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领导包联制:基层疑难事项的跨层级治理——概念缘起、实践类型及制度逻辑 被引量:2
作者 王印红 郝本良 张一 《公共行政评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期83-100,M0005,共19页
领导包联制作为领导下沉参与基层治理的制度通道,在基层疑难、重点事项的治理中广泛应用,是具有本土特色的中国之治。论文溯及领导包联制的缘起,归纳了其当前典型实践样态,探讨了其何以推动基层疑难事项治理的制度逻辑。研究发现,第一,... 领导包联制作为领导下沉参与基层治理的制度通道,在基层疑难、重点事项的治理中广泛应用,是具有本土特色的中国之治。论文溯及领导包联制的缘起,归纳了其当前典型实践样态,探讨了其何以推动基层疑难事项治理的制度逻辑。研究发现,第一,领导包联制是对党的领导干部“蹲点调研”工作方法的创新性传承,其由党的工作制度逐步发展为一项社会治理制度,在实践中取得了良好的治理成效。第二,领导包联制在实践中存在“中央领导联系点”“省级领导包县联市”和“市县领导包联事项”三种典型实践样态。第三,领导包联制通过对传统科层责任关系、组织关系、治理关系以及治理导向的重构,推动了基层疑难事项的跨层级治理。领导包联制是具有鲜明中国特色的上级领导参与基层微观事项治理的制度通道。上级领导介入基层治理工作在一定程度上减轻了基层在面对疑难治理事项时的压力,为观察和理解跨层级协作治理提供了新的视角。 展开更多
关键词 领导包联 党政体制 中国之治 制度逻辑
民主集中制视域下的包联制 被引量:3
作者 张弛 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期132-142,共11页
民主集中制是包联制形成与发展的规范性基础。地方党委将行政辖区内的重大治理任务相对均等化地分配给“四套班子”所有成员,点对点联系下级组织或基层组织落实,形成责任连带关系。由地方党委直接管理的干部可能承担所在岗位职能之外的... 民主集中制是包联制形成与发展的规范性基础。地方党委将行政辖区内的重大治理任务相对均等化地分配给“四套班子”所有成员,点对点联系下级组织或基层组织落实,形成责任连带关系。由地方党委直接管理的干部可能承担所在岗位职能之外的责任。采用包联制实施的工作不适用于“锦标赛体制”的逻辑,属于党的建设和社会治理的交叉面的群众工作范畴。包联制实现了上下级党组织空间的对接,加强了组织间意图的同步性;营造上级甚至高级领导干部与基层干部之间的非对称协商空间,让高级领导干部能够适度参与微观治理环节。 展开更多
关键词 包联 民主集中制 脱贫攻坚 “四套班子”
医院职能部门包联临床科室的实践探讨 被引量:2
作者 赵思茹 《中国医疗管理科学》 2023年第3期82-86,共5页
在公立医院高质量发展的背景下,医疗改革不断深入,对医院的医疗服务能力提出了更高的要求。为全面落实医院“五好两满意”服务理念,促使临床科室将更多的时间和精力放在业务提升、服务患者上,增进职能部门与临床科室之间的联系,提升职... 在公立医院高质量发展的背景下,医疗改革不断深入,对医院的医疗服务能力提出了更高的要求。为全面落实医院“五好两满意”服务理念,促使临床科室将更多的时间和精力放在业务提升、服务患者上,增进职能部门与临床科室之间的联系,提升职能部门服务临床科室效能,突出为临床一线办实事、解难事,某地级市三级公立医院积极探索职能部门包联临床科室工作模式,并付诸于实践。通过构建组织架构,明确包联任务,设立工作机制等,取得了一定的成效,并在实践中发现问题,不断思考,持续改进。 展开更多
关键词 医院职能部门 包联科室 服务能力 医院管理
作者 赵燕妮 韩建业 张元 《吉林农业》 2014年第8期55-55,共1页
近年来,畜禽养殖业发展迅速,饲养方式逐渐向规模化,集约化饲养方式转变。全面做好规模化养殖场的监管工作,是有效防控重大动物疫病、提高动物产品安全监管水平的一项基础性工作。按照农业部的要求,动物卫生监督监管要做好对辖区畜禽规... 近年来,畜禽养殖业发展迅速,饲养方式逐渐向规模化,集约化饲养方式转变。全面做好规模化养殖场的监管工作,是有效防控重大动物疫病、提高动物产品安全监管水平的一项基础性工作。按照农业部的要求,动物卫生监督监管要做好对辖区畜禽规模养殖场官方兽医包联制度,从我们平时的监管过程中发现,个别官方兽医对自己包联的责任职能都搞不清楚,一旦发生动物疫情,追究责任,悔之晚矣。官方兽医包联畜禽规模养殖场的目的在于加强动物源头管理,把动物疫病有效控制消灭在养殖环节,起到及时发现、及时预防、控制重大动物疫情,维护公共卫生安全,保护人体健康,促进畜牧业健康发展。笔者结合日常监管中发现的一些问题,就如何对养殖场进行监管谈谈自己的看法,供同行参考。 展开更多
关键词 官方兽医 包联 养殖场 监管
作者 王兴玉 贾秦 《就业与保障》 2020年第24期146-147,共2页
适应时代发展,守正创新,不断提升西藏学生教育教学管理质效,是内地西藏班(校)需要面对的课题。河北师范大学附属民族学院通过在内地西藏高中班实施管理干部承包联系制度,在完善"三全育人"模式,落实"严、爱、细"的... 适应时代发展,守正创新,不断提升西藏学生教育教学管理质效,是内地西藏班(校)需要面对的课题。河北师范大学附属民族学院通过在内地西藏高中班实施管理干部承包联系制度,在完善"三全育人"模式,落实"严、爱、细"的育人方针方面做出了有益的实践探索,并对制度创新特色、实施效果进行了汇总阐述,旨在提升内地西藏班(校)管理效果。 展开更多
关键词 内地西藏班 管理干部 育人机制 包联干部
作者 郝本良 王印红 《政治学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期137-154,M0008,共19页
国家治理体制是一个动态平衡体。如何调适压力型体制可能引致的纵向失衡问题是保持大国治理稳定性的关键。本文以领导包联制为例,尝试与压力型体制理论展开对话,讨论国家治理体制的纵向平衡。首先,本文从典型案例入手论证了领导包联制... 国家治理体制是一个动态平衡体。如何调适压力型体制可能引致的纵向失衡问题是保持大国治理稳定性的关键。本文以领导包联制为例,尝试与压力型体制理论展开对话,讨论国家治理体制的纵向平衡。首先,本文从典型案例入手论证了领导包联制“逆向发包”的制度逻辑,领导包联制作为“上级领导下沉赋能基层治理”的调适制度,一定程度上疏解了基层治理压力。其次,本文拓展了对于压力型体制刚性化的传统认识,认为领导包联制与压力型体制下的行政发包制和行政包干制相互补充,兼顾了国家治理的有效性与基层压力的可控性,避免了压力闭锁在基层可能产生的不稳定问题,调和了国家治理体制中施加压力的刚性体制与疏解压力的弹性制度之间的平衡,保障了基层治理的有效性与稳定性。最后,基于现有研究与领导包联制的治理经验,本文试图构建整合性的国家治理体制纵向平衡分析框架,提出压力调适下面向国家治理纵向平衡的上下互动增能体制,以期发展和完善现有理论的闭环链条,深化对系统性、多维度视角下国家治理逻辑的认识,为国家治理体系现代化建设提供理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 领导包联 行政发包制 行政包干制 压力型体制 国家治理纵向平衡
领导包联制:基层疑难事项治理的逆向发包——基于Q市L区积案化解工作的分析 被引量:2
作者 王印红 郝本良 《公共管理与政策评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期111-123,共13页
传统科层制政府面对日益复杂的社会治理任务,显现出应对疑难、复杂治理事项的不足,迫切需要适应于当前中国治理场景的制度创新予以补充。本文以Q市L区退役军人事务局积案化解工作为切入口,展现了党政领导参与社会治理的创新实践——领... 传统科层制政府面对日益复杂的社会治理任务,显现出应对疑难、复杂治理事项的不足,迫切需要适应于当前中国治理场景的制度创新予以补充。本文以Q市L区退役军人事务局积案化解工作为切入口,展现了党政领导参与社会治理的创新实践——领导包联制,探究了其制度特征和治理机制。研究发现:领导包联制具有治理责任逆向传导、治理任务向上发包、政治势能赋能社会治理的制度特征,与压力型体制共同构成治理压力上下传导的闭环体系,确保基层治理压力稳定可控。其依托“层层嵌套”的责任机制、“直入基层”的信息机制、“上下协商”的组织机制、“协调重配”的资源机制以及“一事一策”的精细化机制拓展了基层政府部门的治理能力。领导包联制是上级领导参与基层治理的制度通道,它为观察和理解中国本土治理逻辑提供了又一新的视角。 展开更多
关键词 领导包联 任务承包 责任机制 逆向求解
作者 董相杰 黄克华 +2 位作者 易臻 王福瑞 李惠军 《棉纺织技术》 CAS 2024年第1期27-32,共6页
为充分发挥全智能筒纱输送与包装系统的设备效能、提高生产水平,对筒纱输送与包装系统各个模块的功能以及处理单个筒纱所需时间进行分析,并对输送线与打包线前后衔接的因素以及影响进行了探讨。阐述了品种因素、耗材更换、报警处理等对... 为充分发挥全智能筒纱输送与包装系统的设备效能、提高生产水平,对筒纱输送与包装系统各个模块的功能以及处理单个筒纱所需时间进行分析,并对输送线与打包线前后衔接的因素以及影响进行了探讨。阐述了品种因素、耗材更换、报警处理等对生产效率的影响。最后通过理论数据分析与现场实测得出:全智能筒纱输送与包装系统单日理论产量约为32 t。认为:提高报警处理速度、优化下纱缓冲通道和码垛位置可增加输送与打包速度,进一步提升设备工作效率。 展开更多
关键词 筒纱输送 包装系统 智能输送 包联 效率分析 智能化 自动化
作者 热沙来提·卡热 克力木江·买买提 王西江 《传播力研究》 2020年第13期159-160,共2页
关键词 包联老师 包联学生 关心关爱
作者 丁晓永 《焦作大学学报》 2015年第4期124-126,共3页
构建城乡统筹党建工作新格局,是党的十七大提出的重要课题,也是新形势下贯彻落实科学发展观、统筹城乡经济社会发展的重要途径。文章以漯河市郾城区的实践作为实例,依托创新开展的驻村包企联社区活动(简称"驻包联"活动),从行... 构建城乡统筹党建工作新格局,是党的十七大提出的重要课题,也是新形势下贯彻落实科学发展观、统筹城乡经济社会发展的重要途径。文章以漯河市郾城区的实践作为实例,依托创新开展的驻村包企联社区活动(简称"驻包联"活动),从行政村、企业、社区三个维度,致力构建城乡组织共建、党员共管、资源共享的党建工作新格局,促使统筹城乡党建,推动城乡一体化发展,旨在进一步夯实党在基层的执政基础。 展开更多
关键词 城乡统筹 党建工作 新格局 包联
作者 杜红青 徐静 陈鑫 《村委主任》 2019年第3期56-56,共1页
近年来,山西省洪洞县曲亭镇下峪村通过“四加强四提升”,不断提升村级党组织的领导力、号召力,整顿提升效果初显。加强组织领导,提升帮扶成效。县乡村三级联动,层层压实责任,强化整顿帮扶。县级包联领导县委常委、县委组织部部长高涛,... 近年来,山西省洪洞县曲亭镇下峪村通过“四加强四提升”,不断提升村级党组织的领导力、号召力,整顿提升效果初显。加强组织领导,提升帮扶成效。县乡村三级联动,层层压实责任,强化整顿帮扶。县级包联领导县委常委、县委组织部部长高涛,多次深入实地调研指导。 展开更多
关键词 压实 调研 层层 号召力 包联 县委 领导力 下峪村
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and China's implementation 被引量:1
作者 Jing Zhu 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2017年第2期142-146,共5页
The concept of sustainable development has experienced great development and change at different levels of theoretical connotation and practical implementation since 1960 s and 1970 s when it was first proposed. Peopl... The concept of sustainable development has experienced great development and change at different levels of theoretical connotation and practical implementation since 1960 s and 1970 s when it was first proposed. People's understanding of the relationship between economy,society, and environment has been continuously deepened over the years. When it came to the end of 2015, it is necessary to examine the results of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals on sustainable development, and at the same time, the post-2015 framework and guidance on sustainable development at the global level were to be made, including the ideas, action plans, key areas that would guide the global sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has developed a 5P theoretical framework of being peoplecentered, global environmental security, sustained economic prosperity, social justice and harmony and partnership promotion, including a political declaration, 17 overarching goals and 169 specific targets, specific ways of implementation, as well as the follow-up. It is the road map to achieve global sustainable development and meet the requirements of the millennium development goals. This paper summarizes the understanding of the concept of sustainable development from its origin, its significant development, to the proposition and development of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and its strategic impact on China. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable development the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development strategic impact
Mountain ground movement prediction caused by mining based on BP-neural network 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG He-sheng LIU Li-juan LIU Hong-fu 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第1期12-15,共4页
Six main influencing factors: slope, aspect, distance, angle, angle of coal seam, and the ratio of depth and thickness, were selected by Grey correlation theory and Grey relational analysis procedure programmed by th... Six main influencing factors: slope, aspect, distance, angle, angle of coal seam, and the ratio of depth and thickness, were selected by Grey correlation theory and Grey relational analysis procedure programmed by the MATLAB software package to select the surface movement and deformation parameters. On this basis, the paper built a BP neural network model that takes the six main influencing factors as input data and corresponding value of ground subsidence as output data. Ground subsidence of the 3406 mining face in Haoyu Coal was predicted by the trained BP neural network. By comparing the prediction and the practices, the research shows that it is feasible to use the 13P neural network to predict mountain mining subsidence. 展开更多
关键词 BP neural network mountain regions mining subsidence Grey theory
Clustering Analysis of the Basic Structure of Relevant Community Service Organizations in Cities in China
作者 于淼 金童 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1567-1568,F0003,共3页
With the gradually development of economy in China, people's living stan- dards have been improved, which makes people have higher and higher require- ments on the quality of life, and thus community service has beco... With the gradually development of economy in China, people's living stan- dards have been improved, which makes people have higher and higher require- ments on the quality of life, and thus community service has become and essential part in people's life. In order to understand the basic building blocks of community service organizations in different cities in China, classification comparison was made to the data of 31 cities in China from China Statistical Year Book (2014) by using SPSS clustering method and the fuzzy clustering method, so as to find out the dif- ferences and the causes of the differences, with the aim to promote the manage- ment of relevant government and personnel. 展开更多
关键词 SPSS clustering Fuzzy clustering Ward join method Transfer closure method Community service
Livelihood Strategy Change and Land Use Change——Case of Danzam Village in Upper Dadu River Watershed,Tibetan Plateau of China 被引量:3
作者 YAN Jianzhong ZHANG Yili +1 位作者 ZHANG Liping WU Yingying 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期231-240,共10页
Land use change in rural China since the 1980s, induced by institution reforms, urbanization, industrialization and population increase, has received more attention. However, case studies on how institution reforms af... Land use change in rural China since the 1980s, induced by institution reforms, urbanization, industrialization and population increase, has received more attention. However, case studies on how institution reforms affect farmers' livelihood strategies and drive land use change are scarce. By means of cropland plots investigations and interviews with farmers, this study examines livelihood strategy change and land use change in Danzam Village of Jinchuan County in the upper Dadu River watershed, eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. The results show that, during the collective system period, as surplus labor forces could not be transferred to the secondary and tertiary industries, they had to choose agricultural involution as their livelihood strategy, then the farmers had to produce more grains by land reclamation, increasing multiple cropping index, improving input of labor, fertilizer, pesticide and adopting advanced agricultural techniques. During the household responsibility system period, as labors being transferred to the secondary and tertiary industries, farmers chose livelihood diversification strategy. Therefore, labor input to grain planting was greatly reduced, which drove the transformation of grain to horticulture, vegetable or wasteland and decrease of multiple cropping index. This study provides a new insight into understanding linkages among institution reforms, livelihood strategy of smallholders and land use change in rural China. 展开更多
关键词 livelihood strategy land use change agricultural involution upper Dadu River watershed Tibetan Plateau China
作者 Peng Bo Wei Gang(Institute of Electron. Eng. and Control, South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2002年第2期199-203,共5页
A new method to recover packet losses using (2,1,m) convolutional codes is proposed. The erasure correcting decoding algorithm and the decoding determinant theorem is presented. It is also proved that the codes with o... A new method to recover packet losses using (2,1,m) convolutional codes is proposed. The erasure correcting decoding algorithm and the decoding determinant theorem is presented. It is also proved that the codes with optimal distance profile have also optimal delay characteristic. Simulation results show that the proposed method can recover the packet losses more elliciently than RS codes over different decoding delay conditions and thus suits for different packet network delav conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Convolutional code: Packet loss Erasure correcting codes
A novel internet traffic identification approach using wavelet packet decomposition and neural network 被引量:6
作者 谭骏 陈兴蜀 +1 位作者 杜敏 朱锴 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期2218-2230,共13页
Internet traffic classification plays an important role in network management, and many approaches have been proposed to classify different kinds of internet traffics. A novel approach was proposed to classify network... Internet traffic classification plays an important role in network management, and many approaches have been proposed to classify different kinds of internet traffics. A novel approach was proposed to classify network applications by optimized back-propagation (BP) neural network. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was used to optimize the BP neural network. And in order to increase the identification performance, wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) was used to extract several hidden features from the time-frequency information of network traffic. The experimental results show that the average classification accuracy of various network applications can reach 97%. Moreover, this approach optimized by BP neural network takes 50% of the training time compared with the traditional neural network. 展开更多
关键词 neural network particle swarm optimization statistical characteristic traffic identification wavelet packet decomposition
Recycling Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Packaging as the Basis of Economic Projects and Solution of Social and Environmental Problems in Russia
作者 Tatiana Kasyanenko Oleg Filimonov 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第8期1093-1104,共12页
In this article, based on the analysis of the current environmental situation in Russia and other countries, as well as of the problem of recycling plastic waste in the Russian Federation (RF), the authors clearly s... In this article, based on the analysis of the current environmental situation in Russia and other countries, as well as of the problem of recycling plastic waste in the Russian Federation (RF), the authors clearly show the effectiveness of investments in the processing of polymer debris on the example of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste (granulates, flakes). In the frame of case study of social and environmental investment project on creating enterprise that will engage in collection, recycling, and sale of the consumer PET packaging in Russia, the authors demonstrate the economic feasibility of the creation of such kind of enterprises taking into account market conditions and the features of the existing system of taxation in Russia. The realization of the project will also help in solving environmental and social problems of large cities, in particular, will create more jobs (in terms of 6% of unemployment rate in the country). The study also identifies the main obstacles in the way of waste recycling in Russia, and the recommendations for improvement of normative base of the industry are given. 展开更多
关键词 waste recycling polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containers polymer recycling PET PET granulates PET flakes
Joint Estimation of Carrier Frequency and Phase Offset Based on Pilot Symbols in Quasi-Constant Envelope OFDM Satellite Systems 被引量:3
作者 Cheng Wang Gaofeng Cui +1 位作者 Weidong Wang Yinghai Zhang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第7期184-194,共11页
Spectral efficiency and energy efficiency are two important performance indicators of satellite systems. The Quasi-Constant Envelope Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(QCE-OFDM) technique can achieve both high... Spectral efficiency and energy efficiency are two important performance indicators of satellite systems. The Quasi-Constant Envelope Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(QCE-OFDM) technique can achieve both high spectral efficiency and low peak-to-average power ratio(PAPR). Therefore, the QCE-OFDM technique is considered as a promising candidate multi-carrier technique for satellite systems. However, the Doppler effect will cause the carrier frequency offset(CFO), and the non-ideal oscillator will cause the carrier phase offset(CPO) in satellite systems. The CFO and CPO will further result in the bit-error-rate(BER) performance degradation. Hence, it is important to estimate and compensate the CFO and CPO. This paper analyzes the effects of both CFO and CPO in QCE-OFDM satellite systems. Furthermore, we propose a joint CFO and CPO estimation method based on the pilot symbols in the frequency domain. In addition, the optimal pilot symbol structure with different pilot overheads is designed according to the minimum Cramer-Rao bound(CRB) criterion. Simulation results show that the estimation accuracy of the proposed method is close to the CRB. 展开更多
关键词 carrier frequency offset carrier phase offset pilot symbol structure quasi-constant envelope OFDM satellite systems.
A trust-based method for selection of contractors in construction industry
作者 Jing XU Yanxin LIU Lanfang LUO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第2期122-126,共5页
This paper presents a method for construction contractor selection based on trust building. By classifying criteria into three types of trust and applying gray correlation analysis, the presented method concerns multi... This paper presents a method for construction contractor selection based on trust building. By classifying criteria into three types of trust and applying gray correlation analysis, the presented method concerns multi-criteria for evaluation other than price, selects trust- and selection-related criteria, provides approaches for indicator quantification and determines the contractor on the basis of gray correlation degree. 展开更多
关键词 TRUST contractor selection gray correlation analysis
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