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一次MCC转MCV过程中动热力结构特征演变的诊断 被引量:2
作者 王一颉 赵桂香 《干旱气象》 2017年第3期446-455,共10页
为深入了解青藏高原上中尺度对流复合体(MCC)及其向中尺度对流涡旋(MCV)转化过程中的动热力结构特征演变和发展机理,利用NCEP FNL再分析资料、FY-2E及TRMM卫星资料,对2013年7月22—23日青藏高原上的一次MCC转化MCV的过程进行数值模拟,... 为深入了解青藏高原上中尺度对流复合体(MCC)及其向中尺度对流涡旋(MCV)转化过程中的动热力结构特征演变和发展机理,利用NCEP FNL再分析资料、FY-2E及TRMM卫星资料,对2013年7月22—23日青藏高原上的一次MCC转化MCV的过程进行数值模拟,对其发生的环境背景,以及过程中的涡度、温度和能量收支演变等进行诊断。结果表明:低层水平涡度向垂直涡度的转换,以及垂直方向上正涡度的输送,形成了垂直方向上有利于对流涡旋发展的正反气旋性环流配置。转化过程中大气中上部温度正异常主要来自于可分辨的凝结,温度升高使得高层等压面抬升;下方冷却异常主要来自于蒸发作用和垂直运动,低层温度降低引起等压面收缩下降,这样的配置有利于涡旋发展、对流上升运动加强以及降水发生。对流活动释放的潜热能是转化过程中的主要能量来源,高空急流入口区直接热力环流引发的有效位能向动能转化,也为MCC向MCV转化提供了能量。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 MCC MCV 动热力结构
台风Lekima(1909)登陆前后动热力结构变化对浙江极端降水的影响 被引量:10
作者 韩芙蓉 鹿翔 +2 位作者 冯晓钰 吴天贻 黄嘉仪 《热带气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期34-48,共15页
利用NCEP FNL 1°×1°的全球再分析资料、FY-2F卫星相当黑体亮温TBB资料、中国自动站与CMORPH降水产品融合的逐时降水资料和多普勒天气雷达资料,重点分析了台风Lekima(2019)发展演变过程中的动热力结构变化和水汽分布特征... 利用NCEP FNL 1°×1°的全球再分析资料、FY-2F卫星相当黑体亮温TBB资料、中国自动站与CMORPH降水产品融合的逐时降水资料和多普勒天气雷达资料,重点分析了台风Lekima(2019)发展演变过程中的动热力结构变化和水汽分布特征与浙江极端强降水之间的关系。台风Lekima(2019)近海急剧加强为具有特殊双眼壁结构的超强台风,登陆前后环境水平风垂直切变维持较小值是主导台风高强度维持的重要原因。浙江上空维持着强盛的低层辐合和高层辐散场,高低层辐散风的高强度维持使得次级环流抽吸作用强,低层旋转风和辐散风对水汽、动量和热量的输送和分布起到显著的再分配作用,而中层的辐散风风向和风速变化对螺旋云带中的中尺度对流性降水具有重要的指示意义。登陆前后台风低层东北侧(超)低空急流和中层的辐合线是此次浙江台风暴雨的关键点,业务中需密切关注登陆前后台风东北侧的低空急流的影响区域及其变化。此外,700 hPa上非地转湿Q矢量散度场能较好指示未来1小时短时强降水的落区和强度变化,同时结合垂直速度场和低层水汽辐合场来综合判断台风降水落区的效果更佳。 展开更多
关键词 台风Lekima 动热力结构 水汽分布 风场分解 非地转湿Q矢量
作者 李靖怡 姚晨 +3 位作者 丁从慧 周胜男 周晓晔 赵森 《陕西气象》 2024年第5期9-17,共9页
利用最佳台风路径数据、常规观测、FY-2E卫星TBB和ERA5再分析资料,对比分析了2106号台风“烟花”在进入安徽前后的降水分布特征及成因。结果表明,“烟花”在进入安徽前24h内,降水表现出南北对称分布,在移入安徽后,降水分布表现为非对称... 利用最佳台风路径数据、常规观测、FY-2E卫星TBB和ERA5再分析资料,对比分析了2106号台风“烟花”在进入安徽前后的降水分布特征及成因。结果表明,“烟花”在进入安徽前24h内,降水表现出南北对称分布,在移入安徽后,降水分布表现为非对称特点,小时雨强更强。TBB小于-50℃区域与强降水落区均对应良好。强水汽输送通量、水汽辐合区、台风暖心结构、垂直速度和散度场在“烟花”进入安徽前基本呈对称分布。随着“烟花”向西移入安徽,东南急流在其东至东北侧的维持为台风北侧强降水的产生提供了充足的水汽条件。“烟花”北侧θ_(se)强度和范围明显强于南侧。强低层辐合偏北并叠加正涡度环流、配合高空辐散抽吸作用使得北侧的垂直上升运动明显大于南侧,同时也加强了对流层中层凝结潜热的释放,为安徽淮北地区的暴雨提供了有利的动力条件和重要能量来源。 展开更多
关键词 台风烟花 降水 水汽输送 动热力结构
太行山地形对山西两次锢囚锋暴雪影响的数值试验 被引量:2
作者 赵桂香 邱贵强 王晓丽 《中国农学通报》 2015年第2期234-242,共9页
为深刻认识太行山地形对降雪的影响,做好降雪天气预报服务,从而适应新型农业种植结构调整,减小降雪天气对农业生产的影响,利用NCEP全球再分析资料和实况探测资料,采用WRF中尺度数值模式,对2009年11月10日和2010年3月14日山西省两次锢囚... 为深刻认识太行山地形对降雪的影响,做好降雪天气预报服务,从而适应新型农业种植结构调整,减小降雪天气对农业生产的影响,利用NCEP全球再分析资料和实况探测资料,采用WRF中尺度数值模式,对2009年11月10日和2010年3月14日山西省两次锢囚锋暴雪天气进行数值试验,比较分析了太行山地形变化对降雪量级、强度、落区及空间结构特征的影响。结果表明:(1)对于影响系统偏南的暴雪天气,太行山高度适中更能使降雪接近实况,而对于偏北的暴雪天气,则是抬高地形,影响更明显。(2)锢囚锋降雪的不同阶段,太行山地形变化对低层水汽输送的影响差异较大。(3)适当降低太行山高度,使得暴雪区上空高空辐散、低空辐合的垂直结构更明显,中心强度更强,对暴雪的产生更为有利。(4)对于影响系统偏南的暴雪天气,太行山高度降低使得高层干侵入强度增强,造成触发作用加强。 展开更多
关键词 太行山地形 锢囚锋降雪 水汽输送 动热力结构 差异
Local structure of calcium silicate melts from classical molecular dynamics simulation and a newly constructed thermodynamic model 被引量:2
作者 吴永全 戴辰 蒋国昌 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期1488-1499,共12页
The distributions of local structural units of calcium silicate melts were quantified by means of classical molecular dynamics simulation and a newly constructed structural thermodynamic model. The distribution of fiv... The distributions of local structural units of calcium silicate melts were quantified by means of classical molecular dynamics simulation and a newly constructed structural thermodynamic model. The distribution of five kinds of Si-O tetrahedra Qi from these two methods was compared with each other and also with the experimental Raman spectra, an excellent agreement was achieved. These not only displayed the panorama distribution of microstructural units in the whole composition range, but also proved that the thermodynamic model is suitable for the utilization as the subsequent application model of spectral experiments for the thermodynamic calculation. Meanwhile, the five refined regions mastered by different disproportionating reactions were obtained. Finally, the distributions of two kinds of connections between Qi were obtained, denoted as Qi-Ca-Qj and Qi-[Ob]-Qj, from the thermodynamic model, and a theoretical verification was given that the dominant connections for any composition are equivalent connections. 展开更多
关键词 distribution of microstructural units molecular dynamic simulation strucatral thermodynamic model calcium silicate melts
Effects of heat treatment temperature on oxidation behavior of glass-like carbon derived from acetone-furfural resin
作者 夏伦刚 张红波 熊翔 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第2期330-334,共5页
Glass-like carbons (GCs) were prepared by carbonization of acetone-furfural resin in nitrogen atmosphere at 850℃, followed by heat treatment over a range of 1 200-2 500℃in inert atmosphere. The effect of heat trea... Glass-like carbons (GCs) were prepared by carbonization of acetone-furfural resin in nitrogen atmosphere at 850℃, followed by heat treatment over a range of 1 200-2 500℃in inert atmosphere. The effect of heat treatment temperature (HTT) on the oxidation behavior was investigated by dynamic and isothermal thermogravimetric analyses. The structure of GC was examined by X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and the morphologies of GC before and after oxidation were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It is shown that the GC samples present peculiar oxidation behavior. The anti-oxidation behavior increases with increasing the HTT to 1 600 ℃, whereas decreases gradually thereafter. GC sample heat treated at 1 600℃ obtains relatively optimal anti-oxidation properties under this condition. During the oxidation, this material produces grid network matrix surface and numerous nodular residues on the surface, resulting in excellent resistance to the attack of oxygen atoms. 展开更多
关键词 glass-like carbon acetone-furfural KINETICS heat treatment temperature microstructure
Local structure changes of Cu55 cluster during heating 被引量:4
作者 张林 张彩碚 祁阳 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期77-82,共6页
The structural relaxation of a cluster containing 55 atoms at elevated temperatures is simulated by molecular dynamics. The interatomic interactions are given by using the embedded atom method (EAM) potential. By de... The structural relaxation of a cluster containing 55 atoms at elevated temperatures is simulated by molecular dynamics. The interatomic interactions are given by using the embedded atom method (EAM) potential. By decomposing the peaks of the radial distribution functions (RDFs) according to the pair analysis technique, the local structural patterns are identified for this cluster. During increasing temperature, structural changes of different shells determined by atom density profiles result in an abrupt increase in internal energy. The simulations show how local structural changes can strongly cause internal energy to change accordingly. 展开更多
关键词 CLUSTER molecular dynamics computer simulation SURFACE
Crystal structure and thermal decomposition kinetics of1-(pyridinium-1-yl)propane-(1-methylpiperidinium)bi[bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide], [PyC_3Pi][NTf_2]_2
作者 Jun Wang Manman Wang +2 位作者 Xuzhao Yang Wenyuan Zou Xiang Chen 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期816-821,共6页
The structure of a room temperature asymmetrical dicationic ionic liquid (ADIL), 1-(pyridinium-l-yl) propane- (1-methylpiperidinium) bi[bis(tfifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide] ([PyC3Pi][NTf2]2), was studied by t... The structure of a room temperature asymmetrical dicationic ionic liquid (ADIL), 1-(pyridinium-l-yl) propane- (1-methylpiperidinium) bi[bis(tfifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide] ([PyC3Pi][NTf2]2), was studied by the X-ray difo fraction method. Meanwhile, thermal analysis of [PyC3Pi][NTf2]2 was also studied using non-isothermal thermo- gravimetric analysis (TGA). The title crystal belongs to the triclinic with space group Pi and unit-cell parameters a : 0.95217 (8) nm, b = 1.05129 (11 ) nm, c = 1.70523 (14) nm, ct = 89,759 (8)°,β = 80.657 (7)°, γ=68.007 (9)°, and F(000) = 792. Thermal stability and thermal decomposition kinetics of the title compound were also investigated using TGA under the atmosphere of highly pure nitrogen. Heating curves at different rates were cor- related with kinetic equations Friedman and ASTM (also called iso-conversion method). The values of average activation E (kJ·mol^-1 ) and pre-exponential constant lgA are 149.58 kJ. mol- 1 and 8.83, respectively, which were obtained by the two methods. The kinetic model function, activation energy and pre-exponential constant of this reaction using the multivariate non-linear-regression method were f(a) = (1 -a)(1 + 4.1870a), 151.04 kJ·mol^-1 and 8.81, respectively, which were basically consistent with iso-conversion methods. 展开更多
关键词 Asymmetrical dicationic ionic liquid Crystal structure Decomposition kinetics
Suspension roasting process of vanadium-bearing stone coal:Characterization,kinetics and thermodynamics
作者 Shuai YUAN Yong-hong QIN +1 位作者 Yong-peng JIN Yan-jun LI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期3767-3779,共13页
The thermodynamics,kinetics,phase transformation,and microstructure evolution of vanadium-bearing stone coal during suspension roasting were systematically investigated.Thermodynamic calculations showed that the carbo... The thermodynamics,kinetics,phase transformation,and microstructure evolution of vanadium-bearing stone coal during suspension roasting were systematically investigated.Thermodynamic calculations showed that the carbon in the stone coal burned and produced CO_(2) in sufficient oxygen during roasting.The mass loss of stone coal mainly occurred within the temperature range from 600 to 840℃,and the thermal decomposition reaction rate increased to the peak at approximately 700℃.Verified by the Flynn−Wall−Ozawa(FWO)and Kissinger−Akahira−Sunose(KAS)methods,the thermal decomposition reaction of stone coal was described by the Ginstling−Brounshtein equation.The apparent activation energy and pre-exponential factors were 136.09 kJ/mol and 12.40 s^(−1),respectively.The illite in stone coal lost hydroxyl groups and produced dehydrated illite at 650℃,and the structure of sericite was gradually destroyed.The surface of stone coal became rough and irregular as the temperature increased.Severe sintering occurred at the roasting temperature of 850℃. 展开更多
关键词 vanadium-bearing stone coal thermodynamics thermal decomposition kinetics phase transformation microstructure evolution
Ultrafast Electron Diffraction with Spatiotemporal Resolution of Atomic Motion
作者 梁文锡 朱鹏飞 +6 位作者 王瑄 聂守华 张忠超 Clinite Rick 曹建明 盛政明 张杰 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期61-64,共4页
Ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) is a rapidly advancing technique capable of recording the atomic-detail structural dynamics in real time. We report the establishment of the first UED system in China. Employing ... Ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) is a rapidly advancing technique capable of recording the atomic-detail structural dynamics in real time. We report the establishment of the first UED system in China. Employing this UED apparatus, both the coherent and the concurrent thermal lattice motions in an aluminium thin-film, trigged by ultrafast laser heating, have been observed. These results demonstrate its ability to directly measure a sub-milli-angstrom lattice spacing change on a sub-picosecond time scale. 展开更多
关键词 field emission molybdenum dioxide enhancement factor
The Effect of Micro Air Movement on the Heat and Moisture Characteristics of Building Constructions
作者 A.W.M. (Jos) van Schijndel 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第10期9-15,共7页
The research focuses on the effect of air movement through building constructions. Although the typical air movement inside building constructions is quite small (velocity is of order -10-5 m/s), this research shows... The research focuses on the effect of air movement through building constructions. Although the typical air movement inside building constructions is quite small (velocity is of order -10-5 m/s), this research shows the impact on the heat and moisture characteristics. The paper presents a case study on the modeling and simulation of 2D heat and moisture transport with and without air movement for a building construction using a state-of-art multiphysics FEM software tool. Most other heat and moisture related models don't include airflow or use a steady airflow through the construction during the simulation period. However, in this model, the wind induced pressure is dynamic and thus also the airflow through the construction is dynamic. For this particular case study, the results indicate that at the intemal surface, the vapor pressure is almost not influenced by both the 2D effect and the wind speed. The temperatures at the inner surface are mostly influenced by the 2D effect. Only at wind pressure differences above 30 Pa, the airflow has a significant effect. At the extemal surface, the temperatttres are not influenced by both the 2D effect and the wind speed. However, the vapor pressure seems to be quite dependent on the wind induced pressure. Overall it is concluded that air movement through building materials seems to have a significant impact on the heat and moisture characteristics. In order to verify this statement and validate the models, new in-depth experiments including air flow through materials are recommended. 展开更多
Geothermal data analysis at the high-temperature hydrothermal area in Western Sichuan 被引量:17
作者 ZHANG Jian LI WuYang +4 位作者 TANG XianChun TIAN Jiao WANG YingChun GUO Qi PANG ZhongHe 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期1507-1521,共15页
The western Sichuan hydrothermal area is located at the northeastern margin of the eastern syntaxis of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is also the eastern end of the Mediterranean-Himalayan geothermal activity zone. ... The western Sichuan hydrothermal area is located at the northeastern margin of the eastern syntaxis of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is also the eastern end of the Mediterranean-Himalayan geothermal activity zone. There are 248 warm or hot springs in this area, and 11 have temperatures beyond the local boiling temperature. Most of these hot springs are distributed along the Jinshajiang, Dege-Xiangcheng, Ganzi-Litang, and Xianshuihe faults, forming a NW-SE hydrothermal belt. A geothermal analysis of this high-temperature hydrothermal area is an important basis for understanding the deep geodynamic process of the eastern syntaxis of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In addition, this study offers an a priori view to utilize geothermal resources, which is important in both scientific research and application. We use gravity, magnetic, seismic, and helium isotope data to analyze the crust-mantle heat flow ratio and deep geothermal structure. The results show that the background terrestrial heat flow descends from southwest to northeast. The crustal heat ratio is not more than 60%. The high temperature hydrothermal active is related to crustal dynamics processes. Along the Batang-Litang-Kangding line, the Moho depth increases eastward, which is consistent with the changing Qc/Qm(crustal/mantle heat flow) ratio trend. The geoid in the hydrothermal zone is 4–6 km higher than the surroundings, forming a local "platform". The NW-SE striking local tensile stress zone and uplift structure in the upper and middle crust corresponds with the surface hydrothermal active zone. There is an average Curie Point Depth(CPD) of 19.5–22.5 km in Batang, Litang, and Kangding. The local shear-wave(S-wave) velocity is relatively low in the middle and lower crust. The S-wave shows a low velocity trap(Vs<3.2 km s.1) at 15–30 km, which is considered a high-temperature partial melting magma, the crustal source of the hydrothermal active zone. We conclude that the hydrothermal system in this area can be divided into Batang-type and Kangding-type, both of which rely on a crustal heating cycle of atmospheric precipitation and surface water along the fracture zone. The heat is derived from the middle and lower crust: groundwater penetrates the deep faults bringing geothermal energy back to the surface and forming high-temperature springs. 展开更多
关键词 Western Sichuan Plateau Fracture zone and thermally conductive structure Deep thermal structure Heat flow estimation
Crystal structures and thermal decomposition kinetics of lanthanide complexes with 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid and 1,10-phenanthroline 被引量:6
作者 TANG Kun ZHANG JianJun +3 位作者 REN Ning ZHENG JunRu LIU JingYu WU KeZhong 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1283-1293,共11页
A series of lanthanide complexes with the 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid (3,4,5-tmoba) and 1,10-phenanthroline(phen), [Ln(3,4,5-tmoba)3phen]2(Ln = Pr(l), Nd (2) and Ho(3)), have been synthesized and charac... A series of lanthanide complexes with the 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid (3,4,5-tmoba) and 1,10-phenanthroline(phen), [Ln(3,4,5-tmoba)3phen]2(Ln = Pr(l), Nd (2) and Ho(3)), have been synthesized and characterized by a series of techniques including elemental analysis, IR spectra, X-ray crystallography and TG/DSC-FTIR technology. The three complexes have two kinds of coordination modes, in which the Pr3+ and Nd3+ cations are nine-coordinated and the Ho3+ cation is eight-coordinated. The three-dimensional IR accumulation spectra of gaseous products for complexes 1-3 were analyzed and the gaseous products were identified by the typical IR spectra obtained from the 3D surface graphs. Meanwhile, we obtained the activation energy E of the first steps of complexes 1-3 by the integral isoconversional non-linear (NL-INT) method and discussed the non-isothermal kinetics of complexes 1-3 using the Malek method. Finally, SB(m, n) was defined as the kinetic method of the first-step thermal decomposition. The thermodynamic parameters △G≠, △H≠ and △S≠ of activation at the peak temperature were also calculated. 展开更多
关键词 3 4 5-trimethoxybenzoic acid lanthanide complexes crystal structures non-isothermal kinetics thermodynamic parameters
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