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作者 温长路 《中医药文化》 2021年第2期175-177,共3页
《中医典籍与文化十讲》通过典籍、生命、疾病、养生和本草五个专题,对中医学与中国传统文化的密切关联进行了重点阐发。从中医教育而言,该书具有以下特点:强调中医典籍学习对于全面了解中医知识体系以及中医传承发展的意义所在;以生命... 《中医典籍与文化十讲》通过典籍、生命、疾病、养生和本草五个专题,对中医学与中国传统文化的密切关联进行了重点阐发。从中医教育而言,该书具有以下特点:强调中医典籍学习对于全面了解中医知识体系以及中医传承发展的意义所在;以生命观展现中西医学与文化的差异,将中医学的生命观作为理解与把握中医学理论特质的重点与核心;以疾病、养生、本草三个专题为切入点,阐发了医学与人文双重视野对于理解和发展中医的重要性。该书对于弥补现行中医教材体系的部分知识缺失,推动中医教育发展,具有一定的积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 《中医籍与文十讲》 中医教育 医学人文 书评
关于《刑事诉讼法》第四次修改的几点思考 被引量:17
作者 陈卫东 《政法论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期26-36,共11页
近日,刑事诉讼法的第四次修改提上日程。学界对本次修改整体上较为积极,也有部分观点对修改存有隐忧。从整体上看,启动第四次刑事诉讼法修改有其必要性和重要的时代价值,应当抓住此次难得时机,同时,也要对实践中重打击轻保护的氛围保持... 近日,刑事诉讼法的第四次修改提上日程。学界对本次修改整体上较为积极,也有部分观点对修改存有隐忧。从整体上看,启动第四次刑事诉讼法修改有其必要性和重要的时代价值,应当抓住此次难得时机,同时,也要对实践中重打击轻保护的氛围保持高度警惕,牢牢把握人权保障和正当程序的目标和方向。刑事诉讼法第四次修改应当将刑事诉讼法典实质化作为目标,采取大修的立法模式,立足当下,着眼长远,系统规划,分步实施,迈出刑事诉讼法典实质化的关键一步。刑事诉讼法修改也要设定改革的亮点,这些亮点可以包括但不限于:重塑刑事诉讼法的篇章体例、以技术主义路径推进以审判为中心和庭审实质化、因应轻罪时代扩大附条件不起诉的适用范围、探索构建律师无效辩护制度、重塑强制措施体系、构建相对独立的涉案财物处置程序、完善证据制度等。 展开更多
关键词 刑事诉讼法 以审判为中心 附条件不起诉 强制措施体系
仪式与文字的典律化共鸣 —— 韩愈律赋《明水赋》赏析
作者 郑婷 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)教育》 2016年第7期300-300,303,共2页
公元 792 年(唐德宗贞元八年)春天,25 岁的韩愈第四次进京参加进士考试,这一年韩愈遇到了一位文学优长的主考官——以奏议闻名于世的陆贽,遇到了强有力的同场对手——《新唐书·欧阳詹传》谓欧阳詹贞元八年举进士, “与韩愈、李观... 公元 792 年(唐德宗贞元八年)春天,25 岁的韩愈第四次进京参加进士考试,这一年韩愈遇到了一位文学优长的主考官——以奏议闻名于世的陆贽,遇到了强有力的同场对手——《新唐书·欧阳詹传》谓欧阳詹贞元八年举进士, “与韩愈、李观、李绛、崔群、王涯、冯宿、庾承宣联第,皆天下选,时称‘龙虎榜’ 。 ”中唐进士科考试分三场:帖经、杂文(诗赋) 、策问,贞元八年这场著名的科举考试的诗、赋题目分别为《明水赋》和《御沟新柳诗》 。韩愈,以及和他同榜登科的贾稜、陈羽、欧阳詹的赋题答卷保留至今,让我们得以一睹其风采。 展开更多
关键词 仪式与文字 共鸣
作者 严景东 《学语文》 2024年第3期73-75,共3页
从现有文献看,“技进乎道”典出《庄子》“庖丁解牛”,是宋人在“道进乎技”基础上的化用,最早的用例是《宣和画谱》;其雏形为“进技于道”,见《广川画跋》;宋至金元时期,“技进乎道”与“技进于道”两种语用形式并存;此后约定俗成,“... 从现有文献看,“技进乎道”典出《庄子》“庖丁解牛”,是宋人在“道进乎技”基础上的化用,最早的用例是《宣和画谱》;其雏形为“进技于道”,见《广川画跋》;宋至金元时期,“技进乎道”与“技进于道”两种语用形式并存;此后约定俗成,“技进乎道”最终凝定为成语。宋代书画艺术发达且尚释道之风,无论艺术探讨还是谈禅说佛,往往综取包括庄子在内的各家思想,远绍古人智慧,客观上推动了语言发展,贡献不可忽视。梳理“技进乎道”一词的演化轨迹,可以窥见汉语词语成词过程中的鲜活历史样貌,感受到先民的贡献、时人的智慧,以及深厚丰富、源远流长的中华文化。 展开更多
关键词 技进乎道 考释 化典 语言文
作者 李小宁 《语文教学通讯(高中)(A)》 2018年第5期44-45,共2页
诗人用典, 几为平常.用典往往能使诗的表达曲隐委婉, 新雅别致, 意蕴深厚, 含蓄隽永, 意趣盎然, 回味无穷.用典的最高境界是 “羚羊挂角, 无迹可求”.化典成境, 借典抒情, 意空趣灵, 情深意远.翻典出新, 虚实相生,诗人往往通过典故的启... 诗人用典, 几为平常.用典往往能使诗的表达曲隐委婉, 新雅别致, 意蕴深厚, 含蓄隽永, 意趣盎然, 回味无穷.用典的最高境界是 “羚羊挂角, 无迹可求”.化典成境, 借典抒情, 意空趣灵, 情深意远.翻典出新, 虚实相生,诗人往往通过典故的启示, 来激活欣赏者联想、 想象的心理活动, 从而重现艺术创造的审美境界. 展开更多
关键词 诗歌用 化典成境 出新 艺术重创
作者 裴炜 《中国刑事法杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期124-142,共19页
网络空间天然的弱地域性属性使得该场域中犯罪行为的全球化特征日益明显,刑事诉讼程序的涉外属性也随之强化,传统国内法的内向型立法视角逐渐受到挑战,特别是难以有效适应网络空间犯罪活动、证据材料分布和第三方协助的普遍化的涉外属性... 网络空间天然的弱地域性属性使得该场域中犯罪行为的全球化特征日益明显,刑事诉讼程序的涉外属性也随之强化,传统国内法的内向型立法视角逐渐受到挑战,特别是难以有效适应网络空间犯罪活动、证据材料分布和第三方协助的普遍化的涉外属性,刑事诉讼法面临系统性融入涉外法治的现实需求。对此,国内外均开始探索国际化视野下网络空间刑事诉讼规则的演进路径。我国正值刑事诉讼法再修订之际,此次修法需要转变单纯的内向型视角,关注到涉外法治语境下刑事诉讼内外制度平衡中的差异性、对等性、平等性和分散性,基于数字主权阶层性设置刑事诉讼的跨境管辖制度,修正和补充跨境刑事司法的多样化合作机制,并与新兴数字法的国际治理逻辑相协调。 展开更多
关键词 刑事诉讼法 涉外法治 网络空间犯罪治理 管辖权阶层 数字法治
作者 王達三 《教育与职业》 1936年第6期411-432,共22页
本刊在介绍王君初次发表本题原文时,曾提出两大问题,为本问题的核心,一即工厂化艺徒化的意義,一为工厂化艺徒化应有的限度,因为我们觉得职业教育不是应完全不工厂化不艺徒化,但化要化得正當,化要化得有限制。今王君根据这两问题,作成解... 本刊在介绍王君初次发表本题原文时,曾提出两大问题,为本问题的核心,一即工厂化艺徒化的意義,一为工厂化艺徒化应有的限度,因为我们觉得职业教育不是应完全不工厂化不艺徒化,但化要化得正當,化要化得有限制。今王君根据这两问题,作成解答,所以欢迎刊登,並希望为本问题的结束。 展开更多
关键词 一侗 民族 李生 常然 权利主体 生产关系 消费 青年 化典 工商
Dynamic of Chinas cultivated land and landcover changes of its typical regions based on remote sensing data 被引量:1
作者 张佳华 董文杰 +2 位作者 王长耀 刘纪远 姚凤梅 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第3期183-186,210,共5页
Using the multi-temporal Landsat data and survey data of national resources, the authors studied the dynamics of cultivated land and landcover changes of typical ecological regions in China. The results of investigati... Using the multi-temporal Landsat data and survey data of national resources, the authors studied the dynamics of cultivated land and landcover changes of typical ecological regions in China. The results of investigation showed that the whole distribution of the cultivated land shifted to Northeast and Northwest China, and as a result, the ecological quality of cultivated land dropped down. The seacoast and cultivated land in the area of Yellow River Mouth expanded by an increasing rate of 0.73 kma-1, with a depositing rate of 2.1 kma-1. The desertification area of the dynamic of Horqin Sandy Land increased from 60.02% of the total land area in1970s to 64.82% in1980s but decreased to 54.90% in early 1990s. As to the change of North Tibet lakes, the water area of the Namu Lake decreased by 38.58 km2 from year 1970 to 1988, with a decreasing rate of 2.14 km2a-1. 展开更多
关键词 Remote sensing data Cultivated land Landcover change Typical ecological regions China
研究细胞凋亡的几种光镜形态学检测方法比较 被引量:4
作者 于曦 董光元 +4 位作者 乔永平 朱晓洁 管晓东大连大学医学院01级临床医学3班 王淑婷 解霞 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2003年第3期140-140,共1页
细胞凋亡是目前细胞生物学的研究热点之一。其研究方法有形态学 ,生物化学 ,酶联免疫分析以及分子生物学等等不胜枚举。本文着重对形态学方法中的姬姆萨 (Miasma’s)染色 ,荧光 (Hoechest33342 )加碘化丙啶 (PI)排斥分析法以及台盼兰排... 细胞凋亡是目前细胞生物学的研究热点之一。其研究方法有形态学 ,生物化学 ,酶联免疫分析以及分子生物学等等不胜枚举。本文着重对形态学方法中的姬姆萨 (Miasma’s)染色 ,荧光 (Hoechest33342 )加碘化丙啶 (PI)排斥分析法以及台盼兰排染法等加以分析比较 ,找出以上各方法之特点 ,以便在凋亡细胞的光镜分析中择其所长 ,避开局限 ,灵活进行联合或选择性运用。 展开更多
关键词 细胞凋亡 光镜形态学检测方法 姬姆萨染色 荧光 丙啶 台盼兰排染法
Effect of Irrigation on Groundwater Dynamic Change in the Typical Irrigated Area of Qinghai Province 被引量:2
作者 周鸿文 吕文星 +2 位作者 唐红波 王永峰 申国峰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第7期1718-1722,共5页
Under the influence of the natural and human factors, water table of irri- gated area Changes frequently, but it is mainly affected by irrigation water infiltration replenishment during the irrigation. 5 groundwater o... Under the influence of the natural and human factors, water table of irri- gated area Changes frequently, but it is mainly affected by irrigation water infiltration replenishment during the irrigation. 5 groundwater observation wells were constructed in experimental plot of the Daxia irrigated area to carry out the experiment of the effect of irrigation on groundwater dynamic change in this research. The results showed that the groundwater stage dynarnic change rule of spring and seedling irri- gation stage in the typical plot was fit to the hydrological geology condition of grade- I terrace of Huangshui river valley. On the whole, lateral canal water direction formed a line effect. The No. 1 and No. 2 observation well were the closest to the lateral canal, which received more supplies, and the water level was the highest; the No, 3 observation well took the second place; The No. 4 and No. 5 observation well accepted least supplies, and the water level was the lowest. The rangeability of water table of spring irrigation period was significantly higher than that of seedling irrigation period, this is mainly due to the difference value of intake water volume and drainage water volume of spring irrigation phase was significantly higher than the seedling irrigation phase. 展开更多
关键词 Farm irrigation Water table Dynamiq Change Typical irrigated area basin in Qinghai Province
基于知识表征的数学综合题教学实践与思考 被引量:4
作者 刘海涛 《教学与管理(中学版)》 北大核心 2014年第9期41-44,共4页
数学综合题教学一直是初中数学教师研究的热点问题,也是初中数学教学的重点与难点。把解题教学与科学合理的程序性知识表征联系起来,对解题教学可起到事半功倍的效果。通过"图形"基本化、"动态"静态化、"典形&... 数学综合题教学一直是初中数学教师研究的热点问题,也是初中数学教学的重点与难点。把解题教学与科学合理的程序性知识表征联系起来,对解题教学可起到事半功倍的效果。通过"图形"基本化、"动态"静态化、"典形"对象化、"局部"过程化等方法优化学生的数学认知结构,从而提高学生解答综合题的能力。 展开更多
关键词 “图形”基本 “动态”静态 形”对象 “局部”过程
Culture-loaded words in the Confucian classics and their translation
作者 张继文 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第3期42-48,共7页
The correct translation of the Confucian classics is based on the correct comprehension of the culture-loaded words. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the changing meanings of these words, then find out the ways t... The correct translation of the Confucian classics is based on the correct comprehension of the culture-loaded words. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the changing meanings of these words, then find out the ways to determine their meanings and at last point out the principle, strategies and methods of better translating these words through discussing the translation purpose and the philosophical nature of the Confucian classics. 展开更多
关键词 the Confucian classics culture-loaded words TRANSLATION
Quasi-classical Trajectory Study of C+CD--C2+D at Different Collision Energy
作者 石英 解廷献 金明星 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期373-377,I0003,共6页
Quasi-classical trajectory calculations have been employed to investigate the influence of collision energy on the stereodynamics of the title reaction C+CD--~C2+D on the poten- tial energy surface of the 12AI state... Quasi-classical trajectory calculations have been employed to investigate the influence of collision energy on the stereodynamics of the title reaction C+CD--~C2+D on the poten- tial energy surface of the 12AI state developed by Boggio-Pasqua et al. [Mol. Phys. 98, 1925 (2000)]. The product angular distributions which reflect the vector correlation have been calculated. In addition, two polarization-dependent different cross-sections are also presented in the center-of-mass frame respectively. The results indicate that the product C2 is sensitively affected by collision energy. 展开更多
关键词 Quasi-classical trajectory dent generalized differential cross-section Stereodynamics calculation Polarization depenStereodynamics
作者 刘计划 韩延智 《证据科学》 2023年第6期660-679,共20页
辨认作为侦查行为,其结果是形成作为法定证据种类的辨认笔录。辨认立法规范对于约束侦查恣意,保证辨认的客观性和准确性,具有重要价值。长期以来,我国辨认立法规范缺失,直至2012年《刑事诉讼法》才将辨认笔录作为证据种类加以规定,但辨... 辨认作为侦查行为,其结果是形成作为法定证据种类的辨认笔录。辨认立法规范对于约束侦查恣意,保证辨认的客观性和准确性,具有重要价值。长期以来,我国辨认立法规范缺失,直至2012年《刑事诉讼法》才将辨认笔录作为证据种类加以规定,但辨认行为仍游离于立法之外。我国辨认规范肇始于侦查机关规范性文件,经历了由“严”到“宽”、由“多”到“少”的多次修改,走出了一条与刑事诉讼法治“逆向而动”的演进之路。辨认的二元规范体系间充斥着冲突,造成辨认在实践中行为失序、制约失灵、保障无效,导致辨认错误频发,助推了冤错案件的发生。为此,应构建以刑事诉讼法为统摄的辨认规范体系,以推动刑事诉讼法典化,根除辨认实践之流弊。 展开更多
关键词 侦查辨认 辨认笔录 立法 刑事诉讼法
Broader pattern of tandem repeats in the mitochondrial control region of Perciformes 被引量:2
作者 崔朝霞 刘媛 朱嘉濠 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期785-794,共10页
Perciformes,the largest order of vertebrates with 20 suborders,is the most diverse fish order that dominates vertebrate ocean life.The complete mitochondrial control region(CR) of Trichiurus japonicus(Trichiuridae,Sco... Perciformes,the largest order of vertebrates with 20 suborders,is the most diverse fish order that dominates vertebrate ocean life.The complete mitochondrial control region(CR) of Trichiurus japonicus(Trichiuridae,Scombroidei) and Pampus sp.(Stromateidae,Stromateoidei) were amplified and sequenced.Together with data from GenBank,the tandem repeats in the mitochondrial CR from 48 species,which covered nine suborders of Perciformes,are reported in this study.The tandem repeats tend to be long in the suborder Percoidei and Stromateoidei.The identical repeats in 21 species of Cichlidae suggest a common origin and have existed before species divergence.Larimichthys crocea shows tandem repeats instead of the typical structure of the central conserved sequence blocks,which was first reported in Perciformes and vertebrates.This might have resulted from interruption of the polymerase activity during the H-strand synthesis.The four broader patterns presented here for the tandem repeats,including those in both the 5' and 3' ends,only in the either 5' or 3' end,and in the central conserved domain of the control region,will be useful for understanding the evolution of species. 展开更多
关键词 MTDNA control region tandem repeats PERCIFORMES EVOLUTION
Zooplankton community structure in relation to environmental factors and ecological assessment of water quality in the Harbin Section of the Songhua River 被引量:2
作者 李晓钰 于洪贤 马成学 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1344-1351,共8页
To study the relationship between zooplankton community structure and environmental factors and water quality in the Harbin Section of the Songhua River,investigations were carried out in June,August,and October 2011.... To study the relationship between zooplankton community structure and environmental factors and water quality in the Harbin Section of the Songhua River,investigations were carried out in June,August,and October 2011.Canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) and saprobic indices were used to process and analyze the data.Seasonal variability was identified as a significant source of variation,which explains the fluctuation in zooplankton density.In autumn,the dry season,water residence time increased and zooplankton biomass and abundance accumulated in the slow flowing waters.Zooplankton abundance increased when food conditions improved.Therefore,the total zooplankton abundance in autumn is much higher than that in spring and summer.According to the saprobic indices,all the sample sites had mesosaprobic water and water quality was worse in autumn.CCA revealed that temperature accounted for most of the spatial variation in the zooplankton community.Moreover,pH,dissolved oxygen saturation,and turbidity were important factors affecting zooplankton community distribution. 展开更多
关键词 ZOOPLANKTON canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) Saprobic index HARBIN Songhua River
Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea L.) Extracts Obtained by Classical and Ultrasound Extraction 被引量:2
作者 Ivana Stanisavljevi Sаa Stojievi +2 位作者 Dragan Velikovi Vlada Veljkovi Miodrag Lazi 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第3期478-483,共6页
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Echinacea purpurea L. (Asteraceae) extracts obtained by classical and ultrasound solvent extraction were compared. The dry aerial part of plant was extracted by 70% etha-nol... Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Echinacea purpurea L. (Asteraceae) extracts obtained by classical and ultrasound solvent extraction were compared. The dry aerial part of plant was extracted by 70% etha-nol at a solid-to-liquid ratio of 1︰10 (m/v) and 25°C. The extract obtained by classical solvent extraction contained 29% larger amounts of phenolic compounds and 20% higher content of flavonoids. 2,2-diphenyl-1-picril hydrazyl radical (DPPH) scavenging reached 93.6% and the values of EC50 were (34.16±0.65) μg·ml-1 and (65.48±1.12) μg·ml-1 for the extracts obtained by the classical and ultrasound extractions, respectively. The extracts, independent of the extraction technique applied, showed a considerable growth inhibition on Candida albicans and Saccharo-myces cerevisiae, while no growth inhibition zones were observed for Aspergillus niger. The diameters of inhibition zone observed for all the microorganisms were larger for extracts obtained by classical extraction than those by ul-trasound extraction. 展开更多
关键词 antioxidant activity antimicrobial activity Echinaceapurpurea L. total phenols FLAVONOIDS extraction
作者 卫晓辉 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期111-114,共4页
关键词 陶渊明 复调结构 浪漫主义
Theoretical Study of Reagent Rotational Excitation Effect on the Stereodynamics of H+LiF→HF+Li Reaction
作者 解廷献 张莹莹 +1 位作者 石英 金明星 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期39-44,I0003,共7页
The reagent rotational excitation effect on the stereodynamics of H+LiF→HF+Li is calcu-lated by means of the quasi-classical trajectory method on the Aguado-Paniagua2-potential energy surface (AP2-PES) constructe... The reagent rotational excitation effect on the stereodynamics of H+LiF→HF+Li is calcu-lated by means of the quasi-classical trajectory method on the Aguado-Paniagua2-potential energy surface (AP2-PES) constructed by Aguado et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 106, 1013 (1997)]. The angular distributions of vector correlations between products and reactants, P(?r) and P(Φr) are presented. Meanwhile, the four polarization-dependent generalized differential cross sections are computed. The results indicate that the reagent rotational quantum num-bers have impact on the vector properties of the title reaction. In addition, the reaction probability has been calculated as well. 展开更多
关键词 STEREODYNAMICS Quasi-classical trajectory Polarization-dependent generalized differential cross sections
Compressed Sensing: Optimized Overcomplete Dictionary for Underwater Acoustic Channel Estimation 被引量:3
作者 Yu Huanan Guo Shuxu Qian Xiaohua 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期40-48,共9页
Compressed Sensing (CS) offers a method to solve the channel estimation problems for an underwater acoustic system, based on the existence of a sparse representation of the treated signal and an overcomplete diction... Compressed Sensing (CS) offers a method to solve the channel estimation problems for an underwater acoustic system, based on the existence of a sparse representation of the treated signal and an overcomplete dictionary with a set of non-orthogonal bases. In this paper, we proposed a new approach to optimize dictionaries by decreasing the average measure of the mutual coherence of the effective dictionary. A fixed link between the average mutual coherence and the CS perforrmnce is indicated by designing three factors: operating bandwidth, the number of pilot subcarriers, and coherence bandwidth. Both the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) and the Basis Pursuit De-Noising (BPDN) are compared to the Dantzig Selector (DS) for different Signal Noise Ratio (SNR) and shown to benefit from the newly designed dictionary. Nurnerical sinmlations and experimental data of an OFDM receiver are used to evaluate the proposed method in comparison with the conventional LeastSquare (LS) estirmtor. The results show that the dictionary with a better condition considerably improves the perforrmnce of the channel estimation. 展开更多
关键词 under water acoustic corrmmnication channel estimation compressed sensing overcom- plete dictionary mutual coherence
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