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有横缝高拱坝非线性地震响应动接触模型 被引量:15
作者 赵兰浩 李同春 牛志伟 《水力发电学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期91-95,共5页
本文针对有横缝高拱坝的非线性动摩擦接触问题,提出一种新的动接触算法——有限元混合法。该方法根据接触问题局部非线性的特点,将作用在接触体上的力系分解为外力和接触界面上的接触力,以接触体的位移为基本未知量,而以接触区域局部坐... 本文针对有横缝高拱坝的非线性动摩擦接触问题,提出一种新的动接触算法——有限元混合法。该方法根据接触问题局部非线性的特点,将作用在接触体上的力系分解为外力和接触界面上的接触力,以接触体的位移为基本未知量,而以接触区域局部坐标系下的结点接触力为迭代变量,将非线性接触迭代收缩在可能接触面上进行,把复杂的摩擦接触非线性反映在接触力的变化上,使得迭代计算变得简单易行,并且当考虑坝体中有多条横缝的情况,可以保持关于接触力的柔度矩阵的带状性和稀疏性,大大提高了计算效率。文中首先给出了有横缝高拱坝的非线性动摩擦接触问题的力学模型,推导得出了相应的有限元柔度方程,然后详细给出了迭代求解的步骤。最后,用本文方法对地震作用下某高拱坝横缝的张开与闭合过程进行了算例分析。 展开更多
关键词 水工结构 动接触模型 有限元混合法 高拱坝 横缝
作者 闫毅志 张燎军 +1 位作者 魏述和 杨具瑞 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2008年第12期92-95,共4页
针对混凝土坝的接触问题,建立了三维摩擦接触非线性动接触模型。根据接触面上的非线性特点,把力系分为外荷载和接触面上的接触力,通过假设接触状态,把接触力作为迭代变量,求解满足接触条件和动平衡条件的接触力。首先给出了接触面单元... 针对混凝土坝的接触问题,建立了三维摩擦接触非线性动接触模型。根据接触面上的非线性特点,把力系分为外荷载和接触面上的接触力,通过假设接触状态,把接触力作为迭代变量,求解满足接触条件和动平衡条件的接触力。首先给出了接触面单元的应力计算公式,推导了非线性动力接触方程,详细说明求解的步骤和迭代的过程。通过例子验证该模型能够模拟混凝土坝接触面的张开、闭合和滑移,实例分析表明,采用该模型有稳定的收敛性和足够精度。 展开更多
关键词 张合状况 接触面单元 动接触模型 接触
非线性坝体地基系统的静动组合分析方法 被引量:2
作者 涂劲 《鄂州大学学报》 2005年第6期8-11,共4页
为配合因考虑地基辐射阻尼作用和大坝坝体横缝非线性两大关键因素而采用的地震波动反应分析方法和动接触力计算模型,该文建立了对非线性结构反映静动荷载耦合作用的静动组合计算方法,使得动接触力模型能够用于静力问题的计算,同时使得... 为配合因考虑地基辐射阻尼作用和大坝坝体横缝非线性两大关键因素而采用的地震波动反应分析方法和动接触力计算模型,该文建立了对非线性结构反映静动荷载耦合作用的静动组合计算方法,使得动接触力模型能够用于静力问题的计算,同时使得静力计算和采用波动模拟方法的动力计算能够统一、连续进行。 展开更多
关键词 坝体-地基系统 组合计算 模拟方法 接触模型
两种非线性模型下重力坝强震破坏机理研究 被引量:8
作者 闫春丽 涂劲 +2 位作者 李德玉 郭胜山 梁辉 《水力发电》 CAS 2022年第3期53-59,93,共8页
以某重力坝为例,在已有研究的基础上,分别采用塑性损伤模型和动接触力模型,对混凝土重力坝进行非线性动力分析,研究讨论了坝体头部强震破坏进程、破坏机理以及在贯通前后上下游节点对位移差变化情况,并基于两种模型的本构关系,对比分析... 以某重力坝为例,在已有研究的基础上,分别采用塑性损伤模型和动接触力模型,对混凝土重力坝进行非线性动力分析,研究讨论了坝体头部强震破坏进程、破坏机理以及在贯通前后上下游节点对位移差变化情况,并基于两种模型的本构关系,对比分析了两种模型下重力坝强震损伤破坏演化过程的差异及其对重力坝极限抗震能力的影响。研究结果表明,采用塑性损伤模型计算的混凝土坝坝体头部折坡处的开裂要早于接触模型,但是开裂进程比接触模型慢;若以坝体头部开裂贯通为依据,损伤模型和接触模型的极限抗震能力相差不大,接触模型略低;对头部存在明确层面、不需要考虑网格细化问题等的碾压混凝土坝可采用接触模型,对于不存在明确层面的情况,建议采用损伤模型。 展开更多
关键词 混凝土重力坝 塑性损伤模型 接触模型 强震 破坏机理
基于点面接触的三维结构地震接触模拟 被引量:2
作者 钟红 郭胜山 +2 位作者 涂劲 李德玉 王海波 《中国水利水电科学研究院学报(中英文)》 北大核心 2022年第4期287-294,共8页
工程结构包括拱坝、岩质边坡等在强地震作用下可能沿结构面、节理面等产生滑移,对接触面的模拟关乎结构抗震安全评价的可靠性。本文针对结构在地震作用下接触面产生较大滑移的情况,提出采用点面接触模型和动接触力模型进行模拟。推导了... 工程结构包括拱坝、岩质边坡等在强地震作用下可能沿结构面、节理面等产生滑移,对接触面的模拟关乎结构抗震安全评价的可靠性。本文针对结构在地震作用下接触面产生较大滑移的情况,提出采用点面接触模型和动接触力模型进行模拟。推导了适于点面接触的动接触力模型公式;采用主从接触算法,通过全局搜索缩小搜索范围,在局部搜索层次基于内外算法确定接触点对,避免经典点面算法中存在的盲区问题,提高搜索判断的精度和效率。采用经典楔形体稳定问题对本文模型进行了验证,通过施加地震激励研究其动力稳定性,并将点面接触和点点接触的计算结果进行比较,发现前者获得的结构响应大于后者,且其差异随着地震加速度幅值的增大而增大。进一步将该模型应用于拱坝的地震响应分析,结果表明对于相对较小的地震,两种接触模型计算结果基本一致;但对于超强地震,横缝发生较大相对位移,点点接触模型的计算结果偏小,对应力值的低估更为明显。总的来说,对于结构在强地震作用下产生较大滑移的情况,采用点面接触模型可更好地反映实际情况。 展开更多
关键词 接触模拟 地震 点面接触 接触模型 楔形体稳定 拱坝 横缝
Nam Ngum5水电站分缝重力拱坝地震响应分析 被引量:8
作者 江守燕 杜成斌 陈灯红 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期308-312,共5页
针对老挝在建的Nam Ngum5水电站重力拱坝,利用基于ABAQUS平台的非线性指数型动接触模型和混凝土塑性损伤本构模型,研究了该重力拱坝在地震荷载作用下横缝的张开、闭合和滑移的非线性动力特性以及坝体的动力响应.计算结果表明:横缝张开... 针对老挝在建的Nam Ngum5水电站重力拱坝,利用基于ABAQUS平台的非线性指数型动接触模型和混凝土塑性损伤本构模型,研究了该重力拱坝在地震荷载作用下横缝的张开、闭合和滑移的非线性动力特性以及坝体的动力响应.计算结果表明:横缝张开使得大坝的坝踵主拉应力大幅增加至3.0MPa;考虑诱导短缝时,坝体整体性下降,刚度减弱,坝顶顺河向动位移响应有一定幅度的提高,同时横缝的开度也有所增加,但诱导短缝对坝体应力的影响较小;大坝能承受的最大峰值加速度为0.40g,大坝可能的破坏模式为从横缝底端与岸坡交界面处起裂,损伤部位逐渐向坝踵以及左岸坝肩、右岸坝肩延伸. 展开更多
关键词 重力拱坝 横缝 诱导短缝 动接触模型 破坏模式 NAM Ngum5水电站
高拱坝抗震钢筋配置方案研究 被引量:1
作者 涂劲 郭永刚 陈厚群 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期36-38,共3页
采用显式有限元结合人工透射边界的地震波动模拟方法和动接触力模型,进行了一高拱坝多种布设抗震钢筋方案的分析比较。基本方案为在坝体上部106m高的范围内布设6层拱向钢筋,每层上下游面各放置96根φ32的含钒抗震钢筋HRB400,对坝体上下... 采用显式有限元结合人工透射边界的地震波动模拟方法和动接触力模型,进行了一高拱坝多种布设抗震钢筋方案的分析比较。基本方案为在坝体上部106m高的范围内布设6层拱向钢筋,每层上下游面各放置96根φ32的含钒抗震钢筋HRB400,对坝体上下游均布设钢筋、仅坝体上游布置钢筋、坝体上游距坝面4m位置布筋,以及坝体上游距坝面4m位置配置数量减半的抗震钢筋的4种方案均与不配筋计算方案的结果进行了比较。以抗震钢筋的主要功能即限制坝体横缝在地震中的张开度为主要考察依据,在满足张开度限制条件下,又考虑施工方便和经济性要求,推荐了在坝体上游距坝面4m位置配置数量减半的抗震钢筋是较为经济、合理的高拱坝抗震钢筋配置方案。 展开更多
关键词 高拱坝 抗震 钢筋 地震 模拟 接触模型
库水压缩性及分缝布置对拱坝非线性地震响应的影响 被引量:3
作者 陈灯红 赵艺园 +2 位作者 杨紫辉 洪海丰 曹文昱 《三峡大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2021年第6期8-16,共9页
构建了一种较为综合全面的高拱坝-库水-地基动力相互作用模型,该模型通过采用声学单元模拟库水,以考虑库水与坝体及地基的耦合;采用动接触-联结混合模型中能够实现接触面间法向光滑过渡的指数型动接触力模型模拟横缝接触非线性;在混凝... 构建了一种较为综合全面的高拱坝-库水-地基动力相互作用模型,该模型通过采用声学单元模拟库水,以考虑库水与坝体及地基的耦合;采用动接触-联结混合模型中能够实现接触面间法向光滑过渡的指数型动接触力模型模拟横缝接触非线性;在混凝土受拉(压)本构模型中引入动力放大系数实现混凝土损伤塑性模型的率型化.对锦屏Ⅰ级高拱坝-库水-地基系统模型进行了地震响应分析.结果表明:在横缝模型中考虑库水的压缩性,会使坝踵处动水压力峰值减少32.20%,对拉应力影响较大,使横缝开度最值减少且可能出现在左、右岸坝肩区域内;考虑库水可压性时,不设横缝模型的坝踵及左岸坝肩处出现了受拉损伤因子大于0.7的集中区域,对比而言设置横缝模型的坝体损伤程度有明显改善,表明横缝的存在使得拱向应力向梁向应力转化,改善了坝肩的受力状况. 展开更多
关键词 高拱坝 接触-联结模型 率效应 非线性 地震响应
Frictional characteristics of sheet metals with superimposed ultrasonic vibrations 被引量:8
作者 CAO Miao-yan LI Jian-chao +3 位作者 LIU Yan-yang YUAN Ya-ning ZHAO Chang-cai DONG Guo-jiang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1879-1887,共9页
The forming performance of sheet metals in the deep-drawing process with ultrasonic vibrations can be improved by the surface effect between the sheet metal and the die.A sheet metal friction test with ultrasonic vibr... The forming performance of sheet metals in the deep-drawing process with ultrasonic vibrations can be improved by the surface effect between the sheet metal and the die.A sheet metal friction test with ultrasonic vibrations is performed to explore the cause of the surface effect.The frictional characteristics are investigated,and the corresponding friction expressions are established based on the contact mechanics and the elastic–plastic contact model for rough surfaces.Friction is caused by the elastic–plastic deformation of contacting asperities under normal loads.The actual contacting region between two surfaces increases with normal loads,whereas the normal distance decreases.The normal distance between the contacting surfaces is changed,asperities generate a tangential deformation with ultrasonic vibrations,and the friction coefficient is eventually altered.Ultrasonic vibrations are applied on a 40Cr steel punch at the frequency of 20 kHz and the amplitude of 4.2μm.In the friction tests,the punch is perpendicular to the surface of the magnesium alloy AZ31B sheet metals and is sliding with a relative velocity of 1 mm/s.The test results show that the friction coefficient is decreased by approximately 40%and the theoretical values are in accordance with the test values;Ultrasonic vibrations can clearly reduce wear and improve the surface quality of parts. 展开更多
关键词 FRICTION ultrasonic vibrations sheet metals contact model
Adsorption Behavior of Methyl Orange onto Modified Ultrafine Coal Powder 被引量:10
作者 刘转年 周安宁 +1 位作者 王贵荣 赵晓光 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第6期942-948,共7页
The adsorption of methyl orange onto ultrafine coal powder (UCP) and modified ultrafine coal powder (MUCP) from aqueous solutions were studied, in which the influence of contact time, dosage, temperature, pH, and ... The adsorption of methyl orange onto ultrafine coal powder (UCP) and modified ultrafine coal powder (MUCP) from aqueous solutions were studied, in which the influence of contact time, dosage, temperature, pH, and methyl orange concentration in the solution were investigated. The adsorption kinetics of methyl orange by UCP and MUCP can be described by the Lagergren first-order and pseudo second-order kinetic models, respectively. The adsorption isotherms of methyl orange onto MUCP at 303, 313 and 323 K follow the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm equation. Values of △G^0 for methyl orange adsorption onto MUCP are -22.55, -23.10 and -23.79 kJ·mol^-1 at 303, 313, and 323 K, respectively. The values of △H^0 and △S^0 are -3.74 kJ· mol^-1 and 61.99 J·mol^-1, respectively. The adsorption process is spontaneous and exothermic. 展开更多
关键词 ultrafine coal powder methyl orange ADSORPTION wastewater treatment
Kinetic Model and Simulation of Promoted Selective Non-catalytic Reduction by Sodium Carbonate 被引量:32
作者 韩奎华 路春美 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第4期512-519,共8页
Abstract The detailed kinetic model of selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) of nitric oxide, including so-dium species reactions, was deyeloped on the basis of recent studies on thermal DeNOx mechanism, NOxOUTme... Abstract The detailed kinetic model of selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) of nitric oxide, including so-dium species reactions, was deyeloped on the basis of recent studies on thermal DeNOx mechanism, NOxOUTmechanism and promotion mechanism of Na2CO3. The model was validated by comparison with several experi-mental findings, thus providing an effective tool for the primary and promoted SNCR process simulation. Experimental and simulated results show part-per-million level of sodium carbonate enhances NO removal efficiency andextend the effective SNCR temperature range in comparison with use of a nitrogen agent alone. The kinetic modeling, sensitivity and rate-of-production analysis suggest that the performance improvement can be explained as ho-mogeneous sodium species reactions producing more reactive OH radicals. The net result of sodium species reac-tions is conversion of H2O and inactive HO2 radicals into reactive OH radicals, i.e. H2O+HO2=3OH, which enhances the SNCR performance of nitrogen agents by mainly increasing the production rate of NH2 radicals. More-over, N2O and CO are eliminated diversely via the reactions Na+N20=NaO+N2, NaO+CO=Na+CO2 andNaO2+CO =NaO+CO2, in.the pro.moted SNCR process, especially in the NOxOUT process. 展开更多
关键词 kinetic naodel SIMULATION selective non-catalytic reduction nitfic oxide sodium carbonate MECHANISM
陡崖地形上重力坝地震响应分析研究 被引量:2
作者 陈志伟 史振华 +1 位作者 钟红 梁辉 《水利规划与设计》 2023年第6期117-122,共6页
历次地震震害调查表明,陡崖地形上的结构遭受的震害更为严重。文章依托阳江抽水蓄能电站工程,针对重力坝下游近坝址处存在陡崖的情况,提出采用粘弹性人工边界模型模拟大坝与陡崖地形场地的动力相互作用,进而开展了设计和最大可信地震作... 历次地震震害调查表明,陡崖地形上的结构遭受的震害更为严重。文章依托阳江抽水蓄能电站工程,针对重力坝下游近坝址处存在陡崖的情况,提出采用粘弹性人工边界模型模拟大坝与陡崖地形场地的动力相互作用,进而开展了设计和最大可信地震作用下陡崖地形上重力坝的非线性地震响应分析和抗震安全评价研究。研究成果对类似场地条件的大坝抗震设计和分析有重要参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 陡崖 重力坝 粘弹性人工边界 接触模型 地震响应分析
作者 林易澍 梁辉 +1 位作者 郭胜山 钟红 《三峡大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2023年第5期66-70,共5页
本文构建了某拱形重力坝三维全坝段-地基体系有限元分析模型,综合考虑了坝体横缝和坝基交界面接触非线性,采用基于拉格朗日乘子法的动接触力模型模拟接触非线性问题,采用黏弹性人工边界考虑无限地基辐射阻尼效应,分别开展横缝初始间隙0... 本文构建了某拱形重力坝三维全坝段-地基体系有限元分析模型,综合考虑了坝体横缝和坝基交界面接触非线性,采用基于拉格朗日乘子法的动接触力模型模拟接触非线性问题,采用黏弹性人工边界考虑无限地基辐射阻尼效应,分别开展横缝初始间隙0、2和20 mm下的重力坝-地基体系非线性有限元动力时程分析,揭示不同横缝初始间隙对大坝动力响应的影响,为工程抗震设计提供科学依据. 展开更多
关键词 拱形重力坝三维全坝段 接触模型 接触非线性 横缝初始间隙 力时程分析
Numerical simulation of wheel wear evolution for heavy haul railway 被引量:13
作者 王璞 高亮 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期196-207,共12页
The prediction of the wheel wear is a fundamental problem in heavy haul railway. A numerical methodology is introduced to simulate the wheel wear evolution of heavy haul freight car. The methodology includes the spati... The prediction of the wheel wear is a fundamental problem in heavy haul railway. A numerical methodology is introduced to simulate the wheel wear evolution of heavy haul freight car. The methodology includes the spatial coupling dynamics of vehicle and track, the three-dimensional rolling contact analysis of wheel-rail, the Specht's material wear model, and the strategy for reproducing the actual operation conditions of railway. The freight vehicle is treated as a full 3D rigid multi-body model. Every component is built detailedly and various contact interactions between parts are accurately simulated, taking into account the real clearances. The wheel-rail rolling contact calculation is carried out based on Hertz's theory and Kalker's FASTSIM algorithm. The track model is built based on field measurements. The material loss due to wear is evaluated according to the Specht's model in which the wear coefficient varies with the wear intensity. In order to exactly reproduce the actual operating conditions of railway,dynamic simulations are performed separately for all possible track conditions and running velocities in each iterative step.Dimensionless weight coefficients are introduced that determine the ratios of different cases and are obtained through site survey. For the wheel profile updating, an adaptive step strategy based on the wear depth is introduced, which can effectively improve the reliability and stability of numerical calculation. At last, the wear evolution laws are studied by the numerical model for different wheels of heavy haul freight vehicle running in curves. The results show that the wear of the front wheelset is more serious than that of the rear wheelset for one bogie, and the difference is more obvious for the outer wheels. The wear of the outer wheels is severer than that of the inner wheels. The wear of outer wheels mainly distributes near the flange and the root; while the wear of inner wheels mainly distributes around the nominal rolling circle. For the outer wheel of front wheelset of each bogie, the development of wear is gradually concentrated on the flange and the developing speed increases continually with the increase of traveled distance. 展开更多
关键词 heavy haul railway wheel wear evolution wheel-rail rolling contact vehicle-track coupling dynamics profile updating
Batch Studies for Methylene Blue Removal and Recovery by Untreated Coffee Residues
作者 Odysseas Kopsidas 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2017年第10期487-495,共9页
This paper reports the practicability of using coffee residues to remove widely used basic dyes like MB (Methylene Blue) from wastewaters. The effect of different batch system parameters, namely stirring speed, pH, ... This paper reports the practicability of using coffee residues to remove widely used basic dyes like MB (Methylene Blue) from wastewaters. The effect of different batch system parameters, namely stirring speed, pH, initial dye concentration and contact time were studied. Moreover, in continuous fixed-bed column systems, the effects of parameters such as bed-depth, flow rate and initial dye concentration were examined. The experimental batch systems data were simulated using (a) Freundlich, Langmuir and Sips isotherm models and (b) 1st order, 2nd order, and intra-particle kinetic models. The results revealed that the MB is fairly adsorbed on coffee residues. This process could be a low cost technique for the removal of basic dyes from aqueous systems. 展开更多
关键词 Adsorption DESORPTION column MB (Methylene Blue) coffee residues wastewaters.
Research on dynamical derailment system for CRH 被引量:1
作者 Wang Wei Ding Jiexiong 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第4期51-54,共4页
Based on an improved three-dimensional wheel-rail contact trace algorithm and a new model of wheel-rail contact force, wheel-rail derailment dynamical model is established on China Railways High-speed(CRH) vehicle a... Based on an improved three-dimensional wheel-rail contact trace algorithm and a new model of wheel-rail contact force, wheel-rail derailment dynamical model is established on China Railways High-speed(CRH) vehicle and developed in MATLAB software, which is called dynamical derailment system for CRH (DDSCRH). Analyzed on dynamical derailment process of high speed vehicle by DDSCRH, the critical position on chmb wheel and influence factors on lateral force for derailment are obtained. Finally, high-speed vehicle dynamical simulation is verified on DDSCRH by comparing with the existing results of the line test. 展开更多
关键词 wheel-rail contact DERAILMENT vehicle dynamics CRH
Stability analysis of the rotating tribological pair system on circular-disc end faces
作者 Chen Long Zhang Jianrun 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2020年第1期24-31,共8页
In order to study the stability of friction and contact of the rotating tribological pair system,considering the influence of the changeable factors on the stability,the system dynamics analysis model based on the Lag... In order to study the stability of friction and contact of the rotating tribological pair system,considering the influence of the changeable factors on the stability,the system dynamics analysis model based on the Lagrange equation is firstly established.The surface contact stiffness model is determined on the basis of the fractal theory.The model of the friction torque with velocities is created by using the Stribeck friction effect.The Lyapunov indirect method is employed to explore the eigenvalue problem of the system state equation.The effects of the applied load,the fractal dimension,the fractal scaling coefficient and the Stribeck coefficient on the system stability are investigated in detail.The numerical simulation results demonstrate that the tribological pair system is prone to causing system instability at low speed,and the system instability boundary value decreases when the Stribeck coefficient decreases.The fractal dimension and the fractal scaling coefficient impact the system stability slightly when fractal dimensions are large,and the system instability can be reduced by properly increasing the surface smoothness.Moreover,the system instability evidently increases with the increase in the applied load and the Stribeck coefficient.These achievements can provide a reference and theoretical support for the analysis of the dynamic performance of the tribological pair system. 展开更多
关键词 rotating tribological pair system contact stiffness Stribeck effect dynamic model stability
Effects of Temperature and Centrifugal Force on Fretting Wear of Contact Interface of Face Gear
作者 AN Xiuli PEI Dahai XIE Kun 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2020年第5期768-777,共10页
Taking the typical face gear connection structure of the combined rotor as the research object,this paper studies the distribution rules of the contact state,contact stress and slip distance of the contact tooth surfa... Taking the typical face gear connection structure of the combined rotor as the research object,this paper studies the distribution rules of the contact state,contact stress and slip distance of the contact tooth surface of face gear under different centrifugal force and temperature conditions by using the finite element method,in order to improve the reliability of face gear connection structure.And the influence of centrifugal force and temperature on the maximum wear depth of the tooth surface is studied based on the fretting wear model proposed by McColl.Results show that:(1)The external diameter has an opening phenomenon on the contact surface of the face gear under the centrifugal effect,which reduces the load-bearing area;(2)The contact stress at the inner root of the face gear is the largest and the wear is the most serious;(3)The temperature field causes the contact surface to be thermally expanded,resulting in the large uneven deformation,and the tooth surface appears drum-shape;(4)The maximum contact stress and the maximum wear depth occur in the middle of the tooth root;(5)As the temperature increases,the maximum wear depth of the tooth surface increases significantly.Consequently,reducing temperature of the combined rotor plays an important role in effectively reducing the wear of the face gear and improving the connection life of face gear connection structure. 展开更多
关键词 face gear fretting wear contact stress wear depth fretting wear model
Impact of Heterogeneity on Forwarding Schemes in Opportunistic Networks
作者 CHENG Gang ZHANG Yong +2 位作者 SONG Mei GUO Da Amanda Matthews 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期130-139,共10页
In the paper, we concentrate on the infl uence of heterogeneity on the performance of forwarding algorithms under opportunistic networks. Therefore, we first describe two different heterogeneous network models, and ca... In the paper, we concentrate on the infl uence of heterogeneity on the performance of forwarding algorithms under opportunistic networks. Therefore, we first describe two different heterogeneous network models, and capture the heterogeneity which concern mobile nodes' contact dynamics under the individual models and the spatial models. Then we investigate inter-contact time is not fully follow exponential distribution and compare the performance of the delivery delay between direct forwarding protocol and three-hop forwarding protocol under three network models. We illustrate the performance of message delivery delay under the spray and wait protocol and prophet protocol from simulation results. Our simulation results show that the heterogeneity should be considered for the performance of forwarding protocols. 展开更多
关键词 opportunistic networks heterogeneous models forwarding performance inter-contact time
作者 洪永文 杜成斌 陈灯红 《水力发电学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期58-63,共6页
介绍强震区高碾压混凝土重力坝横缝的创新性设计及其对大坝地震响应的影响。为提高大坝的整体稳定性,对坝体每一碾压浇筑层,横缝的切缝深度仅切割2/3浇筑层厚度,并在切缝中填充无纺布,使横缝具有弱连接诱导缝的性质,达到既能满足温控要... 介绍强震区高碾压混凝土重力坝横缝的创新性设计及其对大坝地震响应的影响。为提高大坝的整体稳定性,对坝体每一碾压浇筑层,横缝的切缝深度仅切割2/3浇筑层厚度,并在切缝中填充无纺布,使横缝具有弱连接诱导缝的性质,达到既能满足温控要求,又可增强大坝的整体性。开发了反映横缝法向开合非线性和径向滑移动接触模型,采用非线性指数型动接触本构模型模拟了横缝的张开、闭合的非线性力学行为,运用摩尔库伦定律模拟了横缝的切向非线性特性。对在建的金安桥碾压混凝土重力坝3条横缝、10条横缝的情形分别进行了地震响应分析。结果表明,间断式横缝有效地提高了大坝的整体性,大坝横河向位移响应明显减小;金安桥大坝靠左右岸坝段的横缝的张开度明显大于中间坝段横缝的开度值,相应的张开-闭合频率也远高于中间坝段的横缝。所提设计方案已用于实际工程,实践表明具有较好的效果,可推广用于类似碾压混凝土大坝的施工设计。 展开更多
关键词 水工结构 横缝设计 力分析 碾压混凝土重力坝 动接触模型 高地震烈度区
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