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六维力/加工电流模糊控制电解加工间隙的方法 被引量:3
作者 陆永华 赵东标 +1 位作者 云乃彰 刘凯 《南京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期97-101,共5页
为了有效控制电解加工间隙,提高加工精度,以六维力和加工电流为模糊控制器输入的原始数据,结合在线检测加工间隙技术,得到测试间隙;设计控制加工间隙的二输入一输出的模糊控制器,把测试间隙与初始设定间隙形成偏差和偏差的变化量... 为了有效控制电解加工间隙,提高加工精度,以六维力和加工电流为模糊控制器输入的原始数据,结合在线检测加工间隙技术,得到测试间隙;设计控制加工间隙的二输入一输出的模糊控制器,把测试间隙与初始设定间隙形成偏差和偏差的变化量,作为模糊控制器的输入,机床主轴进给速度作为模糊控制器输出;在Matlab的Simulink模块中,通过对电解加工系统和模糊控制器组成的联合模型进行仿真试验,并调整加工间隙的初始设定值,得到结论:模糊控制电解加工过程稳定,鲁棒性好,加工过程很快达到平衡状态;在0.2~0.7mm的加工间隙范围,随着加工间隙的增大,模糊控制器的超调量减小,控制效果好。 展开更多
关键词 电解加工 模糊控制 加工间隙 六维力 加工电流
加工电流对线切割加工5Cr5WMoSi摩擦性能的影响 被引量:3
作者 王磊 弓满锋 连海山 《兵器材料科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期67-72,共6页
利用几组生产中常用的加工电流参数加工5Cr5WMoSi工具钢,测量表面硬度、表面粗糙度的变化,观察表面和截面的显微组织并分析其对摩擦磨损性能的影响。结果表明:电火花线切割加工5Cr5WMoSi工具钢时用1.5 A的加工电流可以获得内部结构紧凑... 利用几组生产中常用的加工电流参数加工5Cr5WMoSi工具钢,测量表面硬度、表面粗糙度的变化,观察表面和截面的显微组织并分析其对摩擦磨损性能的影响。结果表明:电火花线切割加工5Cr5WMoSi工具钢时用1.5 A的加工电流可以获得内部结构紧凑致密的重铸层,表面粗糙度Ra达到2.24,相对于基体材料,表面硬度提高3.98%达到696.4HV,摩擦因数下降4.05%,达到0.71;相对于3.0和4.5 A加工电流,加工表面在摩擦磨损试验中的磨痕轮廓更平滑,摩擦磨损性能更优良。 展开更多
关键词 电火花线切割 工具钢 加工电流 重铸层 磨损 摩擦因数
基于电流信号的电解加工间隙在线检测试验研究 被引量:10
作者 陆永华 赵东标 +1 位作者 云乃彰 刘凯 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第24期2999-3002,共4页
为了实时检测加工间隙,以某型航空发动机涡轮转子叶片为研究对象,把电解加工的电流作为研究参数,针对平面、斜面和叶片型面三种阴极进行试验加工,用最小二乘多变元线性拟合法,分别建立平面、斜面阴极加工电流与加工间隙之间的关系式,用... 为了实时检测加工间隙,以某型航空发动机涡轮转子叶片为研究对象,把电解加工的电流作为研究参数,针对平面、斜面和叶片型面三种阴极进行试验加工,用最小二乘多变元线性拟合法,分别建立平面、斜面阴极加工电流与加工间隙之间的关系式,用叶片型面加工数据对建立的关系式进行检验和修正,得到最终的修正关系式,分析关系式参数的变换关系,得出在±15%的误差范围内关系式可用于在线检测加工间隙的结论。 展开更多
关键词 电解加工 加工间隙 在线检测 加工电流
作者 贾建利 范植坚 王亚军 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2007年第8期32-33,38,共3页
通过磁场复合和高频、窄脉冲电流电解加工工艺,实现了薄壁大面积(10 000mm2)型面铝基材料零件的稳定小间隙加工。试验研究中采用高频、窄脉冲电流,解决了加工间隙流场不均匀的问题;采用磁场复合电解加工工艺方法,解决了试件的表面质量... 通过磁场复合和高频、窄脉冲电流电解加工工艺,实现了薄壁大面积(10 000mm2)型面铝基材料零件的稳定小间隙加工。试验研究中采用高频、窄脉冲电流,解决了加工间隙流场不均匀的问题;采用磁场复合电解加工工艺方法,解决了试件的表面质量差和杂散腐蚀严重的问题。 展开更多
关键词 型面 磁场复合 高频 窄脉冲电流电解加工
基于信息融合的叶片加工间隙在线检测方法 被引量:1
作者 陆永华 赵东标 +1 位作者 云乃彰 刘凯 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期146-150,共5页
为了精确实现电解加工间隙的在线检测,基于六维力和加工电流,利用多传感器数据融合理论,将六维力传感器信息与加工电流传感器信息进行融合,采用最小二乘加权融合算法,得到间隙融合方程式.该融合方程式比六维力或加工电流单独信号得到的... 为了精确实现电解加工间隙的在线检测,基于六维力和加工电流,利用多传感器数据融合理论,将六维力传感器信息与加工电流传感器信息进行融合,采用最小二乘加权融合算法,得到间隙融合方程式.该融合方程式比六维力或加工电流单独信号得到的方程更准确反映间隙值,从而实现两类传感器信息综合检测加工间隙.以某型航空发动机叶片为对象,对平面、斜面、叶片型面3种加工阴极进行试验,利用融合方程式在线检测加工间隙.试验表明:信息融合可以提高加工间隙在线检测的准确性,融合公式在间隙范围为0.2-0.4mm内,实现检测误差小于10%. 展开更多
关键词 电解加工 信息融合 加工间隙 六维力 加工电流
脉冲电流加热条件下原子的扩散研究 被引量:3
作者 谭天亚 傅正义 张金咏 《硅酸盐学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期416-421,共6页
脉冲电流热加工(pulseelectriccurrentheattreatment,PECHT)具有低温、快速的特点。研究了脉冲电流烧结过程中温度和脉冲比对Fe烧结体性能的影响,并与相同温度、压力和保温时间下辐射加热热压烧结的Fe烧结体进行了比较。结果表明:脉冲... 脉冲电流热加工(pulseelectriccurrentheattreatment,PECHT)具有低温、快速的特点。研究了脉冲电流烧结过程中温度和脉冲比对Fe烧结体性能的影响,并与相同温度、压力和保温时间下辐射加热热压烧结的Fe烧结体进行了比较。结果表明:脉冲电流烧结在较低温度下样品就能获得更高的致密度。脉冲比(ON/OFF)对烧结有很大影响,说明脉冲电流加热促进了颗粒之间的原子扩散。同时,脉冲电流加热烧结和辐射加热烧结过程中Al2O3和Cu的收缩曲线也为脉冲电流加热条件下扩散加强提供了佐证。2种加热条件下接触线之间原子扩散的研究表明:脉冲电流加热促进了原子的扩散。 展开更多
关键词 脉冲电流加工 扩散 接触点 接触线 烧结
脉冲电流辅助SUS304极薄带拉伸变形研究 被引量:5
作者 范婉婉 刘奇 +2 位作者 刘文文 王涛 王天翔 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期475-480,489,共7页
为了研究脉冲电流对SUS304极薄带拉伸变形的影响,进行了室温拉伸、通电拉伸以及通电空冷拉伸试验,分析了热效应和非热效应对宏观力学性能与微观组织的影响。结果表明,脉冲电流辅助SUS304极薄带拉伸变形过程中热效应和非热效应同时存在,... 为了研究脉冲电流对SUS304极薄带拉伸变形的影响,进行了室温拉伸、通电拉伸以及通电空冷拉伸试验,分析了热效应和非热效应对宏观力学性能与微观组织的影响。结果表明,脉冲电流辅助SUS304极薄带拉伸变形过程中热效应和非热效应同时存在,热效应导致材料流变应力减小,非热效应抑制TRIP效应,促进TWIP效应,改变了材料的塑性变形机制;没有高强度马氏体协调塑性变形,导致试样过早发生失稳断裂,其中试样的抗拉强度降低12.2%,断裂延伸率下降44.7%;同时,非热效应使试样在较低温度下发生了回复和再结晶现象;脉冲电流诱导了SUS304极薄带由韧性断裂向韧脆性断裂模式的转变,并且促进了变形织构生成。 展开更多
关键词 电流辅助加工 SUS304极薄带 拉伸变形 TRIP效应
作者 廖剑 钱炜 胡蒲希 《微计算机信息》 2012年第8期39-40,63,共3页
以双直线电机驱动进给机构为被控对象,以配套的SIMODRIVE611D为控制系统,建立了伺服系统的数学模型,给出了直线电机电流与切削力的关系,确定了以直线进给轴电机驱动电流为反馈对象、以进给速度为控制输出量的控制原理。围绕进给轴恒电... 以双直线电机驱动进给机构为被控对象,以配套的SIMODRIVE611D为控制系统,建立了伺服系统的数学模型,给出了直线电机电流与切削力的关系,确定了以直线进给轴电机驱动电流为反馈对象、以进给速度为控制输出量的控制原理。围绕进给轴恒电流加工控制目标,选择了模糊控制作为直线驱动进给加工过程的控制方法。结果表明模糊控制有更快的响应时间和更好的抗干扰性,并可有效地保护刀具和提高20%的铣削加工效率。 展开更多
关键词 直线电机 电流加工 切削力 模糊控制
作者 刘勇 邓世辉 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期857-865,共9页
为实现高回转精度多阶柱状微电极的高效加工,对多阶柱状电极电化学刻蚀过程进行了深入的研究与改进。首先,根据电化学刻蚀理论推导了加工电流对电极直径变化的影响规律;通过试验证明了电极旋转可提高电流变化速率及有效起始电流进而提... 为实现高回转精度多阶柱状微电极的高效加工,对多阶柱状电极电化学刻蚀过程进行了深入的研究与改进。首先,根据电化学刻蚀理论推导了加工电流对电极直径变化的影响规律;通过试验证明了电极旋转可提高电流变化速率及有效起始电流进而提高加工效率,定性分析了电极旋转对电极回转精度的影响,提出了分阶变转速高效加工高回转精度多阶柱状微电极的方法;通过试验分析了各加工参数(电极转速、加工电压和切断电流)对电极形状及尺寸的影响;最后,在优化后的加工参数下,成功加工得到末端直径小于15μm且同轴度误差在1μm以内的多阶柱状微电极,与常规电化学刻蚀工艺相比,显著提高了加工效率。试验证明旋转电化学刻蚀是一种能够较好地提高微电极加工效率及回转精度的新工艺。 展开更多
关键词 多阶柱状微电极 加工效率 回转精度 电极旋转 加工电流
作者 史先春 黄绍服 +1 位作者 李君 王龙 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期1053-1059,共7页
为了研究电化学放电钻削工艺中的材料去除机理,采用高速旋转的碳化钨螺旋工具电极对ANSI 304型不锈钢工件进行了一系列试验研究,并使用高速摄像机观察加工过程中气泡的产生、气膜的形成和电火花放电现象。通过分析加工电流的信号波形和... 为了研究电化学放电钻削工艺中的材料去除机理,采用高速旋转的碳化钨螺旋工具电极对ANSI 304型不锈钢工件进行了一系列试验研究,并使用高速摄像机观察加工过程中气泡的产生、气膜的形成和电火花放电现象。通过分析加工电流的信号波形和不同转速下的电火花放电现象,从而进一步揭示了电化学放电加工中的材料去除机理。结果表明:当工具电极较高速旋转时,工件材料是通过EDM和ECM的协同作用被蚀除;当工具电极转速极低或静止时,工件材料是通过ECM被蚀除。 展开更多
关键词 电化学放电钻削 气泡 气膜 加工电流 电火花放电现象 材料去除机理
作者 晏龙辉 曹风国 《新技术新工艺》 1982年第4期33-36,共4页
关键词 加工速度 工艺参数 加工 金属加工 JDS 脉冲放电 脉冲间隔 电极损耗 工艺效果 阶梯电流 高频脉冲电源 高低压 加工电流
作者 穆新华 豆飞进 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2004年第3期184-188,共5页
The dynamic performance and the stability are essential for a system. A new circuit topology used for electrical discharge machining (EDM) power and made up of complex-pulse (voltage-pulse and current-pulse) is presen... The dynamic performance and the stability are essential for a system. A new circuit topology used for electrical discharge machining (EDM) power and made up of complex-pulse (voltage-pulse and current-pulse) is presented. The large-signal model of it is also derived. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the system model, the compensator is designed to make the system match better and to improve its dynamic performance and the stability under perturbations. Finally, the design methods and the analysis are verified by simulation and experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 pulse power supply large-signal model EDM system stability
Research of micro-EDM and its applications
作者 张勇 王振龙 +2 位作者 胡富强 贾宝贤 赵万生 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第6期747-751,共5页
A Micro Electrical Discharge Machining (MEDM) equipment was developed in this paper,on which the CNC interpolation for 3-axis linkage movement could be realized easily. By this micro-EDM equipment,the fabrication proc... A Micro Electrical Discharge Machining (MEDM) equipment was developed in this paper,on which the CNC interpolation for 3-axis linkage movement could be realized easily. By this micro-EDM equipment,the fabrication process of microelectrode,micro hole,silicon wafer and complex microstructure was discussed. The process rules of machining efficiency and the relative electrode wear rate as well as the machining mechanism and performance of silicon micro-EDM were also researched. Machining experiments showed that the microelectrode diameter as small as 6 μm and the micro hole with minimum size of 10 μm could be obtained steadily,and the maximum aspect ratios of microelectrode and micro hole were over 25 and 10 respectively. And silicon micro-EDM experiments showed that the micro beam with the aspect ratios over 15 could be obtained easily. And a micro beam with minimum size of 23 μm width on a silicon wafer with 420 μm thickness was achieved. At last,the microstructure machining technology for micro-EDM was also discussed. And a micro-facial sculpture with free space curved surface and size of 1 mm×0.3 mm×0.18 mm was also machined successfully. 展开更多
关键词 micro electro discharge machining silicon machining MICROELECTRODE irregular hole micro 3D structure
Research on hydrokinetics characteristics of rotating pipe fluid in the crossed electric and magnetic field
作者 郭斌 张鹏 程树康 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期5-8,共4页
The rotating pipe fluid in the crossed electric and magnetic field not only suffered the forces in the steady condition, but also suffered Coriolis force, centrifugal force because of rotation and electromagnetic volu... The rotating pipe fluid in the crossed electric and magnetic field not only suffered the forces in the steady condition, but also suffered Coriolis force, centrifugal force because of rotation and electromagnetic volume force. The motion equation of fluid and the hydrokinetics equations of rotating pipe were described in the Cartesians coordinates. The equations showed that the solutions to hydrokinetics equations of rotating pipe in the crossed electric and magnetic electromagnetic field were highly complicated and numerical calculations were also astronomical. The pressure distribution and temperature distribution of one dimension were solved using the electromagnetic equations set. The results showed that the fluid in rotating pipe was in the asymmetrical pressure field and temperature field because it was in the energy exchange and thermo-electrical coupling course. The primary characteristic of flow course could be expressed using the proposed hydrokinetics equations. 展开更多
关键词 crossed electric and magnetic electromagnetic fields rotating pipe hydrokinetics flow equations
《机械工程师》 2005年第1期74-74,共1页
关键词 电熔爆数控机床 超硬切削 非接触性强电流加工 江苏南通电熔爆股份有限公司
GO-induced effective interconnection layer for all solution-processed tandem quantum dot light-emitting diodes
作者 JIANG Hao-hong SU Hang +1 位作者 CHEN Li-xiang TAN Xing-wen 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第12期3737-3746,共10页
Compared to conventional quantum dot light-emitting diodes,tandem quantum dot light-emitting diodes(TQLEDs)possess higher device efficiency and more applications in the field of flat panel display and solid-state ligh... Compared to conventional quantum dot light-emitting diodes,tandem quantum dot light-emitting diodes(TQLEDs)possess higher device efficiency and more applications in the field of flat panel display and solid-state lighting in the future.The TQLED is a multilayer structure device which connects two or more light-emitting units by using an interconnection layer(ICL),which plays an extremely important role in the TQLED.Therefore,realizing an effective ICL is the key to obtain high-efficiency TQLEDs.In this work,the p-type materials polys(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene),poly(styrenesulfonate)(PEDOT:PSS)and the n-type material zinc magnesium oxide(ZnMgO),were used,and an effective hybrid ICL,the PEDOT:PSS-GO/ZnMgO,was obtained by doping graphene oxide(GO)into PEDOT:PSS.The effect of GO additive on the ICL was systematically investigated.It exhibits that the GO additive brought the fine charge carrier generation and injection capacity simultaneously.Thus,the all solutionprocessed red TQLEDs were prepared and characterized for the first time.The maximum luminance of 40877 cd/m^(2) and the highest current efficiency of 19.6 cd/A were achieved,respectively,showing a 21%growth and a 51%increase when compared with those of the reference device without GO.The encouraging results suggest that our investigation paves the way for efficient all solution-processed TQLEDs. 展开更多
关键词 tandem quantum dot light-emitting diodes all solution-processed interconnection layer graphene oxide current efficiency
Fully Integrated Machine Control for Ultra Precision Machining
《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第8期465-472,共8页
To meet the demands for highly advanced components with ultra precise contour accuracy and optical surface quality arising in the fields of photonics and optics, automotive, medical applications and biotechnology, con... To meet the demands for highly advanced components with ultra precise contour accuracy and optical surface quality arising in the fields of photonics and optics, automotive, medical applications and biotechnology, consumer electronics and renewable energy, more advanced production machines and processes have to be developed. As the complexity of machine tools rises steadily, the automation of manufacture increases rapidly, processes become more integrated and cycle times have to be reduced significantly, challenges of engineering efficient machine tools with respect to these demands expand every day. Especially the manufacture of freeform geometries with non-continuous and asymmetric surfaces requires advanced diamond machining strategies involving highly dynamic axes movements with a high bandwidth and position accuracy. Ultra precision lathes additionally equipped with Slow Tool and Fast Tool systems can be regarded as state-of-the-art machines achieving the objectives of high quality optical components. The mechanical design of such ultra precision machine tools as well as the mechanical integration of additional highly dynamic axes are very well understood today. In contrast to that, neither advanced control strategies for ultra precision machining nor the control integration of additional Fast Tool systems have been sufficiently developed yet. Considering a complex machine setup as a mechatronic system, it becomes obvious that enhancements to further increase the achievable form accuracy and surface quality and at the same time decrease cycle times and error sensitivity can only be accomplished by innovative, integrated control systems. At the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT a novel, fully integrated control approach has been developed to overcome the drawbacks of state-of-the-art machine controls for ultra precision processes. Current control systems are often realized as decentralized solutions consisting of various computational hardware components for setpoint generation, machine control, HMI (human machine interface), Slow Tool control and Fast Tool control. While implementing such a distributed control strategy, many disadvantages arise in terms of complex communication interfaces, discontinuous safety structures, synchronization of cycle times and the machining accuracy as a whole. The novel control approach has been developed as a fully integrated machine control including standard CNC (computer numerical control) and PLC (programmable logic controller) functionality, advanced setpoint generation methods, an extended HMI as well as an FPGA (field programmable gate array)-based controller for a voice coil driven Slow Tool and a piezo driven Fast Tool axis. As the new control system has been implemented as a fully integrated platform using digital communication via EtherCAT, a continuous safety strategy could be realized, the error sensitivity and EMC susceptibility could be significantly decreased and the overall process accuracy from setpoint generation over path interpolation to axes movements could be enhanced. The novel control at the same time offers additional possibilities of automation, process integration, online data acquisition and evaluation as well as error compensation methods. 展开更多
关键词 Ultra precision machining fully integrated control highly dynamic axes FPGA EtherCAT.
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