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作者 张杰 武玉春 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 1999年第1期80-81,共2页
企业竞争力实则为一国国际竞争力的折射反映。问题的实质是,哪个国家综合竞争力在该地区国际竞争格局中处于有利地位,那么就决定了它将以什么样的姿态进入到新世纪的区域合作中去。本文将通过对东北亚国家(地区)国际竞争力的比较分... 企业竞争力实则为一国国际竞争力的折射反映。问题的实质是,哪个国家综合竞争力在该地区国际竞争格局中处于有利地位,那么就决定了它将以什么样的姿态进入到新世纪的区域合作中去。本文将通过对东北亚国家(地区)国际竞争力的比较分析,来界定当前各国(地区)所处的位... 展开更多
关键词 力竞争力 东北亚国家 国际经济 国际竞争力 亚洲金融危机 消费价格指数 竞争格局 生活成本 人均指标 日本
作者 戴金桂 周青 +1 位作者 荆辉春 郑慧 《大连干部学刊》 1996年第S1期53-55,共3页
企业文化是一种以物质为载体的精神现象,是指企业在长期的生产经营管理活动中,逐步形成并为全体职工所认可、遵循,带有本企业特色的价值取向、行为方式、经营作风、企业精神、道德规范、发展目标和思想意识等因素的总和.其核心是企业价... 企业文化是一种以物质为载体的精神现象,是指企业在长期的生产经营管理活动中,逐步形成并为全体职工所认可、遵循,带有本企业特色的价值取向、行为方式、经营作风、企业精神、道德规范、发展目标和思想意识等因素的总和.其核心是企业价值观,主要表现为企业精神.在发展社会主义市场经济条件下,加强企业文化建设,有利于全面提高企业素质和职工素质,增强企业疑聚力和竞争力,塑造良好的企业形象.为此,增加企业文化含量,提高产品和服务的品位,提高企业形象的格调,成为许多企业追求的目标. 展开更多
关键词 企业文化 力竞争力 企业精神 企业价值观 企业文化建设 大连造船厂 企业形象 企业管理 建设企业文化 企业素质
作者 吴鑫 陈雯 《企业技术开发(下半月)》 2011年第2期14-15,共2页
我国台湾的电信行业十分发达,大陆三大电信运营商的EBTIDA利润率都低于台湾地区老大“中华电信”。文章旨在通过构建电信业竞争力九力模型,运用综合因素分析法来对比分析我国大陆与台湾地区电信行业的竞争力差异,并据此为大陆电信行... 我国台湾的电信行业十分发达,大陆三大电信运营商的EBTIDA利润率都低于台湾地区老大“中华电信”。文章旨在通过构建电信业竞争力九力模型,运用综合因素分析法来对比分析我国大陆与台湾地区电信行业的竞争力差异,并据此为大陆电信行业的进一步发展提供建议。 展开更多
关键词 电信业竞争力模型 对比分析 建议及对策
区域人力资源竞争力的实证评价研究—基于主成分分析法 被引量:7
作者 王奕 《改革与开放》 2012年第11X期131-131,133,共2页
人力资源是指一个国家或地区的人口中,具有的劳动能力的总和,是经济发展的第一要素,它的数量、质量以及配置是影响经济增长的决定性因素。因此,区域人力资源的竞争能力强弱,对地方经济的发展具有重要的显示意义。本文在对区域人力资源... 人力资源是指一个国家或地区的人口中,具有的劳动能力的总和,是经济发展的第一要素,它的数量、质量以及配置是影响经济增长的决定性因素。因此,区域人力资源的竞争能力强弱,对地方经济的发展具有重要的显示意义。本文在对区域人力资源竞争力评价时,采用了主成分分析法,构建了评价模型。并得到了河南省辖市实证研究的支持,说明了本方法具有实用性。 展开更多
关键词 区域人 资源竞争力 评价 主成分分析
打造中国长生之都 提升黔江城市核心竞争力
作者 曾礼华 肖泽平 代小芳 《中国商界》 2009年第12期155-158,共4页
新经济时代,城市间的竞争越来越表现为城市核心竞争力的较量.城市核心竞争力才是决定城市竞争水平的关键和核心.位处武陵山区腹地的黔江,拥有的明显的基础优势和突出的比较优势,通过构建长生产业体系,深入挖掘长生文化内涵,优化城市发... 新经济时代,城市间的竞争越来越表现为城市核心竞争力的较量.城市核心竞争力才是决定城市竞争水平的关键和核心.位处武陵山区腹地的黔江,拥有的明显的基础优势和突出的比较优势,通过构建长生产业体系,深入挖掘长生文化内涵,优化城市发展软环境,不断完善有形基础设施,构筑强大智力支撑体系,把准城市营销亮点,以城市核心产业力、文化力、政府管理力、城市流通力、人力竞争力、品牌吸引力,打造中国长生之都,从而培育和提升城市核心竞争力. 展开更多
关键词 中国 黔江 城市核心竞争力 新经济时代 支撑体系 武陵山区 文化内涵 力竞争力 基础优势 基础设施 城市营销 城市竞争 城市发展 产业体系 比较优势 吸引 文化 软环境 流通 管理
作者 方正 《福州党校学报》 1998年第1期54-56,共3页
关键词 国有经济 国有企业 控制 力竞争力 国有资本 社会主义市场经济 优势企业 经济控制 国有独资企业 政企不分
作者 陈柏年 《科技风》 2010年第17期52-,共1页
本文从怎样具备内部集体学习能力和为客户创造价值的能力、如何不断发现"关键成功因素"及培育核心竞争应该不断提升的六种能力三大方面阐述了县级质检机构培育核心竞争力的途径,应始终围绕为客户创造价值这一主题,实现社会效... 本文从怎样具备内部集体学习能力和为客户创造价值的能力、如何不断发现"关键成功因素"及培育核心竞争应该不断提升的六种能力三大方面阐述了县级质检机构培育核心竞争力的途径,应始终围绕为客户创造价值这一主题,实现社会效益、经济效益的最大化。 展开更多
关键词 县级质检机构 核心竞争力 培育
作者 揭四和 《统计与决策》 1985年第5期24-24,共1页
关键词 关键因素 信息社会 力竞争力 信息时代 主要特征 知识提供 经济成就 重要资源 社会生产 技术知识
成长力 竞争力 让我们努力 让我们共勉
作者 王丽媛 《纺织信息周刊》 2005年第30期13-13,共1页
企业竞争力排名的发布,使各行业的佼佼者、排头兵浮出了水面,我们为他们鼓掌,为他们献花,为他们骄傲!祝他们在今后的日子里再接再厉,一路走好!在鲜花和掌声的背后,人们更为关注的是:我们的纺织企业何时能与国际级大鳄比肩而立?作为纺织... 企业竞争力排名的发布,使各行业的佼佼者、排头兵浮出了水面,我们为他们鼓掌,为他们献花,为他们骄傲!祝他们在今后的日子里再接再厉,一路走好!在鲜花和掌声的背后,人们更为关注的是:我们的纺织企业何时能与国际级大鳄比肩而立?作为纺织大国的我们,何时能在国际竞争中取得真正的话语权?面对这一个个严肃而又沉重的话题,8月9日下午,以“成长力竞争力”为主题的专场论坛上,来自中国纺织工业协会、国家发改委、北京大学、国家质量认证中心以及基层企业代表的发言给我们带来诸多启示与思考。本刊摘编如下,供读者参考。中国纺织服装在世界经济舞台上的崛起已是不争的事实,任何利用封堵、打压以及苛刻的规则,试图延缓气势如虹的中国经济,都将是徒劳的。告别中国纺织产品低价格、低品质形象,改变“中国制造”在世界上的竞争格局,塑造中国产品在国际上的形象,是我们的共同责任。为了这个目标,让我们努力,让我们共勉! 展开更多
关键词 启示与思考 棉纺织企业 工业协会 纺织服装 纺织产品 中国纺织业 北京大学 中国纺织工业 质量 力竞争力
Spatial Distribution Patterns of Cultural Facilities in Shenzhen Based on GIS and Big Data 被引量:2
作者 QU Huan 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第4期48-54,共7页
As the city’s soft powef,culture is the basic core of urban competitiveness. The spatial concentration of cultufal facilities can show the development status of the dtfs cultural functions in the spatial ky... As the city’s soft powef,culture is the basic core of urban competitiveness. The spatial concentration of cultufal facilities can show the development status of the dtfs cultural functions in the spatial kyout. In this paper,POI data of Baidu Maps were used to conduct kernel density analysis and comprehensive evaluation of the spatial distribution of cultural facilities in Shenzhen; mean center point method was used to measure the degree of deviation between Shenzhen population centers and cultural facilities centers; the nearest distance method was used to measure the spatial distribution of cultural facilities space and the accessibility to geometdc centers of streets. The results showed that among the four types of cultural facilities in Shenzhen, librades were the most concentrated, accounting for 63% of the total number of cultural facilities, followed by cultxite and arts centers, museiims, and galleries; tiiere was a great disparity in the number of cultural facilities in various districts and subdistricts in Shenzhen, with a clear agglomeration effect in space; from the district level, cultural faculties spatially distributed from the southwest to the northeast by three gradients; from the street leviel, cultural facilities showed the distribution pattern of ^decreasing from west to eastf and a high d^tee of recognition for convenient transportation; the cultural facilities inside the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (except Yantdan District) were more reasonable in spatial distribution, and the number of people served was more than that of cultural Realities outside the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, while residents outside the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone enjoyed significantly more cultutal facilities than that inside the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone; the goal of the e£10-min cultutal dtdeJ, in Shenzhen had been initially completed, that is, residents could reach 72.41% of the streets with cultural facilities within a 10-min /raJk, but thefe were still 50% districts and 5.1% streets that wefe equipped with, unreasonably distributed cultufal facilities or few cultufal facilities. 展开更多
关键词 SHENZHEN Cultural facilities Spatial distribution pattern ACCESSIBILITY
Differences Among Industrial Companies in Their Innovative Efforts and Competitiveness: On How Size, Technological Level and Subcontractor Character Matter
作者 Ricardo Martinez Santa Maria Jon Charterina Abando Andres Araujo de la Mata 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第3期187-204,共18页
The aim of this research is to test to what extent do the classifying variables of company size, technological level and subcontractor nature moderate on the causal relationship between a finn's innovative capacities... The aim of this research is to test to what extent do the classifying variables of company size, technological level and subcontractor nature moderate on the causal relationship between a finn's innovative capacities and its competitiveness. To this end, we use a random sample of 861 manufactttring f'Lrms with 10 or more employees from the Basque Autonomous Community (in Spain), accounting for 26.29% of the population. Maximum sampling error is 2.87% for a 95% confidence interval. We start from a competitiveness general model of the firm, and set out under the resource based view of the finn, which had been previously tested and validated by Martinez (2009) for the whole sample. The model is formed with the constructs of management capabilities, innovative capabilities, marketing capabilities, quality capabilities, current competitiveness and future competitiveness. From this point, we test a set of alternative hierarchical models both for the total sample and for different divisions in sub-samples, according to the intervals of size in number of employees, OECD technological levels and firms' subcontractor character. The innovative capabilities construct is reflected in the items of radical product innovation, incremental product innovation, innovation in the production process, innovation in marketing, management innovation and the efforts in company workers' training and development. From all these items, previous descriptive data analysis showed that although product radical innovation was the most representative capability for superior innovativeness, it was at the same time the least evident from all the aforementioned items in the case of the analyzed Basque industrial companies. The analysis of results led us to conclude that the factor of innovative capabilities was the most influential on current competitiveness among the whole sample. In particular, as regards the size factor, this positive effect dilutes in the case of smaller companies. In the same manner, whereas in the case of the companies with higher technological level it is verified that the factor of innovative capabilities reveals crucial, in the group of fhans with lower technological level the most relevant factor is quality. Also, the same effect is evidenced for the case of the subcontractor/non-subcontractor nature of the finns: The first ones show quality as the most relevant construct while for the second ones it is the innovative capabilities. 展开更多
关键词 COMPETITIVENESS innovative capabilities company size technological level subcontractor character
Innovation for Multinational Corporations
作者 Yezdi H. Godiwalla 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第7期373-382,共10页
Growth, innovation, and strategic focus are vital for long-term success of multinational corporations (MNCs). MNCs must create the organizational culture and process for increased competitiveness to sustain better m... Growth, innovation, and strategic focus are vital for long-term success of multinational corporations (MNCs). MNCs must create the organizational culture and process for increased competitiveness to sustain better market shares and profits. Towards this end, MNCs should develop a comprehensive innovation strategy. Innovation is a way of life and the spirit of innovation, like the spirit of entrepreneurship, must be sustained. The goal should be continuous growth with competitiveness. And towards this purpose, organizations must innovate. The article draws from innovation concepts as they would lead to organizational growth and competitiveness. MNC international structure, culture, and leadership style have an influence on the innovation culture and creativity process in the MNC organization. The article sets forth a model for MNC decision-making structure and organizational culture for facilitating the innovative fervor and capability to be more favorable to the MNC. The models presented here are meaningful in the quest for greater MNC innovativeness and creativity. 展开更多
关键词 innovation in MNCs innovation for MNC growth innovation for MNC competitiveness
The contribution of resources and capabilities to the competitiveness: The case of Port of Sines
作者 Susana Garrido Azevedo Joao Ferreira 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第3期14-26,共13页
The main objective of this paper is to analyse the competitiveness of the main maritime Port sited in Portugal - Port of Sines. This paper is developed under the resource-based view approach. A literature review about... The main objective of this paper is to analyse the competitiveness of the main maritime Port sited in Portugal - Port of Sines. This paper is developed under the resource-based view approach. A literature review about the resource-based view is presented with a special highlight on the contribution of organisation owns' resources to the competitiveness. With this study we intend to emphasize the applicability of a management theory to a different type of organisation which only recently starts to be preoccupied with its competitiveness. A case study methodology is used in order to collect all information needed about its main resources and capabilities of Port and also its competitiveness. The resources analysed in this paper are: The infrastructures, the accessibilities, the Port operations and also the information systems used on it. Also, a set of performance data is analysed as the main indicators of competitiveness. After that, a conceptual model is presented in order to systematise the main resources and capabilities under which the competitiveness of the Port of Sines is built on. 展开更多
关键词 COMPETITIVENESS sea Port resource-based view case study
Harmony, Productivity, and Informed Decision Making: The Fundamental Competencies of the Chief Emotional Officer
作者 Christopher Lowe Julia Evans 《Sociology Study》 2015年第1期60-73,共14页
Existing in most family firms, the chief emotional officer (CEmO) is the enigmatic heart of the organisation, linking family harmony with business performance and productivity. The literature is rich in acknowledgin... Existing in most family firms, the chief emotional officer (CEmO) is the enigmatic heart of the organisation, linking family harmony with business performance and productivity. The literature is rich in acknowledging the existence and value of the CEmO in family firms, but little is said of the abilities mastered by CEmOs and how organisations can leverage the value of the CEmO through professional development. It is this nexus that this paper aims to fill. Commencing with an exploration of the literature on the purpose and value of the CEmO, key findings are advanced through interviews and a focus group. The specific site of research selected is one rich in family business in which to explore the CEmO phenomenon--the bus and coach industry in Victoria, Australia. Revealed is the fundamental competencies of the CEmO, being their adept ability to facilitate harmony, drive productive and focus values-based decision making in family firms. The outcomes that these competencies achieve and the obstacles and challenges of the CEmO role are also presented. Concluding remarks ask how the CEmO and these core competencies can be developed in a role that is often unstructured, intuitive, and unrecognised within the firm. 展开更多
关键词 Chief emotional officer (CEmO) family business business sustainability COMPETENCY professional development
The Policy Evaluating Research on Strategic Emerging Industry in Shanghai
作者 Hu Jun Tengfei Zhang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期120-122,共3页
Strategic emerging industry is the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and transformation of economic development. And it' s also the key to enhance China's independent innovation capability and inte... Strategic emerging industry is the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and transformation of economic development. And it' s also the key to enhance China's independent innovation capability and international competitiveness. Whether it is from the industrial development of the law or its own development experience of emerging industries, the development of new industries are heavily influenced by national policy, national policy to some extent can be seen as strategic emerging industry development the decisive factor. The article evaluates the effects that the policies to what extent promotes the development of strategic emerging industry in Shanghai. 展开更多
关键词 SHANGHAI strategic emerging industry evaluation
The International Competitiveness Analysis of the Current China's Solar Photovoltaic Industry
作者 Yang Zhenhua 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第5期11-15,共5页
Solar energy is one of clean energies which has the most development and application prospect. And solar photovoltaic industry is the main force foe the development of new energy industry. This paper points out the ob... Solar energy is one of clean energies which has the most development and application prospect. And solar photovoltaic industry is the main force foe the development of new energy industry. This paper points out the obstacles which improves the international competitiveness of China' s photovoltaic industry based on the analysis of the three big indexes, namely the international competitiveness of photovoltaic industry IMS, TCD and RCI, and proposes the suggestion which enhances the competitive advantage of China' s solar photovoltaic industry. 展开更多
关键词 Solar Photovoltaic Industry International Competitiveness Solar Photovoltaic Industry Chain
Core Competence Evaluation Based on Grey Correlation Degree Airport Enterprise
作者 Chen Xue Yang Qing 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第5期25-28,共4页
How to have a more long-term vitality in the fierce competition in the industry and complex market environment, to have the more powerful anti-risk capability and competitive advantage is a modem airport managers have... How to have a more long-term vitality in the fierce competition in the industry and complex market environment, to have the more powerful anti-risk capability and competitive advantage is a modem airport managers have an urgent need to solve the problem. Because the nature of this paper will be "core competence" deemed to maintain long-term vitality and airport businesses a competitive advantage in the fierce competition in the industry. It can interpret and summarize the definition of core competence connotation airport, specificity and identification method to construct a two-dimensional Airport Enterprise core competence evaluation system and core competencies of three large enterprises of China' s civil aviation airport with the area to evaluate the scientific and operational test evaluation model. 展开更多
关键词 Airport Enterprise Core Competence Intangible Resources MULTI-DIMENSIONAL
Development of Conceptual Framework for Knowledge Management Process
作者 Ebrahim Mansour, Samer Alhawari Amine Nehari Talet Mufleh A1-Jarrah 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第8期864-877,共14页
Knowledge has become one of the most important driving forces for business success. Organizations are becoming more knowledge intensive. Many firms in the global market are aware of this, and they try to explore the f... Knowledge has become one of the most important driving forces for business success. Organizations are becoming more knowledge intensive. Many firms in the global market are aware of this, and they try to explore the field of knowledge management (KM) in order to improve and sustain their competitiveness. Knowledge has always been the central in the functioning of society. However, in today's "knowledge economy", organizations are increasingly aware of the need for a "knowledge focus" in their organizational strategies as they respond to changes in the environment. The aim of this paper is to describe the theoretical concepts and approaches of KM process that could be implemented in organizations by reviewing KM process theories and present suggestions for what a general process should include based on analysis of various models presented in KM. The main emphasis is laid upon the concept of goal definition review, validation, and knowledge training processes in order to make sure that KM process initiative will deliver competitive advantage to the organization. 展开更多
关键词 KM KM process knowledge identification and knowledge application
Discussion on Hierarchical Training of Accounting Vocational Core Competencies
作者 Zhou Lieping Zhong Aijun 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期124-127,共4页
In order to implement the hierarchical training of core competence in accounting profession, above all we need to establish the positioning for personnel training in intermediate and advanced accounting profession. Ba... In order to implement the hierarchical training of core competence in accounting profession, above all we need to establish the positioning for personnel training in intermediate and advanced accounting profession. Based on the five major targeted vocational positions and its main task of accounting profession, this article has constructed the accounting vocational competence system, analyzed the correspondence between accounting profession' s core competencies and educational levels, and raised nine core competencies for the accounting profession, as well as the correspondence between the division of the breadth and depth of core competencies in vocational training and educational levels, with focus on the correspondence between the training breadth and depth of three key core accounting competencies and educational levels in the process of educational convergence. 展开更多
关键词 secondary and higher vocational education accounting major vocational competence hierarchical training
Discussion of MOTOROLA's Performance Management
作者 Sun Zheng Wang Bowen 《International English Education Research》 2015年第9期49-51,共3页
With the deepening development of economic globalization, the competition between enterprises is increasingly fierce. In order to be able to survive in the fierce competition and achieve better profits, more and more ... With the deepening development of economic globalization, the competition between enterprises is increasingly fierce. In order to be able to survive in the fierce competition and achieve better profits, more and more enterprises begin to pay close attention to the performance management, and performance management gradually become the core content of human resource management. This paper expatiates the concept of performance management and related performance management contents and some existing problems in performance management. Through the discussing of the MOTOROLA's company performance management practice, it proposes how to improve the performance management. At last, to improve the efficiency of human resource management, it should make a systematic, standard, scientific performance management, enhance the enterprise the competitive ability and profitability. 展开更多
关键词 performance management MOTOROLA corporate performance appraisal
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