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动静脉瘘、动静脉畸形组织病理学观察 被引量:8
作者 柳登高 马绪臣 +1 位作者 高岩 武登诚 《现代口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2002年第1期17-20,共4页
目的 研究动静脉瘘、动静脉畸形的组织病理学特征。方法 共包括 16只成年兔及 3例动静脉畸形病例。 16只兔中 14只为实验动物 ,包括A组 9只 ,B组 5只 ;余 2只作为空白对照。实验动物均形成颈部动静脉瘘 ,观察瘘形成后 1~ 3个月及瘘... 目的 研究动静脉瘘、动静脉畸形的组织病理学特征。方法 共包括 16只成年兔及 3例动静脉畸形病例。 16只兔中 14只为实验动物 ,包括A组 9只 ,B组 5只 ;余 2只作为空白对照。实验动物均形成颈部动静脉瘘 ,观察瘘形成后 1~ 3个月及瘘结扎后 1~ 3个月时瘘动静脉病理学变化。此外 ,尚对 3例动静脉畸形病例的动静脉标本作病理学研究。结果 动静脉瘘形成后 ,动脉弹力膜进行性破坏 ,而静脉胶原纤维增生 ,动静脉平滑肌均破坏且排列紊乱 ;瘘结扎后 ,动静脉弹力组织恢复不明显 ,而胶原纤维增生显著。动静脉畸形主要病理表现为胶原纤维的显著性增生和退变。结论 动静脉瘘形成后 ,弹力组织破坏持续加重 ,胶原纤维则修复性增生 ,使动静脉失去原有的弹性。瘘结扎后 ,胶原纤维增生较明显 ,但弹力组织未见恢复。 展开更多
关键词 动脉脉瘘 组织病理学 血管畸形
α-氰丙烯酸正丁酯栓塞肝癌动静脉瘘的临床应用 被引量:6
作者 李向东 王伟中 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 2002年第8期798-800,共3页
目的 探讨α 氰丙烯酸正丁酯 (NBCA)对肝癌动静脉瘘的栓塞效果。方法 肝癌合并肝动脉 -门静脉瘘和肝动脉 -肝静脉瘘 5 1例 ,以不同浓度的NBCA进行栓塞。结果 所有瘘口均成功闭塞 ,无并发症。结论 对于肝癌动静脉瘘 ,NBCA是一种有效。
关键词 α-氰丙烯酸正丁酯 临床应用 治疗性栓塞 栓塞剂 肝细胞癌 动脉脉瘘 NBCA
兔硬脑膜动静脉瘘模型的血管造影 被引量:2
作者 黄庆 李铁林 +5 位作者 段传志 苏正 杨绮帆 汪求精 韩志安 尹方明 《第一军医大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第8期618-620,共3页
目的 研究硬脑膜动静脉瘘(Dural arteriovenous fistula, DAVF)模型,探讨其血管影像变化。方法 将60只中国本兔分为假手术组(A组)、 单纯结扎组(B 组)、颈外静脉-颈总动脉吻合组(C组)和颈内静脉-颈总动脉吻合组(D组),制作DAVF... 目的 研究硬脑膜动静脉瘘(Dural arteriovenous fistula, DAVF)模型,探讨其血管影像变化。方法 将60只中国本兔分为假手术组(A组)、 单纯结扎组(B 组)、颈外静脉-颈总动脉吻合组(C组)和颈内静脉-颈总动脉吻合组(D组),制作DAVF模型,并对其行血管造影。结果 C组、D组分别有4只和1只动物出现阳性体征,其静脉压力与直径均显著增加;血管造影证实存在DAVF,循环时间延长,尤其是静脉期明显延长。结论 通过手术将颈动静脉直接吻合,可以引起显著的静脉系高压,并诱发DAVF,其影像特点为循环时间延长,尤其是静脉期明显延长,提示静脉窦及整个头面部静脉系统压力明显增高,血液回流受阻。 展开更多
关键词 硬脑膜动脉脉瘘 物模型 血管造影 DAVF
桡、头动静脉瘘手术改进 被引量:9
作者 赵军 《北京大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期87-88,共2页
目的 :研究提高头静脉较细的慢性血透患者前壁内瘘手术成功率的方法。方法 :改进方式为桡、头动静脉侧侧吻合 ,吻合后经头静脉分支或吻合口远端头静脉置入 3~ 4号Fogarty导管 ,至肘部后将前臂头静脉直径全程或阶段性扩张为 3~ 4mm ;... 目的 :研究提高头静脉较细的慢性血透患者前壁内瘘手术成功率的方法。方法 :改进方式为桡、头动静脉侧侧吻合 ,吻合后经头静脉分支或吻合口远端头静脉置入 3~ 4号Fogarty导管 ,至肘部后将前臂头静脉直径全程或阶段性扩张为 3~ 4mm ;传统方式为桡、头动静脉端端吻合或 (静脉 )端 (动脉 )侧吻合。结果 :自 1996年 2月至1999年 9月间为 6 1例慢性肾功能衰竭患者行桡、头动静脉内瘘术。传统方法 2 6例 ,手术成功率为 80 .8%。其中头静脉直径 <2mm时的手术成功率为 0 ;2~ 2 .4mm时为 5 7.1% ;2 .5~ 2 .9mm以上的成功率为 88.9% ;3mm以上时为 10 0 %。改进术式 35例。头静脉直径≥ 1.5mm时手术成功率为 10 0 %。两组数据经Fisher’s精确概率法计算的P值为 0 .0 11。结论 :桡、头动静脉正常 ,头静脉直径不小于 1.5mm时 ,方可施行桡、头动静脉瘘 ;头静脉直径小于 3mm ,尤其是小于 2 .5mm ,或头静脉因操作而痉挛时 ,应行前臂头静脉全程或阶段性扩张的改进造瘘方式 ,以提高手术成功率 ; 展开更多
关键词 动脉脉瘘 血液透析 导管插入术
作者 张光霁 白如林 胡国汉 《第二军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第2期162-164,共3页
关键词 动脉脉瘘 硬脑膜 栓塞术
肝脏动静脉瘘的CT研究进展 被引量:8
作者 王家强 刘光华 《中国医学影像学杂志》 CSCD 2002年第4期292-294,共3页
关键词 肝脏动脉脉瘘 CT 肝癌 诊断
动静脉内瘘一次穿刺成功的体会 被引量:8
作者 张敬丽 《护士进修杂志》 北大核心 2000年第6期464-464,共1页
关键词 脉脉 穿刺 血液透析 护理
提前使用动静脉内瘘行紧急血透30例临床体会 被引量:1
作者 杨力 苏士荣 《中国煤炭工业医学杂志》 2000年第3期250-251,共2页
关键词 血液透析 脉脉 AVF 血管通路
肝癌合并动静脉瘘的处理方法探讨 被引量:60
作者 罗鹏飞 陈晓明 +3 位作者 张良明 周泽健 符力 魏志华 《中华放射学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期114-117,共4页
目的 研究肝癌介入治疗中对肝癌合并肝动脉肝静脉瘘和肝动脉门静脉瘘的处理方法。方法 对 5 0例肝动脉肝静脉瘘患者 (A组 )先行在瘘口附近多点、多次的经皮无水酒精注射消融术 (PEI)后 ,再行经导管肝动脉栓塞术 (TAE)。对 2 6例肝动... 目的 研究肝癌介入治疗中对肝癌合并肝动脉肝静脉瘘和肝动脉门静脉瘘的处理方法。方法 对 5 0例肝动脉肝静脉瘘患者 (A组 )先行在瘘口附近多点、多次的经皮无水酒精注射消融术 (PEI)后 ,再行经导管肝动脉栓塞术 (TAE)。对 2 6例肝动脉门静脉瘘者 (B组 )则将超微导管头端越过瘘口后进行栓塞 ,再用带毛钢圈或无水乙醇封闭瘘口。结果 A组动静脉瘘消失及明显减少 40例 ,无效 10例。在消融后TAE碘油沉积良好的 38例中 ,37例PEI在 4次以上。B组 2 6例经 1~ 2次治疗后 ,全部达到中止门静脉分流的目的 ,表现为TAE碘油沉积良好 2 5例 ,门静脉压力明显下降 ,其中腹水减少 2 3例 ,上消化道出血的 2例均于术后 1d止血。结论 上述 2种方法处理肝癌合并动静脉瘘后 ,能令碘油药物更好地在肿瘤内沉积 ,避免或减少了碘油导致肺梗死或门静脉压进一步升高的危险性 。 展开更多
关键词 肝细胞癌 动脉脉瘘 乙醇 治疗性栓塞 治疗
颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘的血管内治疗 被引量:3
作者 史继新 刘承基 +2 位作者 谭启富 邬祖良 樊友武 《中华外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第7期401-402,共2页
目的探讨颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘的血管内治疗效果。方法回顾分析了1990年1月以来经血管内治疗的43例(60例次)颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘。男性37例,女性6例。外伤性39例,自发性4例。单纯闭塞瘘口31例,颈内动脉闭塞12例;... 目的探讨颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘的血管内治疗效果。方法回顾分析了1990年1月以来经血管内治疗的43例(60例次)颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘。男性37例,女性6例。外伤性39例,自发性4例。单纯闭塞瘘口31例,颈内动脉闭塞12例;颈内动脉通畅率72.1%。结果治愈39例(90.7%),好转4例(9.3%),并发偏瘫1例(2.3%)。结论球囊栓塞应作为颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘首选疗法。 展开更多
关键词 动脉脉瘘 CCF 栓塞疗法
经动脉内栓塞治疗巨大小脑内动静脉瘘一例 被引量:5
作者 李宝民 周定标 +1 位作者 段国升 张纪 《中华神经外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第3期135-137,共3页
经动脉内栓塞治疗巨大小脑内动静脉瘘一例李宝民,周定标,段国升,张纪患者女,10岁。阵发性头痛2年,渐进性加重伴左侧肢体活动障碍月余。检查:神志呈嗜睡状,定向力较差,言语迟钝,双眼球有粗大水平震颤,双视乳头边缘模糊,左... 经动脉内栓塞治疗巨大小脑内动静脉瘘一例李宝民,周定标,段国升,张纪患者女,10岁。阵发性头痛2年,渐进性加重伴左侧肢体活动障碍月余。检查:神志呈嗜睡状,定向力较差,言语迟钝,双眼球有粗大水平震颤,双视乳头边缘模糊,左侧肢体近端肌力1级,远端0级,肌张... 展开更多
关键词 动脉脉瘘 硬脑膜 栓塞 脑血管畸形
作者 武林 赵慧颖 《中华护理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第7期404-405,共2页
目的 :指导血透护士避开内瘘狭窄处 ,选择适宜穿刺点 ,确保足够的血流量 ,提高透析效率。方法 :采用多谱勒超声测量 13例动静脉内瘘吻合口直径、头静脉狭窄处直径、狭窄处与吻合口距离。结果 :内瘘穿刺改进后 ,在蛋白摄入量平稳的情况... 目的 :指导血透护士避开内瘘狭窄处 ,选择适宜穿刺点 ,确保足够的血流量 ,提高透析效率。方法 :采用多谱勒超声测量 13例动静脉内瘘吻合口直径、头静脉狭窄处直径、狭窄处与吻合口距离。结果 :内瘘穿刺改进后 ,在蛋白摄入量平稳的情况下 ,尿素的时间平均浓度较前明显下降 ,尿素清除指数较前明显升高 ;经统计学处理 ,有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :多谱勒超声测量内瘘狭窄、指导穿刺 ,达到充分透析 。 展开更多
关键词 脉脉狭窄 多普勒超声 穿刺 血液透析
作者 马明平 王正林 《实用医学进修杂志》 1999年第3期155-157,共3页
关键词 肝肿瘤 动脉脉瘘 血管造影表现 介入治疗
Ischemic colitis secondary to inferior mesenteric arteriovenous fistula and portal vein stenosis in a liver transplant recipient 被引量:2
作者 In Hee Kim Dae Ghon Kim +3 位作者 Hyo Sung Kwak Hee Chul Yu Baik Hwan Cho Ho Sung Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第26期4249-4252,共4页
Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) involving the inferior mesenteric vessels is rare, and the affected patients usually present with abdominal pain, mass, or features of established portal hypertension. Colonic ischemia is... Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) involving the inferior mesenteric vessels is rare, and the affected patients usually present with abdominal pain, mass, or features of established portal hypertension. Colonic ischemia is a less common and more serious manifestation of AVE We report a case of ischemic colitis secondary to inferior mesentedc AVF in a patient who underwent a previous liver transplantation, subsequently developed portal vein stenosis, and then presented with acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding. He underwent percutaneous transhepatic placement of a portal vein stent and left colectomy. 展开更多
关键词 Ischemic colitis Inferior mesenteric Arteriovenous fistula Portal vein stenosis
A large congenital and solitary intrahepatic arterioportal fistula in an old woman 被引量:7
作者 Zhen-Ya Lu Jian-Yang Ao +2 位作者 Tian-An Jiang Zhi-Yi Peng Zhan-Kun Wang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第13期1656-1659,共4页
Arterioportal fistula(APF)is a rare cause of portal hypertension and may lead to death.APF can be congenital,post-traumatic,iatrogenic(transhepatic intervention or biopsy)or related to ruptured hepatic artery aneurysm... Arterioportal fistula(APF)is a rare cause of portal hypertension and may lead to death.APF can be congenital,post-traumatic,iatrogenic(transhepatic intervention or biopsy)or related to ruptured hepatic artery aneurysms.Congenital APF is a rare condition even in children.In this case report,we describe a 73-year-old woman diagnosed as APF by ultrasonography,computed tomography,and hepatic artery selective arteriography.The fistula was embolized twice but failed,and she still suffered from alimentary tract hemorrhage.Then,selective arteriography of the hepatic artery was performed again and venae coronaria ventriculi and short gastric vein were embolized.During the 2-year follow-up,the patient remained asymptomatic.We therefore argue that embolization of venae coronaria ventriculi and short gastric vein may be an effective treatment modality for intrahepatic APF with severe upper gastrointestinal bleeding. 展开更多
关键词 Congenital intrahepatic arterioportal fistula Liver EMBOLIZATION Portal hypertension ANGIOGRAPHY
作者 Yue-hong Zheng Chang-wei Liu +6 位作者 Heng Guan Hong-bing Gan UI Kuok Chao-liang Li Jian Zhang Dias Che Sok In Furtado Rui 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2007年第3期196-198,共3页
Objective To report surgical experience in pseudoaneurysm (PA) repair of arteriovenous fistula (AVF) for renal hemodialysis. Methods Twenty patients undergoing PA repair of AVF for renal hemodialysis were treated in C... Objective To report surgical experience in pseudoaneurysm (PA) repair of arteriovenous fistula (AVF) for renal hemodialysis. Methods Twenty patients undergoing PA repair of AVF for renal hemodialysis were treated in Central Hospital Conde S. Januario of Macao. Sixteen patients had PAs of AVF in upper extremities, 4 in lower extremities. All patients were treated with surgical therapy. Results All operations were finished without death. One patient suffered from acute thrombosis, recovered without any complication through instant thrombectomy. One patient with postoperative incision bleeding recovered after low molecular weight heparin was ceased. And one AVF could not be mature six weeks later, was recovered after ligation of branch vein. And one patient died due to recurrent cerebral infarction. Conclusion Surgical repair is the best choice for PA of AVF for renal hemodialysis. 展开更多
关键词 PSEUDOANEURYSM surgical management arteriovenous fistula HEMODIALYSIS
Rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm into sigmoid colon:A case report
作者 Murat Aksoy Hakan Yanar +5 位作者 Korhan Taviloglu Cemalettin Ertekin Kemal Ayalp Fatih Yanar Recep Guloglu Mehmet Kurtoglu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第46期7549-7550,共2页
Primary aorto-colic fistula is rarely reported in the literature. Although infrequently encountered, it is an important complication since it is usually fatal unless detected. Primary aorto-colic fistula is a spontane... Primary aorto-colic fistula is rarely reported in the literature. Although infrequently encountered, it is an important complication since it is usually fatal unless detected. Primary aorto-colic fistula is a spontaneous rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm into the lumen of the adjacent colon loop. Here we report a case of primary aorto-colic fistula in a 54-year old male. The fistulated sigmoid colon was repaired by end-to-end anastomosis. Despite inotropic support, the patient died of sepsis and multiorgan failure on the first postoperative day. 展开更多
关键词 Aortocolic fistula Abdominal aort aneurysm RUPTURE Lower gastrointestinal bleeding ANEURYSM
Transvenous embolization of dural arteriovenous fistula of cavernous region by multiple venous routes
作者 陈怀瑞 白如林 +2 位作者 黄承光 李宾 卢亦成 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2007年第1期36-42,共7页
Objective:To evaluate the safety and efficiency of transvenous embolization of dural arteriovenous fistula of cavernous region by multiple venous routes. Methods: Twenty seven patients with dural arteriovenous fistu... Objective:To evaluate the safety and efficiency of transvenous embolization of dural arteriovenous fistula of cavernous region by multiple venous routes. Methods: Twenty seven patients with dural arteriovenous fistula of cavernous region were treated by transvenous embolization with micro-coils. The transvenous routes included inferior petrosal sinus, superior ophthalmic vein and facial vein. Results: Clinical cure was achieved in 23 cases and significant improvement of symptoms in 4 cases. Complete anglographic obliteration was documented in 22 patients (82%). Residual shunting were left in 2 patients via pterygoid drainage and 1 case via inter-cavernous sinus, 2 cases via inferior petrosal sinus, disappeared one month later by manual compression carotid artery. Headache and vomiting were the most common symptoms after embolization. Three patients had diplopia and relieved within two months after embolization. There was no permanent procedure-related morbidity. The clinic follow up ranged from 5 months to 6 years, and there was not recurrence case. Conclusion: Transvenous embolization via different venous routes is a safe and efficient method for dural arteriovenous fistula of cavernous region treatment. 展开更多
关键词 cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula transvenous pathway EMBOLIZATION
Diagnosis and treatment of traumatic carotid cavernous fistula 被引量:9
作者 杨东虹 何奇元 +1 位作者 邹咏文 许民辉 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2002年第2期112-114,共3页
To discuss the diagnosis and manage ment of traumatic carotid cavernous fistula (TCCF).Methods: In all 15 patients with TCCF confirmed by angiography, 8 patients got early diagnosis and cure. With Seldinger technique ... To discuss the diagnosis and manage ment of traumatic carotid cavernous fistula (TCCF).Methods: In all 15 patients with TCCF confirmed by angiography, 8 patients got early diagnosis and cure. With Seldinger technique adpoted in th e puncture of femoral artery, Magic 3 F 1.8 F BD catheters combining with b alloon were used to embolize the fistula or the internal carotid artery. Results: Early diagnosis and cure were achieved in 8 patients w ithin one week and no sequelae occurred. Seven patients with delayed diagnosis who were cured beyond one week had some sequelae such as hypopsia in 5 cases, incomplete oculomotor paralyses in 3 and incomplete abducent paralyses in 2. Am ong all the 15 cases, the internal carotid artery was preserved in 12 cases acou nting for 80%. Occluding the fistula with sacrifice of the internal carotid arte ry was performed in 3 cases and no repatency of the fistula occurred by followin g up beyond three months. Conclusions: The preferred therapy for TCCF is to occlude the f istula using detachable balloon. The diagnosis and treatment for TCCF can signif icantly reduce occurrence rate of the complications and sequelae. 展开更多
Surgical treatment of complicated traumatic aneurysm and arteriovenous fistula
作者 乔正荣 时德 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2003年第4期213-217,共5页
Objective: To evaluate the surgical methods and the outcome of management for traumatic arterial aneurysm (TAA) and traumatic arterioveneus fistula (TAVF).Methods: A total of 121 patients with TAA or TAVF were treated... Objective: To evaluate the surgical methods and the outcome of management for traumatic arterial aneurysm (TAA) and traumatic arterioveneus fistula (TAVF).Methods: A total of 121 patients with TAA or TAVF were treated by surgery. Clinical, operative and postoperative data were collected and analyzed retrospectively.Results: The surgical techniques includedaneurysmectomy and arterial end-to-end anastomosis or vascular grafting or artery ligation, aneurysm ligation and bypass, vascular repair, fistula excision and vascular ligation or vascular grafting or repair and so on. One patient died (0.83%). The follow-up rates of TAA and TAVF were 65.7% and 60% respectively.Conclusions: Complicated TAA and TAVF in different sites should be treated with different methods. 展开更多
关键词 Wounds and injuries ANEURYSM Arteriovenous fistula SURGERY TREATMENT
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