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分体式电液动平板闸门集控改造 被引量:1
作者 王鹏 石志芳 《煤炭技术》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第10期200-202,共3页
通过对中煤平朔集团木瓜界选煤厂647、653、605、606产品仓配仓刮板输送机下底板平板闸门进行改造,实现了电液动闸板门的远程集中监控,较好地解决了配煤过程存在的煤量不均问题,同时提高了设备的可用率,减小了设备的维护工作量,改善了... 通过对中煤平朔集团木瓜界选煤厂647、653、605、606产品仓配仓刮板输送机下底板平板闸门进行改造,实现了电液动闸板门的远程集中监控,较好地解决了配煤过程存在的煤量不均问题,同时提高了设备的可用率,减小了设备的维护工作量,改善了现场的劳动环境,同时在PLC控制程序中加入连锁保护功能,优化现场操作,大大降低了人为误操作的可能,为洗煤厂的设备自动化改造提供了可借鉴的经验,同时也为企业带来了一定的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 电液动平板闸门 PLC 化控制
复方丹参滴丸治疗冠心病的疗效与运动平板实验分析 被引量:1
作者 谭红玉 《中国民康医学》 2008年第12期1295-1295,1331,共2页
目的:观察复方丹参滴丸治疗冠心病心绞痛的效果。方法:选择冠心病稳定型心绞痛70例,应用复方丹参滴丸治疗,检测运动平板实验、常规心电图、血脂、血流变。结果:6周后心绞痛总有效率达91.4%,心电图改善总有效率71.14%,运动平板实验治疗... 目的:观察复方丹参滴丸治疗冠心病心绞痛的效果。方法:选择冠心病稳定型心绞痛70例,应用复方丹参滴丸治疗,检测运动平板实验、常规心电图、血脂、血流变。结果:6周后心绞痛总有效率达91.4%,心电图改善总有效率71.14%,运动平板实验治疗前、后比较(P<0.01)。结论:用复方丹参滴丸治疗冠心病稳定型心绞痛疗效确切、安全、速效,无副作用。 展开更多
关键词 复方丹参滴丸 冠心病 动平板实验
平板型电磁作动器优化研究 被引量:2
作者 裘俊 邓成晨 +3 位作者 朱敏 唐忠兴 赵洪波 王小三 《宇航计测技术》 CSCD 2016年第3期15-18,共4页
本文针对卫星隔振系统中的电磁作动器输出力矩精度问题,设计从构型和控制两个方面对其输出精度进行优化。针对单个电磁作动器输出精度进行优化,设计永磁体与主作用线圈的相对位置的构型,确保动子运动过程中,磁场作用下的主作用线圈长度... 本文针对卫星隔振系统中的电磁作动器输出力矩精度问题,设计从构型和控制两个方面对其输出精度进行优化。针对单个电磁作动器输出精度进行优化,设计永磁体与主作用线圈的相对位置的构型,确保动子运动过程中,磁场作用下的主作用线圈长度不变,从而提高作动器的输出精度;针对两个电磁作动器加工和安装误差带来的输出力矩不对称的问题,设计力矩补偿函数,确保两个电磁作动器输出力矩相等,从而保证隔振系统的隔振精度。 展开更多
关键词 小推力 高精度 平板型电磁作 微振抑制
平板回路型脉动热管启动阶段传热特性的试验研究 被引量:3
作者 吴青平 徐荣吉 +1 位作者 王瑞祥 厉彦忠 《制冷与空调》 2020年第7期17-21,共5页
笔者搭建了平板回路型脉动热管可视化实验台对其启动特性进行试验研究。根据蒸发段与冷凝段之间的温差随时间的变化,将平板回路型脉动热管工作过程划分为启动、过渡和稳定工作3个阶段。试验结果表明:启动阶段传递的热量是显热;随着热负... 笔者搭建了平板回路型脉动热管可视化实验台对其启动特性进行试验研究。根据蒸发段与冷凝段之间的温差随时间的变化,将平板回路型脉动热管工作过程划分为启动、过渡和稳定工作3个阶段。试验结果表明:启动阶段传递的热量是显热;随着热负荷的增大,平板回路型脉动热管的启动时间逐渐缩短;最佳充灌率在50%左右,最佳倾斜角在50°~70°之间。工质的热物性对启动时间也有影响,λ越大,ρc越小,(d P/d T)sat越大,启动时间越短。 展开更多
关键词 平板回路型脉热管 阶段 时间 传热性能
多弯头数平板状闭式回路脉动热管流动及试验运行机理的可视化试验研究 被引量:1
作者 杨洪海 KHANDEKAR Sameer GROLL Manfred 《流体机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期56-59,44,共5页
对多弯头数平板状闭式回路脉动热管进行了可视化试验研究。在180×120×3mm^3的铝板上加工出40个首尾相接的正方形槽道(每个槽道横截面尺寸2×2mm^2,长165mm),构成闭式回路。采用酒精为工作介质,充液率在10%-90%范... 对多弯头数平板状闭式回路脉动热管进行了可视化试验研究。在180×120×3mm^3的铝板上加工出40个首尾相接的正方形槽道(每个槽道横截面尺寸2×2mm^2,长165mm),构成闭式回路。采用酒精为工作介质,充液率在10%-90%范围内变化,安装角度可任意调节。通过试验,系统观察平板内部的流型及流态转换规律,探讨其运行机理。 展开更多
关键词 平板状闭式回路脉热管 多弯头数 流型 运行机理 可视化
渐变式截面平板脉动热管的数值模拟及分析 被引量:5
作者 王迅 王盼 +1 位作者 刘梦阳 胡启帆 《化学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期7-11,共5页
为了研究提高矩形截面平板脉动热管的传热性能的方法,文中以水为工质对普通型和渐变式截面两类平板脉动热管的启动和传热特性进行数值分析。基于VOF方法和CSF模型建立了平板脉动热管内气液两相流动与传热的非稳态模型并进行了数值模拟,... 为了研究提高矩形截面平板脉动热管的传热性能的方法,文中以水为工质对普通型和渐变式截面两类平板脉动热管的启动和传热特性进行数值分析。基于VOF方法和CSF模型建立了平板脉动热管内气液两相流动与传热的非稳态模型并进行了数值模拟,结果表明:渐变式平板脉动热管改变了流道的对称性和均衡性,其启动和传热性能得到有效的改善。渐变式结构的比值越大,渐变式脉动热管的启动优势越明显;随着渐变式结构比值的增大,渐变式脉动热管运行热阻先减小后增大,并在1.5∶1的比值时达到最优。 展开更多
关键词 平板热管 渐变式截面 数值模拟 热阻
作者 卫静 李英杰 《卫星电视与宽带多媒体》 2022年第8期43-44,共2页
针对传统平板动中通卫星通信天线相位调试过程中相位补偿实测值与计算值之间误差较大的问题,本文提出了一种平板动中通卫星通信天线补偿相位块的相位调试方法,该方法通过多次计算平板动中通卫星通信天线水平极化和垂直极化的相位差,对... 针对传统平板动中通卫星通信天线相位调试过程中相位补偿实测值与计算值之间误差较大的问题,本文提出了一种平板动中通卫星通信天线补偿相位块的相位调试方法,该方法通过多次计算平板动中通卫星通信天线水平极化和垂直极化的相位差,对补偿相位进行修正,从而减小补偿相位误差,提高相位补偿的准确度,使平板动中通卫星通信天线的水平极化和垂直极化相位相同,可以有效提高平板动中通卫星通信天线系统的交叉极化隔离度,提升平板动中通卫星通信天线系统的整体性能。 展开更多
关键词 平板中通 相位补偿 相位误差 交叉极化隔离度
作者 李杰 李怡昂 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2022年第7期227-229,共3页
本文针对脉动热管启动定义展开分析,讨论了倾角为 0°时、倾角为 180°时、侧倾角为 90°时平板回路型脉动热管启动阶段特性,并以此建立了可视化试验,对于平板回路型脉动热管启动阶段传热特性展开细致化讨论,得出以下结论:... 本文针对脉动热管启动定义展开分析,讨论了倾角为 0°时、倾角为 180°时、侧倾角为 90°时平板回路型脉动热管启动阶段特性,并以此建立了可视化试验,对于平板回路型脉动热管启动阶段传热特性展开细致化讨论,得出以下结论:①热负荷的增加,会缩减脉动热管的启动时间;②热物性对启动时间的影响性较低;③充灌率和倾斜角也会对启动时间带来影响。 展开更多
关键词 平板回路型脉热管 阶段 传热特性
动筛跳汰机透筛物料排放方法比较 被引量:1
作者 李桂华 郭中华 +1 位作者 郝景山 杨军伟 《煤炭加工与综合利用》 CAS 2011年第5期13-15,共3页
关键词 筛跳汰机 排矸 透筛物 斗式提升机 电控液动平板闸门
全封闭式称重给料机代替螺旋秤在莱钢烧结生石灰配料中的应用 被引量:1
作者 王金林 徐维军 李毛毛 《衡器》 2010年第7期5-6,共2页
关键词 螺旋秤 双螺旋给料机 全封闭式称重给料机 电液动平板阀门
平压模切机模切质量研究 被引量:1
作者 张秀玲 《山东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第5期94-96,共3页
关键词 平压模切机 动平板 凸形修正
A Into-Plane Rotating Micromirror Actuated by a Hybrid Electrostatic Driving Structure
作者 吴文刚 陈庆华 +4 位作者 尹冬青 闫桂珍 陈章渊 郝一龙 徐安士 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第9期1699-1704,共6页
A novel into-plane rotating rnicromirror actuated by a hybrid electrostatic driving structure is presented. The hybrid driving structure is made up of a planar plate drive and a vertical comb drive. The device is fabr... A novel into-plane rotating rnicromirror actuated by a hybrid electrostatic driving structure is presented. The hybrid driving structure is made up of a planar plate drive and a vertical comb drive. The device is fabricated in SOI substrate by using a bulk-and-surface mixed silicon micromachining process. As demonstrated by experiment, the novel driving structure can actuate the mirror to achieve large-range continuous rotation as well as spontaneous 90°rotation induced by the pull-in effect. The continuous rotating range of the micromirror is increased to about 46° at an increased yielding voltage. The measured yielding voltages of the mirrors with torsional springs of 1 and 0.5μm in thickness are 390 - 410V and 140 - 160V, respectively. The optical insertion loss has also been measured to be --1.98dB when the mirror serves as an optical switch. 展开更多
关键词 MICROMIRROR hybrid electrostatic driving structure planar plate drive vertical comb drive mixed sil icon micromachining
作者 李晓清 王晋明 +2 位作者 李庚山 许家 王芳 《临床内科杂志》 CAS 2005年第12期815-817,共3页
目的探讨β-受体阻滞剂对平板动运试验及其部分诊断参数的影响。方法选取228例临床怀疑有冠心病的患者,根据行平板运动试验时是否服用β-受体阻滞剂分为服药组(60例)和未服药组(168例),平板动运试验后2周行冠状动脉造影,两组临床特征、... 目的探讨β-受体阻滞剂对平板动运试验及其部分诊断参数的影响。方法选取228例临床怀疑有冠心病的患者,根据行平板运动试验时是否服用β-受体阻滞剂分为服药组(60例)和未服药组(168例),平板动运试验后2周行冠状动脉造影,两组临床特征、冠脉病变程度无差异。结果服药组运动前心率、最大心率较未服药组小(P<0.01),最大双乘积也较未服药组小(P<0.05)。未服药组冠脉三支病变者,最大心率、功能、最大收缩压均较其它病变程度者低,服用β-受体阻滞剂后冠脉三支病变者功能提高(7.6±3.5 METs比5.6±1.7 METs,P<0.05)。ST段压低参数、ΔST/HR指数服药组较未服药组低(P<0.05),最大ST/HR斜率服药组与未服药组无差异。结论β-受体阻滞剂对平板动运试验有一定的影响,选用最大ST/HR斜率参数判断试验结果可能不受β-受体阻滞剂影响。 展开更多
关键词 平板运试验 冠状脉造影 β -受体阻滞剂 最大ST/HR斜率
作者 刘建涛 潘玉国 《机械工程师》 2014年第12期295-297,共3页
破碎生产线在建设设计时选用熟料散装机进行放料,由于产品物料粒度为0~80 m m,在实际工作时经常发生钢丝绳错位、伸缩布套运作不灵敏等问题,降低了发料速度,增加了损耗。为解决这一系列问题,采取料仓下料处垂直压力分析法,校核所需推力... 破碎生产线在建设设计时选用熟料散装机进行放料,由于产品物料粒度为0~80 m m,在实际工作时经常发生钢丝绳错位、伸缩布套运作不灵敏等问题,降低了发料速度,增加了损耗。为解决这一系列问题,采取料仓下料处垂直压力分析法,校核所需推力,选取合适的固定螺栓,并依据各项计算数据,选取以液压驱动的电液推杆平板阀,在实际运转中起到了良好的作用,对石灰石放料装置的选择具有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 电液动平板闸阀 垂直压应力 电液推杆推力 屈服强度
Visual Study on Flow and Operational Characteristics of Flat Plate Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipes 被引量:2
作者 杨洪海 Groll Manfred Khandekar Sameer 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期80-84,共5页
This paper presents an experimental study including visualization on a flat plate closed loop pulsating heat pipes.It consists of a total of 40 channels with square cross section(2 mm×2 mm,165 mm long) machined d... This paper presents an experimental study including visualization on a flat plate closed loop pulsating heat pipes.It consists of a total of 40 channels with square cross section(2 mm×2 mm,165 mm long) machined directly on an aluminum plate(180 mm×120 mm×3 mm) covered by a transparent plate.The working fluid employed is ethanol.As a result,various flow patterns and their transitions are observed and found to be related to the fluid fill ratio,input heat load and the device orientation.Also the operational characteristics and working mechanism are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 flat plate closed loop pulsating heat pipes fill ratio flow patterns operational characteristics
Parametric Influence on Thermal Performance of Flat Plate Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipes 被引量:2
作者 杨洪海 KHANDEKAR Sameer GROLL Manfred 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期8-13,共6页
This paper presents an experimental study on a flat plate closed loop pulsating heat pipes. It consisted of total 40 channels with square cross section (2 × 2 mm^2, 165 mm long) machined directly on an aluminum... This paper presents an experimental study on a flat plate closed loop pulsating heat pipes. It consisted of total 40 channels with square cross section (2 × 2 mm^2, 165 mm long) machined directly on an aluminum plate(180×120×3 nm^2), which was covered by a transparent plate. The working fluid employed was ethanol. As the results, the influence parameters of thermal performance were investigated, such as filling ratio, heat load and operational orientations etc. Filling ratio was found to be a critical parameter, and its effect was rather complicated. According to its values the PHP plate could have four distinct working zones with different operational characteristics and heat transfer performance. The effect of heat load on thermal performance was found to be positive, and in general, iucrcasing the heat load would improve heat transfer performance. In order to analyze the effect of gravity on thermal performance, three different heat modes and total seven tilt angles were tested and compared. Successful operation at all orientations with respect to gravity was also achieved. 展开更多
关键词 flat plate closed loop pulsating heat pipes parametric influences heat transfer characteristics.
Conceptual Design of a Deep Draft Semi-Submersible Platform with a Moveable Heave-Plate 被引量:2
作者 ZHU Hang OU Jinping ZHAI Gangjun 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第1期7-12,共6页
Based on the principle of turned mass damper(TMD) systems,the conceptual design of semi-submersible platform with a moveable heave-plate(MHS) has been put forward.The heave motion response amplitude operator(RAO) and ... Based on the principle of turned mass damper(TMD) systems,the conceptual design of semi-submersible platform with a moveable heave-plate(MHS) has been put forward.The heave motion response amplitude operator(RAO) and viscous damping of the MHS platform are calculated by iteration,and the coupling stiffness between the MHS hull and the heave-plate is optimized to decrease the maximum heave motion response of the MHS hull under 10-year survival conditions in the South China Sea.The nu-merical results indicate that the heave motion RAO of the MHS hull can be decreased in the range of predominant wave frequencies,which may provide some reference to the heave motion control of offshore platforms. 展开更多
关键词 semi-submersible platform heave-plate TMD MHS platform
An Investigation of Innovative Experimental and Numerical Techniques to Detect Boundary Layer Transition
作者 Alessandro Cinciripini Pascal Bader +1 位作者 Giacomo Persico Wolfgang Sanz 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2017年第4期221-234,共14页
Different methods to detect boundary layer transition are investigated within the scope of this paper. Laminar and turbulent boundary layers exhibit a significantly different behavior, not only regarding skin friction... Different methods to detect boundary layer transition are investigated within the scope of this paper. Laminar and turbulent boundary layers exhibit a significantly different behavior, not only regarding skin friction but also for heat-transfer which affects the blade cooling design. The present work presents a novel and non-intrusive measurement technique to detect the transition, based on acoustic concepts. The reliability of the technique was investigated by means of boundary layer measurements over a fiat plate in subsonic flow conditions. After a preliminary assessment with a conventional Preston tube, a row of microphones were installed along the plate to correlate transition pressure fluctuations. To provide a comprehensive representation of the experiment, dedicated measurements with a fast response aerodynamic pressure probe were performed to determine the turbulence intensity and the dissipation rate upstream of the flat plate. The experimental results were systematically compared with calculations performed with three different computational fluid dynamics solvers (ANSYS-Fluent, ANSYS-CFX, OpenFOAM) and using both the k-k1-ω and the γ-Reθ transition models. Results show a fair agreement between CFD (computational fluid dynamics) predictions and the acoustic technique, suggesting that this latter might represent an interesting alternative option for transition measurements. 展开更多
关键词 Boundary layer transition acoustic measurements CFD Preston tube flat plate
Correlated Features of Horizontal Movement-Deformation on the North and East Margins of the Qinghai-Xizang Block before the Kunlun Earthquake with M_S=8.1
作者 Wang Shuangxu Zhang Xi Zhang Xiaoliang 《Earthquake Research in China》 2005年第3期259-268,共10页
The high-precision GPS data observed from the northeast margin of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) block and the Sichuan-Yunnan GPS monitoring areas in 1991 (1993), 1999 and 2001 revealed that: before the Kunlun earthq... The high-precision GPS data observed from the northeast margin of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) block and the Sichuan-Yunnan GPS monitoring areas in 1991 (1993), 1999 and 2001 revealed that: before the Kunlun earthquake with Ms =8.1 on November 14, 2001, the dynamic variation features of horizontal movement-deformation field in the north and east marginal tectonic areas of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) block had some correlated features. That is to say, under the general background of inherited movement, the movement intensifies in the two areas weakened synchronously and the state of deformation changed when the great earthquake was impending. Analysis and study in connection with geological structures showed that before the Kunlun Ms8.1 earthquake, the correlated variations of movement-deformation on the boundaries of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) block were related to the disturbing stress field caused by the extensive and rapid stress-strain accumulation in the late stage of large earthquake preparation. Owing to the occurrence of large earthquake inside the block, the release of large amount of strain energy, and the adjustment of tectonic stress field, in relevant structural positions (especially zones not penetrated by historical strong earthquake ruptures) in boundary zones where larger amount of strain energy was accumulated, stress-strain may be further accumulated or else released through rupture. 展开更多
关键词 Kunlun Ms8. 1 earthquake Boundary of Qinghai-Xizang Tibet block Horizontal movement-deformation Correlated features
Numerical analysis of flow and heat transfer behavior in fin-tube flat-plate solar collector 被引量:1
作者 Namory Camara 陆慧林 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期149-154,共6页
Temperature distribution over the absorber plate of a parallel flow flat-plate solar collector is numerically analyzed. The governing differential equations with boundary conditions are solved numerically using fluent... Temperature distribution over the absorber plate of a parallel flow flat-plate solar collector is numerically analyzed. The governing differential equations with boundary conditions are solved numerically using fluent software. Effects of the inlet mass flux, inlet temperature and tube spacing on velocity and temperature distributions are discussed. Numerical results show that the distributions of velocity and temperature of fluid is unsymmetrical inside pipe. 展开更多
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