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水电站全厂振动区及最优动力特性曲线研究 被引量:5
作者 李文武 孙刚 +1 位作者 游文霞 陈博 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2016年第11期148-151,203,共5页
水电机组振动区的存在直接影响水电站厂内安全运行,研究考虑振动区的水电站最优动力特性曲线是实现水电站厂内经济运行的基础。首先在机组具有单振动区时利用组合数学推导出全厂振动区,分析表明水电站全厂振动区与水电站机组台数、机组... 水电机组振动区的存在直接影响水电站厂内安全运行,研究考虑振动区的水电站最优动力特性曲线是实现水电站厂内经济运行的基础。首先在机组具有单振动区时利用组合数学推导出全厂振动区,分析表明水电站全厂振动区与水电站机组台数、机组振动区宽度及位置有关;然后根据全厂振动区通过引入惩罚函数求出水电站最优动力特性曲线。实例结果表明,水电站最优动力特性曲线考虑振动区时具有分段不光滑、不连续等特征,部分区域为避免机组运行在振动区发电流量有所增加。 展开更多
关键词 机组振动区 全厂振动区 惩罚函数 电站最优动力曲线
电站锅炉水动力研究 被引量:15
作者 俞谷颖 朱才广 《动力工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期590-597,618,共9页
综述了我国电站锅炉水动力研究发展历史和现状,阐述了我国早期的电站锅炉水动力研究,亚临界直流锅炉研制,自然循环锅炉水动力研究,超临界压力直流锅炉水动力特性研究,并提出了我国电站锅炉水动力今后工作的发展方向和重点:发电设备将向... 综述了我国电站锅炉水动力研究发展历史和现状,阐述了我国早期的电站锅炉水动力研究,亚临界直流锅炉研制,自然循环锅炉水动力研究,超临界压力直流锅炉水动力特性研究,并提出了我国电站锅炉水动力今后工作的发展方向和重点:发电设备将向着更高参数、更大容量发展,超超临界锅炉的蒸汽参数将达到700°C、35 MPa,这就要求针对该参数开展锅炉水动力研究;三大发电设备制造集团相继从国外引进了各种锅炉炉型配以不同的燃烧方式,应针对不同炉型、燃烧方式及煤种开展水动力研究,以确保锅炉运行的安全性;上世纪80年代编制出版了JB/Z 201—1983《电站锅炉水动力计算方法》,受出版时间的限制,许多新的技术和研究成果亟待补充. 展开更多
关键词 电站锅炉水动力与传热 混合器 分配集箱 超压 动力调整 动力 超临界
高职水电站动力设备专业实践教学体系的构建 被引量:2
作者 雷恒 周晓岚 +1 位作者 郭豪杰 李颖 《黄河水利职业技术学院学报》 2020年第1期73-76,共4页
加强实践教学,突出技能操作,是高职院校培养适应社会需求的技术技能人才的有效途径,也是目前高职院校教学改革的重点。结合水电站动力设备专业实践教学的现状,针对现阶段实践教学环节中存在的问题,提出重构“大修顶岗、双元教学”实践... 加强实践教学,突出技能操作,是高职院校培养适应社会需求的技术技能人才的有效途径,也是目前高职院校教学改革的重点。结合水电站动力设备专业实践教学的现状,针对现阶段实践教学环节中存在的问题,提出重构“大修顶岗、双元教学”实践教学体系,并对过程实施、条件保障、考核评价等方面进行了方法和对策研究。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校 技术技能人才培养 电站动力设备专业 实践教学体系 大修顶岗 双元教学
高职水电站动力设备与管理专业的人才培养模式研究——基于核心技术一体化专业改造视角 被引量:4
作者 李迎春 《河北农机》 2017年第3期61-62,共2页
目前,高职人才培养模式影响了水电站动力设备与管理专业学生职业能力的养成、培养和开发。本文提出,要树立以就业为导向的指导思想、构建校企合作的人才培养机制、加强专业核心技术一体化的专业改造、设置实践型的课程建设体系、推进行... 目前,高职人才培养模式影响了水电站动力设备与管理专业学生职业能力的养成、培养和开发。本文提出,要树立以就业为导向的指导思想、构建校企合作的人才培养机制、加强专业核心技术一体化的专业改造、设置实践型的课程建设体系、推进行动型的教学组织方式,着力提升高职水电站动力设备与管理专业的人才培养成效。 展开更多
关键词 电站动力设备与管理专业 人才培养 核心技术一体化 高职
高职水电站动力设备与管理专业人才培养模式探讨 被引量:2
作者 陶永霞 《黄河水利职业技术学院学报》 2011年第1期58-60,63,共4页
结合示范建设教学实践,通过对水电站动力设备与管理专业人才培养目标的分析,设置理论与实践合一和"岗、课、证"融通的课程体系,构建适应不断提高的高职教育高技能人才培养需求的"大修顶岗、双元教学"专业人才培养模... 结合示范建设教学实践,通过对水电站动力设备与管理专业人才培养目标的分析,设置理论与实践合一和"岗、课、证"融通的课程体系,构建适应不断提高的高职教育高技能人才培养需求的"大修顶岗、双元教学"专业人才培养模式,以期为高职教育改革和发展探索校企合作人才培养新模式。 展开更多
关键词 高职教育 电站动力设备与管理专业 人才培养模式 大修顶岗 双元教学
基于核心技术一体化的高职水电站动力设备与管理专业改造探索——以广西电力职业技术学院为例 被引量:1
作者 李迎春 《大众科技》 2017年第2期100-101,112,共3页
文章在分析水电站动力设备与管理专业"核心技术一体化"专业改造重要性、专业建设现状基础上,设定了专业改造目标,最后提出了专业改造方案及具体措施。文章认为,要尽快推进基于核心技术一体化的高职水电站动力设备与管理专业改... 文章在分析水电站动力设备与管理专业"核心技术一体化"专业改造重要性、专业建设现状基础上,设定了专业改造目标,最后提出了专业改造方案及具体措施。文章认为,要尽快推进基于核心技术一体化的高职水电站动力设备与管理专业改造,贴近市场、强化实践教学,与社会需求接轨。 展开更多
关键词 核心技术一体化 高职 电站动力设备与管理专业 专业改造 探索
作者 乔鑫 乔廷廷 +4 位作者 孙海奇 吴江波 孟蕾 孙中莉 朱爱珍 《电子质量》 2012年第4期6-9,共4页
简述了CAN(Controller Area Network)总线的现状和由FPGA实现的优势,由此设计了一种基于FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array)的CAN总线控制器,研发了一套基于此控制器的变电站环境动力监控系统,实现了对影响变电站安全运行的因素的在... 简述了CAN(Controller Area Network)总线的现状和由FPGA实现的优势,由此设计了一种基于FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array)的CAN总线控制器,研发了一套基于此控制器的变电站环境动力监控系统,实现了对影响变电站安全运行的因素的在线监测。重点论述了该系统的整体结构、功能以及硬件电路设计及软件实现。实践证明,该系统性能可靠,准确率高,具有较高的使用价值。 展开更多
关键词 FPGA CAN总线控制器 电站环境动力监控系统
超大型集装箱船电站功率系统构成 被引量:1
作者 傅晓红 夏骏 周祎隆 《船舶与海洋工程》 2020年第1期47-50,共4页
针对超大型集装箱船配置的主机和电站容量较大、世界各国对海洋及大气环境的保护程度日益提高的现状,为实现节能减排,对该型船电站的构成进行优化配置。阐述一种由柴油发电机、轴带发电机(兼电动机)、蒸汽透平发电机和废气增压发电机组... 针对超大型集装箱船配置的主机和电站容量较大、世界各国对海洋及大气环境的保护程度日益提高的现状,为实现节能减排,对该型船电站的构成进行优化配置。阐述一种由柴油发电机、轴带发电机(兼电动机)、蒸汽透平发电机和废气增压发电机组成的组合动力电站,并对此类电站的功率管理系统的控制逻辑进行分析。通过设计该组合动力电站,为超大型集装箱船的电站设计提供一种绿色节能的选择。 展开更多
关键词 超大型集装箱船 绿色船舶 组合动力电站 功率管理系统
作者 R.Antidormi 蓉佳 海韵 《国外核聚变》 2003年第3期12-19,47,共9页
聚变规划的长期日标是开发聚变以便共同创建动力电站原型反应堆。本文介绍了聚变规划独特的组织结构特征,欧洲及世界合作的框架以及研究规划。作为欧洲研究区和研究界研究策略的一部分.描述了未来几年该规划的变化以及国际热核实验反... 聚变规划的长期日标是开发聚变以便共同创建动力电站原型反应堆。本文介绍了聚变规划独特的组织结构特征,欧洲及世界合作的框架以及研究规划。作为欧洲研究区和研究界研究策略的一部分.描述了未来几年该规划的变化以及国际热核实验反应堆,即ITER朝着可能建造的方向变化的情况。 展开更多
关键词 欧盟框架规划 聚变 动力电站 反应堆 组织结构特征 能源 等离子体加热技术
黄河水院应用技能型留学生培养课程体系探析 被引量:1
作者 牛钰 《黄河水利职业技术学院学报》 2016年第1期75-77,共3页
关键词 国际应用型技术人才 应用技能型留学生 电站动力设备与管理专业 培养目标 课程体系 结构特点
Implementation of Embedded Ethernet Based on Hardware Protocol Stack in Substation Automation System 被引量:1
作者 马强 赵建国 刘炳旭 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第2期153-156,共4页
Embedded Ethernet technology has been utilized increasingly widely as the communication mode in the substation automation system(SAS).This paper introduces the current applying situation about embedded Ethernet in SAS... Embedded Ethernet technology has been utilized increasingly widely as the communication mode in the substation automation system(SAS).This paper introduces the current applying situation about embedded Ethernet in SAS First.After analyzing the protocol levels used in SAS based on embedded Ethernet and the differences between the TCP and UDP,UDP/IP is selected as the communication protocol between the station-level and bay-level devices for its real-time characteristic.Then a new kind of implementation of the embedded Ethernet is presented based on hardware protocol stack.The designed scheme can be implemented easily,reduce cost significantly and shorten developing cycle. 展开更多
关键词 embedded Ethernet substation automation system hardware protocol stack UDP W3100A
海洋平台消防泵的经济性分析 被引量:2
作者 鄂瑞峰 丁海燕 郭庆 《石油和化工设备》 CAS 2019年第4期48-49,共2页
关键词 消防泵 应急电站动力 电站动力
Research and practice of designing hydro/ photovoltaic hybrid power system in microgrid 被引量:2
作者 Wang Yibo Xu Honghua 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2013年第3期80-84,96,共6页
Small-hydro power station is often used in remote areas beside a river,but it doesn't match electricity demand so well,especially in dry seasons. A photovoltaic (PV) system with battery is a suitable option to com... Small-hydro power station is often used in remote areas beside a river,but it doesn't match electricity demand so well,especially in dry seasons. A photovoltaic (PV) system with battery is a suitable option to complement the electricity gap. In this paper,a new structure of megawatt-class PV system integrating battery at DC-bus (DC: direct current) is proposed to be used in hydro/PV hybrid power system,and 4 main designing considerations and several key equipments are discussed. In 2011,a 2 MWp PV station with the proposed structure was built up in Yushu,China. From stability analysis,the station shows a strong stability under load cut-in/off and solar irradiance's fluctuation. 展开更多
关键词 photovoltaic system with battery hydro/PV hybrid power system isolated microgrid
Effect of Concrete Cracks on Dynamic Characteristics of Powerhouse for Giant-Scale Hydrostation 被引量:2
作者 田子勤 张运良 +1 位作者 马震岳 陈婧 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第4期307-312,共6页
With the increase of capacity and size of the hydro-generator unit, the spiral case becomes a more super-giant hydraulic structure with very high HD value, where H and D denote water head and maximum intake diameter o... With the increase of capacity and size of the hydro-generator unit, the spiral case becomes a more super-giant hydraulic structure with very high HD value, where H and D denote water head and maximum intake diameter of spiral case, respectively. Due to the induced lower stiffness by the more giant size and adverse operation conditions, dynamic performances of the powerhouse and the supporting structure for the giant units have become more important and attracted much attention. If the manner of steel spiral case embedded directly in concrete is adopted, on some locations of the concrete surrounding the spiral case, distributed and concentrated cracks will emerge due to high tensile stress. Although the concrete is reinforced well to control the maximum crack width, definitely these cracks will reduce the local and entire stiffness of the powerhouse. Under dynamic loads such as hydraulic forces including water pressure pulsation in flow passage acting on the structure, effect of the cracks on the dynamic characteristics of the local members and entire structure needs to be evaluated. However, research on this subject is few in hydroelectric engineering. In this paper, Three-Gorge Project was taken as an example to evaluate effect of such cracks on natural frequencies and the vibration responses of the powerhouse under hydraulic and earthquake forces in detail. Results show that cracks only reduce the local structural stiffness greatly but have little effect on the entire powerhouse especially the superstructure; vibrations of powerhouse with cracks in concrete surrounding the spiral case are still under the design limits. Results in this paper have been verified by practice of Three-Gorge Project. 展开更多
关键词 giant-scale hydrostation POWERHOUSE concrete crack dynamic characteristics numerical simulation
Study on evaluation system for Chinese nuclear power plants
作者 李松柏 程建秀 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第4期415-420,共6页
This paper analyzes the meaning, structure, function and assessment methods of a nuclear power plant evaluation system, and the similarities and differences among various assessment methods. Based on this research an ... This paper analyzes the meaning, structure, function and assessment methods of a nuclear power plant evaluation system, and the similarities and differences among various assessment methods. Based on this research an integrated and detailed suggestion is proposed on how to establish and improve internal and external evaluation systems for Chinese NPPs. It includes: to prepare and implement the nuclear power plant operational management program, to build an integrated performance indicator system, to improve the present audit system and conduct the comprehensive evaluation system, to set up and implement the integrated corrective action system, to position precisely the status of operation assessment of nuclear power plants, to conduct the assessment aetivilies on constructing NPP, to initiate the specific assessment in some important areas, to establish industrv performance indicator system, to improve the assessment methods, to share the assessment results, to select, cultivate and certify the reviewers, and to enhance interuational communication and cooperation. 展开更多
关键词 nuclear power plant EVALUATION SYSTEM
作者 李延高 《世界机电经贸信息》 1994年第18期25-26,共2页
1.设备技术水平不断提高 据美国西屋公司预测,世界对电站动力设备的需求将稳定增长,因此到2000年世界电站动力设备的总产量估计将达250亿美元,届时对电站动力设备的订货量将比1992年增加40%。 汽轮机是电站动力设备的重要组成部分。近... 1.设备技术水平不断提高 据美国西屋公司预测,世界对电站动力设备的需求将稳定增长,因此到2000年世界电站动力设备的总产量估计将达250亿美元,届时对电站动力设备的订货量将比1992年增加40%。 汽轮机是电站动力设备的重要组成部分。近年,汽轮机技术发展迅速。目前世界上无论就汽轮机产量还是技术水平来说均处于领先地位的著名大公司为: 展开更多
关键词 电站动力设备 市场 世界
Development of Vibrating Monitoring for Hydro Power Turbines under Operating Condition
作者 Skvorcov Oleg 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第11期878-886,共9页
Units and components of the powerful power equipment are exposed to the big static and dynamic load. An example of such equipments is turbines hydraulic power plant and, especially, hydroelectric pumped storage power ... Units and components of the powerful power equipment are exposed to the big static and dynamic load. An example of such equipments is turbines hydraulic power plant and, especially, hydroelectric pumped storage power plant. Existing techniques of control of a vibrating condition do not consider: very wide frequency range of vibrating processes, difficult character of such processes in the form of the sum multiharmonic, random and close to shock processes. Such techniques usually do not consider intervals of start-up and stop, and also work on transitive modes when loadings on a construction are maximum. Available techniques of an estimation of admissible level of vibrating influence and tests for vibration durability are not harmonized enough among themselves. Various known interpretations of communication of vibrating characteristics and durability estimations on mechanical pressure at broadband vibrating influence yield ambiguous result. On the basis of the analysis of the published information, we attempt to formulate the requirement to system of vibrating monitoring of the hydraulic turbine and power motor pumps. System should provide data acquisition and the analysis of the data on a vibrating condition taking into account accumulation of vibrating influences and long term of operation on the basis of estimation methods as low-cycle, and high-cycle (gigacycle) fatigue is made. 展开更多
关键词 Vibrating durability shock random transitive modes water-wheel ACCELERATION velocity DISPLACEMENT pumped-storage
Impact of Workforce and Schedule Constraints on New Nuclear Construction
作者 Kevin Taaffe Innocent Nkwocha +2 位作者 Forest Denger Vikram Thouta Terrence Brimfield 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第5期338-350,共13页
Due to recent legislative incentives and a general change in the public eye towards environmental and energy issues, a renewed interest in building nuclear power plants has taken place in the U.S. The Nuclear Regulato... Due to recent legislative incentives and a general change in the public eye towards environmental and energy issues, a renewed interest in building nuclear power plants has taken place in the U.S. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has also recently given approvals to build four nuclear reactors in two southeast states, which further indicates the resurging interest in nuclear power in the U.S. Such approvals, however, do not specifically address the impact on having a constrained labor force when manufacturing and constructing multiple reactors. Key findings include the comparison of a constrained and unconstrained workforce on construction and manufacturing completion times, the identification of peak labor requirements based on different construction schedules, and the development of training estimates to ensure the workforce and industry are prepared for the new jobs being created. Results suggest that a shorter planned construction timeline is effective when the workforce is moderately constrained to unconstrained. However, with a severely-constrained starting workforce, a longer construction timeline is preferred. For multiple reactor plans, spreading out the construction start dates outperforms all other construction start date schedules. In particular, heavily compressed start dates could effectively kill a resurgent nuclear industry, especially if workforce expansion is not pursued simultaneously. 展开更多
关键词 Nuclear construction system dynamics workforce management
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