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作者 杨大龙 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2022年第4期17-23,共7页
王重阳功行思想与王阳明知行观中都蕴含着对于性命的反思和追求,但两者对于性命反思的逻辑起点和性命追求的至高境界却大相径庭。王重阳的性命观以性命双修的内丹理论为基础,主张“性主命宾”的观点,强调在内修真功性、外修真行的内外... 王重阳功行思想与王阳明知行观中都蕴含着对于性命的反思和追求,但两者对于性命反思的逻辑起点和性命追求的至高境界却大相径庭。王重阳的性命观以性命双修的内丹理论为基础,主张“性主命宾”的观点,强调在内修真功性、外修真行的内外贯通之中实现全真而仙的性命超越。王阳明的知行观以良知为核,主张“心即性即命”的观点,着重通过以心定性,以心定命来贯通性命与身心,以呈露良知,从而在致良知的过程中实现尽性致命的性命追求。相比而言,王重阳以性功为主,内外双修,体现出性宗渐修的特点;王阳明以良知为核,是以良知统帅性命之学,体现为心宗顿悟的特点。 展开更多
关键词 王阳明 王重阳 功行 性命
作者 李亮 王雨童 +1 位作者 蔡铭洲 范铜钢 《体育科技文献通报》 2024年第8期172-175,205,共5页
目的:了解大学生的睡眠质量、焦虑状况、手机成瘾性,实证自然行步功对大学生睡眠质量、焦虑状态和手机依赖性的影响效果,为自然行步功临床循证研究方法的有效性和科学性提供支撑。方法:采用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法等研究方法,... 目的:了解大学生的睡眠质量、焦虑状况、手机成瘾性,实证自然行步功对大学生睡眠质量、焦虑状态和手机依赖性的影响效果,为自然行步功临床循证研究方法的有效性和科学性提供支撑。方法:采用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法等研究方法,选取上海高等专科旅游学校在校的66名大学生作为实验对象,随机分为实验组和对照组,对照组不进行任何形式的干预,保持其原有的生活状态;实验组进行为期4周和8周的自然行步功干预。结果:干预4周和8周后,实验组匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)总分呈显著性下降(P<0.05),焦虑自评量表(SAS)评分也呈显著性下降(P<0.05),手机成瘾指数量表(MPAI)虽然下降但效果不显著。干预4周和8周后,对照组,匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)评分较实验前均有所提高,但差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);干预4周后,对照组焦虑自评量表(SAS)评分与实验前比较出现上升趋势,8周后对照组焦虑自评量表(SAS)评分较实验前有所下降,但差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);4周和8周的手机成瘾指数(MPAI)评分均出现上升趋势,但4周和8周的结果和实验前相比均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:自然行步功锻炼能够提高大学生的睡眠质量和改善焦虑状态,但对大学生手机依赖性的改善效果不显著,自然行步功有临床推广的价值和意义,值得大学生习练。研究还发现,大学生焦虑情绪呈上下波动,应引起重视。 展开更多
关键词 自然 大学生 睡眠质量 焦虑状态 手机依赖性 运动
论太极拳的行功特点及健身价值 被引量:10
作者 朱奋飞 《安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第1期103-104,109,共3页
关键词 太极拳 科学基础 健身价值
唐村《十三势行功歌》与王宗岳《十三势行工歌》的比较研究 被引量:4
作者 王旭浩 魏美智 《焦作师范高等专科学校学报》 2011年第1期9-12,共4页
以博爱唐村康熙五十五年(1716)续修的《李氏家谱》中的《十三势行功歌》为基础,与王宗岳的《十三势行工歌》的文字、篇名、写作时间、作者及释义进行比较研究。结合作者的实际情况,寻找拳谱中最原始的用意,合理利用旧的说法和解释,试图... 以博爱唐村康熙五十五年(1716)续修的《李氏家谱》中的《十三势行功歌》为基础,与王宗岳的《十三势行工歌》的文字、篇名、写作时间、作者及释义进行比较研究。结合作者的实际情况,寻找拳谱中最原始的用意,合理利用旧的说法和解释,试图把《十三势行功歌》的原意讲清楚,返璞归真。 展开更多
关键词 唐村 《十三势歌》 王宗岳 《十三势工歌》 太极拳
论太极拳行功走架中之“圆” 被引量:1
作者 黄燕萍 《少林与太极》 2010年第6期10-13,共4页
太极拳是一种顺应自然的强身健体的运动,它在连绵不断、圆活自如的运动中以弧形的运动轨迹体现出太极拳"万变不离其圆"的哲理。论文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法和综合分析法,对太极拳行功走架中的"圆"进行了理论上... 太极拳是一种顺应自然的强身健体的运动,它在连绵不断、圆活自如的运动中以弧形的运动轨迹体现出太极拳"万变不离其圆"的哲理。论文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法和综合分析法,对太极拳行功走架中的"圆"进行了理论上的阐明与分析,论证了太极拳运动中处处体现"圆"的原理。 展开更多
关键词 太极拳 走架 “圆”
走架打手行功要言 被引量:1
作者 李亦畲 《精武》 2009年第10期39-39,共1页
关键词 走架打手要言 武术 外散 神气
作者 刘连洋 《精武》 2006年第8期13-13,共1页
一、行功之法太祖拳是功力拳,与别处所见的长拳有很大不同,其动作快慢相间,柔和圆活。正是在这快慢与柔活中,才能体会到拳架势法的气机鼓荡,才能感觉出拳法局势的长短横侧,才能慢慢地体认出劲力为何物。本人将太祖拳作为母拳和入... 一、行功之法太祖拳是功力拳,与别处所见的长拳有很大不同,其动作快慢相间,柔和圆活。正是在这快慢与柔活中,才能体会到拳架势法的气机鼓荡,才能感觉出拳法局势的长短横侧,才能慢慢地体认出劲力为何物。本人将太祖拳作为母拳和入门根基的行功之法归纳如下: 展开更多
关键词 山东 太祖拳 力拳 拳法
作者 释延王 《中华武术》 2003年第11期44-45,共2页
关键词 易筋洗髓 歌诀 字诀 歌诀 少林
作者 张启林 《中华武术》 2024年第3期55-55,共1页
迈步的字面解释有“向前跨步”“举脚向前走”等意思。在传统杨式太极拳85式中有:向前迈步、向前跟步、向后退步、横向迈步等步法。对迈步总的要求是出自《十三势行功心解》中的“迈步如猫行”,也就是说在行拳走架时,要求迈步要像猫一... 迈步的字面解释有“向前跨步”“举脚向前走”等意思。在传统杨式太极拳85式中有:向前迈步、向前跟步、向后退步、横向迈步等步法。对迈步总的要求是出自《十三势行功心解》中的“迈步如猫行”,也就是说在行拳走架时,要求迈步要像猫一样轻灵、稳健。那么,如何才能把“迈步如猫行”练上身呢?个人认为,应从以下四个原则入手。 展开更多
关键词 字面解释 杨式太极拳 十三势心解 后退步 步法 四个原则 85式
作者 李庆荣 《中华武术》 2024年第10期51-51,共1页
《中华武术》2024年第6期刊登有王荣泽有关“劲”的说法:“力与劲本质上都是力,熟能生巧,劲是久久用力后产生的巧,巧力即为劲,左手右手做同一件事,右手用的是劲,左手用的是力。”这与经典力学不符,更与《十三势行功心解》不符,有可能把... 《中华武术》2024年第6期刊登有王荣泽有关“劲”的说法:“力与劲本质上都是力,熟能生巧,劲是久久用力后产生的巧,巧力即为劲,左手右手做同一件事,右手用的是劲,左手用的是力。”这与经典力学不符,更与《十三势行功心解》不符,有可能把人引入歧途。劲与力的内涵是拳术家必须熟知的道理。但今人多说劲亦是力,不求甚解,拳者不能等闲视之。经典力学定义:两个以上物体相互作用(碰撞、牵拉、挤压、吸引)才会产生作用力和反作用力,且大小相等,方向相反。 展开更多
关键词 经典力学 引入歧途 十三势心解 熟能生巧 《中华武术》 作用力和反作用力 不求甚解
早期全真龙门派伦理思想述要 被引量:1
作者 周立升 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第2期29-31,55,共4页
关键词 全真道 龙门派 积德累 功行双全
中华绵缓运动对老年人身心健康的有利因素 被引量:4
作者 王金杰 《四川体育科学》 2003年第4期32-33,45,共3页
绵缓运动是以绵长柔缓为基本运动特征的较长时间的低强度运动,是适度负荷运动之一族,包括导引运动、太极运动和舞武运动。它们显著的健身效果原自于其深厚的东方哲学基础、心理学基础、人体生命科学基础以及完整的技术体系与技术方法。... 绵缓运动是以绵长柔缓为基本运动特征的较长时间的低强度运动,是适度负荷运动之一族,包括导引运动、太极运动和舞武运动。它们显著的健身效果原自于其深厚的东方哲学基础、心理学基础、人体生命科学基础以及完整的技术体系与技术方法。其基本行为特点为:松软自然、意气相随、圆活和顺、松紧适度及延绵徐缓。对老年练习者可以达到增强抵抗能力,改善身体机能及防病治病的功效。 展开更多
关键词 绵缓运动 健身运动 老年人 身心健康 生理学 心理学 运动技术 结构特点 特点
The Directional Breeding and Feasibility of Functional Bamboos 被引量:1
作者 史军义 周德群 +2 位作者 马丽莎 姚俊 蒲正宇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期711-716,共6页
The functional bamboos are defined as the ones artificially selected, cultivated and produced in the special functions. Based on the principles to broaden market and maximize benefits, the directional cultivation of t... The functional bamboos are defined as the ones artificially selected, cultivated and produced in the special functions. Based on the principles to broaden market and maximize benefits, the directional cultivation of the functional bamboos has effectively been used bio-techniques and directionally to breed and cultivate bamboo cultivars to meet human's needs. The functional bamboos should feature stability, excellent quality and convenient production as well as easy duplication. The functional bamboo cultivars should also enhance the scientization, standardization industrialization and mass production. Given no negative environmental impact, ou purpose is to select, cultivate and develop one or more functional bamboos cultivars to meet the consumers' material and spiritual needs and bring more economic ben efits for the producers. The authors believe that directionally breeding functiona bamboo cultivars is not only feasible in techniques, resources and policies, but also in economy and market development. This implicates great significance for the green economic development given the features of China's natural resources. 展开更多
关键词 Functional Bamboos Bamboo cultivars Directinal Cultivation Feasibility
Behavioral modeling of RF power amplifiers with time-delay feed-forward neural networks
作者 翟建锋 周健义 +2 位作者 赵嘉宁 张雷 洪伟 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期6-9,共4页
A novel behavioral model using three-layer time-delay feed-forward neural networks (TDFFNN)is adopted to model radio frequency (RF)power amplifiers exhibiting memory nonlinearities. In order to extract the paramet... A novel behavioral model using three-layer time-delay feed-forward neural networks (TDFFNN)is adopted to model radio frequency (RF)power amplifiers exhibiting memory nonlinearities. In order to extract the parameters, the back- propagation algorithm is applied to train the proposed neural networks. The proposed model is verified by the typical odd- order-only memory polynomial model in simulation, and the performance is compared with different numbers of taped delay lines(TDLs) and perceptrons of the hidden layer. For validating the TDFFNN model by experiments, a digital test bench is set up to collect input and output data of power amplifiers at a 60 × 10^6 sample/s sampling rate. The 3.75 MHz 16-QAM signal generated in the vector signal generator(VSG) is chosen as the input signal, when measuring the dynamic AM/AM and AM/PM characteristics of power amplifiers. By comparisons and analyses, the presented model provides a good performance in convergence, accuracy and efficiency, which is approved by simulation results and experimental results in the time domain and frequency domain. 展开更多
关键词 behavioral model power amplifier time-delay feed- forward neural network(TDFFNN)
八卦掌源流考 被引量:2
作者 张方 《精武》 2004年第9期41-43,共3页
有关八卦掌的起源说法不一,有人认为清《蓝簃外史》中“靖逆记”所载,天理教起义领袖冯克善、牛亮臣的拳法中有“八步”,“似合‘八卦’”并且有“离卦”之分,这就是八卦掌的前身。其实不然,天理教是清王朝的死敌,如果董海川挟天... 有关八卦掌的起源说法不一,有人认为清《蓝簃外史》中“靖逆记”所载,天理教起义领袖冯克善、牛亮臣的拳法中有“八步”,“似合‘八卦’”并且有“离卦”之分,这就是八卦掌的前身。其实不然,天理教是清王朝的死敌,如果董海川挟天理教武功进京隐身于肃王府,则必招杀身之祸。因为清王朝对待天理教一类的“ 展开更多
关键词 八卦掌 源流 考证 拳法 方法 内丹动 三掌 八掌 转掌
Low power linear actuator for direct drive electrohydraulic valves 被引量:1
作者 Yong LI Fan DING +1 位作者 Jian CUI Qi-peng LI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第7期940-943,共4页
This paper presents a bi-directional permanent-magnet linear actuator for directly driving electrohydraulic valves with low power consumption. Its static and dynamic performances were analyzed using the 2D finite elem... This paper presents a bi-directional permanent-magnet linear actuator for directly driving electrohydraulic valves with low power consumption. Its static and dynamic performances were analyzed using the 2D finite element method,taking into account the nonlinear characterization and the eddy current loss of the magnetic material. The experiment and simulation results agree well and show that the prototype actuator can produce a force of ±100 N with the maximum power being 7 W and has linear characteristics with a positive magnetic stiffness within a stroke of ±1 mm. Its non-linearity is less than 1.5% and the hysteresis less than 1.5%. The actuator's frequency response(-3 dB) of the displacement reaches about 15 Hz,and the most significant factor affecting the dynamic performance is identified as the eddy current loss of the magnetic material. 展开更多
关键词 Electrohydraulic valves Linear actuator Low power High pressure Positive magnetic stiffness
Six Minute Walk Test to assess functional capacity in chronic liver disease patients 被引量:6
作者 Hatem F Alameri Faisal M Sanai +4 位作者 Manal Al Dukhayil Nahla A Azzam Khalid A Al-Swat Ahmad S Hersi Ayman A Abdo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第29期3996-4001,共6页
AIM: To examine the utility of Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD). METHODS: Two hundred and fifty subjects between the ages of 18 and 80 (mean 47) years performed 6MWT and the Six... AIM: To examine the utility of Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD). METHODS: Two hundred and fifty subjects between the ages of 18 and 80 (mean 47) years performed 6MWT and the Six Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) was measured. RESULTS: The subjects were categorized into four groups. Group A (n = 45) healthy subjects (control); group B (n = 49) chronic hepatitis B patients; group C (n = 54) chronic hepatitis C patients; group D (n = 98) liver cirrhosis patients. The four groups differed in terms of 6MWDs (P < 0.001). The longest distance walked was 421 ± 47 m by group A, then group B (390 ± 53 m), group C (357 ± 72 m) and group D (306 ± 111 m). The 6MWD correlated with age (r = -0.482, P < 0.01), hemoglobin (r = +0.373, P < 0.001) and albumin (r = +0.311, P < 0.001) levels. The Child-Pugh classification was negatively correlated with the 6MWD in cirrhosis (group D) patients (r = -0.328, P < 0.01). At the end of a 12 mo follow-up period, 15 of the 98 cirrhosis patients had died from disease complications. The 6MWD for the surviving cirrhotic patients was longer than for non-survivors (317 ± 101 vs 245 ± 145 m, P = 0.021; 95% CI 11-132). The 6MWD was found to be an independent predictor of survival (P = 0.024). CONCLUSION: 6MWT is a useful tool for assessing physical function in CLD patients. We suggest that 6MWD may serve as a prognostic indicator in patients with liver cirrhosis. 展开更多
关键词 Six Minute Walk Test Chronic liver disease Functional capacity
太极拳和水压机——试谈太极推手的科学原理 被引量:2
作者 施载煌 《福建体育科技》 1982年第3期28-33,共6页
中国的太极拳,有着悠久、光辉的历史。目前太极拳虽日益普及,但太极拳的“秘密”和科学原理,有待于进一步揭示和论述。在北京、上海、广州等地,随时可以看到打太极拳的人流如海如潮。有的两人相对而立,以手相扶,推来推去,突然,一人被推... 中国的太极拳,有着悠久、光辉的历史。目前太极拳虽日益普及,但太极拳的“秘密”和科学原理,有待于进一步揭示和论述。在北京、上海、广州等地,随时可以看到打太极拳的人流如海如潮。有的两人相对而立,以手相扶,推来推去,突然,一人被推跌出一丈左右。这就是:太极推手。 展开更多
关键词 太极拳运动 太极推手 整劲 转腰 引进落空 十三势心解 拳种 上盛下虚 舍己从人 对练
Assessment and Feedback
作者 Olivera Novitovic Aleksandar Novitovic Divna Trebinjac 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第10期1001-1007,共7页
Assessment and learning must not be considered as two separate processes. In fact, assessment is an integral part of the learning process; it can be learning experience in itself. Active assessment strategies help stu... Assessment and learning must not be considered as two separate processes. In fact, assessment is an integral part of the learning process; it can be learning experience in itself. Active assessment strategies help students better understand the content they learn and develop skills that will be useful to them throughout their lives. Some of those skills are the ability to prepare effective oral and written reports and the ability to cooperate successfully with peers. Action research represents the process of systematic inquiry and it helps teachers to assess learning from the perspective of what they do in the classroom. The purpose is to find out "why" or "how" something happened the way it did. Therefore, a situation or problem should be carefully examined by a teacher. Teachers should analyze their own beliefs, values, and assumptions about teaching and learning, knowledge and curriculum, and how these impact the way they interact with students. Feedback should be used as part of assessment activities. Learning experience of students facilitated by teachers can be assessed through feedback. 展开更多
关键词 Assessment criteria marking criteria creative work assessment of practice skills assessment.
Relationship between cultivated land use functions and land rental behavior of rural households:empirical evidence from different dominant functional regions in central China 被引量:4
作者 Yayun Wang Yinying Cai 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2017年第3期262-272,共11页
This paper analyzes the relationship between the cultivated land use functions and the land rental decisions of rural households in three Dominant Functional Zones of Hubei, China. The results indicate that 41.10% of ... This paper analyzes the relationship between the cultivated land use functions and the land rental decisions of rural households in three Dominant Functional Zones of Hubei, China. The results indicate that 41.10% of the rural households in the study areas participated in the land rental market. The land rental market in the Key Development Zone has both a higher participation rate and land rent; the Agricultural Production Zone has a higher participation rate but a lower land rent; and the land rental market in the Key Ecological Zone is underdeveloped. The difference in regional function and economic level leads to a significant difference in the spatial variation of the cultivated land use multifunction. Overall, the cultivated land function of rural households has a significant impact on their land transfer behavior. The higher the Functions of Economic Contribution, Food Production, and Pension & Employment, the more willing the rural households are to rent in the land, while the higher the Function of Inheritance and Retainment of the cultivated land use, the more likely the peasants are to retain their cultivated land resources. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient is significantly higher in the Key Development Zone than in the Key Ecological Zone. 展开更多
关键词 Land rental cultivated landuse function rural householdspatial heterogeneity mainfunctional area Biprobitmodel
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