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冗余驱动的平面并联操作手的输入力优化 被引量:4
作者 蔡胜利 白师贤 《北京工业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1997年第2期37-41,共5页
关键词 冗余驱动 平面并联操作手 最优化 输入 操作手
剪刀架举升机构统一输入力计算与仿真比较研究 被引量:2
作者 张威 张雪飞 +1 位作者 刘兵飞 王立文 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2015年第15期91-93,125,共4页
剪刀单元是众多机构的基本组成单元,应用广泛。针对不同输入配置的单节式剪刀架举升机构(剪升机构),其输入力分析是设计工作的首要步骤。对全部不同输入构型的单节剪刀架举升机构进行仿真建模。在统一输入力公式基础上,提出机构输入力... 剪刀单元是众多机构的基本组成单元,应用广泛。针对不同输入配置的单节式剪刀架举升机构(剪升机构),其输入力分析是设计工作的首要步骤。对全部不同输入构型的单节剪刀架举升机构进行仿真建模。在统一输入力公式基础上,提出机构输入力变化判别式。通过理论分析与仿真结果的对比,可以验证所研究方法的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 剪刀架举升机构 输入统一公式 学分析 学仿真
汽车转向的力输入控制与角输入控制及其对驾驶员-汽车闭环系统的影响 被引量:2
作者 郭孔辉 朱宏巍 《吉林工业大学学报》 CSCD 1997年第1期1-7,共7页
讨论了与两种不同转向控制策略相应的人-车闭环系统的运动特征,即通过给转向盘施加转向力矩或使转向盘转过一定角度来实施其转向的策略。仿真计算表明,当不足转向度小的汽车高速行驶时,驾驶员采用给转向盘施加转向力矩的控制策略具... 讨论了与两种不同转向控制策略相应的人-车闭环系统的运动特征,即通过给转向盘施加转向力矩或使转向盘转过一定角度来实施其转向的策略。仿真计算表明,当不足转向度小的汽车高速行驶时,驾驶员采用给转向盘施加转向力矩的控制策略具有更小的跟随误差,并且校正参数的变化范围也小得多,这说明采用此策略对车况的改变有更好的适应性。 展开更多
关键词 汽车 操纵性 驾驶员模型 力输入控制 输入控制
作者 罗苗 《医学教育研究》 2003年第1期21-23,共3页
关键词 输入性能 英语教学 培养 心理学理论
作者 刘辉 王建新 +1 位作者 彭冰冰 杨海峰 《阀门》 2025年第1期106-110,共5页
阀门对流体管道系统中的介质起到控制作用,相较于其他传动方式的阀门,手动阀门的用量较多,如管道系统中角行程阀门大多采用手动装置驱动。然而,角行程阀门手动装置在安装和使用过程中经常遇到一些问题,影响项目工期和装置的正常运行。... 阀门对流体管道系统中的介质起到控制作用,相较于其他传动方式的阀门,手动阀门的用量较多,如管道系统中角行程阀门大多采用手动装置驱动。然而,角行程阀门手动装置在安装和使用过程中经常遇到一些问题,影响项目工期和装置的正常运行。本文首先列举手动蝶阀在项目建设过程中遇到的问题并进行分析,其次对比分析设计标准对手动装置的要求并介绍手动装置选用的注意事项,随后对手动装置的安装方向提出建议,以期减少此类问题发生,降低阀门维护成本。同时,本文可为阀门设计人员、工艺管道设计人员、施工安装人员提供有效参考。 展开更多
关键词 角行程阀门 手动装置 手轮输入 阀门安装方向
关于真空助力器助力比与最大助力点关系的研究 被引量:4
作者 沈军民 沈咏军 《中国测试技术》 2006年第4期37-38,119,共3页
当今汽车安全越来越重要,对真空助力器的要求越来越高,因此,本文详细的研究了真空助力器最大助力点和真空助力器助力比之间的关系,通过对真空助力器工作原理和真空助力器标准特性曲线的分析及助力比和最大助力点的关系的理论推导得出以... 当今汽车安全越来越重要,对真空助力器的要求越来越高,因此,本文详细的研究了真空助力器最大助力点和真空助力器助力比之间的关系,通过对真空助力器工作原理和真空助力器标准特性曲线的分析及助力比和最大助力点的关系的理论推导得出以下结论:真空助力器在确定真空度、确定膜片直径的情况下,助力比越大,最大输出力反而减小。 展开更多
关键词 最大助 真空助 特性曲线 输入-输出
作者 任顺清 王世明 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期8-13,共6页
为研究离心机闭合误差对陀螺加速度计标定精度的影响,分别从离心机自身姿态误差、主轴角速率误差、地球自转角速度等三方面进行研究,推导了存在闭合误差时,陀螺加速度计输入比力以及输入角速度的相应表达式,并结合加速度计的离心机试验... 为研究离心机闭合误差对陀螺加速度计标定精度的影响,分别从离心机自身姿态误差、主轴角速率误差、地球自转角速度等三方面进行研究,推导了存在闭合误差时,陀螺加速度计输入比力以及输入角速度的相应表达式,并结合加速度计的离心机试验以及各误差的允差计算了实际的输入比力和输入角速度误差.结果表明,控制闭合角误差的大小,选择合理的主轴旋转周数可以使得在各项误差作用下,陀螺加速度计的标定精度满足要求. 展开更多
关键词 闭合误差 精密离心机 陀螺加速度计 输入
多点复杂载荷作用下结构振动仿真与试验研究 被引量:4
作者 谢志勇 周其斗 潘雨村 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期166-174,共9页
多点复杂载荷激励作用下舰船等结构的振动响应问题是进行声辐射问题求解的前提。以安装于基座面板上的激振电机作为激振源,振源与基座面板通过力传感器进行多点连接,分别使用力传感器和加速度计测量激振电机运转时输入至结构的激振力和... 多点复杂载荷激励作用下舰船等结构的振动响应问题是进行声辐射问题求解的前提。以安装于基座面板上的激振电机作为激振源,振源与基座面板通过力传感器进行多点连接,分别使用力传感器和加速度计测量激振电机运转时输入至结构的激振力和安装点处的加速度值。采用MATLAB和LabVIEW两种编程语言混合编程,考虑相位差的影响,结合有限元法获取的传递函数,对多点激励下的振动响应进行仿真和试验研究。并探讨了结构在力型输入和加速度型输入条件下,多点激振的振动响应求解方法,试验研究的结果验证了多点激振时传递函数理论计算结果的正确性。对比研究结果表明采用力型输入所得结果与实验结果符合最好,且影响加速度型作为输入条件求解振动响应精度的因素多,并非参与运算的通道越多所得结果越好。 展开更多
关键词 振动 多点复杂载荷 相位差 力输入 加速度输入 试验研究
基于有限元方法研究岫岩罗圈里陨石坑地形对地震反应的影响 被引量:2
作者 肖遥 丁浩 黄河 《防灾减灾学报》 2016年第2期1-9,共9页
基于有限元方法对岫岩罗圈里陨石坑地形对地震反应的影响进行了探索。结合文献资料、岩土勘察工作建立了岫岩罗圈里陨石坑二维有限元分析模型。选用粘弹性人工边界和等效节点力输入方法解决了有限元模拟半空间无限域时的边界问题和地震... 基于有限元方法对岫岩罗圈里陨石坑地形对地震反应的影响进行了探索。结合文献资料、岩土勘察工作建立了岫岩罗圈里陨石坑二维有限元分析模型。选用粘弹性人工边界和等效节点力输入方法解决了有限元模拟半空间无限域时的边界问题和地震动输入问题。为了突出地形因素的影响,采用弹性材料介质进行数值模拟分析,并与水平场地模型的分析结果进行了对比。数值模拟结果和对比表明:罗圈里陨石坑地形对于陨石坑中部的地震动有显著的放大作用,远高于水平场地模型。此外,盆地中部短周期部分的反应谱也明显高于盆地边缘和水平一维场地模型,这是导致海城地震中盆地中部自振周期较短的单层房屋破坏明显严重的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 陨石坑地形 地震反应 粘弹性人工边界 等效节点力输入
作者 王世明 任顺清 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2014年第12期6-12,共7页
为了研究精密离心机自身误差对陀螺加速度计模型系数标定精度的影响,分析了离心机各个误差源,从输入比力和相对惯性空间角速率两个方面讨论了离心机误差源对加速度计参数标定的精度影响,给出了被试加速度计输入加速度和角速度的精确表... 为了研究精密离心机自身误差对陀螺加速度计模型系数标定精度的影响,分析了离心机各个误差源,从输入比力和相对惯性空间角速率两个方面讨论了离心机误差源对加速度计参数标定的精度影响,给出了被试加速度计输入加速度和角速度的精确表达式。应用最小二乘法对误差模型参数进行辨识,且计算了在各误差源作用下对于参数辨识精度的影响程度。根据仿真结果,找出了某些离心机误差对加速度计误差系数标定的影响关系,为按照加速度计的标定精度来确定离心机的精度打下了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 精密离心机 陀螺加速度计 输入 齐次变换 误差模型系数
面向单向输入力的柔顺正交位移放大机构拓扑构型设计 被引量:3
作者 刘敏 占金青 +1 位作者 朱本亮 张宪民 《中国科学:技术科学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期579-588,共10页
正交位移放大机构用以输出且放大垂直于输入力方向的位移,其构型常采用典型的桥式结构.但是桥式放大机构要实现正交位移转换必须输入双向对称力,否则输出端会产生寄生位移.针对此问题,采用连续体结构拓扑优化技术寻找新构型的柔顺位移... 正交位移放大机构用以输出且放大垂直于输入力方向的位移,其构型常采用典型的桥式结构.但是桥式放大机构要实现正交位移转换必须输入双向对称力,否则输出端会产生寄生位移.针对此问题,采用连续体结构拓扑优化技术寻找新构型的柔顺位移放大机构,使之在单向输入力条件下,依然可以实现正交位移转换.基于固体各向同性材料惩罚模型(SIMP)拓扑描述方法,以输出位移与输入位移比最大化作为目标函数,以相对寄生位移,即输出端寄生位移与输出位移之比作为其中一个约束函数,建立了面向单向输入力的柔顺正交位移放大机构的拓扑优化数学模型.采用伴随法详细推导了目标函数和约束函数的敏度信息,并采用移动渐近线算法(MMA)进行了优化问题的求解.通过数值算例,给出了正交位移放大机构的拓扑优化结果,并探讨了弹簧刚度对拓扑优化结果的影响.最后,通过有限元仿真和实验,研究了拓扑优化得到的新型正交位移放大机构和桥式位移放大机构的相对寄生位移.仿真和实验都验证了所提方法的正确性和有效性. 展开更多
关键词 正交位移放大机构 柔顺机构 拓扑优化 寄生运动 单向输入
Building-up of students' communicative competence in spoken English teaching 被引量:1
作者 余静 蒋培忆 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第3期13-16,共4页
In the activity of English teaching, how to improve students' communicative competence is always deemed as an important factor on which English teaching hinges. This paper starts from the idea of communicative compet... In the activity of English teaching, how to improve students' communicative competence is always deemed as an important factor on which English teaching hinges. This paper starts from the idea of communicative competence proposed by linguist Dwell Hymes and then goes deep to find out 4 ways to apply the ideas to spoken English teaching, namely: strengthening students' linguistic input through comprehensible listening; getting a feel of how English is spoken idiomatically; administering the teaching materials according to students' current linguistic capacity and finally exposing students massively to the target culture. Since this paper is about teaching, the discussion of teacher's role will be dealt with at the last part. 展开更多
关键词 spoken English teaching linguistic input communicative competence
Research on Hybrid Input Mechanical Press Driven by Two Motors 被引量:2
作者 HE Yu-peng ZHAO Sheng-dun +2 位作者 ZOU Jun ZHANG Zhi-yuan WANG Bao-an 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第1期57-60,共4页
Given the speed requirements of a mechanical press slider, a differential gear train is adopted instead of the belt and gear drive of a general mechanical press. Two electric motors are used to drive the differential ... Given the speed requirements of a mechanical press slider, a differential gear train is adopted instead of the belt and gear drive of a general mechanical press. Two electric motors are used to drive the differential gear train with hybrid input. Based on the working principle of a differential gear train, the angular speed equations and the power dis- tribution equations of the input-output system are established. By controlling the angular speeds of the two motors, the slider can move at different speeds. Taken a JH23-100 type mechanical press as example, the driving system is designed and the power of two motors determined. The simulated results show that the highest slider speed in the mechanical press approaches 39 mm/s only at the forging-punching stage, far less than the 232 mm/s of a general JH23-100 type mechanical press. This provides a new scheme to realize low-speed forging-punching technology from a mechanical press. 展开更多
关键词 mechanical press hybrid input differential gear train electric motor
Process forces and heat input as function of process parameters in AA5083 friction stir welds 被引量:10
作者 Rajneesh KUMAR Kanwer SINGH Sunil PANDEY 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期288-298,共11页
AA5083 friction stir welds were produced using systematic experimental design, the process forces and heat input with varying parameters were studied. Helpful empirical models were developed in designing friction stir... AA5083 friction stir welds were produced using systematic experimental design, the process forces and heat input with varying parameters were studied. Helpful empirical models were developed in designing friction stir welding (FSW) tools and FSW welders. These models may be further helpful for making process parameter choice for this sort of alloy, defining welding program and control of process parameters by using computer numerical control friction stir welding welders. The results show that tool rotational speed, welding speed and tool shoulder diameter are most significant parameters affecting axial force and heat input, while longitudinal force is significantly affected by welding speed and probe diameter. 展开更多
关键词 friction stir welding AA 5083 tool design heat input process forces process parameters
Study on How to Design Knitted Fabric Pattern with Mathematical Theory 被引量:2
作者 陈莉 张蕊 叶介茂 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第2期204-206,共3页
To improve design capabilities for the knitted fabric pattern,a preliminary study is carried out for the design method.Based on mathematical theory,pattern could be created automatically by computer with inputting dif... To improve design capabilities for the knitted fabric pattern,a preliminary study is carried out for the design method.Based on mathematical theory,pattern could be created automatically by computer with inputting different parameters for mathematical functions.The knitted fabric simulation is realized by M1 CAD pattern preparation system of STOLL Company.In the pattern,different color unit is replaced by obverse stitch with different color,or by obverse stitch and reverse stitch with the same color separately,after that the effects of knitted fabrics could be simulated.Designing with this method,it would not only help to acquire a great of diversity patterns,but also improve design efficiency and save cost. 展开更多
关键词 knitted fabric mathematical theory patterndesign CAD fabric simulation
Effects of heat input in friction stir welding on microstructure and mechanical properties of AA3003-H18 plates 被引量:5
作者 B.ABNAR M.KAZEMINEZHAD A.H.KOKABI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2147-2155,共9页
The non-heat-treatable AA3003-H18 plates were joined by friction stir welding(FSW) to achieve a proper joint by optimizing the welding parameters.For this purpose,the effects of heat input on microstructure and mech... The non-heat-treatable AA3003-H18 plates were joined by friction stir welding(FSW) to achieve a proper joint by optimizing the welding parameters.For this purpose,the effects of heat input on microstructure and mechanical properties of the welded samples were investigated by changing the ratios of rotational speed(800-1200 r/min) to travel speed(40-100 mm/min)(w/v).It was revealed that the grain growth rate was strongly increased with the increase of the heat input by rotational speed at constant travel speed,while the grain growth rate was slightly increased with the increase of the heat input by travel speed at constant rotational speed.Subsequently,hardness reduction was observed in the stir zone at higher rotational speed compared with that at lower one.An interesting observation was that various welding parameters do not have noticeable effect on the tensile strength of the FSW joints.Also,it has been observed that the fracture location of tensile test specimens was placed in the heat-affected zone(HAZ)on the advancing side at lower travel speed,while at higher travel speed,it was placed at the HAZ/thermomechanical affected zone(TMAZ) interface on the retreating side. 展开更多
关键词 AA3003-H18 alloy friction stir welding heat input MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical properties
Map-based control method for vehicle stability enhancement 被引量:2
作者 Moon-Young Yoon Seung-Hwan Baek +1 位作者 Kwang-Suk Boo Heung-Seob Kim 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期114-120,共7页
This work proposes a map-based control method to improve a vehicle's lateral stability, and the performance of the proposed method is compared with that of the conventional model-referenced control method. Model-r... This work proposes a map-based control method to improve a vehicle's lateral stability, and the performance of the proposed method is compared with that of the conventional model-referenced control method. Model-referenced control uses the sliding mode method to determine the compensated yaw moment; in contrast, the proposed map-based control uses the compensated yaw moment map acquired by vehicle stability analysis. The vehicle stability region is calculated by a topological method based on the trajectory reversal method. A 2-DOF vehicle model and Pacejka's tire model are used to evaluate the proposed map-based control method. The properties of model-referenced control and map-based control are compared under various road conditions and driving inputs. Model-referenced control uses a control input to satisfy the linear reference model, and it generates unnecessary tire lateral forces that may lead to worse performance than an uncontrolled vehicle with step steering input on a road with a low friction coefficient. However, map-based control determines a compensated yaw moment to maintain the vehicle within the stability region,so the typical responses of vehicle enable to converge rapidly. The simulation results with sine and step steering show that map-based control provides better the tracking responsibility and control performance than model-referenced control. 展开更多
关键词 model-referenced control map-based control vehicle stability yaw moment
Comparing the Effects of Different Post-Listening Output Tasks on Second Language Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition:Revisiting the Involvement Load Hypothesis 被引量:1
作者 Le CHANG Yumeng DING 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2021年第4期506-519,590,共15页
Based on the Involvement Load Hypothesis, the present study investigated the differential effects of three post-listening output tasks(gap-filling, translation, and sentence-making) on immediate acquisition and retent... Based on the Involvement Load Hypothesis, the present study investigated the differential effects of three post-listening output tasks(gap-filling, translation, and sentence-making) on immediate acquisition and retention of such vocabulary dimensions as productive knowledge of orthography,receptive recall of meaning and form, and productive knowledge of grammatical functions. Ninety second-year English majors were divided into three groups to finish listening plus one of the postlistening tasks. The results showed that the post-listening output tasks had positive effects on immediate acquisition of productive vocabulary knowledge, partially in agreement with the Involvement Load Hypothesis. However, the effects on vocabulary knowledge retention were found to be largely inconsistent with the Involvement Load Hypothesis. The finding thus challenges this hypothesis in that involvement load is not the only determining factor and suggests that the theoretical construct of involvement load should be constructed with more caution. 展开更多
关键词 incidental vocabulary acquisition Involvement Load Hypothesis LISTENING output tasks
Cluster Growth Through Monomer Adsorption Processes
作者 柯见洪 林振权 陈效双 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期291-297,共7页
We propose a monomer adsorption model, in which only the monomers are allowed to diffuse and adsorb onto other clusters. By means of the generalized rate equation we investigate the kinetic behavior of the system with... We propose a monomer adsorption model, in which only the monomers are allowed to diffuse and adsorb onto other clusters. By means of the generalized rate equation we investigate the kinetic behavior of the system with a special rate kernel. For the system without monomer input, the concentration aj(t) of the Aj clusters (j 〉 1) asymptotically retains a nonzero quantity, while for the system with monomer input, it decays with time and vanishes finally. We also investigate the kinetics of an interesting model with fixed-rate monomer adsorption. For the ease without monomer source, the evolution of the system will halt at a finite time; while the system evolves infinitely in time in the case with monomer source. Finally, we also suggest a connection between the fixed-rate monomer adsorption systems and growing networks. 展开更多
关键词 kinetic behavior ADSORPTION rate equation approach
High Resolution Regional and Coastal Operational Storm Surges/Tide Forecasting System in Korea
作者 Sung Hyup You Woo Jeong Lee +2 位作者 Ji Hye Kwun Jang-Won Seo and Sang Boom Ryoo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第3期324-335,共12页
This study was performed to compare storm surges/tide simulated by the regional and coastal storm surges/tide forecast system (RTSM (regional tide/storm surges model), CTSM (coastal tide/storm surges model)) usi... This study was performed to compare storm surges/tide simulated by the regional and coastal storm surges/tide forecast system (RTSM (regional tide/storm surges model), CTSM (coastal tide/storm surges model)) using two different inputs from weather models (RDAPS (Regional Data Assimilation and Prediction System) and KWRF (Korea Weather and Research Forecasting)) during two typhoons that occurred between 2007 and 2008. Both the RDAPS and KWRF are the operational weather forecasting system in KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration). The horizontal resolutions of RDAPS and KWRF are 30 and 10 km, respectively. The storm surges/tide was hind casted using sea wind and pressure fields of two Typhoons which was approaching Korean Peninsula. The CTSM using input from KWRF simulate very well the storm surges/tide pattern in the complex coastal areas. The result showed that the storm surges by the coastal storm surges/tide model with high resolution input was in well agreement with the observed sea level occurred by high tide and storm surges in the coastal areas. 展开更多
关键词 Storm surges/tide RTSM CTSM RDAPS KWRF KMA.
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