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作者 王翠苹 王凤印 孙连山 《河北理工学院学报》 2004年第2期41-46,50,共7页
优化决策对于任何一个企业动力系统来说都是必要的。炼油厂蒸汽供应系统的优化问题是一个复杂的混合0-1整数线性规划问题:Z=CX,将Z转换为系列辅助约束关系(之和)后,可直接运用分支限界算法(结合反向搜索法)进行优化并分析,得到全局最优... 优化决策对于任何一个企业动力系统来说都是必要的。炼油厂蒸汽供应系统的优化问题是一个复杂的混合0-1整数线性规划问题:Z=CX,将Z转换为系列辅助约束关系(之和)后,可直接运用分支限界算法(结合反向搜索法)进行优化并分析,得到全局最优决策,这种方法对其他企业动力系统的优化同样适用。 展开更多
关键词 分析限界算法 混合0-1整数线性规划问题 总费用年值最小化模型 总能耗最小化模型 企业 动力系统优化
某工程净化空调及动力系统优化设计 被引量:3
作者 陈伟丰 刘晓林 《工程技术研究》 2019年第5期164-165,共2页
本文对该项目使用的洁净室空调系统和动力系统,在施工中、生产运行时产生的问题进行分析、讨论及处理和改进。出现这些问题的主要原因为原设计人员套用经典净化空调系统和动力系统模式,未能对本单体所处气候类型、洁净室的位置特点和生... 本文对该项目使用的洁净室空调系统和动力系统,在施工中、生产运行时产生的问题进行分析、讨论及处理和改进。出现这些问题的主要原因为原设计人员套用经典净化空调系统和动力系统模式,未能对本单体所处气候类型、洁净室的位置特点和生产运行模式进行全面了解,导致暖通系统不够优化、不够节能、不够经济甚至不能满足生产使用要求。本次阐述希望提醒初、中级设计师,不要因为项目的面积的小或功能形式简单,而忽略其重要性,套用经验或经典设计。 展开更多
关键词 净化空调系统优化 动力系统优化 暖通问题处理和改进
作者 赵丰 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2016年第11期189-189,共1页
电能资源在社会发展中发挥着重要的作用,是工业生产与人民生活的基础与支撑,而现阶段的发电厂电能转化效率较低,而且发电过程中污染较为严重,对环境破坏较大,已经威胁到了人类的生存和发展,所以必须改进发电厂运转的效率,对热能动力系... 电能资源在社会发展中发挥着重要的作用,是工业生产与人民生活的基础与支撑,而现阶段的发电厂电能转化效率较低,而且发电过程中污染较为严重,对环境破坏较大,已经威胁到了人类的生存和发展,所以必须改进发电厂运转的效率,对热能动力系统进行优化,对发电设备以及工艺等进行节能改造,实现绿色高效的电能供给。 展开更多
关键词 发电厂 热能动力系统优化 节能改造
作者 宋飞 《电力系统装备》 2021年第19期40-41,共2页
文章主要针对火力发电厂中的热能动力系统展开研究分析,首先简述发电厂中热能动力系统的相关建设,分析其中的技术和经济效益,发现优化热力系统对发电厂的有利影响,并结合实际工作流程对热力系统进行节能改造,使热能动力系统在工作运行... 文章主要针对火力发电厂中的热能动力系统展开研究分析,首先简述发电厂中热能动力系统的相关建设,分析其中的技术和经济效益,发现优化热力系统对发电厂的有利影响,并结合实际工作流程对热力系统进行节能改造,使热能动力系统在工作运行中达到理想化的效果,为火力发电厂提升综合效益与实现可持续发展奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 火力发电厂 热能动力系统优化 节能改造
可压缩Navier-Stokes方程的时空耦合优化低维动力系统建模方法(英文) 被引量:2
作者 齐进 吴锤结 《应用数学和力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期1053-1085,共33页
当采用低维动力系统模型研究Navier-Stokes方程的动力学性质时,保持低维模型的吸引域与NavierStokes方程的吸引域相同是非常重要的.然而,到目前为止,还没有一种普适的方法能确保对于一般问题都能达到这一目的.该文发现任何基于空间基的... 当采用低维动力系统模型研究Navier-Stokes方程的动力学性质时,保持低维模型的吸引域与NavierStokes方程的吸引域相同是非常重要的.然而,到目前为止,还没有一种普适的方法能确保对于一般问题都能达到这一目的.该文发现任何基于空间基的低维模型,如本征正交分解基、优化空间基和其他经典空间基,都不具有可预测性,即低维动力系统的误差随着流场的时间演化而增大.在构造优化动力系统的理论框架和时空耦合谱展开的新概念下,该文构造了可压缩Navier-Stokes方程的低维模型来逼近大涡模拟方程的数值解,给出了高精度的流场数值模拟结果和全新的时空耦合基时空演化数值结果.全场误差在10%以下,而每个网格点的平均误差在10%以下.时空耦合化化低维动力系统可以保证低维模型的吸引域与Navier-Stokes方程的吸引域相同.因此,保证了时空耦合优化低维动力系统的特征动力学性质与真实流场的特征动力学性质是一致的. 展开更多
关键词 时空耦合谱展开 时空耦合优化低维动力系统 可压缩NAVIER-STOKES方程 大涡模拟 定量比对
作者 徐杰 《市场周刊·理论版》 2019年第63期183-183,共1页
当前,我国经济不断发展完善。在这样的形势下,电厂的生产水平和产能进一步提高,对基础设施配套设备的应用提出了更高的要求。因此,在具体的开发过程中,必须采取更有效的措施,确保电厂各个方面都能有效地工作。同时,应建立一个更加完善... 当前,我国经济不断发展完善。在这样的形势下,电厂的生产水平和产能进一步提高,对基础设施配套设备的应用提出了更高的要求。因此,在具体的开发过程中,必须采取更有效的措施,确保电厂各个方面都能有效地工作。同时,应建立一个更加完善的生产管理体系架构,更好地解决能源消耗问题,从而保证电厂能够获得更高的经济效益。因此,文章简要分析了火电系统优化及发电厂相应的节能改造,并提出了相关的建议,希望对整个行业的发展起到良好的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 热能动力系统优化 节能改造
作者 赖辉平 郑正中 +2 位作者 王少杰 侯亮 苏亮 《汽车技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期55-62,共8页
为使公交客车在载客量和工况多变的情况下发挥混合动力系统的节能潜力,提出了基于运行数据的混合动力客车动力系统参数优化方法。基于车联网数据,利用核主成分分析(KPCA)和粒子群优化(PSO)K均值聚类分析构建了具有代表性的某市公交客车... 为使公交客车在载客量和工况多变的情况下发挥混合动力系统的节能潜力,提出了基于运行数据的混合动力客车动力系统参数优化方法。基于车联网数据,利用核主成分分析(KPCA)和粒子群优化(PSO)K均值聚类分析构建了具有代表性的某市公交客车行驶工况;针对公交客车运营中乘客人数随机变化的特点,建立基于最优拉丁超立方设计(OptLHD)的混合动力客车动力系统参数双层优化模型,内层采用Opt-LHD产生乘客人数,采用发动机最优控制策略将系统响应传递至外层优化算法。仿真结果表明,优化后的动力系统参数对不确定因素有更强的适应性,燃油消耗量较优化前平均减少9.97%。 展开更多
关键词 动力系统参数优化 乘客人数 运行工况构建 最优拉丁超立方设计 混合动力客车
电动固旋翼无人机动力系统建模与优化设计 被引量:11
作者 张航 宋笔锋 +1 位作者 王海峰 王耿 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1311-1321,共11页
为解决电动固定翼四旋翼复合布局无人机(eHAV)动力系统设计选择缺乏相应理论方法的问题,提出了一套动力系统的建模和优化设计方法。通过推质比计算提出了动力系统需求,利用螺旋桨和旋翼理论建立了螺旋桨的设计和性能计算模型,通过统计... 为解决电动固定翼四旋翼复合布局无人机(eHAV)动力系统设计选择缺乏相应理论方法的问题,提出了一套动力系统的建模和优化设计方法。通过推质比计算提出了动力系统需求,利用螺旋桨和旋翼理论建立了螺旋桨的设计和性能计算模型,通过统计分析和1阶电动机模型建立了无刷直流电动机的计算模型,通过电动机与电池电压、电流之间的关系建立了电池选择方法,在经过电压修正的放电特性经验公式基础上建立了无人机航时计算方法。根据动力系统匹配方法,建立了动力系统优化设计流程。对某电动固旋翼无人机动力系统进行了优化设计和选择,结果表明:所建螺旋桨和旋翼模型计算结果与CFD结果的误差在10%以内,电池放电模型与试验数据的拟合度在0.97以上,飞行测试结果表明所提方法选择的动力系统使得无人机航时测试值与设计值误差小于4%,证明了该方法有较高的准确性和可行性。 展开更多
关键词 电动固旋翼无人机(eHAV) 动力系统建模 系统效率 动力系统选择 动力系统优化设计
分布式电推进飞机动力系统评估优化方法 被引量:11
作者 雷涛 孔德林 +2 位作者 王润龙 李伟林 张晓斌 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期33-52,共20页
以电推进飞机的动力系统作为研究对象,开展了以下研究工作:采用电力系统潮流计算方法,分析了采用高压直流供电体制的分布式电推进飞机电气系统,模拟了其在稳定运行状态与断路故障状态下的能量流动关系,同时分析了直流电压等级对电气系... 以电推进飞机的动力系统作为研究对象,开展了以下研究工作:采用电力系统潮流计算方法,分析了采用高压直流供电体制的分布式电推进飞机电气系统,模拟了其在稳定运行状态与断路故障状态下的能量流动关系,同时分析了直流电压等级对电气系统的影响。搭建了完整的分布式电推进飞机动力系统仿真模型,依据基于时间和基于高度的飞行剖面,对比分析了纯电推进与涡轮电推进架构在推进功率、推进效率与航程3个评价指标上的优劣。建立了动力系统典型部件的参数化模型,并使用符号规划算法对建立的参数化模型进行了优化计算,比较了传统涡轮推进与涡轮电推进架构下动力系统质量与燃油消耗率间的优化权衡关系。研究结果为分布式电推进飞机混合动力系统的设计提供了有价值的正向设计方法。 展开更多
关键词 分布式电推进飞机 混合动力系统 多学科领域仿真 参数化模型 动力系统评估优化
作者 杨永超 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2023年第6期26-28,共3页
近年来,我国对电能的需求不断增加,发电厂建设越来越多。火电厂在实际经营过程中存在着很多问题,为了逐步推进热能与动力工程改进工作的有序展开,应对重热进行科学的运用,也要调节设备以此来减少湿气损失,调节机组提高综合保障和支持能... 近年来,我国对电能的需求不断增加,发电厂建设越来越多。火电厂在实际经营过程中存在着很多问题,为了逐步推进热能与动力工程改进工作的有序展开,应对重热进行科学的运用,也要调节设备以此来减少湿气损失,调节机组提高综合保障和支持能力。在发电厂中,对于电厂锅炉的发展十分重视,在本文的分析中,首先分析发电厂热能动力系统的原理,其次探讨火电厂中的热能及动力工程中的问题,最后就火电厂热能与动力工程的改进措施进行研究,以此为相关领域的工作人员提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 发电厂 热能动力系统优化 节能降耗
基于自动控制系统的汽车电子技术研究 被引量:2
作者 钱少伟 《现代制造技术与装备》 2023年第8期175-177,共3页
随着科技的迅猛发展,汽车电子技术以惊人的发展速度改变着汽车的驾驶方式、性能和安全性,成为推动变革的关键力量。基于此,介绍自动控制系统与汽车电子技术,阐述自动控制系统在汽车中的应用,采用模拟仿真和实际测试相结合的方法全面评... 随着科技的迅猛发展,汽车电子技术以惊人的发展速度改变着汽车的驾驶方式、性能和安全性,成为推动变革的关键力量。基于此,介绍自动控制系统与汽车电子技术,阐述自动控制系统在汽车中的应用,采用模拟仿真和实际测试相结合的方法全面评估自动控制系统的性能,并对汽车的发展趋势进行展望,展现自动控制系统对汽车产业的深远影响。 展开更多
关键词 汽车电子技术 自动控制系统 驾驶辅助 动力系统优化 底盘控制
Parameter optimization for improved aerodynamic performance of louver-type wind barrier for train-bridge system 被引量:16
作者 HE Xu-hui FANG Dong-xu +1 位作者 LI Huan SHI Kang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第1期229-240,共12页
To improve the safety of trains running in an undesirable wind environment,a novel louver-type wind barrier is proposed and further studied in this research using a scaled wind tunnel simulation with 1:40 scale models... To improve the safety of trains running in an undesirable wind environment,a novel louver-type wind barrier is proposed and further studied in this research using a scaled wind tunnel simulation with 1:40 scale models.Based on the aerodynamic performance of the train-bridge system,the parameters of the louver-type wind barrier are optimized.Compared to the case without a wind barrier,it is apparent that the wind barrier improves the running safety of trains,since the maximum reduction of the moment coefficient of the train reaches 58%using the louver-type wind barrier,larger than that achieved with conventional wind barriers(fence-type and grid-type).A louver-type wind barrier has more blade layers,and the rotation angle of the adjustable blade of the louver-type wind barrier is 90–180°(which induces the flow towards the deck surface),which is more favorable for the aerodynamic performance of the train.Comparing the 60°,90°and 120°wind fairings of the louver-type wind barrier blade,the blunt fairing is disadvantageous to the operational safety of the train. 展开更多
关键词 wind barrier aerodynamic force train-bridge system scaled wind tunnel simulation parameter optimization
Integration optimization of novel electric power steering system based on quality engineering theory 被引量:4
作者 赵万忠 赵婷 +3 位作者 李怿骏 王春燕 张宗强 段婷婷 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第6期1519-1526,共8页
The dynamic model of a novel electric power steering (EPS) system integrated with active front steering function (the novel EPS system) is built. The concepts and quantitative expressions of the steering road feel... The dynamic model of a novel electric power steering (EPS) system integrated with active front steering function (the novel EPS system) is built. The concepts and quantitative expressions of the steering road feel, steering sensibility, and steering operation stability are introduced. Based on quality engineering theory, the optimization algorithm is proposed by integrating the Monte Carlo descriptive sampling, elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) and 6-sigma design method. With the steering road feel and the steering portability as optimization targets, the system parameters are optimized by the proposed optimization algorithm. The simulation results show that the system optimized based on quality engineering theory can improve the steering road feel, guarantee steering stability and steering portability and thus provide a theoretical basis for the design and optimization of the novel electric power steering system. 展开更多
关键词 vehicle engineering electric power steering active front steering road feel genetic algorithm
On Efficiency of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Method for Implementation of an Adaptive Filter
作者 Hong Son Hoang Remy Baraille 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第12期948-962,共15页
In this paper, the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm is used for seeking optimal parameters in an adaptive filter developed for assimilating observations in the very high dimensiona... In this paper, the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm is used for seeking optimal parameters in an adaptive filter developed for assimilating observations in the very high dimensional dynamical systems. The main results show that the SPSA is capable of yielding the high filter performance similar to that produced by classical optimization algorithms, with better performance for non-linear filtering problems as more and more observations are assimilated. The advantage of the SPSA is that at each iteration it requires only two measurements of the objective function to approximate the gradient vector regardless of the dimension of the control vector (or maximally, three measurements if second-order optimization algorithms are used). The SPSA approach is thus free from the need to develop a discrete adjoint of tangent linear model as it is required up to now for solving optimization problems in very high dimensional systems. This technique offers promising perspectives on developing optimal assimilation systems encountered in the field of data assimilation in meteorology and oceanography. 展开更多
关键词 Stochastic approximation dominant Schur vectors minimum prediction error adaptive filter stability.
Performance optimization of electric power steering based on multi-objective genetic algorithm 被引量:2
作者 赵万忠 王春燕 +1 位作者 于蕾艳 陈涛 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期98-104,共7页
The vehicle model of the recirculating ball-type electric power steering (EPS) system for the pure electric bus was built. According to the features of constrained optimization for multi-variable function, a multi-obj... The vehicle model of the recirculating ball-type electric power steering (EPS) system for the pure electric bus was built. According to the features of constrained optimization for multi-variable function, a multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA) was designed. Based on the model of system, the quantitative formula of the road feel, sensitivity, and operation stability of the steering were induced. Considering the road feel and sensitivity of steering as optimization objectives, and the operation stability of steering as constraint, the multi-objective GA was proposed and the system parameters were optimized. The simulation results show that the system optimized by multi-objective genetic algorithm has better road feel, steering sensibility and steering stability. The energy of steering road feel after optimization is 1.44 times larger than the one before optimization, and the energy of portability after optimization is 0.4 times larger than the one before optimization. The ground test was conducted in order to verify the feasibility of simulation results, and it is shown that the pure electric bus equipped with the recirculating ball-type EPS system can provide better road feel and better steering portability for the drivers, thus the optimization methods can provide a theoretical basis for the design and optimization of the recirculating ball-type EPS system. 展开更多
关键词 vehicle engineering electric power steering multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm
Novel sensitivity analysis method and dynamics optimization for multiple launch rocket systems 被引量:1
作者 Tu Tianxiong Wang Guoping +1 位作者 Rui Xiaoting Miao Yunfei 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2022年第1期15-19,共5页
This study establishes the launch dynamics method,sensitivity analysis method,and multiobjective dynamic optimization method for the dynamic simulation analysis of the multiple launch rocket system(MLRS)based on the R... This study establishes the launch dynamics method,sensitivity analysis method,and multiobjective dynamic optimization method for the dynamic simulation analysis of the multiple launch rocket system(MLRS)based on the Riccati transfer matrix method for multibody systems(RMSTMM),direct differentiation method(DDM),and genetic algorithm(GA),respectively.Results show that simulation results of the dynamic response agree well with test results.The sensitivity analysis method is highly programming,the matrix order is low,and the calculation time is much shorter than that of the Lagrange method.With the increase of system complexity,the advantage of a high computing speed becomes more evident.Structural parameters that have the greatest influence on the dynamic response include the connection stiffness between the pitching body and the rotating body,the connection stiffness between the rotating body and the vehicle body,and the connection stiffnesses among 14^(#),16^(#),and 17^(#)wheels and the ground,which are the optimization design variables.After optimization,angular velocity variances of the pitching body in the revolving and pitching directions are reduced by 97.84%and 95.22%,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Riccati transfer matrix method for multibody systems multiple launch rocket system launch dynamics sensitivity analysis optimization design
Bellman Equation for Optimal Processes with Nonlinear Multi-Parametric Binary Dynamic System
作者 Yakup H. Hacl Kemal Ozen 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第1期84-87,共4页
A process represented by nonlinear multi-parametric binary dynamic system is investigated in this work. This process is characterized by the pseudo Boolean objective functional. Since the transfer functions on the pro... A process represented by nonlinear multi-parametric binary dynamic system is investigated in this work. This process is characterized by the pseudo Boolean objective functional. Since the transfer functions on the process are Boolean functions, the optimal control problem related to the process can be solved by relating between the transfer functions and the objective functional. An analogue of Bellman function for the optimal control problem mentioned is defined and consequently suitable Bellman equation is constructed. 展开更多
关键词 Bellman equation bellman function galois field shift operator nonlinear multi-parametric binary dynamic system
Study on load performance of electric motor system used in hybrid electric vehicle
作者 李雯 Zhang Chengning +1 位作者 Wang Zhifu Gao Lei 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2010年第1期63-66,共4页
The performance of the power assist, global optimization solved by dynamic programming (DP) method, Chery and Insight control strategies are analyzed using the mild parallel hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) model ba... The performance of the power assist, global optimization solved by dynamic programming (DP) method, Chery and Insight control strategies are analyzed using the mild parallel hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) model based on Insight structure. The influence of the four control strategies to the load power of the electric motor system used on parallel hybrid electric vehicle is studied. It is found that 80 percent of the motor load power points are under 1/5 of the electric peak power. The motor load power of the power assist control strategy is distributed in the widest range during generating operation, and the motor load power of the global optimization control strategy has the smallest one. 展开更多
关键词 parallel hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) management strategy motor load power
Structural Dynamic Optimization for Flexible Beam of Helicopter Rotor Based on GA
作者 GAO Yadong PI Runge HUANG Dawei 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2022年第6期721-734,共14页
As one of the most important steps in the design of bearing-less rotor systems,the design of flexible beam has received much research attention.Because of the very complex working environment of helicopter,the flexibl... As one of the most important steps in the design of bearing-less rotor systems,the design of flexible beam has received much research attention.Because of the very complex working environment of helicopter,the flexible beam should satisfy both the strength and dynamic requirements.However,traditional optimization research focused only on either the strength or dynamical characteristics.To sufficiently improve the performance of the flexible beam,both aspects must be considered.This paper proposes a two-stage optimization method based on the Hamilton variational principle:Variational asymptotic beam section analysis(VABS)program and genetic algorithm(GA).Consequently,a two-part analysis model based on the Hamilton variational principle and VABS is established to calculate section characteristics and structural dynamics characteristics,respectively.Subsequently,the two parts are combined to establish a two-stage optimization process and search with GA to obtain the best dynamic characteristics combinations.Based on the primary optimization results,the section characteristics of the flexible beam are further optimized using GA.The optimization results show that the torsional stiffness decreases by 36.1%compared with the full 0°laying scheme without optimization and the dynamic requirements are achieved.The natural frequencies of flapping and torsion meet the requirements(0.5 away from the passing frequencies of the blade,0.25 away from the excitation force frequency,and the flapping and torsion frequencies keep a corresponding distance).The results indicate that the optimization method can significantly improve the performance of the flexible beam. 展开更多
关键词 bearing-less rotor system flexible beam dynamic optimization Hamilton variational principle variational asymptopic beam section analysis genetic algorithm(GA)
Optimization Framework for Conceptual Powertrain Design
作者 Tobias Hellberg Martin Meywerk 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第6期327-337,共11页
With an increasing number of vehicles with alternative powertrains, the choice of the most appropriate powertrain system for a vehicle class or a load cycle is challenging. This paper introduces a method to design an ... With an increasing number of vehicles with alternative powertrains, the choice of the most appropriate powertrain system for a vehicle class or a load cycle is challenging. This paper introduces a method to design an optimal alternative powertrain based on a longitudinal dynamic simulation. The objective function of the minimization problem describes the characteristic map of the traction system. The goal of the optimization is to minimize fuel consumption respectively energy demand. Different types of propulsion systems are investigated. The results show that the proposed method delivers useful alternative powertrains by applying an optimization with reasonable restrictions. 展开更多
关键词 Simulation in automotive engineering hybrid powertrain OPTIMIZATION longitudinal dynamic vehicle simulation.
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