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一种新型的磁弹性静力测量系统 被引量:6
作者 姜德生 黄晓华 王立新 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期335-337,349,共4页
Tb- Dy- Fe单晶材料是一种在室温下具有超磁弹性能的新型稀土智能合金 ,具有能量密度大、转换效率高等特点。这种材料的应用研究正受到越来越多的重视。其已有的应用方式主要是采用电磁能转换为弹性能和动态弹性能转换为动态电磁能这两... Tb- Dy- Fe单晶材料是一种在室温下具有超磁弹性能的新型稀土智能合金 ,具有能量密度大、转换效率高等特点。这种材料的应用研究正受到越来越多的重视。其已有的应用方式主要是采用电磁能转换为弹性能和动态弹性能转换为动态电磁能这两类。我们新近研制的 Tb- Dy- Fe单晶磁弹性静力测量系统首次实现了静态弹性能向 (动态 )电磁能的转换。相对以低磁弹性硅钢材料为敏感器件的传统磁弹性力测量系统而言 ,本系统具有磁弹性强、灵敏度高、结构简单、工艺方便、整体性好、驱动源小等优点。 展开更多
关键词 磁弹性 Tb-Dy-Fe单晶 力测量系统 智能材料
基于ARM920T的嵌入式静力测量系统设计 被引量:1
作者 赵金 张克朗 付敏 《电子元器件应用》 2007年第5期5-7,11,共4页
关键词 力测量系统 嵌入式 LINUX平台 ARM920T内核 S3CFS2410
轧制力测量系统在热轧板厂生产中的作用 被引量:1
作者 周明华 《梅山科技》 2005年第3期4-6,共3页
热轧板厂采用轧制力测量系统实时测量轧制压力和空载辊缝。通过给测压头内一次绕组通交变电流,产生磁场,在负载作用下,利用磁致伸缩原理,在二次绕组中产生感应电势,控制单元将其转换成与轧制力成正比的直流电压。一方面用于测量轧... 热轧板厂采用轧制力测量系统实时测量轧制压力和空载辊缝。通过给测压头内一次绕组通交变电流,产生磁场,在负载作用下,利用磁致伸缩原理,在二次绕组中产生感应电势,控制单元将其转换成与轧制力成正比的直流电压。一方面用于测量轧制压力,另一方面,用于模型控制,轧制力测量系统自投运以来具有稳定性好、响应快、精度高、易维护等特点。 展开更多
关键词 轧制力测量系统 热轧板厂 磁致伸缩原理 轧制压 自动厚度控制
航空重力测量比力温控系统热优化设计 被引量:5
作者 李纪莲 张玘 张开东 《中国惯性技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期155-158,共4页
以国内首台具有完全自主知识产权的捷联式航空重力仪的比力温控系统为基础,针对该温控系统测试过程中暴露的一些温度梯度较大等问题,为进一步提高比力测量精度,结合相关的热设计标准和规范,提出了航空重力测量比力温控系统热优化设计方... 以国内首台具有完全自主知识产权的捷联式航空重力仪的比力温控系统为基础,针对该温控系统测试过程中暴露的一些温度梯度较大等问题,为进一步提高比力测量精度,结合相关的热设计标准和规范,提出了航空重力测量比力温控系统热优化设计方案,并进行建模与仿真实验分析。分析表明,该热优化设计方案能有效减小比力温控系统温度梯度,将温控系统内部最大温度差由0.79℃降低到0.37℃,可以提供更稳定的温度场并有效确保加速度计的精确标定并进一步提高重力测量精度。 展开更多
关键词 航空重测量 力测量系统 温度控制 热优化设计
静力水准测量系统在向家坝水电站的应用 被引量:11
作者 李农发 赵义飞 《大地测量与地球动力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第A01期181-182,185,共3页
关键词 水准测量系统 标定 沉降 差动变压器 稳定性
力平衡式闭环测量系统 被引量:2
作者 王威 邓捷 《兵工自动化》 2001年第2期30-32,共3页
将控制理论中的反馈技术应用于力平衡式测量领域,形成力平衡式闭环测量系统。该系统将系统输出反馈与输入信号比较产生偏差信号,此信号经前向环节放大后调节反馈量直至偏差信号为零,其输出即为测得值。系统的构成主要包括前向环节和... 将控制理论中的反馈技术应用于力平衡式测量领域,形成力平衡式闭环测量系统。该系统将系统输出反馈与输入信号比较产生偏差信号,此信号经前向环节放大后调节反馈量直至偏差信号为零,其输出即为测得值。系统的构成主要包括前向环节和反馈环节,保证系统稳定或满足不同频响则需加入复合反馈环节和在放大环节中加入校正环节。并以力平衡式加速度测量系统和绝对吸引式圆盘电压测量系统为例,讨论了这种闭环测量系统的组成、原理、传递函数、特点和应用效果。 展开更多
关键词 平衡式测量系统 控制理论 反馈技术 加速度 绝对吸引式圆盘电压 闭环测量系统
作者 杨虹 任卫东 吴旭 《电子制作》 2025年第1期105-110,共6页
自杜波夫教授提出金属磁记忆技术后,金属材料力磁耦合关系的研究成为热门领域。尽管对铁磁性材料的力磁关系已有大量文章发表,然而对非铁磁性材料的研究相对较少。因此,本研究以非铁磁性材料5A06铝合金为对象,利用高精度微磁检测仪器,... 自杜波夫教授提出金属磁记忆技术后,金属材料力磁耦合关系的研究成为热门领域。尽管对铁磁性材料的力磁关系已有大量文章发表,然而对非铁磁性材料的研究相对较少。因此,本研究以非铁磁性材料5A06铝合金为对象,利用高精度微磁检测仪器,在地磁场环境下搭建了力-磁测量系统。设计了不同载荷、不同波形的拉伸力磁测量实验,并引入能量守恒模型以分析弹性阶段的力磁关系。分析实验结果表明,在5A06材料的弹性形变阶段,实验数据与模型推导预测结果的相关系数高于0.946,即磁信号的变化能够有效反映加载荷的变化;在材料的塑性形变阶段,磁信号随应力变化的趋势与铁磁性材料的变化趋势相近,且在载荷卸载后均会出现“记忆效应”。 展开更多
关键词 非铁磁性材料 微磁检测 -磁测量系统 能量守恒
作者 张理亚 《地球》 2019年第1期90-91,共2页
基于桥梁变形监测中仍然存在监测精度低、实时性能不理想的情况,研究高精度静力水准测量系统在桥梁变形实时监测中的应用,对进一步提高桥梁变形实时监测质量、精度等方面有积极作用。结合广州亚奥建设工程咨询有限公司负责的实际项目工... 基于桥梁变形监测中仍然存在监测精度低、实时性能不理想的情况,研究高精度静力水准测量系统在桥梁变形实时监测中的应用,对进一步提高桥梁变形实时监测质量、精度等方面有积极作用。结合广州亚奥建设工程咨询有限公司负责的实际项目工程,针对高精度静力水准测量系统的传感监测、系统应用效果等方面进行,测量精度可以达到0.3mm,可以有效的对桥梁变形进行实时监测,希望通过本次对高精度静力水准测量系统的研究,可以为同行业或桥梁变形监测工作调整等方面参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁 变形 高精度 水准测量系统
作者 毛俊涛 李纳 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2022年第11期83-87,共5页
随着国内地铁建设的不断发展,各城市地铁运营里程的不断增加,外部施工破坏地铁结构设施的事件时有发生。为此,各地方政府相继出台相应的地铁保护管理办法、各地铁运营管理单位成立专业部门负责地铁保护相关工作等措施,都体现了地铁保护... 随着国内地铁建设的不断发展,各城市地铁运营里程的不断增加,外部施工破坏地铁结构设施的事件时有发生。为此,各地方政府相继出台相应的地铁保护管理办法、各地铁运营管理单位成立专业部门负责地铁保护相关工作等措施,都体现了地铁保护的刻不容缓及重要性。对在外部施工影响区域内的地铁结构进行监测是地铁保护的重要手段之一。本文结合工程实例,介绍了静力水准测量系统的工作原理及其特点,通过分享静力水准测量系统在地铁车站附属结构保护监测中的成功应用经验,为以后类似的监测项目提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 水准测量系统 出入口保护监测 自动化监测
浅谈静载试验中基准系统受外界因素的影响 被引量:1
作者 陈杰杰 《江西建材》 2021年第12期85-86,89,92,共4页
关键词 基准桩 基准梁 静载试验 新型静水准测量系统
基于超图的产品设计知识四维空间分类方法研究 被引量:1
作者 王振海 郭伟 +1 位作者 毕克克 张冬明 《制造业自动化》 北大核心 2013年第11期141-144,共4页
产品设计知识的存在复杂性、动态性和多样性的特点,设计知识的有效分类是影响设计知识重用的重要因素。本文针对产品设计知识的复杂特点,在对知识分类相关文献研究的基础上,从产品设计流程,设计知识类型,知识存在形式,知识学科领域四个... 产品设计知识的存在复杂性、动态性和多样性的特点,设计知识的有效分类是影响设计知识重用的重要因素。本文针对产品设计知识的复杂特点,在对知识分类相关文献研究的基础上,从产品设计流程,设计知识类型,知识存在形式,知识学科领域四个维度构建设计知识分类模型。基于超图与广义表实现知识分类模型的结构化描述与表示。基于本文提出的知识分类模型,面向典型微力测量系统——高精度多量程电子天平,开发了设计知识分类管理原型系统,以陶瓷架结构设计为例验证了分类方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 知识分类 设计知识 超图 力测量系统
Research on the Testing Methods of Instrumental System in the Marine Magnetic Survey 被引量:1
作者 边刚 刘雁春 +2 位作者 于波 肖付民 卞光浪 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2007年第2期1-11,共11页
Testing methods of instrumental system in the marine magnetic survey have been studied in this paper, and the feasibility of each method has been testified by the observed data. The conclusion shows that the method br... Testing methods of instrumental system in the marine magnetic survey have been studied in this paper, and the feasibility of each method has been testified by the observed data. The conclusion shows that the method brought out can effectively eliminate the systematic error caused by the instrumental system, and greatly improve the surveying precision and the reliability of the survey results. 展开更多
关键词 Marine magnetic survey instrumental system testing method
Experimental Study on Hydrodynamics of L-type Podded Propulsor in Straight-ahead Motion and Off-Design Conditions 被引量:4
作者 Dagang Zhao Chunyu Guo +2 位作者 Yumin Su Pengfei Dou Tao Jing 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2017年第1期48-59,共12页
Experimental tests were conducted to evaluate the hydrodynamic performance of an L-type podded propulsor in straight-ahead motion and off-design conditions using an open-water measuring instrument developed by the aut... Experimental tests were conducted to evaluate the hydrodynamic performance of an L-type podded propulsor in straight-ahead motion and off-design conditions using an open-water measuring instrument developed by the authors for podded propulsors, a ship model towing tank, and under water particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurement systems. Under the three types of conditions, the main parameters of an L-type podded propulsor were measured, including the propeller thrust and torque, as well as the thrust, side force, and moment of the whole pod unit.In addition, the flow field on the section between the propeller and the strut was analyzed. Experimental results demonstrate that the dynamic azimuthing rate and direction and the turning direction affect the forces on the propeller and the whole pod unit. Forces are asymmetrically distributed between the left and right azimuthing directions because of the effect of propeller rotation. The findings of this study provide a foundation for further research on L-type podded propulsors. 展开更多
关键词 L-type podded propulsor off-design condition flow field particle image velocimetry PROPELLER HYDRODYNAMIC experimental test
Non-invasive measurement of pan-colonic pressure over a whole digestive cycle:Clinical applications of a capsule-style manometric system 被引量:1
作者 Wen-Qiang Zhang Guo-Zheng Yan +1 位作者 Lian-Zhi Yu xin-Qing Yang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第47期7690-7694,共5页
AIM: To study the prolonged colonic motility under normal conditions with a novel capsule-style microsystem and to assess its clinical significance. METHODS: A single use telemetry capsule (10 mm in diameter, 20 mm... AIM: To study the prolonged colonic motility under normal conditions with a novel capsule-style microsystem and to assess its clinical significance. METHODS: A single use telemetry capsule (10 mm in diameter, 20 mm in length) embedded with a pressure sensor was ingested by the subjects. The sensor is capable of transmitting colonic pressure wirelessly for more than 130 h. The time of capsule entering the segmental colon was detected by ultrasound. The ultrasonic electrodes were mounted on the surface of the ileocecum and navel and at the junction of the left and rectosigmoid colon of the subjects in sequence, which were identified by abdominal X-rays with radiopaque markers. To verify the accuracy and reliability of ultrasonic detection of telemetry capsules at key points of colon, the segmental colonic transit time was simultaneously recorded by using radiopaque markers. RESULTS: The signal lamp showed that all recorders could receive the radio signal transmitted by the telemetry capsule. The X-rays showed that all telemetry capsules were detected successfully when they were passing through the key points of colon. There was a significant correlation between the transit results obtained by ultrasonic detection or by radiopaque markers. Colorectal recording was obtained from 20 healthy subjects during 613 h (411 h during waking, 202 h during sleep). Compared to waking, the number of pressure contractions and the area under pressure contractions were significantly (P 〈 0.05) decreased during sleep (21 ± 5 h^-vs 15 ± 4 h1, 463 ± 54 mmHg·/min vs 342 ± 45 mmHg·/min). The colonic motility exhibited significant regional variations both in the circadian behavior and in response to waking and meal. CONCLUSION: The capsule-style micro-system is reliable and noninvasive, and may represent a useful tool for the study of physiology and pathology of colonic motor disorders. 展开更多
关键词 Colon Pan-colonic pressure Pan-colonic motor activity Telemetry
Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional based power system stability analysis in environment of WAMS 被引量:3
作者 李婷 吴敏 何勇 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第4期801-806,共6页
In order to analyze power system stability in environment of WAMS(wide area measurement system),a new steady state stability model with time-varying delay was proposed for power system.The factors of exciter and power... In order to analyze power system stability in environment of WAMS(wide area measurement system),a new steady state stability model with time-varying delay was proposed for power system.The factors of exciter and power system stabilizer with delay were introduced into analytical model.To decrease conservativeness of stability analysis,an improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional was constructed,and then a new delay-dependent steady state stability criterion for power system,which overcomes the disadvantages of eigenvalue computation method,was derived.The proposed model and criterion were tested on synchronous-machine infinite-bus power system.The test results demonstrate that Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional based power system stability analysis method is applicable and effective in the analysis of time delay power system stability. 展开更多
关键词 power system steady state stability time-varying delay power system stabilizer
Performance of water-based foams affected by chemical inhibitors to retard spontaneous combustion of coal 被引量:3
作者 Chen Peng Huang Fujun Fu Yue 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期443-448,共6页
The micelle generating process of the sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) solution with the addition of chemical inhibitors was elucidated using phase separation model, and the descending order of the capacity for the selecte... The micelle generating process of the sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) solution with the addition of chemical inhibitors was elucidated using phase separation model, and the descending order of the capacity for the selected chemical inhibitors to reduce the critical micelle concentrations of the solution are Mg Cl_2, Ca Cl_2,NH_4HCO_3 and NH_4Cl. The data to quantitatively describe the foam decay process, including foaming ratio,foam life and decay behaviors, was obtained by pressure measuring system. The results indicate that chemical inhibitors can improve the solution foamability. The capacity of the inhibitors to enhance the solution foamability is sorted as NH_4 Cl, NH_4HCO_3, Mg Cl2 and Ca Cl_2 which can distinctly improve the foam stability as well. The capacity of the inhibitors to enhance the SDS foam stability can be arranged as Mg Cl_2, NH_4 Cl, NH_4HCO_3 and Ca Cl_2. It is observed that the gravity drainage plays a leading role in the increase of proportion of diffusion drainage. The oxidation dynamic parameters of the coal samples treated by inhibition foams were investigated using thermal analysis technique, and their synergistic effects on inhibiting coal oxidation were explored. 展开更多
关键词 Coal spontaneous combustion Chemical inhibitors Micelle thermal power Foam performance Activation energy
WAMS-based monitoring and control of Hopf bifurcations in multi-machine power systems
作者 Shao-bu WANG Quan-yuan JIANG Yi-jia CAO 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第6期840-848,共9页
A method is proposed to monitor and control Hopf bifurcations in multi-machine power systems using the information from wide area measurement systems (WAMSs). The power method (PM) is adopted to compute the pair of co... A method is proposed to monitor and control Hopf bifurcations in multi-machine power systems using the information from wide area measurement systems (WAMSs). The power method (PM) is adopted to compute the pair of conjugate eigenvalues with the algebraically largest real part and the corresponding eigenvectors of the Jacobian matrix of a power system. The distance between the current equilibrium point and the Hopf bifurcation set can be monitored dynamically by computing the pair of con- jugate eigenvalues. When the current equilibrium point is close to the Hopf bifurcation set, the approximate normal vector to the Hopf bifurcation set is computed and used as a direction to regulate control parameters to avoid a Hopf bifurcation in the power system described by differential algebraic equations (DAEs). The validity of the proposed method is demonstrated by regulating the reactive power loads in a 14-bus power system. 展开更多
关键词 Wide area measurement system (WAMS) Hopf bifurcations Monitoring of bifurcations Control of bifurcations
作者 魏任之 肖世德 +1 位作者 黄民 吴淼 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 1992年第1期11-21,共11页
In this paper the cross correlation technique for measuring velocity of bulk material flow in pipe line was investigated and a new capacitance transducer with converter has been introduced. The system was controlled b... In this paper the cross correlation technique for measuring velocity of bulk material flow in pipe line was investigated and a new capacitance transducer with converter has been introduced. The system was controlled by single chip computer with a real-time cross correlation cumputing software. Computing time reaches 1 sec and velocity measuring error is less than 1%. 展开更多
关键词 gas-solid two phase flow capacitance transducer CONVERTER real-time cross-correlation software
Hybrid Detection and Tracking of Fast-Flux Botnet on Domain Name System Traffic 被引量:2
作者 邹福泰 章思宇 饶卫雄 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第11期81-94,共14页
Fast-flux is a Domain Name System(DNS)technique used by botnets to organise compromised hosts into a high-availability,loadbalancing network that is similar to Content Delivery Networks(CDNs).Fast-Flux Service Network... Fast-flux is a Domain Name System(DNS)technique used by botnets to organise compromised hosts into a high-availability,loadbalancing network that is similar to Content Delivery Networks(CDNs).Fast-Flux Service Networks(FFSNs)are usually used as proxies of phishing websites and malwares,and hide upstream servers that host actual content.In this paper,by analysing recursive DNS traffic,we develop a fast-flux domain detection method which combines both real-time detection and long-term monitoring.Experimental results demonstrate that our solution can achieve significantly higher detection accuracy values than previous flux-score based algorithms,and is light-weight in terms of resource consumption.We evaluate the performance of the proposed fast-flux detection and tracking solution during a 180-day period of deployment on our university’s DNS servers.Based on the tracking results,we successfully identify the changes in the distribution of FFSN and their roles in recent Internet attacks. 展开更多
关键词 domain name system BOTNET fast-flux
Mathematical Modelling of Cutting Force as the Most Reliable Information Bearer on Cutting Tools Wearing Phenomenon
作者 Obrad Spaic Zdravko Krivokapic Rade Ivankovic 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第12期772-777,共6页
Being one of their prominent exploitative characteristics, cutting tools durability depends on the character, intensity and the speed of wearing. Identification of tool wearing is of great significance for the purpose... Being one of their prominent exploitative characteristics, cutting tools durability depends on the character, intensity and the speed of wearing. Identification of tool wearing is of great significance for the purpose of avoiding sooner or later replacement of tools. The parameters of tool wearing can be measured by out-process and in-process-measuring systems. Given the extremely limiting role of the former in modern production lines, development of the latter (the indirect measuring systems) has gained prominence, The basis of indirect measuring systems comprises a set of various signals originating from the units of the system under treatment which stand in certain correlations with the wearing parameters. The paper presents mathematical models of axial force designed on the basis of experimental research in drilling tempered steel by twist drills made of high-speed steel manufactured by powder metallurgy. 展开更多
关键词 TOOL DURABILITY WEAR cutting force mathematical model.
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