社会生产发展过程中的协作、分工、机器大生产和科学技术的应用等阶段,高度评价了科学技术和机器大生产对发展生产力所做的巨大贡献,但这并不是无限抬高技术的社会作用,将其置于"本体"的高度,而是为了批判技术发展背后的资本主义生产关系和资本,揭露资本家对劳动者的残酷剥削和压榨。因此,马克思不是"技术力本论者",他的主要注意力始终在无产阶级解放和社会革命上。研究马克思的"技术手稿",不能将其与整部《资本论》割裂开来,更不能脱离马克思进行政治经济学批判的初衷。 展开更多
关键词 科学技术 技术力本论 机器大生产 资本本体论 劳动
“抽象力”:《资本论》的“认识论” 被引量:9
作者 白刚 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期13-21,128,共10页
近代西方哲学的“认识论转向”,并不是表面的“认识对象”的不同和区分,而是“认识方式”的不同和区分,也即一种从“客体性逻辑”到“主体性逻辑”的“认识逻辑”的根本转换和“认识主体”的时代凸显。在此基础上,《资本论》的认识论革... 近代西方哲学的“认识论转向”,并不是表面的“认识对象”的不同和区分,而是“认识方式”的不同和区分,也即一种从“客体性逻辑”到“主体性逻辑”的“认识逻辑”的根本转换和“认识主体”的时代凸显。在此基础上,《资本论》的认识论革命,必须在“认识论转向”而不是“认识论断裂”的意义上才能理解:它既不同于古典政治经济学非批判的“抽象实在论”,也不同于古典哲学非批判的“抽象辩证法”,而是将二者有机结合的“批判的和革命的”辩证法——“抽象力”。正是借助于“抽象力”,作为“政治经济学批判”的《资本论》才能既超越古典政治经济学的“直观抽象”,又超越德国古典哲学的“思辨抽象”,深入把握和具体分析作为商品交换关系背后所掩盖的“资本主义生产方式”这一独特“认识对象”。唯此,《资本论》才能对作为政治经济学“轴心”的“资本和劳动的关系”做出科学的说明,才能揭开笼罩商品世界的一切“魔法妖术”和全部神秘性,最终破解“抽象”之谜,使近代哲学的认识论转向获得其完全的意义。 展开更多
关键词 抽象《资本论 认识论
作者 毕坤 《学术探索》 2018年第10期99-106,共8页
本文围绕梁启超与"睡狮",与"睡狮"相关的"傀儡""病夫""乳虎"等一系列国族形象的密切关系,结合梁启超的个人经历,与睡狮一喻的历史成型语境,对目前流行的睡狮形象提出新的见解:睡狮... 本文围绕梁启超与"睡狮",与"睡狮"相关的"傀儡""病夫""乳虎"等一系列国族形象的密切关系,结合梁启超的个人经历,与睡狮一喻的历史成型语境,对目前流行的睡狮形象提出新的见解:睡狮在梁氏笔下是取外强中干、老大腐朽的傀儡义,是具有强烈负面意涵的国族形象。以睡狮为切入口,对梁启超在戊戌变法失败后,流亡日本最初的几年内其思想的异变,尤其是与革命派及革命思想的暧昧关系,进行深入分析。 展开更多
关键词 睡狮 梁启超 革命 力本论 破坏主义
作者 张义同 徐家福 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2001年第1期36-39,共4页
Buckling of a woven fabric is analyzed in this paper when it is subjected to a simple shear in warp direction.The equation to determine the buckling direction (buckling wave direction) is obtained and it is found that... Buckling of a woven fabric is analyzed in this paper when it is subjected to a simple shear in warp direction.The equation to determine the buckling direction (buckling wave direction) is obtained and it is found that the buckling direction is related to the critical amount of shear.It is shown that the out-of-plane buckling of fabric is possible and only a flexural buckling mode can exist.The buckling condition for flexural mode is obtained and the curve for that is illustrated. 展开更多
关键词 fabric mechanics fabric buckling fabric constitutive theory
A study of communicative approach in the perspective of teaching ontology 被引量:1
作者 陈霞 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第11期35-39,共5页
This paper approaches the Communicative Approach (CA) from ontological perspective by making structural and functional analyses with consideration of influential variables in the communicative language teaching. In ... This paper approaches the Communicative Approach (CA) from ontological perspective by making structural and functional analyses with consideration of influential variables in the communicative language teaching. In terms of entitative dimension, the basic components of the CA are communicative subjects, context and situation, content, and mode. From the functional perspective, the CA helps to improve the learners' ability to communicate in the target language, the dual construction of the learners and the target culture, and the mutual development of the teacher and the learners. 展开更多
关键词 teaching ontology communicative competence Communicative Approach (CA)
Theoretical analysis of thermoviscoelastic contact between friction lining and wire rope in mine friction hoists 被引量:2
作者 PENG Yu-xing ZHU Zhen-cai CHEN Guo-an 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第4期518-521,共4页
Serious accidents of mine hoists caused by high-speed sliding between friction lining and wire rope are often seen in coal mines.In order to solve this problem,we analyzed the contact characteristics between friction ... Serious accidents of mine hoists caused by high-speed sliding between friction lining and wire rope are often seen in coal mines.In order to solve this problem,we analyzed the contact characteristics between friction lining and wire rope.Then we carried out a dynamic mechanical analysis(DMA) to explain the change in mechanical properties of the friction lining as function of temperature and load frequency and found that temperature has a stronger effect on the mechanical properties than the frequency.We used multiple regression analysis to obtain the thermoviscoelastic constitutive relations of the friction lining.As well we derived the analytic solution for the thermoviscoelastic contact radius and pressure by combining the theory of viscoelastic contact mechanics with thermoviscoelastic constitutive relations. 展开更多
关键词 contact mechanics THERMOVISCOELASTICITY friction lining dynamic mechanical analysis mine hoist
Alerting Silence: Learning About Contemplation From Samuel Beckett
作者 David Torevell 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第1期17-28,共12页
The judicious and timely use of silence within worship is becoming increasingly recognised as a crucially important aspect of its performance. This article suggests that Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot has much to... The judicious and timely use of silence within worship is becoming increasingly recognised as a crucially important aspect of its performance. This article suggests that Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot has much to offer liturgists about silence's dramatic potential and its ability to alert others to a contemplative mode of being. I refute the predominant way of seeing the play as an absurdist text and indicate that a more persuasive reading would situate it within a contemplative hermeneutics which gives due weight to silence as an ontological phenomenon. One key to appreciating this interpretation is to see the play against the backdrop of the Christian contemplative tradition. Thus, the article, besides encouraging liturgists to pay attention to dramatists also suggests that dramatists might draw from religion's insights and history. 展开更多
On Equity Between Human and Nature
作者 WU Xuan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第6期442-449,共8页
Ontological negation advance the third kind of relationship between human and nature, "Equity Between Human and Nature", which different from either "Western antagonism" or "Chinese traditional integration". Hum... Ontological negation advance the third kind of relationship between human and nature, "Equity Between Human and Nature", which different from either "Western antagonism" or "Chinese traditional integration". Human and Nature divided but equivalent, based on the limitation of Antagonism and Oneness Between Human and Nature, as well as the Fact and empirical discovery of equity between human and hature". This third point of view is expected to bring a creative and productive separation and "a new harmony" which keeps those two different types of the worlds mutual, respectful and equal. 展开更多
关键词 EQUITY ANTAGONISM ATTACHMENT the third kind of view
Enterprise salary system research (study of Jetter company)
作者 QiaoyuWang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第1期46-49,共4页
Facing with the future increasingly changed economy environment, a company who wants to survive forever has to control the key point of owning person with ability and core competence. However, the main question needs ... Facing with the future increasingly changed economy environment, a company who wants to survive forever has to control the key point of owning person with ability and core competence. However, the main question needs to he solved is to design a motivational compensation system which not only have competence when compared with other companies but also have cohesive force for the staffand can evaluate them fairly. Salary should not just be the cost of paying for worker's labor but should have more functions to introduct them to obey orders and stimulate their activities. This essay has some reference to enrich the motivational compensation system by discussing the motivational plans in different period of a company and analyzing the actual working operation. This essay aims at applying present compensation theory to small and medium-sized enterprises to get some beneficial discoveries, concluding a compensation dcsign system which suits for the traits of small and medium-sized enterprises from the strategic level and technical level. As a result, we can improve our company's core competence. 展开更多
关键词 MOTIVATION Compensation system Evaluate DISCUSS
Heisenberg's Versus Von Neumann's Indeterminism of Quantum Mechanics
作者 Franz Klaus Jansen 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第5期240-251,共12页
Irreducible indeterminism is considered by most physicists as an ontological interpretation of quantum mechanics, which attributes inherent indeterminism to elementary paJcticles. This view was extrapolated by von Neu... Irreducible indeterminism is considered by most physicists as an ontological interpretation of quantum mechanics, which attributes inherent indeterminism to elementary paJcticles. This view was extrapolated by von Neumann from the atomocosm to the entire universe. Heisenberg proposed an epistemic interpretation, postulating that indeterminism stems from ambivalent detection systems, rather than being a characteristic of elementary particles Transformative detection that inherently affects the measured phenomena is responsible for the indeterminism in the atomocosm. As the same does not generally hold true in the macrocosm, this discrepancy has led to the notion of the Heisenberg cut. As explained by Heisenberg's microscope example, high-energy light can displace electrons from their atomic shells in the atomocosm, but would not induce the same effect on objects in the macrocosm, thus rendering such detection neutral. Therefore, detection systems are ambivalent in that they can be transformative under the cut and neutral otherwise. Device variation is found under and above the cut and is the essential cause of outcome variability in the macrocosm. Thus, two completely different categories of indeterminism exist simultaneously under the Heisenberg cut, but only one is found above the cut, known as measurement variations of devices. Experimental exploration of elementary paJcticle behaviors is possible only with the help of detection systems. If these systems affect particle characteristics in any way, this would be sufficient to explain the irreducible quantum mechanical indeterminism. Consequently, the true behavior of elementary particles, whether indeterminist or determinist, would never be detectable. Above the cut, on the other hand, variations in device performance are inevitable, due to reducible perturbing factors, inducing measurement wJciation of devices Heisenberg discovered a general principle of ambivalent detection systems, which can also be found in the macrocosm. In the Wilson Cloud Chamber, vapor is an ambivalent detection system, since high-energy charged particles would produce straight tracks, whereas those of lower energy would leave an irregular trace. According to the epistemic interpretation, von Neumann's extrapolation of irreducible quantum mechanical indeterminism to the entire universe would not be necessary, thereby avoiding the uncomfortable conclusion that the entire universe is based on indeterminism 展开更多
关键词 quantum mechanics INDETERMINISM ontic interpretation extrapolation to universe epistemicinterpretation Heisenberg cut detection systems device variations
现代性的歧路:清末民初的社会达尔文主义思潮 被引量:28
作者 许纪霖 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期48-61,共14页
自进化论传入中国,斯宾塞的社会达尔文主义提供了一条物竞天择、适者生存的富强之路。斯宾塞的竞争进化论,与中国文化传统中儒家的经世致用、法家的富国强兵相结合,形成了近代中国物质主义与功利主义的狂潮。社会达尔文主义颠覆了两千... 自进化论传入中国,斯宾塞的社会达尔文主义提供了一条物竞天择、适者生存的富强之路。斯宾塞的竞争进化论,与中国文化传统中儒家的经世致用、法家的富国强兵相结合,形成了近代中国物质主义与功利主义的狂潮。社会达尔文主义颠覆了两千年来中国传统的礼的秩序,代之以竞争为核心的力的秩序,并产生了以强者为主导的新国民人格。然而,这一去价值、去伦理的力的秩序,在清末民初产生了严重的政治后果,它造就了民国,却毁了共和。五四知识分子痛定思痛,重新思考中国的复兴之路,开始了从富强到文明的历史转变。 展开更多
关键词 社会达尔文主义 力本论 物质主义 功利主义
Unified calculation of eigen-solutions in power systems based on matrix perturbation theory
作者 LI Yan GAO WenZhong +2 位作者 JIANG JiuChun WANG ChenShan MULJADI Eduard 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期1594-1601,共8页
Calculation of eigen-solutions plays an important role in the small signal stability analysis of power systems.In this paper,a novel approach based on matrix perturbation theory is proposed for the calculation of eige... Calculation of eigen-solutions plays an important role in the small signal stability analysis of power systems.In this paper,a novel approach based on matrix perturbation theory is proposed for the calculation of eigen-solutions in a perturbed system.Rigorous theoretical analysis is conducted on the solution of distinct,multiple,and close eigen-solutions,respectively,under perturbations of parameters.The computational flowchart of the unified solution of eigen-solutions is then proposed,aimed toward obtaining eigen-solutions of a perturbed system directly with algebraic formulas without solving an eigenvalue problem repeatedly.Finally,the effectiveness of the matrix perturbation based approach for eigen-solutions’calculation in power systems is verified by numerical examples on a two-area four-machine system. 展开更多
关键词 matrix perturbation matrix spectrum decomposition shift method unified solution approach eigen-solutions
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