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作者 吴先哲 袁社旺 《工业控制计算机》 2000年第3期52-54,共3页
本文介绍了用研祥Evoc.JPC -810工控机及其模板实现小型加氢炼油试验控制系统的设计方案 ,着重阐述了系统的控制硬件构成和控制软件方案。
关键词 PID调节 加氢炼油装置 试验 控制系统 炼油
作者 张超 《石油石化物资采购》 2024年第14期31-33,共3页
此次针对炼油加氢装置中催化剂的使用寿命评估与延长策略进行研究。通过分析,探讨了催化剂使用寿命的评估方法和延长策略,并提出了相应的思路。研究结果表明,催化剂的使用寿命评估可以通过周期性监测关键指标和综合评估模型来实现。延... 此次针对炼油加氢装置中催化剂的使用寿命评估与延长策略进行研究。通过分析,探讨了催化剂使用寿命的评估方法和延长策略,并提出了相应的思路。研究结果表明,催化剂的使用寿命评估可以通过周期性监测关键指标和综合评估模型来实现。延长催化剂使用寿命的策略包括催化剂表面修复、再生和优化操作条件等方面。对提高炼油加氢装置的运行效率和降低生产成本具有一定的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 炼油装置 催化剂使用寿命 评估方法 延长策略 运行效率
炼油加氢废催化剂中金属分离回收工艺研究 被引量:10
作者 寇祖星 魏亿萍 马淑涛 《广东化工》 CAS 2013年第5期10-11,共2页
基于"湿法冶金"工艺,对从炼油加氢废催化剂中回收钒、钼、钴和镍的清洁生产工艺进行了研究。采用一次性湿法浸取废催化剂中的有价金属。选用P507同时从酸浸液中萃取钒和钼,然后分别反萃出钒和钼;用15%的硫化钠使钴、镍沉淀后... 基于"湿法冶金"工艺,对从炼油加氢废催化剂中回收钒、钼、钴和镍的清洁生产工艺进行了研究。采用一次性湿法浸取废催化剂中的有价金属。选用P507同时从酸浸液中萃取钒和钼,然后分别反萃出钒和钼;用15%的硫化钠使钴、镍沉淀后与铝分离;沉淀用盐酸溶解,采用N235萃取分离钴、镍。用水作反萃取剂,经过两次萃取后,钴反萃率达到99.6%。各种有价金属回收率可达90%以上。 展开更多
关键词 炼油废催化剂 酸浸法 溶剂萃取法
继续进行炼油企业结构调整 加快我国加氢工艺技术发展 被引量:6
作者 张德义 《当代石油石化》 CAS 2003年第12期4-10,12,共8页
关键词 炼油企业工艺技术结构调整发展
提高炼油加氢装置设备防腐蚀的管控能力 被引量:4
作者 滕小勇 《山西化工》 2017年第4期106-108,共3页
关键词 腐蚀 炼油 工艺防腐
炼油加氢装置设备防腐蚀能力研究 被引量:2
作者 陈敏 《南方农机》 2020年第3期108-108,共1页
炼油加氢装置的运行稳定性直接关系到企业的经济效益与安全性。立足于研究现状,本文介绍了炼油加氢装置防腐蚀的定义与内涵,对炼油加氢装置腐蚀管控策略进行了探讨,对炼油加氢装置防腐蚀能力的优化策略进行了解读,希望可以有效提升炼油... 炼油加氢装置的运行稳定性直接关系到企业的经济效益与安全性。立足于研究现状,本文介绍了炼油加氢装置防腐蚀的定义与内涵,对炼油加氢装置腐蚀管控策略进行了探讨,对炼油加氢装置防腐蚀能力的优化策略进行了解读,希望可以有效提升炼油加氢装置的防腐蚀效率,确保设备运行的稳定性、可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 炼油装置 腐蚀防护 策略 途径
炼油加氢装置设备防腐蚀能力研究 被引量:1
作者 孟庆冬 《技术与市场》 2019年第5期139-140,共2页
伴随环保法规的不断完善,燃料规格指标愈加严苛,加氢技术作为清洁燃料生产的关键技术,在炼油方面发挥着至关重要的作用,是当前炼油行业发展的技术创新,在世界范围内得到了广泛应用。无论是在规模上,还是数量与加工量上,加氢装置都是我... 伴随环保法规的不断完善,燃料规格指标愈加严苛,加氢技术作为清洁燃料生产的关键技术,在炼油方面发挥着至关重要的作用,是当前炼油行业发展的技术创新,在世界范围内得到了广泛应用。无论是在规模上,还是数量与加工量上,加氢装置都是我国石化炼油的主力装置。由于加氢装置工艺条件特殊,且原料内腐蚀介质含量较多,装置设备腐蚀问题突显。为此,在生产管理与装置检修过程中,应加大设备防腐管理能力,保证设备运行安全。 展开更多
关键词 炼油装置 设备腐蚀 腐蚀特征
作者 杨文华 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2022年第2期189-192,共4页
炼油加氢装置是炼油行业的主要生产装置。由于装置工艺条件特殊,生产原料、反应产物腐蚀性介质含量高,设备腐蚀问题突出。因此,在炼油加氢装置设备维护、及管理过程中,应重点增加设备防腐性能,提高防腐管理水平,以保证装置设备的安全、... 炼油加氢装置是炼油行业的主要生产装置。由于装置工艺条件特殊,生产原料、反应产物腐蚀性介质含量高,设备腐蚀问题突出。因此,在炼油加氢装置设备维护、及管理过程中,应重点增加设备防腐性能,提高防腐管理水平,以保证装置设备的安全、可靠、稳定运行。由于炼油加氢装置长期处于高温、高压环境中,常规的设备防腐材料难以满足炼油加氢装置防腐要求。近年来,原油性质、组分变化大,原油降解不断扩大,(加工高硫、高酸原油)炼油加氢设备对防腐提出了更高的要求。基于此,文章分析影响炼油加氢装置腐蚀控制要点,介绍炼油加氢装置的防腐性能。探讨装置防腐蚀的策略,进一步提高炼油加氢装置设备的稳定性和可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 炼油 装置设备 腐蚀分析 应对策略
《化工经济技术信息》 2001年第3期9-9,共1页
关键词 中国 炼油技术 催化剂 负荷率 脱硫率
加氢燃油、汽油、柴油生产溶剂油的初步研究 被引量:3
作者 黎坤 《煤化工》 CAS 2000年第3期22-22,45,共2页
将云南解放军化肥厂低温煤焦油通过加氢炼油装置生产出的加氢燃油、汽油、柴油产品进行馏程实验测定及主要成分分析 ,对能否生产溶剂油进行研究。
关键词 低温煤焦油 加氢炼油 馏程测定 溶剂油
加氢装置中加热炉布置及配管 被引量:1
作者 刘英茜 《辽宁化工》 CAS 2016年第6期720-722,共3页
加热炉是炼油加氢装置中重要的大型设备。详细阐述了加氢装置中的加热炉在设备布置,平台设置,管道布置和支吊架设置中应注意的细节、难点及相应规定。本文以工程实例作为参考,以设计安全,操作维修方便,经济合理等原则为主线展开,对加热... 加热炉是炼油加氢装置中重要的大型设备。详细阐述了加氢装置中的加热炉在设备布置,平台设置,管道布置和支吊架设置中应注意的细节、难点及相应规定。本文以工程实例作为参考,以设计安全,操作维修方便,经济合理等原则为主线展开,对加热炉的设计安装具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 炼油装置 热炉 布置 配管 管道柔性
探究炼油加氢废催化剂中金属分离回收工艺 被引量:3
作者 苗壮 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》 2023年第10期184-186,共3页
在炼油催化剂加工过程中会有大量金属产生,据调查发现全球每年炼油加氢废催化剂中大概含有50~70万t的金属,但过去并没有重视这些金属,都是将炼油加氢废催化剂运用深埋方法实施解决,不仅给环境带来了极大伤害,而且还浪费了大量金属资源... 在炼油催化剂加工过程中会有大量金属产生,据调查发现全球每年炼油加氢废催化剂中大概含有50~70万t的金属,但过去并没有重视这些金属,都是将炼油加氢废催化剂运用深埋方法实施解决,不仅给环境带来了极大伤害,而且还浪费了大量金属资源。随着环保的不断深化以及能源回收的大力发展,如今很多国家都设立了催化剂回收公司,将炼油废催化剂高效的回收再利用,尤其是金属的分离回收,因为炼油废催化剂中金属含量非常大,所以本文着重对炼油加氢废催化剂中金属分离回收工艺展开了研究,主要探讨了金属分离回收在炼油加氢废催化剂中发挥的作用、炼油加氢废催化剂中金属回收的主要来源、回收废镍及废钒催化剂的相关工艺技术,希望能对相关领域提供一定的参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 炼油废催化剂 金属分离 回收工艺
Commercial Application of the ICR Series Lube Isodewaxing Catalysts 被引量:3
作者 Wang Sijue 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2008年第1期17-25,共9页
This article illustrates the application of the ICR series lube oil isodewaxing catalysts in commercial scale and proposes the strategy on long cycle operation and optimization of catalysts. The results of commercial ... This article illustrates the application of the ICR series lube oil isodewaxing catalysts in commercial scale and proposes the strategy on long cycle operation and optimization of catalysts. The results of commercial application of the catalyst have revealed that the catalyst after pretreatment including drying, sulfidation and reduction can process VGO into base oils meeting the HVI II and HVI II+ standards, and can manufacture base oils meeting the HVI III standard after incorporating the filtrate oil or gatch from acetone-benzene solvent dewaxing unit. The nitrogen content of the feed oil to the IDW reactor should be controlled at 1.0—1.5 ppm, while the CO and CO2 contents in fresh hydrogen is strictly controlled to avoid poisoning of the IDW-HDF catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 lube oil hydrogenation catalyst ISODEWAXING HYDROCRACKING
Integration strategies of hydrogen network in a refinery based on operational optimization of hydrotreating units 被引量:4
作者 Le Wu Xiaoqiang Liang +1 位作者 Lixia Kang Yongzhong Liu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期1061-1068,共8页
Inferior crude oil and fuel oil upgrading lead to escalating increase of hydrogen consumption in refineries.It is imperative to reduce the hydrogen consumption for energy-saving operations of refineries.An integration... Inferior crude oil and fuel oil upgrading lead to escalating increase of hydrogen consumption in refineries.It is imperative to reduce the hydrogen consumption for energy-saving operations of refineries.An integration strategy of hydrogen network and an operational optimization model of hydrotreating(HDT)units are proposed based on the characteristics of reaction kinetics of HDT units.By solving the proposed model,the operating conditions of HDT units are optimized,and the parameters of hydrogen sinks are determined by coupling hydrodesulfurization(HDS),hydrodenitrification(HDN)and aromatic hydrogenation(HDA)kinetics.An example case of a refinery with annual processing capacity of eight million tons is adopted to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed optimization strategies and the model.Results show that HDS,HDN and HDA reactions are the major source of hydrogen consumption in the refinery.The total hydrogen consumption can be reduced by 18.9%by applying conventional hydrogen network optimization model.When the hydrogen network is optimized after the operational optimization of HDT units is performed,the hydrogen consumption is reduced by28.2%.When the benefit of the fuel gas recovery is further considered,the total annual cost of hydrogen network can be reduced by 3.21×10~7CNY·a^(-1),decreased by 11.9%.Therefore,the operational optimization of the HDT units in refineries should be imposed to determine the parameters of hydrogen sinks base on the characteristics of reaction kinetics of the hydrogenation processes before the optimization of the hydrogen network is performed through the source-sink matching methods. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrogenation reaction kinetics Hydrogen network Integration strategies Optimization
Study on Application of Bi-directional Combination Technology Integrating Residue Hydrotreating with Catalytic Cracking RICP 被引量:5
作者 Niu Chuanfeng Gao Yongcan +1 位作者 Dai Lishun Li Dadong (Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Beijing 100083) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2008年第1期27-33,共7页
After analysing the disadvantages of the traditional residue hydrotreating-catalytic cracking combination process, RIPP has proposed a bi-directional combination technology integrating residue hydrotreating with catal... After analysing the disadvantages of the traditional residue hydrotreating-catalytic cracking combination process, RIPP has proposed a bi-directional combination technology integrating residue hydrotreating with catalytic cracking called RICP which does not further recycles the FCC heavy cycle oil (HCO) inside the FCC unit and delivers HCO to the residue hydrotreating unit as a diluting oil for the residue that is concurrently subjected to hydrotreating prior to being used as the FCC feed oil. The RICP technology can stimulate residue hydrotreating reactions through utilization of HCO along with an in- creased yield of FCC light distillate, resulting in enhanced petroleum utilization and economic benefits of the refinery. 展开更多
关键词 residue hydrotreating catalytic cracking bi-directional combination heavy cycle oil
Assessment on Commercial Application of Novel S-RHT Catalysts 被引量:1
作者 Bian Fengming Wen Huixin(East-China University of Sceince and Technology, Shanghai 200237 2.SINOPEC MaomingBranch Company, Maoming 525011) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2004年第1期1-8,共8页
This article refers to the commercial application assessment of the novel S-RHT catalysts.The application outcome has shown that the catalysts loading was reduced with its performance kept at the original level at the... This article refers to the commercial application assessment of the novel S-RHT catalysts.The application outcome has shown that the catalysts loading was reduced with its performance kept at the original level at the initial and middle stages of operation. The performance of catalysts at the end of operation was analyzed, and factors affecting the performance of the novel catalysts at the end of run were identified to facilitate further improvement of the said catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 resid hydrotreating S-RHT catalyst commercial application evaluation
Hydrogenation of Benzene over Mo_2C/Al_2O_3 Catalyst
作者 Zhang Jing Wu Weicheng 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2008年第4期41-43,共3页
The process of benzene hydrogenation over Mo2C catalyst has been studied. Mo2C was the active phase in benzene hydrogenation. The major problem with the metal carbides was their poor stability due to deactivation by c... The process of benzene hydrogenation over Mo2C catalyst has been studied. Mo2C was the active phase in benzene hydrogenation. The major problem with the metal carbides was their poor stability due to deactivation by carbon deposition. 展开更多
First Commercial Application of Upflow Residuum Hydrotreating Catalyst
作者 Mu Haitao Sun Zhenguang(Shengli Refinery of Qilu Petrochemical Company, Zibo 255434) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2004年第1期9-15,共7页
This article refers to the first commercial application of upflow residuum hydrotreating serial catalyst, developed by Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals (FRIPP), in the residuum hydrotreating u... This article refers to the first commercial application of upflow residuum hydrotreating serial catalyst, developed by Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals (FRIPP), in the residuum hydrotreating unit at Shengli refinery of Qilu Petrochemical Company. This catalyst features large pore volume and large pore diameter. The production practice for more than one year has revealed that the domestic upflow residuum hydrotreating catalyst has shown good performance and stability over the whole period of operation despite its high activity at the start of run, and has basically reached the level of similar imported catalyst. 展开更多
关键词 residuum hydrotreating catalyst ACTIVITY STABILITY commercial scale APPLICATION
Development and Commercial Application of Resid Hydrotreating Technology--RHT
作者 Dai Lishun Yang Qinghe +2 位作者 Niu Chuanfeng Nie Hong Shi Yahua (Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Beijing 100083) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2004年第3期17-21,共5页
The RHT technology is developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP) for residuum hydrotreating in order to produce good quality RFCC feed. The advantages of the RHT series catalysts are presented in t... The RHT technology is developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP) for residuum hydrotreating in order to produce good quality RFCC feed. The advantages of the RHT series catalysts are presented in this article, based on the results of activity tests and a 9500 hours service life test in pilot plants and the assessment on a commercial application. 展开更多
关键词 residuum hydrotreating catalyst commercial application
Suitability of Sour Crude Processing and Resid Hydrotreating Technologies
作者 Sun Lili 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2005年第3期1-9,共9页
This article has analyzed the environment and tasks confronting China's petroleum refining industry, and has referred to principles for selecting the resid processing technologies and viability of various combinat... This article has analyzed the environment and tasks confronting China's petroleum refining industry, and has referred to principles for selecting the resid processing technologies and viability of various combination technologies for resid processing. Taking into account the actual commercial practice of resid hydrogenation units, this article has also discussed methods for processing high-sulfur inferior crudes as well as the suitability of resid hydrogenation technology. 展开更多
关键词 sour resid hydrogenation catalytic cracking COKING DEASPHALTING
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