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作者 吴鹏 尹玲 +3 位作者 罗卫强 朱睿 梁振锋 陈义 《东莞理工学院学报》 2018年第5期61-66,共6页
滚动导轨是很多制造设备的重要组成,尤其是在数控机床的工作台进给系统上应用广泛。滚动导轨因为沿导轨运动方向无约束,使得已有的固定结合部模型无法真实反映其运动情况。本文基于滚动导轨结合部的各个节点之间的位移及动力学关系,考... 滚动导轨是很多制造设备的重要组成,尤其是在数控机床的工作台进给系统上应用广泛。滚动导轨因为沿导轨运动方向无约束,使得已有的固定结合部模型无法真实反映其运动情况。本文基于滚动导轨结合部的各个节点之间的位移及动力学关系,考虑将每个节点沿着导轨运动方向的自由度释放,提取各模态参数矩阵,并结合最小二乘法的误差辨识,所建立的可动结合部模型与导轨的实际运动及受力情况相吻合。该模型结构相对简单,应用计算机运算容易,方便企业应用。最后,围绕所构建的模型,以机床上常用的LGS20H常规型滚动导轨为例,搭建实验平台,综合实验和理论计算,验证了模态参数辨识模型的可靠性,结论证明,模型误差控制率良好。 展开更多
关键词 导轨 力学参数辨识 动结合部模型
基于机电伺服系统动结合部的刚度特性解析建模研究 被引量:1
作者 马雷 李宝玉 +2 位作者 师娇 冷德新 裘群海 《现代制造技术与装备》 2020年第8期105-108,共4页
机电伺服系统在航天应用中已初具规模,航天装备的特殊性决定了航天机电伺服系统对其体积、重量、可靠性、环境适应性的要求极为严苛,客观上对机电伺服技术发展提出了更高要求。在航天机电伺服系统研制的工程实践中,产生了具有自身鲜明... 机电伺服系统在航天应用中已初具规模,航天装备的特殊性决定了航天机电伺服系统对其体积、重量、可靠性、环境适应性的要求极为严苛,客观上对机电伺服技术发展提出了更高要求。在航天机电伺服系统研制的工程实践中,产生了具有自身鲜明特点的分析、设计理论和方法,推动着机电伺服技术的发展。其中,机电伺服系统的动态特性对伺服系统本身及飞行器的控制精度和振动等特性具有重要影响。针对机电伺服系统理论建模中结合部刚度难以确定的问题,以典型机电伺服系统结构为研究对象,根据机电伺服系统结合部的特点,提出基于Hertz接触理论的伺服系统动结合部刚度计算方法。所提方法为机电伺服系统动结合部刚度的识别提供了参考,研究结论可为机电伺服系统的改进设计和动态性能优化提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 机电伺服系统 动结合部 刚度特性 HERTZ接触理论
滚动直线导轨副可动结合部动力学建模 被引量:7
作者 毛宽民 邢满禧 +1 位作者 李斌 朱睿 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期81-85,共5页
将滚动直线导轨副可动结合部视为一个独立无质量的八结点六面体单元,且每个结点之间相互耦合,在此基础上利用刚度影响系数法建立其动力学模型.采用实验模态分析与有限元分析相结合手段,通过非线性最小二乘法的优化方法对动力学参数进行... 将滚动直线导轨副可动结合部视为一个独立无质量的八结点六面体单元,且每个结点之间相互耦合,在此基础上利用刚度影响系数法建立其动力学模型.采用实验模态分析与有限元分析相结合手段,通过非线性最小二乘法的优化方法对动力学参数进行了识别.利用振型相似进行固有频率的比较和分析,计算结果与模态试验结果符合,验证了模型的有效性,为数控机床整机动力学精确建模提供了理论基础. 展开更多
关键词 直线导轨 动结合部 力学建模 最小二乘法 参数识别
导轨结合部动力学建模仿真与试验研究 被引量:6
作者 李威宇 姜万生 赵万华 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2013年第5期8-11,共4页
通过弹性力学中经典的赫兹接触理论,计算得到由滚珠丝杠副及直线滚动导轨副构成的进给机构的各部分的接触刚度,建立理论动力学模型。对所建模型在ANSYS软件中进行有限元仿真,进行模态分析。利用比利时某公司提供的机床结构模态分析设备... 通过弹性力学中经典的赫兹接触理论,计算得到由滚珠丝杠副及直线滚动导轨副构成的进给机构的各部分的接触刚度,建立理论动力学模型。对所建模型在ANSYS软件中进行有限元仿真,进行模态分析。利用比利时某公司提供的机床结构模态分析设备对动结合部系统进行模态激振实验。最后提取实验与仿真分析中所得到的动结合部系统的固有频率,做一对比,并提取分析对应振型,为以后的动力学建模、结合部参数识别以及机床的结构优化设计提供了一定依据。 展开更多
关键词 赫兹接触理论 动结合部 力学模型 模态激振试验
基于响应面法的机床螺栓结合部刚度辨识与动力学建模 被引量:3
作者 杨闪闪 王玲 +1 位作者 殷勤 殷国富 《工程科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期200-206,共7页
为了研究结合部刚度参数间的耦合关系对机床结合部动态性能的影响,基于响应面函数的选型建立了广义模态固有频率与结合部动刚度耦合和非耦合的函数模型。响应面函数辨识法以结合部模态固有频率这一关键动力学性能为指标,研究了结合部动... 为了研究结合部刚度参数间的耦合关系对机床结合部动态性能的影响,基于响应面函数的选型建立了广义模态固有频率与结合部动刚度耦合和非耦合的函数模型。响应面函数辨识法以结合部模态固有频率这一关键动力学性能为指标,研究了结合部动态特性与结合部刚度参数的数学关系。基于结合部单、双对节点有限元建模方式,结合中心复合实验设计方案和响应面方法理论,分别对两种建模方式建立响应面函数辨识模型。以响应函数模型的响应值与实验测得值的最小二乘法为优化目标,结合非线性规划与遗传算法实现结合部刚度参数的辨识。其中通过响应面函数二次多项式的选型显现多对节点间的刚度耦合关系,揭示了参数间的耦合关系对结合部动力学的影响。为验证此理论和方法的可靠性,以一螺栓结合部为研究对象,制定有限元动力学仿真分析的实验设计方案和采集了刚度组合点,并计算每一组采样点的前11阶模态固有频率。以有限元分析的数据为基础,建立反映螺栓结合部刚度间耦合关系的2次多项式响应面函数,并通过计算响应面模型质量评价指标验证了该模型的有效性。对比分析多刚度耦合、不耦合和单刚度的有限元模型预测精度,结果显示,多刚度耦合的有限元模型在固有频率、振型方面均具有较好预测效果,前11阶模态固有频率平均误差仅为1.6%,论证了考虑刚度间耦合关系的必要性和方法的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 结合部刚度 响应面函数辨识法 遗传算法 非线性规划
大导程滚珠丝杠进给系统动力学建模研究 被引量:1
作者 张文凯 郑晓果 +2 位作者 汤清双 李鹏 白维正 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2013年第29期8721-8724,8728,共5页
通过弹性力学中的赫兹接触理论,分析了进给系统动结合部(滑块副、丝杠螺母副、轴承副)的接触刚度。考虑了丝杠的柔性并利用达朗贝尔原理,建立了进给系统的集中参数动力学模型。根据动力学模型,利用MATLAB工具进行了仿真分析;并利用比利... 通过弹性力学中的赫兹接触理论,分析了进给系统动结合部(滑块副、丝杠螺母副、轴承副)的接触刚度。考虑了丝杠的柔性并利用达朗贝尔原理,建立了进给系统的集中参数动力学模型。根据动力学模型,利用MATLAB工具进行了仿真分析;并利用比利时LMS公司提供的Test.Lab振动噪声测试模块对机床进给系统进行了实验验证。实验分析验证了理论分析的正确性。该建模方法较为准确地预测大导程滚珠丝杠副进给系统的动力学特性,为主动设计进给系统提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 大导程滚珠丝杠 进给系统 动结合部 接触刚度 集中参数力学模型
立式四轴舱体内腔加工专机机械动力学建模与分析 被引量:1
作者 李凌霄 成群林 +2 位作者 平昊 袁桢棣 叶磊 《制造技术与机床》 北大核心 2022年第8期14-20,共7页
针对立式四轴舱体内腔加工专机,基于动态子结构法进行了机械动力学建模。求解了专机动结合部的滚珠丝杠副和直线导轨副的动态刚度特性。由建立的动力学模型分析整机的固有模态,应用解析法求解整机的固有频率。应用有限元软件建立专机有... 针对立式四轴舱体内腔加工专机,基于动态子结构法进行了机械动力学建模。求解了专机动结合部的滚珠丝杠副和直线导轨副的动态刚度特性。由建立的动力学模型分析整机的固有模态,应用解析法求解整机的固有频率。应用有限元软件建立专机有限元模型,求解结合部刚性接触与设定了动态刚度性的整机固有频率与振型及谐响应分析结果。结果显示建立的含动态刚度的动力学模型能够有效镜像专机动力学特性,可应用于专机的动力分析与数字孪生虚拟样机研究。 展开更多
关键词 内腔加工专机 子结构法 结合部特性 力学建模
Interactions Between Anticancer Pt(II) complexes and Human Erythrocyte Spectrin *
作者 杨晓改 李荣昌 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1998年第3期9-14,共6页
The interactions between human erythrocyte spectrin(SP) and Pt(II) complexes with different composition and configuration were studied by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra. The results showed that there are ... The interactions between human erythrocyte spectrin(SP) and Pt(II) complexes with different composition and configuration were studied by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra. The results showed that there are 4.7×10 2 binding sites of cisplatin(CDDP) in a spectrin tetramer(SPT). Among them, about 70 sites with apparent binding constant K 1】3.47×10 6 were of highest affinity, 1.8×10 2 sites with K 2 = 3.47×10 6 were of high affinity, and other 2.2×10 2 sites with K 3 = 8.77×10 5 were of low affinity. The conformation change of spectrin, depending on the concentration of Pt(II) complex and molar ratio(R) of Pt(II) complex to spectrin, was induced by the binding of Pt(II) complexes. It indicated that the interaction of both CDDP and cis diaquodiamine platinum(DADP) with SP followed a two step first order kinetic process in the first stage (1 h), and the kinetic constants were determined. In the second stage, the induced conformation change, polymerization and depolymerization of SP were probably involved. It was noticed that in the reaction of SP and Pt(II) complexes with 1,2 cyclohexanediammine isomers as chiral carrier ligand, stereo matching played a more important role than the affinity of Pt(II) to thiol groups of SP. 展开更多
关键词 Pt (II) complex SPECTRIN CONFORMATION Binding sites Kinetic CHIRAL
Mechanics of flow and mixing at antroduodenal junction 被引量:2
作者 Seth Dillard Sreedevi Krishnan HS Udaykumar 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1365-1371,共7页
The morphology of tissue structures composing the pyloric orifice is thought to play a role in effectively mixing aqueous gastric effluent with duodenal secretions. To understand the physical mechanisms leading to eff... The morphology of tissue structures composing the pyloric orifice is thought to play a role in effectively mixing aqueous gastric effluent with duodenal secretions. To understand the physical mechanisms leading to efficient digestion requires computational models that allow for analyses of the contributions of individual structural components. Thus, we have simulated 2-D channel flows through representative models of the duodenum with moving boundary capabilities in order to quantitatively assess the importance of notable features. A well-tested flow solver was used to computationally isolate and compare geometric and kinematic parameters that lead to various characteristics of fluid motion at the antroduodenal junction. Scalar variance measurement was incorporated to quantify the mixing effectiveness of each component. It was found that the asymmetric geometry of the pyloric orifice in concert with intermittent gastric outflow and luminal constriction is likely to enhance homogenization of gastric effluent with duodenal secretions. 展开更多
关键词 Computational fluid dynamics Hixing HOMOGENIZATION
Computation of flow through the oesophagogastric junction 被引量:2
作者 Barry P McMahon Karl D Odie +1 位作者 Kenneth W Moloney Hans Gregersen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1360-1364,共5页
Whilst methods exist to indirectly measure the effects of increased flow or gastro-oesophageal refluxing, they cannot quantitatively measure the amount of acid travelling back up into the oesophagus during reflux, nor... Whilst methods exist to indirectly measure the effects of increased flow or gastro-oesophageal refluxing, they cannot quantitatively measure the amount of acid travelling back up into the oesophagus during reflux, nor can they indicate the flow rate through the oesophagogastric junction (OGJ). Since OGJ dysfunction affects flow it seems most appropriate to describe the geometry of the OGJ and its effect on the flow. A device known as the functional lumen imaging probe (FLIP) has been shown to reliably measure the geometry of and pressure changes in the OGJ. FLIP cannot directly measure flow but the data gathered from the probe can be used to model flow through the junction by using computational flow dynamics (CFD). CFD uses a set of equations known as the Navier-Stokes equations to predict flow patterns and is a technique widely used in engineering. These equations are complex and require appropriate assumptions to provide simplifications before useful data can be obtained. With the assumption that the cross-sectional areas obtained via FLIP are circular, the radii of these circles can be obtained. A cubic interpolation scheme can then be applied to give a high-resolution geometry for the OGJ. In the case of modelling a reflux scenario, it can be seen that at the narrowest section a jet of fluid squirts into the oesophagus at a higher velocity than the fluid surrounding it. This jet has a maximum velocity of almost 2 ms-1 that occurs where the OGJ is at its narrowest. This simple prediction of acid ‘squirting’ into the oesophagusillustrates how the use of numerical methods can be used to develop a better understanding of the OGJ. This initial work using CFD shows some considerable promise for the future. 展开更多
关键词 Computational flow dynamics model OESOPHAGUS
Changing Spatial and Structural Patterns of Non-agricultural Activities in Outward-moving Beijing Urban Fringe 被引量:3
作者 CAO Guangzhong LIU Tao +1 位作者 LIU Hui MIAO Yangbing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第6期718-729,共12页
As responses to metropolitan suburbanization and rural urbanization,the formation and evolution of urban fringes should be understood against the background of overall economic development and spatial reconstruction o... As responses to metropolitan suburbanization and rural urbanization,the formation and evolution of urban fringes should be understood against the background of overall economic development and spatial reconstruction of entire metropolises.At the same time,however,endogenous interactions between industrial structure and spatial patterns of non-agricultural activities are also worthy of scholarly attention.Since the 1980s,studies on urban fringes in China have been restricted by the lack of micro-level data.This paper investigates the spatial expansion and structural evolution of the urban fringe by taking the case of Beijing and uses systematic firm-level data in 1996 and 2001 from the National Census of Basic Units.The diversity of distribution patterns across industrial sectors brings about two interrelated results.On the one hand,structural adjustment of non-agricultural industries promotes the expansion and spatial evolution of the urban fringe.On the other hand,the stability and dynamics of industrial structure coexist in the moving urban fringe.This study also reveals that the outward-moving urban fringe is the optimal location for manufacturing,especially heavy manufacturing,as well as traditional producer and consumer services.However,industries with spatial stickiness such as tourism and sports have not moved with the fringe.Most advanced services remain concentrated in the city center.The authors argue that it is essential for understanding and managing urban fringes to take into account spatial evolution and industrial structural adjustment together with their interaction with each other. 展开更多
关键词 urban fringe industrial structure spatial evolution SUBURBANIZATION BEIJING China
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