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冲击倾向性煤体加载破坏的红外辐射特征研究 被引量:17
作者 徐子杰 齐庆新 +3 位作者 李宏艳 赵善坤 张宁博 苏荣华 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期121-125,共5页
为探讨不同冲击倾向性煤体失稳破坏的红外前兆信息,以无、弱、强3种冲击倾向性矿井煤样为对象,开展煤体加载破坏过程中红外辐射特征观测试验。试验结果表明:无冲击倾向性煤体温度场变化幅度较小,表面平均温度变化在0.01℃内,弱冲击倾向... 为探讨不同冲击倾向性煤体失稳破坏的红外前兆信息,以无、弱、强3种冲击倾向性矿井煤样为对象,开展煤体加载破坏过程中红外辐射特征观测试验。试验结果表明:无冲击倾向性煤体温度场变化幅度较小,表面平均温度变化在0.01℃内,弱冲击倾向性煤体表面平均温度升高达0.18℃,强冲击倾向性煤体表面平均温度升高达0.21℃;无冲击倾向性煤体加载过程无明显高温区域,而冲击倾向性煤体加载时则出现剪切破坏形成的高温区域,且冲击倾向性越强,区域范围和强度越大;冲击倾向性煤体破坏前,煤样表面破裂区域为升温变化前兆,而未破裂区域为降温变化前兆。 展开更多
关键词 冲击地压 煤体加载破坏 破断信息 冲击倾向性 红外辐射 温度场
冻融循环后筋土复合体加载破坏试验研究 被引量:9
作者 汪恩良 介玉新 +1 位作者 常俊德 钟华 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期914-921,共8页
模拟野外实测降温过程,对筋土复合体进行开敞条件下的冻融循环,然后对筋土复合体进行加载破坏试验,得到加载过程中墙体的竖向变形与墙面的水平位移结果.对试验结果进行有限元数值计算,其中土的本构模型采用Drucker-Prager(D-P)理想弹塑... 模拟野外实测降温过程,对筋土复合体进行开敞条件下的冻融循环,然后对筋土复合体进行加载破坏试验,得到加载过程中墙体的竖向变形与墙面的水平位移结果.对试验结果进行有限元数值计算,其中土的本构模型采用Drucker-Prager(D-P)理想弹塑性模型,单元类型选用四节点平面等参单元,把筋材的作用等效成附加应力沿筋的方向加在土骨架上,取加筋土中的土体进行计算.结果表明:筋土复合体冻融循环后在约束固脚的方式下进行加载试验,破坏形式以沉降变形破坏为主,墙体中部产生的变形增量最大;等效附加应力法单元网格划分中只出现土单元,取消了模拟筋材的单元和筋-土之间的界面单元,可以直接利用素土的本构模型,不必针对加筋土复合体建立复合材料的本构模型,计算结果符合一般规律;冻融循环使表层土变得疏松,局部变形偏大,导致模型试验实测值大于有限元计算值. 展开更多
关键词 筋土复合体 冻融循环 加载破坏 有限元分析
作者 曾康灵 《居业》 2015年第10X期110-111,共2页
关键词 现浇钢筋土楼板 裂缝 破坏试验
作者 徐烨 赵海金 +1 位作者 杨俊杰 祁杰 《江苏建筑》 2009年第S1期78-79,112,共3页
关键词 泥砂岩持力层 限额控制 破坏 极限承力大小 影响投资 危害安全 试桩成孔经验 分层 监控
作者 宋雅多 刘婕 赵天阳 《土木工程》 2020年第5期512-520,共9页
对大理岩进行常规三轴以及峰前、峰后恒轴压卸围压破坏试验,研究岩石在不同应力路径下的力学特性及破坏过程中的能量演化规律,得到结论:岩样在卸荷过程中产生的环向与体积应变很大,而轴向应变很小,扩容现象明显;围压对能量耗散起抑制作... 对大理岩进行常规三轴以及峰前、峰后恒轴压卸围压破坏试验,研究岩石在不同应力路径下的力学特性及破坏过程中的能量演化规律,得到结论:岩样在卸荷过程中产生的环向与体积应变很大,而轴向应变很小,扩容现象明显;围压对能量耗散起抑制作用,从而延缓弹性应变能的释放,这种现象在常规三轴试验中尤为明显,而在卸荷路径下,弹性应变能释放速率加快,模型破坏更加剧烈;常规三轴试验中,应变软化阶段消耗的能量值最多。峰前卸荷岩样在平台期结束后消耗能量值最多。峰后卸荷岩样在平台期结束位置,耗散能曲线增长率明显减小,表明在此之前,主剪切面基本形成,不需要再消耗大量能量。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 破坏试验 能量
岩石变形与渗透率演化关系研究 被引量:5
作者 张蕊 严磊 +2 位作者 钱自卫 孙希望 刘伟 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期129-135,共7页
针对带压开采煤层底板岩层阻水性问题,进行底板岩体试样伺服渗透试验,分析了岩体试样渗透率与变形破坏演化相互关系。结果表明,全应力-应变过程岩样渗透率可划分为原始空隙渗透率和加载破坏渗透率两种,在压密-弹性段内,岩石的渗透率多... 针对带压开采煤层底板岩层阻水性问题,进行底板岩体试样伺服渗透试验,分析了岩体试样渗透率与变形破坏演化相互关系。结果表明,全应力-应变过程岩样渗透率可划分为原始空隙渗透率和加载破坏渗透率两种,在压密-弹性段内,岩石的渗透率多表现为原始空隙渗透率,稳定破裂-裂纹扩展段内,则多表现为加载破坏渗透率;岩石突增点处应力、应变为峰值点处应力、应变的60%~80%之间,大多数岩石渗透率峰值出现在岩石的峰后阶段,部分出现在岩石峰值点处,少数的岩石渗透率峰值存在于岩石峰值强度之前,且多为软岩;灰岩类和砂岩类岩石变形破坏比泥质岩类岩石更为均匀,用渗透率突增点强度、应变分别与峰值强度、应变的比值或渗透率峰值点处应变与应力峰值点处应变的比值能较好反映岩石渗透率变化规律。 展开更多
关键词 带压开采 渗透性 原始空隙渗透率 加载破坏渗透率
节理倾角对砂岩强度及物理特征的影响 被引量:5
作者 王瑞红 李万文 +2 位作者 刘杰 蒋昱州 黄飞 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期70-74,80,共6页
节理岩体广泛存在于实际工程中,深入研究节理倾角对岩体强度和物理特征的影响,对节理岩体工程稳定性研究具有重要的意义。通过完整及含不同节理倾角岩样在不同围压下的三轴加载破坏试验及声波测试试验,探讨了节理倾角对砂岩强度及物理... 节理岩体广泛存在于实际工程中,深入研究节理倾角对岩体强度和物理特征的影响,对节理岩体工程稳定性研究具有重要的意义。通过完整及含不同节理倾角岩样在不同围压下的三轴加载破坏试验及声波测试试验,探讨了节理倾角对砂岩强度及物理特性的影响规律。试验结果表明:(1)随着节理倾角的变化,岩样纵波波速衰减率有所不同,节理倾角为60°时岩样波速衰减率最大。(2)节理岩样的弹性模量随倾角大小的变化规律是:E完整>E90°>E30°>E60°。(3)在同一节理倾角下,岩样峰值强度随着围压的增加而增大;在同一围压下,岩样峰值强度随着节理倾角的变化表现出明显的各向异性。(4)节理岩样的黏聚力随着节理倾角的变化呈现出U型的变化趋势,且在节理倾角为60°时黏聚力最小;同时内摩擦角随着节理倾角的增大而逐渐增大。由上述成果可知,节理倾角对砂岩强度和物理特性影响较大,节理倾角为60°时,影响程度最大。 展开更多
关键词 节理岩体 节理倾角 三轴加载破坏试验 声波测试试验 砂岩强度 物理特征
轻木夹层板可靠度分析的有限元模拟与试验 被引量:1
作者 韦斌凝 徐华明 李涛 《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第1期142-147,共6页
为进一步研究轻木夹层板的可靠性,提出了一种研究轻木夹层板可靠性的分析方法。首先采用ANSYS分析轻木夹层板的受力特性,并根据所建立的三种轻木夹层板失效准则分别计算其对应的可靠度,然后对轻木夹层板进行加载破坏试验并计算可靠度,... 为进一步研究轻木夹层板的可靠性,提出了一种研究轻木夹层板可靠性的分析方法。首先采用ANSYS分析轻木夹层板的受力特性,并根据所建立的三种轻木夹层板失效准则分别计算其对应的可靠度,然后对轻木夹层板进行加载破坏试验并计算可靠度,最后对比有限元模拟和试验数据。结果表明:随机有限元法和试验得到的结果相差5.76%,在误差允许范围内,两者比较吻合,说明随机有限元法在分析轻木夹层板的可靠度方面是可行有效的,并且比加载试验具有更高的安全系数;另外,粘胶脱胶是大多数轻木夹层板破坏的直接原因。 展开更多
关键词 轻木夹层板 可靠度 蒙特卡洛法 随机有限元法 加载破坏试验
Strength calculation methodology for internally ring- stiffened DT- joints 被引量:1
作者 王帆 蓝小艺 +4 位作者 潘晓荣 宁晨 许晓峰 刘丁丁 罗志峰 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第1期67-72,共6页
In order to obtain the strength design equations for internally ring-stiffened circular hollowsection tubular DT( double tee)-joints subjected to brace axial compression or tension, theoretical and numerical studies... In order to obtain the strength design equations for internally ring-stiffened circular hollowsection tubular DT( double tee)-joints subjected to brace axial compression or tension, theoretical and numerical studies on 800 stiffened joints were conducted. Based on the failure mechanism of the stiffened joints, four theoretical models and corresponding equations for predicting the strength of the stiffeners are proposed. Combined with existing unstiffened DT-joint design equations, a design equation for the stiffened joints is proposed. The finite element analysis shows that the failure of the stiffened joints under brace axial loads can be characterized by plastic hinges forming in the stiffener and chord wall yielding in the vicinity of the brace-chord intersection. The reliability of the proposed stiffener strength equations is demonstrated by a reliability analysis. Good agreement is achieved between the stiffened joint strength calculated from the proposed joint strength equation and that obtained from finite element analysis. 展开更多
关键词 double-tee joint ring-stiffener failure mechanism ultimate strength
Spalling fracture mechanism of granite subjected to dynamic tensile loading 被引量:8
作者 Lin-qi HUANG Jun WANG +1 位作者 Aliakbar MOMENI Shao-feng WANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第7期2116-2127,共12页
Rocks are likely to undergo spalling failure under dynamic loading.The fracture development and rock failure behaviours were investigated during dynamic tensile loading.Tests were conducted with a split-Hopkinson pres... Rocks are likely to undergo spalling failure under dynamic loading.The fracture development and rock failure behaviours were investigated during dynamic tensile loading.Tests were conducted with a split-Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB)in four different impact loading conditions.Thin sections near failure surfaces were also made to evaluate the growth patterns of fractures observed by polarizing microscope.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)was used to observe mineral grains on failure surfaces and to evaluate their response to loading and failure.The results indicate that the number of spalling cracks increases with increase in peak impact loads and that quartz sustains abundant intergranular fracturing.Cleavage planes and their direction relative to loading play a vital role in rock strength and fracturing.Separation along cleavage planes perpendicular to loading without the movement of micaceous minerals parallel to loading appears to be unique to the rock spalling process. 展开更多
关键词 microscopic observation dynamic loading spalling failure mineral properties intercrystalline fracture
Dynamic tensile strength and failure mechanisms of thermally treated sandstone under dry and water-saturated conditions 被引量:8
作者 Pin WANG Tu-bing YIN Bi-wei HU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第8期2217-2238,共22页
To study the tensile strength and failure mechanisms of rock with hydro-thermal coupling damage under different loading rates,a series of static and dynamic splitting tests were conducted on thermally treated sandston... To study the tensile strength and failure mechanisms of rock with hydro-thermal coupling damage under different loading rates,a series of static and dynamic splitting tests were conducted on thermally treated sandstone under dry and water-saturated conditions.Experimental results showed that high temperatures effectively weakened the tensile strength of sandstone specimens,and the P-wave velocity declined with increasing temperature.Overall,thermal damage of rock increased gradually with increasing temperature,but obvious negative damage appeared at the temperature of 100℃.The water-saturated sandstone specimens had lower indirect tensile strength than the dry ones,which indicated that water-rock interaction led to secondary damage in heat-treated rock.Under both dry and water-saturated conditions,the dynamic tensile strength of sandstone increased with the increase of strain rate.The water-saturated rock specimens showed stronger rate dependence than the dry ones,but the loading rate sensitivity of thermally treated rock decreased with increasing treatment temperature.With the help of scanning electron microscopy technology,the thermal fractures of rock,caused by extreme temperature,were analyzed.Hydro-physical mechanisms of sandstone under different loading rate conditions after heat treatment were further discussed. 展开更多
关键词 SANDSTONE dynamic tensile strength hydro-thermal coupling damage loading rate dependence failure mechanism
Mechanical properties of deep sandstones under loading rate effect 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Jun-wen DING Lu-jiang +2 位作者 SONG Zhi-xiang FANWen-bing WANG Shan-yong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第6期1933-1944,共12页
The advance speed of the working face in coal mines can significantly affect the fluctuation frequency of abutment pressure in front of the coal body.Moreover,it has a certain correlation with the change of axial load... The advance speed of the working face in coal mines can significantly affect the fluctuation frequency of abutment pressure in front of the coal body.Moreover,it has a certain correlation with the change of axial loading rate in coal and rock mechanics test.Therefore,uniaxial compression tests under various loading rates of 0.05,0.1,0.15,0.25,0.5 MPa/s were conducted using 2000 kN triaxial testing machine and PCI-2 acoustic emission test system to study the loading rate effect on the mechanical properties of deep sandstones.The results show that 1)the peak strength and elastic modulus of the deep sandstone increase with the loading rate increasing;2)with the loading rate increasing,the deep sandstone transforms from plastic-elastic-plastic to plastic-elastic and moreover,the failure mode gradually transfers from type I to type III;3)With the loading rate increasing,the total input strain energy,elastic strain energy,and dissipated strain energy generally increase;4)the damage variable presents the evolution characteristics of inverted“S”shape with time,and with the loading rate increasing,the damage degree of the deep sandstone is aggravated.The conclusion obtained can provide the theoretical basis for the stability control of the surrounding rock in deep engineering. 展开更多
关键词 loading rate effect failure mode energy evolution damage evolution mechanical properties deep sandstone
Capacity and failure mechanism of laterally loaded jet-grouting reinforced piles: Field and numerical investigation 被引量:7
作者 HE Ben WANG Li Zhong HONG Yi 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期763-776,共14页
This study presents the results of field and numerical investigations of lateral stiffness, capacity, and failure mechanisms for plain piles and reinforced concrete piles in soft clay. A plastic-damage model is used t... This study presents the results of field and numerical investigations of lateral stiffness, capacity, and failure mechanisms for plain piles and reinforced concrete piles in soft clay. A plastic-damage model is used to simulate concrete piles and jet-grouting in the numerical analyses. The field study and numerical investigations show that by applying jet-grouting sur- rounding the upper 7.5D (D = pile diameter) of a pile, lateral stiffness and beating capacity of the pile are increased by about 110% and 100%, respectively. This is partially because the jet-grouting increases the apparent diameter of the pile, so as to en- large the extent of failure wedge and hence passive resistance in front of the reinforced pile. Moreover, the jet-grouting pro- vides a circumferential confinement to the concrete pile, which suppresses development of tensile stress in the pile. Corre- spondingly, tension-induced plastic damage in the concrete pile is reduced, causing less degradation of stiffness and strength of the pile than that of a plain pile. Effectiveness of the circumferential confinement provided by the jet-grouting, however, diminishes once the grouting cracks because of the significant vertical and circumferential tensile stress near its mid-depth. The lateral capacity of the jet-grouting reinforced pile is, therefore, governed by mobilized passive resistance of soil and plastic damage of jet-grouting. 展开更多
关键词 jet-grouting reinforced cast-in-place piles field test finite element analysis lateral bearing capacity lateral stiffness plastic damage failure mechanism
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