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浅谈钢琴演奏中的力量循环及其训练方法 被引量:1
作者 丁运成 《蚌埠学院学报》 2014年第2期73-75,共3页
通过分析指出,钢琴爱好者和学习者弹奏钢琴时,一部分演奏者因无法适当放松、肌肉处于紧张状态,致使肌肉酸胀而不能长时间坚持弹奏到乐曲结束,影响乐曲的完整性。这与钢琴弹奏力量的支撑与放松即"力量循环"有直接联系,针对上... 通过分析指出,钢琴爱好者和学习者弹奏钢琴时,一部分演奏者因无法适当放松、肌肉处于紧张状态,致使肌肉酸胀而不能长时间坚持弹奏到乐曲结束,影响乐曲的完整性。这与钢琴弹奏力量的支撑与放松即"力量循环"有直接联系,针对上述问题,就如何正确运用钢琴演奏中的力量循环提出建议和措施。 展开更多
关键词 力量元素 力量支配 力量循环 支撑 放松 训练方法
作者 韩飙 《拳击与格斗》 2024年第2期55-57,共3页
中长跑运动员在进行力量训练时要选择循环力量训练法,其主要是通过对训练站点的设置,合理安排间歇时间和训练密度,根据运动员的实际需求进行灵活调整,以确保训练强度的灵活性,从而最终实现力量训练的目标。在循环力量训练的实践阶段,要... 中长跑运动员在进行力量训练时要选择循环力量训练法,其主要是通过对训练站点的设置,合理安排间歇时间和训练密度,根据运动员的实际需求进行灵活调整,以确保训练强度的灵活性,从而最终实现力量训练的目标。在循环力量训练的实践阶段,要注意训练原则、负荷设置以及方法的选择,这样才能发挥出训练方法的应用优势。 展开更多
关键词 中长跑 循环力量训练 训练方法
作者 胡胜 《当代体育科技》 2020年第7期29-29,31,共2页
本文通过综述有氧和无氧工作能力的生理学基础以及循环训练法方式方法,探讨循环力量训练与有氧和无氧工作能力直接的关系,旨在为运动训练提供训练指导。有氧工作和无氧工作能力是运动员选材的重要依据,也是国民体质健康和学生体质健康... 本文通过综述有氧和无氧工作能力的生理学基础以及循环训练法方式方法,探讨循环力量训练与有氧和无氧工作能力直接的关系,旨在为运动训练提供训练指导。有氧工作和无氧工作能力是运动员选材的重要依据,也是国民体质健康和学生体质健康测试的重要内容,有氧和无氧工作能力是运动训练和体质健康的重要评价手段,其训练方法多种多样,其效果差异也较为明显,目前的循环训练已经是运动训练研究的热点,因此,探讨和综述循环训练与有氧和无氧工作能力的关系,尤为重要。本文就循环力量训练的方式方法对有氧和无氧工作能力影响做一综述,对运动员的运动训练和大众科学健身提供理论指导和参考。 展开更多
关键词 循环力量训练 有氧工作能力 无氧运动工作能力
作者 黄浩 《越野世界》 2019年第8期20-20,共1页
在国家强调要对各年级阶段学生进行全面的素质教育背景下,对于学生保持较强的身体素质也提出了要求,近年来由于学校、教师和家长往往将成绩和作业作为主要关注点,而忽略了学生的体质健康状况,导致了近视、体态不良、关节炎等症状过早的... 在国家强调要对各年级阶段学生进行全面的素质教育背景下,对于学生保持较强的身体素质也提出了要求,近年来由于学校、教师和家长往往将成绩和作业作为主要关注点,而忽略了学生的体质健康状况,导致了近视、体态不良、关节炎等症状过早的出现在年轻人中。初中阶段是身体力量发展有效锻炼的时期,初中阶段的女生也处于力量素质能够得到较快提升的阶段,因此需要得到相关人员的重视。本文针对如何通过循环力量提升初中女生身体素质并在中考力量类项目中改善成绩、提高水平的相关问题进行了研究。 展开更多
关键词 初中体育教育 女生 循环力量 力量类项目
对我国皮艇运动专项力量训练的思考 被引量:3
作者 薛冰 《武汉体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第6期157-158,共2页
在回顾我国传统力量训练方法运用情况的基础上 ,从皮艇传统力量训练指导思想与方法的不足的层面 ,对皮艇专项力量训练方法进行了审视 。
关键词 皮艇 专项力量 训练方法 中国 力量循环训练
低强度力量训练对肥胖女生身体成分的影响研究 被引量:2
作者 唐凤成 《辽宁师专学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第4期65-66,共2页
现代大学生越来越重视自己的健康和体形,而肥胖正是影响大学生身心全面发展的重要因素之一,尤其对于女大学生更是如此.通过低强度力量试验法对肥胖女大学生进行试验,分析运动干预对肥胖女大学生身体成分的影响以及作用机制,结果表明这... 现代大学生越来越重视自己的健康和体形,而肥胖正是影响大学生身心全面发展的重要因素之一,尤其对于女大学生更是如此.通过低强度力量试验法对肥胖女大学生进行试验,分析运动干预对肥胖女大学生身体成分的影响以及作用机制,结果表明这种训练干预能够显著改善肥胖女大学生的身体形态、身体机能以及身体各项指标,从而为科学减肥提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 肥胖 女生身体成分 低强度 循环力量训练
优秀摔跤运动员不同力量训练手段的心率监控与效果评价 被引量:2
作者 韩哲 刘歌 《湖北体育科技》 2010年第1期60-61,69,共3页
对备战2009年第11届全国运动会的武汉体育学院男子摔跤队常用的一般力量训练、速度力量训练和循环力量训练进行长期系统心率监控发现:(1)三种力量训练手段的强度排序依次是循环力量训练强度最大,速度力量训练居中,一般力量训练最小。(2... 对备战2009年第11届全国运动会的武汉体育学院男子摔跤队常用的一般力量训练、速度力量训练和循环力量训练进行长期系统心率监控发现:(1)三种力量训练手段的强度排序依次是循环力量训练强度最大,速度力量训练居中,一般力量训练最小。(2)每堂一般力量训练课,按照甩片、深蹲、提拉、平推顺序进行,以保证整堂课的训练效果。 展开更多
关键词 男子摔跤 一般力量训练 速度力量训练 循环力量训练 心率监控
摔跤运动员的专项力量训练 被引量:9
作者 张信波 廖凯忠 《中国体育教练员》 2004年第1期40-41,共2页
随着现代摔跤运动水平的不断提高和比赛规则的不断修改,比赛的激烈程度和对抗强度也在不断增加.因此,如何针对现代摔跤运动在力量对抗上所体现出的特点,对摔跤运动员进行科学合理的力量训练方法,提高运动员的运动水平,是一项需要长期进... 随着现代摔跤运动水平的不断提高和比赛规则的不断修改,比赛的激烈程度和对抗强度也在不断增加.因此,如何针对现代摔跤运动在力量对抗上所体现出的特点,对摔跤运动员进行科学合理的力量训练方法,提高运动员的运动水平,是一项需要长期进行系统科学研究和探讨的重要课题. 展开更多
关键词 摔跤 运动员 专项力量训练 克制训练法 退让训练法 静力训练法 训练手段 循环力量训练法
循环力量训练对肌力、最大摄氧量和HRV的影响 被引量:9
作者 刘冬冬 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期52-55,共4页
目的:观察该循环力量训练对受试者的肌肉力量、最大摄氧量和心率变异性(HRV)的影响。研究方法:对象:来自UTSA的24名年龄在18-30岁健康在校大学生,随机分为训练组(EG,n=13)和对照组(CG,n=11);对照组进行为期12周的循环力量训练... 目的:观察该循环力量训练对受试者的肌肉力量、最大摄氧量和心率变异性(HRV)的影响。研究方法:对象:来自UTSA的24名年龄在18-30岁健康在校大学生,随机分为训练组(EG,n=13)和对照组(CG,n=11);对照组进行为期12周的循环力量训练,在训练前,训练4周后,训练8周后和训练12周后分别测试两组的HRV,并对训练前后两组的最大肌力和最大摄氧量进行测试。研究结果:12周训练后,训练组的最大肌力和最大摄氧量与训练前相比和与对照组相比均有显著性增加(最大摄氧量p〈0.05,最大肌力p〈0.01),HRV各项指标在组间和训练前后均无显著性差异。结论:1)12周循环力量训练能够增加训练者的肌肉力量。2)通过12周的循环力量训练,受试者的最大摄氧量增加,提高了有氧能力。3)12周的循环力量训练对健康青年受试者的HRV各指标没有明显影响,提示对心脏自主神经功能无显著影响。 展开更多
关键词 循环力量训练 HRV 自主神经系统 最大摄氧量
Effects of Dairy Cattle Manure and Chemical Fertilizers on Fertility of Soils Grown with Cichorium intybus
作者 施娴 刘艳红 袁玲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2303-2305,2310,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to explore recycling utilization of manure of dairy cattle through returning of manures into fields. [Method] Effects of dairy cattle ma- nure and chemical fertilizer on fertility of soils grow... [Objective] The aim was to explore recycling utilization of manure of dairy cattle through returning of manures into fields. [Method] Effects of dairy cattle ma- nure and chemical fertilizer on fertility of soils grown with Cichorium intybus were in- vestigated through a pot experiment. [Result] After manure of dairy cattle was ap- plied, it can be concluded that organic matter, total N, total P, alkali-hydrolyzable ni- trogen, available P, activities of urease and invertase in soils increased by 0.14-1.28 times, 43.8%-79.7%, 17.4%-30.8%, 147%-188%, 7 times, 17.2%-38.5%, and 1.36%- 3.34%, respectively. Furthermore, organic matter, total N. urease and invertase activi- ties in group of M7F3 increased most; total P and available P achieved the best in group of M3F7. These indicated that the applied manures of dairy cattle would maintain and improve soil fertility, providing better soils for Cichorium intybus. [Conclusion] The research provides reference for recycling of cattle manures and construction of ecological cyclical pattern of "grass planting-cattle breeding-methane fermentation-returning of manures into fields". 展开更多
关键词 Dairy cattle manure Chemical fertilizer Cichorium intybus Soil fertility
Non-invasive measurement of pan-colonic pressure over a whole digestive cycle:Clinical applications of a capsule-style manometric system 被引量:1
作者 Wen-Qiang Zhang Guo-Zheng Yan +1 位作者 Lian-Zhi Yu xin-Qing Yang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第47期7690-7694,共5页
AIM: To study the prolonged colonic motility under normal conditions with a novel capsule-style microsystem and to assess its clinical significance. METHODS: A single use telemetry capsule (10 mm in diameter, 20 mm... AIM: To study the prolonged colonic motility under normal conditions with a novel capsule-style microsystem and to assess its clinical significance. METHODS: A single use telemetry capsule (10 mm in diameter, 20 mm in length) embedded with a pressure sensor was ingested by the subjects. The sensor is capable of transmitting colonic pressure wirelessly for more than 130 h. The time of capsule entering the segmental colon was detected by ultrasound. The ultrasonic electrodes were mounted on the surface of the ileocecum and navel and at the junction of the left and rectosigmoid colon of the subjects in sequence, which were identified by abdominal X-rays with radiopaque markers. To verify the accuracy and reliability of ultrasonic detection of telemetry capsules at key points of colon, the segmental colonic transit time was simultaneously recorded by using radiopaque markers. RESULTS: The signal lamp showed that all recorders could receive the radio signal transmitted by the telemetry capsule. The X-rays showed that all telemetry capsules were detected successfully when they were passing through the key points of colon. There was a significant correlation between the transit results obtained by ultrasonic detection or by radiopaque markers. Colorectal recording was obtained from 20 healthy subjects during 613 h (411 h during waking, 202 h during sleep). Compared to waking, the number of pressure contractions and the area under pressure contractions were significantly (P 〈 0.05) decreased during sleep (21 ± 5 h^-vs 15 ± 4 h1, 463 ± 54 mmHg·/min vs 342 ± 45 mmHg·/min). The colonic motility exhibited significant regional variations both in the circadian behavior and in response to waking and meal. CONCLUSION: The capsule-style micro-system is reliable and noninvasive, and may represent a useful tool for the study of physiology and pathology of colonic motor disorders. 展开更多
关键词 Colon Pan-colonic pressure Pan-colonic motor activity Telemetry
Methane Dynamics in Northern Peatlands: A Review 被引量:13
作者 D. Y. F. LAI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期409-421,共13页
Northern peatlands store a large amount of carbon and play a significant role in the global carbon cycle. Owing to the presence of waterlogged and anaerobic conditions, peatlands are typically a source of methane (CH4... Northern peatlands store a large amount of carbon and play a significant role in the global carbon cycle. Owing to the presence of waterlogged and anaerobic conditions, peatlands are typically a source of methane (CH4), a very potent greenhouse gas. This paper reviews the key mechanisms of peatland CH4 production, consumption and transport and the major environmental and biotic controls on peatland CH4 emissions. The advantages and disadvantages of micrometeorological and chamber methods in measuring CH4 fluxes from northern peatlands are also discussed. The magnitude of CH4 flux varies considerably among peatland types (bogs and fens) and microtopographic locations (hummocks and hollows). Some anthropogenic activities including forestry, peat harvesting and industrial emission of sulphur dioxide can cause a reduction in CH4 release from northern peatlands. Further research should be conducted to investigate the in fluence of plant growth forms on CH4 flux from northern peatlands, determine the water table threshold at which plant production in peatlands enhances CH4 release, and quantify peatland CH4 exchange at plant community level with a higher temporal resolution using automatic chambers. 展开更多
关键词 global carbon cycle greenhouse gas methane oxidation METHANOGENESIS methanotrophy
Study on Combination of Engine/Steam Turbine Cycle for Improving the Energy Conversion
作者 A.M. Barbosa S. Cardoso D. Bastos-Netto 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第5期434-437,共4页
This work discusses the combination of two thermodynamic cycles seeking to improve the overall chemical energy conversion rate into mechanical energy. Here one engine operates according a Rankine cycle in order to use... This work discusses the combination of two thermodynamic cycles seeking to improve the overall chemical energy conversion rate into mechanical energy. Here one engine operates according a Rankine cycle in order to use part of the thermal energy released to the boundary, i.e., the neighboring atmosphere. The analysis of this combined cycle shows that it might, under proper condition, represent a gain of 1.2% in the overall delivered engine power. 展开更多
关键词 AVAILABILITY internal combustion engines chemical energy combined cycle Rankine cycle.
Effects of grain size on phase transition behavior of nanocrystalline shape memory alloys 被引量:11
作者 SUN QingPing ASLAN Ahadi +1 位作者 LI MingPeng CHEN MingXiang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期671-679,共9页
We report recent advances in the experimental and theoretical study of grain size(GS)effects on the thermal and mechanical properties of nanostructured NiTi polycrystalline shape memory alloy(SMA).It is shown that whe... We report recent advances in the experimental and theoretical study of grain size(GS)effects on the thermal and mechanical properties of nanostructured NiTi polycrystalline shape memory alloy(SMA).It is shown that when GS<60 nm,the superelastic stress-strain hysteresis loop area(H)of the polycrystal decreases rapidly with GS and tends to vanish as GS approaches 10 nanometers.At the same time,the temperature dependence of the transition stress also decreases with GS and eventually approaches zero,leading to a wide superelastic temperature window and breakdown of the Clausius-Claperyon relationship.Rate dependence of the stress-strain responses is significantly reduced and the cyclic stability of the material is improved by the nanocrystallization.It is proposed that the emergence of such significant changes in the behavior of the material with GS reduction originate from the large increase in the area-to-volume ratios of the nanometer-thick interfaces(grain boundary and Austenite-Martensite(A-M)interface)in the polycrystal.In particular,with GS reduction,interfacial energy terms will gradually become dominant over the bulk energy of the crystallite,eventually bring fundamental changes in the phase transition responses of the material.Modelling strategy leading to the establishment of quantitative relationships among GS,grain boundary,A-M interfaces and the macroscopic responses of the material are outlined. 展开更多
关键词 grain size effects phase transition behavior grain boundary and austenite-martensite (A-M) interface nanocrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys
Quantum heat engine cycle working with a strongly correlated electron system 被引量:2
作者 WANG HaiLong PAN Hui WANG RongMing 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期792-797,共6页
A new model of a quantum heat engine (QHE) cycle is established, in which the working substance consists of an interacting electrons system. One of our purposes is to test the validity of the second law of thermodyn... A new model of a quantum heat engine (QHE) cycle is established, in which the working substance consists of an interacting electrons system. One of our purposes is to test the validity of the second law of thermodynamics by this model, which is more general than the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model since it would recover the spin model when the on-site Coulomb interaction U is strong enough. On the basis of quantum mechanics and the first law of thermodynamics, we show no violation of the second law of thermodynamics during the cycle. We further study the performance characteristics of the cycle by investigating in detail the optimal relations of efficiency and dimensionless power output. We find that the efficiency of our engine can be expressed as η = t22/t21 in the large-U limit, which is valid even for a four sites QHE. 展开更多
关键词 quantum heat engine strongly correlated electrons Hubbard model
Efficiency at Maximum Power Output of a Quantum-Mechanical Brayton Cycle
作者 YUAN Yuan HE Ji-Zhou +1 位作者 GAO Yong WANG Jian-Hui 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期344-348,共5页
The performance in finite time of a quantum-mechanical Brayton engine cycle is discussed, without intro- duction of temperature. The engine model consists of two quantum isoenergetic and two quantum isobaric processes... The performance in finite time of a quantum-mechanical Brayton engine cycle is discussed, without intro- duction of temperature. The engine model consists of two quantum isoenergetic and two quantum isobaric processes, and works with a single particle in a harmonic trap. Directly employing the finite-time thermodynamics, the efficiency at maximum power output is determined. Extending the harmonic trap to a power-law trap, we find that the efficiency at max/mum power is independent of any parameter involved in the model, but depends on the confinement of the trapping potential. 展开更多
关键词 quantum-mechanical Brayton engine harmonic trap efficiency at maximum power
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