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《太原市人民政府公报》 2005年第22期35-38,共4页
关键词 直属机构 工商行政部门 无证经营 采矿许可证 实心砖 劳动合同 工资 违规生产 情况通报 劳动保
《劳动保障世界》 2015年第8Z期2-,共1页
关键词 数字化期刊 一级期刊 就业管理 中文核心期刊 中国期刊网 中国知网 就业指导 宣传中心 劳动与社会
作者 本刊编辑部 《中国人力资源社会保障》 2015年第9期9-10,共2页
改革开放三十多年来,我国的经济体制发生了很大的变化,从计划经济体制发展到社会主义市场经济体制。这种变化对劳动关系产生了深刻的影响。在市场化、工业化、城镇化、信息化、全球化等因素相互作用与叠加影响下,我国劳动关系始终处于... 改革开放三十多年来,我国的经济体制发生了很大的变化,从计划经济体制发展到社会主义市场经济体制。这种变化对劳动关系产生了深刻的影响。在市场化、工业化、城镇化、信息化、全球化等因素相互作用与叠加影响下,我国劳动关系始终处于快速动态变化过程中,新情况、新问题不断出现。劳动者的维权意识逐步增强,不仅更加关注法定权益的实现,而且要求增加工资和改善劳动条件、共享发展成果的愿望更加强烈,权利诉求和利益诉求同时出现。在这样的特殊时期。 展开更多
关键词 和谐劳动关系 人力资源 副部长 权利诉求 计划经济体制 市场经济体制 增加工资 劳动保障监察 劳动保
论我国现行医保劳动纠纷解决机制的缺陷及完善 被引量:2
作者 李瑞 《长春工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期74-75,145,共3页
关键词 医疗 劳动纠纷 行政救济
关于促进有劳动能力的低保对象就业的调查与思考 被引量:3
作者 汪华 王精仁 《中共南京市委党校学报》 2006年第S1期140-142,149,共4页
关键词 劳动能力的低对象 和谐社会 对策
作者 谢明辉 《电力安全技术》 2003年第6期48-49,共2页
关键词 电力生产 安全生产管理 电力市场 电力企业 电力公司 班组劳动安全互
作者 张立明 《化工安全与环境》 2003年第30期8-10,共3页
关键词 连云港碱厂 劳动安全互活动 安全行为 安全意识
作者 崔叶竹 《劳动保障世界》 2018年第12Z期12-12,15,共2页
城市低保人员再就业问题的解决不仅是我国构建和谐社会的需要,也是维护社会公平的必然要求。但近年来,随着城市最低生活保障制度实施的进行,在对低保对象的就业救助也出现了一些阻碍。解决低保对象就业中出现的问题,可以更好地促进低保... 城市低保人员再就业问题的解决不仅是我国构建和谐社会的需要,也是维护社会公平的必然要求。但近年来,随着城市最低生活保障制度实施的进行,在对低保对象的就业救助也出现了一些阻碍。解决低保对象就业中出现的问题,可以更好地促进低保对象更好的就业。文章从城市有劳动能力的低保人员的就业现状出发,对城市低保对象的就业问题进行分析,提出促进城市低保对象就业的一些对策。 展开更多
关键词 劳动能力的低人员 就业现状 对策
《宁波市人民政府公报》 2009年第8期12-13,共2页
甬政办发[2009]84号各县(市)区人民政府,市政府各部门、各直属单位:为进一步支持鼓励困难企业不减员或少减员,预防失业,稳定就业局势,根据人力资源和社会保障部、财政部、国家税务总局《关于采取积极措施减轻企业负担稳定就业局势有关... 甬政办发[2009]84号各县(市)区人民政府,市政府各部门、各直属单位:为进一步支持鼓励困难企业不减员或少减员,预防失业,稳定就业局势,根据人力资源和社会保障部、财政部、国家税务总局《关于采取积极措施减轻企业负担稳定就业局势有关问题的通知》(人社部发[2008]117号)、《省劳动和社会保障厅、财政厅。 展开更多
关键词 失业险基金 地方税务局 人社 主营业务收人 市级统筹 国家税务总局 直属单位 外来务工人员 劳动保
作者 "规范城市最低生活保障制度"课题组 尹志刚 《广西经济管理干部学院学报》 2009年第4期36-43,共8页
促进再就业联动,保护和拓展城市"低保群体"的发展和竞争机会,是完善中国最低生活保障制度的核心理念。文章依据对全国9个城市的调查数据,描述了低保家庭劳动人口再就业中存在的问题,探索再就业联动———保障和拓展低保劳动... 促进再就业联动,保护和拓展城市"低保群体"的发展和竞争机会,是完善中国最低生活保障制度的核心理念。文章依据对全国9个城市的调查数据,描述了低保家庭劳动人口再就业中存在的问题,探索再就业联动———保障和拓展低保劳动人口公平劳动就业机会的对策。 展开更多
关键词 “低劳动人口 发展和竞争机会 再就业联动
《人事天地》 2015年第12期60-66,共7页
南宁市智慧社保"诊疗一卡通"自助平台正式启动本刊讯(通讯员吴新华)10月29日,南宁市人力资源和社会保障局举行南宁智慧社保"诊疗一卡通"自助平台启动仪式,在广西壮族自治区人民医院正式启动上线"诊疗一卡通&qu... 南宁市智慧社保"诊疗一卡通"自助平台正式启动本刊讯(通讯员吴新华)10月29日,南宁市人力资源和社会保障局举行南宁智慧社保"诊疗一卡通"自助平台启动仪式,在广西壮族自治区人民医院正式启动上线"诊疗一卡通"服务。该平台以"互联网+"为核心,以目前已经建立并集聚社保、金融服务的社会保障"一卡通"平台为基础。 展开更多
关键词 基层动态 定点医疗机构 人力资源 信息系统 失业职工 金融卡 工伤 医疗 险费征缴 劳动保
上海市人民政府关于进一步做好为农民工服务工作的实施意见 被引量:1
《上海市人民政府公报》 2015年第14期6-8,共3页
(2015年6月30日)沪府发〔2015〕25号各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局:农民工是本市经济建设、社会发展的重要力量.做好为农民工服务工作,对促进本市经济社会的持续发展和加强社会管理具有重要意义.为深入贯彻落实党的十八大、十八... (2015年6月30日)沪府发〔2015〕25号各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局:农民工是本市经济建设、社会发展的重要力量.做好为农民工服务工作,对促进本市经济社会的持续发展和加强社会管理具有重要意义.为深入贯彻落实党的十八大、十八届三中、四中全会精神和?国务院关于进一步做好为农民工服务工作的意见?(国发〔2014〕40号),坚持将加强城市人口管理和优化农民工服务有机结合,切实保障和维护农民工的各项合法权益,现就进一步做好为农民工服务工作提出以下实施意见: 展开更多
关键词 农民工服务 上海市人民政府 人口管理 就业服务机构 培训资金 女性农民工 就业培训 公共就业 劳动保
《金华政报》 2007年第2期38-44,共7页
各县(市、区)人民政府,市政府各部门:现将《金华市妇女发展规划(2006—2010年)》和《金华市儿童发展规划(2006—2010年)》印发给你们,请认真贯彻实施。金华市人民政府二○○六年十二月十四日金华市妇女发展规划(2006—2010年)前言妇女... 各县(市、区)人民政府,市政府各部门:现将《金华市妇女发展规划(2006—2010年)》和《金华市儿童发展规划(2006—2010年)》印发给你们,请认真贯彻实施。金华市人民政府二○○六年十二月十四日金华市妇女发展规划(2006—2010年)前言妇女事业的发展水平,是社会文明进步的重要标志。“十五”期间,我市认真贯彻实施《金华市妇女发展规划(2001—2005年)》,大力推进妇女事业发展。 展开更多
关键词 妇女事业 儿童发展规划 妇女就业 妇女合法权益 妇女维权 妇女工作 妇女组织 妇联干部 女职工劳动保
《河北省人民政府公报》 2006年第12期26-28,共3页
各设区市人民政府,省政府各部门:当前,我省煤矿安全生产形势严峻,煤矿事故多发,反映出煤炭行业管理上存在一些深层次矛盾和问题。为贯彻落实《国务院办公厅关于加强煤炭行业管理有关问题的意见》(国办发[2006]49号)精神,进一步加强我省... 各设区市人民政府,省政府各部门:当前,我省煤矿安全生产形势严峻,煤矿事故多发,反映出煤炭行业管理上存在一些深层次矛盾和问题。为贯彻落实《国务院办公厅关于加强煤炭行业管理有关问题的意见》(国办发[2006]49号)精神,进一步加强我省煤炭行业管理,不断夯实煤矿安全生产的基础,经省政府同意。 展开更多
关键词 煤炭行业管理 煤炭生产 生产能力核定 国有煤炭企业 省政府各部门 安全基础管理 国务院办公厅 劳动保
Organizing Independent Contractors in South Korea: A Case of Insurance Solicitors Unionizing
作者 Jik-Soo Kim 《Sociology Study》 2014年第11期955-964,共10页
The purpose of this study is to understand limitations and possibilities of organizing independent contractors by focusing on insurance solicitors in South Korea. Among various types of precarious employment, insuranc... The purpose of this study is to understand limitations and possibilities of organizing independent contractors by focusing on insurance solicitors in South Korea. Among various types of precarious employment, insurance solicitors are an exemplar case of independent contractor jobs in Korea. According to the narrow interpretation on the employment relationship by the courts, the labor standard law does not treat insurance solicitors as workers. And, most of insurance solicitors are not affiliated with labor unions. As a result, insurance solicitors are outside labor protections. Under this context, insurance solicitors attempted to organize their own union--Korean Insurance Agents' Union (KIAU) in the early 2000s, and turned it into a branch of Korean Finance and Service Workers' Union (KFSWU) in 2004. However, the KIAU lost its membership rapidly since the mid-2000s and has failed to revitalize itself until now. So, in this study, the author focuses on the changes in the employment structure behind the growth of the insurance industry in the private sector and the reason why union organizing of independent contractors was not successful. 展开更多
关键词 Insurance solicitors independent contractor union organizing
Revisiting of the South African Mine Workers' Union --A Significant Factor in South African Mining History
作者 Wessel Visser 《History Research》 2013年第4期239-258,共20页
Founded in 1902 as the Transvaal Miners' Association, the South African Mine Workers' Union (MWU), as it was renamed in 1913, rose to prominence as a militant union for white miners, especially during the turbulen... Founded in 1902 as the Transvaal Miners' Association, the South African Mine Workers' Union (MWU), as it was renamed in 1913, rose to prominence as a militant union for white miners, especially during the turbulent years of industrial strife and bloody strike action in the first two decades of the 20th century. Since the election victory of the Pact government in 1924 a program of pro-white protectionist legislation was introduced. As South Africa's most prominent white trade union of the 20th century, the MWU therefore became renowned for defending job reservation in the mining industry. After 1948, it enjoyed the National Party government's support in this regard. However, skilled labor shortages and changing labor conditions in the 1970s forced the government to introduce labor reform. Job reservation was scrapped and black unions were officially recognized. These initiatives put the MWU on a confrontational path with the government and the union aligned itself with right-wing political resistance and protest. But, the altered political and economic South African realities after 1994 forced the MWU to rethink its strategies. By 2002, it had reinvented and transformed itself into Solidarity, adequately equipped for addressing the labor challenges and demands of a post-apartheid South Africa. This article, based on the author's research of the South African labor movement in the early 20th century, traces the historical development of the union and its influence on South African political and labor history. 展开更多
关键词 Mine Workers' Union strikes Wiehahn Commission right-wing politics SOLIDARITY
Social Security Development in China and Its Support to Economic Transition 被引量:7
作者 Zheng Bingwen Zhang Xiaoli 《China Economist》 2019年第4期96-121,共26页
In 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,China has successfully transitioned from a closed economy to an open economy with the watershed year of reform and opening up in 1978 and modernized it... In 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,China has successfully transitioned from a closed economy to an open economy with the watershed year of reform and opening up in 1978 and modernized its social security system accordingly.This paper divides the transition of China’s social security system into seven stages before and after 1978.The traditional social security system was predicated on the dominant public ownership,a highly centralized economy,and“full employment.”It was congruous with the ownership structure,income distribution,and labor systems under the closed economy.The modern social security system is developed to meet the needs of an open economy and promotes economic development by giving play to consumption and investment,facilitating labor flow,and boosting productivity.The modern social security system requires further supply-side structural reforms to promote the high-quality development of the open economy. 展开更多
关键词 closed economy open economy social security system production factor labor market
The New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and Its Implications on Rural Labor Migration in China:Evidence from Longitudinal Surveys
作者 秦雪征 郑直 《China Economist》 2012年第3期89-101,共13页
In 2003, China initiated the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme (NRCMS) in order to provide basic health care coverage for the rural population. However, the NRCMS has had a marked impact on rural-urban labor mig... In 2003, China initiated the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme (NRCMS) in order to provide basic health care coverage for the rural population. However, the NRCMS has had a marked impact on rural-urban labor migration as its current regulations present a barrier for cross-region participation in the NRCMS, and its reimbursement system is biased when the enrollees seek medical services outside their location of hukou, a household registration system in China. This paper performs a variety of empirical tests on a panel data set from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) to study how the NRCMS affects rural residents' work location choices. We observed a "locking effect" on potential rural migrant workers and a "pulling effect" on existing ones. According to the results, the NRCMS has discouraged rural residents from working outside their location of hukou, lowering the probability of relocation by 3.52 percent. Meanwhile, the NRCMS system actually encourages existing migrant workers to return home. This paper concludes that the NRCMS has to some extent restrained the free flow of the labor force and exacerbated the migrant worker shortage. 展开更多
关键词 New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme rural labor migration lockingeffect pulling effect
Analyses the Endowment Insurance System of Flexible Employment
作者 Rui Wang Jiayu Deng Yixuan Xie 《International English Education Research》 2015年第6期122-126,共5页
In modem society, flexible employment has become the important channel of improve employment. Workers who transfer into the flexible employment from regular employment easily lost the original endowment insurance righ... In modem society, flexible employment has become the important channel of improve employment. Workers who transfer into the flexible employment from regular employment easily lost the original endowment insurance rights and interests, which increase the cost of laborer to flexible employment and impede the development of flexible employment. The establishment of the endowment insurance system of flexible employment can eliminate the apprehension of supporting themselves and enjoy in old age well. 展开更多
关键词 Endowment insurance Government support Flexible employment
Based on the human capital perspective to explore the social insurance premium is influence on the behavior of enterprises to participate in social insurance
作者 Yun Zhang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第1期89-91,共3页
To participate in social insurance is a major social responsibility of enterprises, even it is a mandatory social policy, companies still escaped pay society insurance. The serious consequences of this phenomenon beco... To participate in social insurance is a major social responsibility of enterprises, even it is a mandatory social policy, companies still escaped pay society insurance. The serious consequences of this phenomenon become increasingly prominent.it not only damaged the justice of labor market, but also violated the staffs interest. Various factors influence enterprise to participate in social insurance behavior .Human capital is the impact of insurance companies. This paper is mainly focusing on the theory analysis of different human capital participating behavior of enterprises. From the perspective of human capital, using the cost-benefit theory and rational choice theory in economics to explore participating behavior, enterprise employees of different human capital differences in attitude to attend social insurance. No matter enterprises with higher or lower human capital, enterprises and employees choose to participate in social insurance act consistently. But, it can improve participate of low human capital enterprise behavior when payment rate reduced. So, it is suggested that establishing a lower level of social insurance system is helpful to expand coverage, it can through e^tahllgh the sunnlementarv insurance system meet the needs of more people. 展开更多
关键词 Human capital Social insurance premium Behavior of enterprises
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