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江苏岸外沙脊群的地貌形态及动力格局 被引量:9
作者 汪亚平 张忍顺 《海洋科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第3期43-46,共4页
长江与黄河的交互作用为江苏岸外沙洲提供了丰富的泥沙来源 ,而两大潮波的辐聚以及辐合带的迁移则是将整个岸外沙脊群塑造成辐射形态的动力因素。以蒋家沙为界 ,江苏岸外沙洲的辐射形具有南北不对称的特点。两河供沙条件的差异是形成南... 长江与黄河的交互作用为江苏岸外沙洲提供了丰富的泥沙来源 ,而两大潮波的辐聚以及辐合带的迁移则是将整个岸外沙脊群塑造成辐射形态的动力因素。以蒋家沙为界 ,江苏岸外沙洲的辐射形具有南北不对称的特点。两河供沙条件的差异是形成南北两翼沙洲规模大小的原因 。 展开更多
关键词 江苏 沙脊群 地貌形态 动力格局 海岸泥沙
由多卫星测高大地水准面推断西太平洋边缘海构造动力格局 被引量:9
作者 高金耀 金翔龙 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期600-608,共9页
由于卫星观测技术的发展 ,现在已能利用测高大地水准面简捷可靠地研究海底构造与动力问题 .根据GeosatT2 ERM、Topex Poseidon和ERS 1 2测高数据给定的 0°N~ 4 5°N、10 0°E~ 15 0°E范围内 4′× 4′大地水准... 由于卫星观测技术的发展 ,现在已能利用测高大地水准面简捷可靠地研究海底构造与动力问题 .根据GeosatT2 ERM、Topex Poseidon和ERS 1 2测高数据给定的 0°N~ 4 5°N、10 0°E~ 15 0°E范围内 4′× 4′大地水准面 ,采用全球地形 均衡的重力位效应改正 ,计算布格、格莱尼和均衡大地水准面 .由格莱尼大地水准面反演Moho面埋深 ,再从均衡大地水准面起伏推算小尺度地幔流应力场 .结果表明 ,菲律宾海和南海显示了与磁条带、扩张脊对应或斜交的高频成分大地水准面起伏条带 .各边缘海盆的Moho面埋深有往南变浅的趋势 ,与菲律宾海各海盆的Moho面埋深大致相当 ,说明琉球—台湾—菲律宾岛弧两侧的构造动力强度基本相近 .从各种构造特征和大、中、小尺度的地幔流应力场的驱动机制 ,可以证明岛弧内侧的边缘海具有不同于大洋、大陆的独特构造动力格局和特征 . 展开更多
关键词 测高大地水准面 构造动力格局 边缘海 西太平洋
构建中国经济 增长的立体化动力格局
作者 章玉贵 《IT时代周刊》 2012年第10期65-65,共1页
在做大经济规模与追求经济增速方面已保持了30余年高水平状态的中国,眼下正面临告别增长偏好,抓紧寻求新增长动力的"时间窗口"。乐观来看,即便既有增长模式不变,至少在未来两三年里,中国依然可以做到在世界排名前六的主要经济体中保... 在做大经济规模与追求经济增速方面已保持了30余年高水平状态的中国,眼下正面临告别增长偏好,抓紧寻求新增长动力的"时间窗口"。乐观来看,即便既有增长模式不变,至少在未来两三年里,中国依然可以做到在世界排名前六的主要经济体中保持经济增速的绝对领先地位。但是,所有明白中国经济深层次矛盾所在的人都很清楚,这种以牺牲经济转型时间、拖延深层次改革,并导致系统性经济风险上升为显性特征的经济发展思维,最终将使本就沉疴难除的中国经济肌体健康情况恶化。 展开更多
关键词 中国经济 动力格局 立体化 时间窗口 水平状态 经济规模 经济转型 经济发展
作者 安冠霖 郭晋平 《林业调查规划》 2021年第1期23-33,共11页
以文峪河流域为研究对象,分析流域2000—2018年景观格局数量动态的面积、转移及速度特征。从斑块类型尺度与景观尺度2个层面选取景观指数分析流域近18年的景观格局动态,并在流域尺度上沿城市—林区梯度线分析沿线景观格局指数的梯度分布... 以文峪河流域为研究对象,分析流域2000—2018年景观格局数量动态的面积、转移及速度特征。从斑块类型尺度与景观尺度2个层面选取景观指数分析流域近18年的景观格局动态,并在流域尺度上沿城市—林区梯度线分析沿线景观格局指数的梯度分布,基于数量统计模型对景观格局动态驱动力进行研究。结果表明,流域耕地、林地、草地面积有所减少,向其余地类支出面积,水域、建设用地、未利用地面积增加,向其余地类吸收面积,不同地类土地转移、变化速度情况不同。不同景观类型的格局动态不同,流域整体景观破碎化程度增加,连通性下降、景观规则度下降、景观核心面积下降,不同景观指数的梯度分布特征不同。自然驱动因子、社会驱动因子对流域景观格局变化均具有驱动作用,文峪河流域的景观动态在过去18年间经历了快速、复杂的变化,社会经济驱动因子是景观格局演变的主要驱动力量,经济与人口发展、产业结构及工业化进程是文峪河流域景观格局演变的重要驱动力量。 展开更多
关键词 景观格局 景观格局动力 景观指数 景观破碎化 景观连能性 景观规则度 文峪河流域
相对海面变化与江苏中部辐射沙洲的变化动态 被引量:6
作者 王艳红 张忍顺 +1 位作者 谢志仁 王建 《海洋科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期198-203,共6页
随着海面上升,岸外沙洲可以做出适当调整以适应逐渐变化的动力条件。如果沙洲能够得到足够的泥沙供给,淤积速率可以与相对海面上升速率同步或超过相对海面上升速率,那么沙洲就能够继续存在,相反则会逐渐消失。江苏中部辐射沙洲整体缺少... 随着海面上升,岸外沙洲可以做出适当调整以适应逐渐变化的动力条件。如果沙洲能够得到足够的泥沙供给,淤积速率可以与相对海面上升速率同步或超过相对海面上升速率,那么沙洲就能够继续存在,相反则会逐渐消失。江苏中部辐射沙洲整体缺少外来泥沙供给,再加上海面上升和不断的围垦活动,辐射沙洲的总面积势必逐渐缩小,但巨大的沙脊群内部的调节作用可以使一部分沙洲在海面上升过程中得以淤高,并在一定时期内继续存在。 展开更多
关键词 海面上升 辐射沙洲 动力格局
作者 代稳 吕殿青 +2 位作者 王金凤 马士彬 仝双梅 《宁夏工程技术》 CAS 2016年第2期186-192,共7页
生态水文科学研究的核心内容是揭示不同尺度、多层次的环境条件下生态景观变化与水文过程的相互响应机理,尤其是植物与水之间的相互关系。介绍了洞庭湖生态水文的主要研究内容,基于洞庭湖生态水文物理和化学过程研究不够完善,生态水文... 生态水文科学研究的核心内容是揭示不同尺度、多层次的环境条件下生态景观变化与水文过程的相互响应机理,尤其是植物与水之间的相互关系。介绍了洞庭湖生态水文的主要研究内容,基于洞庭湖生态水文物理和化学过程研究不够完善,生态水文模型数量少、创新少,生态水文修复起步晚且单一等问题,指明了加强洞庭湖生态水文的机理研究、完善和改进洞庭湖生态水文模型、提高生态水文修复在洞庭湖治理中的作用等生态水文的研究方向,以期为洞庭湖后续的研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 耦合 水文过程 生态动力格局 洞庭湖
作者 陈骞 《上海信息化》 2019年第8期81-83,共3页
当前,制造智能化在全球范围内成为热点。智能技术在有力促进生产方式革新、产品与服务创新的同时,对制造业劳动力格局也带来颠覆性影响。制造智能化成为新一轮产业革命的核心主题,智能技术在制造业领域被广泛应用和高度渗透。德国一些... 当前,制造智能化在全球范围内成为热点。智能技术在有力促进生产方式革新、产品与服务创新的同时,对制造业劳动力格局也带来颠覆性影响。制造智能化成为新一轮产业革命的核心主题,智能技术在制造业领域被广泛应用和高度渗透。德国一些龙头企业,如博世、SAP、西门子等,正在运用云计算、区块链、5G、人工智能技术,重新塑造生产链与服务链。 展开更多
关键词 制造业 智能化 德国 人工智能技术 美国 生产方式 服务创新 动力格局
Spatio-temporal Pattern of Net Primary Productivity in Hengduan Mountains area, China: Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities 被引量:15
作者 CHEN Tiantian PENG Li +1 位作者 LIU Shaoquan WANG Qiang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期948-962,共15页
Net primary productivity(NPP), a metric used to define and identify changes in plant communities, is greatly affected by climate change, human activities and other factors. Here, we used the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford App... Net primary productivity(NPP), a metric used to define and identify changes in plant communities, is greatly affected by climate change, human activities and other factors. Here, we used the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach(CASA) model to estimate the NPP of plant communities in Hengduan Mountains area of China, and to explore the relationship between NPP and altitude in this region. We examined the mechanisms underlying vegetation growth responses to climate change and quantitatively assessed the effects of ecological protection measures by partitioning the contributions of climate change and human activities to NPP changes. The results demonstrated that: 1) the average total and annual NPP values over the years were 209.15 Tg C and 468.06 g C/(m2·yr), respectively. Their trend increasingly fluctuated, with spatial distribution strongly linked to altitude(i.e., lower and higher NPP in high altitude and low altitude areas, respectively) and 2400 m represented the marginal altitude for vegetation differentiation; 2) areas where climate was the main factor affecting NPP accounted for 18.2% of the total research area, whereas human activities were the primary factor influencing NPP in 81.8% of the total research area, which indicated that human activity was the main force driving changes in NPP. Areas where climatic factors(i.e., temperature and precipitation) were the main driving factors occupied 13.6%(temperature) and 6.0%(precipitation) of the total research area, respectively. Therefore, the effect of temperature on NPP changes was stronger than that of precipitation; and 3) the majority of NPP residuals from 2001 to 2014 were positive, with human activities playing an active role in determining regional vegetation growth, possibly due to the return of farmland back to forest and natural forest protection. However, this positive trend is decreasing. This clearly shows the periodical nature of ecological projects and a lack of long-term effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 net primary productivity (NPP) Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach (CASA) model climate change human activities Hengduan Mountains area
Temporal and Spatial Variations of Eco-asset Patterns and the Factors Driving Change in the Wanjiang Demonstration Area 被引量:2
作者 CAO Yuhong CHEN Chen +2 位作者 LIU Chonggang LI Lulu LIU Meiyun 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2019年第3期282-288,共7页
With the rapid development of the society and the economy, people are paying more attention to the value of natural resources and the benefits of the ecological environment. Evaluating the value of eco-assets has beco... With the rapid development of the society and the economy, people are paying more attention to the value of natural resources and the benefits of the ecological environment. Evaluating the value of eco-assets has become a focus of concern. Quantitative remote sensing measurements, land data and other auxiliary data were used to measure the eco-assets in 46 regions of the Wanjiang Demonstration Area from 1990 to 2013. This paper analyzes temporal and spatial variations of eco-assets’ distribution, composition, change patterns and the factors driving variations. The results show that the distribution of eco-assets in the regions is very uneven, the central region has higher ecological assets than other regions, and it declined first and then rose during the period 1990-2013. The total amount of eco-assets increased by 3.05%. The change in the amount of ecological assets was not large, but it is important that the amount of assets was basically stable, and increases in the proportion of degraded areas was small. Grassland and water body eco-assets decreased by 11.19% and 0.66%, respectively, and that of cultivated land decreased by 15.54%, but forest land increased by 6.42%. As for the change pattern of ecological assets, the per capita assets of Hefei had the largest reduction, and those of Xuancheng the second largest. The spatial and temporal changes of ecological assets in the Wanjiang Demonstration Area include natural factors and human factors. The government’s macro-control and economic policies are the main driving factors for the spatial and temporal changes of the ecological assets pattern. 展开更多
关键词 eco-assets landscape pattern temporal and spatial variation driving force analysis
Dynamics about Neural Array with Simple Lateral Inhibitory Connections
作者 Jian ZHUANG 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期161-186,共26页
Lateral inhibitory effect is a well-known feature of information processing in neural systems.This paper presents a neural array model with simple lateral inhibitory connections.After detailed examining into the dynam... Lateral inhibitory effect is a well-known feature of information processing in neural systems.This paper presents a neural array model with simple lateral inhibitory connections.After detailed examining into the dynamics of this kind of neural array,the author gives the sufficient conditions under which the outputs of the network will tend to a special stable pattern called spatial sparse pattern in which if the output of a neuron is 1,then the outputs of the neurons in its neighborhood are 0.This ability called spatial sparse coding plays an important role in self-coding,self-organization and associative memory for patterns and pattern sequences.The main conclusions about the dynamics of this kind of neural array which is related to spatial sparse coding are introduced. 展开更多
关键词 Simple lateral inhibitory connections Spatial sparse coding Spatial sparse pattern Neural array
Formation of time patterns in a diffusive plant-herbivore system with toxin-determined functional response
作者 Cun-Hua Zhang Xiang-Ping Yan 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2015年第4期161-179,共19页
In this paper, we consider a diffusive plant-herbivore system with the toxin-determined functional response and subject to the homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions on the bounded one-dimensional spatial domain. The... In this paper, we consider a diffusive plant-herbivore system with the toxin-determined functional response and subject to the homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions on the bounded one-dimensional spatial domain. The impacts of diffusion on the dynamical behaviors are investigated and it is found that although the appearance of diffusion does not affect the stability of constant steady states, it can lead to the occurrence of Hopf bifurcation of spatially inhomogeneous periodic solutions at the constant positive steady state. The conclusions show that the occurrence of spatial diffusion can induce more complex dynamical behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 Diffusive plant-herbivore system toxin-determined functional response global asymptotic stability spatially inhomogeneous Hopf bifurcation.
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